O 430 C.S. , , I,..J_.. ORDINANCE NO. 430 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF 'IRE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 355 C.S. "ROYAL OAKS ESTATES" BY ALLCUING A CHURCH ON 1m B, AND APPROVING AND AOOPl'ING SPrx:IFIC DEVELOFMENT PLAN NO. 90-03 WHEREIIS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has held a public hearing to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 355 C.S, and Specific Development plan No. 90-03; and WHEREIIS, the City Council did consider said proposed amendment to Section 2(5) of Ordinance 355 C.S. to allow a church on Lot B, and Specific Development ( plan No, 90-03; and I WHEREIIS. the City Council has held the required public hearing on the proposed amendment and Specific Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has certified the EIR as adequate for the Halcyon Hills Subdivision with the previous addenda and the addendum for Grace Bible Church; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment and Specific Development Plan was found to I be consistent with the General plan and Goals and Objectives of the City of Arroyo Grande; and I WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public I hearing, the following circumstances exist: I ZONE CHANGE l. The proposed zone change is consistent with the general plan designation because the General plan Designation is P.D. Ordinance 355 C.S, and that ordinance allows institutional uses on this site. 2, The subject site is adequate in size and shape to accorrmodate the reasonabl e requirements of the proposed zone because the lot is 10,8 acres I in size and the zoning designation requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 I square feet, The site is capable of providing adequate setbacks, parking, lot coverage and all other requirements of the zone, 3. The proposed zone change is reasonable or beneficial at this time to serve the neighborhood because it allows the Church to more effectively serve its membership, 4. The proposed zone change could not adversely affect the surrounding property because mitigation measures have been included in the conditions of approval for the project which mitigate any potential adverse impacts. 5, The project will not have an environmental impact because mitigation measures have been included in the conditions of approval for the project which mitigate any potential adverse impacts on aesthetics, traffic, and water consumption, , SPECIFIC DEVELOa-IENT PLAN l. The proposed use is consistent with the general plan because the General Plan Designation is P.D. Ordinance 355 C,S, and that ordinance allows institutional uses on this site. 2. The site is adequate in size and shape for the proposed use because all setbacks, lot coverage, parking, and required landscaping can be incorporated into the project design, 3. The site for the proposed use has adequate access because it fronts on Rodeo Drive and has proposed a private drive to access the si te fran that street. A traffic report was prepared for the project and the traffic engineer saw no problems with the proposed access, 4. The proposed use will not have an adverse effect on the adjacent property because mitigation measures and conditions have been included in the conditions of approval fran the project which mitigate any potential adverse impacts, i 60. I , I ORDIN1\NCE NO. 430 C.S. 5. The desigll and layout of the proposed use is suitable because all setbacks, lot coverage, parking, and required landscaping can be incorporated into the project design. 6, The project will not have an environmental impact because mitigation measures have been included in the conditions of approval for the project which mitigate any potential adverse impacts on aesthetics,traffic, and water cOl>sumpti011. 7. A traffic study was perfonred which, on ,the basis of actual demand. indicated that 240 parking spaces were sufficient for the proposed use. J NOW, THEREFORE. the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: Seoti on l. That the above statements constitute the findings of fact of the City Council 011 this natter. Section 2. That Section 2(5) of Ordinance 355 C.S. is arr-ended to allow a churoh on lot B, Section 3. That Ordinance 355 C.S. and the Zoning Ordinance are amended to establish the development standards for this property as set forth in Section 5, Conditions of Approval, of this Ordinance, In the case of development st~1dards that are not listed in Section 5, those development standards incorporated in Ordinance 355 C.S. shall apply, Section 4, That Specific Development Plan 90-03 is conditionally approved and adopted subject to the conditions of approval set forth in Section 5 herein below. secti on 5, Coriitions of Approval A. Mitigation Measures l. The applicant shall reduce the overall height of the proposed structure (cross plus sanctuary) fran 81 feet to 69 feet, This will bring the top of the proposed