O 431 C.S.
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WHERFAS, the City Council of the City of I\r:royo Grwde has helo the requira:'!
plblic hearing, at its regu1ur m:!eting of October 9, 1990, to conDider a propoGcd
ordinunce that an~nds Ordinance No. 333 C.S., the Conprehensive Tree Program;
WnER~ , the proposed ordinance was reviewed, in compliance with the
requirements of the Cu~ifornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQh); and the City
Council finds that the project would result in no significant effect on the
environment; and, therefore, the adoption of a Negative Declaration is
0 appropriate; and
WllEREI\S, the proposed ordinance was found to be consistent with the General
Plan; and
WHERE1\S, after due study and deliberation, the City Council finds that the
public interest and general welfare does require such an am:mc1nent.
N:Hl, TllEREFORE, the City Council of the City of I\r:royo Grande does hereby
ordain as follows:
_SFX:TION 1: That Scct:ions 10-3.01 through 10-3.07 of the Municipal Code are
hereby repealed in their entirety; and Sections 10-3.01 through 10-3.10 are
added, to rcad in their entirety as follows:
SC?c. 10-:1.Ol. Purnom~ .
It is in the best interest of the City, the public, ana the environment to
establish a comprehensive community tree program that promotes:
(a) The preservation, the ma.iJ:ttenance, and regeneration of all trees;
(b) A more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing cannunity;
(c) Trees or groves of unique or histor ieal value and wildlife
habitat; and
(d) Educational programs that address the inportance of trees in the
environment and their role in purifying the air, provioing shade, controlling
erosion, ana maintaining the rural, small town atmosp,ere.
Further, in order to implement the goals and objectives of the Parks and
Recreation Element of the City of,l\r:royo Grande's General Plan, and to mitigate
the 1013S of open space ana veget.ation caused by new developrrent in the City, the
City Council has determined that a d,evelopnent inpact fee (or the inplelOOntation
of a tree planting plan in lieu thereof) is needed in order to finance the
planting of trees and to J?<:1Y for the develoJ;m(!nl:.' s fair share of the irrplelOOnta-
I:.ion of these improvements. I
This chupter C13tablishes policies, regulations, and specifimtions nece!:sary
to govern installation, maintenance, and preservation of trees to acconplish the
above stated purpose.
Section 10-).02. Definitions.
For the purpoS12 (,f this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
"Certifip.c"L...l\r:b.Q~ shall be one of the persons who has coopleted the
requirC51lents of, and who appears on the approved list of, the Intcrnt\tionc.-u
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~or.ipty of ^rhoricu1turp.. W~~t~rn rhapt~r. Said list shall be available for
review in the City Planning Department.
"Ci.ty" neans the City of J\rroyo Crande.
"Ci.~Col1nc~ means the City CoW\Cil of the City of Arroyo Crande.
"Conili t: i onl"(l Trep" means any tree that is to be preserved and protected from
ren~vul, destruction or loss as a requirement of a permit issued by a permit-
granting authority.
"~v('1of.rn("nt." means any project involving the issuance of permit for
construction or reconstruction, other than interior reroodeling, but not a permit
. .
to operate. .
"Di.rector" means the City Parks and Recreation Director or his/her duly
appointed agent.
"Drip1inp" means an imaginary vertical line running from the outenrost ...
branches or portions of the tree crown to the ground.
"T :milUlflrk Trpe" or "T,;mclm.'\rk Crove- Jreans existing tree (s) on public or
private property that has been found to be a notable horticultural speci~n, or
is of significant aesthetic, cultural or historical value, and is designated as
such by resolution of the City Council, upon rccc::mrendation of the Planning
C~I~~ssion br Parks and Recreation Commdssion of the City of Arroyo Crande.
landnnrk tret:s may include street trees.
"MO'l in t c>""nee" means pruning, spraying, ferti l12ing, staking, irrigating,
treating for disease or injury, and other similar acts that prOlT()te the life,
growth, health, or beauty of trees or throbs.
"Owner" means an individual, firm, association, corporation, partnership,
person and, the lessees, trustees, receivers, agents, servants, and CI1{310yees of
any such person (s) .
