O 439 C.S.
- ..---.-'"
. _ioJ
WHEREAS, on May 22, 1990, the City of Arroyo Grande adopted updated Land Use,
Housing, Open Space, and Conservation Elements of the General Plan; and
WHEREAS, Section 65800 of the California Government Code provides for the adoption
of zoning laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations by all cities and counties; and
WHEREAS, Section 65860 of the California Government Code directs that a city's J
zoning ordinance must be consistent with its General Plan; and
WHEREAS, Section 65850 of the California Government Code provides for the adoption
of ordinances by any county or city that regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land; signs
and billboards; location, height, bulk, number of stories, and size of building and structures; size
and use of lots, yards, courts, and other open spaces; percentage of a lot which may be occupied
by a building or structure; or intensity of land use; and
WHEREAS, Section 65850 of the California Government Code provides for the adoption
of ordinances by any county or city that establish requirements for off-street parking and
loading; establish and maintain building setback lines; or create civic districts around civic
centers, public parks, public buildings, or public grounds and establish regulations for those
districts; and
WHEREAS, Section 66411 of the California Government Code directs all cities and
counties to prepare ordinances regulating the design and improvement of subdivisions; and
WHEREAS, Section 66451.11 of the California Government Code provides for adoption
of ordinances by all, cities and counties providing for merger of contiguous parcels of common
ownership; and ,
WHEREAS, Section 65852.2 of the California Government Code allows local agencies
to adopt ordinances for the creation of second units; and
WHEREAS, Section 1597.46 of the California Health and Safety Code allows local
agencies to regulate large family day ,care homes; and
WHEREAS, public participation in the development of the Development Code included
distribution of a written overview, holding workshops, and mailing public hearing notices to all
property owners in the City and within 300 feet of the City limits, as shown on the latest
equalized assessment roll; and
, WHEREAS, duly noticed public hearings were held by the Planning Commission of the
I City of Arroyo Grande on October 30, November 20, and December 18, 1990 and January 10 \
~ and February 19, 1991 at which all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard;
i and ....)
! WHEREAS, duly noticed public hearing were held by the City Council of the City of
I Arroyo Grande on March 12, March 26, and April 9, 1991 at which all interested persons were
given the opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the City Council at its meeting of even date herewith adopted a Resolution
I certifying that the Program Environmental Impact Report (Program BIR) prepared for the 1990
I Generall>lan Update and relating to the 1991 Development Code was completed in compliance
I with CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines, and the City's Rules and Procedures and adequately
! addresses the impacts of the 1991 Development Code and no additional environmental document
need be prepared; and
1.67 I
WHEREAS, the City Council at its meeting of even date herewith adopted a Resolution
making certain findings regarding the environmental impacts of the 1991 Development Code; ,
and I
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public I
testimony presented at the public hearings and in the proposed documents and staff reports. I
The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby ordain as follows: !
SECTION 1: Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby repealed in its entirety
and replaced with a new Title 9 entitled 1991 Development Code (consisting of the document
entitled "City of Arroyo Grande, Preliminary Draft Development Code, February 19, 1991"
incorporated herein by reference, the City Council revisions outlined in Attachment" A" - "City \
Council Revisions to Preliminary Draft Development Code Dated February 19, 1991; and ,
Attachment "B" - "Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande") based on the following:
1. The 1991 Development Code is necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare !
'- I
and is in the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande. I
2. The Program Environmental Impact Report prepared for the 1990 General Plan Update
identified significant impacts associated with the land use plan. The "lower density"
alternative was included in the EIR in order to assist in the reduction of these impacts
to a level of non-significance. There is a direct relationship between the density of the
alternatives analyzed in the EIR and the expected magnitude of environmental impacts.
Therefore, the City Council adopted a General Plan land use plan with a lower density I
than the previous plan. The 1991 zoning map is consistent with the land use designations !
and densities contained in the 1990 land use plan. Impacts reduced in significance ,
because of the selection of the "lower density" alternative include the following:
a. Tramc and circulation: There are scveral roadways ex~riencing a level of
service of "C" or "D" within the City and would require major improvements to
adequately serve future development under the existing zoning map. The "lower
density" alternative will result in an approximately 42% increase in vehicle
trips/day over existing conditions which is less than all other alternative land use
plans presented.
b. Air quality: San Luis Obispo County is designated a non-attainment area for the I
State ozone, particulate, and sulphur. dioxide standards. The "lower density" ,
alternative will generate the least amount of pollutants than all other alternative I
land use plans presented. i
Water resources: The City has available water supplies of 3,492 acre-feet which ,
c. I
would not support the buildout of the City based on the existing zoning map. By ,
selecting the "lower density" alternative, the water demands will be reduced so \
they are more in line with available resources.
d. Numerous other impacts were presented in the EIR that require mitigation by
reducing densities.
~ 3. Findings for individual areas where zoning districts were changed from the existing
zoning map are listed in "Attachment C" and incorporated herein by reference,
4, The findings, information, and support set forth in the Environmental Impact Report
prepared for the 1990 General Plan Update of the Land Use, Housing, Open Space and
Conservation Elements, Development Code, and Resource Management Ordinance and
the Statement of Significant Environmental Effects and Mitigation Measures are
incorporated herein by reference and constitute findings of the Planning Commission in
this matter.
"168-' '
WHEREAS, the City Council at its meeting of even date herewith adopted a Resolution
making certain findings regarding the environmental impacts of the 1991 Development Code;
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public
testimony presented at the public hearings and in the proposed documents and staff reports,
The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby repealed in its entirety
and replaced with a new Title 9 entitled 1991 Development Code (consisting of the document
entitled "City of Arroyo Grande, Preliminary Draft Development Code, February 19, 1991"
incorporated herein by reference, the City Council revisions outlined in Attachment" A" - "City -..
Council Revisions to Preliminary Draft Development Code Dated February 19, 1991," and
Attachment "B" - "Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande") based on the following:
1. The 1991 Development Code is necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare
and is in the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande.
2. The Program Environmental Impact Report prepared for the 1990 General Plan Update
identified significant impacts associated with the land use plan. The "lower density"
alternative was included in the EIR in order to assist in the reduction of these impacts
to a level of non-significance. There is a direct relationship between the density of the
alternatives analyzed in the EIR and the expected magnitude of environmental impacts.
Therefore, the City Council adopted a General Plan land use plan with a lower density
than the previous plan. The 1991 zoning map is consistent with the land use designations
and densities contained in the 1990 land use plan. Impacts reduced in significance
because of the selection of the .lower density" alternative include the foUowing:
a. Traffic and circulation: There are several roadways experiencing a level of
service of "C" or "D" within the City and would require major improvements to
adeq!latcly serve future development under the existing zoning map. The "lower
density. alternative will result in an approximately 42 % increase in vehicle
trips/day over existing conditions which is less than all other alternative land use
plans presented.
b. Air quality: San Luis Obispo County is designated a non-attainment area for the
State ozone, particulate, and sulphur dioxide standards. The "lower density"
alternative will generate the least amount of pollutants than all other alternative
land use plans presented.
C. Water resources: The City has available water supplies of 3,492 acre.feet which
would not support the buildout of the City based on the existing zoning map. By
selecting the "lower density. alternative, the water demands will be reduced so
they are more in line with available resources. ""'\
d. Numerous other impacts were presented in the EIR that require mitigation by
reducing densities.
3. Findings for individual areas where zoning districts were changed from the existing
zoning map are listed in . Attachment C. and incorporated her~in by reference.
4. The findings, information, and support set forth in the Environmental Impact Report
prepared for the 1990 General Plan Update of the Land Use, Housing, Open Space and
Conservation Elements, Development Code, and Resource Management Ordinance and
the Statement of Significant Environmental Effects and Mitigation Measures are
incorporated herein by reference and constitute findings of the Planning Commission in
this matter.
.-. - -~ -~
- 169 ,
5. The AGRICULTURE (AG) and AGRICULTURE PRESERVE (A) districts will promote I
the retention of agricultural land uses and prime farmland within and adjacent to Arroyo I
Grande which is crucial to the maintenance of the rural, small town atmosphere desired i
by its residents. To this end, Arroyo Grande intends to focus permitted development on I
existing urban areas, and to work with San Luis Obispo County to prevent intrusion of I
rural residential development into agricultural areas. I
6. The charm of Arroyo Grande's residential areas is a large part of the community's
appeal. In the past, Arroyo Grande's residential areas were developed with a wide
variety of housing types, but recently most have been large single family homes on large
lots, along with conversion of some older single family neighborhood to multiple family
use; little vacant residential land remains within the City limits. Although the City is
proud of its residential areas, it also recognizes the need for a variety of housing types
due to the varying needs of its citizens. This zoning plan provides for a wide range of
types to meet the future needs of Arroyo Grande residents, Approximately 23 percent
of the land in the City of Arroyo Grande is vacant. Of the vacant land, approximately
'- 80% is proposed to be zoned for residential purposes.
7. The ESTATE RESIDENTIAL (RE) district will provide land use density and
development standards that are consistent with the intent of the existing R-S zone
currenlly located along Easy Street and Printz Road. Second dwelling units are
prohibited in the RE District since it is an area of the City that is not served by the City
water or sewer systems but by individual wells and septic systems. I
8. The HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL (RH) district will provide a density and development
standards suitable for areas of the City which have environmental constraints, yet allow
clustering in order to protect the environment.
9. The RURAL RESIDENTIAL (RR) district will provide one acre lots in order to !
accommodate rural lifestyles. I
The SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (RS) district will provide a housing type transitional ,
10. I
bctween ru~ and urban types. I
The SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SF) district will accommodate the majority of I
11. I
the existing development in the City and provide for residential development on common I
sized suburban lots. I
12. The VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL (VR) zoning district wiII preserve the character of those I
areas that are historic or close to historic structures. Historical resources add interest, I
identity, and variety to older neighborhoods and contribute to the area's quality of life I
by providing a visual focus on the city's rural heritage. i
13. The CONDOMINIUMrrOWNHOUSE (MF) and APARTMENTS (MFA) districts will
provide a variety of residential products and encourage innovation in housing types with
enhanced amenities (common open space and recreation areas) or provide transitions I
between higher intensity and lower intensity uses.
14. The MOBILE HOME PARK (MHP) district provides opportunities for those citizens
desiring a mobile home lifestyle and protects existing mobile home parks from easy
,- conversion.
15. The SENIOR HOUSING (SR) district provides areas for higher density housing projects
specifically designed to meet the needs of senior citizens.
16. The PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) district recognizes existing approved planned
development ordinances.
17. The GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) district provides appropriately located areas for
the general shopping and commercial service needs of area residents and workers.
18. The HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (HC) zoning district provides areas for a variety of
visitor serving and auto-related uses in areas along major travel routes.
------ ---- --
_____ _nO.._ _.__.._ _._,,_,
, . <
19. The VILLAGE COMMERCIAL (VC) district provides for the establishment of
downtown commercial and office-related land use types which recognize and are
compatible with the historical, small town nature of the original Arroyo Grande Village.
20. The OFFICE PROFESSIONAL (0) district provides areas for the establishment of
office-based working environments as well as commercial services required to support
such offices.
areas for light industrial, research and development and office-based firms.
22, The PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC FACILmES (PF) district provides areas for the conduct
of public and institutional activities.
23. The SPECIFIC PLAN (SP) district provides customized development and use regulations
relating to an adopted Specific Plan.
24. The DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (D) OVERLAY district provides a mechanism to
address special or unique needs or characteristics of particular areas.
25. The retention of Arroyo Grande's rural, small town character is important to the City and
therefore development standards and use regulations were included in the Development
Code to protect these qualities.
26. Policies 5.1 through 5.4 of the Open Space and Conservation Element require
preservation and protection of Arroyo Grande Creek. Dedications along the creek have
therefore been increased from 10 to 25 feet.
SECTION 2: For the first year after adoption of the 1991 Development Code, amendments to
the Title 9 or to the General Plan that are necessary in the opinion of the pianning Director to
clarify an issue or make an area consistent with the policies and intent of the City that were
inadvertenlly omitted and are within the scope of the Program EIR, will be processed by the
City at no cost to private individuals.
:ill..CTION 3: The final printing of the 1991 Development Code shall include all revisions
oullined in Attachment . A., any typographical corrections identified by City Staff, and
codification by the City Clerk.
SECTION 4: Within six months of the effective date of this ordinance (November 23, 1991),
City staff shall: 1) return to the Council with a proposal for amending the Development Code
to allow a greater amount of mixed residential and commercial uses in commercial zoning
districts; and 2) hold a workshop with the Council regarding possible revisions to the City's sign
regulations. ......
SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage.
A summary of this ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in s,'\id
City at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed ordinance is
to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance shall be posted in the
office of the City Clerk. Within fifteen (IS) days after adoption of the ordinance, the summary
with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the ordinance shall be
published again, and the City Clerk shan post a certified copy of the fun text of such adopted
---. - --~----------
171 I
" I
On m~lion by Council Member Smilh, seconded by Council Member Dougall, and by lhe
fOllowmg roll call vOle, lo wit:
AYES: Council Members Smith, Dougall, Moots, Olsen and Mayor Millis I
NOES: None
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14th day of May, 1991.
Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande I
~ a.~
. ,
" I
I, NANCY A. Dl\VIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County I
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty I
of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 439 C.S. is a true, full
and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular n-eeting
of said Council on the 14th day of May, 1991. I
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed I
this 6th day of June, 1991. ,
~ a. ~,~.J
-------.--- -------
.. -_ r
1 - 345 Entire document Remove Notice at beginning 01 documenl. Remove all
strikeout teK\. Remove Underlining from now texl. Revise
page numbering, table 01 conlents, headers, and looters to
be consistent with Municipal Code.
19 9-01.150 Delete this Section. Renumber remaining Sections
eccordlngly. ,
19.1 9-01.160 A.2. Replace "Development Code Compliance Olflcer' with
'Clty Manager or his/her designee.'
19.2 9-01.160 B.1. Replace 'Development Code Compliance Officer' with
'Clly Manager or his/her designee.'
19.3 9-01.160 C.1. Replace "Development Code Compliance Officer' with
'Clty Manager" where tt occurs In this paragraph.
19-3 9-01.160 C.2 Replace "Development Code Compliance Olflcer' with
'CIIY Manager.'
19.3 9-01.160 D. Replace "Development Code Compliance Olflcer' wilh
'Clty Manager or his/her deslgneo' In first and last
19.3 9-01.160 D.2. Replace 'Development Code Compliance Olficer" with
'Clly Manager or his/her designee.'
19-3 9-01.160 D.4. Replace 'Development Code Compliance Ollicer' with "'"
'Clty Manager or his/her designee.' i
19-4 9-01.160 E. ReplacD "Development Code Compliance Officer' with
"City Manager or hIs/her designee.' Delete', with the
consent 01 the City Manager: Irom this paragraph.
19.5 9-01.170 Add "246 C.S." and '291 C.S.' to paragraph 3. Add "430
C.S." to paragraph 5.
44 9-03.050 B. Add the loIlowlng to the end of the second paragraph: 'or
Business Ucensll Clearance (see Section 9-03.1 UOI.'
44 9-03.050 B.2. Add tho following to the end 01 this paragraph:
"Excepllons may be ellowed II the Plnnnlng Director can
determine that the new use Is less Intensive than the
existing use.'
44 9-03.050 B. Replace "Architectural Review Commlllee" with
I "ArchllOClural Advisory Commlllee' In the last paragraph.
I A-1
. .
AUachmont A to City Council Ordlnanco No. ,
59 9.03.090 0.8. Add to tho end of the last sentonce: 'and material salely I
data sheots (MSDS) shall bo provided with the application I
lor oach material. I
69 9.03.130 C.2. Replace '-0 ovorlay" with '-0 overlay regulating height'
wherever It occurs In this soctlon.
05 9.03.200 C. Roplace 'Code Enlorcement Officer" with 'Clly Manager."
113 9.04.130 C.2. Revise to read as lollows:
'2. Development Standards I
All now construction 01 condominium profects shall \
comply wllh the property development ~tandards for Ihe .
District In which the proJect Is located. All condominium ,
conversions of apartment and mobile home park I
"- developments shall comply with the lot coverage, height, \
and distance between buildings development standards for I
the District In which the profect Is located. Condominium
conversions are not required to comply with existing I
sotback and density standards If rhe devolopment met all ,
zoning and building slandards In effect at the time of Its I
construcllon. Nothing In this Secllon shall be construed 10 I
prohibit the Imposlllon of more restrlcllve requirements as
a condlllon of approval by the Planning Commission or
City Council when necessary to protect tho publtc hoallh, I
saloty, or general welfare, based on appropriate findings."
115 9..Q4.130 D.11 Delete from last sentence 'Converslon Report required In
paragraph E."'" and replace with 'staff report prepared lor
Ihe Planning Commission'.
