O 438 C.S. -- , - ORDINANCE NO. 438 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PD-REZONE NO. 90-221 AND A GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE PORTIONS OF THE PROPERTY PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED AS "UNPLANNED AREAS" IN THE "RANCHO GRANDE" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Ordinance 186 C.S. in 1978 which approved the Rancho Grande Planned Development; and WHEREAS, said Planned Development included approximately 163 acres which were denoted as "unplanned areas" and for which more detailed development plans were required; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Ordinance 302 C. S. in 1983 which approved a development agreement for the later phases of the Rancho Grande Planned Development, including the portion which is the subject of these applications; and WHEREAS, said development agreement limits the regulations, requirements and restrictions which may be placed on future phases of the Planned Development, including the portion which is the subject of the current applications, to those regulations, requirements and restrictions which were in effect at the time the agreement was adopted; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 186 C.S. designated the entire "unplanned areas" for 133 residential units; and WHEREAS, OTISE, Inc. has applied for a general development plan for aJJ the unplanned areas in accordance with Ordinance 186 C.S. and Ordinance 302 C.S. for this portion of the Rancho Grande Planned Development; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande have considered the PD rezone and general development plan in accordance with applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did conduct a duly noticed public hearing on subject applications on January 29, 1991, continued to March 5, March 18, March 27, and April 2, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did recommend approval of this PD-Rezone and General Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council did conduct a duly noticed public hearing on the subject applications on April 9, 1991, continued to April 23, 1991; and WHEREAS, the City Council did certify the EIR and did consider said EIR in their deliberations on this matter; and WHEREAS, said General Development Plan was referred to the Planning Commission, various City Departments and the Staff Advisory Committee for recommendation; and WHEREAS, based on the Planning Commission recommendation, staff analysis, oral and written testimony and the draft and final EIR, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the foJJowing circumstances exist: I. The proposed general development plan complies with the applicable provisions of 186 C.S. and 302 C. S. and with the applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance. 2. The applicable mitigations recommended by the EIR have been included as conditions of approval. '_J ORDINANCE No. 438 C.S. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGE 2 3. The proposed re-zoning is in conformance with the General Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the above statements constitute the findings of the City Council on this matter. Section 2. That the PO-Rezoning Case No. 90-221 and General Development Plan for the "unplanned areas" of the Rancho Grande Planned Development, is hereby approved and adopted, subject to the conditions and mitigations measures as set forth on Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Councilmember Dougall seconded by Councilmember Smith and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Dougall, Smith, Moots and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmember Olsen the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 30th day of April, 1991. \.. ~4-;J;~ M, . M",;, 'yw v ATTEST: ~ff1fta. ~~ Nancy A. is, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: L-- -- "Exhibit A" Conditions of Approval General Development Plan for the "Unplanned Areas" General Conditions 1. The development of the property shall be in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance 186 C.S. and all other City ordinances and policies in effect at the time the Development Agreement (302 C.S.) was approved, except as expressly modified herein. 2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all applicable requirements of the State, County and other local agencies. 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers or employees because of the issuance of this approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of this action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve the applicant of his/her obligations under this conditions. 4. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans and exhibits approved by the City Council at its meeting of April 30, 1991 and marked as Exhibit "0" on file with the Planning Department. 5. An EIR has been prepared for this project. Mitigation measures are listed as Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Said mitigations shall be implemented as conditions of approval and shall be monitored by appropriate City departments and other responsible agencies as indicated in Exhibit "B". The Developer shall be responsible for verification in writing by the monitoring department or agency that the mitigation measures have been implemented. 6. The PO Re-zone and General Development Plan for the "unplanned areas" as designated in 186 C.S. shall conform with, and be subject to, all the general conditions listed above. Furthermore, the portions of the "unplanned areas" corresponding to Tracts 1994 and 1997 shall be subject to all conditions prepared for the Specific Development Plans and Vesting Tentative Tract Maps 1994 and 1997, which are incorporated herein by this reference, except as may be modified by a City-approved Specific Development Plan; and provided, however, in lieu of being subject to CC&R's and a member of a Homeowners Association for any other tract, an alternate implementation instrument, for conditions that would be otherwise implemented through the CC&R's and accompanying "Design Manual", may be developed, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. As provided below, a separate and independent Specific Development Plan shall be submitted for Lots 10 and 11 of Parcel Map 77-103, which are also part of the "unplanned areas". 