"PI" nlli t,-<J r I'nt.:i n9 author i t~ means that appropr iate individual or body
designated by Municipal Code or state law to have the legal authority to issue
the permit for which application was made.
"P1.CInting f'MPmPnt." lOOMS an easement adjacent to public right-of-way
obtained for the purpose of planting and maintaining street trees.
"PIMning COlnni.ssio~ lOOans the Planning Cam\ission of the City of Arroyo
"Pi'lrks and Recreation Coomi~sion. means the Parks and Recreation Commission
of the City of Arroyo Crande.
.Pftr~~ ~nd ""creation 'l're~ SUbconmit""". mans a subc:amlittee consisting J
of three (3) menbers of the Parks and Recreation Comndssion, as appointed by the
C\airperson of the, Parks and Recreation Carmission.
"Publ ic pl<lcPs" lOOMS all properties owned by the City and public easements.
- "Pllhli.c Ut:ility f'a~Pment~" means all sewer, drainage, and public utility
"Pllhl ic st.rpets" means all City public right-of-ways, including all public
"Street trpps" means any tree in any street, park, public place, or public
"f:l1bclivisi on" means any subdivision of property, including minor sub
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"Tree removal" means the destruction or displacement of a tree or shrub by
cutting, bulldozing, mechanical, chemical or other method, which results in a
physical transportation of the tree from its site and/or daath of the tree.
"Tree well" means an unsurfaced area provided within a paved or concrete
sidewalk for the planting of a tree.
"Tree" means any woody plant with a trunk diameter of four (4) inches or
more when measured four (4) feet above grade, or nulti-trunk woody plant with
main branches that total four (4) inches or rore wen measured four (4) feet
above grade~ For the purpose of this ordinance, all QJercus (Oak) species are
hereby declared to be trees at two (2) inches or rore in dianeter at grade. -
"Tree Coordinator" means the City enployee ~o. is responsible for the City
"Landmark Tree Program," merorial tree plantings, Arbor Day activities, education
programs, issuing of tree removal permits, and coordination with citizens
regarding tree matters.
"UndcvcloQCd Property" means property that has been zoned to allow
developnent, but which has not yet been developed.
Sec. 10-].OJ. Street Tree n~irements.
(a) ^ street tree shall be planted ~t the time of construction by
every property owner, except for subdivisions, spaced no farther than SO feet
apart along the street frontage of any building constructed. Interior remodeling
permits and activity shall be exempt from street tree planting requirements.
'111e Director shall specify specific locations along the frontage of the
constructed building for street trees and shrubs on public streets and tree
planting easements, and the species of tree shall be selected by the director
from the master street tree list on file with the Parks and Recreation
Department. Street trees shall be of a fir-teen-qallon-container size (or ...,
greater) and cOl'lply with the standards set forth by the 1\merican Society of
(b) For property within commercial or industrial zoned districts in
the City, the property owners, upon construction, shall provide tree planting
wells within any paved or concrete sidewalk. Street trees shall be planted
within these wells as outlined in Sec. 10-3.03(a), with the. addition of
installing deep root barriers.
(c) ^ fee, consistent with that established by the City Council for
subdivision maps shall be irrposed by the director, if the property owner requests
that the City plant the required tree(s) on his behalf.
(d) All existing and proposed street trees shall be identified by the
applicant on all construction and building plans and maps presented to the City.
(0) No existing street tree shall be removed or replaced without
written authorization of the Director or the Tree Coordinator.
(f) It shall be the reS];XJf1sibility of the property owner to properly
maintain all street tree planting areas upon his/her property, including any
adjacent area that is public easement, regardless of Whether such property is
developed. Such maintenance shall include irrigation and keeping such strips
free from weeds or any obstructions deemed contrary to public safety and in
conformance with the plan approved by the Director for the property involved.
(g) 'nIe Director shall, at City expense, inspect and, When necessary,
rerrove and/or replace street trees.