structure below the horizon line at a number of perspectives (Avenida De Diamante, Collado Corte, Spanish Hoss Lane) and reduce the visual impact of the structure in all surrolli1ding areas. }.Iaoi torinq Department: Building Department 'rime Frame: Prior to issuance of building pe~ts. 2, The applicant shall incorporate earth-tone colors into all exterior treatments and use the brown exterior roofing ll'aterial in accordance with the sulmitted plans. Also, use nonreflective glass and framing ll'aterials for the proposed skylights. Moni torinq Department: Building Department J Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building pe~ts. 3. The applicant shall plant all landscaping in strict accordance with the landscape plan sulmitted with the project plans (except as m:xlified by these conditions) inc1 uding the diameter, location, quantity, type and positioning of all trees shown on the plan, Mon.t torinq DepartnlE!Ilt: Parks and Recreation Department Tink~ Frame: Prior to issuance of final occupanoy, 4. One or IOOre of the following measures shall be incorporated into the sanctuary design to break up the large expanse of roof from overhang to center point: a. Use a step and vegetation filled trellis at midpoint,between overhang and center point. b. Incorporate well ll'aintained roof gardens into the project design. ,--_....,- '-"- ._~,- _ ,._,-'-...'--~-- '-_..------_..- .._, .,- .., 61 ORDINANCE NO. 430 e.s. c. Use a stepped roof or double roof design and use textured roofing lnaterials, d. Incorporate donner or recessed windows into the roof. e, Reduce roof area through redesign of the sanctuary ( reduce square footage), f. The color of the sanctuary roof and fellowship hall roof shall ~ be identical but different fran the color of the flat roof over the christian education building, Monitorinq Department: Building Department and Planning Department Time Fraire: Prior to issuance of building pe~ts 5. until Brisco Road/Hwy 101 interchange is reconstructed, the church shall schedule its activities so that no more than 25 vehicles remain in its parking lot at 11:50 A.M" with the exception of Easter and Christmas, This rescheduling will avoid the mid-day peak hour. Monitorinq Department: Public Works Department Time Fraire: Until Brisco Road/Hwy 101 interchange is reconstructed. 6. Until Brisco Road/Hwy 101 interchange is reconstructed, the tuesday afternoon AWANA youth program shall be canbined with the evening program, which takes place between 6:30 and 8:30. This rescheduling will avoid the PM peak hour and place the program at a time when PM traffic is substantially reduced. Monitorinq Department: Public Works Department Time Frarre: until Brisco Road/Hwy 101 interchange is reconstructed. 7, As an alternative to rescheduling services, the church could pay a traffic rrdtigation fee of $2656 per peak hour trip on the backbone traffic system. Said fee shall be paid prior to issuanoe of building pe~ts. Moni torinq Department: Public Works Department Time Fraire: Prior to issuance of building pe~ts or rescheduling of services to impact the peak hour, 8. At such time as the sanctuary is remodeled to seat 799, the church I shall provide a total of 462 parking spaces, Monitorinq Department: Building Department r Time Frame: Prior to issuance of final occupancy when the sanctuary is remodeled to seat 799. 9, All construction shall utilize fixtures and designs which minimize water usage. such fixtures and designs shall include, but are not limited to, low flow shower heads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters or hot water recirculating systems, drip irrigation with drought tolerant landscaping and so forth, ~oni torinq Department: Building Department Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy 10, Prior to final occupancy of any structure, all water conserving designs or fixtures shall be installed. Monitorinq Department: Building Department Time Fran-e: Prior to final occupancy 6~ ORDINANCE NO. 430 e.s. 11. All landscaping shall be consist€:nt with water conserva ti on practices including the use of drip irrigation, n~lch, gravel, ill1d bark. To the greatest extent possible, lawn areas and areas requiring spray irrigation shall be minimized, HOOtorinq Department: Parks and Recreation Department Tin~ F'1:an",,;. Prior to issuanoe of building permits and prior to final OCCUP~1CY 12, The applicant shall provide for reviE:w and approval by the City Council, ill1 individual water program which will propose mitigating J roeasures to neutralize projected water denand for the project, The approved progr~u must be implemented prior to issuar.ce of building pennits. Moo torinq Deparbnent: Public Works Departn~nt Il':i.n~ r'rau'C': Prior to issUill1ce of building permits 13. Prior to issuanoe of building permits the applioant shall subnit a grading, drainage and erosion control plan, prepared by a registered civil engineer, to the Public Works Director for approval. Said plan shall n~tigate ar.y potential impacts caused by wind or water erosion tr~t may be a result of oonstruction. Honj. torinq Department: Public Works Departlnent :Jj..M~ l?x.illOO.