7. A specific development plan shall be submitted for Lots 10 and 11 of Parcel Map PM 77-103 prior to any grading or construction on said lots. Said specific development plan shall incorporate the following features: a. No more than two (2) single family residences, (ie: a total equal to one per lot), and such ancillary uses approved pursuant to the Specific Development Plan, may be permitted in this area. b. Except for a building site, which may not exceed 15,000 square feet, for each lot, and an accessway to each site, no grading or structures may be Conditions of Approval General Development Plan Page 2 permitted in this area. The location of the two building sites shall be selected to minimize the length of the accessway, to avoid landslide areas, to avoid wetlands and habitats of endangered or threatened species, to minimize tree loss and to minimize grading and filling. c. If both building sites need to be located on one or the other of the existing lots in order to best meet the above-listed standards, a lot line adjustment or appropriate subdivision map shall be submitted with the specific development plan so that each building site may be on its own parcel. d. As a condition of approval of the specific development plan a permanent habitat protection and open space easement shall be required on all portions of this area except for the accessway and building sites. Said open space easement shall regulate grading, structures, unrestricted grazing and tree or vegetation removal. More detailed provisions of the easement shall be included in the specific development plan. Barns, corrals, or other horse keeping facilities may be permitted within the 15,000 square feet building site limitation. EXHIBIT B RECOMMENDED MITIGATION MEASURES AND MONITORING PROGRAM GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND "PD" REZONE FOR THE PORTIONS OF THE RANCHO GRANDE PROPERTY PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED AS "UNPLANNED AREAS" Note: The numbering of the mitigation measures corresponds to the numbering in the FEIA. The numbering may not be sequential because some of the recommended mitigation measures do not apply to every application. GEOLOGY Mitiaation 1. All structures shall be designed for a peak bedrock acceleration of 0.28g from an 8.25 maximum probable earthquake. 2. If the earthquake regulations of the Uniform Building Code (UBC) are used for structural design considerations, the site shall be assigned a Seismic Zone Factor (Z) of 0.40 and a Site Coefficient (S) factor of 1.0 in accordance with Table No. 23-1 and 23-J of Chapter 23 (1988 Edition). Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 1 & 2: Program Description: Construction drawings submitted for building permits shall denote the above listed standards. City staff shall check plans, inspect site during and after construction, sign off when completed. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: During building plan check and building inspection. Funding: Plan check and inspection fees determined by the Chief Building Official. Mitiaation 3. On Lots #1, 4, 40, 48, 50, 51, 52, 59, 68, 69, and 72 in Tract 1994, site specific geologic and geotechnical engineering studies shall be prepared for the affected parcels prior to home construction to determine site specitic geologic and geotechnical engineering conditions. Said studies shall be subject to approval by the Building Official and Public Works Director. All recommendations contained in said report shall be incorporated into the building plans for grading and houses on said lots. Runoff from streets and other impermeable surfaces should be directed as much as possible away from these areas and not be indiscriminately discharged into these drainages as the addition of water may generate shallow landsliding and/or gullying. 4. Recommendations contained in the "Soils Engineering and Engineering Geology Report Tract 1997, April 1990, by Pacific Geoscience, Inc.", "Soil Engineering Report for Rancho Grande, Phases 1A and 1B, September 1988, by Buena Engineers, Inc.," and "Soils Engineering Report for Rancho Grande North, Tract 1834, October 1989, by Pacific Geoscience, Inc." are incorporated herein by this reference, and attached as Exhibit F, shall be implemented during all phases of the subdivision and construction. 5. The Site Development Recommendations listed on pages 18-21 in the Pacific Geoscience, Inc. report dated April 6, 1990, entitled "Soils Engineering and Engineering Geology Report, Tract 1997, Rancho Grande, Arroyo Grande, California" which are incorporated herein by this reference and attached as Exhibit F, shall be applied to all three tracts. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 3, 4, & 5: Program Description: Building permit and subdivision improvement plans shall reference the requirements in Mitigations 4 and 5. The report required in mitigation #3 shall be submitted with the building permit application. City staff shall cl1eck plans, inspect during and after construction, sign off when Rancho Grande General Development PlanlPD Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 2 completed. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: At plan check, and during and after subdivision construction and building construction. Funding: Applicant shall reimburse to the City plan check and inspection fees as determined by the Chief Building Official and Public Works Director. MitiQation 6. Prior to recordation of each final map, the applicant shall provide an Erosion Control Plan for that tract, prepared by a qualified person, which shall address potential erosion issues. Said plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director and Public Works Director. The plan shall include methods of revegetation of disturbed areas, grading and planting periods and maintenance provisions. Except as otherwise permitted, grading shall be prohibited between October 31 and April 1; all exposed cuts and fills shall be protected from erosion through appropriate methods including but not limited to hydroseeding, straw bales. energy dissipators. siltation ponds and other appropriate means. Said methods shall be described in the Erosion Control Plan. 7. The Improvement Plans for the tract shall incorporate features designed to reduce onsite erosion, such as energy dissipators at the ends of drainage pipes, and lined drainage channels where appropriate. They shall also incorporate features which limit erosion impacts to off-site areas, such as desilting basins. Monitorino Prooram Mitigations 6 & 7: Program Description: Applicant shall submit erosion control report for approval. City staff shall check plans and inspect site per report's specifications. Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Director and Planning Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for erosion control report, during construction for on-site inspections. Funding: Applicant shall pay for erosion control report. Applicant shall reimburse direct cost of plan check and inspection fees as determined by the Public Works Director and/or Planning Director. DRAINAGE Mitiqation 8. The project shall incorporate a drainage retarding basin to limit post-development runoff to pre-development levels. The developer shall submit drainage calculations that demonstrate that said basin will retain sufficient water to avoid downstream flooding during a 100-year storm; these calculations, and the location and design of said basin shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Director. The drainage basin shall be installed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit for a new unit in any of the tracts. Design of the retention basin shall include a riparian restoration plan which shall include revegetation with native riparian species; said plan shall also extend upstream to the areas above the culvert in Tract 1997 and downstream of the basin along the intermittent stream corridor to the property boundary. Plans for the retention basin and riparian restoration shall also be subject to the review and approval of the California Department of Fish and Game; no grading or Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PO Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 3 construction shall take place unless and until a stream alteration permit is approved by said agency. 9. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall contribute a one-time fee toward enhancing the East Fork of Meadow Creek; said fee shall not exceed $2,625 for Tract 1994; $1,960 for Tract 1997; and $7,700 for Tract 1834. 10. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the public Works Director that the development will not adversely affect the triple 42" RCP under Highway 101, and that the development will not contribute any additional runoff to the 36" CMP under Highway 101. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 8 & 10: Program Description: The applicant shall submit drainage plans and calculations to Public Works Director for review and approval. The applicant shall submit riparian restoration plan to Planning Director for review and approval. The applicant shall submit both drainage and riparian restoration plans to the California Department of Fish & Game (DFG) for review and approval. City staff shall inspect site during and after construction to ensure adherence to approved plans. Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Director, Planning Director, California Department of Fish and Game. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for drainage plans, restoration plans, and DFG Streambed Alteration Agreement; during and after construction for site inspections. Funding: Applicant shall reimburse direct cost of plan check and inspection as determined by the Public Works Director. Mitigation 9: Program Description: Applicant shall produce evidence of payment of one-time creek maintenance fee. Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: Applicant. BIOTIC RESOURCES Mitiaation 11. Not applicable. Mitiaation 12. All subdivision construction activity, including cutting or filling, shall be outside the drip lines of oak trees, where possible. Attempts shall be made to avoid trees by making adjustments in paths of the roads and driveways and areas of filling. Prior to any grading or other construction, the developer shall submit a tree removal and protection plan showing in detail the location of all trees, including the approximate size and location of the trunks and drip lines, within 100 feet of any proposed roadway or other cut, fill or trench. Said plan shall indicate which trees are intended to be removed or pruned during construction. The developer shall mark in the field the trees which are intended to be removed or pruned and those which may have construction activity occur within their drip lines. Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PD Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 4 The plan shall also include protection measures for the trees which are not to be disturbed, including but not limited to marking of trees to be saved, fencing of trees which might be damaged during construction and other methods to help ensure the survival of as many trees as practical. The plan shall be prepared by a qualified botanist or licensed arboris!. and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director, in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Director. 13. On any lot that contains an oak tree over two inches in diameter, all construction, grading and filling shall avoid the drip lines of said trees, to the extent possible. A specific site plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval which will identify the location, both trunk and drip line, of all trees. If encroachment into the drip line is unavoidable, a certified arborist shall be retained at the applicant's expense, to determine the best way to mitigate such impact. If building envelopes and recommended mitigation measures cannot be designed to completely avoid tree removal, a tree replacement program shall be required, in accordance with Mitigation 14, below. 14. If it is impractical to retain any tree with a trunk diameter of greater than two inches but less than six inches or less in its place, whether during construction of the subdivision improvements or residences on the lot, the tree shall be dug carefully and boxed by an experienced company or individual approved by the City Planning Director, set aside and replanted in the same general area when filling or grading is complete, if deemed feasible by a certified arborist. For any tree greater than two inches in diameter permanently lost, three replacement trees shall be planted in the general vicinity for each tree removed. When practical, two of the replacements should corne from seeds of trees on the tract so that the new trees are as genetically similar to the old as possible. One replacement shall be a 15- gallon size or larger tree. Planting should be done in the fall so that the trees may become established before the hot, dry summer. The developers shall retain a qualified nursery or arborist to plan!. grow and make available for at least five years, oak trees from onsite acorns which can be used as replacements by lot owners for trees that must be removed. The developer may grow replacement trees onsite, in a location and manner recommended by a certified arborist. 