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(h) 'llie Director may cause the' roots of young trees in the process
of developll-cnt to be cut to prevent future sidewalk lifting. Roots on o1de r
trees that have lifted sidewalks may be cut. Overhead linbs may be pruned or
cut back to conij?eOsate for the lOGS of root area.
(i) 'l'he Director may cause the removal of overhead linbs from any street
tree, regardless of the location of' such street tree, if I in the Director's
opinion, such removal is neceszary in the interest of public safety.
(j) Nothing in this chapter mall be cleemed to relieve the OW'\er and
occupant of any private property from the duty to keep hisjher private property,
sidewalks, and planting strip in front of such private property in a safe condition
and so as not to be hazardous to public trav~l.
(k) \-l\enever a property owner desires to'have a street tree removed,
he/she shall apply to the Director for a permit for such r~val. 'n\e Director
may approve or deny such reqUest. If the Director finds the tree is in good
condition and the permit is granted solely for the convenience of the applicant,
the full cost of such removal and replacesrent mall be borne by the applicant.
(1) MY street tree damaged or destroyed by an individual shall be
replaced through paYlOOnt by the person or persons causing such loss to the City.
'1',e arnoW\t of such payment shall be the rcpiacclOOnt value of the tree, as
determined by the Director, but in no event shall it be less than Cne Hundred
Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per tree and shall be in addition to any cr.i.minal fine
or penalty for Municipal Code violation. MY act intentionally damaging or
destroying a street tree shall constitute a misdemeanor violation of this chapter.
~~. ]~. n~R{?OMihi lity for trcP--M1I1t19M'1 flidNi\lk~ nnd puhlic inprovprrents.
(a) 'l'he Public Works Director may, from tin~ to time, prep1rc a list
of particular street t.rees that h~ve created a prC!1ent and imediatc danger to
pedestrian travel, by causing darni1ge to public iJ1-.?rovcments, sidewalks, or have
interfered with drainage flow in gutters, or resulted in traffic hazards in
adjacent streets. '!'he list shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director
(or comwent or revision.
(b) }\fter agreement between the Parks and Recreation Director and the
Public 1-lorks Director on necessary correctiOns, the Public WOrks Director shall
order the repair or replacement of such damaged public inprovement. Prior to
resooval of any street tree causing such damage, the adjacent property owner will
be notified, in writing, by the Public WOrks Director. 'n\e Parks and Recreation
Director shall order a new tree to be planted as a replacement tree, ...nen the
sita is appr:oprista, as dol:orminod by the Director. J
Spc. )0-1.0"\. PrivatpJ.y owned tre-l"~ afff.'Ctif\9 puhlic ri9ht-of way.
(a) Trees on private property that have caused, or may cause, in the' '
judgement of the Public WOrks Director and the Parks and Recreation Director,
damage to public in{:>rovements shall be root-trimned or the tree removed, and such
. damage to public property shal~ be repaired by the owner of such tree. After
fifteen (15) days' notice to correct said condition, the Parks and Recreation
Director and/or Public WOrks Director may correct the condition and send a
billing therefor, including a fifteen percent (15\) aaninistration fee, to the
property owner. If the property owner fails to remit the payment, the charge
of all costs of correction, including the administration fee, shall be charged
as a tax lien upon the tree owner's property.
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(b) No person shall permit branches of trees or shrubs to extend within
nine feet:. (9') from the ground over any portion of the sidewalk area, or within I
twelve feet (12') from the ground over any portion of a resi()antial street abutting
the property on which the tree is growing, or within fourteen feet (14') on streets
designated as truck routes. After fifteen (IS) days' notice to correct said
condition, the Parks and Recreation Director and/or Public WOrks Director may
correct the condition and send a billing therefor, including a fifteen percent
(15%) administration fee, to the'property owner. If the property owner fails
to remit the payment, the charge of all costs of cor;1'cction, including the-
administration fee, shall be charged as a tax lien upon the tree owner's property.
r Sec. lO-J.OG. T..anclJna rk Trees. . .
