O 426 C.S.
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cmTAIN ~Ji:C'l'S OF 'l'HE ARCHITv.:l\J1iAL RWIE1I ~.
srerICIf 1: Title 9, Chapter 4, Article 27 of the MuniCipal Code of the City of
Arroyo Grande is hereby amended to read as follows:
Article 27. Title.
This ordinance shall be known as the "Architectural Review Process."
Section 9-4.2701. Definitions.
The following words and phrases shall have the meaning indicated when used
in this ordinance:
A. "Architectural Review" shall mean the process established by the
Zoning Ordinance to review design elements of developnents.
B. "cannission" shall mean the Planning cannission of the City of
Arroyo Grande;
C. "Cannittee" shall mean the Architectural Advisory Cannittee;
D. "CannitteeMember" shall mean a member of the Architectural Advisory
E. "Council" shall mean the City Council of Arroyo Grande; and
F. "Director" shall mean the Planning Director, or designee;
Section 9-4.2702. General Provisions.
A. Findinqs and Policy. The CI'lY CWNCIL FINDS 1\ND DECLARES:
1. That the City of Arroyo Grande is a city with unique
characteristics, ideal climate conditions, spectacular natural
vistas, and dynamic natural features; and
2. That the appearance of buildings, structures, signs, and the
land has a material and substantial relationship to property
values and the taxable value of property in the City; and
3. That to protect the econanic welfare of the camunity, it is
the policy of the city Council to protect, maintain and
enhance the social and econanic values created by past and
present investments in the camunity by requiring all future
developnent to respect these traditions and require that all
buildings and structures placed on the land respect the
natural land forms and become a compatible part of the total
camunity environment, both in the local neighborhood and the
City as a whole; and
4. That said policy will be furthered by the creation of an
Architectural Mvisory Cannittee to develop appropriate design
standards and guidelines, and to advise and assist the city
Council , planning Commission, and Director regarding the
design of proposed projects, as outlined in this ordinance.
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B. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is:
1- To recognize the interdependence of the land values and
aesthetics and to provide a method by which the City may
iJ1i>lement this interdependence to its benefit and to the
benefit of its individual citizens; and
2. To preserve and enhance the beauty and environmental ameni ties
of the City; and
3. To praoote and protect the safety, convenience, canfort,
. prosperity, and general welfare of the citizens of the City.
C. Establisbnent of an Architectural 1\dvisorv Cannittee:
1- Creation of Architectural 1\dvisorv Cannittee: There is hereby
established the Arroyo Grande Archi tectural 1\dvisory
CCmnittee, consisting of three (3) members, to be appointed by ,
the Mayor and ratified by the Council. The terms of office ,
shall be for two (2) years for one (1) member, and three (3) I
years for two (2) members. CCmnissioners shall serve without I
c~ensation. I
2. Desirable Qualifications of Cannittee Members: The Cannittee
shall consist of three (3) residents who should have design
and/or landscape design knowledge/experience. The Cannittee
Members should be persons who have sincere interest in the
physical environment of Arroyo Grande and are able, because of
their background, training, expertise, and experience, to make
positive and fair aesthetic evaluations of the projects that
will cane before them. Members should be able to read and
interpret mechanical architectural and engineering drawings as
they relate to the appearance of a proposed building, signage.
structure, and landscaping upon the site and surrounding
3. Fillinq Vacancies and Removal of Members: Vacancies shall be
filled for unexpired terms. The COW'lcil, by majority action,
may remove any Cannittee Member as provided in the City
4. Non Attendance: In the event a member of the CCmnittee is not
in attendance for three (3) or more consecutive meetings,
unless excused for cause by the chairperson, or vice-
chairperson of the CCmnittee, the CoW'lcil may replace such
5. Rules: The CCmnittee shall adopt by-laws, which establish
rules, regulation, and procedures to conduct meetings. The
by-laws rules shall include provisions for selection of a
chair and vice chairperson.