119 9-0".150 A.2.a. Insert 'and Is less lhan 5000 square leetln area' at the ~
end of this sentence. I
120 9.04.150 3. b. Insert 'Govemment Code' before each of the Section !
',. numbers referenced In this paragraph.
120 9.04.150 Insert a new section 'E" to read as follows:
'E. Additional Conditions
The following conditions shall exist In order lor a merger
to be approved by the Planning Commission:
1. Merged 10ls should comply wherever leaslble with
the minimum lot size, 101 width, and lot dopth
requirements 0' the Zoning District In which It Is
2. Adequate access and placement of easements
shall be provided."
Redesignate remaining sections E, F, and G accordingly.
---_.~- --~-
-----.-. - '..--.-------"-- - --,------- -..-----.
Attachment A to Clly Council Ordinance No.
137 Table 9-oq.040-A, Item 1 Replace 'not exceeding 0.5 acro In aroa' with '.(CUP
roqulred for orchards. vineyards. greonhousos. and
hOl1lculture exceeding O.S acre In area.' Replace 'p' In
column RE wllh 'p':
137 Tablo 9-oG.040-A, Item 2 Deleto this Item and renumber remaining Items
140 Table 9-o6.0SO A.. Itom 6 Replace '10. with 's' one side. 10' other sldo' In column
14:1 9-o6.050 B.5. Delote 'excluslve of private palio yards and aroas.'
155 Table 9-o7.040-A. Item 2 Replace '100" In columns GC and HC wllh '00','
155 Table 9-o7,040-A, Ilem 3 Replace '150"In column GC wilh '100': Replace'120"ln
column HC with '100'."
167 9-o9.01O C. Insort tho following alter IIrst sentenco: "Amendments 10 a
gonoral or spoclllc dovolopmonl plan relaling to an
approved Plannud Dovelopment shall occur In the manner
set 'orth for Conditional Use Permlls (Section 9-o3.050).'
173 9-o9.030 B. Delete "oIlowtng' In the IIrslllne.
201 9-10.100 B.4.b. Replace 'nlnoly (90) days or more" with 'Ihree (3) months
or longor.' Revlso lasl senlenco 10 road as follows:
"Abandoned signs shall bo removed.'
201 9-10,100 B.3.c. Insert tho 'oIlowlng In 'ronl 0' Iho IIrst sontonce: 'Slgns
existing prior to Fobruary 13. 1907 Ihat do nOI comply with
the proVIsIons herein shull be regardod as nonconlorrnlng
slona. . '1
217 9-11.070. O. Replace 'Imlled 10 seven (7) days' to 'IImlted to 'ourteen
(14) days.' ,
240 9-12.060.1.e. Under VIsitor Parklno. replacD '0.25" with "0.5,'
240 9-12.060. 1.1. Add "VIsitor ParkIng 0.5 uncovorod space per unit,'
260 Chaptor 9-13 Replace entire chapler with the attached text.
Chap\oT 9-13
Chapter 9-13
. ,
Section 9-13.010 Purpose and Intent
Section 9-13.020 Administration
Section 9-13.030 Sign Requirements
Section 9-13.040 Sign Exceptions to Permit Requirements
Section 9-13.050 Signs Prohibited
Section 9-13.060 Design and Construction Standards
Section 9-13.070 Sign Regulations for Land Use
Section 9-13.080 Enforcement
------- -- ---------
1 76'
Chapter 9-13
Chapter 9-13
.slG!LRI;.G..ULA 1:10.NS.
~ti~.:1.3...1llQ f.I.!m.o~e and Intent
The purpose 01 this Chapter Is to provide regulations and standards for new sign
construction in the City 01 Arroyo Grande as necessary to promote the general welfare and
public interest 01 the community. The regulations are intended to:
1. Preserve the environment and unique character of the City;
2. Protect property values and investments;
, ,
3. Encourage economic vitality and business activity; and
4. Promote' safety by reducing hazards attributable to the distractions and
obstructions 01 signs.
Section 9:1.3....Q2Q Ad ministration
A. Permit Requirements and Review Procedures
1. A sign permit shall be required prior to the display, erecting, reconstructing, or
altering of any sign within the City, unless expressly exempted by Section 9-
13.040 01 this Title. Signs requiring permits shall comply wilh all the provisions
01 this Title, adopted sections 01 the Unilorm Building Code and Unilorm Sign
Code, and to othor applicable provisions of tho Construction Standards 01 tho
City of Arroyo Grande.
2. Applications for all sign permits shall be made in writing on forms provided by
I the p'lannlng Department of the City 01 Arroyo Grando. The application shall
include a site plan and sign plan as required on the application checklist.
I 3. Sign permit applications shall be reviewed for compliance with the provisions of
this Title under either "Administrative Sign Permit Applications," Section 9-13.020
I B. or "Planned Sign Programs: Section 9-13.020 C. The two separate methods
01 review are established lor the following reasons:
a. To provide a moans of review appropriate 10 tho magnitudo of tho
I proposed slgnage;
b. To recognize the planned character of large or multi-tenant developments;
------------..-- -- -------
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'\elds!p pue uB!sop 04l UI epnl!\el PUI! O^I\uo:!ul wnw!I(I!w e6eJno:luo 0\
5e os SUO!lCln6oJ u61s 04\ JO uo!\e:!udde elq!xOIlIO sueow e eplAoJd Ool ':!
C ~ -6 Jajde4:J
, '
LL~. .
, '
Chapter 9-13
b. Signs shall be visually compatible with the building they identify by
utilizing materials, cOlors, or design motif Included in the building;
c. Proposed signs shall complement other existing or proposed signs on a
sile by using common design elements, such as materials, lottor style,
colors, illumination, sign typo, or shape; and
d. Signs shall be compatible with surrounding land uses and shall not
obscure adjacent conforming signs.
.5.e..c..ti.0LL9.:13...Q.J..Q .sian Rcauirements
A. General
1. Signs may be erectod, altered, and maintained only for those (lses permittod or
uses that are legal nonconforming in the 20ne in which they are located.
2. Signs shall be located on the same lot as the permitted use.
3. Signs shall be clearly incidontal, customary, and commonly associated with the
oporation of the permittod use.
4. Permitted sign content shall be Identification by lotter, numeral, symbol, or design
of the permined use; by name, product, hours of operation, services offered, and
B. Sign Area
1. The surface area of a sign shall consist of tho area within the smallest
continuous perimeter enclosing the sign display surface, the face of the sign, or
the limits of all words, symbols, and representations. All sign taces or display
surfaces shall be consldored In dotormlning sign area. ~
2. Ag\Jfcgato sign area shall consist of tho total combined aroa of all sign types on I
a sile.
3. Site Frontage and Building Frontage. For the purpose of determining allowable
sign area, frontage shall bo computed as the linear measurement in leel of a site
or building along a public stroot, common use parking 101, courtyard, mall, or
other publiC righl-of-way to which such sign is oriented.
4. Multi-tenant development. commercial or Industrial development of throe (3) or
more soparato uses that share oithor tho same lot or building and use common
access and parking facilities. Sign permits shall bo subject to the provisions and
roviow procedure of tho Plannod Sign Program, Section 9-13.020 C.
.~. --- ------------
~\'J,,:IO HJA''''''.I.H913H I I ,
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Ul~fMJ~J~ . ". !0Q~-"
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"-OCO'C~-6 311nm.:l
c ~'6 Jo\del!:)
~ -
. .
, '
Chapter 9-13
C. Projecting Signs
Projecting signs shall:
1. Not extend above the hoight of the wall structure or above tho roof line;
2. Not encroach more than three foet (3') over a public right-of-way; and
3. Have a minimum height clearance of soven feet (7').
D. Window Signs
Window signs shall not exceod twonty percent (20%) of the window area and shall bo
included in detormining the aggrogato sign area permitted.
.s.ection 9-' 3...040. .sign E.>t~tions to Permit l1~uiremenu
The following tYpes 01 signs shall not require a permit and shall bo allowed in all zoning
districts, subjoct to the provisions listed below:
1- Identification signs . identifying only tho property number, post office box
numbor, or names of occupants and not to oxceed two (2) square foot;
2. Governmental and public service signs . legal notices, directional and traffic
signs, and signs aiding public service and safety;
3. Memorial signs and architectural foatures - commemorative plaques, memorial
signs and tablets, and decorallve features constructed as an integral part or a
4, Directional signs - solely for the purposo of guiding pedestrian or vehicular traffic
and parking en prlvato property and not boarlng advortlslng moterlal; '1
5. Holiday signs . signs for docoratlon and customarily associated with national,
local, or religious holidays;
6. Official flags. except whon displayed In connection with commercial promotion;
7. Temporary signs. do not require a permit but are subject to the provisions 01
this chapter regulating particular sign types.
8. Temporary window signs. not to eXCeed twenty percent (20%) of tho window
area and not to exceed a 30-day time limit;
9. Real estate signs - one (1) on-site sign per street frontago advertising tho sale,
renlal, or leasing of the premises, not exceoding four (4) square foot in residenlial
zonos or eight (8) squaro leet In other districts;
- ---...-".-.----- - --..-------..-------------..-
:sleu6ls JO
SIOJ1UO:J :J!lJeJl )0 ~1!llqISI^ 041 411M OJo",olul JO .'J06uep. .')1001. .'dols. SpJOM 041
OII!I!W! JO o\elnw!s \e41 POI!qI40Jd OJe su6!S 'PJllze4 :J!IlIIJ\ II 6unn\llsuo:J SUBIS ' ~
:pallqJljoJd AISSaJdxo GJe sodAJ uB!S 6UIMOII0} 04.L 'P01IQI40Jd sl
o:JueuJPJo S!I./l }O SUOIS!^oJd 041 LlI!M o:JuepJo:J::III U! POZ!JOl./lnll ~lIe:J\I!:Jods IOU u6!s ~UV
]RI1!Q!40Jd SU6!S ~'CL-G UO!paS
'UB!S 'e !O J!'edOJ 04.L ". ':)
:uBIS e )0, o:)UeualU!eW Bu!UeOI:J JO 'BUIlUledeJ 'le:J!JpOle 04.L 'q
:Ado:J olQeo:JeldoJ
)0 osn 041 JO} pou61S0P AUe::l!Il:Jods su6rs OS041 JO} \do:Jxo 'uo!1do:lxO
SI41 UI popnpul oQ IOU IIU4S su6!s :JIJPOI3 '~luO uB!s pOlu!Jd JO '0:J1!)
:J!lSeld 'POluIUd e )0 o6essow JO ~do:J BUIS!1JO^pe 041 }O 6u!Buel./::I 04J. 'II
:Jo\del./:) S!I./l JO SUOISI^OJd olQe:Judde
I./llM o:Jueudwo:J pue G::IUeU01UleW pue UO!1::1aJG U61S JO} NmQ!SUOdS(lJ WOJ}
JOUMO uBIS 041 6UIIIO\tOJ se pOnJ1SUO::l oq IOU 111I4s suondo:Jxo OS04l. '\!wJod uBIS
e OJ!nboJ IOU lIe4s suolle:J!l!pOw u61s BUIMOIIO} 041 . ldwoxo suone:J!)IPOW uB!S 'S~
:eOJe v61S U! 100} oJl!nbs (9~) uooPC!s poo:Jxo IOU lIe4s su61S 'UO!1:)OIO
ve Jaijll S~lIp (L) UOIlOS pue UO!\::IOIO uu 6UIPO::loJd s~ep (OC) ,{!J!4\ POO::lXO
01 IOU POIJod e JO) 4IodOJd o\e^IJd uo ^tuo pO\1IWJod - su6!s uBledwlI::I le::lI\!lOd 'v~
sAep (L) UOIIOS pue \UOM~ UII 0\ JO!Jd sAep (OC) 4I!41 Ue41 OJOW ou poAeldslP
oq lIe4S su6!S 'S\UOIIO o1Qe11J1I4::1 JO :JUQnd .'OIIlSN01UOIIUI. .'6u!uodO pueJ~.
se 4::1ns SIUOIIO lepods BU!ZI:J!lqnd su61s NIIJodwo\ - S!.lIldslP \UOIIO Il1podS 'Cl
:UO!10tdwo:J )fJOM JOije s!.ep (L)
uallos ue41 J06UOI ou po~elds!p pue eOJII U! lOa} oJl!nbs (~~) OlllOMl 6u!poo:JXO
IOU 'ol!S 01./1 UO 6UI)fJOM JO\:JeJIUO::l }O oweu 6UIPI^OJd u61S - suBIS JO\:JeJluo:) 'l~
01./1 )0 le^oJdde UOU!JM Aq papuapca oq Aew pO!Jod Aelds!p G4.L 'olep le^oJdde
UO!s!lI!pQns 04\ JOUe Jllol. (~) ouo 6u!poo::>xo \OU polJod 11 JOI poAelds1P pue eOJ\!
UI\OOI oJenbs (OC) 41141 6u!poo:Jxo IOU 'OlliS JO} l::>eJI JO UOIs!lIlpqns 041 '0 OWI!U
oln 6ul!.jIIUOPI 06eIUOJ} 100J1S Jod uB!s ol!s-uo W OUO . u61s \:JeJl JO UOIs!lIlpQns '~ ~
:popod !.ep-oc e POO:lXO 0110U pue 1001 oJenbs (It) mo} poo::>xo 01 IOU
'UO\pGJ!P 6UIP!IIOJd JO! u61s .osnoH uodO. O\!S-JlO (~) ouo. sufi!s .0snoH uodO. 'O~
C 1-6 Jo\de4:)
~ 9 ~ . ,
. ,
,', 18 2"
Chapter 9-13
2. Signs on public property. No person, except a public officer in performance of
a pubUc duty, shaH place or affix by any means any form of sign IJpon any public
property or wilhin the public right-of-way without first obtaining approval by
applicalion to the Planning Director and Public Works Director;
3. Animated or moving signs. Signs consisting of any moving, flashing, or
Intermittent lighting, except for approved time and temperature displays;
4. Banners, flags, pennants, and balloons used for advertising purposes;
5. Vehicle signs. Signs displayed on vehicles to be used for on-site or off-site
advertising, except signs advertising sale of vehicles;
6. Portable signs or posters of a miscellaneous or temporary character on
structures, trees, fences, and/or utility poles \hat are visible from a public right-of-
way, except as provided for In this Chapter; .
7. Billboards and off-site advertising signs:
8. Signs in connection with a home occupation; and
9. Roof signs.
.section 9.:.13...QG.Q .Qesign nnd Construction Stnndnrd:t
A. Obstruction to Exits
No sign shall be erected that obstructs any fire escape, required exit, window, or door.
B. Obstruction to VentilatIon
No sign shall interfere with any opening required for ventilation. .-..
C. Visibility Clearance
No sign shall obstruct the visibility necessary for ingress or egress onto a public right-of-
D. Clearance from Electrical Power Unes and Communication Lines
Signs shaU maintain clearances from electrical lines and communication equipment in
accordance with the laws of the state of California and the regulations of authorized agencies.
E. Clearance from Surface and Underground Facilities
Signs and their supporting structures shall maintain clearance with all surface and
underground facilities lor wator, sew ago, gas, olectrlcity. and communication linos.
Chapter 9-13
F. Drainage
Tho roofs of canopios oxcoeding twe.nty-fivo (25) square foet shall bo drainod to prevent
dripping or flow onto public sidewalks or streets and shall be connected to an approved
disposal sourco.
G. Sign Supports !
Visible angle iron, chain supports, or other frames supporting projecting or canopy signs I
are prohibited, except those structuros intogralto the sign's aesthetic dosign.
I. Ughting i
Open, unshielded light bulbs, exposod neon, or gaseous light tubing is prohibited.
Lighting shall be Installed to avoid glaro or reflection onto adjacont property or onto a stroot as
to creale a traffic hazard. Light sources shall be steady. stationary, shielde'd, and directed so ,
as to avoid undue glare for podestrians. motorists, and neighboring property. ,
~tion 9-' 3.022 Sign Regulations for land U~
Table 9-13.070-A lists the sign regulations for different land uses. i
TABLE 9.13.070-A
1'111_ USES., SIGN 1YI'E AND " :):'~~~'i' MAXIMUM SIGN AnEA "I.OCATION on
NUMDaI PEAMRTED y"....,...", ";-,:~~-. ,. SP((,:w..
