Agenda Packet 2007-07-24 CITY OF City Council � " � � � � ' Agenda � ��� i Tony Farrara Mayor Steven Adams City Manager Ed Arnold Mayor Pro Tem °� Timothy J.Carmel Ciry Attomey Joe Costello Council Member �p,, Kelly Wetmore City Clerk '(� CALIFORNIA Jim Guthrie Council Member � � " Chuck Fellows Councfl Member I AGENDA SUMMARY � CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers '�, 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande I i i1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: � 3. FLAG SALUTE: ARROYO GRANDE LIONS CLUB 4. INVOCATION: FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PASTOR ROBERT UNDERWOOD � 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: i None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW: �! 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only ' and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY—JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period July 1, 2007 through July 15, 2007. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of June 30, 2007. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of June 26, 2007 as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of a Resolution Acceatina Park Improvements and Associated Propertv in Fee Title for Tract 2310-II. Parkside. Constructed bv S&S Homes of the Central Coast (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Resolution accepting an offer of dedication in fee title for the park and associated improvements for Tract 2310-II, Parkside, constructed by S&S Homes of the Central Coast; and 2) Adopt a Resolution permanently rejecting the offer of dedication for Lot 24 for the purpose of a public park and offer of dedication for Lot 25 for the purpose of a drainage basin offered per Tract 2370-II, Parkside, by S&S Homes of the Central Coast. AGENDA SUMMARY—JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (conYd): 8.e. Consideration of Disoosal of Surolus Pat�ol Vehicle Eauiament (ANDREWS) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution declaring the listed patrol vehicle equipment as surplus and authorize its transfer to California National Guard. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sian Pro4ram Case No. 06-003 to Construct New Commercial Buildinqs and Install Siana4e: Auulicant — Investec Real Estate Companies: Rearesentative — Carol Florence. Oasis Associates: Location — 925 Rancho Parkwav. Pad "I" (Phase II of the Five Cities Shoppina Center), and the 1100 Block of West Branch Street IPhase I of the Five Cities Shoapinq Center) (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving Amended Conditionai Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program Case No. 06-003 subject to the conditions of approval. 9.b. Consideration of a Revised Proposal from PG&E for the Lease of 5-Acre Citv Propertv at West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road for a Two-Year T�orarv Park and Ride Lot Durina Winter 2008 and 2009 (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit Case No. 07-012, for the City to develop, and PG&E to operate, a Park and Ride Lot for up to 250 cars including shuttie bus stop and night lighting for two (2) five month periods, December 2007 through April 2008 and December 2008 through April 2009, subject to execution of a mutually agreeable lease agreement for use of the subject property; and 2) Direct staff to prepare a lease agreement between the City and PG&E for a portion of the 5-acre future recreation center property at West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road for consideration by the Council. 9.c. Consideration of Certification and Related Findins�s for the Final Environmental Imaact Reaort for the Newsom Sprinas Re�ional Drainaqe Plan (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution to certify the Final Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan as adequate and complete and make related findings pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. AGENDA SUMMARY—JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 4 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Aoaointment of Votinq Deleaate and Alternate for the Leaque of Califomia Cities Annual Conference (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Appoint one Council Member as the voting delegate and one Council Member as the alternate delegate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Councii of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM ED ARNOLD: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Other (c) COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 WaterAdvisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Fire Oversight Committee (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee (5) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER CHUCK FELLOWS: (1) South County Youth Coalition (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other AGENDA SUMMARY —JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 5 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would ' like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No I formal action can be taken. a: Request to discuss establishing a policy of designating a summer month in the future for cancellation of Council meetings. (ARNOLD) , i 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: i The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a. None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: i Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18. ADJOURNMENT I ......................... This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arrovoqrande.orq ......«................. All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the City Clerk's office and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. a����a���aatt3Way���aa�++� City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo � Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-soan.orq. � pRROy� s/�a■ � C� , INCORPORATED y.t � " m MEMORANDUM . � JULY 10. 1911 * P c4��FORN� TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE� I BY: FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: JULY 24, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period July 1 through July 15, 2007. FUNDING: There is a $1,000,290.92 fiscal impact that includes the following items: . Accounts Payable Checks 132097-132291 $ 560,328.17 • Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks $ 439,962.75 All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staff's recommendation; • Do not approve staff's recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1— July 1, 2007-July 15, 2007, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 2—July 6, 2007, Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks Register ATTACHMENT1 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 1 07/16I2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132097 07/02/2007000812APA-AMERICANPLANNING 024989-070304 07/01/2007 446.00 446.00 � 132098 07/02/2007 000058 BANK OF AMERICA 6/8-9436 06/08/2007 5,523.13 I 6/8-9444 06/OS/2007 1,33328 6/8-7762 06/08/2007 874.05 6/8-9163 O6/08/2007 535.52 6/8-2059 O6/08/2007 241.71 6/8-2083 06/08/2007 239.17 6(8-9328 06/08/2007 149.26 8,8g6.12 132099 07/02/2007 004646 FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. OF SLO 070107 07/01/2007 1,050.00 1,050.00 132100 07/02/2007 000317 HONEYWEL� INT'L INC 3338304 07/02/2007 8,025.75 8,025.75 132101 07/02/2007 006194 PIERCE MANUFACTURING M026442 07/01/2007 198,395.79 198,395.79 132102 07IO2/2007 005936 TIMES PRESS RECORDER 070207 07/02/2007 24.00 24.00 132103 07/02/2007 002468 THE TRIBUNE 2635190 06/25/2007 168:00 168.00 132104 07/03/2007 004545 CARMEL& NACCASHA, LLP 10904 07/02/2007 12,962.05 12,962.05 132106 07/05/2007 006226 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY 191284 06/07/2007 201.00 201.00 132107 07/05/2007 005507 AT&T 6J8-9867 06/08/2007 77.85 6/7-7480 06/07/2007 67.23 145.08 132108 07/05/2007 005890 CANNON ASSOCIATES 41432 05/31/2007 1,787.17 1,787.17 132109 07/05/2007 000208 J B DEWAR, INC 934889 06/30/2007 89.40 89.40 132110 07/05/2007 005149 EATON CORP 1546872 06/13/2007 2,107.67 2,107.67 132111 07/05/2007 OQ5779 FIVE CITIES SWIM CLUB INC 070207 07/02/2007 528.00 528.00 132112 07/05/2007 004202 CLAIRE FLOYD 070207 07/02/2007 48.00 48.00 132113 07/05/2007 004790 DEANNA FLOYD 070207 07/02/2007 24.00 24.00 132114 07/05/2007 003590 SERENA FLOYD 070207 07/02/2007 24.00 24.00 132115 07/05/2007 004188 EDDIE HARRIS 0702Q7 07/02/2007 100.00 100.00 Page: 1 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 2 07/16/2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132116 07/05/2007 000301 HEACOCK TRAILERS & 24622 06/08/2007 91.26 91.26 132117 07/05/2007 000330 INFORMATION TECH DEPT 4903 05/31/2007 274.75 274.75 132118 07/05/2007 001709 ERIK JENSEN 06207 06/20/2007 370.00 370.00 132119 07/05/2007 000356 JAMES E JOHNSON 062307 06/23/2007 370.00 370.00 132120 07/05/2007 004845 JOHN IARSON 070207 07/02/2007 140.00 140.00 132121 07/05/2007 005511 CHRISTOPHER LINTNER 070207 07/02/2007 64.00 64.00 132122 07/05/2007 001136 DOUG LINTNER 070207 07/02/2007 100.00 100.00 132123 07/05/2007 000405 CATHY MAILORY 062907 O6/29/2007 9.70 9.70 132124 07/05/2007 006020 RYAN MICHAE� 070207 07/02/2007 60.00 60.00 132125 07/05/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 910582 06/20/2007 24.77 910334 06/19/2007 16.13 208878 O6/08/2007 �z•91 53.81 , 132126 07/05/2007 006228 TAMMIE NEUFELD ' 062007 O6/20/2007 370.00 370.00 132127 07/05/2007 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 390160319-001 06/15I2007 428.04 428.04 132128 07/05/2007 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 6/18-704689 O6/18I2007 22.66 22.66 132129 07/05/2007 003265 PLATINUM PLUS FOR 6/20-6305 O6/20/2007 1,042.64 6/20-6263 06/20/2007 986.20 6/20-6347 06/20/2007 8�2.6$ 6/20-6289 06/20/2007 566.98 6/20-7615 06I20/2007 403.34 6/20-9686 06/20/2007 277.70 6/20-6313 06/20/2007 170.26 6/20-4015 06/20/2007 100,00 6/20-6362 06/20/2007 70.50 6/20-7583 06/20/2007 46.76 6/20-9702 06/20/2007 z9��� 4,566.13 132130 07I05/2007 000513 BEAU PRYOR 061407 06/14/2007 221.20 2z�.20 Page: 2 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 3 07/16/2007 70:71AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearlVoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check 7otal 132131 07/05/2007 005378 BILL RAETZ 061907 06/19/2007 370.00 370.00 132132 07/05/2007 003418 KENNETH REED 062007 06/20/2007 370.00 370.00 132133 07/05/2007 004833 STEVE ROMO 070207 07/02/2007 60.00 60.00 132134 07/05/2007 006229 ROSA'S ITALIAN 062007 06/20/2007 275.00 275.00 � 132135 07/05/2007 000536 GREG ROSE 070207 07/02/2007 60.00 60.00 132136 07/05/2007 003649 CHARLES D(DON) RUIZ 070207 07/02/2007 100.00 100.00 132137 07/05/2007 000575 ANGELITA ANN SARMIENTO 070207 07/02/2007 40.00 40.00 132138 07/05/2007 006080 MARTINA SARMIENTO 070207 07/02/2007 56.00 56.00 132139 07/05/2007 003024 MARK SCHAFFER 070207 07IO2/2007 120.00 120.00 132140 07/05/2007 001876 KAREN SISKO 062907 O6/29/2007 460.53 460.53 132141 07/05/2007 004860 TAMMY SMITH 070207 07/02/2007 64.00 64.00 , 132142 07/05/2007 000609 BOB SPERR 070207 07/02/2007 60.00 60.00 132143 07/05/2007 002499 M�CHELE STEARNS 052407 05/24/2007 86.46 86.46 132144 07/05/2007 000615 LYNN STEINER 062607 06/26/2007 90.00 90.00 132145 07/05/2007 000620 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY S1046S00.001 06/19/2007 157.43 157.43 132146 07/OS/2007 004233 TRI COUNTY OFFICE FURN, 28100-2548/PO#987 05/09/2007 2,456.32 2,456.32 132147 07/05/2007 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 0560061450 06/07/2007 549.70 0559190493 06/29/2007 300.32 850.02 ' 132148 07/05/2007 000699 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC 0704A 06/21/2007 1,593.75 '; 0705 06/21/2007 1,593.75 3,187.50 132149 07/05/2007 005819 CHAD WOHLFORD 3 06/27/2007 4,185.60 4,185.60 i 132150 07/05/2007 002289 WULFING'S BACKGROUND& 062907 06/29/2007 200.00 200.00 i 132151 07/05/2007 004173 YAH00! CUSTODIAN OF REF#79057 06/13/2007 20.41 20.41 � Page: 3 I apCkHist CheCk History Listing Page: 4 07116I2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132152 07/09/2007 000090 BRISCO MILL& LUMBER 133777 07/03/2007 10.73 10.73 132153 07/09/2007 004738 DHS-OCP 070507 07/05/2007 60.00 60.00 132154 07/09/2007 002358 6REAT WESTERN ALARM 070600013101 07/01/2007 38.00 070600713101 07/01/2007 35.00 73.00 132155 07/09/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 212484 07/06/2007 98.49 212342 07/05/2007 9.69 912399 07/03/2007 528 I 212026 07/02/2007 1.39 114.85 I132156 07/09/2007 000454 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSN 07052007 07/05/2007 59.00 59.00 i 132157 07/09/2007 000803 SAN LUIS MAILING SERVICE 31822 07/02/2007 1,278.43 1,278.43 i132158 07/09/2007 006230 DONNA SCARPA 070307 07/03/2007 200.00 200.00 132159 07/09/2007 002066 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION 070307 07/03/2007 758.75 758.75 i ! 132160 07/09/2007 000822 US POSTMASTER 063007 06/30/2007 168.00 168.00 132177 07/13/2007 000008 ADAMSON INDUSTRIES, INC 83917/P0#991 O6/21/2007 3,394.51 84052 O6/21/2007 16.09 3,410.60 132178 07/13/2007 001259 AGP VIDEO, INC 2297 06/07/2007 3,405.00 3,405.00 132179 07/13/2007 006130 ALLIANCE READY MIX, INC 2809 06/26/2007 454.20 454.20 132180 07/13/2007 006232 AMERICAN ROTARY BROOM 250501 06/20/2007 62225 62225 132181 07/13/2007 005180 APEX OUTDOOR POW ER 28232 06/28/2007 75.37 75.37 132152 07113/2007 002632 API WASTE SERVICES (DBA) 76L00033 06/21/2007 258.58 258.58 132183 07/13/2007 004888 ED ARNOLD 062507 06125/2007 203.70 203.70 132184 07/13/2007 003745 ARROWHEAD SCIENTIFIC, 28363 06/14/2007 241.15 241.15 i132185 07/13/2007 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER 39880J40220 06/30/2007 141.70 141.70 � 132186 07/13/2007 005615 AT&T/MCI T6672S61 06/08/2007 30.80 30.80 � � Page: 4 ii apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 5 I 07/16/2007 10:71AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE l Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132187 07/13/2007 001944 BASIC CHEMICAL 15324114 06/18/2007 633.66 633.66 132188 07/13/2007 000957 BERCHTOLD EQUIPMENT CO PC51712 06/05/2007 197.05 197.05 132189 07/13/2007 003453 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC 50506343 06/28/2007 18.00 18.00 132190 07/13/2007 000087 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL, 71606 06/28/2007 107.00 107.00 132191 07/13/2007 006233 JOE BRITTINGHAM 070507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 132192 07/13/2007 001577 BURDINE PRINTING(DBA) 6463 06/25/2007 451.45 451.45 132193 07/13/2007 000123 CA ST BOARD OF 063007 07/10/2007 400.14 400.14 132194 07/13/2007 000125 CA ST DEPT OF 63007 06/30/2007 485.45 485.45 132195 07/13I2007 000110 CA ST DEPT OF 7139 06/25/2007 4,179.05 4,179.05 132196 07/13/2007 000134 CA ST DEPT OF JUSTICE 622551 05/10/2007 2,507.00 2,507.00 132197 07I13I2007 005843 CALIFORNIA 5695668 06/16/2007 52.23 52.23 132198 07113/2007 000994 CALVARY CHAPEL CHURCH 070507 07/05/2007 60.00 60.00 132199 07/13/2007 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 172178 06/20/2007 47.41 172176 06/20/2007 1$•$3 66.24 132200 07/13/2007 000163 CHERRY LANE 21989 06/29/2007 574.06 ' 21990 06/29/2007 574.06 1,148.12 132201 07/13/2007 002407 CINGULAR WIRELESS 123079092 06/26/2007 26.91 26.91 132202 07/13/2007 001925 CLEARWATER COLOR 45428 06/11/2007 98.46 98.46 132203 07/13/2007 000174 COASTLINE 4911402 06/26/2007 42.50 42.50 132204 07/13I2007 000190 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL 03353 06/28/2007 15.00 15.00 132205 07/13/2007 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 6/30-14273 06/30/2007 38.75 7/6-70931 07/06/2007 z$•�5 ' 7/6-63949 07/06/2007 15.00 82.50 132206 07/13/2007 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO INC 335999 06/18/2007 302.94 ' Page: 5 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 6 07116/2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv.Date Amount Paid Check Total I 335513 06/01/2007 291.63 � 335544 06/04/2007 234.31 335541 06/04/2007 113.57 ' 335542 06/04/2007 99.83 336222 06/25/2007 55.44 ' 335543 06/04/2007 45.38 336001 06/18/2007 24.95 : 335741 06/08/2007 z.62 1,170.67 132207 07/13/2007 004622 CULLIGAN INDUST.WATER 77593 06/26/2007 308.17 308.17 132208 07/13/2007 000198 L N CURTIS&SONS 113162200 O6/25/2007 894.81 894.81 132209 07/13/2007 000202 D.A.R.E. AMERICA MC-67309 06/20/2007 344.69 344.69 132210 07/13/2007 005671 DEATHRIAGE &CO. 6572 07/02/2007 99.00 99.00 132211 07/13/2007 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 12432676 06/26/2007 149.39 12339977 06/15/2007 28.4$ 12377964 06/20/2007 $�36 186.23 132212 07/13/2007 006235 RAY DEJONG 070507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 132213 07/13/2007 000208 J B DEWAR, INC 414523 06/21/2007 1,589.31 936235 06/30/2007 255.23 1,844.54 132214 07/13/2007 005435 CHARLES DICKEY 071107 07/11/2007 195.00 195.00 132215 07/13/2007 000210 DIESELRO, INC 22105 O6/15/2007 213.69 21671 05/31/2007 �5 3� 229.06 132216 07/13/2007 002673 DOCTORS MEDPLUS 13584760 03/02/2007 310.00 013875191 O6/25/2007 275.00 13885842 OS/14/2007 245.00 13885862 05/15/2007 245.00 13885873 O5/15/2007 245.00 13886074 06/06/2007 245.00 13886194 06/07/2007 245.00 13884933 03/15/2007 210.00 13885365 04/10/2007 205.00 13884823 03/05/2007 180.00 Page: 6 apckHist Check History Listing Page: 7 07/16I2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv.Date Amount Paid Check Total 13886432 06/25/2007 180.00 13586287 O6/13/2007 145.00 013871307 05/07/2007 140.00 013871052 05/02/2007 140.00 013574375 05/04/2007 140.00 013875539 04/25/2007 140.00 13882529 04/24/2007 140.00 13882852 04/30/2007 140.00 13886266 06/12/2007 130.00 013874375 04/04/2007 75.00 013871052 05/18/2007 65.00 13883688 03/14/2007 65.00 13854056 02/21/2007 65.00 3,970.00 132217 07/13/2007 004676 ECS IMAGING, INC. 6416 06/28/2007 457.96 457.96 132218 07/13/2007 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO 386447 06/21/2007 323.25 387602 06/22/2007 242.44 565.69 132219 07/13/2007 004164 FEDEX 2-082-99070 06/OS/2007 58.50 2-122-31727 06/29/2007 3$•�2 97.22 132220 07/13/2007 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 1318028 06/26/2007 996.34 1323320 06/21/2007 238.13 1328402 06/26/2007 173.48 1327334 06/25/2007 155.17 1329316 06/27/2007 8��95 1,651.07 132221 07/13/2007 002214 FIRE SERVICE 4316 O6/29/2007 5,551.26 5,551.26 132222 07/13/2007 001951 FIVE CITIES YOUTH 070207 07/02/2007 18,496.11 18,496.11 132223 07/13/2007 000262 FRANK'S LOCK&KEY 25555 06/21/2007 70.00 25554 O6/21/2007 5•39 75.39 132224 07/13/2007 000605 THE GAS COMPRNY 7/2-140 07/02/2007 89.42 7/5-200 07/05/2007 47.36 7/2-211 07/02/2007 36.58 715-215 07/05/2007 17.50 7/5-208 07/05/2007 14.86 Page: 7 I apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 8 07/16/2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 715-214 07/05/2007 9 86 215.58 132225 07/13/2007 006236 LETISIA GONZALEZ 070507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 132226 07/13/2007 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 71019 06/22/2007 113.47 71022 06/25/2007 109.02 71051 06/29/2007 4�•22 262.71 132227 07/13/2007 000288 CITY OF GROVER BEACH 070907 07/12/2007 74.20 74.20 132228 07/13/2007 001237 HANSON AGGREGATES INC 847134 06/16/2007 4,790.97 851259 06/28/2007 114.75 4,905.72 � 132229 07/13/2007 000307 BOB HICKS TURF 25536 06/22/2007 232.25 23225 132230 07/13/2007 004329 IACP POLICY CENTER ID#900628 06/25/2007 30.00 30.00 132231 07/13/2007 000345 J J'S FOOD COMPANY, INC 157843 06/20/2007 38.83 157814 06/29/2007 16.77 55.60 132232 07/13/2007 000358 JOHNSON, ROBERTS& 107276 06/17/2007 16.55 107344 06/26/2007 16•14 32.69 132233 07/13/2007 005150 KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25 2007-244 06/22/2007 650.00 650.00 132234 07/13/2007 003949 KERN'S PAPER 21309 06/18/2007 359.89 21311 06/18/2007 282.84 642.73 132235 07/13/2007 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 071033 06/27/2007 566.00 566.00 132236 07/13/2007 006237 MACE SECURITY ALARMS 9235/PO#1003 06/27/2007 1,107.00 1,107.00 132237 07/13/2007 000419 MIDAS AUTO SERVICE 18075 07/12/2007 188.11 18160 O6/14/2007 31.11 219.22 132238 07/13/2007 000426 MIER BROS LANDSCAPE 130649 06/26/2007 301.70 130263 06/18/2007 163.78 130308 06/19/2007 113.14 130587 O6/25/2007 113.14 130300 06/19/2007 107.75 130434 06/21/2007 102.36 � 129914 06/11/2007 8620 Page: 8 apckHist Check History Listing Page: 9 07/16I2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa i Check# Date Vendor Status CleadVOid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total � 129935 06/12/2007 3125 1,019.32 132239 07/13/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 211009 06/25/2007 8.15 211685 06/29/2007 3.76 ' 211657 06/29/2007 2.68 ' 210666 06/22/2007 2.14 16.73 132240 07/13/2007 006238 LAUREN MOSLEY 070507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 I 132241 07/13/2007 000441 MULLAHEY FORD FOCS179657 06/29/2007 91.34 FOCS178S84 O6/05/2007 58.04 179253 06/15/2007 56.12 FOCS178707 06/12/2007 35.06 FOCS178972 06I07/2007 34.71 119967 O6/27/2007 6•99 282.26 132242 07/13/2007 005869 MURRAY&ASSOC, BOB 2575 06/18/2007 547.26 547.26 132243 07/13/2007 006239 NASCO MODESTO P714583 06/28/2007 827.77 827.77 132244 07/13/2007 000832 NEXT DAY SIGNS 4697 O6/14I2007 96.53 4749 06/27/2007 58.99 155.52 132245 07/13/2007 002849 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 933066312068 06/29/2007 98.43 98.43 132246 07/13/2007 000466 NOBLE SAW, INC 171502 06/01/2007 229.42 229.42 132247 07/13/2007 002174 NOSSAMAN, GUTHNER, 209636 06/07/2007 1,058.19 1,058.19 132248 07/13/2007 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 391410614-001 06/29/2007 38.35 391459443-001 06/22/2007 9•$9 48.24 132249 07/13/2007 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 6/21-853299 06/21/2007 34,508.66 34,508.66 132250 07/13/2007 001697 PET PICK-UPS 30198 06/08/2007 1,253.64 1,253.64 132251 07/13/2007 000492 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH 07/13/2007 76.03 76.03 132252 07/13/2007 004158 PHOENIX GROUP 052007157 06/18/2007 181.51 181.51 132253 07/13/2007 002896 PHOTOGRAPHY 101 83197 06/29/2007 1,648.47 1,648.47 132254 07/13/2007 000975 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE 061707 06/17/2007 1,163.88 1,163.88 IPage: 9 I apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 10 0711612007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total i - � 132255 07/13/2007 000498 PITNEY BOWES, INC 7658355 06/13/2007 855.45 855.45 132256 07/13/2007 000503 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS, 126578 06/07/2007 288.77 126577 06/07/2007 144.39 126544 06/06/2007 142.61 575.77 132257 07/13/2007 006240 BETfE PRESLEY 070507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 132258 07/13/2007 002363 PRIMARY CARE DOG& CAT 52123 06/20/2007 186.64 ' 51812 06/08/2007 112.74 29g.38 132259 07/13/2007 005390 PRO FORCE LAW 24104 07/02/2007 3,014.85 23439/PO#1002 06/20/2007 2,05323 5,068.08 132260 07/13/2007 000520 QUINN COMPANY 30147557 06/28/2007 152.23 30147201 06/21/2007 95.06 Zq�2g 132261 07/13/2007 004562 R&R CUSTOM TRUCK 2713 06/26/2007 191.99 191.99 132262 07/13/2007 002670 RICOH LEASING 0703746072 07/09/2007 155.28 155.25 ' 132263 07/13/2007 003556 ROADLINE PRODUCTS, INC 5441 06/25/2007 313.21 313.21 132264 07/13/2007 002932 RUTAN &TUCKER, LLP 504613 06/12/2007 565.50 504620 06112/2007 485.43 504671 06/13/2007 296.54 1,347.47 132265 07/13/2007 006241 EUGENE SANTOS 070507 07/05/2007 70.00 70.00 132266 07/13/2007 000581 SUSAN SAXE-CLIFFORD 7-0703-3 07/03/2007 350.00 350.00 132267 07/13/2007 000564 SLO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS 6587876 05/27/2007 469.40 , 6580834 05/13/2007 459.80 6589982 06/01/2007 205.70 6586051 05/27/2007 187.00 6587770 05/27/2007 149.60 6587770 06/03/2007 149.60 ' 6586036 05/25/2007 140.25 6579583 05/11/2007 136.51 6586516 05/27/2007 117.81 i 6551917 05/16/2007 114.07 �I Page: 10 I apckHist Check History Listing Page: 11 I 07116/2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv.Date Amount Paid Check Total 6590019 06/01/2007 112.20 6583393 OS/20/2007 93.50 2,335.44 , 132265 07/13/2007 006245 SLO COUNTY PROBATION 062107 06/21/2007 469.65 469.65 132269 07/13/2007 003641 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY 1862091 07/01/2007 207.72 1864721 07/01/2007 106.76 1857491 07/01/2007 106.76 1859557 07/01/2007 5.62 426.86 132270 07/13/2007 000602 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 63007 06/30/2007 125,981.07 125,981.07 132271 07/13/2007 003288 JEFFREY SOUZA 062607 06/26/2007 750.00 750.00 132272 07/13/2007 004393 SP MAINTENANCE 19276 07/01/2007 6,994.40 6,994.40 132273 07/13/2007 006242 GINA SPENCE 070607 07/06/2007 84.00 84.00 132274 07/13/2007 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY& 55474 07/02/2007 1,331.78 55475 07/02/2007 1,275.75 55477 07/02/2007 66924 3,276.77 132275 07/13/2007 000616 STERLING 22961 06/16/2007 760.67 22962 06/16/2007 193.05 23034 06/29/2007 44.51 ggg,23 132276 07/13/2007 005706 JENNIFER STOVER D70507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 132277 07/13/2007 006243 STUDIO OF PERFORMING 070507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 132278 07/13/2007 000624 SUPERIOR QUALITY 34495 06/13/2007 237.05 237.05 132279 07/13/2007 000632 TEE'S PLUS 247305 06/21/2007 1,622.25 1,622.25 132280 07/13/2007 006070 TIERRA WEST ADVISORS OS/07 06/01/2007 37,718.75 37,718.75 132281 07113/2007 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1020160 06/20/2007 202.70 202.70 132282 07/13/2007005305TODDENGINEERS 462013-07 04/OS/2007 1,071.69 1,071.69 132283 07/13/2007 006244 TOO SLO TURTLE 070507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 132284 07/13/2007 004476 THE TRAINING NETWORK 517451 06/29/2007 144.94 144.94 Page: 11 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: t2 07H6/2007 10:11AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132285 07/13/2007 000653DOROTHYTRULOCK 070507 07/OS/2007 481.60 481.60 132286 07/13/2007 000666 UNITED RENTALS 66090766-001 06/22/2007 126.82 66016496-001 06/20/2007 124.51 66053931-001 06/21/2007 124.51 66139557-001 06/25/2007 124.51 61839843-001 12l2S/2006 � 95 508.30 132287 07/13/2007 003090 V& M UPHOLSTERY 6571 06/20/2007 455.40 455.40 132288 07/13/2007 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 0565015749 07/05/2007 101.92 0564834899 06/22/2007 2�•95 123.87 132289 07/13/2007 000684 VILLAGE FRAMING 060707 06/07/2007 187.98 187.98 132290 07/13/2007 000687 WAYNE'S TIRE, INC 767686 06/11/2007 697.68 697.68 132291 07/13/2007 005177 JANET WRIGHT 070507 07/05/2007 30.00 30.00 I boa Total: 560,328.17 178 checks in this report Total Checks: 560,328.17 Page: 12 I ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 6I15/07 - 6/28107 07I06/07 FUND 010 390,950.40 5101 Salaries Fuli time 205,316.35 FUND 220 18,852.40 5102 Salaries Part-Time-PPT 21,502.88 FUND 284 700.54 5103 Salaries Part-Time-TPT 15,068.09 FUND 285 700.60 5105 Salaries OverTime 11,065.47 FUND 612 8,019.02 5107 Salaries Standby 377.94 FUND 640 20,739.79 5]OS Holiday Pay 8,681.63 439,962.75 5109 Sick Pay 4,754.06 5110 Annual Leave Buyback 5111 Vacation Buyback - 5112 Sick Leave Buyback 5113 Vacation Pay 14,440.33 5114 Comp Pay 4,893.43 5115 Annuai Leave Pay 4,319.01 5121 PERS Retirement 74,627.48 5122 Social Security 20,498.87 5123 PARS Retirement 448.99 5126 State Disability Ins. 640.65 5127 Deferred Compensation 675.00 5131 Health Insurance 44,437.81 5132 Dentallnsurance 5,107.56 5133 Vision Insurance 1,145.20 5134 Life Insurance 590.20 5135 Long Term Disability 99.30 5143 Uniform Allowance 5144 Car Allowance 975.00 5146 Council Expense 5147 Employee Assistance - 5148 Boot Allowance 5149 Motor Pay 75.00 5150 Bi-Lingual Pay 200.00 5151 Celi Phone Allowance 22.50 439,962.75 8.b. � pRROY� � cP II �' INCOFPORATEO 92 h V m � * JUIY 10, 1911 * MEMORANDUM c4��F ORN�P To: cinr couNCi� FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES I BY: FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO � SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: JULY 24, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council receive and file the attached report listing the current , investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of June 30, 2007, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). DISCUSSION: This report represents the City's investments as of June 30, 2007. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, investment type, book value, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of June 30, 2007, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. ALTERNATIVES: The following altematives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staff's recommendation; • Do not approve staff's recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Attachment: Portfolio Summary CITY OF City of Arroyo Grande , o � 214 E. Branch St. � Arroyo Grande,CA 93430 � Phone: (805)473-5400 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ! �� C A L 1 F O R N 1 AJ�� Portfolio Management ' � ���s��- Portfolio Summary As of 6/30/2007 Interest Investments Book Value Interest Rate Rate PY Date of Purchase Term Maturity Date %of Portfolio Loca/Agency Investment Funds $ 16,604,401.42 525% 4.70% g2.77^/a Certicates of Deposit-Banks Golden Securily Bank - June 20,2007 0.00% State Bank of India 200,000.00 5.64% December 8,2006 213 July 8,2007 1.12% Mission NB 100,000.00 5.75% July 10,2006 365 July 10,2007 0.56% First Credit Bank 99,000.00 5.70% July 26, 2006 365 July 25,2007 0.55% Redding Bank of Commerce 500,000.00 5.48% February 16, 2007 9 Mos. November 17,2007 2.79% First Standard Bank 99,000.00 5.46% December 2,2006 365 December 2,2007 0.55% Bank of Santa Clarita 99,000.00 5.50% March 10,2007 365 March 10,2008 0.55% Redding Bank of Commerce 99,000.00 5.00% April 9,2007 366 April 9,2008 0.55% Metro United Bank 99,000.00 5.85% September 12,2006 730 September 12,2008 0.55% Total Certificates af Deposit $ 1,295,000.00 723�/, Totallnvestments $ 17,899,401.42 100.00% S.c. MINUTES w REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara cailed the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at � 7:04 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL j CC/RDA: Council/Board Members Chuck Feilows and Jim Guthrie, and Mayor/Chair � Tony Ferrara were present. Council/Board Member Joe Costello and Mayor ' Pro Tem/Vice Chair Ed Arnold were absent. , City Staff Present: City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Angela Kraetsch, Director of Public Works Don Spagnolo, Director of Community Development Rob Strong, and Director of Building and Fire Mike Hubert. 3. FLAG SALUTE Phil Johanknect, representing Central Coast Masonic Lodge#237, led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION F Pastor Robert Banker, Open Door Church, Oceano, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council/Board Member Guthrie moved, Council/Board Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances moved for introduction or adoption at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. , 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Jean Wade referred to Phase 2 of the Five Cities Center and requested an update on plans to further develop the site. Mayor Ferrara responded that a project submittal was forthcoming from Investec, the item would be placed on a future agenda, and the adjacent neighborhood would be notified of the date and time of public hearing. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item to do so at this time. No public comments were received. Council Member Fellows requested that Item 8.f. be pulled. Mayor Ferrara requested that Item 8.h. be pulled. I Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting page p Tuesday, June 26, 2007 , Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.e., and � 8.g., with the recommended courses of action. Council Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: ; AYES: Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara i NOES: None � ABSENT: Costello, Arnoid 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period June 1, 2007 through June 15, 2007. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of May 31, 2007. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of May 22, 2007, the Special City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of May 29, 2007, the Special City Council Meeting of June 12, 2007, and the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of June 12, 2007, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Appropriation of Funds for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Costs. Action: Appropriated $21,341 from the General Fund, $2,992 from the Street Fund, and $4,151 from the Water Fund, and $4,151 from the Sewer Fund for Internal Revenue Services (IRS) costs associated with the IRS audit for calendar year 2004. 8.e. Consideration of Approval of Revised Agreement For Management, Administrative and Training Services with the City of Grover Beach. Action: Approved the revised Agreement for Management, Administrative and Training Services and authorized the Mayor to execute the Agreement. 8.g. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Amending Portions of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapters 16.04 and 16.44 of Title 76 to Implement Creek Setback Standards (Development Code Amendment 07-003). Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 591 as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OFTHE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR.4NDE TO APPROVE DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 07-003 AMEND/NG PORTIONS OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 16.04 AND 16.44 OF TITLE 16 TO ESTABLISH CREEK SETBACK STANDARDS". 8.f. Consideration of Approval of Lease Agreement for Public Parking Area. Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a Lease Agreement between the City and Howard and Aileen Mankins and Blair and Mark Mankins for lease of certain parking areas on the north side of East Branch Street for pubiic off-street parking. Council Member Fellows referred to the two parking areas in the Village and expressed concerns about the appearance of one of the areas (the Car Corral). He suggested that when the lease is renewed that this issue should be addressed. He also stated that the map of the site attached to the proposed Lease was not correct. Community Development Director Strong gave a brief overview and status of the two lease agreements for the public parking areas in the Village and assured the Council the correct map would be attached to the document. City Manager Adams noted that improvements to the parking areas would be coordinated in conjunction with the planned streetscape improvements for East Branch Street. Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Action: Council Member Fellows moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a Lease Agreement between the City and Howard and Aileen Mankins and Blair and Mark Mankins for lease of certain parking areas on the north side of East Branch Street for public off-street parking, as amended to include the correct location map. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Fellows, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Costello, Arnold 8.h. Consideration of Grease Control Program and Interagency Agreement with the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Recommended Action: 1) Request the SSLOCSD assist in coordinating a Grease Control Program for all food service facilities located within the City; 2) Approve an Interagency Agreement; and 3) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. Mayor Ferrara stated that at the Sanitation District Board meeting, a correction had been made in the Agreement (#3) to change the time of year when the District will report inspection findings to each Parent Agency and asked for clarification on the matter. Melissa Mudqett, representing Wallace Group, clarified.that the change in the Agreement agreed on by all parties was that the District would report inspection findings to each Parent Agency by the end of January 2008, instead of July 2007 (pursuant to Section 3 of the proposed Agreement). Action: Mayor Ferrara moved to approve staff's recommendation concerning coordination of a Grease Control Program for all food service facilities located within the City and to approve an Interagency Agreement between the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, the City of Arroyo Grande, the City of Grover Beach, and the Oceano Community Services District. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Ferrara, Guthrie, Fellows NOES: None ABSENT: Costello, Arnold 11. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS Mayor Ferrara requested, and the Council concurred, to move up Item 11.a. on the Agenda prior to Item 9.a. 11.a. Consideration of a Center Left Turn Lane on East Grand Avenue Between Halcyon Road and EI Camino Real. Council Member Fellows declared a conflict of interest due to ownership of real property on E. Grand Avenue and stepped down from the dais. Mayor Ferrara announced that due to a lack of a quorum, no action could be taken and the item would have to be tabled and rescheduled for Council consideration. Council Member Fellows returned to the dais. i � � I Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 4 � Tuesday, June 26, 2007 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Utility Rate Increases and Adoption of Resolutions Establishing Water, Sewer, and Lopez Water Rates and Charges. Director of Financial Services Kraetsch presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt Resolutions establishing water rates and charges, sewer rates and charges, and Lopez Contract charges. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council comments included recognition of the Council's action in 2005 to approve utility rate increases for FY 2005-06, FY 2006-07, FY 2007-08, and FY 2008-09 based on the 2005 Water and Sewer Rate Study; acknowledgment that water and sewer charges are now subject to the provisions of Proposition 218 which requires the City to provide written notice of rate increases to property owners and to conduct a public hearing; that the increased revenues are needed to support the ongoing maintenance and operation of the City's utility infrastructure; recognition that the purpose of the previously approved tiered utility rate structure is to encourage users to conserve water; and recognition to those in the community who are participating in water conservation efforts. Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to adopt Resolution No. 4021 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING WATER RATES AND CHARGES". Council Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed on the foilowing roll-call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold, Costello Action: Council Member Fellows moved to adopt Resolution No. 4022 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES AND CHARGES". Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Fellows, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold, Costello Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to adopt Resolution No. 4023 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES". Council Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold, Costello Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 5 Tuesday, June 26, 2007 � 9.b. Consideration of Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with South Valley Developers for Purchase and Hotel Development at the Vacant Parcel Owned by the Redevelopment Agency Located at Faeh Street and EI Camino Real. [COUNCIL/RDA] j City Manager/Executive Director Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council � approve the proposed Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with South Valley Developers for purchase and development of a hotel at the vacant parcel owned by the Redevelopment Agency at Faeh Street and EI Camino Real. Mayor/Chair Ferrara opened the public hearing. � Mollv Younper, Faeh Street, spoke in opposition to a hotel on the site and expressed concerns about potential building height; clientele the hotel would attract; and noise. Maureen Herrera, N. Alpine, spoke in opposition and expressed concerns about loss of privacy; loss of property value; traffic congestion on Halcyon; parking; and requested further notification if and when a project comes forward. Lori Hunstad, N. Alpine, stated she understood a specific project was not being proposed tonight; i however, she expressed concerns about parking, safety, property values, traffic, lot size, and requested the City keep the neighborhood involved in the process. Marv Perrv, N. Alpine, expressed concerns about development of a hotel on the site as it relates to � noise and dust during construction; length of time the project would be under construction; whether ; a noise barrier would be installed between the residential neighborhood and the hotel; traffic and � parking problems; congestion at Brisco/Halcyon; where the money is coming from to build the hotel; and suggested that hotel development would be more appropriate south of town. Jean Wade expressed concerns about water consumption by a hotel and inquired whether circulating water systems could be considered for new construction. Dennis Kinct, Faeh Street, expressed concerns about traffic, lighting, parking, and building height if � a hotel is built on the site. John Keen, N. Elm Street, expressed concerns about assumptions in the Agreement with regard to density as it relates to the minimum number of hotels rooms; that the project should fit the property; the development of a "standard" hotel; and the developer's ability to choose or replace consultants to perform services. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor/Chair Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council/Board comments ensued including recognition that the subject site has been identified in the City's Economic Element as a hotel site; that a specific project is not being considered at this time; that the nature of the proposed agreement provides the City and the developer with exclusive negotiating abilities; that any hotel development application wouid be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council and would include public notification !, and public hearings; clarification concerning Section 8.3 of the Agreement as it relates to the developer's ability to hire iYs own architect; that this is an opportunity to offer more hotels in the City and to generate additional transient occupancy tax; and support for the proposed Exclusive Negotiation Agreement. Action: Council/Board Member Fellows moved to approve the proposed Exclusive Negotiating i� Agreement with South Valley Developers for purchase and development of a hotel at the vacant � parcel owned by the Redevelopment Agency at Faeh Street and EI Camino Real. Council/Board Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: Minutes: Cit Council/Redevelo mentA enc Meetin Pa e 6 Y P 9 Y 9 9 Tuesday, June 26, 2007 � AYES: Feliows, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Costeilo, Arnold 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS ITEMS None. � 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). The Executive Board met twice and discussed SLORTA issues including relocation of the operation/maintenance facility to S. Higuera in San Luis Obispo. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Attended two meetings; currently working on the budget with adoption to be considered at a special meeting on July 5`h; the treatment plant continues to operate within required standards and limits. (3) Other. None. � b. MAYOR PRO TEM ED ARNOLD: (ABSENT) � (7) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). No report. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). No report. (3) Other. None. c. COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (ABSEN� (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. No report. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). No report. (3) Fire Oversight Committee. No report. (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee. No report. (5) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (ABSENT) (1) South County Area Transit (SCA�. Finalizing changes in scheduling to implement 1-hour service in the South County between Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo by ' August 15'; adopted Budget for next'year— no additional funds required from the City ' in order to provide public transporta4ion services. (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority(CJPIA). No report. (3) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER CHUCK FELLOWS: (1) South County Youth Coalition. Announced availability of Summer Activity Guide and summer childcare programs at Harloe Elementary and Elm Street Park; reported that Big Brothers/Big Sisters needs'volunteers and that they have a golf tournament fundraiser coming up on August 26'h. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). Reported that Pismo Beach has appiied for a Clean Beaches grant; Paso Robles is still discussing water banking; and that Quagga Muscles are heading this way which could impact water pipes and drainage systems. (3) Other. None. Minufes: City Counci!/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 7 Tuesday,June 26, 2007 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: a. Request to Appeal approval of Plot Plan Review Case No. 06-009 to remove an existing house and accessory structure and construct a new home and garage at 795 East Cherry Avenue (GUTHRIE) Council Member Guthrie requested, and the Council concurred, to appeal the Planning Commission's approval of Plot Plan Review Case No. 06-009. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Ferrara reported that the Cortina d'Arroyo senior housing project at 241 S. Courtland � received the National Association of Homebuilder's Best of 50+ housing awards. He stated this was � a great accomplishment and commended everyone who worked hard on that project. : Mayor Ferrara reported he would be attending the League of California Cities Policy Committee � meetings in San Jose this week. � 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: � None. � 78. ADJOURNMENT ! Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjoumed the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: � � Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg ) 1 � � i 8.d. � pRROy� � cP ' � INCORPORATED y2 � � " � "' MEMORANDUM � JULV 10. 18n * . ' c9��FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL hV FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER � �-.. I SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PARK IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSOCIATED PROPERTY IN FEE TITLE FOR TRACT 2310-II, PARKSIDE, CONSTRUCTED BY S&S HOMES OF THE CENTRAL COAST DATE: JULY 24, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1. adopt the attached resolution accepting the attached offer of dedication in fee title for the park and associated improvements for Tract 2310-II, Parkside, constructed by S&S Homes of the Central Coast; and, 2. adopt the attached resolution permanently rejecting the offer of dedication for Lot 24 for the purpose of a public park and offer of dedication for Lot 25 for the purpose of a drainage basin offered per Tract 2310-II, Parkside, by S&S Homes of the Central Coast. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact at this time. Maintenance of these facilities will be funded from the Parkside Village Assessment District. DISCUSSION: On April 25, 2006, the City Council approved the final map for Tract 2310-II located north of Farroll Avenue, south of Soto Sports Complex, east of Dixson Street, and west of Golden West Place. The Council rejected, without prejudice as to future acceptance, the offer of dedication in fee title for Lot 24 for the purpose of a public park and the offer of dedication in fee title for Lot 25 for the purposes of a drainage basin. Offers of dedication are generally accepted when the associated improvements have been completed. The project was conditioned to construct a small park (Lot 24 on Attachment 1). The City would accept ownership of the park and include the cost of maintaining the park in the Parkside Village Assessment District. As the design of the park neared completion, it was discovered that the park improvements extended approximately 5' into the adjacent parcel occupied by the project retention basin. Staff reviewed this issue and �I CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PARK IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSOCIATED PROPERTY IN FEE TITLE FOR TRACT 2310-II, PARKSIDE, CONSTRUCTED BY S&S HOMES OF THE CENTRAL COAST JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 2 instructed S&S Homes to pursue a lot line adjustment to ensure the improvements for the park were located on the park parcel. The Planning Commission approved the lot line adjustment (Lot Line Adjustment 06-002) on October 3, 2006. The City's consultant surveyor reviewed the offers of dedication in relation to the reconfigured parcels. It is their opinion that the old offer of dedication in fee title for the ' park parcel and retention basin parcel will not be valid for the reconfigured parcels. i� Attached is the new offer of dedication in fee title for the purpose of a public park for � Parcel 1 described in the Certificate of Compliance for Lot Line Adjustment (Attachment 2). A new offer of dedication in fee title for the'purpose of a drainage basin for Parcet 2 described in the Certificate of Compliance for Lot Line Adjustment will be presented at the time the retention basin is accepted. The City's consultant surveyor also recommended that the original offers of dedication in fee title for the park parcel and � retention basin parcel be permanently rejected. IStaff has inspected the improvements and recommends the City Council accept the improvements as constructed and the offer of dedication in fee title for Parcel 2 of the Certificate of Compliance for Lot Line Adjustment for the purpose of a public park. Staff also recommends that the Council permanently reject the original offer of dedication in fee title for Lot 24 for the purpose of a public park and the offer of dedication in fee title for Lot 25 for the purposes of a drainage basin. ALTERNATIVES: i The following alternatives are provided for the CounciPs consideration: • Approve staff's recommendation; • Do not approve staff's recommendation; • Modify staff's recommendation as appropriate and approve; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: Attachment 1 — Map of Tract 2310-II Attachment 2 — Certificate of Compliance for Lot Line Adjustment Attachment 3 — Irrevocable and Perpetual Offer to Dedicate a Pubfic Park \WG-FPi\Shared\PUblic Works\Engineenng\Devetopment Projects\Tract Maps\Tract 2310 - Farrol Estates\PHASE I�\CITV COUNGLWCCEPTANCE\PARI(�Council Memo-Acceptance of Park-Tracl 23�0-Il.doc RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY � OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING PARK I IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSOCIATED PROPERTY IN FEE �. TITLE FOR TRACT 2310-II, PARKSIDE, OFFERED BY S&S HOMES OF THE CENTRAL COAST WHEREAS, the City Council approved the final map for Tract 2310-II located north of Farroll Avenue, South of Soto Sports Complex, east of Dixson Street, and west of Golden West Place, on April 25, 2006, and rejected, without prejudice as to future acceptance, an offer of dedication for Lot 24 in fee title for a park, WHEREAS, the Final Map recorded on May 23, 2006, in Book 28 of Maps, at Pages 45 through 47; and WHEREAS the ro'ect was conditioned to construct a ark• and � P 1 p . WHEREAS, the design of the park required the adjustment of the easterly property line approximately 6.5' to the east; and WHEREAS, the developer has completed the certificate of compliance for lot line adjustment, which is pending recording; and WHEREAS, the developer has constructed the park required by the conditions of approval for Tract 2310-II; and WHEREAS, staff has inspected the improvements and finds they are constructed in accordance with the approved plans for the project. � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the Irrevocable and Perpetual Offer to Dedicate a Public Park dated July 17, 2007, and associated improvements for Tract 2310-II and authorize the Mayor to execute the certificate of acceptance. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2007. N � L RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: I STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY i RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PERMANENTLY REJECTING OFFERS OF DEDICATION FOR TRACT 2310-II, PARKSIDE, OFFERED BY S&S HOMES OF THE CENTRAL COAST WHEREAS, the City Council approved the final map for Tract 2310-II located north of Farroll Avenue, south of Soto Sports Complex, east of Dixson Street, and west of Golden West Place, on April 25, 2006, and: rejected, without prejudice as to future acceptance, an offer of dedication in fee title for Lot 24 for a park and an offer of dedication in fee title for Lot 25 for a drainage basin (the "Original Offers of Dedication"); and , WHEREAS, the Final Map recorded on May 23, 2006, in Book 28 of Maps, at Pages 45 through 47; and WHEREAS, the project was conditioned to construct a park; and � WHEREAS, the design of the park required the adjustment of the easterly property line of Lot 24 approximately 6.5' to the east; and WHEREAS, the Original Offers of Dedication are no longer valid with the reconfigured parcels; and WHEREAS, the developer has provided new offers of dedication in fee title for the park and retention basin by separate document. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo ' Grande does hereby permanently reject the Original Offers of Dedication. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2007. G RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 , TONYFERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ._.._-----.-.° _ , ���V,4 °iMS��aFmKTWll�B1�I•du " ��7Y CLEftK'S STATEMFM �.00xeue+srnn�ru*z�ca�'�° �*b" avaf�e%as��""°iPnc.un�w.r�a�`Ov ciae�xrsrw �nurtmcn��^�'��q��u�r�rs�o -.SUA�YOR'SSTATEMEN'� ���y,�rrrc+o�r��r� °"k,�,�,.�EVnmtt�P'q"�'s� Niswnru.sfe�u�oerK-wW�°�cas� eHEss�+mKhbs YIIIKME���S��XW.1YkPf0� / ppyMMt ni ��5 Si11ETNTNLIIAON� ����� PJS� 04VNER'SSTA7EM£NT'�x��ulxE�cF.unw�TM�accc�m ��pyy�vMasn �xors.�oniws�'xu&stT �Ofnra�[� ^'� � sua� rvF,w.+�r s[u�n'er.� "a°�"n µpOC�TM s�Maxiutmswr.cnwuety+F�'•^�p�n.mFwr moe y41EyvEaFavsl�lEnU N tlN51oMECUrvINYWL .`�� axo�nnrmr�nxaw��'��"r�rsn++����v�vxh*°� �ro�wMr.v�.w msvuwwsecuF _.-�----" � PUB�C111R i09EPEtM��� �1�.�KqptxEa.�����qmpqiqu0FTN5�5NE`.E`+EN.LL mrt+ 1�__AOe Gn0.Etb �xEeYa�seR*a qe�su:rsvox�usewuau���� ��y�cxwa�c`� wrt 1- i aws�.fs.aw�.vm+anffnmsw.EM%'i°a�+m',£.wc�roeuu � ' ca'°"�`��w�srre�c�^'�Eti�wsrws��^""�"�um�ccesswa � .��:-;:-= SSIONSTATEM � �grtmcww n�osFS E� awASro*rE " �ycue�rus�`-"�'°X°��"'"�OVa.+wv.��^E0E"�0' cw�.io�xw�a ����axvs 4LANN71`�GCOMM� t�ap�asRa%iu+�w�v ����j,�q�MRMW MuID�OY"���tOIHFtlN6MMQN �H9EW�SIMWB t.WIrt0.FT'��oev5lfHNM�'K�O��KGiYOfNt���' 111LEfORTEWMPo6E0��VJBLG��Ik0.aNO��A5ICM�T��'�l1Eh�t'T�`�A� ���� f NM ELE51F1N� �w.weuwaESE�wd'"���rw��um�ypws. .mot rrtESauo"',re"wirt�e.s�u�i%ti+oen� oafr,��� �asa�i�' ,� ��7YENofNEER'SSTATEM�M ���yvsrHhTM�'K"'� �y,A,N[.uc-��. n oWSO�o.urvNM+���,�s���v�mcx[au�������PrP'��'� 5Fp¢tunaTME�f0�5� K1EM CFNbE KW�O �"�,°':mE ^. �.. m� ��p'�+�����conu+asaFaco�rauwnio urc me a�� .me �' tma �wu+n��'o°__, f�u�s���� wh._�_.