6. Meetinqs: The CCmnittee shall hold at least one regular
meeting each IfOI1th, during a time established in the by-laws;
additional meetings may be scheduled as needed to pranptly
dispose of all applications for review. All the meetings
shall be held in public at City Hall, W'lless otherwise
D. Functions. Duties. and Procedures of the CCmnittee.
l. Functions of the Cannittee: The fUnctions of the Cannittee
shall be to make recarmendations to the Cannission, CoW'lcil.
and Director regarding the administration of the provisions of
this ordinance in a manner that will:
a. Develop and maintain a pleasant and harlOOnious
b. Praoote and enhance real property values;
c. Conserve the City's natural beauty;
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d. Preserve and enhance its distinctive visual character;
e. Insure the orderly and haz:mcnious development of the
City; and
f. Preserve the historic structures and neighborhoods.
2. Duties of the Committee:
a. The Committee shall prepare, review, and reccmnend
appropriate architectural standards and guidelines,
subject to Commission and Council approval. standards
and guidelines are to be set forth in pictorial and/or
narrative form, and may illustrate undesirable as well
as desirable exail{)les of design. The Committee shall
periodically review these standards and guidelines and
may make appropriate amendments.
b. The Cannittee shall make itself available to advise and
assist the Commission, Council, and Director in the
application of its arohi tectural standards and
guidelines to projects during schematic and development
stages; and
c. The Committee shall review and make reccmnendations to
the Council Commission and! or Director regarding
applications for architectural and sign review, pursuant
to the Zoning Ordinance, unless the Committee or the
Director certifies that the nature of the work is minor
or incidental and need not be reviewed by the Committee.
When, in the opinion of the Director, applications for
projects other than architectural or sign review may
create an archi tectural inpact contrary to the
objectives of this ordinance, the Committee may review
the application prior to the Planning Commission and/or
City Council hearings.
IE Expiration:
1. Architectural review approvals shall autanatically expire
unless a building permit is issued within two (2) years.
Prior to the expiration of an architectural review approval,
the applicant may apply to the Director for an extension of
one (1) year fran the original date of expiration. The
Director may grant the extension, and may make minor
trodifications of the approved design at the time of extension,
if it is found that there has been no substantial change in
the factual cirC\ll\Stances surrounding the originally approved
design. 1\ny further extensions beyond one (1) year shall
require Commission approval, only after a reccmnendation by
the Committee.
Section 9-4.2703. FindinqS for APProval
The fOllowing findings shall be made in order to approve an architectural
review application:
A. The proposal is consistent with the Architectural Guidelines of the
City of Arroyo Grande, or guidelines prepared for the area in which
the project is proposed.
B. The proposal is consistent with the text and map of the general plan
and the zoning ordinance.
C. The proposal will not be detrimental to the heal th, safety, canfort
and general welfare of persons residing or working in the
neighborhood of the proposed project.
D. The general appearance of the proposal is in keeping with the
character of the neighborhood.
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E. The proposal is not detrimental to the orderly and harmonious
development of the City.
F. The proposal will not in1?air the desirability of investment or
occupation in the neighborhood.
Sec. 9-4.2704. Subnission of Plans.
A. Whenever an application requires architectural review pursuant to
the Zoning Ordinance, ten (10) sets of architectural plans folded to
9" x 12" shall be subnitted. Each sheet of the plans nust be to a
standard architect's or engineer's scale and contain the:
1. Name and address (location) of the project.
2. Scale of the illustration.
3. Date of preparation and/or revisions.
4. Name of the applicant.
5. Name and license or registration nunber of the person or firm
preparing the plans (Plans for all commercial or multifamily
residential projects nust be prepared by a licensed architect
or registered engineer).
6.; Vicinity.Hap showing the location of the property.
7. Statistics and other information.
a. The zoning and current use of the site and adjacent
b. The total area (in square feet) of the project site;
c. Allowable and proposed density for residential projects;
d. The total nunber of proposed dwelling units and existing
units that will remain, listed by nunber of bedrooms;
e. A calculation of the nunber of parking spaces required
and provided;
f. The area of the site to be covered by buildings,
landscaping, and paved surfaces; and
g. The floor area ratio.
The following information shall be subnitted:
1. A site plan, drawn to a standard architect's or engineer's
scale, containing the:
a. Dimensioned property lines and all building setbacks;
b. Location, name, and width (including required widening)
of adjacent street;
c. Name, location, and width of watercourses;
d. Existing and proposed public and private easerrents;
e. Proposed i\'ll>roverrents and existing i\'ll>roverrents that
will be retained;
f. Parking spaces and aisles, dimensioned; the flow of
traffic should be noted by arrows;
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'4' 2: g. Access and circulation of pedestrians and vehicles;
h. Walls, fences and exterior lighting structures;
i. Planted areas and outdoor-use areas;
j. Location of signs;
k. Location of trash enclosures; and
1. Location, type, trunk and canopy diameter, and status
(e.g., trees to be rerooved. saved, and/or relocated) of
all existing trees over 3" trunk diameter; and
. m. Location and status of all existing buildings,
2. A grading and drainage plan containing:
a. Existing and proposed contours, finished floor
elevations, retaining walls; and
b. Approximate area, depth, and volume of cuts and height
and location of fills.