~ Prior to issuance of any building pernuts. B. General Conditions 14. 'fhe applicant shall ascertain ill1d comply with all State, COlmty and City nilquirements as are applicable to this project. 14a. This applioati~1 shall automatically expire on Noven~er 13, 1991 unless a building permit is issued. Sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the architectural approval, the applicant n~y apply to the Planning Director for an extension of one (1) year from the original date of expiration. Any further extensions beyond one (1) y~a(" shall require Planning Comnission approval, after a recomrendation by the Architectural Advisory Comnittee. 14b. Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant shall rein~urse the City for costs incurred for preparati~1 of the addendum ErR and costs for the traffic engineer to attend Planning C0I111ussion ill1d City Council meetings. 15, DevelopT~nt shall oocur in substill1tial conformance with the plans presented to the City Council at the meeting of Novdl~er 13, 1990 and marked "Exhibi t An, 15a. Us~ of these facilities shall be limi ted to those activities outlined in Specific Developrrent Plan 90-03, and other accessory J uses whioh are clearly and customarily incidental to the church. Such accessory uses do not inolude schools, other than slU1day school classes, or child care, other than ohild care associated with regularly scheduled church services and activities, Addition of aotivities which are not accessory uses shall require n~ifioation of the Specific Development Plan and additional enviroruuental review. 16. The applicill1t shall agree to defend at his/her sole oiIxpense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or eII\ployees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The aI>plicant sr~ll reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employers. for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees nay be required by a court to pay as a resul t of such action, The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in th", defense of ar.y such action but such participation shall not relievIiI applicant of his/her obligations tU1d",r this condition, ~3 ~~ ORDINANCE NO.430 C.S. C, Planning Department Conditions 17, Do;,velopment shall conform with the PD zoning requirements and Ordin- ance 355 C,S" unless otherwise approved and applicant sh"ll adhel'e to all applicable conditions identified in Ordinance No. 355 C.S. 17a. Lot coverage for this site shall not exceed thirteen percent (13%) and the locations of buildings shall be limited to the building envo;,lopes shown on Attachment B. r 17b. The color scheme of the entire struct.ure shall be approv",d by the Architectural Advisory Coomittee prior to issuance of a building penTlit. 17c. The parking lot shall be modified to provide 240 parking spaces. 18. All roof-mounted equipment shall be painted to match the roof or screened from view of adjacent property in accordance with the City's Architectural Review Guidelines. All roof-mounted equipment which generates noise, solid particles, odors, and so forth, shall cause the objectionabl e material to be directed away from residential properties. All screen designs shall be compatible with the building and shall be subject to the review and aPPJ:oval of the Planning Departn~t prior to issuance of building permits, 19, All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all other mechanical equipment, whether on the ground, on the structure or elsewhere, shall be screened from public view with materials archi tecturally compatible with the main structure, It is especially important that electric transformers be completely screened from public view, 20. An exteJ:ior lighting plan shall be subTlitted for approval of the planning and Police Departments prior to issuance of bui 1 ding pelmits, and shall include the following standards: a. Cut-off lurranaries shall be ilostalled which will provide true 90 degree cut-off and prevent projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device, b, All fixtures shall use a flat, clear lens, energy-efficient light source, c. All project lighting shall be confined to the project site. d. Additional lighting shall be provided for landscaped areas on the North, East and West side of property, prior to issuance of building permits. ~ 2l. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, 22. Prior to issuance of a building pet1T1it, five (5) copies of a landscaping and irrigation plan prepared by a lico;,nsed landscape architect shall be subnatted for approval by the Planning, Police, Fire, and Parks and Recreation Departments. The landscaping plan shall include the following: a. Tree staking, soil preparation (including hydro SE<ed mix) and planting detail; b. The required landscaping and improvements. This incl udes: (1) 11 additional trees shall be provided in the parking area (1 tree per 5 parking spaces). If a ranodel is approved, an additional 13 trees shall be planted in the parking lot. The parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallons, Perimeter trees shall be 15 gallon/5 gallon mix, with banks to blend in (shapes of shrubs and trees) with the surroW1ding hillside vegetation; -~- " t}ll ORDINANCE NO. 430 C.S. (2) Deep root planters shall be included in areas where trees are within 5' of asphalt or .concrete surfaces oold curbs; (3) Water conservation practices inclucling the use of drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants and bark shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan; (4) All slopes 2:1 or greiiter shall have jute rresh or equivalent material; c. The use of landscaping to screen grOlU1d-mounted utility and J mechanical equipuent; d. All walls, including screening on retaining walls. All walls shall be canpatible with the approved church architeoture. The walls shall be designed and con.structed to incorporate design features such as tree planter wells, variable setbacks, split block face, oolumns and other such features to provide visual and physical relief along the wall face. e. A vegetation management plan for the undeveloped area. L All landscaping and irrigation shown on the approved landscape and in:igation plans and all required walls shall be ccxllpleted or suitable bonds posted for their canpletion. D. Fire Department Conditions 23. All curbs through property shall be painted red except passenger drop-off ourb which shall be green - 10 minute parking. curbs shall be painted prior to final occupancy. 24. Approved fire lane sings in accordance with California Vehicle Code shall be posted at all red curb locations prior to final occupancy. 25. Automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed through facility prior to final occupancy. 26, Fire alarm system shall be supervised by a local alarm monitoring company. 27. All fire sprinkler and fire alarm installation plans shall be approved by Fire Departrrent prior to final framing inspection by Building Departrrent, 28. Fire hydrants shall be installed with flows and pressures required by Fire Department prior to delivery of combustibles, except concrete franing materials, 29. All utility roams shall be clearly identified by signage prior to I final occupancy. J 30. E}lIergency lighting and emergency power equir;ment to be provided prior to final occupancy. 3l. The applicant shall provide fire extinguishing system in kitchen plans to be sul:roitted to Fire Departn~t prior to installation. 32. The applioant shall provide information to the Building Official pertaining to ccxnpaction of building site in relation to seislnic concerns prior to issuance of building permits. E, Parks and Recreation Departrrent 33, The applioants shall coordinate drainage structure to accept water that lnay flow off Rancho Grande Park site. Landscape architect to meet with Parks and Recreation Director to review Rancho Grande Park plan. S5 I I ORDINANCE NO. 430 C.S. I F. public Works Department 34. The existing road easement located on site shall be eliminated prior to issuance of a building perrrQt. 35. Rodeo Drive shall be used as the street address for the church and Grace Lane shall be removed as the name of driveway on the map. 36. street lights shall be provided as required by Public Works Director along Rodeo Drive and James Way in conformance with PG&E standards ,- and city requirements. 37. The applicant shall suJ::rn:i.t a grading and drainage plan prior to issuance of building perrrQt for approval by the Public Works Director. Appropriate new drainage easement shall be dedicated prior to issuance of building perrrQt. Appropriate drainage structures shall be installed as a condition of the building perrrQt, G. Police Department 38. While not a condition, the Police Department suggests that a silent alarm system, deadbolt door locks and window security hardware be installed. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage; and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the City Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. I On motion by Council Member ~ti:i seconded by Council Membel'Olsen , and by the following roll call vote. to wit: AYES: Council Members !<bets, Olsen and Smith NOES: None ABSaIT : Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 27th day of November, 1990. fJ' OArA<.J ~ B'ANN SMITH MAYOR PRO TEN ATTEST: r ~a.~ NANCY A. DAV , CITY CLERK , I I I I APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS NTENT : CHR ISTIANSEN, CITY MANAGER I I , I . lihl~ . . . . . " . , '. . 1 i I . jl jl ~ '\r\ ! \ \\1 h\ \ \t i i ~x , '" ~ ,I. . · 4 a~ t- .... 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