. .... .'. . ';' .' ' " . . . AEOUll1l:MENTS I
,. ane. and two- 1 Idenlillea'ion lign HI" 4..1. HI"
'.mllv dwelling. . "
per dwelling unit
2. Mul\l.'.mily 1 .Ign tot .ach major Ground ligna. 4' '21.1.10' IIch Ilgn SIgn .hlll b. 1.lblck
d""'lilnO' "',e.' M\U"nc. 101' . minimum 01 10'
Id.nUnc.lion 01 Wall end plolecllng lrom prop."V lin..
apl.rtmen\ or l\onl . nollo ..oa.d
condominium complex Ih. h.ight 01 Ih. w.1I i
.11"""". Of 1110 _., i
point 01 tho '001 I
3- Mobil. horn. . , Id.nliflcallon .Ig" GtoUlld .Ign. . 0' :JO ..1. '0' .ach Ilgn HI" I
parka and Iravel per m.Jor enltanee to
1,.11., pOlk. a pubUc I"ee. won end 1IfO/.cllng
.Igna . nol to eMceed ,
Ih. h.lght ollh. wall I
Iltuclur. 01' the Iowe,' I
point olih. '001 I
-----..-- -- ___om
6 I
..." '10" Aq pOfdn3:H) nUIPllnq 10 tOI ..., 10 ,O"u,:uld
'... 01 "UIPJ030W "n e'wJ"de. 'PW' U"""tq AI".UOfUodoJ(l P'PJAlI) eq ".... ftUIPUnq 10 '01 'JUU' '11' 101 .'Ar
un,s ',IO,dlD. p,n,wlld '11'1'''' ,deo... ....:) V-olO.tL-G "Q'J. UII.t" 'l!Jure 101 t, .UOllIAOJd .ww ''8 lIl,:>>.rqnl I
Iq JI'..s "!I!IIOII nUI.....d PU8 ClOOO' UOWW03 81n puw Gu,Pllnq JO 101 lwa .~, l.tIU' IB'" IWln les" GMt . .nn OMJ. 1:
.... OL p'e3-' Itwll' I
..., UOI' .,Ou,. ON I
':)~O'I:-i; I
UO!139$ 'wIIOOld I
uO!S peuu'td '''I . I
10 1UOISI"OJd '''1 Ot I
i"... OUrPJo:xJ8 p.MI''''J .q I
1"11< uo"ooUddl UO,I I
..., 1'1" 001 10 w..nr I
,,80.,dO, UI Ip.,:>>_.
"nWJO, ,,,oq' ...'
0\ OUIP'O""" PI"IW'od
"JI UOII 'tit II
IJnton,,1 100' ,
'UO,I .... '"C'IUOJI I"O"OIlUoo .'" 10 IUIOd "'MOI .'" I
'0 "" ..... "wI! Z 10 liD wnWIICWW JO "I')::Jnl" 118M .". I
WnW!UIW . 0' Iwnbe 8 puW P.J'PICUOO IQ '0 1~01.~ wnw,.lw I
"J' podw:>>cpul, 111'1' 83U8JIU' Ollqnd PUI 10U".'I:>> "'"'''' I
W UI p'le301 u!"w . OUI3" ,01IUOJI .1. u,nWIUIW . .UOI' I
.q II.~' .uO,. punOJ!) ,,'... '..., AIUO Adouoo pull OUI",.foJ,l I
'.C U8\41 'JOW III .,....."t" IJnl:tnl)S ,
OU 0' 11380J:)U. Aww OO"IUOJI ,..... ,00' MIllO IUIOd I
II'IIIM 'Iun" AdoUR3 '0 1001 J.UII 110" .01 '''MOI JO ..nt!JnJ,1 I
PUt nUllO. fOld ..J. uo,. '0 .... elL I.... .... '0 1~01.~ ~O'CI-6 I
ldD~t(. 'AwM-IO u.ql ',68IUO.,IO .001 wnwJIIOw . IUOJ' I..M uon:>"S u, po"q,~o.d i
.,~61' ol,qnd . '"'0 .1 '"JII 0~1 JOI 168\uOJ, Auoo!l!olds .SOIlI I
Uel.ll "OW \l380t3U. 18.J,1 10 '00, ".UII .~ L .q ".... .~Olo~ .01 Idoa.. I JO,dl\4::) !
n.lI~ UOII ON 113.. JOI .... UOll 10 WnWIQW "I'IM 11'1' '0 IUOI.!AOJd .... "n IWIJ'Inpu1
'''e'''''It>-II..IOI' 3l1Qnd' I .... C/L-L p..... IOU '''''''"10 (llfO'8WWO:) 01 lalrQnc PIll!wJ.d JO r-13J.wWOO
.. OlUO AlmQ!IIA 8"" II.... 8sn IlnUII . 101 AI"",OIHI :)H Iq, ". ..d.... uO" IN' IUD Au p'rdnooo
,onJ,IQo IOU 01 ..owq P'U!wlod IuD" III ,0 "I idIOM. '.".'D eAOq8 ..a8,UOJ, ..".' OU!PI!nq 10 I
,.. eq .Inw IUOI' "V .'J8 1.,n.JOn8 ,e,ol .8 . IUOI' pUt'lol!) lofew l.d IUO,I Z' 101 . . "" .IOUIS 'I
"M:JU3nl'lO:l '::I
.,.. at p.OO.' '1I"'3nJ"
'''~I .,", UO,I ON '00' "'II '0 IUIO"
a.'MOIIt'fl JO ,'nI3nl'l
'.08'UOI, ".,.' II'. "ft '0 '110,.'1 8'11 I
,0 '001 J'.UII 'tOW. .-to.1 0\ 'OU . IUnl1
JOI .... uftl' ,0 .,.. I OUJ",.IOJd plIO II.M SJ$n
P"o., IOU 118\.11 ..,. ''''IUO', ,..". :non.HnJ$ I
v/N uO.. .'000.00. .~l .9 . IUO,I punDIt) ,ollw ~'". '0' UOI' L ONY :JI1O"" 11
SJH""",,11I103tI " ., ,"', .".. ,.::]::~J~~~;~t1f~:;fr:n::~f:J": ~ ',.., ::,: ',: ,:. !'..i: 1'<' ',. I
,;,,":, ';:',
lVI:J"'1S , . /: ;.:, " : . . ,~ ", , . (BUlmo.i \l3nr'nN.' .1 ii'S!;n ~lIJd\.
UO NOuY.XTI VEIUY HOtS wonOM'! . :',:JiroI::JH"'MI"I1X'Vft'~. .' . .. ONV "".u N!Jt!f .: !
C ~'6 JOld'ell:J
V s ~
. . I
" 185 I
Chaplor 9-13 \
PIUMAAV USES ..' '. SIGN 1'1''''' AND ' ..'. MAXIMUM HEIGIf1'.. 'i' . MAXIMUM SIGN AAEA. ~7LOCAnotI on \
NUMOCR l'I:IUoIm'ED' . :.;'::,.:;::> );;:. <,\,:::~i::' .'. :',:.:.~' 'i;',::,~: . ", ... ," . SPI!Cw. I
.' '.. ,.. ' ,.', , ".," ..-;,...... " REOUU1aoII!Nr8'
.. , .' . .
3. Multl~t.n.nt OnIV olgn Iyp..
d.v.lopment UN ,p.cllic4IIIyauthorlzed
. Ihreo (3) 0' ho,oln oholl bo
more ..pa,.I. po,mlUod In mull/-
comm.rclal 0( t.nanl dev.lopmenl.:
Indultrl., use.
thai sha'f ,ith.,
'h. um. tot O( G,ound olgn . 1 algn 15' TO..I. Slgno "'.11 bo 10CJI'od
buUdlng .nd us. pe, mlJor ,1"'1 In .nh., thl plrklng
commCln Ieee.. fronr..". ,,,".ne. fot .,.. Or .dl.e.n. to an
.nd parking IdtntUication of Ih. Ice... d,)"" 10 the
'acilhi.. .h_n b. clnt., or compl.. parking ar... Ground
,ubl.c' to th. on1y. Orollnd .Ign. ..Ign. shan b. located
lallowIng ar. nol permilted for In .n '.ndocopod
pnwlolono and Individual u.... .,.. .qull to .
r.v\ew.d tor a mtnlmum 01 2 Um..
perml' u~dOl Ihe 1M 'f.. 01 the sign.
'-- PI.~nod $Ign Okeototy stuna .. uted 7' 2 ..f. tor .ach Sign. .halt b. tocated
Program, s.alon
&-13.020 C. lolely 'Ot' 1M purpose bu,inl" 1I.led on the In pad.,.,lan ace...
d. direction and olgn and 6 ..1. 10' tho at...
loonllll.ol\on '0 guide nomo ollha building
p~"I,i.n. 10 01 eompl..
Individual bu.ln.....
wllhln , mulIl....n,n. I
Waif and projecting Not to ....ocI ,he Total lion &e'e. N/"
Ilgnl .. 'Of Individual holgh' 01 Iho wall pI,mhlod fOf
bUlln." use. within a ,INct,,"1 or th. lowest Individual US8' .uU
mulll.l.na"1 pol~' of tha toO' nol ..clod t..I{2 ..t
dl",'opmant. hi ,Uudur.. a. Ilgn .r.. tor eacn \
1ndlvldual bu.ln... I. IIn..' 1001 of building
po,mlUod 2 olgno po' 'ran litO' lor the IIflt ,
building ',onlago wllh 100' 01 "Ofl'IOI, thIn I
II public entr.nce. 1/2 0". 01 "un ..ao ,
lor .ach II",., loot ar
building ',onlogo
there.'..r, In
detltmlning 'rontage, I
o~IV th. I,onlago. wllh
. . public .nl,anu 'hall \
be con.hJ8,ed .nd .
mlJe'mum 01 2 I
conllguouI 'tonl.O.,. !
No olno'o olgn 'A..
.hall exc.ed 70 ..1. ,
10 I
-~ -------- --
'OI::l!1-lC SIl/1 10 SUOISI^OJd olll '0
UO!1CIO!^ U! POUICIU!CW JO papoJa uB!s Auc 'osuadxo S,JOUMO aliI II! 'PMOWaJ oq
01 asne::l JO O^OWOJ 01 AJ!JOlllnC puc JOMod aliI o^ell IIl!lIs II!P!JJO 6uIPl!na alll 'C
S!lIl Jopun pOluCJ6 IIwJod aliI 10 UO!II!::IO^OJ alii JOI slscq IUop!lJns aq IIclls
JopaJ!O 6u!UUl!ld 041 10 JOpJO 4::1ns 41!M "Idwo::l 01 Il!snloJ JO 'P0160u 'oJnl!c.:! '(:
'6U!1!JM U! pam:>ads OS!MJ0410
ssolun 'JapJo aliI 10 sAcp (O~) UOI U!lIl!M POIOldwo:> oq IIl!lIS auop oq 01
pOJ!nboJ >lJOM /..UV 'UO!I!PUO:> lI::Ins olcqe 01 alepdoJddc aq Acw SI! PO^OWOJ JO
'pol:>nJISuo:>OJ 'POJlcdoJ 'pOJOlle oq U61S lI::Ins IClll JapJO /..CW JOI::lOJ!O, BUIUUCld
aliI 'OIl!J. S!lIl 10 UOIS!^oJd "UI! 10 UO!1I!IO!^ ul aq 01 punol SI u6!s I! JO^OUOllM .~
uOnCtOI^ JO~ Sal1lCuad .:> I
'Ja6uOI JO SlIlUOW (9) xIs JO, IUI!:>I!^ SU!I!WOJ /..jJodoJd Olll I
ssalun pouopueql! POUIWJ010P oq IOU IIl!lIS o:>UI!U!pJO S!lIl '0 SUO!SI^oJd Olll 01 SWJOIUO::l IClIl I
luow06cucw JO d!lISJOUMO 6u!6uclI:> ssou!snq I! JOI sufilS IUOUewJod 'pouopueqe POU!WJOIOP
OQ IIClIS JoGuol JO SlIlUOW Ie) OOJlII '0 pO!Jod I! JOI pOldn:>:>oun sl pue IUC:JC^ sowo:>aq IClII I
/..jJodoJd UO POII!:>OI U61S /..UV 'PO^OWOJ aq lIeLjs PUI! pal!q!lIoJd S! u6!s pouopueqc uv I
su6tS pauopucQV '8
. AJoles :>!lqnd 01 PJl!lI!lI JO Jo6ucp ou
olnl!ISuo:> "aLjI leLjI os SOW!I lie Ie J!edaJ pUll JapJo po06 ul poulelU!eW oq lIells su6!S
a:>ueualu\ew 'v
~uawa:>JOJu3' mroTCi?6 UO!~::IaS"
C ~ -6 JOldcLj::l
. 9SJ
. .
Attachmont A to City Council Ordlnanco No.
290 9-15.040 A. 0011119 "ornamental" whorover It occurs In paragraphs 2, :I,
and 4.
:114 9-18.0:10 Dolole deflnlllon of ADVERTISING STRUCTURE i
:116 9.10.0:10 Inselt dollnltlon of BILLBOARD to road as lollows: 'Olf-slle i
sign advertising prodUCIS or sorvlces nOI produced, sold, I
or stored on Ihe proporty upon which tho sign Is locnled.
Billboards are prohibited In Iha Clly of Arroyo Grande.' I
320 9-10.0:10 Add IIluslratlon of doublo fronlage 10lS and lot types.
329 9-1 0.030 Insort dellnltlon of MARQUE to read as follows: ,
"Permanently rooled slruclure anached to and supported
by a building.'
, ~
335 9-10.030 Revlso definition of SIGN 10 road as lollows: "Any dovlco
or medium used or Inlended (or ldonUflcatlon, advertising,
diroctlonal. or Information purposes.'
3:15 9-18.030 Dolete definition o( SIGN (ACCESSORY). !
:1:15 9-10.0:10 Dolole definition of SIGN (ADVERTISING STRUCTURE).
335 9-10.0:10 DoIete doflnltlon 01 SIGN (BANNER, FLAG, PENNANT OR
3:15 9-10.030 Revise definition of SIGN (BUSINESS DIRECTORY SIGN)
to road as follows: Sign Identilylng tl10 names and/or
usos of various buslnosses or activities within a building or
multl.lenant development.'
3:15 9-10.030 Dolote dellnltlon of SIGN (BUSINESS IDENTIFICATIONS).
335 9-10.0:10 Rovlse dellnltlon of SIGN (CANOPY OR AWNING) to read
as follows: "Considered as proJoctlng signs and subjoct to
. the provisions thereof. Seo SIGN (PROJr:CTING).'
335 9.10.030 Delete dollnltlon of SIGN (CONSTRUCTION).
3:15 9-10.0:10 Dolote doflnltlon of SIGN (COPY).
:135 9.10.030 Inselt deflnlllon 01 SIGN (CHANGEABLE COPY) to read as
follows: "SIgn doslgned so that lonors, symbols, or
Illustrations can be changed or rearranged without i
substantially altering the lace of the sign.' I
:135 9.10.030 Revise definition of SIGN (DIRECTIONAL) to read as I
follows: 'Slgn doslgned sololy to provldo direction or I
guidance to pedestrian or vehicular tralllc.' !
Revise definition of SIGN (FREESTANDING OR POLE) to i
:135 9-18.030 I
read as lollows: 'Soe SIGN (GROUND).' ,
335 9-18.030 DoIete definition of SIGN (GRAND OPENING). I
'UOlleJI5nm BUIAuoowo:l:1U
OIOloQ '(AdONY.)"H3QNn) N!)IS 10 UOII\UIIOP 010100 oeo'o ~"6 Lee
DOIIW(I e JOI poAI?(dsIP eq 01 POPUOlul pull 6uIPllnq JO '1II1M
'punoJO 0111 01 poll:leUI? Alluoucuuod IOU UOIS AuV :S",OIlOl
S8 peOJ 01 (AI:M:IOdV43.1.1 N!)IS 10 uOIIIUlloP OS\^9H OCO'O ~-6 LCe
'UN3113 1V\:)3dS) N~IS 10 UOIIIUllap 910190 OCO'O~"6 LCC
;Opu8J~ oAoIN JO
All:) 041 ul pOIIQI\.lOJd aJII sulilS 1001:1 'lunl:JnJIS JO OUIPllnq I
e 10 lodcmd JO 1001 041 O^OC1U JO uodn POI:JOJO UOIS. I
:5"'01/0' se pC.)J 01 I.-:lOOH) NOIS )0 UOI1IUIIOP OSI^OI:l OCO'OI-6 Lee
'(~NI^10^31:J) N~IS 10 uOlllulloP 010100 oeo'o ~-6 Lee I
'(3J.VJ.S3 1\131:1) NOIS )0 UOlllulIOP 010100 oeo'O~"6 Lee I
'(S::I1VS 1VNOIJ.0V40I:ld) N~IS 10 UOII\UIIOP 91019Q oeo'o ~"6 Lee
10 OUIPl!nQ e Aq p;:I\.Ioddns JO WOJI popuadsns 'pmMlno
SpuOp(O IC41 u6/s o:JcJjns 11 UCIII JOIlIO u61S. :SMOIIO) I
SI! pCOJ 01 (~NI.L:)3rOl:ld) NDIS 10 UOllluII9P OSI^OI:l oeo'OI"6 Lee
'(310VJ.I:IOd) NDIS JO UOlI\uIIOP 010100 oeo'o 1-6 Lee i
'(1v:)U.nOd) N!)IS '0 UOlllulloP 010100 oeo'O~-6 Lee I
'(:)1,1,1'11:11 NVllUS303d) N~IS 10 uOlllulloP 010100 oeo'o ~-6 Lee I
'(NOISI^IOenS 31IS-NO) N!)IS '0 UOII\UIIOP 010100 oeo'o ~"6 Lee I
'(NO\SI^IOanS 31IS";I;l0) NDIS '0 UOII\UIIOP 010100 oeo'OI-6 Lee I
'(S3SIV43I:1d-:l;l0) NDIS )0 UOlllu\loP 010100 oeo'o 1-6 !J(;(; I
'h:1011:l31NO NmS '0 UOl1lulloP 010\00 01:0'01-6 gce I
;olqcPIlQl oBessow 041 ,
O)fBW 01 O:J1OOS 146111111:1111\.111 UI! sosn II!IjI u61S. :SMOI/OI t
SI! pCOJ 01 '(031VNIV4n11l) NOIS 10 UOI1IUIIOP \.IOSUI oeo'OI-6 gee
;uDIS OUI 10 dOl 041 01 UOIS 041 41couoq AII:lOJIP 19^01 I
punoJO 041 WOJI poJnseow uOlsuowlP p!:JI\.IM ISOleoJD.