; (a) In or()er to initiate a Landmark tree designation, the owner(s)
of such trees shall sign the proposed designation resolution prior to City Council
adoption, thereby conferring consent for the tree(s) to be voluntarily desiqnated
as Lanc1mark tree(s) by the City and approved for the City to go upon the owner's
property for monumcntation, inspection and inventory. Trees may also be designated
a Lanc1mark tree (s) as part of a City develophi!nt approval or permit process (See
Section 10-3.09). For such case the Director .shall si~ the resolution after
its adoption in lieu of the tree owner's(s') signature. 'Ihe Director shall sign
as owner for all City-owned trees.
(b) The City Council, upon reconwrendation of the Planning Convnission
or Parks and Recreation Ccmnission, shall, after making any revisions it Oeems I
appropriate, designate Landmark trees or Landmark groves by resolution. The I
Director shall administer the Landaarlc Tree Program for the City.
(c) In the event a Landmark treats) owner desires to remove Landmark
tree designation from his/her trec(s), the owner may petition the City Council
to adopt a resolution repealing Landmark status from the tree (s) . i
(d) No Lanc1mark tree (s) shall be removed without the consent of the
City Council, nor shall any Landmi1rk trees be destroyed or damaged.
(e) 'Ihe Director shall maintain a permanent log of all trees designated. I
Such log shall consist of a copy of all resolutions designating Landmark trees.
Each resolution shall contain a Landmark tree roonumentation nunber, a photograph
of the tree(s), a location map of the tree(s) on the property, the reasons why
such tree(s) has been designated a Landnerk tree(s), and the signature and
ownar's (s') nama, and the address and legal description of the property upon which
the tree{s) is located. The Director shall present a copy of the adopted
resolution to the tree owner.
(f) The Director shall install a permanent marker upon or near each
Landmark tree, identifying the tree, as a Landrrork tree, and containing the tree
monumentation number. One'marker may be used for a Lanc1rmrk gcove.
(9) The Directoc shall cause the physical inspection and inventory
of all Landmark trees annually, to determine their condition and presence, and
shall report his findings publicly to the City Council, the Parks and Recreation
COrmU.ssion, and the Planning Conmission, via the City Manager.
(h) Upon the death of a Landrrork tree, the Director shall record the
estimated date of death and suspected cause of death upon the resolution
designating the tree. 'Ihe Director shall use such information to assist in f
determining future tree preservation programs for the City. I
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OCIDINI\NC8 NO. 431 C.S. .. ..... .
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(i) No branches two inches (2") or larger on a Landmark tree shall
be pruned without prior written approval of the Director or the City Tree
.spc.10-1.07. Trr.e np.n~va' in Co~rcia]. Multi-Fnmily. and Tndu~tria] 7.on~s.
(a) No person(s) shall allow or cause the removal of any tree(s) on
property used or zoned CORIIOOrcial, Multi-Family J\partJrent, or Indu!ltrial-without
first obtaining a tree removal permit from the Director or Tree Coordinator.
'n\e permit is available at no charge. ,
(b) Tree renk)val in the above locations, without a permit shall
constitute a misderreanor violation of this chapter, and in addition, removed trees
shall be replaced through payment by person or. persons causing such loss to the
. ".
, City. 'n\e alllount of such payrrent shall be the rep1acerrent value of the tree as J
determined by the Director, but in no event shall it be less than One Hundred
[:,ifty Dollars ($l~O.OO)per tree; and it shall be in addition to any criminal fine
or peCk,lty for Municipal Code violation.
(c) The intended deci!lion of the Director or Tree Coordinator for
issuing or refusing a tree removal permit shall be baseu upon reasonable standards,
(1) The condition of the tree regarding its general health,
location to utilities or structures, or status as a public nuisance.
(2) 'l'he necessity of the requested action to allow construction
of improvements or otherwise allow economic or other reasonable enjoyment of
(3) 'l'he topography of the land and the effect of the tree removal
on erosion and water retention.
. (4) The nUlTber, species, size, and location of existing trees
in the area and the effect of the tree reJOOvalon scenic beauty, historic values,
and the general welfare of the City.
(5) 000d forest.ry practices in general.