`---- �,yE,���� a8i�+� �-- RECOROER'SC�RT7FlCnTE'_ uM�_a+�"* �.a+�s�°��ro�i�� oai�Rc� ��� """a ..�r� sa�i�vam.re..r��_ IlUfiD����SVE�MEPN1�'�U� IICll��S�ltF6 YOSW4L�,[D�C#BY WIE4�����-�- Ft� NM4PMtMf'�fIId TfrPFAEd4�OlT1EENt�i'i N I �ar�TMi�cv�cwwsw�m'esdrtWT� N.L.�sCWerru�s.s�tx'�+['1�"'- �sucwnnvee�LL.�p�e�irw�mqE°n�'mx�w��sn,�m.mswvs �pfu[�rtw�� NntCS4MYWJal�.WlCifY#L�IL �-.� ) �_NdY_- 1KIMiLlllvttlEE � �S�d�� AM�WIE� ,``./� WIF:'� fE� I 5flNTPf � �� ��y,,.u���V GdM�,fr43iN0.J�'° KPU� MES+��T- �-ttPEtCA�A �p OWS �H ,. ��fX�Y�p{'h£pGfLPoR�PEW6.EDWX -P.95EBf F.�yyviWl£OiIM�FA418. � �E��N�95 111fl➢� OiC�Z� i,H%.Kl61fiM6'���g� BV.� K6YM6�d�lMCiWPtO �' m� T[7LEREPORT�MFO�����Ewisusmurnee�cFm� SOIISREPORTNn7nTiON�axaaoarsnnrtsu� �� �eauwumsoas�°°Qa wamod+u�^��N°P� ttnF: meFCUaw+�m�vFVw wm�a�wmECm ,�,io�aE ruaauTn'rrn�ttwn s.�rtce�+�fa' SS � �u SmEww "^�imexsw.HCE �"^^° � eEmauiw�u� �.wx'.�c' on*�or�rcn� swuxak orro - - �uvnn � w*Ea �u�unra`� �ro �mw - C..���`'s,�rocuE. �...m� � xudr�nw.m� �� �IqiIF'�iCASIpCOJ�Y�POYE�IYW^"' ��FF0IHN�Nf�HIN "���OMKl MO�iO�iFfdp6'M��SAL�S�.�'�� 0 i1nFGfPE0.'NL PEOC1+1 ����'���m�� �� a�M1'��p{� � Otdi5510NOF5iGNA'�ESSTATEMENT ��,�,,<o� mn.sEU�+'c�+'° rou[�u. mEVfxso+s urwmenwseE9�ourt�o��TMr�' ���eK'n�v�',���n��°.uEanFnm��w"°1f assussJS� mESxaunmEac�ewuawrocwu.u`- uwrc�.sixerxr.usrs ffG1YM!&Y.N O�piFE.Y05AN��SME1qiPECU1E�BVTIE���'�'�: t�tION q51NC1 49FSFN1 M��IN f�5@���LRR e5 ,��.���� ,��',�' � e_..., ��� wn�[ss f� �CYrYl�i1 env+.��,���,{��� �msu�WSCe+��rs.�sas.wea��se�.Pnc�tte.o��^EO�. yywr.��?Q r.._IJ.�.,.,,�ir vJU�+ep.�:�"` ��+naeo�.� wr[yuw.a,6oww[ss�l[�t�uguu� � y'vv.zom.0 ""'"�oi ums�r.rzeM«»nus ar��arrwrs.r�concEO � �+,wo � N� 1 C�2 wimcs��'o�> ._ a � � � :,��Y „ ���p.N`Q p J��� 2 3 � l .,�r f r_ e J ;---- : ��:, y T N—� NDE, rme sv�/rE« "'""fie� ,i�„o�cr � 1P1 THE CITY Of ARROYO GftA �^°"E^�' UNT`f,STATE OF s,��,�erv��,ys'µ�,�i „E,�su�co. 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OI i i Y Y q � Y Y 6 � Yo-± Y � I ff B 4 I iq' i#T ?� 1�11 � ° n' `m � °� �` �` ° �� � , `" TRACT NO . 23 I O-2 �mYattlF �at�¢u k A p .^ A rim u w "�O��'-��`"� '�'����"���'��� Au w IN THE CITV OF ARROYO GRANDE, �so'ov�n.Y ° Bass or ernmxc5 )aa u Ilxb'ml � .ee'.mu�nW FAR0.q1 � ROAD SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY,STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT t]OF PISM1q BEACH GPROHNS NS � I - - - � � BASIS OF BEARINGS PER4APRECORDEDINBOOK3.PaGEa50FMM51NTHEOFFICEOFTME SlIJI1K(91M0.fV16WG � BO' .K�_=_ 2 COUNTYRECOROEROFS5IOCOUMY ]IONFiMWFSTW(FBOII�FLL9� 4 � IHE BEARMG OF N99'45�OO�E 40NG iHE SllliF I50 � � CENlER11NE 0�LARROLL ROPO AS SnOMN Nt�IW3 WLLPCi.(I VIJOl K�� 60' Qy YAP Cf 1RACi N0. II69. 16 MB 6< Wp$ JUIY NIO$ $ftrMK B651p5e5f} �,.. 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Q io�wE P.�c.s�ac*mcc P�µm�c.um EASEMENT DETAIL SHEET �w.wa E.scrar+i ro TMc nn n.cnom � «�` `= Z TRACT NO. 2310-2 a�c�r snaE�nxrz�Q�c��uu����rc�u�w yq w0 O � �.�a.�M o�oES+�...c�ss�.���._,sce m Z q6 � `" m Z IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, (� oE=•��wa� "„'�""'➢- s�A rc . SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY,STATE OF CAUFORNIA uxuExi.sEE oe�uL w v�Ee� \ tb ? Saaz,o s` / +v_)ss�yu� �a• l�- �a� oeraa A' �va az:zsor \ OETA/L B� � `¢.a 6�, BEWGhSUBDM510NOFAPoRTIONOFLOTIIOFPI$MOBFACHGAR�ENSI�S PER IAM RECANDEO IN BWK 3,PAGE JS OF MRPS IN TNE OFFICE OF THE � S��MKCOttl1aTNRIN[. . � ./ -���� COIINNRECORDEROF9�qf.qINTV ]IO NJGIH WESiIAYf EIXIIEVA40 � SUIE I50 `�� � ,y�LY ]Cp5 wesw�Kevuuce.c�v��ez e/ ' FARROLL FARRql �°m�5e �y � aoi�oseszz .....� �i =-�suu53 g� �..,.. AVENVE AVENUE usrr ��y SHEF.i } 0� ? SHEETS ATTACHMENT2 RECORDING RE�UESTED BY: City of Arroyo Grande WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: Director of Public Works 208 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, Califomia 93420 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE For Lot Line Adjustment The following real property as of the date of recordation of this document has been determined to be two legal parcels in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels are established in substantial compliance with Lot Line Adjustment Case Number 06-002. The parcels may not be sold in a configuration other than that described herein, without first having complied with all requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City's Municipal Code. Property Description: Two separate and legal parcels, as described in Exhibit A and shown graphically tor reference in Exhibit B, attached to this certificate and incorporated herein as if set forth in full. RECORD CITY APPROVALS OWNER(S): The Planning Commission approved this Lot '�JuStr�nt Case Parkside Village, 06-002 on October 3, 2006. ''`• LLC, a California ` �,, Limited Liability RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: F'`�` `��L" `" �• < `.` . CompanY c. .i :`; :,.''.; � t'�. �-,�'1 j �'� UEN HOLDER(S): �� �.� , 1 ' J; � __,.�,^,>c:s iz s� 07� ;':i r The JD Sanders -� /z/o7 DATE '.��,� ' ,,; Family Limited raig Campbell �S52s� (Exp;res t2-st-2oo�) `` ���� _� ._ _ - ,, Partnership APPROVED: Mid-State Bank & _--� Trust DATE on pa nolo, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Note: Owner signatures appear on following pages. SIGNATURE PAGE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE OWN (S) � . r Icsiqc, � I l� L LC STATE OF On this ��n+ day of Su��� in the year 200� before me, CA�tv o R.0�q � �nh S.'�su�s ,a Notary Pub, . personally appeared �NR4f�J L.. SAM�6QS COUNTY OF r, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory SPU ��S v��ss�o � evidence)to be the person(e)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/ifrey executed the same in his/#aeNtMeir authorized capacity(ies), and that by ���,ppy� his/hedtheirsignature(s) on the instrument the person(s)or the entiry CenrMWanp 140066� upon behalf of which the person(s� acted, executed the instrument. Na/aY Ad/c-CdMonda 8o�►yMpOYppCprNy — Witne y�n�ffic�sea AAyCqm�.BipM.un 17. Notary Public (SEAL) STATE OF On this day of in the year 20_before me, � , a Notary Public, personally appeared COUNTY OF personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory � evidence)to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same ,in his/hedtheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/hedtheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted, executed the instrument. W itness my hand and official seal. Notary Public (SEAL) � '�� EXHIBIT A Parcel 1 All of Lot 24 and a portion of Lot 25 of Tract 2310-2 in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California according to Map Book 28, Pages 45 through 47, inclusive recorded in the office of the Recorder of said County, the entire adjusted parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the East corner common to Lots 23 and 24 of Tract 2310-2 on the ' North line of Bakeman North; thence along the Southerly lines of Lot 24, North 59° 21' 32" West, 37.97 feet; thence, South 89° 45' 00" West, 73.45 feet to Southwest corner of Lot 24; thence along the West line of Lot 24, North 00° 05' 41" West, 95.48 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence along the North line of lots 24 and 25, North 89° 54' 13" East, 116.98 feet to a point which is 6.57 feet Easterly of the � North corner common to Lots 24 and 25; thence parallel to the East line of Lot 24, South 00° 15' 00" East, 100.62 feet to the line between Lots 24 and 25; thence along said line, South 26° 25' 21" East, 5.92 feet to the North line of Bakeman North and a non- tangent curve concave to the South having a radius of 77.00 feet; thence from a semi-tangent bearing of South 63° 34' 39"West along said North line and along said curve Southwesterly and to the Left through a Central Angle of 12° 10' 55" for an Arc Length of 16.37 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 11,664 square feet, more or less. END OF DESCRIPTION ��,G LANp �55�eP0 H. �qssGqG July 10, 2007 � ��P sFy�a o. 5 PLS4283 � , ��,�,�,'',C�,d'G� � (,D�y.Leiy,(� Exp. 6/30/vb' e LS 4283 exp 6-30-2008 �'y;:; ce�� ` �F c A��F � EXHIBIT A Parcel 2 A portion of Lot 25 of Tract 2310-2 in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California according to Map Book 28, Pages 45 through 47, inclusive recorded in the office of the Recorder of said County, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the corner common to Lots 25 and 26 of Tract 2310-2 on the North line of Bakeman North; thence along the Southerly lines of Lot 25, North 00° 15' 00" West, 30.19 feet; thence North 89° 45' 00" East, 109.23 feet to Southeast corner of Lot 25; thence along the East line of Lot 25, North 00° 04' 14" West, 96.31 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence along the North line of Lot 25, South 89° 54' 13" West, 339.76 feet to a point which is 6.57 feet Easterly of the North corner common to Lots 24 and 25; thence parallel to the West line of Lot 25, South 00° 15' 00" East, 100.62 feet to the line between Lots 24 and 25; thence along said line, South 26° 25' 21" East, 5.92 feet to the North line of Bakeman North and a non- tangent curve concave to the South having a radius of 77.00 feet; thence from a semi-tangent bearing of North 63° 34' 39" East along said curve Northeasterly and to the Right through a Central Angle of 26° 10' 21"for an Arc Length of 35.17 feet; thence continuing along Bakeman North, North 89° 45' 00" East, 133.16 feet to a tangent curve concave to the Southwest having a Radius of 77.00 feet; thence along said curve Southeasterly and to the Right through a Central Angie of 51° 47' 12" for an Arc Length of 69.60 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 33,693 square feet, more or less. END OF DESCRIPTION \eNp�.. LAA�p SG July 10, 2007 ��'UQ.Q'� �� �qs;��'Fo (7 �a � a � PLS4283 y � YLt�(i�-�'..'�,�i` "f�' �.G��1.Qi'�C,l Exp. 6(3o/Je: LS 4283 exp 6-30-2008 �'�. �,��' 9p� ��Q. OF �p�l EXHIBIT B LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN LOTS 24 & 25 OF TRACT 2310-2 PER 28—MB-45 TO 47 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COUN7Y OF SAN LUIS OBISPO � o T � o s STATE OF CALIFORNIA A - M B - 6 5 N89'S4'13"E 456.74' _ _ _ � ' 176.98' � wEST s.s�' _ — 339.76' z � o ° PARCEL 1 p OF LOT 25 pARCEL 2 a `'� � � � � D -�+ � � 11,664 SF � 0 33,693 SF �IW� - 0 � � Im EIIMINA ED'�I I l m �CIR ATED G �I I W o � co R=77.00' � ,�E / S� w co � �� � � � 6=12'10�41" 0 6.�g2 �ItPN 3 ys, � � L=16.37� N g2 59�Ab9 O��p�� 73.45' SS . / S6 - N89'45'00"E 3j 13?, - N89'45'OO�E 133.16' T_ '� � ` N89'45�00"E 109.22' R=77.00' �' 9�� � A=26'10�21" R=77.00' p LOT 26 LOT 23 L=35.17' — — 6=51'4712 ?'�� BAKEMAN NOR'f'H �=ss.so' 2s. h� LOT 57 LOT 58 Q LAND SG LOT 55 LOT 56 4,���� H � s G t"=50' � TRACT 2310 - 2 � � LS s�,�o 0 50' 28 - MB - 45 � � 4283n ° `�'� EXP 6-30-08 = 9T�,�F CAL F�Q- I � ATTACHMENT3 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WHEN RECORDED. RETURN TO: IRREVOCABLE AND PERPETUAL OFFER TO DEDICATE A PUBLIC PARK L✓�T OFFER TO DEDICATE, made the 17�" day of July, 2007, by EJI� L. .sf��E.� of the County of 0 , State of California, hereinafter termed Offeror: WHEREAS, said Offeror desires to make an offer to dedicate, irrevocably,to the public, A PUBLIC PARK IN FEE, which offer may be accepted at any time by THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. � NOW, THEREFORE, said Offeror covenants and promises as follows: 1. That said Offeror is the owner of the following interest described below: PARCEL 1 OF OF DOCUMENT NUMBER , RECORDED THE DAY OF , 2007, HEREIN DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT 'A' AND GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT 'B' 2. That said Offeror does hereby irrevocably and in perpetuity offer to such governmental entity a dedication of SAID PARCEL 1 IN FEE. 3. That said Offeror agrees that this irrevocable and perpetual Offer to Dedicate is and shall be binding on his heirs, legatees, successors and assignees. i � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Offer to Dedicate is hereby executed by the said i Offeror on the day and year�rst above written. i i , I , ' i „ � '` U' ' ,, '� G,t�_----.._. � Offeror Offeror Offeror Offeror Offeror Offeror State of California ) Countyof SaN �.u�s Ur��svo )ss i On '3uw�"4��beforeme,'�ecs.aKS.-pwu�s, nio,r�K..� Puauc.. (hereinsertnameand title of the officer), personally appeared W a�Qew �-• S nuceas and --� ,personaily known to me(or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence)to be the person(sj whose name(s)is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/skje/t#�ey executed the same in his/Her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hisAaer/tkjeeir signature(s)on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. OpOR�M A pIYYlS Ca�rlrlrOn I 1490061 n NolaYl1i00e•C,a0onr0 Name J �C�B— tanWrO�rp°�°°'N MM�n.6ipin.hn 17. Name Printed'�Eg���+ 5•'Dpu�s County of Sa,+ �.+a.�s �e�sao � � � I l EXHIBIT A Parcel 1 All of Lot 24 and a portion of Lot 25 of Tract 2310-2 in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California according to Map Book 28, Pages 45 through 47, inclusive recorded in the office of the Recorder of said County, the entire adjusted parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the East corner common to Lots 23 and 24 of Tract 2310-2 on the North line of Bakeman North; thence along the Southerly lines of Lot 24, North 59° 21' 32" West, 37.97 feet; thence, South 89° 45' 00" West, 73.45 feet to Southwest corner of Lot 24; thence along the West line of Lot 24, North 00° 05' 41" West, 95.48 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence along the NoRh line of lots 24 and 25, North 89° 54' 13" East, 116.98 feet to a point which is 6.57 feet Easterly of the North corner common to Lots 24 and 25; thence parallel to the East line of Lot 24, South 00° 15' 00" East, 100:62 feet to the line between Lots 24 and 25; thence along said line, South 26° 25' 21" East, 5.92 feet to the North Iine of Bakeman North and a non- tangent curve concave to the South having a radius of 77.00 feet; thence from a semi-tangent bearing of South 63° 34' 39" West along said North line and along said curve Southwesterly and to the Left through a Central Angle of 12° 10' 55" for an Arc Length of 16.37 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 11,664 square feet, more or less. END OF DESCRIPTION EXHIBF DEBCATION OFFER OF PARCEL 1 OF LLA CASE No. 06-002 FOR PUSLIC PARK PURPOSES gE1NG A POR�10 TO��RAC� 2310-2 PER 28—MB— � o T � a e CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE A ^ M B _ g 5 �QUNTY OF SAN LUIS �B�SPO _ STA7E OF CAUFORNIA _ a5s.��_ _ — — — " N89'S4'13"E � _, 339.76' z — o o �--i 116.95� -� N'E5T 6 57' N �F LO7 25 PARCEL 2 ° � b �N o PARCEL 1 °• 33,693 SF ���-�+ �°' � i w � � t°n_ 51,664 SF 1 0 � � 1°= � �o� � r m w m � �-'�j I R-77.�Q' 'o �,1 F' s� s��r . - o � c`°ii p=12'10'47" 0 6'1.5,L ��,/� � ��g�0+ I w � �_t6.37' N S�' S963s" F� – N89'45'00"E 109.22' r �7^'�' � � 73.45' SSg, � �7/ S _ N89'45'00°E 133.16' �. N89'45'�0"E 3 9r:3?F R=77.00� R=77.00' LOT 26 � �26't0'21" _ _-----1�51'47'12" LOT 23 2, �5•ti7 L=69.60' BAKEMAN NORTH yti z�, LOT 55 LOT 56 LOT 57 LOT 58 i"=50' TR ACT 231 0 – 2 �----� 28 – �16 – 45 � 5Q� 8.e. � p,RROyO ° c9 � INCORPORATED y2 MEMORANDUM � o � � JUIY �0, t811 * , C4��FORN�P To: cinr couNCi� FROM: STEVE ANDREWS, INTERIM CHIEF OF POLIC BY: CRAIG HENDRICKS, POLICE COMMANDE� , l�V„ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PATROL VEHICLE EQUIPMENT DATE: JULY 24, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a resolution declaring the listed patrol vehicle equipment as surplus and authorize its transfer to California National Guard at Camp San Luis Obispo. FUNDING: There are no costs to the City associated with this proposal. The Department has not budgeted any revenues to be derived from the disposal of surplus patrol vehicle equipment. DISCUSSION: The Police Department is requesting that certain older emergency equipment that has been removed from patrol vehicles be declared surplus. This equipment consists of old-style light bars and prisoner screens previously used by the City on patrol vehicles that have been retired from service. Most of the light bars have seen use on two or three cars, making them eight to ten years old. They have developed some mechanical problems and are best suited to be used for parts. This type of light bar is no longer used on the DepartmenYs patrol vehicles, but the Department will continue to retain the control units for the light bars as they are still useful for spares. The Public Works and Fire Departments have adapted some items for use on City vehicles, but what remains is police oriented. The screens include wire mesh type partitions and have been replaced by Plexiglas units in the newer patrol cars. These items have been stored for several years and the storage space is now needed for items that have been removed from the rented storage unit recently vacated by the Department. Upon being declared surplus, the light bars and prisoner screens will be delivered to the California National Guard at Camp San Luis Obispo. MajorJohnson ofthe National Guard has expressed interest in the equipment and has ptoposed to use the light bars and screens on the patrol vehicles in operation there and on the California Specialized Training Institute vehicles. The light bars and screens are described as: CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PATROL VEHICLE EQUIPMENT JULY 24, 2007 � PAGE 2 Two (2) Troy Vehicle screens, no serial numbers. Six (6) Federal Signal Vector light bars, model SVS. A. Serial #: 86902 B. Serial #: 72679 C. Serial #: 75111 D. Serial #: 82767 E. Serial #: 81163 F. Serial #: 86903 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the'CounciPs consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staffs recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. � RESOLUTION NO. � A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING SUPLUS PROPERTY TO BE DONATED TO THE CALIFORNIA NATIONAL GUARD WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has certain emergency vehicle equipment no longer of use to the Police Department; and WHEREAS, the California National Guard at Camp San Luis Obispo has a need for this , same equipment; and , WHEREAS, this equipment may be used to support the security of Camp San Luis Obispo and the training of peace officers at the California Specialized Training Institute at Camp San Luis Obispo. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo � Grande does declare as surplus the property listed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the emergency vehicle equipment declared herein as surplus be donated and transferred to the California National Guard for use on patrol ' vehicles and vehicles used for training at Camp San Luis Obispo. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , ' and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: I NOES: ; ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , : 2007. I i i i i RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 I TONYFERRARA, MAYOR � ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: i ' STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY , _' n EXHIBIT "A" The following listed emergency vehicle equipment is no longer being used by the Police Department. It is requested that the equipment should be declared as surplus, to be transferred for use by the California National Guard at Camp San Luis Obispo: Two (2) Troy Vehicle screens, no serial numbers. Six (6) Federal Signal Vector light bars, model SVS. A. Serial#: 86902 B. Serial#: 72679 C. Serial#: 75111 D. Serial#: 82767 E. Serial#: 81163 F. Serial#: 86903 I ', � pRROYp ��a■ pE c,P � WCORYORATED 9.l CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ° " CITY COUNCIL * �"r �o. ��" * NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING c9��FORN�P On TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007, the Arroyo Grande City Council will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET, to consider the following item: Case No.'s: Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program Case No. 06-003 Locations: Five Cities Center, Phase I, APN 007-787-009 Five Cities Center, Phase II, APN 007-787-001 Proposal: Construct one (1) new commercial building consisting of 5,500 square feet in Phase I; and Construct two (2) new commercial buildings consisting of 15,000 and 13,500 square feet in Phase II. Applicant: Investec Real Estate Companies; Representative, Carol Florence, Oasis Associates Staff Representative: i Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department has prepared a draft mitigated negative declaration. If the City Council does not feel that this mitigated negative declaration is appropriate, project approval will not be considered. � The Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after the items listed above. If you challenge the proposed action in court, you may be limited to , raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. Information relating to the above item is available by contacting the Community Development Department at 473-5420. The City Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20. '. Kelly Wet ore City Clerk Publish 1T, The Tribune, Friday, July 13, 2007 � pRROY� � c? 1 INCORPORATED 92 F U � m # JULV �0. �et1 * c4��FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �� BY: KELLY HEFFERNON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-003 AND PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-003 TO CONSTRUCT NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND INSTALL SIGNAGE; APPLICANT - INVESTEC REAL ESTATE COMPANIES; REPRESENTATIVE - CAROL FLORENCE, OASIS ASSOCIATES; LOCATION - 925 RANCHO PARKWAY, PAD "I" (PHASE II OF THE FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER), AND THE 1100 BLOCK OF WEST BRANCH STREET (PHASE I OF THE FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER) DATE: JULY 24, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that Council adopt a resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program Case No. 06-003 subject to the conditions of approval. FUNDING: The City will gain sales tax revenue with the proposed retail uses. PROJECT LOCATION: Location Map: ,,. , , . ,,� _. . _ � . _... .., . . t;; , - - a � `-�-L_r----+ ' ; - ., �J , U � ., � - .: � ., „ . . ,. �, �.PM1 se IJ � . �� _ 10'I "1�... , ., . .,:, a._ . ,_ �.� , i Y l � >� �� GImS[_I_I h�• � ` r c. ..v.. . .. '�. � . . . �.�Q���..�.,`x. .._. Qwo. r , . _._,..!,...... ., . ...,. *en 4'. %. d � . . , , . . , ��� CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06-003 PAGE 2 DISCUSSION Backqround The City Council approved Conditional Use Permit No. 96-541 to construct the Five Cities Center in July 1996, which included the construction of fourteen (14) commercial buildings in two phases. The site plan approved as part of the conditional use permit designated the location and maximum size for building footprints. The uses of each building were also determined through the CUP process. Building pad "I" was designated for commercial retail use with a maximum size of 36,000 square feet. Pre-Application No. 04-017 was processed for pad "I" in 2005/06 that consisted of two buildings totaling 33,200 square feet, including Petco as an anchor (see Attachments 1- 3 for Planning Commission and City Council meeting minutes). The Commission was generally in favor of the concept, although some Commissioners expressed concern over a possible lack of parking and the proposed revision to the Five Cities Center Planned Sign Program to allow two (2) new monument signs and one (1) new 'freeway' oriented sign located on the southeastern corner of the Petco building. The City Council was primarily concerned with traffic and parking impacts. Parking located behind buildings was determined to be inappropriate, as those spaces would not be as easily utilized. On April 11, 2006 the City Council approved ACUP No. 04-001 to allow Wells Fargo Bank to occupy Building "J" of the Five Cities Center pending implementation of various traffic improvements as referenced in the Five Cities Center booklet dated April 11, 2006 (see Attachment 4 for meeting minutes and Attachment 5 for the Five Cities Center Traffic Improvement Key Plan). Although Wells Fargo Bank has not pursued occupancy of Building "J", most of the traffic improvements as outlined in the above- referenced booklet are included in the conditions of approval for the proposed project. The Planning Commission reviewed a commercial project in the Five Cities Center on February 20, 2007 that included two (2) options as follows (see Attachment 6 for meeting minutes): Option A: Construction of Pad "I" consisting of two (2) buildings including a 15,000 square foot Petco building and a 13,500 square foot one (1) tenant building, and a 6,000 square foot retail building within Phase I of the Five Cities Center south of the existing Marshalls (total square footage proposed were 34,500; 28,500 square feet within Phase II of the shopping center). Option B: Construction of Pad "I" consisting of two (2) buildings including a 15,000 square foot Petco building and an 18,200 square foot multi-tenant building (total square footage proposed is 33,200, all within Phase II of the shopping center; the building footprints were the same as submitted with Pre- Application No. 04-017), including parking to the rear of the buildings. The applicant requested that both options be approved to allow for the greatest flexibility. Staff recommended that only portions of Option A be approved, since it had less square footage in Phase II of the shopping center, allowing for more parking and landscaping, and did not include parking to the rear of the buildings. Option B did not CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06-003 PAGE 3 address the City Council's concerns with convenient and adequate parking as discussed during the pre-application. The Planning Commission recommended approval of Option "A" with the following recommended changes: • The applicant shall submit a pedestrian plan, to be reviewed by the ARC. • The applicant shall study and install an acoustic barrier if needed, which shall be reviewed by the ARC. . The landscape median to be added as a traffic calming measure on Rancho Parkway should include trees. • Conditions shall be added restricting hours of operation and light pollution. o Hours of operation shall be restricted for landscape maintenance (e.g. blowers) and lot maintenance (e.g. street sweeping of parking lot) to mitigate noise concerns for residential neighbors. These hours are to be agreed upon by City staff and the applicant. o There shall be timers on signage facing residences in Rancho Grande with the intent that signs will be turned off at night to mitigate light pollution directed at residential neighbors. • Additional landscaping shall be added in the Phase I parking lot with trees every 4-5 spaces instead of every 8 spaces. The applicant has since submitted a revised project and the conditions of approval have been updated to address the above concerns. Proiect Description The project as revised consists of a 15,000 square foot multi-tenant commercial building (Building I-1) and a 13,500 square foot single or multi-tenant commercial building (Building I-2) in Phase II of the shopping center, and a 5,500 square foot single or multi- tenant commercial building (Building I-3) in Phase I of the shopping center. Total square footage is 34,000 square feet (2,000 square feet less than the original Pad "I" approval). There are currently no identified tenants. The table below describes the difference between the previous and current submittals (included also as page 3 of Attachment 7). CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06-003 PAGE 4 Summar of Chan es Previous Submittal Current Submittal Pad "I" Building — Phase I: 6,000 s.f. Phase I: 5,500 s.f. s.f. Phase II: 15,000 s.f. Phase II: 15,000 s.f. 13,500 s.f. 13.500 s.f. Total: 34,500 s.f. Total: 34,000 s.f. Phase II Parking Required: 312 spaces Required: 311 spaces Pro osed: 341 s aces Pro osed: 350 s aces Building Layout Phase I: Building located near Phase I: Building located existing Marshall's within adjacent to existing Fitness 19 parking field and circulation against slope. around building. Phase II: Buildings located in Phase II: Buildings located in L-shape configuration and line and at rear of site. 