:S",OIlOl SI! pCOI 01 (!HDI3H) NDIS )0 UOlllulIOP OSI^ol:l oeo'o ~-6 !J(;e
;NOIS I3d^-1 1N3V4nN0V4) ONnO\:lO.
;SMOllo, SI? peoJ 01 UOlll!JISnm Ou,Auedwo:I:lo 10 91111 OSI^OI:l
;.suBIS Ou!pueISOOJI. pue '.SUOIS 91Od. '.suOIS Iuownuow.
sopnpul UOIIIUIIOP SI\.Il 'f)U1Pllnq u 01 po4:1uue JO JO lied
I! IOU OJe 4:114'" 'punOJ!) 04\ uodn JO UI p9:JI!P sO:JI!Jq JO
SO pl!OJ 01 (NmS ONnO\:lO) ND\S 10 UO\IIUII9P OSI/IO\:I oeO'O~"6 !Jec ,
\:I3aV4nN H3al"4nN I
'ON o:JUI!UIPJO B:lunCY.) At!:) 01 V 1uawlpt!UV
~"-___... _____n
. .' .
Attachment A to City CouncR Ordinance No.
:1:10 9-10.0:10 Dolote dollnlllon of SIGN (VEHICLE).
:1:18 9-18.030 RovIse definition of SIGN (WALL) to road as follows: "Sign I
attached to, erected against, or painted upon Iho wall 01 a ,
building or structure with the oxposed faco In a piano ,
parallel to the plane of the wall. Wall signs shall not I
. project from a building mote than twelvo Inches (t2; or I
elllond above the tOO line or wall structure.' I
338 9-18.030 Revise dollnlllon 01 SIGN (WINDOW) to road as follows: !
'Slgn plaCed Inside or upon a window, facing tho outside I
and IntendOO to bo soen trom tho o)(1orlor, Window signs
shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) 0.' the window area :
and shall be Included In dotermlnlng tho aggrogate sign i
"- area permitted.' \
3:10 9.18.0:10 Revise lIIustrallon 01 sign typos bV roplaclng the 11110 I
""PE) SIGN." I
, ,
,-._--,~- ----
, .
(Available in Public Works Department)
. , '.
A. The flndinos listed below relate to general chanon to the zonlno map 01 the CItV
o' Arroyo Granau: .
1. All changes to the Zoning Map were made to maintain conslstencv wllh the
Gonoral Plan Lana Use Element aaoplea on Mav 22. 1990.
2. Areas Ihal were changed from AP (AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE) to AG (GENERAL
AGRICULTURE) or A (AGRICULTURE PRESERVE) rollcct tho cxislonce of
Williamson Act contraCIS. Those areas with contracls will be zoned A
(AGAICULTunE PRESEnilE). Thoso ureas wllhout conlr"CIS will bo zoned AG
3. Areas Ihat were changed from A (AGRICULTURE) to AG (GENERAL AGRICULTURE)
or A (AGRICULTURE I)RESERVE) relloct Ihe exlslence 01 Williamson ACI conlracls.
..... ThOSO aroas wllh conlraCls will be zoned A (AGHlCULTURE PRESERVE). Thoso
areas Wllhoul contraclS will be zoned AG (GIONERAL AGRICULTURE).
4. Areas Ihal were changed from A (AGRICULTURE) to PF (PUBLIC FACILITY) were
revised to make Ihe zonlno dlstrlcl conslslenl wllh existing uses on Ihe parcel
(such US a church, school, IIbrarv, elc.) or 10 presorve Ihe areas alollg Iho Arroyo
Grando and Tallv Ho croeks.
5. Areas Ihal were changed from A (AGRICULTURE) to RH (HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL)
did nOI havo Ihelr density changed. The Iype ot use was changed from agrlculluro
10 residential slnco tho properties lire located on non.prlme larmland and
residential development would have been allowable undor Ihe old land uso
calegorv and zoning dlslrlcl.
6. Areas Ihal were changed from R-A-B.' (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE) 10 RR
consistent with the goneral plan doslgllatlon and existing uses or densitlos on thO
parcol or surroundlno area.
7. Arei,ls Ihat were changed f.om R-A.B.' (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE) to PF
(PUa~IC fACILI1"t') were revised to make tho zoning dlstrlcl conslslenl wllh tho
oxisllnO use on the parcel (suCh as a schoOl).
B. Areas that were changed from R.A.B-2 (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE) to RR
(HUAAL RESIDENTIAL) were revised to bo consistent with the gonoral plan
ooslonatlon and exlstlno usos or aensltlos on Iho parcel or surrounalJ\O arua.
9. Areas Ihat were changed from R.A-B.3 (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE) 10 RH
consistent with the gener&.1 plan doslgnatlon and exlsllno uses or densities on tho
parcul or surrounding area. Zoning (llsulcls 01 proporllos Ihal were changed to a
lOss denso category wore done to proluct public health and/or safety based on
existing or potential InlrastrucllIre or rOSOllrCe IImltallons.
Attachmont C to City Council Ordlnanco No. .-..
10, ArOIlS Ihat were changod from R-A-B-3 (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE) 10 AG
(GENERAL AGRICULTURE) woro revlsod 10 bo conslslonl with Iho gonoral plnn
doslgnallon end 10 prosorvo primo egrlculturnl Innd. Tho R-A-B-J lonlng wns
Inconsistent with tho previous gonoral plan, thorolore, no change to land use has
boon mado.
11. Aroas Ihal wort) chllnged from R-A-B-:! (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE) 10 PF
(PUBLIC FACILITY) wore rovlsod to mal<o Iho lonlng dlslrlcl con51slenl with
oxlsllng uses on tho parcols or to prosorve tho area along the Arroyo Grande and
Tally Ho crooks.
Is prodomlnatoly II name chango only. The oxlstlng R-S standards were retained
whonovor posslblo.
13. Aroas Ihal woro changod Irom 1'1-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) 101'11'1 (RURAL
or MFA (APARTMENTS) worD rovlsed to make tho zoning district conslstenl wllh
exlsllng uses or denslllos on tho parcel or tho surrounding area. Zoning dlstrlcl5
01 properties that worD changod to a less donso calogory wero dono so as 10
proloct public health and/or salety basod on oxlsllng or pOlenllallnlras\ructure or
resourco limitations.
14. ArOllS Ihat woro changod Irom 1'1-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) to GC
COMMERCIAL) wero rovlsed 10 mlll<e the zoning dlstrlcl consistent with existing
usos or densities on the parcel or tho surrounding area.
15. Areas Ihat were changod Irom 1'1-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) to PF (PUBLIC
FACILITY) woro rovlsed 10 mnl<e tho :toning dlslrlct consls!onl wllh oxlstlng usos
on Iho parcel or to prosorve nreas along Iho Arroyo Grondo and Tolly Ho croeks.
16. Aroas thai wero changod Irom 1'1-2 (DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL) 10 SF (SINGLE FAMILY
RESIDENTIAL) worn rovlsod to make tho land uso conslstonl with existing uses or
donslllos on Iho parcel or Iho surrounding area. Zoning dlstrlCls 01 properties Ihal .-..
wore changod to a less donso category woro don~ so as to protecl public hcallh
and/or safety based on oxlstlng or potontlallnlrastructure or resource limitations.
17. Areas Ihat woro changod from 1'1-2 (DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL) 10 MF
(CONDOMINIUMfTOWNHOUSE) woro rovlsod to a less denso calegory so as 10
prolect public hoallh and/or safety based on existing or potontlallnlraslruclure or
rosourco limitations.
18. Arons that worD changod from 1'1-2 (DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL) 10 PF (PUBLIC
FACILITV) wero rovlsod \0 mal<o tho zoning district conslstenl with oxlsllng uses
on tho parcel or to proservo areas along the Arroyo Grando and Tally Ho creeks.
19. ArllDs Ihal wero changod from R-2 (DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL) 10 VC (VILLAGE
COMMERCIAL) wore revlsod 10 mnko Iho lonlng dlstrlcl conslslenl wllh Ihe gonoral
plan and with uses or denslllos In tho surrounding aroa.
, ,
Altachment C to City Council Ordinance No.
211. Areas that were chanoed from R.3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) to SF
(CONDOMINIUM/TOWNHOUSE) wllre ro..lsed to make the lanll use consistent wltll
oxl511no uses or densltlos on the parcel or tile surrounding aroa. 20nlng Cllstrlcts
01 proponlos thaI wore chanood to a lo&s dense catooorv woro dono so as to
proHlcr PUbliC hoallh and/or sallltv basod on oXlsuno or pOlentlallnlraslrucluro or
r!>sourco 1110111111005.
21. Aroas Ihat woro changed from R.3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) to MFA
(APARTMENTS) wure rovlsed to a tess donso categorv so as to prolect pUblic
hoallll lind/or salolV basod 00 existing or pOlemlal lofraslruclure or rosourco
22. Areas Ihat were changed from R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) to MHP
(MOBILE HOME PARK) were revised In orCler to preserve oxlsllno afforllable
houslno oppoflunillos and make tho deslgnallon consistent willi lIIe oxlsllng land
~ 23. Areas that wore changod from R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) 10 SR
(St:NIOR HOUSING) were rel/lsod In oraor to prol/lde al(ordable lIous!ng
opportunllles and/or to make tile 20nlno alstrlct conslslllnt wllh the oxlstlng uses
01\ the parcol.
24. Areas that were changed from R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) to GC
I)HOI'ESSIONAL.) Wllrll rllll1511d 10 muklllho 20nloo Illlilrlcl conslslont wllh oxlstlnO
USII:; or dOllsilio:; on tIIo parcol or tllo surrounding urea.
25. Areas that were changed from R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) to PF
(PUBL.IC fACILITY) wllre revlsea to make Iho 20nlng dlstrlcl conslstllnt willi
0)(1:l1I1\{) uses (suCh a:; a churc>>) on tho parcel.
26. Aroas thai were changed from C., (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) to GC
(GIONEHAL. COMMERCIAL) wore rovlsllll since Iho C'I commo.clal ol:ltrlcl was
comblnod Imo one general commercial calogorv.
27. Areils that were changed from C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) to SF (SINGLE
makll tile lonlng dlslrlct conslstllm willi exlsllng u"os or aensllies all tIIO parcol or
tile surrounding area.
28. Areus that were changed from C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) to GC (GENERAL
COMMERCIAL.) wero revlsod 10 b& conslslent wilh Ihe goneral plan deslgnallon,
29. Areas that were changed from C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) to VC (VILLAGE
COMMERCIAL) wore rovlsed because Ihe properlles are lOcated In Iho hlslorlc
Arroyo Grando IIllIaoe.
30. Areas that were changed from C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) 10 0 (OffiCE
PROfESSIONAL) were revIsed 10 make the 20nlng district consistent with oxlsllng
uses or densllles on the parcel or \he surrounding area. Zoning alstrlcls o(
proporlles thaI wero changed 10 a less Inlonse caleQory wore dono so as 10
prOlecl public lIealth and lor safolY ba:lod on 0)(1511nll o. pOtQI\Uallnlra51ruclurB or
fesourcu 1I(I\lIallol\s.
-~-- ..-- ------------~-
1,94 .
Attachment C to City Counc" Ordlnanco No.
31. Areas Ihal wore changod from C.2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) 10 HC (HIGHWAY
COMMERCIAL) wore revised 10 make the zoning district consistent with oxlstlng
uses or densities on the parcel.
32. Aroas Ihat were changed from C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) to PF (PUBLIC
FACILITY) were rovlsod 10 malltl tho zoning district conslslonl with oxlstlna uses
on thll parcol (such as IIrll stall on, park) or to preserve areas along the Arroyo
Grande and Tally Ho creeks.
33. Aroas thaI woro changod Irom C-3 (HIGHWAY SERVICE) 10 GC (GENERAL
COMMERCIAL) wore revlsod 10 be conslstenl with exlsllng uses on Ihe parcol or
Iho surrounding aroa. Zoning dlslrlcts 01 proportlos Ihal woro changod 10 a less
Inlonso category were done to protect public hoallh and/or saloly basod on
oxlstlng or pOlentlal Infrastructure or resource IImllatlons.
34. Aroas Ihal wero changod Irom C-3 (HIGHWAY SERVICE) 10 HC (HIGHWAY
COMMERCIAL) wcro revised 10 mako Ihe zoning dlslrlcl conslsl,enl with existing
usos or densities on Iho parcol or the surroundIng area.
35. Areas thaI woro changed Irorn C.3 (HIGHWAY SERVICE) to MHP (MOBILE HOME
PARK) woro rovlsod In ardor to prosorvo oxlstlng allordable housing opportunltlos
and to make the doslgnatlon consistent with the oxlstlng land use.
36. ArOAS that woro chAnged Irorn P.C (PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL) to SF (SINGLE
make the zoning district consistent wllh existing uses on Iho parcel.
37. Aro3S Ihat were changed from P-C (PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL) to GC
(GENERAL COMMERCIAL) were revised 10 make the zoning dlslrlcl conslslenl wllh
exlsllng uses on Ihe parcel.
38. Areas Ihot wore changed Irorn P-C (PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL) 10 0 (OFFICE
PROFESSIONAL) were revised to be consistent with Ihe general plan designation.
39. Areas Ihal wero changod Irom P-C (PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL) 10 SR
(SENIOR HOUSING) were rovlsed In ardor to provldo Allordablo housing "'"
opportunIties. Thes!! slloll IIrll located In OrollS thot moot tho noods or senior
citizens. public transll, modlcallaclllllos. and shopping avollablllly.
40. Arons Ihl.ll wore changed Irorn C.B.D (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) 10 0
(OFFICE PROFESSIONAL) wore revised to provide a translllon Irorn moro Intonse
commercial uses to residential uses.
41. Arens Ih,,1 wero changod Irorn C.D-D (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) 10 VC
(VILLAGE COMMERCIAL) wore revised In order 10 proserve and enhance Ihe
hlslorlc Arroyo Grande village.
42. Aroos Ihat wore changod Irorn C.O-D (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) 10 PF
(PUOLIC FACILITY) woro rovlsod 10 mako 1110 zoning dlstrlcl consistent w\1h
oxlsllng uses on the parcel or 10 preserve areas along Iho Arroyo Grande and Tally
Ho creeks.
------ _.~._._...--_._-----
" .
Attachment C to City Council Ordinance No. 195
43. Aroas Ihal were chanoed from P-M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL.) 10 RR (RURAL.
RESIDENTIAL.) or SF (SINGLE FAMILY) were rUl/lsed since Industrial uses are nOI
approprlalO In IIIOSO locations becauslI 01 proxlmlly to rllsldemlal areas.
44. Aroas thai wero chanoed from P.M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL) to GC (GENERAL
COMMERCIAL.) or VC (IIILLAGE COMMEACIAL.) were rel/lsod since induslrial usus
aro nOI approprlalo In Ihoso localtons because of proxlmllY 10 rosldon\lal areas
and/or 1111.1 Arroyo Grandu creek.
45. Areas Ihal woro chanood from P.M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL) 10 I (LIGHT
MANUFACTURING/BUSINESS PARI< INDUSTAIAL.) wero rel/lsed 10 be consistent
wllh 1110 ooneral plan aoslonallon.
46. Areas thai were chanood from P-M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL) to PF (PUBL.IC
FACIL.ITV) worll rOl/lsea 10 make Iho 20nlno dlslrlcl conslslom whh exlsllno usos
on\ho parcel (sUCII as chy yara) or 10 prosorvo aroas along 1110 Arroyo Granlle and
Tally Ho crooks.