15. For both subdivision improvements and construction on individual lots, each tree or group of trees designated to remain shall be protected by fencing prior to the beginning of construction. The location of the fence shall be five feet beyond the drip line of the tree, to the extent possible. 16. No parking of vehicles or equipment or storage of materials shall be permitted within five feet of the drip line of the trees designated to remain. 17. In the event underground utilities must be placed within the drip line of the trees to remain, the utilities shall be installed by auguring to twenty-four inches minimum depth or by hand trenching. If roots over one-inch in diameter are encountered, the roots shall be preserved without injury. No machine trenching shall be allowed within a tree's drip line. 18. Landscaping that requires permanent or ongoing irrigation shall be prohibited within the drip lines of oak trees. Project CC & R's and the Design Guidelines shall include measures for ongoing protection of oak trees on individual lots as part of future home construction, including the prohibition of irrigated landscaping in drip lines and the . requirements of Mitigation Measures Nos. 13-17, above. 19. (Deleted.) Monitorinq Proqram Mitigations 12 through 18, inclusive. Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PO Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 5 Program Description: . Subdivider shall submit Tree Removal and Protection Plan for review and approval by the Planning Director. Home builders must a plan showing all trees on the site at the time of the permit application. If the site includes a tree greater than 4 inches in diameter, a tree removal and protection plan shall be required. . Prior to grading or construction, City staff shall inspect the site to verify tree flagging and fencing per Mitigations 12, 13, and 15. . The subdivider shall enter into a contract with a qualified nursery or arborist to germinate and grow oak seedlings for a period of five years. at the applicant's expense, per Mitigation 14. Said contract shall include a provision that the nursery or certified arborist conduct an annual inspection of the transplanted trees to ascertain their health. Should any deficient trees be identified, the applicant shall replace such trees from the nursery's stock. Said contract shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review prior to any grading or construction. . City staff shall inspect the site prior to installation of underground utilities to verify correct placement per Mitigation 17. . Applicant shall submit CC&Rs to Planning Director for review and approval per Mitigation 18. The CC&Rs shall include a provision for a conformance inspection by City staff, with adequate advance notice, at the City's discretion. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for Tree Removal and Protection Plan for subdivision improvement and for CC&R submission and approval; during and after construction for on-site inspections. Prior to issuance of building permit for house construction, during and after construction for on-site inspections. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred by plan check and inspection, as determined by the Planning Director. Mitiaation 20. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall have the project site surveyed by a qualified botanist familiar with rare, threatened, and endangered species of San Luis Obispo County during the flowering period of the Pismo Clarkia in May to determine where it is actually present. Areas where the capsules were observed and other likely habitat should be searched. If the plant is determined to be present, the habitat of each site should be marked and protected from disturbance. A protection plan, including the requirement of open space easements and buffers, shall be required for all lots on which the plant is ascertained to be present. Said plan shall be prepared by a qualified biologist and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. All recommendations of the protection plan shall be implemented in the design, construction, and maintenance of houses and other improvements on such lots. This mitigation shall not be construed as to reduce the approved number of lots. In the event that the recommended easements and buffers render a site unbuildable, relief from yard and oak tree setback requirements and height limits may be considered to provide the minimum building site. Offsite replanting, as recommended by a qualified biologist, shall be the least preferred mitigation alternative to provide the site with the minimurn guaranteed building site specified in the conditions of approval. 20a. Development shall include drought resistant. native vegetation. 20b. Wildlife warning signs should be placed at appropriate distances on James Way east and west of the La Canada intersection. The eastern sign (for traffic traveling west) should be 600 feet east of the La Canada/James Way intersection and the western sign should be placed 1600 feet west of the same intersection. This second sign Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PD Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 6 should also warn of deer moving down the riparian corridor 1200 feet west of La Canada. 20c. Wildlife corridors should be included on the cluster housing site as shown in revised Figure 9a of the FEIR. Monitorina Proaram Program Description: The applicant shall submit results of site survey to Planning Director, including Protection Plan should Pismo Clarkia be found. The applicant shall incorporate the plan's recommendations into the design guidelines and CC&Rs to implement the plan. The applicant shall record open space easements on the final map showing locations of Pismo Clarkia. The CC&Rs shall include a provision for a conformance inspection by City staff, with adequate advance notice, at the City's discretion. The Design Guidelines and CC & R's shall include provisions for planting native drought resistant vegetation throughout developed areas. Wildlife warning signs described in Mitigation 20b shall be installed prior to recordation of the final map. The approved Tentative Tract Map for Tract 1998 shall include the wildlife corridor as described in Mitigation 20c. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: During the month of May for site inspection, prior to subdivision construction for plan submission, approval, and incorporation into the design guidelines and CC&Rs. Plan check and site inspection during construction for compliance at house building stage. Prior to recordation of the final map for Mitigation 20b. Upon approval of Tentative Tract Map 1998 for Mitigation 20c. Funding: Subdivider shall pay for the plan, guidelines, and CC&Rs and the direct cost of City staff review. Subdivider shall pay for the cost of inspections during subdivision improvements. Home builder shall pay for plan check and site inspection for the individual lot as determined by the Planning Director. AESTHETICS Mitiaation 21. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall submit a design manual that establishes site design, architectural and landscaping guidelines (including use of drought resistant native California plants) to guide future development. Said manual will incorporate the mass, height. setback, grading and tree protection requirements contained in these mitigations measures as well as the other conditions of approval. Said manual will also incorporate the recommendations listed on Exhibit C, attached hereto. The manual will be subject to the review and approval of the Architectural Advisory Committee and the Planning Director. Monitorina Proaram Mitigation 21. Program Description: The applicant shalt" submit design guidelines to the Planning Director and Architectural Advisory Committee for review and approval. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs of design guideline review, as determined by the Planning Director. Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PD Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 7 MitiQation 22. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any house, a site plan, landscaping plan, preliminary grading plan, elevations and colors and materials shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval; the Director may approve said plans only upon a finding that they are substantially in conformance with these conditions of approval and with the approved Design Manual. Said plans may be submitted prior to or concurrently with the construction plans for the house. The Director shall prepare a checklist of items necessary for a complete submission to meet this requirement. The developer shall record with each lot and shall incorporate by reference in the CC&R's notice to all future lot owners that any grading or construction is subject to this discretionary review and approval by the City. 22a. A lighting plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Arroyo Grande City Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. Lighting plan shall be compatible with existing rural residential uses, serve to reduce or eliminate glare onto neighboring land uses and directs outdoor lighting downward and not into the sky. Monitorino Prooram Mitigation 22 & 22a. Program Description: The Planning Director shall develop a checklist. check plans. certify compliance with the approved Design Manual. The applicant shall submit the lighting plan to the Planning Director for review and approval. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: Prior to building permit issuance. Funding: The building permit applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred in building plan review. as determined by the Planning Director. TRAFFIC MitiQation 23. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City, in a form approved by the City Attorney, whereby the developer agrees, on behalf of himself and his successors in interest, to pay the City a fee of Two Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Six Dollars ($2,656) per residential unit for traffic mitigation. This fee shall be paid for each residential unit, prior to issuance of each building permit or within five (5) years of recordation of the final map, whichever is sooner. 23a. The applicant shall offer to dedicate to the City, or to another public entity as directed by the City, a strip of land up to twenty (20) feet in width for construction of a shoulder on the east side of Noyes Road. The City may restrict the use of said strip for such purposes until after assessment of the environmental impacts is performed and the feasibility of installation of the shoulder is evaluated to the satisfaction of the City. The applicant shall have no responsibility for any such environmental assessment or feasibility study, or for such shoulder construction unless the Specific Development Plan for lots 10 and 11 allows for access to either of those lots directly from Noyes Road. Monitorino Prooram Mitigation 23 & 23a. Program Description: The applicant shall develop agreement for payment of traffic fees. in a form approved by the City Attorney. The Chief Building Official shall sign off on the building permit that said fee has been paid prior to permit issuance. The applicant shall offer to dedicate the shoulder referenced in Mitigation 23a. Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PD Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 8 Responsible Department/Agency: City Attorney/Chief Building Official. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The applicant shall pay traffic mitigation fees. Mitiaation 24. Developer shall provide transit stops and/or shelters at convenient locations after consultation with the South County Area Transit District. Developer shall submit a letter or other documentation from the Transit District indicating that they have reviewed and approved plans for such transit stops and/or shelters. Subdivision plans shall also show the location and design of said stops and/or shelters. 25. The applicant shall prepare a Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan. The Master Plan shall outline recreational trails, bike lanes, sidewalks, street widths and right-of-way. Any trail system which utilizes the drainage area adjacent to James Way shall be constructed in a manner or a location which will not be adversely impacted by such drainage improvements. The Master Plan shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. The applicant may deposit with the City a sum as determined by the Parks and Recreation Director to . ensure completion of this task without unreasonably delaying the project. 