'closes' Phase II layout with a Circulation and parking behind horseshoe configuration. No building. Acoustical wall would circulation or parking at rear of be required to mitigate noise. buildings. Buildings act as acoustical buffer to adjacent residences with no acoustical wall re uired. Additional Uses No additional uses requested. Uses such as offices and neighborhood uses (apparel, financial institutions, real estate, misc. offices, etc. Colors and materials would match existing buildings in the center. Below is a summary of the proposed building colors and materials: Material Color I Finish Medium sand float finish texture coat Stucco integral color finish coat to match a lied over sha ed ol st rene cornice. aint & ainted ICI #2003 Cielo Blanco. 7/8" exterior cement plaster, light sand Stucco integral color finish coat to match inte ral colored to match paint color. paint & painted ICI #2002 Bone White. 7/8" exterior cement plaster, light sand Stucco integral color finish coat to match inte ral colored to match aint color. aint & painted ICI #539 Le end Tan. Medium sand float finish texture coat Stucco integral color finish coat to match ap lied over foam moldin trims. aint & ainted ICI #539 Le end Tan. Clay roof tile. U.S. Tile Co. — 2 piece barrel tile color— Bermuda Blend. Fabric awnin . Sunbrella #4631; color— Bur und . 6"x6" quar tile or Thinbrick Match Existing Buildin s' Watertable color Aluminum storefront system. Anodized aluminum —color to match "Arcadia" — Dark Bronze. '/<" thick floated lass. Clear or Tinted Wood trellis. Stucco integral color painted ICI #547 Classic Ivory. CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06-003 PAGE 5 Precast concrete molding. Precast concrete molding by Seawright Custom precast (TM 28 series) color to match aint ICI #539 Le end Tan. Decorative light fixture. Luminis — "Keops" W900-UL, wall mount; color— Bronze by prudential lighting products. Galvanized metal reveal — prime & painted Paint to match adjacent surFace color. semi-gloss enamel, color to match adjacent surface. Planned Siqn Proqram The applicant originally proposed to install four (4) signs as part of Pad "I" development, as described in the table below. SIGNAGE SIZE/DESCRIPTION LOCATION Sign A 98 square feet/wall sign for Front of building Petco Sign B 98 square feeUwall sign for Rear of building Petco Sign C Tenant panels for new Corner of Rancho Parkway p lon tower si n (20' tall) and W. Branch St. Sign D Tenant panels for new North entrance to Phase II monument sign a roximatel 5' tall Per the approved Sign Program for the Five Cities Shopping Center, one sign is permitted per frontage (see Attachment 8). "Frontage" is described as building front or side, which directly abuts a public street or parking area. The originally proposed lease space for Petco had frontage on the north and west sides of the building. By definition there is no frontage on the east (rear) side of the building, where signage was proposed. The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) concurred with staff that signage be restricted to the west side (sign "A") and eliminate sign "B". Because a tower pylon sign was not originally approved for Phase II of the Five Cities Center, staff and ARC recommended that sign "C" not be allowed. Monument sign "D" was also not specified in the approved Sign Program; however, the ARC recommended approval since it is low profile and logically located at the northern entrance to Phase II. Currently proposed are two (2) ground signs as follows (see pages 12 and 13 of Attachment 7): _ � CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06-003 PAGE 6 SIZE/DESCRIPTION LOCATION ' Phase I I Gateway 48 sq. ft., 6'-8" tall Northeast comer of W. Monument (ground sign) Branch and Rancho Parkwa Phase II Upper Driveway 18 sq. ft., 5' tall Northly Phase II driveway Monument (ground sign) entrance on Rancho ' Parkway I Because there are no tenants identified, wall signs for individual tenants are not proposed. Signage for future tenants will be considered prior to occupancy. The approved Sign Program for the Center limits the amount of signage for minor stores to 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage up to a maximum of 100 square feet (see table below). � Five Cities Center Si n Criteria for Minor Stores Max. Letter Max. sq. Max. Length Max. Max. Amount of Approval Size ft. per Number of Signage Process si n Wall Si ns 4 ft. with 15% 100 sq. ft. 70% of bldg. 1 per 1.5 square feet ARC exception for frontage or frontage per linear foot of recommendation drops/ wall plane, building frontage to Planning caps centered Commission above entrance , Parking Requirements As shown in the table below, the proposed project meets minimum City parking i requirements. The revision would require alteration of the existing parking lot and , internal circulation. Summa of Parkin Re uirements — Phase II PHASE II Square Footage No. Parking Spaces Existing Parking 31,550 282 Parkin Demand: Building "J": 11,700 Baja Fresh 2,355 (public space) 24 Ratio 1/100 s . ft. Coldstone Creamery 1,345 (public space) 13 Ratio 1/100 s . ft.) Empty Retail 2,305 9 Ratio 1/250 s . ft. , Verizon 2,275 9 � Ratio 1/250 s . ft. CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06-003 PAGE 7 Empty Retail 2,275 9 Ratio 1/250 s . ft. Kleanerette 750 3 Ratio 1/250 s . ft. Building "K" (Trader Joe's) 11,700 47 Ratio 1/250 s . ft. Building "L" (AG Edwards) 4,000 16 Ratio 1/250 s . ft. Building "M" (Chili's w/addition) 6,700 (public space) 67 (Ratio 1/100 sq. ft. Buildings "I-1 & I-2" 28,500 114 Ratio 1/250 s . ft. Total arkin re uired 311 Total arkin ro osed 350 Net difference + 39 As shown in the above table, a surplus of 39 parking spaces would be provided within Phase II of the shopping center. In Phase I, the addition of a 5,500 square foot building would remove 41 parking spaces and add 9. However, the overall balance would be a surplus of 472 parking spaces within the Phase I project area. Recognizing that approximately half of Phase II Building "J" has never been fully occupied and that the additional parking and traffic impacts of Buildings I-1 and I-2 will occur, staff recommends the following condition (see Condition of Approval No. 7 of the resolution): Development shall be phased. Subject to compliance with all conditions of approval and mitigation measures, Buildings 1-1 and 1-3 may be constructed and occupied. Prior to issuance of a building permit for Building I-2 (the 13,500 square foot building) and after Building I-1 is constructed and both Building J and Building 1-1 are fully occupied, the allowable uses for Building I-2 shall be determined by the City Council. The determination of allowable uses (i.e. retail or office/ non-retail) would be based on the adequacy of parking and traffic mitigation measures, as recommended by the Director of Public Works. Adequate parking shall be determined based on a parking analysis measured on a typical Safurday between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM, 5 PM and 7 PM. The adequacy of the traffic mitigation measures shall be determined by using one of the following methods as defermined by the Director of Public Works: a) the level of service (LOS) at the Phase 1/Phase 2 entry driveway(s) is improved over existing conditions, as adjusted for project traffic; and b) pertormance standards for adequacy are determined jointly by the Director of Public Works and applicant. Alternatively, the Council may consider authorizing the concurrent construction of Buildings I-1 and I-2 with a pre-determination that the allowable use of Building I-2 will be restricted to office only. If this alternative is chosen, the proposed Condition No. 7 should be modified as follows: CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06-003 PAGE 8 Subject to compliance with all condifions of approval and mitigation measures, all three (3) proposed new buildings 1-1, I-2 and 1-3 may be constructed and occupied. Buildings I-1 and I-3 shall be used for refail commercial and Building I- 2 is restricted to office use only. Traffic Impacts A traffic impact study was prepared for this project in January 2005 by Omni-Means (Attachment 9), which identified several intersections in the vicinity of the proposed project that are currently operating below level of service (LOS) "C". Any new development, whether the proposed change to building pad "I" or the original building pad "I", will further impact these intersections. As outlined in the April 11, 2006 Traffic Improvement Key Plan (Attachment 5) and the Median and Entrance Improvements plans for the Five Cities Center (Attachment 10) and as presented to the City Council at the April 11, 2006 City Council meeting, the following improvements are proposed, and are included in the conditions of approval as follows: . Provide an additional access driveway on Camino Mercado in Phase I (Improvement "A"). • Modify Phase I internal circulation (Improvements "B" and "C"). • Add a right turn lane on the Phase I driveway at Rancho Parkway (Improvement "F"). . Modify Rancho Parkway by narrowing the street, adding traffic-calming devices, and channelizing traffic (Improvement "G-1"). • Modify pavement marking and add signage at the intersection of Rancho Parkway and West Branch Street (Improvement "G-2"). . The developer shall adjust signal timing for both signals on West Branch Street (Improvement "H"). • The developer shall pay the City's Tra�c Signalization and Transportation Facilities Impact fees. A Traffic and Parking Summary was also prepared by Orosz Engineering Group dated May 17, 2007 (see Attachment 11). The conclusion is that the proposed parking meets and exceeds Development Code requirements, the circulation of vehicles and trucks within Phase II is adequate, and the proposed access and traffic calming improvements would provide improved traffic circulation along Rancho Parkway for existing and project related traffic. Acoustical Studv Included as Attachment 12 is an updated acoustical study prepared by David Dubbink Associates. The previous proposal had acoustical issues that have since been addressed in the current proposal. The study provides the following conclusions: • An additional commercial building in Phase I will have a less than significant effect on the closest noise sensitive uses. The distances involved and the screening topography diminish sound levels to conform to City standards. Whatever sound is produced will be less than a significant change in the present acoustic setting. , I CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06-003 PAGE 9 • The revised project design conforms to the City's noise standards, and potential problems have been mitigated to the point that they are not considered significant in terms of normally accepted standards. Staff Advisorv Committee (SAC) The SAC reviewed the proposed project on December 20, 2006 and discussed issues of drainage, lighting, and traffic mitigation. On July 11, 2007 the SAC considered the revised project and discussed tenancy, parking adequacy, Fire Department conditions, and landscaping. Architectural Review committee (ARC) The ARC considered this project on December 4, 2006 and recommended approval of the previously submitted project with the following conditions (see Attachment 13 for meeting notes): . The final landscape plan shall be reviewed by ARC before a building permit is issued. • Sign B shall not be allowed on the Petco building. • There shall not be a tower pylon sign at the intersection of W. Branch Street and Rancho Parkway (eliminate sign C). . The two dead trees in the Trader Joes parking lot shall be replaced with one of the species listed below. • Replacement trees: London Plane Bloodgood Sycamore, Tulip Tree, and Red Spire Pear. • The landscape plan shall not include any Chinese Pistache or Melaleuca. • Ask the landscape architect to explore the benefits of a Redwood versus a Monterey Cypress. • Add 5 trees to the grassy area across from the AG Edwards building as shown on plans. (They're shown as existing, but aren't and should be added.) • Replace some of the parking lot "diamonds" with landscaped islands. • Area that fronts the lawn has a long expanse of parking spaces and needs some landscape islands to bring greenery to the parking lot. • Over-excavate the soil when putting in trees, so they thrive. . Screening of rooftop equipment shall return for ARC review with sections to illustrate visibility. . There shall be pedestrian access for neighbors off of Via Vaquero. Applicable recommended conditions have been incorporated into the resolution of approval. PUBLIC COMMENTS A public notice was sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project, and a public notice was placed in The Tribune. Staff has not received any comments or correspondence to date. I CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2007 ACUP 06-003; PSP 06•003 PAGE 10 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA. Based on the review, staff does not anticipate that this project will have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, staff has prepared a negative declaration with mitigation measures for the City Council's consideration (see Initial Study, Attachment 14). ALTERNATIVES The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program Case No. 06-003 as proposed. - Adopt the resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program Case No. 06-003 with alternative special Condition of Approval No. 7 as set forth above in the staff report on page 8. - Modify the resolution as appropriate and adopt the resolution. - Do not adopt the resolution and provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 4, 2005 2. City Council Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2005 3. City Council Meeting Minutes of January 24, 2006 4. City Council Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2006 5. Five Cities Center Booklet dated April 11, 2006 6. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of February 20, 2007 7. Five Cities Center Booklet dated July 24, 2007 8. Planned Sign Program for the Five Cities Center 9. Traffic Impact Study dated January 2005 by Omni-Means 10. Median and entrance improvement plans 11. Traffic and Parking Summary by Orosz Engineering dated May 17, 2007 12. Acoustical Study by David Dubbink Associates dated April 23, 2007 13. Architectural Review Committee Meeting Notes of December 4, 2006 14. Initial Study I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-003 AND PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-003, APPLIED FOR BY INVESTEC REAL ESTATE COMPANIES, LOCATED AT 925 RANCHO PARKWAY AND THE 1100 BLOCK OF WEST BRANCH STREET (FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program Case No. 06-003, filed by Investec Real Estate Companies to amend Conditional Use Permit 96-541 to allow construction of commercial buildings within the Five Cities Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with City Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that this project is consistent with the City's General Plan, Development Code and the environmental documents associated therewith, and has reviewed the draft Negative Declaration with mitigation measures under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the Rancho Grande Planned Development (PD 1.2) pursuant to Section 16.16.050 of the Development Code, and complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. 2. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located because the proposed use is similar to surrounding uses. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed because all the necessary easements, circulation, parking and setbacks would be provided. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure the public health and safety. 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity because the proposed project would not create adverse environmental impacts with implementation of the attached mitigation measures. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program 06-003, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of 2007. II ,I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-003 PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-003 Investec Real Estate Companies Five Cities Shopping Center .�MM INITY D V OPM NT D PARTM NT This Amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 96-541 authorizes development of commercial buildings and signage within the Five Cities Shopping Center as follows: Construction of a 15,000 square foot multi-tenant commercial building (Building I-1) and a 13,500 square foot single or multi-tenant commercial building (Building I-2) in Phase II of the shopping center, and a 5,500 square foot single or multi-tenant commercial building (Building I-3) in Phase I of the shopping center. Total square footage is 34,000 square feet. N RA CONDITION 1. All conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit No. 96-541, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect as indicated in City Council Resolution 3157 approved on July 9, 1996. 2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval and mitigation measures for Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program 06-003. 4. This application shall automatically expire on July 24, 2009 unless a building permit is issued. Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the approval, the applicant may apply for an extension of one (1) year from the original date of expiration. 5. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the City Council at the meeting of July 24, 2007 and marked Exhibits "B1-B15". 6. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in anyway relating to the implementation thereof, � or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the , City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay , as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its I own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not I relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. il _ � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 SPEGIAL GONDITIONS 7. Development shall be phased. Subject to compliance with all conditions of approval and mitigation measures, buildings I-1 and I-3 may be constructed and occupied. Prior to issuance of a building permit for Building I-2 (the 13,500 square foot building) and after Building I-1 is constructed and both Building J and Building I-1 are fully occupied, the allowable uses for Building I-2 shall be determined by the City Council. The determination of allowable uses (i.e. retail or office/ non-retail) would be based on the adequacy of parking and traffic mitigation measures, as recommended by the Director of Public Works. Adequate parking shall be determined based on a parking analysis measured on a typical Saturday between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM, 5 PM and 7 PM. The adequacy of the traffic mitigation measures shall be determined by using one of the following methods as determined by the Director of Public Works: a) the level of service (LOS) at the Phase 1/Phase 2 entry driveway(s) is improved over existing conditions, as adjusted for project traffic; and b) performance standards for adequacy are determined jointly by the Director of Public Works and applicant. 8. The applicant shall submit a pedestrian plan for Phase II of Five Cities Center, to be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and approved by the Community Development Director. 9. The applicant shall submit an acoustical study for Phase II of the Five Cities Center and implement any recommended conditions. 10. The proposed landscape median located within Rancho Parkway as a traffic calming measure shall include trees. 11. The hours of operation within Phase II for landscape maintenance (e.g. blowers) and lot maintenance (e.g. parking lot sweeping) shall be limited to mitigate noise, as approved by the Community Development Director. 12. A lighting plan shall be submitted addressing light pollution for Phase II. Signage facing residences in Rancho Grande shall be turned off at night. The lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director and Police Department. 13. Additional landscaping shall be added in the Phase I parking lot with trees every 4 to 5 parking spaces instead of every 8 spaces. 14. A copy of these conditions shall be incorporated into all construction documents. ARGHITEGTURAL REVIEW GOMMITTEE (ARGI 15. Prior to issuance of building permit, the ARC shall review the final landscape plan. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 16. The two dead trees in the Trader Joes parking lot shall be replaced with either London Plane Bloodgood Sycamore, Tulip Tree, or Red Spire Pear. 17. The landscape plan shall not include any Chinese Pistache or Melaleuca. 18. Five (5) trees shall be added to the grassy area across from the AG Edwards building. 19. The developer shall replace at least three (3) of the existing parking lot "diamonds" with landscaped islands within Phase II of the shopping center. 20. Landscape islands shall be included within the proposed parking lot area along the west side to soften the hardscape. 21. In planting areas, the soil shall be over-excavated and soil amendments added to encourage plant establishment. 22. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment, and other mechanical equipment, whether on the ground, on the structure or elsewhere, shall be screened from public view behind the parapets, or with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. Screening of rooftop equipment shall return for ARC review with sections to illustrate visibility. 23. There shall be pedestrian access to the Phase II site off of Via Vaquero. DEVELOPMENT GODE 24. Development shall conform to the Regional Commercial (RC) zoning requirements except as otherwise approved. 25. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of Development Code Chapter 16.60, and as approved per Plan Sign Program Case No. 06-003. 26. Setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area ratios shall be as shown on the development plans except as specifically modified by these conditions. , 27. All parking spaces adjacent to a wall, fence, or property line shall have a minimum width of 11 feet. NOISE 28. Consistent with MM 8.1, construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 8 AM and 6 PM Monday through Saturday. No construction shall occur on '� Sunday. LIGHTING ' 29. All lighting for the site shall be downward directed and shall not create spill or glare to adjacent properties. � 30. Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit an � exterior lighting plan and site lighting footcandle plan subject to review and RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 7 approval of the Community Development and Police Departments that complies with Section 16.48.090 of the Development Code. WATER 31. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, low flow showerheads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters and hot water recirculating systems. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy. SOLID WASTE 32. Location of Solid waste pick-up as identified on the project plans is acceptable. Trash enclosures shall be reserved exclusively for dumpster and recycling container storage. PRIOR TO ISSUING A BUILDING PERMIT: 33. A landscaping and irrigation plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department and the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department. The landscaping plan shall include the following: a. Tree staking, soil preparation and planting detail; b. The use of landscaping to screen ground-mounted utility and mechanical equipment; c. The required landscaping and improvements. This includes: 1. Deep root planters shall be included in areas where trees are within five feet (5') of asphalt or concrete surfaces and curbs; 2. Water conservation practices including the use of low flow heads, drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants and mulches shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan; and 3. An automated irrigation system. 4. The selection of groundcover plant species shall include native plants. 5. Linear planters shall be provided in the parking areas. PRIOR TO ISSUING THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 34. Development shall comply with Development Code Sections 16.48.070, "Fences, Walls and Hedges"; 16.48.090, "Lighting"; 16.48.120, "Pertormance Standards"; and 16.48.130 "Screening Requirements". 35. The developer shall paint a test patch on the building including all colors. The remainder of the building may not be painted until inspected by the Community Development Department or Building and Fire Department to verify that colors are consistent with the approved color board. A 48-hour notice is required for this inspection. 36. All new electrical panel boxes shall be installed inside the building(s). RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 8 6LILDING AND FIRF DEPARTM NT 37. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of all California Building and Fire Codes, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. 38. The project shall provide complete compliance with State and Federal disabled access requirements. 39. Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, all buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines. 40. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced, per Police Department and Fire Department guidelines. 41. The project shall have a fire flow based on the California Fire Code appendix III-A. 42. Prior to combustible materials being placed on site, fire hydrants shall be installed, per Fire Department and Public Works Department standards. 43. Prior to occupancy, the applicant must provide an approved "security key vaulY', per Building and Fire Department guidelines. 44. Prior to issuance of grading or building permit, the applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. P 6 I - WORKS D PARTM NT SP IA ONDITI�NS 45. The developer shall relocate the existing water main as depicted on the preliminary utility plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 46. Dedicate public water main easements for the portions of the relocated water main. 47. Relocate the existing storm drain as depicted on the preliminary utility plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 48. Provide a method of filtering storm water runoff prior to entering the City system. 49. Pay the proportionate share to the following wastewater capital improvement , projects: � ➢ EI Camino Real Upgrade. ; ➢ Walnut Street Upgrade. 