(d) E){CEPl'lO~: 1\ tree removal permit is not required for the
(1) . Trees in a hazardous condition that represent an inwrediate
danger to health or property; or
(2) Christmas tree lots; or
(3) Fruit trees; or
(4) Owners of firewood harvesting lots need not obtain a reooval
pe~it, if the species of trees harvested ar~ eucalyptus or pines.
}~ec. 10-1.011. Public Utility C~nY-B~1irements.
Public utility companies shall obtain a permit from the Director, 1IIhich shall
- be valid for one calendar year, and notify the City forty-eight (48) hours pdor "
to performing the following:
(a) Removal of a street tree or any tree covered in Sections lQ-3.0G
and 10-3.07;
(b) Pruning of a street tree, Landmark tree, or any tree covered in
Sections 10-J.OG and 10-3.07 for overhead power line clearance; and
(c) Underground trenchinq within the dripline of a street tree, a
Landnark tree, or any tree covered in Sections 10-3.06 and 10-3.07.
.;<:: "':. iec. 10-) .09. :
Insta~D.r-.~1.int.~1Dd..BetroVal 9f Trees Rela\:inQ to
, . ProPerty Dcvclonmcnt.
(a) ^ tree planting fee is hereby established on issuance of all
subdivision maps for develo~nt in the City of l\rroyo Grande. '!he City Council
shall, in a Council resolution, set forth the specific amount of the fee. M
described in the fee resolution, this tree planting fee shall be paid by each
developer prior to issuance of a building permit. <XI an annual basis, the City
Council r..hall review this fee to determine \bether the fee anwnts are reasonably
related to the inpacts of develo!;tnents. The revenues raised by payment of this
fee shall be placed in a separate and special account, and such revenues, along _
with any interest earnings on that account, shall be used solely to pay for the
r- "
j City's future purchase and planting of trees described in the resolution enacted
I pursuant to the above. '!he selection, purchase, planting, and future maintenance
of such trees shall be performed by the Director. In lieu of said fee, at the
election of the Planning Comnission, the subdivider shall be responsible for the
purchase, planting, maintenance and replaceJmnt, if necessary, of such trees for
twenty-four (24) months after planting and acceptance according to a uniform
planting plan approved by the Director. '!be subdivider may be required to post
a bond, the umount to be determined by the Planning COITI1\i.ssion, to assure faithful
performance. The oond may be held by the City for a maxil11JR\ of two (2) years.
(b) The Planning commission tray require a six-foot (6') tree planting
easamcnt on all or select streets within proposed subdivisions, in addition to
dedicated planting easements for street trees in conformity with a uniform planting
plan for the area involved.
(c) i\ll proposed changes' in a public street right-of-way dir~l:ion
or width, or any proposed street itrprovemnts, shall, 'fo'here feasible, include
allowances for planting easements. Plans and specifications for planting such
areas shall be integrated into the general plan of inproverrents, and it shall
be the duty of the Director of Public Works to coordinate the design of such
invrovemcnts with the Parks and Recreation Director prior to the cOltpletion of
the final overall plans.
(d) No tree shall be removed on any undeveloped parcel for which a
tree removal permit has not been issued or for W'lich a tree resroval plan has not
been approved by the Planning Comnission. Tree reooval on undeveloped property
without a permit or approved plan shall constitute a misdeJmanor, and in addition,
rClOOvcd trees shall be replaced through paym!nt, by person or persons causing
such loss, to the City. '!be amount of ouch paymmt shall be the repJDccrent
value of the tree, as determined by the Director, but in no event shall it be
less than One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per trae, and it shall be in addition
to any criminal fine or penalty for Municipal Code violation.
(e) Ml grading, building, conditional use, tract map, parcel map,
planned developnent, and other developnent proposals submittErl to the City shall
be accompunied by an accurate map identifying and locating all existing trees I
upon the property for which application is r~eived and all existing trees that
are off-site but affected by the project.. SUch map shall also identify all
existing trees that are proposed by the applicant for removal or destruction,
and such trees shall be visibly marked for the Director's inspection. '!be
Director, or his/her designee, shall locate all trees upon the applicant's and I
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affected property and prepare a written report to the permit-granting authority
within two (2) calendar weeks of the permit application having been received by
the City.