- 47. Areas IlIal woro chanood from 0 (OPEN SPACE) to PF (PUBL.IC FACIL.ITY) wore
rel/lslla 10 bo can:ilslent Willi Iho Doneral plan deslgnallon.
48. Aroas Ihat were chanaed from poD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) to PD-1.1. PD'1.2,
PD-\.3, PD-\.4, or PD-1.5 were revlsea to recoonlze lI\e 'ollowlng approl/ed
plan nod dovolopmonts: Oak Park Acros, Rancllo Granae, Royal Oaks Eslales,
Wilawood Aanen, and Okul/Horb Phillips proJecl.
49. Aroas Ihal wore chanood 'rom P.D (PLANNED DEVEL.OPMENT) to RS (SUBURBAN
(CONDOMINIUM/TOWNHOUSE) wora rovisoa to be conslslenl Wllh Ihe general
plan aos\onallon and 10 rollect Ihe existing or proposod densllY.
50. Aroas Ihal were chanaod from poD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) to GC (GENERAL
COMMERCIAL.) were rOl/lsod 10 be conslslent Wllh 1110 gonoral plan deslgnallon.
51. Arou thai woro changod from P.D (PLANNED DEVEL.OPMENT) 10 PF (PUBLIC
FACIL.ITY) woro rOl/lsod \0 rolleClllle proposod slle of RancllO Grande Park.
52. Arei1~ that woro changed from P.D (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) to RR (RURAL.
RESIDENl"IAL.) wore rel/lsoa to be conslstonl whh tile goneral plan and exisllng
alia proposed uses on 1110 parcel or Ihe surrounding aroa.
53. Deslan Overlay D-2.1 Is placed on those propertIes subJect to Ordinance 153 C.S.,
wlllclI rosulcls parcels to a minimum Sl20 0' five acres.
54. Doslon Ol/erlay D-2.2 Is placed on those properties subject 10 Ordinance 329 C.S.
55. Design Ol/erlay D-2.3Is placed on thoso proportles subject to Ordinance 135 C.S.,
. wlllctl roslrlcls IlIe developmont 10 a maximum 01 39 101s.
56. Deslon Overlay D-2.4 Is placed on those properties sUbJect to the Village Deslon
57. Design Ovorlay D-2.5 Is placed on those properties subject to Ordinance 85 C.S.,
willet I IIISUICIS tllO helghl 01 buildings
, .1,96
Al1achment C to City CouncR Ordinance No. """"
50. Dosl!!n Overlay 0-2.6 Is placed on Ihose properties sublecllo Ordinance 360 C.S.,
which roslrlcls Iho holghl 01 buildings, minimum building silo and lot dlmonslons,
and Ironl yard selbacks.
51), Desll1n Overlay D-2,71s placed on Ihose properties sublect to OrdInance 130 C.S.,
which reslrlcls Ihe height 01 buildings.
60. Doslgn Overlay 0-2.8 Is plllced on propertlos Ihal arc part or Tracl Map 1513.
which was approvod using opllonal desIgn slondards.
61. Design Ovorlay 0-2.9 Is placed on properties Ihat are part or Tract Map 577, which
was approved using opllonal design slandards_
62. Design Overlay 0-2.10 Is placod on proportles Ihal are part 01 Tracl Map 599,
which was approved using opllonal design slandards.
63. Doslgn Overlay D-2.11 Is placed on Ihose properties Ihal will b.o !iublocl 10 Tramc
Way Design Guidelines and are sub/ecl 10 Ihe Village Design Guldollnes In Ihe
64. Doslgn Overlay 0-2.12 Is pia cod on Ihose properties \hal are pari 01 Tracl Map
555, to allow exlsllng R.1 Dlslrlct standards to be ullllzed on Ihe remalr,lng vacanl
lols In Ihls subdivision. Homes In Ihls Iract 1lre all being buill by one builder, Ed
Dorfman. and building plans have already been developed lor Ihe vacanl lols
based on Ihe R-1 slandards.
65. Doslgn Overlay 0-2.13 Is placed on properly requlrod In Iho land Use Elemenl or
Iho Goneral Plan 10 be condlllonally zoned.
66. Design Overlay 0-2.14 Is pieced on Ihose propertIes I"al are pari or Tracl Map
1050 and sub/ocllo Conditional Use Permit No. 82-335, which permll a Iwln home
67. Doslgn Overlay 0-2.15 Is placed on Ihose properties Ihal arc part or Tracl Map
390, 10 clorlly developmenl slandards Ihal were condlllons 01 approval. """"
60. Design Overlay 0-2.16 Is placed on Ihoso properties Ihnt are part of Tracl Map
954, .whlch was approved using opllonal design standards.
69. Design Ovorlay D-2.17 Is placed on Ihose properlles Ihal are part 01 Tracl Map
1:195, whIch was approved using optional design standards.
70. Desl!!n Ovorlay D-2.10 Is placod on Ihoso proportles Ihal aro part of Tracl Map 501
and 525 \0 clarify dovelopment standards Ihal were conditions 01 approval.
71. Areas designated 10 prepare speclllc plans nood documenlallon 01 proposed
dlstrlbullon, locallon, exlenl, IInd Inlonslty of major componenls 01 public and
private Iransportatlon, sewaqo, waler, dr\llnage, solid wasle disposal, energy.
parks, or olhar IISsol'lIal racllllles proposod to be local cd wllhln or need 10 support
Ihe land uses planned lor Ihe area.
-- --,,-.- ----
., , 197
Attachment C to City CouncU Ordinance No.
B. The lindlnOIl lilted below relate to Ipeclllc parcelll brought to the Planning
Commiuion or City Counclt'lI IllIentlon by the property own"r.
1. PARCEL ADDRESS. 1200 Grand Avenue
.N:Ii' 77-1' 1-0-19
EXISTING C!p- - General Commercial
Pf\.Qf.:Q.~m 1'Q.)~l):-I.Q - GC
.F.lt'!QJ.1i0_~ - I/II.lusul....1 I....nd uses are not appropriate In this area. The proposed 20nlng
IS conslswnt wilh ltIo Gonoral Plan adopted on May 22, 1990.
2. fh..!:tCEL AD_DRESS. 1169 and 1171 Ash
_~PN .77-102-0-11; and 060
EXl$TINt;LGP - Condomllllum/Townhouse (9 du/ac)
,E.XISJlt'!0]OM-NG . fl.:!
PH_9J':Q.~E.D 79M-JiQ. - MF
.E..i1!I.Qm_(,~i - Tho proposed 20nlng Is consIstent with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
1!J90. HIOher aolllsily would "lion ax eXlllllno or planned CIIY Inlraslrucluro lind/or
- rosourcos such liS waler, sewer. roads, IInd air qualhy.
3. PAR.CFLAD..QBESS . 522 E. Branch, 404-410 E. Branch; 520 E. Branch
N".Ji - 07.S01-00li, 07-494-011, 07-494-013, IInd 07.494.014; 07'501-007
.Q<J.~.:J..LJi~,-0..!': - Vllla!le Commercial
_E.~t~Jlt'!g I'ONINQ. - PM
fJ3.9f.O$J:D..1.9lliN...Q' VC.D-2.4
.F1~.QINi'~ - 'IItJuslrial uses are not epproprlate In Ihls area 01 the Clly because 01 Its
proxlmlly 10 rosl<lollllal areas and Arroyo Grande creek. Tho proposed 20nlllO Is
conslslO.lt with tho General Plan adOpted on May 22, 19!JO.
4. PJ\.I:\CEL ~DDRESS - 295 Alder (Alder House)
.i'J-'N .077.20'\-00'
EXiSTING g.e. - Senior Housing (11 du/ac . 25 du/ac lor residential care lacllitles and low
Income hOuslno)
EX.L~TlNt;LZ.9NI"'G.' R-3 .
l'ft9PQSfD..1.9NING - SR
FIND1NG2. . Tho proposed designatIon Is consistent with the exIsting use on the site
(sonior rosldentlal care lacilhy). The proposed 20nlng Is consistent with tho General Plan
ildOplOd 01;1 lvIay 22, 1990.
5. PARCEL ADDRESS - Chorry Avenue and Branch Mill
l\'pN . 07-621-054
fJS.I.~;TING_Q.e.. - General Agriculture
'pftQPQ.~m..1.QNING - AG
fiNDINGS. - Tho axlstlng 20nlng (RAB3) Is Inconsistent with the General Plan and since
a Clly'~ General Plan takes prllcedence over lis 20nlno ordinance, Ihe exiSting RAB3
20nlno Is Inl/lllld. The propolied AG 20nlng dlstrlcl Is conslslant with the General Plan.
The maJorlly o. this propally consists 01 prime larmland. The propeny Is localed In an
IIrea of uorlcullural oporatlons.
-------,------ ...------
Attachment C to City Council Ordinance No. "'"'
6. !'.ARCE.V2'pREg]. . Parcels on Pearwood Avenue
!,P~ . 07.441.034 and OJ5
.I;.X1ST'-~.c;;~2.' Hillside Re~ldentlal (1 dU/1.5 ac)
.r;:!HtT.l!:!.y_~NIN~ . RAB.3
LR..QP9j;.r;:.!L~ONING . RH
FINDINGS. The topography 01 thIs area precludes assIgning a higher density.
7. .E.^..RCEL ADDRE.$..2. . Fair Oaks and Arroyo Grande Creek
!'E..ti .06.J41.018
.r;:)<ISJJ~.(LGP . General agriculture (10 ac. mIn.)
.1;.~gTI!!.Q ZONING. A
E..!10PQ$J;D Z9NING . AG
FINDINGS . The property Is used lor agricultural purposes IJnd Is located on prIme
agricultural solis. The proposed zoning Is consistent with the General Plan adopted on
Mey.22, 1990.
O. P~.RCEL ADDRE$..2. . Myrtle 5t. and Arroyo Grande Creek ,
!'f'.!i' 07.522.008
.EXISTINJLC;;Y-,. Single Family ResIdential (4.5 du/ac) with the requirement that the slle be
conditionally zoned to only allow two units.
.EXISTI_NG_~ONlti\>. . RAe.1
.EI!!.9~ . The proposed zoning Is consIstent with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
9. .P..~~gV.Pj)RE$S . 535 Trafllc Way
.&.Ji . 07.621.046
.I;.~I.SJIN.C;;_GP . Mobllohome Park (6.5 du/ac)
.1;}(!2I.I!:!.C;;_~O!'lJ.~Q . CoJ
~J;>ING} . The proposed zoning Is consistent wl1h Ihe General Plan ndoplod on May 22.
1990 end conslsl"nt wl1h Housing Elemenl Program 2.1 regnrdlng conservation 01 existing
mobile home parks. The site Is suitable lor this type 01 development.
10. E..~RCEVDDRE.~ 0 311 Noguera Place
APN .07.565.019 -..,
Ii.(~JJ.~Y-C;;P . Single Family ResIdential (4.5 du/ac)
.r;.'51~E~.C;;_l..QNING. . R.1
FINOIN~S . The proposed zoning Is consistent with the General Plnn adopted on Mny 22,
1990. No maJor change In uses or density Is proposed.
11. 2L\.~gL AQ'pR_I;.SS .357 Tally Ho Rd.
APN .07.241.006
:~H;:!l~.C;;_GP 0 Rural Residential (1 du/ac)
.r;:.JC:l.STIHG.JO!'lJ.N~ . RAB.J
~OINGS . The proposed' zoning Is consistent with the General Plan ndopted on May 22,
1990. No change Is ellowable density Is proposed.
---_._~.~- -~---_.~
. '- 'I . 199
Attachmont C to City CouncU Ordinance No.
12. PARCEL ADDRESS - 162 Falrvlew
L\..eN - 7]'O!l2-011
EXISTING CJ~' Single Family Resldenllal (4.5 du/ac)
.f.B.Qf.Q.Sm 7QNING - SF
.E.!JiQJJiCS -Thu proposud zoning Is consistent with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
1 !l90. Commercial uses are not appropriate at this locollon.
13. PARCF.L ADDRF.SS - 410 S. Elm street
l\PN. - 77-2<11-015
fl<ISTIIiG~!.!~ - Mulll.famlly Apanments (11 du/ac)
.f..X.!.;?TlNC ?QMIi0. - n-3
.eJJOf'OSfO..l.Q1iLNG - MfA
flNQINCS - Thl! proposed zoning Is consistent with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
1990. Higher oOllsllY would o\lonax oldsllllg or plannOd Clly Infrastructure and/or
resources such as waler, sewor, roads, and aIr qualllY.
14. ..f>ARQf.VDDRF.SS - 512\500 Grand Ave.
~. _Af'N . Ou-173,003
_(;.XJ.sTIN<;L<;'U~' General Commercial
.[}(lSTI"!.C...z.Q!I.l~Q. - C'3 (HIOhway Service)
.e..tI.Qf~Q.Sf:D2.QNING. - HC
filiQlliGS - The majorlly 01 uses that are allowed In the existing zone are allowed In the
prol)osod zone.
15. PARCEL ADDR~ - 425 Traltlc Way
lI.J~..ri . 07-553-03\1
.f.~ISTINC\..GI~ - General Commercial
.I'::'XlST.LtiC 70NINg, - C-3 (HIOhway Service)
J>A.Q.e..Q.~EQ..l.Q1iLIi0. - HC-O-2.11
fINOINQ,i - Thu sllu Is locatud alono a major highway. The majority 01 uses that are
allowoO I.. tho e)(lsllno zono aro allov.eo In 100 proposed zone.
16. PARCEL ADDRF.SS - 1097 Farroll Rd.
.!I.Pfi - 77.291.005
EXISTING GI' . CondomInium/Townhouse (9 du/ac)
x..xISTJJiG ?ONING. - R-2
j'1i..QPQSfO.2.0NING - MF
fiNDINGS .Thu proposed zonIng Is consIstent with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
17. PARCEL ADDRESS - Oakcrest Estates
jl.PN - 07'Ulil-0'1'i, 051, 057, 050, 07-671-010, 011, 017-022, 024-031, 033, 040
EXISTINQ..Q.E - Suburban Residential (2.5 du/ac)
EXISTlfi9 70NINg,- R-l
.e..tt_QPQ.~ED 70NING - RS-D-2.12
.t.INDlli,GS - A ouslOIl overlav Is necessary to ensure that vacant lots In the subdivision are
buill according to the same standards as the existing homes.
.... ,I
2'0'0 ' i
Attachment C to City Councn Ordinance No. '""'
18. P~-'~~L AD.P.BES.2,' 1203 Grand Avo.
.~Pto!. 77.141.010
EXISTING GP . General Commercial
---.. ..---.---
.1;.~1.2.T.!.tI.!;LZ9NINS! . C.2
.EIN'p~. Tho proposed zoning Is consistent with tho General Plan adopted on May 22,
19. l'ARCEL ADDRI;.~S . 1294 Grand Avo.
.JlPto! . 77-091-009
.1;:J<1.$JJ~.G.s;P . General Commercial
.s.>Q.::;T~.G_~NI~ . C.2
!'..B.Qe,Q::;.ED ZONING - GC
FINI;>~. The proposed zoning Is consistent with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
20. P~.RCEI..l'DDRES.2, - 303 S. Halcyon , .
, ,
!<PN . 06.391.042
.s.)(.,I.SJJ.tI.G_GP . Orrlce Prolosslonal and Single Family Rosldonllal (4.5 du/ac)
.r;}51STINyJONI~G . PC and A.1
!'_A..9POj;.I;JL~ONING .0 and SF
.EINDINGS . The proposod zoning Is conslstont with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
21. P~.r~CE~DDAIaS . 653 Woodland Drive
~ . 06.445.004
.s.X.'.sI!l'.G.-GP - Single Family Residential (4.5 du/ac)
.1;~'ST'.t'.G Zo.~NG. . R-1
FINDINGS. No major change In uses or density Is proposed.
22. l'~.'~CEL AD'pRI;..SS . 971 and 901 Bennott
flY-ii - 77.111.061 and 063
.s.~-'-ST~'<L~..!? . Gonoral Commorcllll
.!?'JijTll'.yJ.QNING. . PM (Planned Industrial)
~INGS . The proposed zoning Is consistent with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
1990. ,
23. !'.lo.RCEL ADDRESS. 224 McKlnloy
^PN . 07. .
:EJ.,I};J.!.tI.G_GP . Resldenllal Suburban (2.5 du/ac)
.1;:]<HLTltl.9 Z.9~.~liQ. . R.1
FINDINGS. The proposed zoning Is consistent with the General Plan adopted on May 22,
24. rARCEL ADDRESS. 1457 Hillcrest Drive
.~..P.l.! - o. .
