O 423 C.S. -.'" J 32 I I " INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE NO.. 423 <;.5. , . AN INTERIM UROENCt ORDINAN(!~ 'Ot'1'Hlf '. CI'1'Y 011' MROYO GRANDEf:X'1'~NbING THI!:' SUSP2NStON'OP CERTAIN DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING, tNCtUOIHG BUT HOT "LIMITED. '1'0, tOT (SPtI'1'S AND/OR Sf:~ONDtJNtTa') . \ I, ~ " :~ .'~" '. . " . '\ ~;!~' ' ,. . i ~"; ,\ ", I; t . :' ','" . WH~REAS, on May 22, 1990, thecit:y Council adopted Interim Urgency,ordinance No, 421'C.8" I!ff8ctiVe1for "'4s"'day period. suspending. certain development'. processino i ,. inc~ \1~~,~~, but not limited to".l'ot ,.!lpIHsand/or,ucond uUta;na.n.d~' ..'" J . . '"1" f, .', ",;"" ,-~,..~ l' I ~ ,"" . ' . 'WHI!:IU:AS, on May 22.,1990 the'CityCoUMil of' the City of Arroyo Grande adopted the 1990 tand Use, Housin~,.Op~n,Space and conaervaUon ,Elements oLthe CitY'!I General"tllan; :.and\"', , . ,.,', ",' 'I ;,; ~, I' , : ':I- ~~ ,. ~ (t " r.: 1-., ,f i) r , ' : -. t : WttItRtM; tJU! cil:y hu begun the lJrbceSI ofUP8itingltr,iZOning and Subdivision ordinances in order that thef~are e6filil ent with the General Plan, as required by Government code Section 65960 (c); and '}:it;\ " .~' j 'I , WRERnS, '.said 1990 Land Use, Housin!H"'Opl!n~'!Spllbe and conservation Elements find Ithat,water' resburcea ' l1re I United and may be in or heat' an overdraft' concH tion; and 11,," :,. WHER!;:AS, it is in the beat "interest of thei' Ci'61tJtd1:.estab1ish a Wat.er Policy t.b respond,t.o t.he'.wahr\s5.t.uaU:titi")'bl:1;lrtl;U"',w . ~ '" "I ~t" ,f11t\"~'1~""'i/;.' , ! I ;. J ",,: I h 'l," '.. ~ ' ".",. WHEtlEAS, ,t.he newly adopt.ed elements 'bf,,-,t.M' J Cel\et'al Plan reqliire the adoption of a ResoUrce Managell1enh Phdfaddo, - !' '-: 't~ WHEREAS, the continued ota1\ting of land dilJhiort!!{resoning and fliftcorid. ubits lI1ay beineondat:ent with' 'the"fltDlSdaw 1ttesol.1rce Management. plan and may interfere with br'baMpet'tb_cCitY'sabl1ity to adequai:e1y protect the city 'sWater resour(!/ul;: 'artd rJ t!" , WHER1!:AS, the potential exists t.hat the CHy's (,water supp1 y " will be exhausted and overtaxed; artd ,1', """. ': .,., . . "', ,_: ,':,:"" r::""," ,T,,-,,': t " WHElutM, a deferral of 1anddivisions, "tetOliings 'and second units is necessary to lIIi Ugate ,and prevent adverse, impacts on existing and, future residents., and busineIlSes/lui/ir:'t'(j' prevent liabi Ii ty tot.he City which might be usociated d"Hh'~"*,Sirbvals which require. more water t.han exists: and' ." ~'!''':''''', 'f',', J , I:~ '. ,"J"!(ji};",-I1(:{}':[r,' 4" WHEREAS, the foregoing reasons de~onstrate that ~h&r~ e.ists a current, immediate and continuing threat to the publi~ health. , safety or \tel fare if land divisiol1s, tUortittg 't.II:.U~AHtJn] and J second \.Inits are continued to bit. approvedVlitld-,J! . ' ",1', - -. WHEREAS, the development of a Water Polie=, \tnd aU1b~holl o! a Resource Management plan will take an extended-'pElricti): and the Council wishes to extend the requirement of ord.lKi1nt:~'tfo;"~ll C,S. for an additional 10 months and 15 days, as provided.by~oVer~ment Code section 65858. .; ,."., ,.;, . ';..; ~1 ." h . 'j I.: ~ . - NOW, 'Hf:RErORI, t.he city Council of the City ot ~tro!o Orande does herebyordairt as follows I sEc1'1btf L' 'he above state~ents constitute the findings of the City council in this matter. , \' __. ..__.