50. Obtain a "will serve" letter from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation I District. The project wastewater flows to the "Bakeman Bottleneck". RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 9 P IB I . WORKS D PARTM NT STANDARD •ONDITIONS All Public Works Department conditions of approval as listed below are to be complied with prior to finalizing the building permit, unless specifically noted othenvise. 51. Fees - The applicant shall pay all applicable City fees at the time they are due. (For your information, the `Procedure for Profesting Fees, Dedications, Reservations or Exactions"is provided below). PROCEDURE FOR PROTESTING FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR EXACTIONS: (A)Any party may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project, for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the cost of public facilities related to the development project by meeting both of the following requirements: (1) Tendering any required payment in full or providing satisfactory evidence of arrangements to pay the fee when due or ensure perFormance of the conditions necessary to meet the requirements of the imposition. (2) Serving written notice on the City Council, which notice shall contain all of the following information: (a) A statement that the required payment is tendered or will be tendered when due, or that any conditions which have been imposed are provided for or satisfied, under protest. (b) A statement informing the City Council of the factual elements of the dispute and the legal theory forming the basis for the protest. (B) A protest filed pursuant to subdivision (A) shall be filed at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the development or within 90 days after the date of the imposition of the fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions to be imposed on a development project. (C) Any party who files a protest pursuant to subdivision (A) may file an action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul the imposition of the fees, dedications reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project by a local agency within 180 days after the delivery of the notice. (D) Approval or conditional approval of a development occurs, for the purposes of this section, when the tentative map, tentative parcel map, or parcel map is approved or conditionally approved or when the parcel map is recorded if a tentative map or tentative parcel map is not required. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE10 (E)The imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions occurs, for the purposes of this section, when they are imposed or levied on a specific development. 52. Fees to be paid prior to plan approval: (1) Plan check for grading plans based on an approved earthwork estimate. (2) Plan check for improvement plans based on an approved construction cost estimate. (3) Permit Fee for grading plans based on an approved earthwork estimate. (4) Inspection fee of public works construction plans based on an approved construction cost estimate. 53. Clean all streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks at the end of the day's operations or as directed by the Director of Community Development or the Director of Public Works. 54. Perform construction activities during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 7 A.M. to 5 P.M.) for noise and inspection purposes. The developer or contractor shall refrain from pertorming any work other than site maintenance outside of these hours, unless an emergency arises or approved by the Director of Public Works. The City may hold the developer or contractor responsible for any expenses incurred by the City due to work outside of these hours. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 55. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Drawings and Specifications. 56. Submit four (4) full-size paper copies and one (1) full-size mylar copy of approved improvement plans for inspection purposes during construction. 57. Submit as-built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Director of Public Works. One (1) set of mylar prints and an electronic version on CD in AutoCAD format shall be required. 58. The following Improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Public Works Department: a. Grading, drainage and erosion control, b. Street paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk, c. Public utilities, d. Water and sewer, e. Landscaping and irrigation, f. Any other improvements as required by the Director of Public Works 59. The site plan shall include the following: a. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm ! drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 11 b. The location, quantity and size of all existing and proposed sewer laterals. c. The location, size and orientation of all trash enclosures. d. All existing and proposed parcel lines and easements crossing the property. e. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas. f. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. 60. Improvement plans shall include plan and profile of existing and proposed streets, utilities and retaining walls. 61. Landscape and irrigation plans are required for landscaping within the public right of way, and shall be approved by the Community Development and Parks and Recreation Departments. In addition, The Director of Public Works shall approve any landscaping or irrigation within a public right of way or otherwise to be maintained by the City. WATER 62. Construction water is available at the corporate yard. The City of Arroyo Grande does not allow the use of hydrant meters. 63. The applicant shall complete measures to neutralize the estimated increase in water demand created by the project by either: a. Implement an individual water program consisting of retrofitting existing off- site high-flow plumbing fixtures with low flow devices. The calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. The proposed individual water program shall be submitted to the City Council for approval prior to implementation; OR, b. The applicant may pay an in lieu fee of $5,945.95 per acre-foot of anticipated use. SFWFR 64. All sewer mains or laterals crossing or parallel to public water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with California State Health Agency standards. PUBLIC UTILITIES 65. Underground all new public utilities in accordance with Section 16.68.050 of the Development Code. 66. Submit all improvement plans to the public utility companies for approval and comment. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. , 67. Prior to approving any building permit within the project for occupancy, all public , utilities shall be operational. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE12 GRADING 68. PerForm all grading in conformance with the City Grading Ordinance. 69. Submit a preliminary soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and supported by adequate test borings. All earthwork design and grading shall be perFormed in accordance with the approved soils report. 70. Submit all retaining wall calculations for review and approval by the Director of Public Works for walls not constructed per City standards. DRAINAGE 71. All drainage facilities shall be designed to accommodate a 100-year storm flow. DEDICATIONS AND A M NT 72. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate from a map, shall be prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing. P RMITS 73. Obtain an encroachment permit prior to performing any of the following: a. Performing work in the City right of way, b. Staging work in the City right of way, c. Stockpiling material in the City right of way, d. Storing equipment in the City right of way. 74. Obtain a grading permit prior to commencement of any grading operations on site. AGREEMENTS 75. Inspection Agreement: Prior to approval of an improvement plan, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements. IMPROV M NT RITI 76. All improvement securities shall be of a form as set forth in Development Code Section 16.68.090, Improvement Securities. 77. Submit an engineer's estimate of quantities for public improvements for review � by the Director of Public Works. � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 13 78. Provide financial security for the following, to be based upon a construction cost estimate approved by the Director of Public Works: a. Faithful PerFormance: 100% of the approved estimated cost of all project improvements, b. Labor and Materials: 50% of the approved estimated cost of all project improvements c. One Year Guarantee: 10% of the approved estimated cost of all project improvements. This security is required prior to acceptance of the project improvements. PRIOR TO ISS lIN A B I DIN , P RMIT 79. The Public Works plans shall be approved. PRIOR TO I S IN A RTIFI AT OF O PAN Y 80. All utilities shall be operational. 81. All essential project improvements shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Non- essential improvements, guaranteed by an agreement and financial securities, may be constructed after occupancy as directed by the Director of Public Works. 82. Developer shall modify Phase I internal circulation set forth in the April 11, 2006 Traffic Improvement Key Plan as Improvements "B" and "C", and as presented to the City Council at the April 11, 2006 City Council meeting. MITI �ATION M A IR S A negative declaration with mitigation measures has been adopted for this project. The following mitigation measures shall be implemented as conditions of approval and shall be monitored by the appropriate City department or responsible agency. The applicant shall be responsible for verification in writing by the monitoring department or agency that the mitigation measures have been implemented. MITIGATION MEASURES MM 1.1: The applicant shall submit a lighting plan verifying that all exterior lighting for the development is directed downward and does not create spill or glare to the adjacent residential neighborhood north of the project site. Responsibie Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD; Police Dept. Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 1.2: The applicant shall submit final exterior colors and materials of the buildings for Architectural Review Committee approval. The colors shall blend as much as possible with the surrounding development. Any expanse of blank wall shall be minimized through creative use of materials, texture, color and ; building form. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 14 Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 1.3: The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department, Architectural Review Committee and the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department. The landscape plan shall limit turf areas and shall include drought resistant plants. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD, ARC, PR&F Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 1.4: The applicant shall submit a plan to screen rooftop equipment to the Community Development Department, to be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD, ARC Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 3.1: All dust control measures listed below (MM 3.2 — 3.10) shall be followed during construction of the project and shall be shown on grading and building plans. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off site. The name and telephone number of such person(s) shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and finished grading of the area. MM 3.2: Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible. During construction, water trucks or sprinkler systems shall be used to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this would include wetting down such areas in the later morning and after work is completed for the day and whenever wind exceeds 15 miles per hour. Reclaimed (non-potable)water shall be used for this purpose. MM 3.3: Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation. All dirt stockpile areas shall be sprayed daily as needed. MM 3.4: Permanent dust control measures identified in the project revegetation and landscape plans shall be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. MM 3.5: Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading shall be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 15 MM 3.6: All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation shall be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. MM 3.7: All vehicles hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials shall be covered or maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114. MM 3.8: Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads on to streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. MM 3.9: Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried on to adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water shall be used where feasible. MM 3.10: To mitigate the diesel PM generated during the construction phase, all construction equipment shall be properly maintained and tuned according to manufacturer's specifications. The measures below (MM 3.11 — 3.15) shall be clearly identified in the project bid specifications so the contractors bidding on the project can include the purchase and installation costs in their bids. MM 3.11: Any portable equipment, 50 horsepower (hp) or greater, used during construction activities will require California statewide portable equipment registration (issued by the California Air Resources Board) or an APCD permit. Example equipment include power screens, conveyors, diesel engines, crushers, portable generators, concrete batch plants, and trammel screens. To minimize permit delays, prior to the start of the project, contact Gary Willey of the APCD's Engineering Division at (805) 781-5912 for specific information regarding permitting requirements. MM 3.12: All off-road and portable diesel powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders, cranes, loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generator sets, compressors, auxiliary power units, shall be fueled exclusively with California Air Resources Board (ARB) motor vehicle diesel fuel. Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications. MM 3.13: To the maximum extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment shall meet the ARB's 1996 certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesel engines. MM 3.14: Maximize to the extent feasible, the use of on-road heavy-duty equipment and trucks that meet the ARB's 1998 or newer certification standard for on-road heavy-duty diesel engines. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 16 MM 3.15: All on and off-road diesel equipment shall not be allowed to idle for more than 5 minutes. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas to remind drivers and operators of the 5-minute idling limit. MM 3.16: Prior to any grading activities at the site, the project proponent shall ensure that a geologic evaluation is conducted to determine if Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) is present within the area that will be disturbed. If NOA is not present, an exemption request must be filed with the APCD. If NOA is found at the site, the applicant must comply with all requirements outlined in the Asbestos Air Toxins Control Measure (ATCM) regulated under by the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande - Public Works Dept., Building and Fire Department Timing: Prior to issuance of Grading Permit MM 3.17: To encourage walking within the commercial development and provide a safer pedestrian environment, the applicant shall use textured and/or colored concrete at pedestrian crossings. Pedestrian signage shall also be provided to improve pedestrian safety. MM 3.18: Provide shade tree planting along southern exposures of buildings to reduce summer cooling needs. MM 3.19: Provide on-site bicycle parking with one bicycle parking space for every 10 vehicle parking spaces. MM 3.20: Provide preferential carpool and vanpool parking spaces. MM 3.21: Provide incentives to employees to carpool/vanpool, take public transportation, telecommute, walk, bike, etc. by implementing the Transportation Choices Program. The applicant should contact SLO Regional Rideshare at 541- 2277 to receive free consulting services on how to start and maintain a program. MM 3.22: Include Shade tree planting along southern exposures of buildings to reduce summer cooling needs. MM 3.23: Use built-in energy efficient appliances, where applicable. MM 3.24: Use double-paned windows. MM 3.25: Use low energy parking lot and street lights. MM 3.26: Use energy efficient interior lighting. MM 3.27: Install door sweeps or weather stripping if more energy efficient doors and windows are not available. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE17 MM 3.28: Install high efficiency or gas space heating. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD, Public Works Dept., and Building & Fire Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 5.1: The following note shall be placed on the grading and improvement plans for the project: "In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, and archeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted within 150 feet of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner (781-4513) shall be contacted immediately. The applicant may be required to provide archaeological studies and/or mitigation measures." Responsibie Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit MM 6.1: The applicant shall submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that specifies the implementation of Best Management Practices to avoid and minimize water quality impacts as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Public Works Dept.; RWQCB Timing: Prior to issuance of Grading Permit MM 6.2: The applicant shall submit grading, drainage and erosion control plans, consistent with the policies of the Arroyo Grande Development Code and Grading Ordinance, to the Public Works Department for review and approval. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Grading Permit ' MM 8.1: Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 8 AM and 6 PM Monday through Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday. On-site equipment maintenance and servicing shall be confined to the same hours. MM 8.2: Deliveries and idling truck engines shall be restricted to the hours of 8 AM and 6 PM. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 18 MM 8.3: All construction equipment utilizing internal combustion engines shall be required to have mufflers that are in good condition. Stationary noise sources shall be located at least 300 feet from occupied dwelling units unless noise reducing engine housing enclosures or noise screens are provided by the contractor. MM 8.4: A note shall be placed on the construction plans that no more than two (2) pieces of major earth moving equipment shall be allowed to operate simultaneously within 300 feet of adjacent residences or the school. MM 8.5: Equipment mobilization areas, water tanks, and equipment storage areas shall be placed in a central location as far from existing residences as feasible. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Public Works Dept. Timeframe: During construction MM 10.1: All site and building plans shall be reviewed by the Fire Chief for adequacy of access, fire suppression and water delivery systems. Implement recommendations as necessary to reduce the frequency and severity of fire calls to the shopping center. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Building & Fire Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 10.2: The developer shall submit plans which include architectural features to decrease vulnerability to crime, such as adequate and appropriate security lighting, locks, landscaping, and alarm systems. Access to all roofs shall be secured to prevent unauthorized entry. Interior lighting of large retail businesses shall be left on or dimmed when businesses are closed and exterior lighting shall be off or dimmed. Architectural plans shall be reviewed by the Police Chief prior to issuance of building permit. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Police Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 10.3: The developer shall pay all applicable police and fire impact fees. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Building & Fire Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 12.1: Consistent with the traffic improvement plans adopted by the City on April 11, 2006, the developer shall install the following improvements: RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 19 . Provide an additional access driveway on Camino Mercado in Phase II (improvement "A"). . Add a right turn lane on the Phase I driveway at Rancho Parkway (improvement "F"). . Modify Rancho Parkway by narrowing the street, adding traffic-calming devices, and directing traffic (improvement "G-1"). . Modify pavement marking and add signage at the intersection of Rancho Parkway and West Branch Street (improvement "G-2"). Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy MM 12.2: The developer shall adjust signal timing for both signals on West Branch Street (improvement "H"). Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande —Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to Certificate of Occupancy MM 12.3: The developer shall pay the City's Traffic Signalization and Transportation Facilities Impact fees. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Building & Fire Dept.; Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 13.1: The applicant shall pay the projecYs proportionate share to the following wastewater capital improvement projects: . EI Camino Real Upgrade . Walnut Street Upgrade Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande —Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Priorto issuance of Building Permit MM 13.2: The project will further impact the "Bakeman bottleneck", a main sewer line currently near capacity. The developer shall obtain a "will serve" letter from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District and pay the City's sewer hookup and SSLOCSD impact fees, including a fee for the Bakeman bottleneck solution. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Building & Fire Dept.; Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 20 MM 14.1: The developer shall submit a drainage plan that includes the proper design and placement of sedimenUgrease traps to prevent the discharge of pollutants into the downstream drainage system. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD, Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 14.2: The project shall comply with the City's required water conservation measures including any applicable measures identified in the City's Water Conservation Plans. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Public Works Dept. Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 14.3: The project shall install best available technology for low-flow toilets and hot water recirculation systems. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande —Building Dept. Timing: Prior to a Certificate of Occupancy MM 14.4: The final landscape plan shall show low-water use/drought resistant species and drip irrigation systems rather than spray irrigation systems. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Community Development Dept.; Parks, Recreation and Facilities Dept. Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 14.5: The project plans shall include methods for collecting surface run- off from the site for use on landscaped areas to reduce water use and minimize run-off to the extent feasible. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande —Public Works Dept. Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit m Bm.sw.Yi � a+a+�i�l !�� R4 \`� �`• '� I�' �.� o�...�� ��. = C �I �� n �J� � � � ���R!�� m m.r,.,.w, � / L r W / '� ~ '+' C� �.:i` lJ 1� � ���i{ �� t ` //� �� -, `,I ``s �. 1 �� " �) O %\' t::! VICINITV MAP � � %� ✓ � a ' -- ✓�:, � �� _` � `'_ �-7 - �.. �,� , _,�. 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Kf�[�\\IINLMIIRI1fMRUf\ . \\/ /��� �\\ \ ��\l � n. .. ����u�� u iww� n w.KLMt - [l�It /}—Y �.au�n un w - - - - - - - - - - '- � _; \��\}� �'4:� � \ C�,' m�,.�. �:�,°���.��\w,,.,.�,w,°�^.�� _xw,� L-2 . , ' MINUTES RLANNING COMMISSION i ATTACHMENT 1 � JANUARY 4, 2005 affordable/deed restricted; would deviate from the minimum required setbacks for MF zoning; is deficient in number of guest parking spaces. The Commission had questions and generally favorable comments on this proposal. � The main concerns addressed the guest parking and driveways and usable open space. There was no formal action on this item. I B. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW 04-017; APPLICANT — PAUL POIRIER; LOCATION — 911 RANCHO PARKWAY. Staff report prepared and presented by Assistant Planner, Ryan Foster. Assistant Planner, Ryan Foster presented the staff report for amendments to Five Cities Center Conditional Use Permit to revise building pad 'I'. The revisions would include: i . Change from one 36,000 sq. ft. building to two smaller buildings totaling 33,200 � sq• ft; • Alteration of the existing parking lot and internal circulation; and • Amendment to the Five Cities Planned Sign Program. The applicant Paul Porier and the architect Joel Jennings gave a presentation of the proposal. The Commission stated their approval of the landscaping; concern with the lack of f parking near Trader Joes. Commissioner Parker stated she had done a survey with some of the other businesses in this center and believed there would be insufficient parking for Petco customers. There was disagreement with some of the proposed freeway signage for Petco and concern for the intent of the original Five Cities Planned Sign Program. Seeing some members of the public present, Vice Chair Brown opened the public hearing for public comment. Ruth Jessop, neighbor, stated liked the proposal, but had grave concern with the traffic situation; like the idea of a signal; concern with Trader Joes employees being present at 3:00 am, Upon hearing no further public comment, Vice Chair Brown closed the public hearing to public comment. Upon conclusion of Commission comments, Vice Chair Brown ensured that the ; applicant had received sufficient comment. There was no formal action on this item. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None i i ATTACHMENT2 CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 6 Mayor Ferrara supported a 30-day.continuance to review additional alternatives. He recalled that when the traffic study was first done, it was determined that a signal or stop sign would not be appropriate because of its proximity to the W. Branch Street intersection. He referred to the suggestion for a stop sign at the upper driveway on Rancho Parkway and commented that the line of sight issue on Rancho Parkway is crucial and Rancho Parkway continues to be a very busy collector street. He did not support closing off access or installing a raised median from Phase 1 to 2, nor did he support channeling traffic back through the shopping center as an option. He supported a portion of Council Member Arnold's recommendation that he would like to look at further is another access at the back of the Center; however, he stated that this would have to include feedback from the surrounding neighborhood. He referred to Camino Mercado and expressed concern about a circulation fix that would impose any more.traffic on Camino Mercado. He also commented about being careful about the traffic flow between the driveways in Phase 2 and the potential for backing up of traffic if restricting ingress and egress to one-way. He suggested re-examining the potential for continued reduction of intensity of use in Phase 2 by looking at existing vacant areas in Phase 1. As far as the proposed financial use, he commented that although the building has been vacant for a while, retail sales tax generation was a condition of approval for the Center, and is also reinforced by the City's General Plan Economic Element. Council Member Guthrie commented that a solution that includes making use of the main entrance on W. Branch Street into the Five Cities Center should be encouraged. Mayor Pro Tem Costelio moved to continue the item to the regular City Council meeting of March 8, 2005. Council Member Arnold seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Arnold, Guthrie, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Ferrara called a break at 9:05 p.m. The Council reconvened at 9:17 p.m. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of Pre-Application Case No. 04-017: Revision to Pad "1" in the Five Cities Center; 911 Rancho Parkway. Assistant Planner Foster presented the staff report and recommended the Council review and comment on the proposed project. Staff responded to questions from Council concerning accommodations for truck deliveries, p�oposed public access at the rear of the buildings; intent for monument signs and signage on the rear of the buildings as it relates to the Planned Sign Program; and clarification regarding the design of the tower element. Paul Poirier, project architect, gave an overview of the proposed site plan, reviewed site circulation for traffic and pedestrians, and presented elevation and landscape designs. Mr. CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 7 � Poirier responded to questions from Council concerning the proposed layout of the buildings and issues related to truck circulation and delivery. � Mayor Ferrara invited public comments on this item, and when no one came forward, he closed the public comment period. Council Member Dickens commented that the issue of traffic and circulation, as previously discussed, must be dealt with, especially as the potential use in Phase 2 is increased. He suggested reducing the square footage of the buildings as much as possible. As far as truck loading, he encouraged obtaining input from the surrounding residents, and favored the Mayor's idea for creating an area between the buildings that would stiil allow for access around the back of the buildings. He did not feel the amount of parking provided behind the building would be � utilized effectively. He did not feel there was a need for more signs and did not favor placing a monument sign at W. Branch Street. He suggested utilizing and expanding the existing monument sign at the entrance to Phase 2; and commented that the proposed sign on the tower facing the freeway is appropriate. He commented that the architectural detail is consistent with the area and he appreciated the architecYs design element to deter swallows and other birds from nesting there and suggested providing more trees to mitigate that particular impact. He emphasized that the major issues regarding tra�c and circulation would need to be addressed before moving forward. Council Member Guthrie referred to the parking in the back of the building and stated that historically it is underutilized. He expressed concerns about truck access and suggested leaving the proposed PETCO building as it is and moving the multi-tenant retail building back into the corner and eliminating the second truck access completely. As far as signage, he supported the , proposed signage on the tower element and stated there would be a need for additional signage at the front of the property to identify other tenants. Council Member Arnold stated the timing of this project is not good, as the traffic issue needs to be resolved first. He stated that two buildings as proposed is appropriate; however, he would like to see the project built in phases. He expressed concern that the Center will be under parked and that the parking in the back would not be used. He suggested angling the buildings in such a way that there is more frontage; and adding tree screening on the backside of the property. He opposed to the freeway sign and expressed concern about the angle of the tower element as far as its visibility from the surrounding neighborhood. He said two major anchors for Phase 2 have major tra�c impacts and would not approve a project until traffic impacts are mitigated. Mayor Pro Tem Costello agreed that traffic impacts must be addressed first. He stated that in terms of the design of the buildings and the parking in the rear, he felt it would be wasted space. He supported the design of two buildings instead of one, and supported the idea for moving one of the buildings back at an angle to allow a wider space for truck access, deliveries, and unloading; opposed signs on the back of the buiiding which would be visible from the freeway; liked the way the building design incorporates measures to counteract the birds from nesting; emphasized that circulation would be a significant issue to solve; opposed the placement of a monument on the corner of W. Branch and Rancho Parkway, and favored incorporating additional signage on the existing monument sign. , CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 8 Mayor Ferrara agreed that parking at the rear of the buildings is wasted space. He favored the concept of breaking one larger building into two smaller buildings; favored the position of the anchor building and suggested sliding the position of the smaller building farther back to create more distance between the buildings to allow for a safety lane for circulation of service trucks. He , suggested reversing the placement of small tenants with the larger tenant to maximize the use of the truck aisle. He did not feel there was a need for a "loading dock" and suggested creating a "loading area" located on the side instead of the rear of the building. As far as traffic impacts, he agreed that an environmental review would be necessary prior to any approvals for Pad I, and he emphasized the need for using actual traffic counts and current data. With regard to architecture, he commented that it was consistent with existing architecture and he supported design elements that would discourage nesting birds. He concluded by stating he opposed a , freeway visible sign. < Mayor Pro Tem Costello also suggested that if the building could be positioned in such a way so that the truck delivery traffic could flow in a clockwise direction and never have to back up. Council Member Dickens also suggested to the applicant that perhaps Trader Joe's may be interested in moving into the bigger building to give them increased space. Upon conclusion of Council comments, Mayor Ferrara ensured that the applicant had received sufficient feedback and direction with regard to the proposed project. . There was no formal action on this item. 11.b. Consideretion of Approval for Code Enforcement Citation Program. Director of Building and Fire Fibich introduced',Interim Neighborhood Services Coordinator Jon Ansolabehere, who presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve the proposed Code Enforcement citation program. Staff responded to questions from Council concerning the number of existing cases, whether there would be an increase of the City Attorney's time on enforcement cases, and clarification that the citation authority currently exists and that the proposed process is being established to put guidelines in place for issuing citations for non-compiiance of code enforcement cases. Mayor Ferrara invited public comments on this item, and when no one came forward, he closed the public comment period. Council Member Guthrie spoke in support of the proposed citation program. Council Member Dickens supported the program as proposed. He stated it was prudent for the City to have a process in place that is fair and stressed the importance of educating the public about compliance. He suggested that a component be included to provide feedback to the reporting party as to the status of code enforcement cases. Council Member Arnold supported the citation program and commented that the process includes generous noticing efforts by the City to request compliance. He suggested that specific fines/dollar amounts be incorporated in the Notice to Appear. I ATTACHMENT3 � CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 2006 PAGE 5 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of Pre-Application of Revised Conceptual Plans for Pad "I", Including Expansion of Pad "M" for Phase II of the Five Cities Center. Assistant Planner Foster presented the staff report and recommended the Council review the revised conceptual plans for Pad "I", including expansion of Pad "M" for Phase II of the Five Cities Center and provide direction to staff and the applicant. Staff responded to questions from ' Council regarding whether the proposed expansion of the existing restaurant pad reduces any of the existing parking (staff responded that the expansion would be in an area where there is currently no parkingj; clarification on the circulation patterns surrounding the proposed new buildings; whether or not build out of Phase 1 could be conditioned as part of the approval of Phase 2 (City Attorney Carmel responded there was not a condition dealing specifically with sequence of development and he did not think the Council could condition this particular project with a requirement to also build out in Phase 1); an inquiry about the small retail building elevation from the driveway looking north(west) onto Rancho Parkway; clarification regarding the next steps in the application and approval process; and an inquiry about who generated the parking calculations (staff responded the parking calculations were provided by the applicant). Mayor Ferrara stated it was important to note that Phase 2 has been through considerable modifications since its original approval as it relates to intensity of use and resulting impacts to circulation and parking. Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Carol Florence, Principal Planner from Oasis Associates representing Investec, presented a comprehensive program for Phase 2 of the Five Cities Center which they believe address the Council's previous comments regarding building size, location, parking, and circulation. She explained that Investec has continued negotiations with potential tenants for Phase 2; and has been revising the site plan based on the Council's comments. She noted a new 4,500 square foot building proposed on Rancho Parkway; however, building elevations have not yet been developed. She then presented and reviewed a site plan comparison of the original proposal ' versus the modified proposal; displayed and reviewed proposed elevations and screening for the PetCo building; and displayed and reviewed proposed elevations and floor plan for a Chili's Restaurant in the previous Vigneto's Restaurant location. She noted that they have addressed many of the comments made at the Council's February 8, 2006 meeting and requested specific direction this evening that would enable them to work with staff in order to submit a formal application for the Conditional Use Permit. Ms. Florence then responded to questions from Council. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period. Council Member Arnold noted that Chili's Restaurant is an excellent addition; however, there could be some concern with the related traffic impact. He referred to the PetCo sign on the tower element and stated he did not want to have a sign that can be seen by the homes, and his preference would be to not have a sign that is visible from the freeway. He expressed concern that development of Phase 2 is being considered before completion of Phase 1 and encouraged the applicant to get Phase 1 built out. He supported the trellis design concept. He noted that CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 2006 PAGE 6 � traffic mitigation would be an integral part of this being a successful project. He also expressed concern with another pharmacy in the area; and noted that PetCo and Chili's would be successful tenants that would generate additionai tra�c. Council Member Costello noted that traffic flow and circulation wouid be key issues; addressed access issues to Phase 2; noted concerns regarding parking lot circulation and layout; noted that if SavOn has a drive-through it may be hard to add parking; commented on the position of the loading docks and its potential conflict with the flow of circulation around the drive through at SavOn. He agreed that a Chili's Restaurant would be very successful at the proposed location; however, he expressed concern about the parking layout and the location for overflow parking. As far as the signs, Council Member Costelio stated he did not favor placement or visibility of signage from the freeway; although he said he was not opposed by the signage proposed for the PetCo building. Council Member Dickens expressed concern that the project would be under parked; stated he would be looking at potential impacts behind SavOn and PetCo as it relates to the proximity of the loading docks to the surrounding neighborhood; stated he was not in favor of signage on the rear of the buildings; noted that circulation patterns would be important; stated he liked the architecture and that it fits in; and stated he was pleased with what has been presented so far. Mayor Pro Tem Guthrie noted that traffic and circulation issues are significant, particularly with the addition-of new retail buildings; expressed concerns about the truck loading in the back and its potential impact to the proposed drive-through; expressed concern about,parking availability for Trader Joe's and Chili's; and expressed concern about the additional retail sign and how it would affect visibility. He commented that the best location for SavOn would have been in Phase 1; however, he acknowledged that the City could not direct where tenants are located. He also referred to prior discussions regarding traffic mitigation measures and expressed concern about. whether or not an extra lane could be added next to Quizno's in Phase 1. Mayor Ferrara noted he did not have an opportunity to participate in the discussions regarding traffic mitigation at a prior meeting; however, he noted that Rancho Parkway is going to continue to be problematic because of the increased intensity of use. He referred back to the mitigation measure that Council Member Arnold had suggested previously regarding a second rear entrance on Camino Mercado to Phase 1 to accommodate vehicle traffic, but not truck traffic. He noted this would be a good solution to divert traffic and also suggested adding directional signage from Rancho Parkway. He stated he was not in favor of roundabouts. As far as the proposal for Phase 2, he referred to and commented on the parking calculations and stated he could support a more cautious, progressive approach by approving the proposed two new buildings and the extension to the restaurant, in order to observe the parking availability and traffic patterns. He said he would not support the smaller, multi-tenant retail building at this time. Mayor Ferrara also noted that he would like to follow up with the City Attorney at a later time regarding the City's ability to enforce build out of Phase 1. Upon conclusion of Council comments, Mayor Ferrara ensured that the applicant had received sufficient feedback and direction with regard to the proposed project. There was no formal action on this item. i I I � ATTACHMENT 4 f i Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9.b. Consideration of Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-007 and - Administrative Si n Permit 06 007 to Allow a Financial Institution to Occup 9 Y ' Building "J" of the Five Cities Shopping Center; 911 Rancho Parkway; Levon Investments, LLC. Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-007. Staff responded to questions from Council regarding conditions of approval related to the timeframe for installing Phase 2 traffic improvements; clarification regarding the method of requiring a letter of credit to be posted by the appticant for the proposed tra�c improvements; whether the estimated construction costs for the traffic improvements had been adequately determined; whether or not the City couid install the traffic improvements on private property if the applicant did not install the traffic improvements within the required timeframe; and clarification regarding the traffic improvement alternatives. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing and invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Carol Florence, Principal Planner from Oasis Associates,.representing the applicant, requested the Council to approve the Amended Conditional Use Permit to allow a financial institution to occupy a portion of Building J based upon findings and conditions shown in Exhibit A of the Resolution, with a minor modification to Special Condition #7. She reiterated that it was the applicant that offered to be conditioned to design and provide fnancial assurance; however, the property owner did not include a trigger time and would prefer to delete the three-year implementation date and revise the last sentence of the Condition to read "Phase 2 traffic improvements shall be completed prior to Certificates of Occupancy for Pad I". Displaying renderings, she reviewed the layout of Phase 2, including the proposed financial institution, proposed signage, elevation, and site plan with site improvements. She reflected on the process that the applicant started in 2004 to keep the Council informed and involved in decisions that surround the Center. She stated that since the presentation to Council in January, they have been trying to determine the process to implement the traffic improvements without waiting to formally submit an application for Pad I. She noted that the applicant had, in good faith and at considerable expense, prepared a comprehensive tra�c improvement plan which would be required as mitigation and conditioned as part of the Pad I project. She requested that the traffic improvement plan be tied to the occupancy of Pad I and ensured that the applicant would be providing up to $750,000 as financial assurance that the improvements would be installed and have no intention of having the City act on the letter of credit. Ms. Florence then responded to questions from Council. Significant discussion ensued regarding timing of the design, permitting, and construction of tra�c improvements as it relates to this proposal as well as to future proposals for the development of Pad I. Ruth Jessup, Via Bandolero, stated that this hearing was supposed to be regarding the bank and agreed that the empty building should be put to use. She stated that the adjacent neighbors were not supportive of developing the remainder of the property without their input and approval. She spoke in opposition to the proposed PetCo project as it relates to allowing animals in and around the store, due to its proximity to the nearby restaurant, ice cream parlor, and grocery store. She expressed concern that the Council was discussing and considering an item that was not on the Agenda. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. i � ' Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 4 , Tuesday, April 11, 2006 , Council Member Arnold provided the following comments: ' - Referred back to the minutes of the March 8, 2005 City Council meeting which noted that he could not support the proposed mitigation for Wells Fargo and commented that there needed to be a comprehensive plan to address the traffic issues surrounding the Center. Additionally, he said the Mayor noted that if the owner of the Center wanted to act in good faith, they would take a look at the comprehensive behavior of the tra�c circulation in the shopping , center now and try to improve the circulation behavior to make it more effective; - Expressed concern that the City would not get the tra�c improvements if Pad I was not done within the timeframe; - Stated he could support the project if there is a two-year time limit, not three, for installation of traffic improvements; - Noted that the proposed traffic improvement pian may not address all the existing traffic problems and more improvements may be needed later when Pad I is reviewed and considered, such as a traffic signal; - Suggested a requirement of an access agreement if the City has to act on the letter of credit in order to complete the circulation improvements on private property; - Noted that previous consideration of the Wells Fargo application included a right turn lane as a traffic improvement; - Stated that he supported a comprehensive solution for traffic improvements now. Council Member Costello provided the following comments: - Also referred back to the minutes of the March 8, 2005 City Council meeting which noted he agreed that by putting in a right turn lane at the Phase 1 driveway on Rancho Parkway, there ; would be an improved level of service; however, any improvements approved for this ', amended Conditional Use Permit would have to fit with whatever the long-term solutions for ; the Center are going to be and he could not support the project at this time. - Assured the public that the Council was not approving or voting on any proposal for the development of Pad I tonight; - Acknowledged that the Council had reviewed comprehensive solutions to existing traffic problems and stated he could support the proposal with the tra�c improvements that have been recommended; however he could not support the proposal if the traffic improvements are not included. Council Member Dickens provided the following comments: - Acknowledged public comments and assured the public that the Council was committed to making sure the public is heard when an application for development of Pad I comes , forvvard; - Acknowledged that the owners of the Center are making a good faith effort and are moving , forward with tra�c circulation improvements; , - Stated he wanted assurance that the City is adequately protected when moving forward; - Referred to the applicanYs stated timeline of 18-24 months, which makes it reasonable to include a requirement that the tra�c improvements be installed within three years; - Noted that the Center would be losing a portion of retail space and associated sales tax revenue; - Suggested additional language be added to the conditions of approval that restricts the non- retail use in Building J to a maximum of 4,550 square feet and to add language in the Resolution and its Exhibit A to state that this amendment to Conditional Use Permit 96-541 authorizes a financial institution (Wells Fargo Bank) to occupy `a portion of' Building J of the Five Cities Shopping Center; - Supported specific language in condition#7 that identifies the traffic improvements; i , I Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 5 Tuesday, April 11, 2006 i - Suggested that staff bring back the traffic improvement plan as a separate item from Pad I. - Suggested further tra�c improvements may be needed when Pad I comes forvvard, such as a traffic signal; j - Noted he could support the proposal with minor modifications as discussed. i Mayor Pro Tem Guthrie provided the following comments: - Supports the concept of the proposed financial use; ' - Noted that when the project first came fonvard, the original right turn lane mitigation measure would have solved some of the circulation issues; - Acknowledged the traffic study that was completed which quantified the current traffic operating conditions at the Center; - Expressed concern that the entire traffic improvement plan is tied only to Pad I; - Stated he could support the financial institution if the right turn lane could be included now; � - Supported the three year time limit for installation of the traffic improvements; however, expressed concern that some of the improvements on private property could not be enforced. Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments: - Recognized that if the intent of the applicant is to move forv✓ard with build-out of Phase 2, a good faith effort would be to make the traffic improvements now in order to measure performance results; I - Suggested the City assist the applicant with fast tracking the steps required to install the � improvement; , - Stated he needed to see the results of the traffic improvements before adding to the intensity ' of use; � - Stated it was unacceptable that the traffic improvements are tied to Pad I; - Noted that it is still unclear about the status of the soils engineering study and its potential impact on mitigation measures; - Could not support the proposal without requiring installation of the traffic improvements. Council Member Arnold suggested that based on discussion held, that condition #7 be amended to require the traffic improvements be installed and completed within 18 months of approval. Council Member Arnold moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001, APPLIED FOR BY WELLS FARGO BANK, LOCATED AT 917 RANCHO PARKWAY (FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER, PHASE II" as amended to include a modification to the Resolution and Exhibit A that states a financial use is , aliowed in "a portion of' Building J; to include a modification in Condition of Approval No. 7 to change three (3) years to eighteen (18) months, and with regard to Phase 2 traffic � improvements, add "as referenced in the Five Cities Center booklet dated April 11, 2006"; and to add language that allows the City to pertorm the improvements on private property if the , applicant does not perform them; to restrict the financial use in Building J to no more than 5,000 square feet; and to renumber the conditions accordingly. Further, the name of the applicant should be modified from Wells Fargo Bank to Levon Industries. Council Member Costello seconded. City Attorney Carmel noted that Condition No. 7 should be modified to state the letter of credit should be in a form approved by the City Attorney. The motion and second held, and the motion carried on the following roll-call vote: Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 6 Tuesday, April 11, 2006 AYES: Arnold, Costello, Dickens, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None. ABSENT: None Mayor Ferrara called a recess at 9:25 p.m. The Council reconvened at 9:38 p.m. 9.c. Consideration of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 04-006, Planned Unit Development No. 04-005 and Minor Exception Case No. 05-015 to Subdivide a 1.8- Acre Site into Nineteen (79) Lots Resulting in 24 Density Equivalent Town Homes and Condominiums as a Mixed Use with Existing Fitness Club and Medical Offices; Applied for by Russ Sheppel for Property Located on Oak Park Blvd. and James Way(Oak Park Professional Plaza). Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 04-006, Planned Unit Development No. 04-005 and Minor Exception No. 5-015. Staff responded to questions from Council regarding storm water retention versus detention as it relates to the 100 year flood level/intensity; the nature of soils as it relates to use of pervious pavers; open space requirements as it relates to Planned Unit Developments; methods for collecting surtace run-off; the structure of the � pedestrian trail as it relates to the proximity to homes; whether access gates would be included for residents to access the trail; the height of the wall of the adjacent hotei building; mixed use density calculations as it relates to the proposed land use; and the location of and planned holding capacity of the detention basin. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing ancl invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Kim Hatch, Pultz & Associates, architect representing the applicant, briefly reviewed the history of issues related to the project; reviewed the original and revised master plans for the site; reviewed previous proposals which were not built; and then presented the proposed multi-family project including the site plan, elevations, color schemes, floor plans, amenities, parking, and circulation. He then responded to questions regarding building height and the proposed drainage system. Mr. Hatch noted that the Planning Commission had recommended the project include methods for coliecting surface run-off from the site for use on landscaped areas (minimum of 25% of landscaped areas) to reduce water use and minimize run-off to the extent feasible, and requested the condition be changed to remove the word "collecting" and replacing it with "reducing". Further discussion ensued regarding ingress and egress to the site; driveway alignment; traffic circulation within the site; why an on-site parking study was not pursued; and clarification regarding design options as it relates to garages and laundry facilities. Steve Ross, Garden .Street, expressed safety concerns regarding ingress and egress to the project from James Way as it relates to the driveway's proximity to the Oak Park Blvd. intersection. Rebecca Fav, Meadow Way, expressed concern regarding the projecYs high density; impacts to the large wildlife population; stated that she read the Environmental Review Initial Study which included a wetland mitigation plan and felt the mitigation proposals will not adequately address the potential impacts to the riparian corridor. She stated the wildlife corridor needs to be protected; expressed concern with on-site parking availability; stated that the mitigation measures for noise are not adequate for protecting the wildlife or the adjacent neighbors. She referred to the City's Wastewater Master Plan (page 18) and expressed concerns about the additional impacts to the sewer without sewer upgrades. She concluded by stating that the 'JNINNtlIA OHtl�.r.... j ��nnouuiav .. : i ]Atl Q V' -. r � ` ' S b �{�M � . - � _____ ____ _________ _ C"`� QF�� � '�L G'S ` 'Y��,k S:N . . -c,�,!i1 J I` /y't �) �'.(tLkC,7'�tt. Y . "SL�r.° � 4 , �. �!n � . ._. #,a+.c� � �;Rk: 5;, '�� t. - �c.'�w� � 'n,"'S"T^� � N K , ''�i' ..; ��E�-.,.`S�F' / �S�a '4 4'v,.�� �y.��'"f`y*y^ ! Ta � _ :.L v`� � X ./� 1 /.z � � J} 7� � j�z. e._... • ' �� r ;X����;_����, ` � ±� � ,��_ti-��-�.ti-� �,� ¢! .4> . �31S3/11J1 £�, � . ..�YYh:a+,y"ti. 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Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon gave a brief history of the project over the past ten plus years, including building location, size, parking and traffic issues. She then presented the staff report for a proposal for Pad "I" (Five Cities Center, Phase II) and optional site plans for two retail buildings. She discussed the Petco signage proposal (signs A, B, C and D), noting Staff and ARC suggest A and D only. In conclusion, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the Resolution approving the Petco portion of Option "A", including the 6,000 square foot building in Phase I, of Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program 06-003 subject to the conditions of approval. Staff answered numerous, detailed technical questions from the Commission. Chair Ray opened the public hearing for public comment. Carol Florence, Oasis Associates Principal Planner/ representative, spoke in support of � the project. She introduced Steve Orosz, of Orosz Engineering Group, who discussed ; circulation, loading dock, and drive-through issues. She also introduced Joel Jennings, � the project architect. She concurs with staff's recommendation for option A and ' discussed the project in detail (powerpoint presentation slide copies on file at , Community Development Department). She requested that special condition number 7 be deleted and that they have flexibility in regards to a single or multi-tenant building adjacent to the proposed Petco. She answered numerous, detailed technical questions from the Commission. The following list of neighbors voiced complaints regarding traffic, circulation, lighting, noise, signage, pedestrian circulation, pet sanitation issues, overuse of the site (intensity of use), accessory uses, lack of a residential/commercial buffer, air pollution, property values and parking: • Greq Gatrell, 764 Via Vaquero . Kathrvn Erno, 709 Via Vaquero . Robert "Bob" Dockertv. 710 Via Vaquero • Ruth Jessup, 799 Via Bandolero • Stuart "Stu" Simons, 531 Via Vaquero . Mike Breese. 543 Via Bandolero. , • Tom Cline, 819 Via Vaquero • Shannon Sweenev, 586 Via Bandolero . Jean Wade, 750 Avenida de Diamonte • Bob Miller. 591 Via Vaquero. . Nancv Mackiewicz, 781 Avenida de Diamonte PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 2007 . Ron Nishida. 122 Avenida de Diamonte . Jim Boqnuda, 522 Calle Cuervo . Todo Sari, 712 Via Bandolero • Beverlv Cline, 819 Via Vapuero 8:00 p.m. The Commission took a 10-minute break. Staff and Ms. Florence answered additional numerous, detailed questions from Commissioners. The Commissioners' main concerns were: • Parking . Traffic, speed, automobile circulation and access . Pedestrian circulation, walkways and access • Signs (they concurred with ARC's recommendations) • Landscaping • Intensity of use • Buffer between residential and commercial zoning . Lighting • Noise . They felt that phasing the project would address several of these concerns, and therefore wanted to retain special condition number 7. • They felt that since the project would be phased, the issue of a single or multi- tenant in the new building proposed near Petco should be discussed after Petco is built. i Commissioner Ray made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Keen, to recommend approval of Amended Conditional Use Permit 06-003 and Planned Sign Program 06- 003 to the City Council with the following changes: • The applicant shall add pedestrian plan, which shall be reviewed by ARC. . The applicant shall study and install an acoustic barrier if needed, which shall be reviewed by ARC. • The landscape median to be added as a traffic calming measure on Rancho Parkway should include trees. • Conditions shall be added restricting hours of operation and light pollution. o Hours of operation shall be restricted for landscape maintenance (like blowers) and lot maintenance (like street sweeping the parking lot) to ' mitigate noise concems for residential neighbors. These hours are to be agreed upon by City staff and the applicant. a o There shall be timers on signage facing residences in Rancho Grande � with the intent for signs to be turned off at night to mitigate light pollution directed at residential neighbors. a � PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 � MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 2007 • Additional landscaping shall be added in the Phase I parking lot with trees every 4-5 spaces instead of every 8 spaces, and adopt: i RESOLUTION NO. 07-2025 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 03-006 (PORTIONS OF OPTION "A") AND PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-003, APPLIED FOR BY INVESTEC REAL ESTATE COMPANIES, LOCATED AT 925 RANCHO PARKWAY (FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER, PAD "I") Discussion: Commissioners Tait and Ray were concerned with bonding for traffic and recommended that City Council require a construction bond related to a specific development proposal. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Ray, Keen, Barneich, Marshall, and Tait NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 20th day of February 2007. III. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: None. IV. A. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE JANUARY 16, 2007: "CaseNo. '_,Y ..:=A .`Name' y:.�Add�ess xX,* =F. Descrf tion. : ' AcEion. ., . Planner ,: 1. TUP 07-002 Sheila Gable 268 Tally Ho Rd. Habitation of two recreational A T. Montgomery vehicles during major remodel of an existing house due to storm dama e. 2. VSR 07-001 Jon Peterson 772 Corral Place 2�370 square-foot addition to first q T. Montgomery and second floors of the north and east sides of existin residence. , 3. LFCD 07- Transitions Mental 113 Bell Street Relocation of day program from A J. Bergman 001 Health Association 121 Poole Street � Administ�ative Item No. 1. No questions or comments from Commissioners. Administrative Item No. 2. In response to Commissioner Tait, Mr. Strong replied that no comments were received on VSR 07-001. 'i C �. _._.q..._....... . . _ 6�;: ...- f� ' . . � . ' . � " . � ' . ` ' '" � . . . . � � .:.�[�4.: ..�a . � :. . � . ' . . . t`v'...�s::: ' ... ; :'i ` � t'.�a.�.k��:.�'.� � r,r� ..�.�: . � .. . . ' . ' . , � ._..-.<t'n.�..:': -:,( 5..? ...�'."?.::: �.. �ix.: .:'.-c':..�-::: .:�.... �. . . . . � �:,'j ' j ...8;_ii:.. . . il{'.�;,.-, . � . . � {.'["-�f`� , _ 'u=i-{';�` _ ' � � . . . , ' , ' wm n •a.°Q''^� :^�.': r..:.,:�...n...:;.;: .... . ,..,.:..:?.y- r .. r ,�.. .�:: -:.....:.E��,.. .: ....=' -; .. �x ....:�.='� {.a_r;t'-'.XG:;:ti.::+s; __ :'... _ ..n. .. ' �}.�k.t°..Y..., . . . _ . I ,+l.{4s_.�;'�:e;:.a�ti...,'.. ..��• ..�... -. _ . .�a:::.� . . . . , . . ...:........... :.. . . . . .. 'r �.'�'..�3..rt;-+,-;v..' .. - � . .. � � . : �..:..,,..�.�,�y,-e.� �: . � . - zr',� _�<�' _ .. " .�_ .�;:''�,,�,-:ix:�_-;�..;•' '. .r. . �n e�_r*`��=:-i`., . .. . . 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Building J „ . � <� , .E�>..:::� �.. 4, � � : .:;,;� .. # . .. � �s,� �� .�F � � , � � � AG `° - ��}� X, , � ,..��Rt" y`% �. ' � :. ��. y t :F.. Edwards '��� � '' � :. ` �� � ` � ;;�„' «'� '� �: ��� Trader Joe's 4� , • � .% 3��. � � . . Chili's � �� ������'��� �> � _ �. � ��* ; � - � . . , N4 2 Aerial � _. ; V � � F - ' � ,� t. k, � � � d �; � t f � F� d � 1 �. 4 t ...`� F� '���i "� r��::�j �* E `�Y * � ` � ��.�.t '� ���" `` *�..��:a = % �x : � w: � ti+r�, . ^� " _ ; ai . � � � � , f <: s . ' Arro o�Gr�n�e Cali ornia � � ' Y �' � � _f � " � . . _ �: Planning Commission City Council Pad `I' Building Squaze Footage Phase I— 6,000 s.£ Phase I— 5,500 s.f. Phase II— 15,000 s.£ Phase II— 15,000 s.f. 13,500 s.f. 13.500 s.f. 34,500 s.f. 34,000 s.f. Phase II Parking Required — 312 spaces Required — 311 spaces Proposed — 341 spaces Proposed — 350 spaces Building Layout Phase I Phase I Building located near existing Building located adjacent to existing MarshalPs within parking field and Fitness 19 against slope. circulation around building. Phase II Phase II Buildings located in L-shape Buildings located in line and at rear of configuration and `closes' Phase II site. Circulation and parking behind layout with a horseshoe configuration. building. Acoustical wall would be No circulation or parking at rear of required to mitigate noise. buildings. Buildings act as acoustical buffer to adjacent residences with no acoustical wall required. Additional Uses No additional uses requested. Uses such as offices and neighborhood uses(apparel, financial institutions, real estate, misc. offices, etc.) 3 Site Plan Com�arison i . r - F C�Y : � : Ar-royo� GrRn�e, Ca�ifornia ' : -` ; `� , �) �.� �� . v+a � �'�k L '��' . }�yf�� ! �� ���'^�'�y`�� "�aL'i Y ,�y�, �`. , } ��'s� �� .{ .j"h d ry£ �sq ...��� P�/`�w�` 'a� � gy„y�� � � � � � '�� �` �� a, �.sy�-- r�'} , "'° 3 '^ ""';; � 'ix'�=��r �rRw����.. �� . �ra— �`�`":v.� �. - `{ U _„ ��:; 93� Y t y�Pu.�^`�.:.�j' $*K �FildiYCY '$�--_Y1.9-�, �NI�+ 'JMt . v.,m.u.� e j� ^� '�I +4:.0 . A9 i�- � �- Y,�,' � � � � "4 °�+�. ._ ��. h .� �. kEK RJtA�4 dtl}C �45'�. � t � � � :! .. .. .4 � . � � . � ...,..... - M �N ' ° n F Y A R r�<fi? I, ..... yP�O � . . � . . �i� ..., � '4i .� � IW " p a a.ii 1Y ��p � `=� i . � � . � � � Mi y. �. : .. t .� � � , 4 �?� . .d� � � . . � }l�# �~ � ,} tl �_�i Uyd �µ�+ t � �� r }�] �j,�/j'� .:�. � :� A X ✓"�( � " � � �� � � � W � .. .w a� � nw.nr � CS �1 # *t� '�^v��'��ke-. � Y. ... 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'.rii' �r �Y".'. 1`�`.6!" • �� , - j � ' .�.:: "e��, ' �-r"� :sv.,f:x.qy�,.i a.i. �. .��,=y _. -�. d. . �t,� -'� -j�.. f:v i vsf�§�" :l'.�,: �.. .r Y ___....____ _ - 9 f. ._.� ... .. i. ::::.� :,`k�kt�} nsji� - . _ . .___:ii;: � _ � '� .....i.....:d�.: ��e� ��� �• ' . n� �'::„.�"�zI N vF° t �..�a . i�v�� . J "?."�J'::8� q� �.`:;�� . � _.�- • . "i'a:>>%i.: ��i$�t�,.-�` ��s:'r'. ,�....q?i.�, �=- .� `�: �.> - `1 _ µ��.µd �:z" �' - :.� ; _ ;:� , y9 ➢ South Elevation M~f�, , 6 I- 1� E evations .;µ:..:.- - - - _ ;�,�;�:: _ _ . - - � - � ,� . _. ,.�;;: - - - ._.;:... . ;. ,,, _. .. - - - - .. . - - - - � :: .:�:;:: -.. • i-- r. --,.:,:, - - �..::..:: __:: � - . - - : . - _ ,: _ ;,,� ..-_ ,:-�.. - - :> n,,. -_ - , , ,�: _ ,: _. -;. . �_. _ - _ a . ;..,� , �. ,, :.:-,:; _ _ ,.. ,. .. .r.: ;; �_. . , . .. � . _ ,. ,,, ,�..,. ::: . ,.. _. _, �. - - _�'_1�L�.� . -F C - - -- -. . . �y � :x,:t _ _ - - = - - - - _ -- �_ . :_ _�_ , , ,_ - - - � .:. _ _ :� A_ . _. . ..d.�. �:: _ _ _ _ . _ . s � �.,,.-::- Arra o. Grande _Cali ornla � <_�: __ _ . - _ �_..: . . �.. _�.. . . _ : , �_. f::: _ - - _=..Y - . _ _ . .� - - - - _ � . ;:. - - _ - - ::. :: - - _ � ._ . . � _ _. _. � ..�:r � --_:, _ �-� _._ _u _� � . :: .. :_ - � .v.y.�. :. -- _.. . _ __. . ��� �� _ - - ;� ,��::;,,� M�:w_ "r-� � ;`r; �a:� :::; �: �r � ��$+�., _.,rx �.,:� :d: - �'f ..6.. ._,4�. ,Ifi; ��-afc'.Fx'::+'�.�'�.. � �a.�;'-- L'� �",fs5"p.�" �iti`�'.n:4� ��`,;ytE'+.�'��:'y E:�±�6 'sr r _ ��"��i:::'�:�:�.��"�" :.SY' " 's-'.'f:::i..:s:�il�� nr:;,-: �+ : , s:.: :.� '� _ , �. ' . .�a..� ._e� ,. .�p2 "�re '�. . - -'�".i:', '""'%e'�' �i�pG�:�'.J. . ':`'tL52,�� " . . :I:::;".._vys_, .� .n�j•, �<y¢F��°. �r . sySi ,.E.:.i., d� n .: ...,x.. ''ii. lii� ' � '., t i , �:' . s :: " ...,, . - .:. ; "� _..,.,�_ . �::�,-,,'�.". " i ,��`. _ :.. "i3�;�''��m�-,..r�'": - :.s:ir.w°„`� q;'�.a:.la..a.'�.Y[,�r:<';��!: ,:�.'cr'.:=. F'�,.`:�;4�,�� ' :�r` ' ,y.y�4.: '... . �(�'��3ey��i:�..: r��,':�i'�,i�u:� r.Y-�5.."X,. .�_'ie<t. �if ;°li:,�j:i, s���S�Q.' ::`� vt �����5.. _'g•,,. �:i��m.K ei�:ISii'.;��.����Ne �.�� .tS3?n.q!izA v: — �?�� .:.�;•. .- c:�v^;:'';,�"_�_r ;R�4'$¢'� 4�$ yp�.t nYa> . `� �.. . � y a.F.:.�. � ::1 .n�.:rvL. .� "�. „� ,' }� i.i ' ���� '�S` _ , ...� i� _ -- r; ! .:. - :':: t'�" :r Y� � �. ' �. x:w:., � �F � `''� --._. _.__— - - - � — � --':�iN' e `I >' � ,.. _ � , _�:::. :..< ,:: . . . .. < '�` � ,i� I .°� z:-; � , , . '' � �� � _ .�y „� ' �, ,t� South Elevation _.-s- ,..: _. .;, _ . � ..s�;: -:.<. �d ;�- ,. �5 _:f".�vftii'" ys. ':W'� "1. � 3,� Ip.Y 'AN�M�rs�. "i�. Sr.� �f����'�:,Ca�Td.�',:. � ,.c�^�rt" i'�'si-.-:s't � '."Pn s.�^"'.'� _ n,.y�.,,�2�' %t'Y;�k.�"'*r�,'ii �._}��'.rA'.•,�:: �_i �.:.'f�, ' y,_�'� _ _ ":µ:;r;. -.ux..'>'�F. �, n1=''���:.,, - "�'.�� c. w.,,*y�":;?".0 ..i:. . ..�':#�s;.:E;�=z=��=s:,<i_;'; �y.�;�-'�... �.:;'� �' � ,.e" r.;T•v : s� "'�is'..`�: . � '-S^.'::,>�.sY,..i=>'�.�.o''' . .or.. .>x...',.41•.. " _i, . y... . f.y�.' �� k�7'�.,�g'x t� „ �:,�:�'s',��;:_ �.+���^,° ,.,'�,�` -�f ��f'��" :r;�'.�;k:: w:'''=';=r'.. :'*�:; �,x,.:. r..�`,:�} ��=:..' �' 'L't:� q'A,,•,,.;,�.��t:j.., i� .;".- .� : ..��''�. - ..�.._, , rn .: + : ` . , �` �-C. ,,,,,y� ' ... „r��s�. .__. � � . ' . '!� r"". ��''�.�..� : ? . : ,: .acn�=..: . �;kn...y, . , fv..��r�N .y' �''�ti"':t'��}'i:.E=��,. ^Y.',��pe�":� ,:!� .:{-'*":.�a`-q,_: . ?suv..+iik::.:'f=: -i�r'W� _ � . . . i_..:�':.�Y.e.'. ;� ��[ �" �ti.;�R' � dl�i"�;:� ' .:'Ey:.w..�?:"�..':�Fix:�. .� , r..... "M".3`r';�,��.'�,�;.i;."> y"rv.,.e�',„"-�„ _ r � ' i ��=�.�,"^'�i..,,:.'�; :a� �_'__: � ' Y� .4__...�. ��w _'. .�.' ., �. y,,,.�:. .x �i - � .C+t 2' y$�''�'.-�"�. . � , �� - 11 ��,• � ' j�'n'� i� :w� _ � _ _ � L ' _ - �i North Elevation 7 , I-2 Elevat�ons � , , C�Y _ - Arroyo GrgK�e, Ca1 fornia - �,'�:N:S•': .,�° .eY'd i .6 ' .'�".IY-°v�:i�b 'x:wj(j� _ _ '<�7:;. =.�.,`0.v' , `.s.�.,.. V x:jSh.���: ��?i� :���.: H�: wfi. �� q- � " a.. {' ' ' "�4 .atF� ty.r.�st+,q�'24.���".:;:"y�"�._t rt ��r"•.�°w�..: 4�i..�: =�91� F'4°.`{:�^ :iM1 Y:: 4+'�4tss.� {t='.-#` ..y.. .' �i'::,;bfiY�":'.. s�„ ;;g;:= .. : {.•'i.�ry' n��'' " ' ({;:'w• � v'' �t� •,i'Ai ''si�',•f �C: � x.`t. � „y?�,i:;;.t.��_'iri.l'. `?ai;;9?a�a4Y,�s:,�?,�a,, ��y� ''-,.�"�:�'.' 4'?:�s.; �. �;.�,��_::.x�:."`.'' ::zy:i':,:+.�: ,.,�:`.e%� ,5�9., ��W , _.", '; x.�iKt�Siw ^��'r.� _ �# n'1i'+' ��^.'� �'YP:..`e;.. � -.._...... },f4.� Y �'.{ r �b"�si : d,.��°:-,A .�;,pe.S�,..�_ y' : .�'�" - -('.3: ::.4�,. �'"�" " _-.�-i....:y� ..�.rff.. °u4 f' `�'�a'.��a.3� 'rzrn �y.�4'4r'�`�t��:TU�- . ;�� _ t ..�v� . _ ��:-��`:.'::k . v. v � ... �'c_,� r; ' .. . . a . _ y;;.t�:�,r; .�=.. ..:c . � _ _^' ".� . ;. . . ' ..._ :'s?1;�=;;�`,... . .sS!:..qt«�';t(,�Xo,,M1, '-,'S;::;:'..' _ ,g;:�''�..�°-.""�::..�...::� _ `,':.1-::_}:i :. ..:x'E�Y'�TS.:. .�.�` _ �� w�. . y'n�p"�f.-'h .__ :ii _ c�.�:' �up��;=� _.. . .. _ _.:.. 5� � 'd,W.=.. '�- . . _ , . . . w :.'.S'.:r";s�?;.._..x-.. _y, µ���� . ,u,x _ g,e�e.y � ...a"-'�.:�u�:: C ' .._ , ,. �� u.� � .�__i�.._ ��.:;" � ��:�;a::` � ,. ;�;`m�_ - ' i• .�;. „ W::_��'`¢•' �..�.w:..u; `4. . ;lyy � - . - _ '4`�-�� �; ' — � � : i - . . :3i::C!"d?� .. . t , y , = .�..J�..a. East Elevation ..�'.^;�;t:.�!!:.�s':,.:��:.?� re,�3 �.:'. ,n....,�',�:,,�: �n u ��,� E 4 r+ i .�m 6 �� .{� ' '" w, r�c � - .us�f.$,s!i�'r; � d 3 � e ` a:.,.� � a,�i.ds y .�„., i� � 3ESa a 1 1 b �» .,^� ,°;' s t r ,.C�.,�t,,�E����,FN���;,�,d�� r„�' ��r � f I E r.. ,� � r✓' a ,y s .�r �. ` � ` +- °" �# "� .� 9- �`� F ' �F��;:�'�, a.'r�r ��� �� s � ,.. � , w .. :.�„: ' z. �z . - r',� '`'�.�' _� " ,q n.��r.r:.:�'.,�-''=1t?a:!,�.'.�.,:'r�'>r.,.. : . .,, � ,.i',: ,tt' '�.� ;:.g."� ,a:;: ;,. :^r'', .��.,,,� = ' �- .�; ,y...:�,,.�aR � ;�i�;;�r ,:'r"6...Jr::;"z4<,:�E!`x7'A�.� � f�.+ �.x,: 4'l �s�,�4�t.i';.'., ':7-1:•;✓" _ - .";"."�-.-.:`c s`�j .�.a", ��"'V���,'+n•. :E.SU!-e.M.+�%��.P�:d,.�1iiK.�d.;.;q��.:�.."r��y;:� ••:�`.,�:.�: _ .;ry�, ;::�'="":'Ftt'. . . ' :� ' " ti-1'�:'r.:;-;.=:-`�,*,"%i'>,>=ti.::.,:,;�,;:�='"�, ^.. >i "�:,"-„`��';a-�°<. ,'r ^"�,„., w "�t . :.-w,-. ". -,a< > '..:..__& � �J,.:=n . ;i. ''F;i'"3 .._..._�.. . ^ t. L..,f>:.'*v�..,�;Y.,.,,;. � 't� ' " _ - � .�"qe,h �i����i ' t�'�;. . ::3"r•,-.:c":i.. w r (-cn-.... i'�i'N.�.'Gs-1;:'..: ifp � n. « p=k'. r' p Y s:i=.x.:.u'i':���.{f_.f'..K..2>:.;_;'.`�T I s�.N � Y,11p . . � . ,i; � .. .. .. , ..:.1"'.f�"3:`.'+.N"?'�"'a�" '� . .-.�"T�i.'i . '.••,:, ",� _ . , svi✓.+... .t i f ,-�" . . . __. rc••va^ . ^ _�...._ ' . .. . .-�":'i:,''.S.P:'.."'�'i�.4�'-..... t. . .. �?:. � � °i' ' _ °"' . ' .s" >. �b� '�i�',� , _sM. . . ...�.: � : 1 � -_ � � �_ :. � .; 7 . . .R '' --:. .� ��'�'; �, `.�.rv�=. .�u . :_, : . ___ - .._.K....'.�'x ; ,.. . . ., �.. #.._._. � .. ... West Elevation 8 I-2 Elevatfons � F�' � � C���Y - Arro�o Grd�e, California - ' _ t.�y„�*�'"'. .Ns�;:x ., s..;.�a � - '4:"t"'kx::.6'si°ir'g'^ 'ii�:a.• Y.=}P:ji°o.g� r- ��-��2.f ZY.��_~ =a :'F ,�,y�� ScAF e �Y��l 9 �R a �•:.'Y.::.'„ S.i � x >��'�.,"6i"%3°l�.:#'. rv',.�r'ya'..v�:�''f-"P-:!..'F",,,_v " y:�E..s!,� h" `A�1-�S?.,-`'�" . '��,__"'''-5.'3,% m:.. .K. ,.�s-�.�:._�rr=� : m��:::k:���,:, ��� s}-�`.' �: �..g;i`:.s,.. : � k �B�?"5�,,,,�'ys vE... .... . s � "r:t+t a :J;� . .eti;;i��.,.�'d. ' "#€�.".'�� : g :�.-.,-w,c.: -._ ... . ��,y �{��qg� �p:�•:.;{:.:. ' p $�T"VY y--��-"' ,:;�;;,,,v;� , T £s#"� : b '��.� !. Y.'� � Ay.. ��:j'.'v*t'��:..�i: �.�.��.�a qyzti�X..w.ia . � Ny.4b'=,e .� ..+sagY.__aa',: : �� .����� _:."F. �,�l . car.: —�-yR— ry.v� . .._:������:�� _ • . _ -�±.?r. . ..�? .. . ' .. . .. ' .. a. " .� �, . .: •a:_;.ii'a'• iI3::!,e..: . .� '''..i ry+'x. .�. . .. . �.:.;�_ =:.�'!z'�".':.' .::L:..::",:.%�xi .... .. :.. . .. .. : . . . . : . . ��• ".ti-e' . . . _ ^�r^i::�J.;.....'a :`w. �d,�...�: .. . :'i'A� � , , '';✓+'-y}3.? ':: s�� _ - SSHAItS '� :'f":,''t,x,;';�q.ro.¢�_�.: .,� •Q�R " ' - rr,,.__� . S'g"'"�` ' -- � . . . � '', �. ���'' ` West Elevation � ;;'�:a�,<��.�ys'�aia °s., D::'tf�.�;�`.r,�:,.yl:;a�,:,.:_.:. �. .�' rr:{ . .....r. .,;,�fi[`yi:.� �i;�yt�"L,e" .y- 4qd:'.%j..Y�i;`'.. ..{�•'k'. 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'� lY- ���tic��a� ::��� � ]19'il>':itid' YC:7�{4 U:iiMM��.�fY±C;�'` 'sCt:Yfl9 OF'� osaa t!�unO��� °�`0utl ssio��«��ess��N"°Wex�oad u��s pano�ddtl � � z � m � � SIGN PROGRAM DESIGN S�AT�M�NT n ProgTa�h��G°4repued w creace a cols��ve and ac che same vme is raP°ns've to che sies C.en`a Sig . n theme for chis qhe Five C � cons�smnc The essencial du�g , d�1gn chac is imemNd regional ienana� adicional Medicerranean and a oE nac�ona� oE Tr tov�.pESIGN cricen . �iucmra s�Y��d in che app wip usurc chac heet Sign ccitecia�s the Nhich is ezptess� �si,n pcogram d inc pcaze � �aver S SQanah T�d1°O6� lemrn�auon of*J� � }�ocher an GUIDELINES".TheunP barmoniouswahea� � of Contents the various sign dem°"u will be Tahle « of che ovesall Proj�. cioa$�gnage, �prograsn 0��9°Statement �co che Archuecn+ cricena for Cencer ldeaciEsca�u The Sig ,�,�Sign program concaias s�8°, zeciu�ueacmencs az 2, Si9�Program Criteria and genecal cnse,o 4or�e sam A�t"wp The maca�u� nST�ndatds SPecificTenan�, S� naqeemQ Y 3. p9 S�g Site P�n "DESIGN G� DEL cINFS ' 4. gxhibit'A� p,lElevations Cmculdenci4iuuo�gnche . uifdin9 SideW alk P1an chat v+h��u P��P will be cons�scm��b che arclu rem of che cm 5. �xhibit`AB A 2 F�ev 2 8� g,p Elevations and ��,�e scn�csures cco, '�eneion�l c�,cen e ic[ile,1 6. guild'fn9D �uiidin9 A' � P4an They'u�be hwd C+aahed sm LcificTenanc Gnieria has bee m ¢ nice s e d wiU fic wich dxe proporuons°omoa Iotf th 7, Exh�b�t� p&E�,{evations 5 and Sidewaik aced claY{O0�tiles.��sp 8. Butldin9 C� G��H �fevatiao varieg . naae pro� e cen�c si, o guildin9 F� so�.Uac che s�g 5 4oc cbe remawder of th �co¢wncam a consu�ency c6rougbouc che g, EXh�b�t'E'• g,HEleuations Thecriuc'a dardcolor� . ti0.Buildin9 F� 1 E�evations and Sidewalk Plan archiucsure . and inta�sc.7hc scu' roved guildin9 alk P4an un�own Len'nu a p�o�° variery hihit'F'� d SideW groject while alSowing Eor some coord'mau wich�1e ap4 q 1.EX �Elevations Lr�M EVevations an ��were chosen co 12.Bu�{din9 , Suildin9��K, C,D,&H - will rsca6lish . ,�3.�hlbit � and scandacd ry4�a ojors. roept Eor all signage �jhemU - TenantSigns for Bui{dinq A+ cena[maceri�l �is docu �d wi*L che Archicecm ,�p,Exhibit'N'ATga�ummarl 2he aiceriz u�ablis6ed in .. 15.EXhibit' �-- - a consiscenc}'beCp1een che all s�gd S an��etadidona�. 16.Alternative D¢sign . - - �icernaean an P . oE Tradicional M , , • 1 SIGN PRp�Rq� �ftITERIA •The Arroyo Gnnde Developmenc Codq�y�P�er 9-I;e6a!!be foUowed for requir<mmrs no�covered w ty(i Siga Prognm�ep�u s - +pproved in�hu Planned 5�g�Pro ofappro�ilMll¢ndA[32 �"61.Sig"'shillcam 1 wPh f„'llY � ms411a[ion shall co �n�B ro sign�e.qU si P Y condiriam - +Ptt�c crittna ouelined ini�1�bwidin °'��°d�heir g+ad deccric mda.,.��ye conform ro the approved calor P�wn<d Sim Prad��.All si8++s musc or w�j P��e.u[A�m��pilky aoproved loauon on building froncv,se onemanon.Nadona!mn Placed with a horizoncal nrSer�6an verrid � P«aed[o incorpontt[6t�Io��Y'righced corponrc lagos slWl 5e � p�aaned Sign Program. 6OS m6$jnevc with the requirunenu of c6e _ 'Signs Shass�y�compuible';i�o([Le buildiu wi[6 t6e Desigy Guidlinet,[he - uchite .aY and ch wY for chev individual sig¢s and t6e"u inscalla�on aud m��'nc<mnce�nc s6all . •Every sign aod a11 p�d�n� componenu,ued mamnals c6ermf, - , s6il1 be ma�araiaed • d�P��Y s+riaces of al[sign.s���ondiuon an¢'proper repa�r.'['he repw.The display mnc�e of all si P �°O°d crondiuon aud fra Erom ny¢� %��aU be kep��jm o��Proper wrrasion. 7 P�[ed •Prohibi�ed Signr; . - Signs constinznng y��ya�, .1¢imaced oc moving Signs. Bannen,p Ss�p�onnan,cla.d b'Iioons i+scd far adv�RU�B PuiPosa. , S'4ns dis Ia ed Porsable or cempo�ar�,signs. Bill6aards Roof signt � � Neon - See city sig�o��N�for ocher prohi6ited zigns Ser sigv ardivance Sec 9-1i080 Abmdoued Signs '�Ply Cwich the'PU 5 aen5c+ndy'ds'�ttinc vuiu�ces all signs s6all . •PpL�ib��e�0����shilt be made in w�tivg on forms rove ' T6e applita�ion tha71 ind �DC°etopmen�Depucmea� of ohe Ci � Ordin�n¢.Jj�y<ti rs is �a�'a plau md sign Plan u r ry°f�oyo Gnnde. ' 6eiqhc.wide6, laceg ���e p�eters of[6e a �uired io C7�er Rli Sign . Communi P mevy color md ma¢nals.ic ma PProved sigu Prognm for[Ge aiu, ry Devdopmmc Direaor ma Y�deemed compli�nc and ah< thu is drmed noniom U Y m'k0 a det°°���ioo of a Commi¢et md c6ea�h<PlumiuP�il revKw will be made 6 PP�.For sigmge ' SCnmrt+iuioa.wi�6a Y�eA�clm���.9d�isory 'This ro PPn1 Pouible m�6<Ciry Cauncil. � and s � 3tin exompuus ilf approvx�r,enoidun<nu ond mahonauons krthis program � P ��ly+uQercedes,tepluc y�d��endt a�l pnor aoprov�. � Z � I - � _ _ - ' 'i i PD SIGN STANDARDS I ' Y.EKANY. MAX yET[Eg M,1lC r.+Q.gT, M,UCpymy hIAXIMDM MAX.AMOUN'I APPAOVAL CO-LOCA'CED � 5[ZB PERSIGN LENGTH M1hiHEROF OFSICNAGE PROCE55 SERVICE(A) ANO j WALLS[GNS PAODUCTSIGNS i 'SUPER"MA]OA- S&(6)ket widi 225 sqR 70Y.of Building Oae(1)per Pu atnbli�cd MC (A) 7tm(1)per Balld'mg � Smrcc lazgec lhan 15X e�tlun fir 6ontegc or wall frowge sign oidinma. recommcndnboa la franlage.Ma+c kuv � ]5,000 sq.f�. Dropx�Gps plmc.aolued ezcluding 1.3/1 firn l W f� Plaming six 1B"&max rign � abovc wnoa. aaanda�y signc a(traatngc,`6/I Cammixdna ' sae 71 aq.ft. , . per dch limr (9) 'Rvo(1)Pec Bwlding I �� foat theceefta. f[o�uage.Mex lutcr � . �izc I8°�max sign cize 20 6 1L MAlOR-Stora F'ivc(�&eteilh IlSsq.}c. 709'.oCBuildiag One(]l P� Pcr esfabliduA MC Nona 6etweta3lt.994nod 15°/.eucplionfer � ��a64m� �atage rigio�uuuce. ntommeodalinnto 21,0�sqJk �Dmps/Gps piao5 mn�crcd 13/l Gru l00 ft. Pianmug ' �bovcmtrmm. afbonlag4'/./1 Cammiss;�� � . .pet eech Imat ' foollGem�cr. MINOR-Smms Fa�[(41&dwilh 1�05¢fl. 70%ofBuilding One(1)per 1.5/l linearttof MC Nmc � be�weea2J,999aod �1J%uapliuntor f�onlegeormll Cranlage. fronuge. raummwdatinnm 5,000 sqR Dmps/Caps Plane,naitered Plaunirtg ebavic enitena. CnIDmiiaart IMdNE SHOPS- 7wo R)Ceet ivith 70 sqA. 70'/�nf Bwlding Ona(1)prr IS/1 linrac R aC MC Nme � All alms(ron- IS%cxrswim for fiowgc orwall Gonuga Croalagc. imommcndeGan w ' fieeslandiog) Dtops/Caps �. Plane�anteted ' CD D4edoc HbOVt C61AlIW. - � FREESTANDING 'Rw(2)fm with 70 sqR �25Y.aCBuilding One(l)per Pa Wa6Gs6ed AAC None � SINGLE'IENANC 2OYeuoeptimfur (Note- 600lageorwall fmntaga signa�dimam Rcommcndatianto DropslCeps FraWeodinB Planq rsnmmA .Moxi�rmmaF IS I l fu5t 100 R Planning �enantslarger aboveeatrznc. tlmt�(3) offrontnge;'h/1 Commissioa Unu 5,000 u�.ft per cerb�ncar ,��gr�g taat Ihcmfta. - 100 ' (11"F1WM'AGE"is defiod u Dullding fcmrt or side,witich dirstly eLutc i pubiic umet or parlvug erm,or azwy be spsificatty eppravcd by ihe Plemung Commissiun � or Ciry Cnmci�es appliabla Hmldng hamage dora mt iucfude ihs Rar otbw]ding:,waD plene�sepamted frnm parl�g e�s by leudsmped a�w gruter lhan IS foet in widW,ac areu as may be ipeeifinliy«eluded hy the Plaeming Co�ission or City Counc�,es applica6lc. ' , '_ ' ^v� '= _ �n::a�:?`-�:EiEL�°:.ACi1T-:'_:. -. For Approved Frontage Locations see Page 4 - � , ,�_,�. . n�•��.'.J ' ���) .a'=: / /e�� :�r.-LC:3. T�f, � / � �/ I I . — __ —_ — — — — " —_ — — _ _ _ — —_ _ -_ I y�..,�r�- �•P c.,r.;" . C°ic'... `.,.. .'Q ,aY.11Ni�" �c' .7 �(� `-+�� •,q�c'�'� ri,�; ,,:r�a� � . ,�_�.�fy, � � A � 9 . �P�PO� / �� ���9'f-�� QJ�Q,O � e ' �'� c �� ��� •1P % � � ��P I , � �� �� , � , .�,�s°' � � ' o r i �P�`� > � �� ` ,`,,��',='�� _ „� - �,�'` �- � .� ., _ ', .. �. �°� � , �� �� ; � �x �` %�'' �� �'2. � f°�t� i . - I � a ��� � �Y: r '�. � � � v�i ��� 3 � � � � , ° �t �a ' I ,' 'i �� \ � � � ~ v) � � p • � � y K�y � • �`�C �'�b 6���� e_ �� � �� _ ¢� /_' "" C���� E -_ — ___ ' ' �� � �p - � HLGHWAY tp1 - � _ _ �.:6. y�aY Lo�- _-- .. �� . _WE9T BRANCH_W1+Y----- J� APP�°v�Ftonta9e Locations�� . t ,9"��_ . ..