.1;:J<.'.:JIIl'.Y_G.E' Resldontl,,!" Suburban (2.5 du/ac)
.s.~!~I.~.t;U:..QtllliQ. . R-1.1)
r...~_9PQ::;.I;.!L~.QNING. . AS.D.2.6
.Ell'DINyJ~. - The proposod lonlnllls conslstont with tho Gonoral Plan adopted on May 22,
1990. No change was made to tho Design Ovorlay lor this proporty.
---~._--- -~"'----_._.._-
Exhibit "Dn: General Development Plan Exhibit (on file with the
city of Arroyo Grande Planning Department
- ----..--
Note: There is no Exhibit "E" for this case.
. Q
I ~
~ raci 1997, Rancho Grande 18 April 6, 1990
I ,Iepe" reads aliI! building padl Tb,~ cltalJl.~da.IA~At (If p;rmaReRt veso,tatiV8 .SEn'.r 98 slepes
is rCQQIIURCRdcd. -miti8at~ .tb~ croaiuc PQtc:nti21 of u.A~QAtrQllcd rURofe Q..'lr &.lepe faees.
A. Site Develonment - Buildinl! Areas
I I. It is. anticipl\ted that :t!le lotS ":ill be developed through normal grading
, .,
I procedures using cut and fiB methods.
2. Overmuch of the' sit~,soi,s ar.c: thinly mantlcd over bcdrock. Heavy
I equipment may. be requi~ed",o fip thc bedrock in deeper cuts.
), Prior to mass grading op~ratiolJs, loosc alluvium in drainage channcls should
I bc removcd, and subdrai/ls should Qe installed to control subsurface water.
!. I .
I Thc depth and extent of removals as well as the type and location, of
subdrains should be determined in the field during grading.
I 4. Prior to placing fill, organiGs. debris and any other deleterious materials
should be removed. A representative of this firm should observe the
I exca.va ted area before pltjcel'l!en t of fill.
S. Areas to receive fill shpuld. 1>e scarified, moisture conditioned, and
I ~ ' . ',,' , : . . .
compacted, except in dra/nalle t;hannel areas as discussed above.
I 6. If individual site evaluation~ indicate that foundations bearing in soil arc
appropriate, cut portions of ~III/ fill transition lots (i.e., where a cut/fill line
I crosses the building area or lies within 2 fcet of thc bottom of the footing)
should be overexcava~ecl to a depth of 2 feet below thc planned foundation
I bottoms. This should also be I\ccomplished if a soil/rock transition line
I' ,. ,. .-,
I . crosses the building are~, of lie, within 2 fcet of the bottom of the rooting.
'(he resulting surface shO!!ld bc scarificd 12 inches, moisture: conditioned,
PG-GiM-WOl GOO4.026.11PT
"^--- -------
I c~~" ''''. R,,,h. G~'d'
I 19 April 6, 1990
I and recompacted back to ; grade. . This will help mitigate differential
settlement anc;! provide' a more uJ)iform bearing layer.
I, 7. Excavated soils which have been cleared of debris and/or organics may be
I, used for structl/ral fill whel\ placed in thin, mechanically compacted layers
onpreviously tested subgrade. -
I: 8. Slopes exceeding 10 percent shol1ld be benched prior to fill placement. If fill
is to be placed on slopes exceeding 20 percent. the toe of the fill should be
I keyed. The mi.nimum depth of the keyway should be 2 feet; the minimum
width should be 10 feet. The bottoms of keyways and benches consisting of
.' , .
I: soil should. be scarified 12 il\c~es, moisture conditioned, and recompaeted
I. prior to placement of fill. If rock is exposed in the benches or keyway
bottom, no scarification or recompaction is necessary.
If 9. To protect slabs from expansive soil damage, the use of non expansive import
or presaturation of subslab SQiI~ in areas where slabs will overlie expansive
I' soils is recommended. . If it' 1$ elected to use nonexpansive import, the
I thickness of nonexpansive:material should be determined based upon the .
results of expansion inlIex testing performed on individual lots, The import \",
. , . " . ,
I should be placed in lifts no~ exceeding 12 inches and compacted to a
minimum of 90 percent of maximum dry density until finished grade is
I, reached.
B. Site Devclooment - General .'
I I. Fill and backfill" should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of
I maximum dry. density obtainable by the ASTM D 1557-78 test method.
--- __._.__.n..._._
c~"" '99', R,",h. O".d, 20 April 6, 1990
Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code contains specific considerations
for. grading and forms a part of this report.
2. A shrinkage factor dlle to compaction is expected to be approximately
S percent. Shrinkage and/or exp;1nsion of bedrock materials is expected to be
nominal. Loss due to grubbing and recompaction op/:rations may affect
quantity calculations and should be taken into account. This estimate is
based on an average .relative compaction of 94 percent of maximum density
. .
at the completion of gradjn, and is dependent upon contractor methods and
the final compaction attained.
3. Final site grade should be sue~ that 1\11 water is diverted away from the
structures and slopes, an~ "o~ ~Howcd to pond on or near paved surfaces.
4. It is recommended tbilt this fiCIn be retained to provide testing and
. ~"', '. I
inspection services during the grading, excavation, and foundation phases of
. ,
the work. This is to ob~ervc; crompliance with the project si>ccifications and
the recommendations of' t~is report, an'd to prov'ide additional
recommendations in the event that sul1~urface conditions differ from those
C. Utilitv Trenches
Rock is very shallow in some ",reas and will be encountered during trenching.
The upper horizons of the rock ar~ in a weathered condition, and it is expected that
exca vation can generally be accomplishel,1' using backhoes. The rock becomes
increasingly dense with dePth, and ~~avier equipment may be necessary for deep
PG.1lli6t.WOl '. 1IOQ4-026.RPT
_. --'-',-"--~,,,~
I "
.- I I
I Q .- . .
~ mct 1997, Rancho Gra'nde :it April 6, 1990
,. " ~. , I
I ".," ':'1"
1.. Where nccessary, and,.Jor' ,1I.IItr.c.nch, depths 1)elow,.,:i" feet, pr.ovide..cither I
I adequate sh.oting .or slpp!; '.~he sidewalls' ti;) me.et the. applicable State and
. ,....,.".., Federal safety' regulations.; . , . I
I ,
2..,.::)}aql;fill of utilities within rqad Ti~hts-of-way should be placcd in strict
I eonformancc with the requirements' of .the 'governing 'IIgcnc)' .(Watcr District,
. ~'" Road Depanment, SllItli!Miqn', I?i:rt.r,\c,t, erc;).. .
I ,3. ; Use.. of a select, grur.~\a:, ~a1i1yeompacted material is recommended for
I irench backfill immedif\t~lY af~:U!l\1 utilities. While the material found. at the
site may be used for tt,ench backfill nbove the select material, obtaining
I adequateco~pactjon may ~c I!\f!'icult due to the clay content. If .this is the
case, importation of a clGaner. mqre easilY compacted sand may be necessary.
I ]1-Q ~rn~CWRES
Foundati"ons and slabs~on-Bra(\c nlU b, ~!JPportcd by either 'compacted soils or firm
I ' . .
bedrock. Determination of the apprQPtia:tc bearing. mat~rial should be accomplished on an
. , . , '. ,.., I : ,~ . I': " , ' .
individual lot basis once plans Cor,' ~r.a~il1l! and construction have been developed.
Expansion index tests should also J)~ C91,~~~tj:~f!n a lot-by-Iot basis 115 rough gr:J.ding is
I completed. The fOllowing criteria hl\l/C:: been developed liS gener:J.I guidelines :J.nd may be
supplcmentcd or modified by individual sitecvalu:J.!i(lIls.
I A. Foundations
ConVentional continuo\lsCC/utiJlgs :J.nd spread (pad) footings m:J.Y be used for
I support of the residences. SPfe~dCootil)~~ "caring ;1) soils should b,: restrained with
I grade beams.- .
... . \
I " .
po-e."-WOl . 1IOO4-02UtPT
I ."
, ..
I Q ...
I ~
~ Tract 1997.R.andu~ qrande 2'" April 6, J 990
. -
I "
1. Footings sh.9!1ld.,bcar in 'ehh~r. f\f!n., bedr,ockor ~oI11Pi:'c;te~1 .soils placed :IS
, . - " ,'". '" ,
I s;)cC;ificd clscwhcrcifl",this r~p~rl. 1J!l1 ill1l in both. Footing dcpths :wd
., reinforcem.cnt for. footings.. beadng.. in. soil should.. bc. in accordance with
I ~ . ......', '. ".' .." ,-, . .' - .' ,",- ""-" .... .,.' .
Ta,II!!1} :for Jhc ,approPr:,~\~ ~xp~nsj~n.ciltcgory. OLPC,. th,c r~quirements of
I ., "tl1c..5tructural engineer, Footings bearing in rock should penetrate the rock a i
'.., ..,',". . - ,
minimu.m of. 6. inc"'e~. Yfith imil\il)lUI1} overall depths .per the V.D.C.
. .;.... L. ,,_. " ',..'. ',' . ; . . .
I Reinforcernel1t shouldcolisist of .#4 bars top and bottom. The minimum size
,. .... .' . . '-:, '~'I" f~',; " ". ' '. '. ' .:. '" '. ' .
of ~p'C;3d footings sljqu!4hc 24 inches square. Reinforcement for spread
I footings should be io ~~~9r~lIr,~c .with tllC requirements of the structural
I engineer.
2. Maximum allowable ~~lIrjl1g ~afaeities for dead and sustained live loads are
I as follows:
l'yIi\xi\1lum Allowable
I Material Tvoc Dearin!! Cnoncitv (os I}
.1 _',
Soil 1400
Bedrock " ~500
3. Bearing car>acit.ics II!fIY b~ i!lCfeas-;d by one-third when willd and seismic
I components arc included.
4. Foundation excavations s!wu)q be observed by a representative of this rirm
, ",- ,
I during excavations and pr,i9r t\lp!acement .of reinforcing stcel or concretc.
,. ,- .... . -.'
B. SIll bs-on-G.I:iI.1k
I I. Con<;rete shlbs-on-grud<;~~911)!' be ~1If.!portcd by either firm bedro.;k Or
I compactcd soils phiced')1I ~c~or~tlnce with the app!ie:.blc sectiolls of this
report. .....
PC-6584-WOl .. OOO'-026.RPT
I . '-
. . f~ i
. .
(~rn" 19", ''';h. Orn.d, i'
t', '
.' ' '
23 April 6, 1990 I
2. Slabs should have a minimum thickness <of 4 fuU .inches and should be .~.
reinforced' in accordance with' Table 3 for the appropriate expansion :~
ell tegory. :1
Slabs and, foo.tings s/Jould:be doweled together with:.rebar extending to 11.'
3. '~
3 inches from th,c: bottom ,of the.footing and a'minimum of IS.inches into the '~
slab. ", ..... I~
j-, ;,~;
"..- .. ,. If:
4. Slabs should be underlaid, :by a, minimum of 4 inches of ili.a.n. sand. Clean J
. ,: ~ ~.
sand is defined as a saud pf which le~s than 3 perc.ent passes the #200 sieve. .!,:.
S. A vapor barrier placed at t~e midsection of the sand is recommended to
, ., " "
protect floor coverings from inf!1trulion of subsurface moisturc. Care should
be taken to properly lap alia ~eal the barrier, particularly around utilities,
and to protect it from dam~l\.c a~ much as possible during construction.
6. Six inches of !<1aIl. gravel ca.pillary break material can .be sub~tituted for the
sand "and vapor barrier~ Capillary break: material should fulfill the fOllowing
Sieve ~ize Percent Passinn
I" 100
#16 0-20
#200 0-3
7. To minimize shrinkaS\i cf*~~~ j~ ,~~ concrete, contraction joints can be
installed if' desired. Joint ~l'l\ci"g should be specified by the project
,architect or structural enginej:r.
. - !' "'--'1
: '.' j.
PC-8564-WOl 0004-028.11 PT
I Ct" 1997, Ro.," O,..d,
. 24 April 6. 1990
I 0 To protect exterior flat\Vork such as patios or walkways froin expansive soil
damage, it'is recommended that they be underlaid with minimum of
I) 8 inches of nonexpansive mat~rjal.
9. Please note that these arc minimum requirements only and that additional
I :. '!,'
slab thickness and reinforcement. m\lY be required by the structural engineer.
I C. Frictional and Lateral Coeffi~
.. . . .
1. Resistance to lateral loading maY' be prQvided by friction acting on the base
I'" ,,"-'
II of founda tions. A coeffjciyn\ ,?f friction as shown may be applied to dead
load forces.
I 2. Passive resistance,' a~tive Pressure. and coefficien t of friction for
II foundations in soils and ror,:/t arc 3S follows:
. . , '
Material Passive Active Coefficient
I hw:. Resistan~9.~ Pressure (oef) (I f F r i ili.I2.D.
. ,'"
. Soil." .300,.. . '.45 .35
. Bedrock 40.0 35 .50
3. A one-third increase in Ihe passive value may be used. when considering
I transient loading such as wind and seis/llicity.
. "'.
D. Ex.nnnsiQ.D.
I. 1. If, following grading, el'pansixe soils arc present in slab areas. it will be
I necessary. to use a fC;>rInor ~I\lb pr\>tection. If it is elected to premoisten
subslab soils .insteadof ysipg nOl1expansive import, premoistening should
. . "'.':' I
I conform to the recomll\~r4\1li9ns of Table 3 for the appropriate expansion
" ....". .:.\ :;..,.:....:.. ...:;o....i...t,'f;:i !:', . I '. .
calegory.Plea~e ~ot~ ~~~! F,~p,p~iY7 s\>iI, protection is not necessary if slabs
I .' :,., -,;.. . " . :.. . . ,~: ,.'. :"'1 (;1, .:. .. . '.
will.be. d~rectly overlYi~1! ~rfi~:!\Ir1Jed rock.
. ' ..
PC-6S84-WOl .~ " . ., , 1IOO4-028.RPT
- .. . .~.
, ..
I Q .
I April 6, 1990
~ Tracl 1997, Rancho Grande 25
I 2. If expansive soils arc present within the footing depths, the b,ottoms of the
... '. . ."
footi.1~I!..e'x.eavations should be premoistened in accordance with the
I .t. ,recommendations for the appropriate <;atFgory of Table 3.
3. ~~cmoisteninl! of slab and footing a,reas ,should be o,1>served and tested by a
I rCPresenti'tive of. this firm for compliance with these rccommend.ationsprior
I to placement of sand, reinforcing stecl, or concrcte.
The recommendations presenled in Table 3 arc minimums and should satisfy the
I requirements of must conventional and government financing institutions and comply wilh
normally acccpted geotechnical practices. FHA, HUD, or structural requirements may be
I more stringent.
I E. . Settlement Considerations
1. Maximum expected sett!ement uf less than 1/2 inch is anticipated for
I foundations and floor slabs designei;! as recommcnded.
, i . I
2. Differential settlement between ac;lja'cent load' bearing members should be
I less than 1/4 inch. ..
3. The majority of settlement should occur during construction.
I . ~ .
Post-construction settlement should be minimal.
, ,
I F. RetaininR Walls
Sitework retaining walls may be founded either in soil or in rock. However,
"', I,
I if the foundation of the. wall. w,ill srqn both soil and I'ock, use of a construction
I joint is recommended at the: transitjpn of soil to rock to minimize damage due to
, , I' .
differential settlement. . For walls founc;l!ed' .in soil, extend the' foundations or
I keyways a minimum depth of ] ~ inches below lowest adjacent grade. Foundations
I ..
PC-85M-W01 ~-026.RPT
__L-O'_"'______. __L ;. '4'" ------ --------.---
I '
I ~ ' " .. ~',
I ~ract'1997, Ran~h~ Grande 26 April 6,1990,
I for walls founded in rock' slUJuld penetrate the rock a, minimum depth of L.
12 inches, sign of retaining w~lls should be based on the following parameters:
.. I ,
I Active pressure, native backfill. . .'; . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. 45 pcf
At. rest pres~,!re,l,a!ive backfill..... .............. .'........ 60 pcf.
Active pressure, granular backfill.. .. ... , .. . , ... . . . .. , . . .. 35 pef
I Atr~~t pressure,gr~nular,.backfill..' ..... . . ~. '.' . .. . .. .. . .. '.' 50pcf '
Passl ve pressure, soli. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ., 300 pcf
Pllssive pressure, rock.......................... .'.'..........400 pcf,
I Maximum to, epressure, soil..... .." ,..: .,........... .,..:..2000 psf
Maximum toe. pressure, rock, '.' . . . . . ,. . . , ',' . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000 psf
Coefficient of sliding friction, soil. . . . . : . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . .. ' 0:35' .
Coefficient of, sliding friction, rock. . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . .. . . . ., 0.50
I · Granu;ar backfill should beuseq above a 1:1 plane from the base of the wall
to ihiyJight: . . . . .
I Notes:
1) The above values arc applicable for walls retaining a horizontal surface.
I Walls having a backfill th;1t slopes upward away from the wall should be
designed for an additional equivalent fluid pressure for Ihe active case of I
pcf and 1.5 pef for the at-rest case, for every 2 degrees of slope inclination.