26. Applicant shall provide dedicated bicycle lanes or separate path in areas of high traffic density such as along James Way, Rancho Parkway, the Branch Street frontage of the site (from Rancho Parkway to Brisco Road), La Canada, and Vista Drive, as may be required by the Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan referenced in Mitigation 25. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 24, 25, and 26. Program Description: The applicant shall submit Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan for review and approval by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council. The applicant shall submit a letter from South County Area Transit district indicating approval of revised subdivision improvement plans showing proposed transit stops/shelters and bikeways, The applicant shall submit transit improvement plans for review and approval by the Planning Director and Public Works Director. Responsible Department/Agency: South County Area Transit, Public Works Director, Planning Director, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred from plan checking and inspection as determined by the Public Works Director and/or Planning Director. AIR QUALITY Mitiaation 27. Construction equipment shall be equipped with Caterpillar pre-chamber diesel engines (or equivalent) and shall be properly maintained and operated. Retardation of injection timing and adjustment of air-to-fuel ratios shall be required of construction equipment, where feasible. 28. A comprehensive construction activity management plan shall be developed and Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PD Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 9 designed to minimize the number 01 large construction equipment operating during any given time period. Said plan should also include the following features: construction truck trips shall be scheduled during non-peak hours to reduce peak-hour emissions; limiting the length of the construction work-day period, if necessary; phasing of construction activities, il appropriate. Said plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the APCD prior to the commencement of construction activity. 29. Prior to the start 01 construction, the developer shall submit a detailed dust control program which shall be implemented during construction; said plan shall be subject to the approval of the APCD. The plan shall incorporate the following features: Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Frequency of watering will vary with existing weather conditions, but. at a minimum, should include the wetting 01 all actively worked areas at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Increased watering frequency shall be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. should be paved as soon as possible. All dirt stock-pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project re-vegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast-germinating grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. All disturbed soil areas not subject to re-vegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 27, 28, & 29. Program Description: The applicant shall submit a construction activity and dust confrol plan to the San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District for review and approval. Responsible Department/Agency: San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control Dislricl. Timing: Prior to any construction activity. Funding: To be determined by the APCD. WATER Mitiaation 30. Prior to recordation of the final maps, the developer shall submit a detailed water conservation/water efficiency plan which shall at a minimum incorporate the following features: . Maintaining an overall pressure of 50 psi or less through use of pressure-reducing valves. . Require installation of low-flow fixtures in all units (i.e., 2.5 gpm faucets, and 1.5 gallon/flush toilets). . Limiting the area which can be devoted to turf to not more than 400 square feet per lot. . Building designs to maximize water efficiency (eg: short distances from water heaters and water outlets). . Ability to use "grey water" for non-potable water use. Said plan shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Building Official. The provisions of the plan shall be incorporated into the CC&R's for the project and shall be noted as requirements for all homes in the tracts. -- Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PO Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 10 Monitorina proaram Mitigation 30. Program Description: The applicant s/1al/ submit water conservation/water efficiency plan to Planning Director for review and approval. Upon approval. the applicant s/1al/ incorporate said features into Design Guidelines and CC & Rs as appropriate. Plans for home construction shall reference and incorporate the approved standards. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director for plan and design guidelines and CC&Rs. Chief Building Official for house plans. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for overall plan, guidelines. and CC&Rs, at plan check for building plans. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs of reviewing the overall plan. Building plan check fees will cover /1ouse plan review. Mitioation 31. The Design Manual shall include intormation about water-efficient landscaping. including but not limited to the following: . Identification of drought-tolerant species appropriate to the area; . Identification of efficient irrigation practices to reduce water use; and . Identification of efficient landscaping practices to reduce water use. such as grouping of plants with similar water use and use of mulch. Monitorina Proaram Mitigation 31. Program Description: The applicant shall submit t/1e Design Manual to Planning Director for review and approval. Building permit applications shall include a detailed landscaping plan. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for design manual submission. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred, as determined by the Planning Director. PUBLIC SERVICES Mitioation 32. Applicant shall construct sewer collection system. including a sewer lift station if deemed necessary by the Public Works Director. per the requirements of the City of Arroyo Grande and to the approval of the Public Works Director. If the required lift station creates additional capacity beyond the applicant's contribution to such need. the City shall enter into a reimbursement agreement to repay the applicant for that excess capacity. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 32. Program Description: The applicant s/1all submit proposed sewer construction plans for review and approval by Public Works Director. City staff shall inspect during and after construction to assure adherence to approved plans. Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for construction plan submission, ,---_.__._..---~--- Rancho Grande General Development Plan/PD Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 11 during and after construction for on-site inspections. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred, as determined by the Public Works Director. Mitiaation 33. Applicant shall pay the SSLOCSD the required sewer treatment facilities impact fee. Monitorina Proaram Mitigation 33. Program Description: The applicant shall submit documentation that required sewer connection fees have been paid. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: Prior to issuance of building of building permits for each home. Funding: Applicant. Mitiaation 3~. A vegetation management program shall be prepared and submitted prior to the recordation of the final map. Said plan shall indicate specific means for reducing the risk from fire at the interface between housing sites and open woodlands or savannas. Said plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Fire Chief. The plan shall be submitted to the California Department of Fish and Game for review and comment. The plan shall include a mechanism of annual maintenance at no cost to the City. The provisions of the plan shall be incorporated into the CC&R's and shall be noted as a requirement of all homes in the tracts. Monitorina Proaram Mitigation 34. Program Description: The applicant shalf submit vegetation management plan to Fire Chief for review and approval. The applicant shall incorporate approved plan into Design Manual and CC&Rs. Responsible Department/Agency: Fire Chief Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of review of the plan, manual, and CC&Rs, as determined by the Fire Chief. Mitiaation 35. All proposed dwelling units accessed by roads whose width is less than 32 feet, curb-to-curb, or located on flag lots, shall be constructed with automatic fire sprinkler systems, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. 36. All dwellings and structures shall have roofs of non-combustible materials, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief and Building Official. Wooden shake roofs, in any form, are expressly prohibited in the project. 36a. Developer shall contribute to a fund toward the cost of conducting a fire protection analysis of the City. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 35, 36, & 36a. Program Description: The applicant shalf record on the final map those lots subject to -- Rancho Grande General Development PlanlPO Rezone Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 12 Mitigation 35. For those lots, building permit applicants shall submit building plans to Fire Department for review and approval. City staff, or contract personnel retained by the Fire Department, shall inspect and test installation of fire sprinklers after construction. The applicant shall contribute to the fire protection analysis described in Mitigation 36a. Responsible Department/Agency: Fire Chief. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map and prior to building permit issuance. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of plan check and system inspection and testing, as determined by the Fire Chief. Mitiaation 37. The CC&R's shall include provisions that require future development to install appropriate security hardware. implement construction techniques which comply with the Model Security Ordinance and the USC relating to residential security. and utilize appropriate site design and building layout that provide crime prevention. Said provisions shall be reviewed and approved by the Police Chief. 37a. The developer shall install fencing around open space areas to limit access and potential damage by vehicles in accordance with approved fence plan. 37b. The developer shall pay a one time fee per lot to the City to mitigate police costs. Monitorino Prooram Mitigation 37. 37a & 37b. Program Description: CC&Rs shall be reviewed by the Police Chief. Building plans shall be checked by the Chief Building Official. City staff shall inspect and test installations after construction. Applicant shall install fencing as described in Mitigation 37a, and pay fees as described in Mitigation 37b. Responsible Department/Agency: Police Chief for review of CC&Rs. Chief Building Official for review of house plans, Planning Director for inspection of fencing around open space areas. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for CC&R review, prior to building permit issuance for house plan check. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of reviewing the CC&Rs, as determined by the Police Chief. Building plan review will be covered by plan check fees. Mitiaation 38. School impact fees shall be paid to the school district prior to the issuance of any building permit for a house. Monitorina Proqram Mitigation 38. Program Description: Building permit applicant sl1aJl provide evidence of payment of required school fees. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: Prior to building permit issuance. Funding: Applicant. Exhibit "C" Recommended Design Manual Standards The following standards shall be incorporated into the required Design Manual which shall control development in the tract. Conformance with the Design Manual shall be a requirement of any construction in the tract. This requirement shall be explicitly incorporated into the tract CC&R's and shall be recorded with each lot; the CC&R's shall incorporate the Design Manual by reference. Format 1. The design manual shall be in booklet form, easily reproducible. It shall be clearly written and illustrated, easily understood, and, to the extent practical, shall avoid ambiguity or the use of standards based on non- objective measures, to the extent feasible. The manual shall include illustrations of the principal design concepts and should include examples, both written and graphic, to clarify areas of possible confusion or otherwise requiring interpretation. See also #25, below. General Guidelines 2. The intent of the manual is to encourage buildings which are visually compatible with the oak woodland, savanna and hillside context of the tract. Houses should not over power or dominate their sites. In general, houses should not extend over or above oak tree canopies on their sites or nearby. The size, orientation, materials, colors and design of houses should striv:e to blend or harmonize with the setting. Other guiding principals should be site and building design which contributes toward a rural ambience or character and which affords privacy and separation among the homes. To the greatest extent practical, grading should be minimized and oak trees, native shrubs and special status plant species shall be protected. Setbacks. and Height and Floor Area Limits 3. The manual shall state or reference the setbacks, and height and floor area limits explicitly called out in the tract conditions. 4. A variety in front yard setbacks should be encouraged. 5. Where garages on steeply sloping lots are allowed reduced front yard setbacks, the floor area of the garage shall not exceed 500 square feet. 6. Detached structures should not exceed 14 feet in height above the average natural grade* of their footprints. (* "natural grade" in the context of these guidelines means the surface of the ground after subdivision improvements and tract grading is complete, but prior to any other grading or construction for a house, private driveway or accessory building.) 7. On the downhill side of a house, no vertical wall plane shall exceed 16 feet in height above finished grade without a break in that plan in the form of an upper level setback. Said setback must be at least eight feet in depth before another vertical plane may be permitted in the design. Pitched -- Design Manual Standards Rancho Grande Page 2 roofs which do not exceed the overall height limit may be permitted in this setback. 8. Exposed pole-type supports for buildings or decks or other structures greater than six feet in height above finished grade shall be prohibited. Accessory Structures 9. The fencing master plan shall be incorporated or referenced in the manual. 10. Satellite dish antennae shall be prohibited in front or side yard setbacks. Satellite dish antennae, exceeding four feet in diameter, may be permitted if they are located so as not to be visible from public or private roads. Site Grading and Retaining Walls 11. Filling is discouraged. Fill pads greater than two feet above natural grade shall be prohibited. 12. Except strictly within the building footprint, cutting deeper than three feet in depth shall be prohibited; exceptions may be granted for driveways if there is no practical alternative. 13. No retaining walls shall exceed four feet in height. 14. Individual residences shall be designed to avoid driveways steeper than 15 percent to the extent practical. In cases where driveways must exceed 15 percent in slope, the house shall be required to install fire sprinklers, as approved by the Fire Chief. 15. In any graqing operation, including tract grading, all top soil shall be stored on site in a manner which controls dust and other erosion. Atter grading is complete, top soil shall be redistributed over all scarred areas and replanted. 16. All new banks or slopes shall be planted to aid erosion control and to reduce the adverse visual impacts. Irrigation shall be provided for such planted areas, at least until the planting is established. Oak Tree Protection 17. All oak tree protection conditions and mitigations shall be incorporated or referenced in the manual. 18. If grading, filling, trenching, paving or construction within a drip line is unavoidable, mitigations recommended by a qualified arborist shall be implemented to ensure the long-term viability of the tree. LandscaDina 19. The manual shall incorporate or reference all conditions and mitigations related to retention of native species and related to limits on turf and irrigated landscaping. 20. A landscaping plan shall be included with the submission of all building permit applications. Said plan shall include: a. The location, type and size of all plant materials; native and low-water use and drought resistant species shall be emphasized. '- ,.o,=- Design Manual Standards Rancho Grande Page 3 b. The extent and method of irrigation, emphasizing low-water use techniques wherever feasible. c. Erosion control systems during the period when plants are becoming established. d. Soil preparation, staking techniques and planting methods for all trees. The guidelines should provide a list of acceptable plant materials; however, other plants may also be permitted, provided they meet the overall intent. Colors and Materials 21. The manual shall.prescribe a color palette for the tract. In general, colors shall reflect those predominant in the oak woodland and savanna: browns, greys and dark greens. In general, darker colors will be preferred to lighter ones, especially on roofs. Red, orange or other light-colored tile roofs shall be prohibited. Large expanses of light-colored stucco shall be discouraged. The house design should incorporate materials such as wood or stone, and should not emphasize stucco, tile or metal. Mechanical EQUiDment 22. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all other mechanical equipment" whether on the ground or elsewhere, or on the structure, shall be reasonably screened from public view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. It is especially important that gas and electric meters be completely screened from public view. 23. All mechanical equipment shall be located and constructed in such a manner that noise emanating from it will not be perceptible at or beyond the property line of the subject property. Where necessary, noise mitigation measures shall be incorporated into the design. LiQhtinQ 24. All lighting shall be installed in a manner that avoids oftsite glare. ExceDtions 25. The manual shall prescribe a procedure whereby the the Director may grant exceptions to any of the standards if in his/her judgement such an exception is necessary to ensure the reasonable use of the property or if such an exception would reduce the overall grading or tree loss on the property.