I (f) The Director I s repoet to the permit-qeanting authority shall
I contain:
(I) Recommendation as to which trees should be peeserved and
protected from removal and/or relocation.
(2) RecOlllOOndation as to which trees should receive Landmark
(g) The permit-qranting authority shall not issue a permit until
receiving and reviewing the Die.ector's recallmn~.tions. The permit-granting
authority shall not be bow\d to honor the Director's r'ecOflllrendations. The permit- J
granting authority shall have the authority to appeove and issue a permit with
conditionn requiring protection and preservation of any or all trees ~fected
by the permit.
(h) The killing, removal, or damaging, intentionally or accidentally,
of any tree, because of developrent activity, shall result. in a separate
administrative penalty to be paid; through payroont by person or persons causing
such loss, to the City. Said paynent shall be the anoont of the value of the
tree, as set forth in the Mt1nual for Plant ^pprail':t"r!1, published by the Council
of Teee and Landscape J\ppraisers, but in no event shall the payment be less than
cne Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per tree. The intentional killing, re/OOval,
or damaging of any tree, as a result of develor;ment activity, shall constitute
a misdemeanor.
(i) If the permit-qranting authority approves the removal of any oak
tree or othe'r tree as defined in Section 10-3.02, 10hen related to property
develor;:ment, the tree owner (5) of such tree(s) shall replace each tree removed
at a 3: 1 replaceroont ratio. 'lbe size, specie, and location of replacencnt trees
shall be determined by the Director, in writing, before the permit is issued.
Replacement trees shall be mintained and cared for by the owner (5) \oihen planted
on his parcel. If not planted on the owner's parcel, the director may identify
a site for planting replacement tree(s), and the City will be responsible for
maintenance thereof.
(j) In the event the permit-granting authority desires Landmark
designation for any tree, the permit-qranting authority shall convey such
reconvrendation to the City COW1Cil via the Planning COrmU.ssion for consideration
and recatmendation and shall withhold issuance of such permit until the City
Council has adopted a resolution conferring Landmark designation or, in the event
the Planning Coooission does not rec.amend Landmark designation, the ten-day appeal ....
- period pursuant to Sec. 10-3.10 for Planning Conmission decision has elapsed.
(k) In the event the <<;:ity COW\cil adopts a resolution conferring
Landmark designation upon a tree(s) during the develor;ment:process, a permit shall
be issued only with condition that the designated tree(s) mall not be removed
or disturbed. Failure to cooply with this condition shall result in a misdemeanor.
'!here will be a separate acbinistrative penalty of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000)
to the tree owner for each Landmark tree removed, destroyed or killed a:J a result
of construction or developneot activity, regardles!J of \J1ether the removal w:lS
l \J
. .' t.,,:;.", I
.. ," " .. .f. ". . 1"1 ." ,~ (1) All adrn.inist:rative penalties rccovcro.:1 by the City, pursuant:. t:.o
..',..., ";. .
this chapter of the f-\Jnicipal Code, shall be deposit.ed in a City rMd, the assets
or which Ghall be used for tree planting, car'e and administration of this chupter
or the f-\Jnicipal Cade.
(m) Trees designated to ranain .on the tree ranoval plan shall be
prot.ected prior to and during construction by the owner (s), using the following
(1) Each tree or group of trees designated to ranain shall be
protected by an enclosure of a fivc-foot (5') fence, prior to the beginning of
construction. The fence shall be wooden, chain link, or plastic barricade fencing. _
- '!be location of the fence is normally at the dripline of the tree, but it may
be adjusted or omitted with the Director's writt~~'approval.
(2) No parking of vehicles or equiprmnt or storage of nnterlals
shall be permitted within the ddpline of the trees designated to rE::ml1in.
(3) In the event the underground utilities nust be placed within
the dripline of the trees to conain, the utilities shall be installed by augudng
at twenty-four inches (24") mininum depth or by hand tranching. If roots over
one inch (1") in diameter are encountered, the ~oots shall be preserved without
injury . No machine trenching within a tree's dripline shall be permitted, unless
authorized, in writing, by the Director.