I 2) No other surcharges, arc takc;n into 90nsideration in the above values. No
factor of safety. has been ilicorporated into the active and at rest equivalent
fluid pressures presented I\boye.
I 3) It is assumed that ;~a'l h.eil\hts will not exceed 10 feet.
, .
I All retaining walls shou,~ be draine~ with perforated pipe encased in a free
drainfng blanket of gravel. 1;'lle pi!>.c shQuld be placed perforations downward and
I shall discharge in a noner9sive'manner away' from foundations and other
I improvements. The grav!:1 blank~~ sliou,l~ ~a\'c a width of approximately I foot and
shall extend upward approximately. 18 inches. To prevent infiltration of the native
I SOil. into th,e gravel,. a. permeable sY!1thelic filter fabric should be placed between the
two. Manufactured synthetic drains such as Miradrain, Enkadrain, or the Eljen
I Drainage System are acceptable. alternatives to the use of gravel. Walls facing
I .~
PG-666(-WOl . 1IOC)(-026.RPT
I i
I C ,
I -
~ Tract 1997, Rancho Grande 27 April 6, 1990
I habitable ,areas should be thoroughly waterproofed in accordance with the
.rccommendations' of the architcct.
I 11.9 Cl.~gURE .~t~
Thi;s,r.eport i~ valid for conditions as they exist at. this time for the type
I nt described herein. The investigation waS performed in a manner consis :~.
I care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession
,. .
practicing in the loc ity of this project under similar conditions. ..
I warranty. or guarantee, el er expressed or implied, is made. .:'
I ."
not addressed in this report arc incor y of the assumptions stated .
I ' ill .this report arc not correct, this firm sha
I be used in its entirety, with no
individual sections reproduced or used ay be made only by Pacific
I '.
Geoscience, Inc., the' client, and s authorized agents for use ex usively on the subject
project. Any other use is ject to feder~1 c\lpyright laws and the
I Thank yo for this opportunity to havc been of service.
or if discu Ion or" alternate concepts is desired, please feel free to contact this office a
PC .6564- WOl UOO4-D26.RPT
-------- -..,--.'.-.
September 6, 1966 -6- Job No. 64-0530-SL 1
II 88-9-418
II iI liquefaction is the loss of soil strength during a significant seismic
eve . It occurs primarily in loose, fine to medium grained, granul
mate 1 occurring below the groundwater. liquefaction occurs d ng
II rearrang ent of the soil particles into a denser condition, resul ng in
localized a as of settlement. Due to favorable groundwater cond' ons and
a predomlnan bedrock s1te, the potential for liquefaction 1 conSidered
II very low.
II Shallow cracking of e ground at the site~ due to s ing from seismic
events, is not conside d a significant hazard an would have a minor
impact on the proposed de opment.
II EVllluat10n of subsurface site chllrac{ Ics Indlcllte sol1s consist of sandy
sills overlying bedrock. The bedroc comprised of the Pismo and Paso
Robles Formations. Bedrock was neral encountered at depths varying
II from two to six (2-6) feet belo xisting gra . Typically, two to three (2-
3) feet of severely weathers bedrock was en untered in the exploratory
II borings. Generally, the tl: sition from weathe bedrock: to bedrock: Is
gradational. ,
II A. Sol1s were ound to be rellltlvely firm thr'ou out the depths
investiga (I, Penetration resistance was general! greater than
) blows per twelve (12) inches of sampler pe tration. In
II bed formations, blow counts often exceeded one hundre 100) for
t ve (12) inches of sllmpler penetration.
, B. he expansion characteristics of the materials encountered was
low' in accordance with Table 29-A in Appendix B of this report.
Free ground wllter WIIS not encountered In IIny of the borings.
II Bas8d on the results of this evaluation, it is our opinion thllt the site is
suitable for the intended development. Appendix C, 'Standard Grading
III Specificlltions', contllins specific suggestions for removal and disposal of
deleterious substances, and, liS such, forms II Pllrt of these Site
Development IInd Grlldlng Recommendlltions.
----- --------- _________________m
September 6, 1966 ',..9- Job No. 64-0530-SL I
I 66-9-416
, ,
I , ,
, .- J
.. i
.. Maximum Estimated . Repeatable
Distance From Probable Peak Bedrock High Ground
Faults Site lMi1esl MagnjtudQ Acceleration 1 Acce I erett on2
II SIIn Andreas 36 N.E. 7.4 .16g .10g
Rlncon!u1o II N. 7.3 .4lg .27g
Hosgn 16W. 7.1 .26g .16g
.. Edna 2.5N.W. 5.5 .39g .. .25g
II ;
i~t"~'" - ! I
1- Seed and Idriss (1982) "
II 2. Ploessel & Slosson (1974)
',' '1'; \ ......,.
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I :
September 6, 1966 -10- Job No. 64-0530-SL I
II 88-9-418
A. Site Grading .,,'
II 1. It Is onticlpoted thot the property will be developed through
normal grading procedures using cut and fill methods.
II 2. Over much of the site, soils are a thin mantle over a severly
weathered bedrock. The rippability of the bedrock units will
vory, os some of these materials will present difficulty ripping
. within several feet of the surfoce In oreas of sholl ow bedrock.
.. 3. Prior to mass grading operations, loose alluvium in drainage
channels should be removed. Depth and extent of removals should
II be determined in the field during groding. Subdroins should be
instolled as required to control subsurface woters.
II 4. Prior to placing fill, orgonics, debris, ony non-complying fill,
topsail and weathered bedrock should be removed to firm
competent bedrock. The sol1 engineer or his representative
.11 should observe the excavated areo before placement of fill.
. 5. Areas to receive fill should be scarified, moisture conditioned
end cQmpccted.
II 6. In most areos where finished grode Is entirely in cut, no
recompoction should be necessary.
II 7. Cut portions of cut/fil1 transition lots ShO.Uld be overexcovoted
to 0 depth of one foot. below the foundation bottoms ond. :
recompacted back to grade. This w111 help mitigate dlfferent101
.. settlement'and provide a more uniform bearing layer.
. 6. Excavated salls which have been cleansed of. debris and/or
organics maybe used for structural fill when placed in thin,
.. mech~nicony compacted layers on previously tested subgrade.
, 9. Import soils necessary to raise site grades should be equol to, or
better thon on-site soils in strength, exponsion ond
II compressibility chorocteristtcs. Import should be submitted for
. testing ond review. by the soli engineer prior to placement on the
II project. .'.mport w11l not be preQuollfled by the 5011 engineer.
. Acceptance of any import wil1 be given after the material is on
the project, either in-plClce or in stockpiles of adequate quantity
II to complete the project.
-- ,;.
September 6, 1988 -11- JOb No. B4-0530-SL I
.. 88-9-416
B. SHe DeveloDmer\t - General'
II I. FII1 and backfil! should be compacted to a minimum of ninety
(90) percent of the maximum dry density obtainable by the ASTM
II D 1557 test method. Appendix C, .Standard Grading
Specifications., and Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code
contain specific considerations for grading and form a port of
II this report.
2. A shrinkage factor due to compaction is expected at about I:} to
II 10 percent of the affected soils. Shrinkage and/or expandion of
bedrock materials is expected to be nominal. Loss due to
removal of non-complying fil!, grubbing and recompactlon
II operations may affect quantity calculations and should be lIIleen
into account. This estimate is based on an average relative
compaction of ninety-four percent (94%) of maxImum dry density
II at the completion of gradIng and is dependent on contractor
methods and final compaction attained.
3. Final site grade should be such that 011 water is diverted away
II from the structures and slopes, and Is not aJJowed to pond on or
near foundation areas or areas to be paved.
II 4. We recommend Buena Engineers, Inc., be ratained to provide
continuous soil engineering services during site development,
grading and foundation construction phases of the wort< to
II observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications and
recommendations, and to aJJow design changes in the event that
subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the
II start of construction. Plans and specifications should be
provided to Bueno Enginears, Inc., prior to grading. Plans should
... include the grading plans, foundations plans, and foundation
details. If possible, structural loads should be shown on
foundation plans.
.111 ; " .', '. ..~. ;, . ':.
C. !JtlJlty Trenches "", ", t ~ ;.", ; f.:. .~: ;. .. f , ".'i
, , >',,;..
1- It is anticipated that utility trenches wm be constructed
III throughout the site to service various utiliUes. TypicaJJy, mains
wm be located within rood right-of-way and laterals wm
II extend from main to building connections.
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--,.... "- _.
September 6, 1988 -12- Job No. B4-0530-SL I
2. Backfill of utilities within road right-of-way should be placed in
strict conformance with the requirements of the governing
agency (Water District, Road Department, Sanitation District,
3. Utility trench backfill within private property should be
governed by the provisions of this report relatIng to minimum
compaction standards. In general, servIce lines inside of the
property lines may be backfilled with native soils compacted to
ninety (90) percent of maximum dry density.
4. Trenching may be difficult in many areas due to the shallowness
of the bedrock units and "cap rock".
S. Backfill operations should be observed and tested by the sol1
engineer to monitor compliance with these recommendations.
..; :',:",.:', '~~;>i:':'~ ~ 1'.t;!-iU~:Ii.'::::',:, '\it:J~ (",,~ ',:.,\.\1',-' . h
Based upon the results of this evaluation, it is our opinion that structure
foundations may be supported by either compacted soils or firm native soils
and that slabs-an-grade should bear on either compacted 1001110 or firm
native soils, but not on both. Due to the variable expansive nature of the on-
site soils, reinforcement for both footings and slabs-on-grade will be
contingent upon results of expansion Index tests which should be conducted
on 0 lot by lot bosls as rough grading is completed.
A. ~..
Conventional continuous an~ spread footings may be used for support
of the buildings. Footings should bear Into firm native soils or
compacted 50115 placed as specified elsewhere in this report.
Continuous and square pad footings should be founded a minimum of
twelve (t 2) Inches below finIsh grade or to depths necessltoted by
exponslye sOil conditions. Allowoble valUes for dead and sustaIned
live loads for twelve (12) Inches deep, twelve (12) inches wide
continuous footings and 2 x 2 foot x 16 inch deep pad footings are by
soil type:
,.' . i :.ir (';1,;~}.:-r;'-"H,:~1.~t:;};'.' r".! oj>. \,,'~~;h/:'<t ;> '"
., '.- . I,; ""f' 'i"i.--) "";f.rAlIowable Bear1ngPressure (pst)
." \'''Ir'to\d, ,. \ i.'" ':1 !..,J I",', '"
Continuous Pad
~WI. ~ Footings
AI 1500 1800
Bedrock 2500 2500-3500
. .
. ..... J....'.. '..
. .
September 6, 1966 -13.,- Job No. B4-0530-SL 1
I 66-9-416
I Bearing pressures may be increased as indicated in the following table:
,Allowable Bearing Pressure Increase (pst)
I ' Per 6. Increase Per I foot Increase
~~ In DeDth In Width
AI 125 100
I Bedrock 250 200
I Bearing values may be increased one-third when wind and seismic force
components are included.
B. Slabs-on-Grade .. , "
I ' . ;.
I. Concrete slllbs should be supported by firm nlltlve soli or
compacted solis placed In accordance with applicable sections of
I thIs report.
2. ReInforcement is contingent upon the results of expansion index
detennlnation for soils supporting the slabs. These
I detenninations should be mllde on II lot by lot bllsis.
3. Wa recommend pari meter slllbs (walks, patios, etc.) ba designed
II relatively independent of footing stems (i.e., free f1Ollting) so t
foundation adjustment wi1l be less likely to clluse crllcking.
.. 4. Slabs that are to receIve carpettng or other floor covertng should
II be provIded wIth moIsture protectIon such as II 6 mil vlsQueen
membrane and four (4) inches of rock or coarse sand (minimum
SE of 75).
II ""_'. ", ,,' ,..:,i:,J~. . I
C. EXDllnsion""" -,,.' .1. ,", ',. . " .' ','i , "::l'jii:I'''::.
~t . ;"-:':.-' ,"I,j',t ,I' ~i' '" ,~..t,~. .,~
1. DesIgn of structure foundlltions IInd slllbs mllY be contingent on
II Import soli used for fill. It Is importllnt to qUlllify IIny Import
source liS to Its expansIve Quality and detennlne the economic
II value assocIated wIth Its use.
2. It is expected that Import along with the on-site soils will have
expansive classifications of .very low. (EI of 0 to 20) to .10'1'1'.
.. (EI of 21 to 50). Soils should be tested during grading on II lot by
lot bllsis for determination of expansion properties of bearing
- solis. Minimum design criterill for these rllnges are as follows.
II .0.
II :'" ,:'!' . ,"'."
September 6, 1988 -14- Job No. B4-0S30-SL 1
.. 66-9-416
.. 3. Expansion Index O. to 20.
o. Footings twelve (12) inches below grode for single story ond
eighteen (16) inches below grode for two story.
.. b. Although reinforcement is not required per TobIe 29-A, we
recommend 0 minimum reinforcement of 1 '4 rebor top ond
.. c. Concrete slobs-on-grade should be reinforced with 0
minimum of 6" x 6" - 10/10 welded wire fabric placed at
.. mid-depth.
d. Soils should be moistened prior to plocing concrete.
4. Exponsion Index 21 to 50.
II o. Footings fifteen (IS) inches below grode for single story
ond eighteen (18) inches below grade for two story.
b. Footing reinforcement of two '4 bars, 1 top and 1 bottom.
II c. Concrete slab-on-grade reinforced with at least 6" x 6" -
10/10 welded wire fabric or '3 bars at thirty-six (36)
II inches on center both ways.
d. Presaturotion to 120:&, optimum moisture; twenty-one (21)
inches below adjacent grade.
II 'The above recommendatitlns ore: mi ni mum and shoul d satisfy t
requirements of most conventional and government financing
II institutions and comply with normally accepted geotechnical practIces.
FHA, HUD or structural requirements may be more stringent.
II D. Frictional and Laterol'Coe(.ti!;ients .' . i
1. Frictionol and laterol coefficient ore provided below by soil type.
II 2. Resistance to loterol looding moy be provided by friction octing
on the base of foundations. The coefficient of friction may be
applied to dead load forces.
II .3. PassIve resIstance acting on the sides of foundation stems,
(equivalent fluid weight) may be included for resistance to
lateral load; however, when used in conjunction with friction,
III the coefficient of friction should be reduced one-third for
application to deod load forces.
I' ,
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September 6, 1966 II
-15- Job No. B4-0530-SL I !!
I 66-9-416 ,
4. Conventional cantilever retaining walls backfilled with native il
I soil moy be designed for octive pressures of on equivolent fluid
weight for well-droined, level bockfill os given below.
I 5. Coefficients ore:
PassIve '. . ActIve At-Rest !I
I 5011 Friction Pressure Pressure Pressure ;i
IYrm Coeffietmt. !1K(1 !1K(1 !Dcfl
AI 0.46 325 39 52
I Bedrock 0.65 450 30 45
E. Settlement Considerottons
I 1. Once grading plans have been submitted to our office showing
antlclpoted cut and f111s, settlement colculotlons con be mode,
I as necessary.
2. We anticipate the majority of settlement should occur during
construction. Post-construction settlement should be minimal.
I '. ! ~ :, SLOPES'"."." ,;,. ! l
. \
~ ~ ~ \ : ,:~ " ,. (,:t :,r'" ~:.'.~',,:',:-;-!:':,:';::~~)~.r;'!\I.~.':1:~~O i' '" .. ..... I !
", '
I Both cut and fi11 slopes hove been analyzed for the soils on the site. t
A. Cut 51 ODes .: ., ,~, ., ,',: ~i;~, .' ~ ',. ,. " : " '
I t-, '.:', , ...., ,
It Is anticipated that cut slopes will be of moderate height. Specific
analysis cannot be mode until grading plans ore developed. However,
~ cut slope stability was analyzed using stability charts and shear
strength parameters from direct shaar tests on relatively undisturbed I
samples. In general, cut slopes wi11 be stable in the range of heights of
I thirty (30) feet without additional terraining.
I Due to the potentlol for odverse beddIng ond other reloted problems, cut
slopes should not be steeper than 1-1/2: 1. Cut slopes should be
observed by 0 certified engineering geologist to check for adverse
I exposure or other geologic features of significonce.
." ;; ~ '- ,
- i
I O;!
__ ___"_'_~.'_W __________
I "
September 6, 1988 -16- Job No. 64-0S30-SL 1
I 86-9-418
B. Recompocted soils disp10yed good cohesion which will be odvontogeous "
I in designing fill slopes. Fill slopes were onolyzed for stoUc conditions
using Singhs chorts bosed on Jonbu solution ond strength porometers
I from remolded soil somples. In generol, fill slopes constructed at 1-
1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical will be safe to heights of 15 feet and
more, and slopes constructed at 2 horIzontal to 1 vertIcal will be safe
I to heIghts of 24 feet and more.