__n___ -~-- y'; I INTERU( URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 423 e.s. PAGE 2 SECTIb\'{ 2. pursuanl: 1:0 Secl:ion 65858 of I:he California Government Code. the cil:y Council hereby suspends land divisions and retonin.., pendil1lt completion of a CHy Water Policy and/or Resource;~anige\1\eht.,plan, as fallowlIl . ' "'\ I'"~ , , '. , " <'>["1 tn!f '\"1'"' '", "., i ',' " " (a) , MOlone, ohanges 01:" applicaHoM' therdore shall be entertained. accept.ed or processed for a period of 10 monl:hs and 15 days frOM and after the effe~tive date of this ordinahce. .,!' I' "i \ . ';1(' ':~ ,.'~, "t?t)"~'1".;,\1h , . (b) No appHoaHon for 'land r divisionsi' hil1l!lUdit\~" bUt. not 'limited to. ,.paroe1! Maps, traot',lIIaps," eltettsibns''''6f'1"'tilijf for hnhUve or. filial" hat:1: 'Mapsl\fal1d I A~eOttd'! units'" sHAH be enl:ertairted, aecepted or proc~ssed for 10 months ~~d,l~,da'ys from and aUn.ihe I!Iffeothe; date 'ofi'this Drdit1aMI!J. '... ,... .' , , .,;, i P\'~': ,.~~!,,~ ",' ( , r~!I" fe' I,' ,/1') ~!. ~ :' ; (0) 11: h t:he'intent of the Cft:y<'ounei! thiat'lhb' iJU!'~~naion of land divisions should not apply to any app1i081:ion submil:ted .prior to 5100 P.N. 'l'uesda"Mty 22. 1990, ot"t(j an1l11ri!idy adopted developm~nt agr~elllent.!l. ' '"." ,,,.,,. /' ,," ""i" , ;,,), ., I 'He) ," ,1 . . , 'Ii' f."''f I; SECTION 3. The City Council directs that all steps as may be " required,~oe.>>edite the preparation'~f a Water Poli~y'knd/or Resource Man4gemettt: Plan be foll bWed bY' the ()lIrtnitt~'t::oll1nbsi,ort and ci ty staf f. ;". . I' ", '. ,. , . . .. '.' ., 1. I StC'l'10~ .4. This ordinanoe is an urgency ordinaneeadopted pursuant.to,Oovetnment,code Seetion'6&SS8 for'thept~t:~otibn'of the 1>ublie health. uhty and welbre that shall beeollleeffecHve immediahly lip on its approval by ' the affirmative vbl6!f'of,at)east four membet:s ,of the,citf' dounoil."'! ' , '1,.,1 I' ." I 'I'., p" The above ,Undil1gs establish""Ii" i:'!Urrent./imrl\@jdiate.. and continuing thuat 1\;0' the tlubl ichelll thf.ilaUty' ot'~el fa.t'I!'" a~tt;ffind I:hat approval! of hl\d.divhionswo\ll Uliul,t. hi'.. I:ti~~,t:. \;6, the public health.,,-sdetyor welfat'e.-' q" ., " ',' I" ".' ,jl;, .', . SECT10~.5. 'l'his ol'dinanoeshall' be in 'effect,' for 10 mo.nths 'and 15 days after its adoption;: l!t'(lvided t.lilt" I:be'" Otdiftat\C!e effectiveness ",'y be further ut:ended aHerpublicheuing in accordance, wUh, 06vetnftlent Code: ti5e~~j:" ,.' ':., , ',., J [!!' , " {', ,'> ~ '1 ' ! ., , . stCTI0H 6. . Within fi fhen (15 )"dliys aHI!t' i'h pasu.,. ;'this brdinance, shall. be. publ !shed' Dnce, 'ttl!1ether wi lit t.he 'natfteSdf the toi1t1ci1 lIIembers votin~. thneoit{'~ hi 'Ii ' l\e"UI~a~erdf" ~eneral circu1at.ion within the city, but failure to publhh,fol:'"any naBon r shall not affe~td.heva1iditY"ofth,!' Ot'dirtan~ei.' ",'!. " , , , , l -- '~( - \, ,,,, "'HI f ." '1 ''( ! r' iT r. _._~ i,.,_ .\} "!,!~~I ~_'I},'~ I"",~' ;,' ,.' " ,-; On motionol Ctlurtcil Nembet bl!1E!h'l ' seoonded! bt'CounOi't' 'M'ember ~u, anet on the ,toll oWing roll' Cll1 Vtlt:e, to 'wit:'" .. 'f'" ", . AY!:S: CoUncil. ~rs, OlSi:!n, ~I!I, DdU<Jal1, Smith and MaYO{ Millis f.lOI!:S' None ' . " ,. ",;""",''>'" . "'. . < > , , ~! . A~!!I!:N'r' ~ . ' ".! ",.,!, i'.'.,,', ...~.r_",_'-'\'t',' }, '~'''I'''''rJ r'~ 1'.JJI..i:'i~,!,' rn~ ,f;j~ I:he t6tegoih~ ordihance wa~ passed and adopted'bt 'ihis '~eadihg on the 26th day tlf JUne, 1990. . i'! IO)~, j; " " tJ{1 A AT'l'EST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~DY SkD ... ~ , I ,/ . --,- , --, -" - -------'--- "- ~ - ^ .. ..