(4) ^ pcrformtlnce bond may be required, in a form acceptable to
the City and prior to issuance of an entitlenent, to wsure protection of !:raes
on the site. '!be amount of any set bond shall be One Thousand Five nundroo Dollars
($1,500.00), or the value of affected trees, M1ichever is greater, baaed on "M.,-mual
For Pl"nt ^Dorair-ers," Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers. The latezt
edition is to be available for review in the City Planning Department. If, in I
the opinion of the certified arbodst, no violation or daJn<)ge has occurred during
construction, the bond 3hall be returned upon final building inspection. However,
if c1.amage has occurred, the bond shall be held for three (J) years and forfeited
if, in the opinion of the certified arborist, pcrmtlncnt damage has occurred.
(5) Failure to canply with tree preservation requirencnts shall
result in the Director issuing a stop work order until all requiraoonts have been
(n) Upon determination that a conditioned tree or Landmark tree has
died, been destroyed or removed aa a result of construction or devc1opront:
activity, the Council may stop further construction or t1evelopnent activity until
the administrative penalty is paid.
Sec. 10-3.10. l\Pneals.
(a) My person desiring to appeal the Director's or Tree Coordinator's
decision regarding tree removal permits shall appeal the decision to the Parks
and necraation Tree Subcommittee. This appeal shall be in writing and be mdo I
within tcn (10) days of the decision and be addressed to the C1tairman of the Parks I
and necreation Commission. The Chairman shall then direct the Tree Subcommittee I
to meet and review the appeal within thirty (30) days of receiving the written
The Parks and Recreation s~ttee shall review the appeal and I
determine M1ether the tree removal permit is to be granted or oonied.
Further appeals arising from the Trae Subconvnlt tee's decisions shall I
be filed in writing within ten (10) days of the decision with the City Clerk for I
City Council review. !
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(b) ~y persons desiring to appeal the decision of the Parks and
Recreation und/or Public WOrks Director regarding grading permits, building
permits, or undeveloped property shall appeal the decision to the Planning
Ccmnisf:ion . '1\1i5 appeal shall be in writing and be madc within ten (10) days
of the decision and shall be addressed to the Chairman of the. Planning Commission.
'It\e Plooning CooOlisf:ion shall then neet and review the appeal within thirty (30)
days. l\pJ?Cals to the Planning Conmis:1ion shall be subject to fees as set forth
in the Schedule of Fees located at the Planning Deparl:.nent.
Further appeals arising. from the Planning Cominission' s decisions shall
be filed in wr iting within ten (10) dnys of the decision with the City Clerk for
City Council review. . .
(c) ~y persons desiring to appeal the decisions of the Planning J
Ccmnission regarding tract maps, planting easerrents, or uniform planting plans
shall appeal the decision to the City Council. '!be appeal shall be in wr iting
and be made within ten (10) days of the decision and shall be addressed to the
City Clerk. The City Council shall then IOOct and review the appeal within the .
tirre set forth in the City Code for such appeals. J\ppeals to the City Council
!>hall be f<ubject to fees as !Jet forth, in the Schedule of Fees located at the City
Clerk's office.
~FC'I'TON 1: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30)
days after its pas!::age, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall
be published once, together with the names of the Council HeRbers voting thereon,
in a newspaper of general circulation within the City.
On notion of Council HeRber Douqall , acconded by Council Menber ).tx)ts ,
and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Council ~nbers Dougall, foobots, Olsen and Smith
roES : None
J\BSENr : Mc"'\yor Millis
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 27th day of Noventler .
1990. -t8'~~4)
HI\YOll PltO 'I'JiM
~: ~a.~ 1\PmDVED AS ']X) FORM:
CI'l,,{ C " <-
I, NAOCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk the City of 'Arroyo Grande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of Cali omia, do hereby certify W1der penalty
of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 431 C.S. is a true, full
- and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular IDgeting
of said CoW'\cil on the 27th d~y' of Novmtler, 1990.
WI'l'NESS JTrj hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this 30th'day of Novenber, 1990.
. . ,
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