3. Sectional drawings containing:
a. Two section views of the project, approximately through
the middle and at right angles to each other. showing
existing and proposed grades and relationship of
buildings, parking, and landscaping at maturity.
4. A building floor plan showing use of interior spaces.
5. An elevation plan Building elevations showing:
a. All sides of buildings;
b. Dimensioned maxinun height of building fran average
finish grade at building;
c. Location and size of signs;
d. Materials and colors of all exterior surfaces and
features; and
e. Exterior mechanical equiprent and proposals for
screening, including electrical and gas connections,
electrical transformers, solar panels, meter boxes, and
irrigation backflow devices.
6. Site furniture and detail plan showing the:
a. Trash enclosure;
b. Mailbox design;
c. Seating walls, benches;
d. Bicycle parking or storage facilities;
e. Lighting design, including type, power rating, height,
and shielding;
f. Screen designs; and "
g. other proposed anenities.
7. A Landscaping Plan containing the:
a. Location and mature size of proposed trees, street
trees, major shrubs. and ground cover;
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b. Significant vegetation to be retained or removed; '43
c. Plant legend describing plant characteristics for each
symbol. (Where trees or shrubs have significantly
different characteristics, different symbols should be
used.) ;
d. Location, height, materials, and design of site
irrprovements, such as fences, retaining walls, special
paving, and lights;
e. Cross section and/or elevations showing relationships
between planting design and site irrprovements.
(Sections should show existing and proposed grades.)
Elevations should accurately show mature plant foImS and
f. Erosion control measures;
g. Notes describing how the landscaping plan meets the
site's functional, aesthetic, and ecoloqical
requirements. These notes could describe landscape
screening, colors, provision for solar access, and
climate control; and
h. Method of irrigation; and
i. Water conservation plan.
(The applicant may subnit a detailed planting plan showing
specific plant species, sizes, and locations instead of the
II'Ore generalized landscaping plan described above. The
Director, Cannittee, Cannission, or Council may request a
detailed planting plan for some projects.)
8. A sign proposal containing:application if required by the
Director, Cannitt,ee, Cannission or Council.
a. Dimensions and areas of all signs;
b. Dimensions and areas of building walls on which signs
are located;
c. Heights of all signs;
d. .Means of lighting;
e. Message that will appear on each sign;
f. Description of materials and colors for letters and
background; and
g. A scaled drawing of each sign showing typeface and
design details;
9. Materials and scurple board containing:
a. Colors and textures of exterior materials securely
lI'Ounted on a rnaxinun 8 1/2" x 14" size illustration or
poster board;
10. Model, if requested by the Director, Cannittee or Council;
1l. Perspective rendering, if requested by the Director,
Canni ttee, or Council; and
12. other material needed for architectural review, as determined
by the Cannittee, Council, or Cannission.
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, ,:44, Sec. 9-4.2705. Fee.
The fee for architectural and sign review shall be established by the City
Council through the adoption of a resolution.
se:TICft 2: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days
after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be
published once, together wish the names' of the Council Manbers voting thereon,
in a newspaper of general circulation within the City.
On IOOtion of Council Member Dougall, seconded by Council Menber &nith, and
by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Menbers Dougall, &nith, Moots, Olsen, and Mayor Millis
NOES: None
ABSENl': None
the foregoing ordinance was adopted this lOth day of July, 1990.
emus CI'lY HANl\GER
I, ~ A. .DP.VIS, City Clerk , of ~e City of Arroyo Grande, County
of San Lu.is Ob~spo, State of Cahforrua, do hereby certify under penalty
of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 426 C.S. is a true, full
and correct copy of said ordinance passed and adopted at a regular maeting
of said Council on the 10th day of July, 1990.
. WI'I:NESS my- hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this, !7th day~of July, 1990.
CITY~ a.~
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