Allowoble Fill Slope HeIghts (feet) ,
I A.t' ,'. B!!dro'c~' ~
. Soil: ,
I 1'5 ., I
1-1/2: 1 51 opes 30* I
2:1 Slopes 30" , 30*. ,
I "
*WiIl require observation by a certified engineering geologist to verify
thot odverse jointing or other geologic hozords do not exist.
I We anticipate fill slopas will be constructed with a combination of I
soils and therefore the lower or intermediate allowable slope heights
I would likely govern.
. ",' ': . ", . ': . , ,," . " ',.: '".' ~"'.'" : (. , ". . '. :.; ;., ': '., , , .
I .,,-, .ADDITIONAL.SER....ICES "....
. '~.f ,
report is based on the assumption that an adequate progra
I monito nd testing will be performed by Buena EngIneers, Inc uring
construction to k compliance with the recommendations . en in this
report. The recomme tests and observations inc , but are not
I necessarily limited to the folio .
.,' ',' I'.i';' ':t~r~1 ,~";:;! !".,.\;'," ,r:.,
1. RevIew 'of the bulldlng'end'gralll urtng the desIgn phase
I of the project.
2. Observation and testi during site preparation, .~
I placement of engl d fill.
3. Consultation equired during construction.
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.. C
III ~ 3
~ Rancho Grande North October II, 1989
.. An expansion index test was performed i!1 qccQrdancc with UBC Standard 29-2, a i:I
II the soil's maximum dens.ity - optimum moistjlre was determined in accordan
. E. pavement sections, an R-value test w. in
, . .
.. accordance wit California Test Method 301.
F. presentations Qf the test results arc
The surficial soils at the bodn ocations were d ermined to be clayey sands, silty
II sands, and sandy clays overlying bedrock. as sandstone and
II siltstone containing varying amounts of diatoma
A. The depth to bedrock was determi 6 feet at the boring
II located near the southeast corne of the site (Boring 6). edrock was encountered at
depths of I to 3 fee.t a t the
II B. An expansion index t t was performed on a s.oil
resulting in an e This places the soH in
I expansion cat ory, as defined by Table I (Appendix B); however, more ex
II peeted to be present on other portiQns of the site.
C. lis were in a dry to moist conditiQn at the time of drilling. Free groundwater
II as not encountered in any of the bQrings.
II Based on an analysis of tlte data ol>tained from the field and laboratory
II investigation, the site is considered 111 be' suitable for the intended development. The
PC-&7S9-WOl 8910-0SO.SER
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I C ~ "'.,bo O".d, N.,,.
I 4 October II, 1989
I primary concerns at the. site arc the potential for differential settlement and expansive soil
cond i tions.
I A. Site Develooment - Duildin2 A~eas
I. It is anticipated that the propcrt.y will be developed through normal grading
I procedures using. cut. ,md fillmcthQds.
2. Over much of the site, soils arc t~inly mantled over bedrock. Hea vy
equipment may be required to rip the bedrock in deeper cuts.
I 3. Prior to mass grading opcratipns, IQose alluvium in drainage channels should
be removed, and subtlrains should be installed as required to control
I ,
subsurface water. The d~Pth alJd extent of removals as well as the type and
location of subdrains should be determined in the field during grading.
I 4. Prior to placing fill, organics, debris and any undocumented fill should be
I removed. A representative of this firm should observe the excavated area
before placement of fill.
I 5. Areas to receive fill should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and
compacted, except in canyon areas as discussed above.
. ,- '.,
I 6. Cut portions of cut/fill transition lots should be overexeavated to a depth of
I 2 feet below the planne? foundatip" bottoms. The resulting surface should
be scarified 12 inches, moisture conditioned, and recompacted back to grade.
I This will help mitigate differential settlement and provide a more uniform
bearing layer.
I 7. Excavated soils which have been cleared of debris and/or organics may be
I used for structural fill when placed in thin, mechanically compacted layers
on previously tested subgrade,
I 8010-0SO.SER
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I " R..'ho Grn"" N""
I 5 October II, 1989
I 8. Slopes exceeding 10 percent should be benched priQr to fill placement. If fill
is to be placed on slopes exceeding 20 percent, the toe of the fill should be
I keyed. The minimum depth of the keyway should be 2 feet; the minimum
width should be8 feet. The bottoms of keyways and benches should be
I scarified 12 inches, mois!ure conditioned, and recompactcd prior to
placcment of fill.
I 9. Import soils neccssary to raise site grades! ~hould be equal to, or better than
I on-site soils in strength,' ~I\~ansion, and compressibility characteristics.
Material to be imported should be observed by a representative of the soils
I ,
engineer and tested as required prior to placement on the project. Final
acceptance of any import will be given after the material is on the projeet,
I . either in-place or in stockpiles pf ac!equate quantity to complete the project.
I 10. To protect slabs from exp~nsiv~ s.oi! damage, the use of noncxpansivc import
or presaturation of supslab soils i!) ~reas where slabs wi.l1 overlie expansive
~ ' ,
I soils is recommended. If it is elected to use nonexpansive import, the
thickness of nonexpansive material should be determined based upon the
I results of expansion index testi!)g. The import should be placed in lifts not
I exceeding 12 inches anc! cOlI)pqct~d to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum
, dry density until finished grilc!e is reached.
I B. Site Develooment . General
1. Fill and backfill should be <;ompac;ted to a minimum of 90 percent of
I maximum dry density obtain\lb\e bY' the ASTM D 1557 test method..
Appendix C - Standard Grading Specifications, and Chapter 70 of the
I 8010-030.SER
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I o .
I - 6 October II, 1989
~ Rancho Grande North
I Uniform Building Code contain specific considerations for grading and form
a part of this report.
I 2. A shrinkage factor due to compaction is expected to be approximately 5
percent of the affected soils. Shrinkage and/or expansion of bedrock
I materials is expected to be nominal. Loss due to grubbing and recompaction
opera tions may affect quantity ealculations and should be taken into
account. This estimate is based on an average relative compaction of 94
I percent of maximum density. at the completion of grading and is dependent
on contractor methods al\d the f\n\ll compaction ~ttained.
I 3. Final site grade shou1(\ be suell tha~ all water is diverted away from the
structures and slopes, an!! not allowed to pond on or near paved surfaces.
I , It is recommended that the spils engineer be) retained to provide testing and
I inspection services durin!; \~j: gra~ing, excavation, and foundation phases of
the work: This is to ob~er~e cpm(:\lial1ce with the project specifications and
I the recommenda tiolls of this report, and to provide additional
recommel1dations in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those
I anticipated.
C. Utili tv Trenches
Rock is very shallow in some areas and will be encountered during trenching. The
I upper horizons of the rock arq ill aV(c(fthered condition, and it is expected that
excavation can generally be accomplished using backhoes. The rock becomes
I increasingly dense with depth, and heavier equipment may be necessary for deep
I 8910-0S0.SER
i. ___._.m_____.._ ______________.___,.
I t~..,ho G...d, NO'''
I '] October II, 1989
I I. Where. necessary, and. for all trench. depths below. 5 feet, provide either
adequate shoring .or slope the sidewalls to meet the applicable State and
I Federal safety regulations.
2. Backfill of utilities ,within road rights-of-way should be placed in strict
I conformance with the requirements of the governing agency (Water District,
I Road Department, Sanitation Distrjc;t, etc.).
3. Use of a select, granular, e;lsily cOl\}pacted. material is recommended for
I trench backfill immediately aroupd utilities. While the material found at the
site may be used for trencl. backfill above the select material, obtaining
I adequate compaction Jtlay be t:lifficqlt due to the clay content. If this is the
case, importation of it cleaner, morc easily compactible sand may be'
I . necessary.
Foundations and slabs-on-grade may be supported by cither compacted soils or firm
I bedrock. Due to the anticipated variilble eJtPansive nature of the on-site soils,
reinforcement for both footings anI! slabs-on.grade will be contingent upon results of
I ,
expansion index tests which should be cOI\t:luctel! on a lot-by-lot basis as rough grading is
I completed.
A. Foundations
I Conventional continuous footin!js npp ~prend (pad) footings may be used for support
of the buildings. Spread footings IJearing in soils should be restrained with grade
I ben h\s.
\. Footings should bear in citlWr. finn bedrock or compacted soils placed as
specified elsewhere in this rpport, but JI.Ql in both. Footing depths and
I .
PG-6730-WOl 8010-030.SER
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I C'-..,.. G".d, N.",
I 8 October II, 1989
I reinforcement should' be in accordance with Table I for the appropriate
expansion category, or per the requirements of the structural engineer. The
I minimum size of spread footings should be 24 inches square. Reinforcement
for 'spread footings should be ill accordance with the requirements of the
I structural engineer. i
2. Allowable values for dead and sustained live loads for 12 inch deep, !
I j
12 inch wide continuous footings and 24 inch squ:lre by 18 inch deep p:ld
I footings arc by soil type.
I . Material Tvoe Allow:lble Pressure (osn
Soil 1400
Bedrock 2500
I If required, additional foundation pressurcs may be provided for incre:lsed
I footing depths and widths.
3. Bearing values may be increased by one-third whcn wind :lnd seismic force
! components are include\!.
4. Foundation excavatiol\s should lie observed by a represent:ltive of this firm
I during excavations .and prior to placement of reinforcing steel or concrete.
I B. Sla bs-on-Grnde
I. Concrete slabs-on-grade shojlld l1e sUPPDrted by either firm bedrock or
I compacted soils placed in accordance with the applicable sections of this I
2. Slabs should have a minimum thickness of 4 full inches :lnd should be i
. , ,
reinforced in accordance with Table I for the appropriate expansion I
I !
PG-57S9-WOl 891G-OSO.SER I
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I ORm,o On'" No'"
I 9 October 1J, 1989
I 3. Slabs and footings should be doweled together with rebar extending to 3
inches from the bottom pf the footing and a minimum of 3 feet into the slab.
I 4. Slabs should be underlain by a minimum of 4 inches of ~ sand. Clean
I sand is defined as a sand of which less than 3 percent passes the #200 sieve.
S. A vapor barrier placed at the midsection of the sand is recommended to
I protect floor coverings from infiltration of subsurface moisture. Care should.
be taken to properly'lap ant! seal tile barrier, particularly arountl utilities,
I and to protect it from tIamage as much as possible during construction.
6. If preferred, 6 inches of ~ gravel capillary break material can be
I substituted for the santi and vapor barrier. Capillary break material shoultl
I fulfill the following criteria:
II Sieve Size Percent Passina
#16 0-20
I #200 0-3
7. To minimize shrinkage cracks in the concrete, contraction joints can be
I installed if desired. Joint spacing should be specified by the project
architect or structural engineer.
I 8. \ To protect exterior flatwqr}c ~uclJ as patios or walkways from expansive soil
I tIamage, it is recommended tha t they be underlain with a minimum of
8 inches of nonexpansive material.
I 9. Please note that these are minimum requirements only and that atlditional
slab thickness ant! reinforcement may be required by the structural engineer. i
PG-i7S0-WOl 801o..0s0.SER
. (~"'ohO G".d, N.",
I 10 October II, 1989
II C. Frictional and Lateral Coefficients
I J. Resistance to lateral loading may be provided by friction acting on the base
of foundations. A coefficicnt of friction as shown may bc applicd to dead
I load forces.
I 2. Passive resistance, active pressure, and coefficient of friction for
foundations in soils and rock are as follows:
I Material Passive Active Coefficient
~ Resistance (ocf) . Pressure (ocn of Friction
I ,
Soil 300 45 .35
Bedrock 400 38 .50
I 3. A one-third increase in the passive value may be used when considering
transient loading such as wind and s~ismicity.
I 4. Passive resistance of soils against grade beams combined with frictional
I resistance between the floor slabs and supporting soils may be utilized
provided that a one-third reduction is the coefficient of friction is used.
I D. Exoansion
J. Design of foundations and slabs may be contingent on imported soils used
I "
for fill. It is important to qualify any import material as to its expansive
I 2. If. following grading, expansive soils a.re present in slab areas, it will be
I necessary to uSe a form of slab protection. If it is elected to premoisten
subslab soils instead of usi!lg ,",onexpansive import, premoistening should
I conform to the recommendations of Table I for the appropriate expansion
PC -6750- WOl 8910-050.5ER
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. C~t",hO Grood, No"h ,
II II October II, 1989
I category. Please note that expansive soil protection is not necessary if slabs
will be directly overlying undisturbed rock.
I 3. If expansive soils are present within. the footing depths, the bottoms of the
footing excavations sh~uld be premoistened in accordance with the
I recommendations for the appropriate category of Table 1.
I 4. Premoistening of slab and footin!! areas should be observed and tested by a
representative of this firm for compliance with these recommendations prior
I to placement of sand, reinforcing steel, or concrete.
The recommendations presented in Tal;ll~ I are minimums and should satisfy the
I requirements of most conventional and gQvernment financing institutions and
comply with normally accepted geotechnical practices. FHA, BUD, or structural
requirements may be more stringent.
I E. Settlement Considerations
1. Maximum expected settlement of less than. 3/4 inch is anticipated for
I foundations and floor slabs designed as recommended.
2. Differential settlement between adjacent load bearing members should be
I less than 1/2 inch.
I 3. The majority of settlement should occur during construction.
Post-construction settlement should be minimal.
I F. Retaininl! Walls
Sitework retaining walls may be fO\lnded qither in soil or in rock. However, if the
I foundation of the wall will spall both soil and rock, use of a construction joint is
I recommended at the transition of soil to rock to minimize damage due to
differential settlement. For walls founded in soil, extend the foundations or
_'_~.'m_"_ -_...._--~
. C~"Oh' O",do N""
. 12 Octobcr II, 1989
. keyways a minimum depth of 18 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Foundations
for walls founded in rock should penetrate the rock a minimum depth of
. 12 inches.
The design of retaining walls should be based on the fOllowing parameters:
. Active pressure, native backfill. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 pef
At rest pressure, native backfill. ... .... .. . ..... ..... .. .. .. 60 pcf
. Active pressure, granular backfill.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 pcf
At rest pressure, granular backfill.. . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . 50 pcf
Passive pressure, soil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 pcf
II Passive pressure, rock. . . . . ........ . . . .. ..... . .. . . . . . ..... 400 pcf
Maximum toe pressure, soil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 psf
Maximum toe pressure. rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3500 psf
II Coefficient of sliding friction, soil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.35
Coefficient of sliding friction, rock. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.50
. Granular backfill should be used above a 1:1 plane from the base of the wall
II to daylight.
II I) The above values are applicable for walls retaining a horizontal surface.
Walls having a backfill that slopes upward away from the wall should be
designed for an additional equivalent fluid pressure for the active case of 1
II pcf and 1.5 pcf for the at-rest case, for every 2 degrees of slope inclination.
2) No other surcharges arc taken in\o consideration in the above values. No
II factor of safety has been incorporated into the active and at rest equivalent
fluid pressures presented above.
II 3) It is assumed that wall heights will not exceed 19 feet.
All retaining walls should be drained with perforated pipe encased in a free
II draining blanket of gravel. The pipe should be placed perforations downward and
shall discharge in a nonerosive manner away from foundations and other
II improvements. The gr.avel bla!\ket should have a width of approximately I foot and
II shall extend upward approximately 18 inches. To prevent infiltration of the native
soil into the gravel, a permeable synthetic filter fabric 'should be placed between the
. 8910-030.SER
~ () ...ob. "".d. N.".
IJ 13 October II, J989
I two. Manufactured synthetic drains such as Miradrain, Enkadrain, or the Eljen
Drainage System arc acceptable alternatives to the use of gravel. Walls facing
I habitable areas should be thoroughly waterproofed in accordance w.ith the
recommendadons of the archite.ct.
I . 11,0 Cl.OSURE
I will be necessary to develop a program of quality control prior
preconstruct ion conference betweeo a represeotative of this firm, the
I engioeer, de loper, and contractor is recommended to discuss plaoned
procedures aod qu ity control requirements. This firm should be notifie
I prior to beginning gra . g operations.
It must be recognize that the recommendations contai this report arc based
I on a limited the subsurface conditions
.11 encountered. Pacific Geoscience, In . hould therefor be retained to interpret this report
during construction and to provide constr onhoring services in the form of testing
II and observatioo. If Pacific Geoscience, Inc. . t retained to provide such services, it shall
not be held responsible for the information by others or any
I conseq uenees arising thereof.
, It is the responsibili manager to determine
what, if any, eertifieaf n shall be required and to contact this fir so tha t the inspection
I program may iscussed and key inspection items ou tlincd. above must be \\
rior to beginning earthwork.
I T IS report is valid for conditions as they exist at this time
I opment described herein. If changes with respect to building type or location be me
necessary, or if items not addressed in this report arc incorporated into plans, this firm
po-nSO-WOl 8010-030.SER