O 425C.S. . '-:36 . - amnwa ID. 425 C.S. AN tIRGE10r amnwa CI!' THE. em. CI!' ARRDYO GRAmE, ~, EXTm>OO PROHIBITION ON AN INl'ER,IM Bl\SIS CI!' THE APProI1AL CI!' AN'{ -AIXJLT ~ mE OR lIPPLICATION FOR SOCII tEE,' PORSOANr TO SECl'ION 65858 OF. THE CALIFORNIA ~ CQ)E, TIN) DIRECl'IN:; THE OONSIDERATION TIN) REVIEW CI!' ,RlDJIM'IOOS ~N:; 'l'IlmETO '!he City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: S~pN l.~ fiQd~s: . .J.al '!he Planning Camdssicn and staff of the City ,of Arroyo Grande are , hereby directed and intend to ccnsider and study, ,within a reasQnable time, a J proposal to revise those parts of the City's ZOning Ordinance ,that requlate land and structure. uaes, including act:iviti~ u"",,) ly or traditiCMlly considered -adultentert.ain1Dent- or that are usually or traditiCMlly regulated by -red light- zoning ordinances. " .l..2 Such ccnsideraticn and study will enable the City to c3evelop policies and standards for the reasQnable regulaticn of -a4ult ~entertainment- uaes within the City. .. " .l..J '!be continued uae of 1a.nd or structures for -adult entertainment- centers within the City in accordance. with: current ,regulations may be inconsistent with the policies ~ standards;that are being or will be ccnsidered by the Planning Camdssicn and staff of the City. . ' , , , ' , ,. .. . . ..LJ '!bere is a current and.imnediate threat ,to the pmlic health, safety, and welfare arising fran the QSe qfland and structures for -adult f!I1tert:a!nment- centers within the City pursuant to existing regulations, and a continl,Jation of approval of such uses pursuant to existing regulations would result in a further threat to public health, safety,or welfare. .L5 It can be seen with certaJ.nty that there is no possibility the adoption of this ordinance might have, a significant effect on the environment. .l...6 '!be Council's written ~eport outlines the measures being taken to alleviate the conditions that led to the adoption of this ordinance. ~~ON 2. Pr~ihit:i.nn: ..2.J. '!be use of land or structures within the City of Arrayo Grande for ~ uses usually or traditi~y~idered -adult entertainment, - or which are usually or traditionally regulated by -red light- zonlng ordiriances, is " :."'" ~""~"" . ""''''''. qf :"'" _ f"", "'" """ the effective dote of ) or lI'IarICe. . , ~ 'D1e issuance of permitS, licenses, or other entitlements for any use.) de:;cribed in Secticn 2.1 of this ordinance is hereby prohibited for a period of one year from and after the effective date of this ordinance. .2...3 'D1e issuance of permits, licenses, or other entitlements for any use described in Secticn 2.1 of this ordinance is hereby prohibited for a period of one year fran and after the effective date of this ordinance. ..2..3 '!be acceptance of application for a permit, license, or other entitlement for any use described in Section 2.1 of this ordinance is hereby >- prohibited for a period ()f one year fran and after the effective date of this ) ordinance. .- '" ...-. I I L, - ----.-."'.-.- ---" -- i 37 . " - ORDINAOCE ro. 425 C.S. Pl\GE '1W) S~ON 3. Excection of Prohibition: .J..l 'RIis ordinance shall have no application to a license, permit, or other entitlement of use that was duly issued prior to the effective date of this ordinance . ~ON 4. ExDiration of Effect: ..4..l 'RIis ordinance shall be of no further force or effect at the expiration of one year after the adoption of this ordinance. ~ON5. Declaration of UrgenGY: .u 'RIis ordinance is declared to be necessary as an urgency measure r pursuant to Section 65858 of the California Goverrunent Code for the reasons set forth in Section 1 hereof. S~ON 6. DeclArat.ion of Ura~: LJ. 'RIe Planning Cannission and the staff of the City of Arroyo Grande are hereby directed to take all due consideration, study, and action relating to the regulation of "adult entertainment" uses within the City. S~ON 7. Notice qf J\dagI:ion: .2al Within fifteen (15) daYs after the adoption of this ordinance, the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption hereof and shall cause it to be posted in at least three public places within the City. :L2 Imnediate1y upon the adoption of this ordinance, the City Clerk shall send certified Copies hereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San !nis Cbispo, to the Planning Director of the County of san !nis Cbispo, to the presiding officer of the Planning Cannission of the County of san !nis Cbispo, and to each menber of the Planning Cannission of the City of Arroyo Grande. S~ON 8. Effective Date: ..8..l 'RIis ordinance shall becaIe effective inmediate1y upon the date of its adoption. en JOOtion of Council Mellber Douaa] 1 , seconded by Council Mellber Smi th , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Dougall, Smith, Olsen, Moots and Mayor Millis rom: None ABSENl': None the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted this 10th day of July, 1990. r ~~ A', "fl~ MARK M. MILLIS MAYOR CP 'mE CITY CP ARBOro GlWl)E 1u'!'~"'l': ~t1.~ . NAN::Y A. DA: CI'lY c::rmK OF 'mE CITY CP ARBOro GWiDE APPROVED AS 'ro J?Cm(: - /' CHRIS CBRI CITY