__.. ' �p�4 �G°°'°A�,,, .J„'m,M,`,tia^„ ��,�; �� 1�;�t�,� �w,a,rw,r�� �_ ,o q - ���� A ���(�� � � ���c A ���„, `-- .m�j3TTOTSP y �agROYO � �_..`�. �r10�.4�6-1i6 •r,u�— ,�,� r^.__ -� li : "..�-�,:� � .. �` P: _- n ' ,w,.,., � NOA'IK�"AnON "_ - `_� R ,"�`�'— J,�. . _n,, !\�b! M ���VAT10N � �, � �r------ � �A°�J�— _ f� F r , 1 I- ' � L � {,�--'� �ryqq41 ' SOUSHF].E�'ATi�N Sh¢°t 6 � Fo�Enlarged Elevation see e50fN-�����MC�',d11A . .��eM�bF«a16 KKD�1u��9�"°1^6d��'PO$qn$OrN�dS u o��eaertrizorsplwedPa�oeyS9nPmVV^ Mvs�l Gocan Aua4°°;�„�'. �, EXHIDI?�C pSP """�`�°'�" � �� �.�����,.. ��� �-__� ,� :1D7b(EVD�(EiVTT� -- k..�.�,. :� :��++°' AR0.0P� �RAN 1 CaSEN0-9G-118 •�:�,.. - 4 .. . • � ... : , __... �� . A-3 " � � P'r A� X•� ' �� � ��i ill'' yi � � tr' IP b� tY�� ' n � \ nah _ � p p �- � _Y , fs+ � ��GA1 _ SO��.,EVA�ON , < I�� � � �� .�-, -�,��,` � � . �It5Gd3 � ,�rov m�a"°n�mma'em�yr w eo��" °''°.�m+� .yq,u.�,.�' �,�aaw•�pr�Wre^` ap.a�tl+az�Yp�F�*^^°J m� i � 'i � �. �. t � � �a � , � � 3 � I � nawva ..mG. � �°°°°° � M ' "ipO°• NORTHE.LEYA"IION • . i -� .7� � '.ry) � Y' 3 � i r (� �vL094 y �i x � ..�� `-°3'j Ensr�vnnorr � mmcu N _ � _ '-IL-�1� / —_.' . �' '- ; �_ �� - ` ��'f 1 � �{$'�'�yLy$ JviY' ] 1 y _y�3 _ ' � � ��0 � � � M�s vNavL• � � KLVE[ � _ I �,.j L.1"°�4.-4�cY. L:1L1 !..1 I SQUTHE[EVAtION ' � V 11 J � � � i � O ' � i i i i i i i i i � il i i i i i ' � � � � � � p p �: � � ' � � �i • 'S�Cn an�bW en kr�ThnmWe O�N�*v^M'.The md.bcauan mb�,aM � Mr tluraemri�tin al el�q�u wn Oe 9>+e�d W Ue PO SW SoeWaNS u I I I . ���P� �;�,��.�����P��� ' _ For Enlarged Elevations see Sheet fi & 8 ,D ��y',�, cCd'p'p�� FXi-iIBIT :?t.t_jj'� � — �' � cHna�ewmr�ec MusdGovanAzzalino,Inc. PSP �„�.E��:� . """'�"`. .�... � .-\iVli�'[ENDMENT TO .�or". .uY,r�n.�+c _a-� "^ � � 13 �r � � _ CASEti0. 9G-113 s���� �� ~��l AR0.0Y0 GRANDE. Ce. ^•�••^•^-"° .. . _ :�� � �� . / ' C'6 C'T1 C•3 F+, �A' - C.4 a;.a` . ¢r�r. � t .o�+°° . C,5 C'1 1 P„ •a��� � a . 1 o ° Sdti ��'� 31 < ' �� e om+ ELFSl�byG G �f �VA'�ION so� � �..�r ..� �-�: , r , �'�`L����� �I° ,� `�I n. i ` �' �--` � �V� 1 � �� � =s�-����-. . '� � o_.�'i � _n,u�' - s � � �� � � ��`� i __� �' r^". 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ENGINEERS&PLANNERS � 943 Reserve Drive,Suite 100 Roseville,California 95678 (916) 782-8688 � � January 2005 � RECEIVED ' 25-1275-08 � (R877TSOOS.DOC) r�a D 1 2005 � CIIY OF ARROYO GRANDE '� COMMUNIIY DEVELOPMEM � � � � City of Arroyo Grande — � Five Cities Shopping Center Expansion � Traffic Impact Study � � � � Draft Report #2 � � Prepared for the � City of Arroyo Grande � , � � Prepared By � OI`�1�!°�C��]�� � ENGIMEERS PLANNERS � � � � � TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................1 � , EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES...............................................................................................................3 LEVEL OF SERVICE METHODOLOGIES/POLICIES.............................................................................7 EXISTING TRAFFIC OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................11 � APPROVED/PENDING PROJECTS.........................................................................................................13 SHORT TERM NO PROJECT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS........................................................................18 SHORT TERM PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS......................................................................................21 � PROJECT DESCRIPTION.........................................................................................................................21 PROJECTTRIP GENERATION................................................................................................................21 PROJECT TRII'DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT.........................................................................25 � SHORT TERM PLUS PROJECT'CRAFFIC OPERATIONS....................................................................28 CUMULATNE BASE CONDTTIONS......................................................................................................30 CUMULATNE BASE NO PROJECT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ...........................................................32 � CiTMULATNE BASE PLUS PROJECT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS........................................................33 RECOMMENDED CIItCULATION IMPROVEMENTS............:............................................................35 � LIST OF FIGURES Figure1 —Project Vicinity Map....................................................................................................................2 Figure 2—Existing Intersection Lane Geometrics and Control....................................................................5 ' Figure 3—Existing Peak Hour Intersection and Daily Roadway Traffic Volumes......................................6 � Figure 4—Approved/Pending Project Sites................................................................................................16 Figure 5—Short Term No Project Peak Hour Traffic Volumes..................................................................19 Figure 6A—Proposed Project Site Plan......................................................................................................22 � Figure 6B—Proposed Project Site Plan,Existing Shopping Center Trip Driveway Distribution..............23 Figure 7—Project Trip Dishibution............................................................................................................26 ' Figure 8_..Project-Only„Traffic Volumes................................................................................................27 � Figure 9—Short Term Plus Project Traffic Volumes..................................................................................29 Figure 10—Cumulative Base No Project Peak Hour Traffic Volumes.......................................................31 '! Figure 11 —Cumularive Base Plus Project Peak Hour Tiaffic Volumes.....................................................34 � Figure 12—Recommended Intersecrion Lane Geometrics and Control Improvements.............................38 Figure 13 —Recommended Rancho Parkway/Driveway Intersection Layout..........................................39 '� LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Level of Service Criteria For Intersections......................................................................................8 Table 2 Level of Service(I.OS)Criteria for Roadways................................................................................9 � Table 3 Existing Conditions: Intersection Levels of Service......................................................................1 l Table 4 Weekday/Weekend day peak hour traffic counts.........................................................................12 , Table 5 Approved/Pending Projects Trip Generation.................................................................................15 , Table 6 Short TermNo Project Conditions: Intersection Levels of Service...............................................20 � Table 7 Existing Project Plus Expansion Trip Generation..........................................................................24 Table 8 Shopping Center Trip Rate and Volume Comparison....................................................................24 ; Table 9 Short Term Plus Project Conditions: Intersection Levels of Service.............................................28 � Table 10 Cumulative Base No Project Conditions: Intersection Levels of Service....................................32 Table 11 Cumularive Base Plus Project Conditions: Intersection Levels of Service..................................33 � � � Frve Cities Shopping Center Ezpansion i Ciry ojArroyo Grande (15-1275-08/R833TS001.docJ � rAPPE��X � INTERSECTION LEVEL-OF-SERVICE SUMMARY("MITIGATION MATRIX") INTERSECTION LOS AND SIGNAL WARRANT WORKSHEETS � � r , � � � � � r f� f� I� I� I� I� IFive Cities Shopping Center Expansion ii i I� Ciry ojArroyo Grande (25-/275-08/R833TS002.doc) ' i I _ _ INTRODUCTION ' This repoR has been prepared for the Ciry of Arroyo Grande to present t6e results of a Transportation � Impact Study (TIS) performed by OMNI-MEANS in support of the proposed Five Cities Shopping �� Center expansion project in the City of Arroyo Grande. The term "projecY', as used in this report, refers 1 to the proposed Five Cities Shopping Center expansion, which entails the consiruction of an addiHona! 33,200 squaze feet of retail space on the shopping center site referred to as "Pad I". The City of Arroyo Grande is an incorporated community located within the `'Five Cities" area of San Luis Obispo Counry, � Califomia. Current population estimates at the end of 2003 range to approximately 16,523 people. Figure � 1 illustrates the City of Arroyo Grande, which includes the entire area within and adjacent to its Ciry ��I limits. �I'I �I'The City of Arroyo Grande is]ocated approximately,l0 miles south of the City of San Luis Obispo, along the US Highway 101 coastal corridor. The City is located contiguous with the incorporated azeas of the "�, ;iP City of Pismo Beach to the northwest and the City of Grover Beach to the west. U5 101 runs diagonally i':, ' through the middle of the city in a northwesterly to southeasterly direction. US ]O1 is the primary State ' highway providing regional access, connecting the City with other parts of the County and the State. ' State Route 227 also provides more localized access to/from the City, connecting Arroyo Grande with the , Ciry of San Luis Obispo and surrounding county community. , ! 'fhe following roadways provide primary circulation within the Ciry of Arroyo Grande and its vicinity. US'107 is a major north-south freeway faciliry that h�averses coastal Califomia. US 101 serves as the , principal inter-regional auto and �uck havel route that connects San Luis Obispo County (and other portions of the Central Coast) with the San Francisco Bay Area to the north and the Los Angeles urban basin to the south. Within San Luis Obispo County, US 101 provides major connection between and through several cities. Through the "Five Cities" area of San Luis Obispo County, US 101 repzesents a major recreational as well as commuter mavel route and has a general four-lane divided freeway cross- section with 65 mph posted speed limits. Within the City of Anoyo Grande, US 101 forms ful]-access interchanges with Oak Park Boulevazd,Brisco Road/Halcyon Road and East Grand Avenue/Branch S�eet as wcll as directional interchange access at Traffic Way and Fair Oaks Avenue. State Route 227 (SR 217) is a state highway route that runs predominantly in a north-south d'uection �' , connecting the City of San Luis Obispo and the City of Arroyo Grande. SR 227 has a general two-lane � �� highway type cross-section through most segments. SR 227 represents a significant parallel commuter �I route to US 101,as well as a recreational travel route serving the City of Arroyo Grande. East Grand Avenue is a major east-west travel arterial through and within the City and has a general five- lane arterial(two travel lanes per direction with a two-way left-tum median lane) through the City. West of the City of Arroyo Grande, East Grand Avenue extends into the City of Grover Beach and extends further west to the coastline.. East of the full-access interchange with US 101, East Grand Avenue becomes East Branch Slreet that extends further east to Corbett Canyon Rond and SR 227. East Grand Avenue represents one of the "gateway" routes for recrearional travelers headed westwards from US 101 to the Pacific coastline. East Branch Street (SR 227) extends East Grand Avenue to the east and serves as the City's main ', downtown commercial thoroughfare as well as a commuter connection between iJS 101 and SR 227.The duality of purpose of this three lane arterial with on street parking does create safety and capaeity concems. The high vo]ume of traffic (18,500 AD'1� conflicts with the community's desire to have a pedeshian-friendly downtown. � Five Cilies Shoppirtg Cenler Ezpansion / City ojAnoyo Grande (�S-/275-08/R833TS002.doc) i i � ,P"°, I k �a�� \ , , � � � `. i���� ���� /� *� i , , . �r �\ p �� �, I N1 MAY � �"� iI � �a`� �� � 1 � , � � � � � � il r .,. .�: "'k= � w, � �o II � "2+�. <+, il ,..�: � � k �� ii V � 4y 5 p a � P r� \ )0�` o GW B \ � �„� "`"`"^� PROJECT °'°�` '2 � \'�� �.: °j �wc c,ei ' SITE s' ^0 `, .:..Y 9p�MQ C�IIIl1 IYJ�S�� . ' � �0 � ` I 1 ��� ` .� ��' p�� � ARHOYO y �. '` � � ��r ��� uo�rzm GNANDE �' / t � ` ° / . „n, � , � exiara s S ��xw�x e°'9 . �' a � W y�, ¢f '`� / W1AM1 � � A�ML� O MM BUINRf ��'� ' �R,t, O' M POI I� I � g �y'� `� �s � /// / L I� / � ry6J DE�Sd 1MY t J- 1 SIXQT ` Y2 w'�� / •iM y / �i I � fM OW.S � � I p ����/ In -' 6 1 1■ I l�NMRt �KMI[ 1 � `\//� \ •.� \ � I \ ..i L_. � �� / �I� —I�I _ � ��J��// I.' � r o,��,�.�� .—. — � � � � .__. __ �-�•I LEGEND CITY LIMITS - -- - - '' I � :� ('. City of Arroyo Grande Figure 1 � PROJECT VICINITY MAP � � n. murcm.e.a(uzaw)xe-ine-a ; � Halcyoi: Road is a general two to four lane noRh-south arterial facility that connects between US 101 in � the City of Arroyo Grande and State Route 1 (SR 1) in the Halcyon area located to the south of the City. Halcyon Road, in conjunction with Brisco Raad and El Camino Real, forms a full-access interchange ` with US 101;just north of the US 101/East Grand Avenue interchange. Oak Park Boulevard is a general five lane north-south street that runs along the northwestern City ]imit � line, defining Arroyo Grande's boundary with the adjacent Cities of Grover Beach and Pismo Beach. � Oak Park Boulevard forms a ful]-access interchange with US 101, and extends south of US 101 into the City of Grover Beach, approximately defining the City of Arroyo Grande's southwestem City limit line. North of the City of Arroyo Grande, Oak Park Boulevard forks into Old Dak Park Road, which extends � north into County lands, and into Noyes Road which extends in a northeasterly direction to connect with i SR 227. ' � � James Way is also predominantly an east-west rivo-lane roadway serving as a residential collector behveen Oak Park Boulevard and Tally-ho Road, which also connects to SR 227. � ' West Branch Street is a rivo-lane frontage road, east of US 101 with both commercial and residential i frontage. It extends from Oak Park Boulevard to East Branch Street and provides important north-south circulation and commercial accessibility east of the freeway. Rancleo Parkway is a two-]ane collector linking residential development on James Way to West Branch Street and the US 101 corridor. It is also the primary access point for the Project driveway and runs through part of the Five Cities Shopping Center, bisecting the Center into Walmart anchored and Trader Joe's anchored sections. El Camino Real is a rivo to three ]ane northeast-southwest street that operates as a frontage road on the southwest side to US IOL Trajfc Way is a two to four-lane arterial roadway serving local commercial development. It extends from East Branch Street (SR 227) to the north and terminates into ramp junctions with US 101 to the south. EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES ' ^ i�:!I New existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volume counts (tuming movements)at the study intersections '.„ were conducted by OMNI-MEANS on November,l7, 2004. � The AM peak hour is defined as the one-hour of peak traffic flow(which is the highest total volume count over four consecutive IS-minute count periods) counted between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM on a typica] weekday. The PM peak hour is defined as the one-hour of peak iraffic flow (which is the highest total volume count over four consecutive 15-minute count periods) counted between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM on a typical weekday. The following critical study intersections were established for this study in coordination with City of Arroyo Grande staff,and are analyzed within this study for weekday AM and PM peak hour conditions: 1. West Branch Street/Oak Park Boulevard 2. West Branch Sheet/Camino Mercado 3. West Branch Sheet/Rancho Parkway 4. Rancho Parkway/Camino Mercado i' 5. West Branch Street/Brisco Road } � ,; r Five Cities Shopping Cenrer Ezpansion 3 Ciry ojArroya Crande (25-1175-08/R833TS001.doc) IA. �e y ; 6. Brisco Road/US 101 NB Ramps " 7. Brisco Road/EI Camino Real i f 8. El Camino Real/US 101 SB Ramps 9. West Branch Street/East Grand Avenue I� In addition, three critical intersections with Five Cities Shopping Center driveways were established for �' analysis, and are also evaluated within this study for weekday AM and PM peak hour conditions: i� 10. Rancho Pazkway/driveway I,I 11. West Branch Street/driveway west ���� � ;� 12. West Branch Street/driveway east I ji �� Lane eometrics and conh�ol of the above stud intersGctions are illustrated on Fi ! I� g y gure 2. Existing AM and , i� PM peak hour tra�c volumes at the study intersections are shown on Figure 3, j,',� I �� , ,�, i � � _ 'II ,� � ::� i 1 � ` I I I i E I Five Cities Sho in Cen�er Ez a i n 4 PP 8 P �o ICiry ojArroyo Grande (25-1175-08/R8337S002.doc) I - - - — i � OAK PARK BLVD./ Q WEST BRANCH STR.% 3 WEST BRANCH STR./ 4 RANCNO PARXWAY/ ' WEST BRANCH STR. CAMfNO MERCADO-US l0/ NB RANCNO PARXWAY CAMINO MERCADb � �1 �, � d� � � J �. � �. ♦♦ � _!N STOP � � �� � Tr � �9 � --► o a . . . . rj WEST BRANCH STR./ 6 BR1SC0 RD./ 7 EL CAMINO REAL/ 8 EL CAMlNO REAL/ ' BRfSCO RD. US /01 Nb BRfSCO RD. XALCYON RD-US f01 SB '�_ �- � � � � ,� �� ,`— i I* � � � � � I � I � � I I � : : � � g NEST BRANCX STR./ �p RANCXO PARKNAY/ �� W BRINCX/ 12 W BRANCN/ , CRAND AVS. DRlVENAY DRIVEMAY MEST DRIVEWAY EAST � d�- �— '� 1 �. �'�— .1 �. � ,� '� . �9 �*_ � � r � � � � � a. . 4 � (� d� w.r ��' 'fs �' V��% J.WE$ 9 � P2 n� ��� Y � � �} � e� C y. av�r�q :i: '�Ge�°° 4 p°�� � �:` �� :: , .::spwmc W+Rrt'%:b� w�y'" a `�� i¢� PROJECT e - L ' 70� � F�x �, � � �:a_'::.;•� ANROYO yo� '� � N' I i;;.. 6 ��r ��� uaxrzco w GRANDE 'y e°� SiREE d. 1'� BMdTOx Y � o ��4MIE � I1NM ��D '� l 8 T 0 ! v 5 � � DMK BFNxEIT �� � �4'� �y � ERµp AVFNIIE �' g ��� 10 E I �t �5 fF � � � / „� _I �oo05a r�r `+4 ' ^a� smccr �, n � City of Arroyo Grande Figure 2 EXISTING GEOMETRICS AND LANE CONTROL � � ' r�s runcoz+w(nmoq as-ins-ae � OAK PARK BLVD./ 2 n'EST BRANCH STR./ 3 WEST BRANCH STR./ 4 RANCHO PARKwAY/ WEST BRANCH STR. CAMlNO MERCADO-US 10� NB RANCHO PARXWAY CAMINO MERCADO ^� iO e n v.. rn m in n r n m �196(283) m r a �4(12) � m n a �rv �vIn �18(3B) I �-166(J09) n � � + � �115(367) � + � � 53(226) � � �253(29)) t � � I I � (a3lz�—� � I � (so)is� (ie)3a�' � I (a7e)�az� (za)27 o ^�v°�i (7) 3 m �°,�°p (260)70� � r� P ry n _ � . — m �Pp r�� �� H a v H .. �'j WEST BRANCH STR./ g BRISCO RD./ 7 EL CAM/NO REAL/ g EG CAM/NO R£AL/ BRlSCO RD. US 101 NB BRISCO RD. HALCYON RD—US l01 SB N n Y b r m�„� inv� . � a m , Fl N e �a}6(167) Y N� L.B(19) ♦-70(169) n ` '� 71(100) � I F-82(86) ^ �`+� 4-53(24) �, � B6(80) � 1 � 144(58) � + � j---26(49) � 1 � �--3�Z�� i — � (a38)Be� � I � i (33)10� � * � (19B)129�' � i � � (186)133-► � �zz)3�—► , N � n ry (83)75--y '°� (331)156---y p N� � m m mc� vo^ mN� ,� ry q n„ n�. i �. V � �..�. � � �'� 9 WEST BRANCX STR./ �� RANCXO PARKWAY/ �� N BRANCX/ �Z W BRANCH/ � CRAND AVE. ORIVEWAY DRIVEWAY WEST DRIVEWAY EAST ' m= �. l. ^N v� � i�Y II a�m L 40(98) a o v � 1(4) n�= o i �i �9(j896) � 1 � i—ii(i3) � � � zo(i3z) �•I, L s��ael J 4 �zos(3oi) � y ��9a(32o) I' (729)729-► � I � ((43)i-y � � � (22fi)9fi-� (271)90-► � (0)5-�I a�m (119)40� p �u.- I m °om, � LEGEND. g�' �'y �,t� ,y,._r ��/ ./ qq�q�po . '•F xxx — AA1 PEAK HOUR ° J�uES � Qp INTERSECTION VOLUMES (xxx)— PM PEAK HOUR ° w" � +P u� � INTERSECTION VOLUMES� �� � � 7 � t � �e"c^na q o�` , 4 ' �i. �"O' 2.. n�.s aircs ' ��; sanvwc crHtFA w•su� n PROJECTyo L �Fl . :�0�..� pd' S�S 1� 2 G / II �I 3 � 5 ARROYO y. '` �,,,,, n �ouaco GRANDE S �'" •[MiORT ANx11F M, � , •.R SIN(U l F lW0/. � BNIPIiW u I $ 1KM1[ �^ P�� 7 l l• II N e �rvu y,", s 9 r�'�1,�, � z 3 oC`f� om.< ewx�n ,� 4h,,F �p.pP � c wu.o .K.NC "� 4• �w ioi � tT' I ,�A ,�5 : 0 I� � � / ,.s V_ �000son .•. � � � A91 S1FRI � / City of Arroyo Grande Figure 3 � EXISTING PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES � � n.: rextrcw.a.o(�vao�l xs-ivo-ae ' LEVEL OF SERVICE METHODOLOGIES/POLICIES . Traffic operations have been quantified through the determination of"Level of Service" (LOS). Level of Service is a qualitative measure of traffic operating conditions, whereby a letter grade"A" through"F" is assigned to an intersection or roadway segment representing progressively worsening traffic conditions. Intersection and Roadway LOS Methodologies Levels of Service (LOS) have been calculated for all intersection control types using the methods documented in the Transportation Research Board Publication Highway Capacity Manua[, Fourth Edition, 1000. Current City of Arroyo Grande Traffic Impact Study Policy standazds for levels of service are derived from Circular 212 Operations Methodology,which was published in 1985. The transportation engineering industry has moved away from the Gircular 212 methodology toward the more recent Highway Capacity Manual Methodology and the City TIS Policy should be updated to reflect this change. For signalized intersections and All-Way Stop-Controlled (AWSC) intersections, the intersection delays and LOS are average values for all intersection movements. For Two-Way Stop-Controlled (TWSC) intersections, the intersection delays and LOS are representative of those for the worst-case movement. LOS definitions for different types of intersection controls are outlined in Table 1. The average daily traffic based roadway level of service thresholds are shown in Table 2. The City of Arroyo Grande General Plan (Adopted October 9, 2001), Circulation Element, Slreets and Highway Standards, are partly quoted below: CT2: Attain and mainmin Level ojService(LOS) "C"or better on all stree(s and rontro!!ed intersections. CT1-/: Where deficiencies exist, mitigate to a LOS "D"at n minimum and plan improvement to achieve LOS "C"(LOS "E"or"F"unaccepta6le =signifrcan�adverse impact) The Caltrans published Guide jor the Preparation of Tra�c Impact Studies (dated June 2001) states the following: "Cal�rans endeavors lo maintain a targef LOS at the transition 6ehveen LOS "C"and LOS "D"on S(nte l�ighway jacilities....• , � ' Consistent with City and Calh�ans policies stated above, for purposes of this traffic study, LOS "C" has � ' been taken as the minimum acceptable LOS standard at critica] study intersections and roadway segments ;, falling within City right-of-way. For freeway ramp intersections and other intersections and roadway segments falling within State right-of-way, consistent with Caltrans policy of"LOS C/D transitiod', a "]ow LOS D" (which is regarded as LOS "D" with delay values closer towards LOS "C" than towards ' LOS "E") has been taken as'the minimum threshold for acceptable operations. Appropriate circulation, capacity or and/or control improvements have been identified for instances when smdy area facilities are projected to operate below acceptable standards. ' , I . Five Cilies Shopping Center Ezpansion � 7 � City ojArraya Grande (15-1175-08/R833T5001.doc) I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERL4 FOR INTERSECTIO�S LEVEL OF CONTROL DELAY(SECONDS/VEHICLE) S6RVICE TYPEOFFLOW DELAY MANEWERABILITY '-arv+aC�+r e t � � . � � :�,�� SIGNAWZED UNSIGNAGZBD ALL WAYSTOP " ��`� �y ������,��wn t . n fria�''s Y s M, '� .� � � t'�,� � � "���' ..�uS�'m'"-� . '• "1 5 i : . : � r ':a.: �1 St�61e F10 ��, Ve��h�ht delay ;Progress�on,�s very�favoiable w3t�y_csTgm�ug movementsiare easdy,�- ; L � <�p,p , ,,< 10 0 -� < 10 0 �� ` „ �z , t� r��r�fmost veh�cles1amv�ng du�ng the grean hase n�otk ,�x,;.�,madq and nearly all dnvers find ' i � r+�a?: r , � � L�E2Y££'.+_r,aR;:'s:..�s.b.�.:_S.e�.w� f�.Opp117,g2tfl�1.�9e::G.ns�. �� � z �-;�e.....,..M1..�.� r7C�O�iQ.eQ.}1CI3�10?�:?� . ..-r'a4..9tf�'rd'.�n �e..: �r' :. Yi.`.p -_�_....--....�k »:u.T..'.r.: B Stable Flow Good progression and/or short cycle Iengths. More Vehicle platoons are fortned. >IO and<20.0 >]0 and< I5.0 >10 and< I5.0 v¢hicles StOp than fo7 LOS A,causing higher kvels of Many drivers begin to feel — average delay. somewhat restricted within groups of vehicles. �����e��.��Stable�7o�p „H�gher delays iesulhng from fair progression aod/or a��'� Back ups may devel'op behmd - >20 and<35 0 >I$and<25 0 >15'and<25 0 -�+ �,�;n��� ��7,.:: ' •����louger,cyc�aleng[tis Ind�v�dual cycle fa�lures mayrMpa; tummg veh�cles °Mosj dnvers .� -�: a,. c-. `�`� rA+�y�.�` �x-r X;x'�u ���$81F!�4 aPPear a�[th�s levgl��he number of veficles r� feel somewhat resmcted �� :, �� '.ei` rC 3'�`r � ,, �' r , , g�� � �^' �� +r r'.'� .-ax�c sjuPPing t$s�gnlficant althoagti nteny st111()ess tLlougll i i .i pt�' •a+;� r '� y� , ,,., t"''` t •aI f7'.�}*�^s �� �'•x �.++,;.r�n«.tho�mtersecdonwithoutS[op lilgx T +4 S:t i3' t.`v�v 4 ''�''.. :'ty¢hN+�v �'? r��t � -�,.s'ix _�.°� ...,.� �. .?tl.:.:..�,.. ,,.:;,._.�..�.._:_ : ' �P., ,j.S.�:�<r.._:_�� �+il D � Approaching The inlluence of congestion becomes more nonceable.� � Maneuverab�lity is severely >35 and<�55.0 ; �>25 and<35.0 >25�and�35.0 Unstable Flow Longer delays may result from some combination of Iimited during short periods due . unfavorable progression,long cycle lengths,or high - to temporary back•ups.-- `� ' �� -�� -� '` � volume-to-capacity ratios. Maciy vehicles s[op,and the � proportion of vehicles not stopping declines. Individual - cycle failures are noticeable. - . ���""° "� ��tTnstab�o�Floyr`"�-Geneiall�cons�deredtobe-thelirtuto{accep'tablq`delay�i_�Ther4are:typmallylopgqueues � �-- >53and<800 � >35and<50.0 �>35and<500:�:��; x i �`r�#�'�r.,,`,x„ ...f ar�[nd�cafive of poor piogress�on,long cycle lengths,and+�-�:;of veh�cles wa�hng upsheam of „ ; i •w Y F , �t�T," `"� ,;r t.u"�.�,'�' lu volume to-ca ac� ! c ,�„ ; t6e miersecuon ,� } ' ' Kh p ty rahas Ind�v dual yda � Y � � "[as�'"N��'.G . '� 3y • N�2 - . . .� J, r r'�.rx� s Y v :t +��, � m ,t fa�lures are frequenfoccurtences „ , :t . a � �.��t.' �' r , ,,n `, t'� � z r . ���-Mi�-Y..�� .�� -:_..✓.ui ���.�1.. . h �l .'. ..f�ec��':� V ..'.:.�4C 'Ir..Y. .:..��� .un.� ��.a �I �� � � �.. �+ y.._'•' F Forced Flow Generally considered ro be unacceptable to most lammed conditions. Back-ups >80.0 � >50.0 y �>50.0 drivers. Often occurs with over saturation. May also from other locations resMct or occur at high volume-to-capacity ratios. There are prevent movement Volumes many individual cycle failures. Poor progression and may vary widely,depending long rycle lengths may also be major wntributing principally on the downstream factors. back-up conditions. Rejerences: I.Highway Capacity Manual,Fourth Edirron, Transpor(ation Research Board,2000. Five Ci7iu Shopping Center Ezpansion 8 City ojArroyo Grande (25-7328-19/R8337S001.docJ E� _.._. ._._......_ .._ . _. . . . .- . TABLE 2 LEVEL OF SERVICE(LOS)CRITERIA FOR ROADWAYS � ' r Average,Da�ly Trarcc(AD'I)-Tota!of,Both Directions :RoadwaY:.TyPe �r,d> < rk„." �:_ . . . .. . ; .s .„ .t�•,?„<LOS°'A" �rrr;;:LOS'B" t.?. LOS°G^'. �LOS"D", � LOS'E.';} ` 6-Lane Freeway 75,000 90,000 10,500 120,000 135,000 ' 4-Lane Freeway 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 6-Lane Expressway (high access controt) 36,000 42,000 48,000 54,000 60,000 4-Lane Expressway 24,000 28,000 32,000 36,000 40,000 (high access conhol) 6-Lane Divided Arterial ' (with left-tum lane) 32,000 38,000 43,000 49,000 54,000 4-Lane Divided Arterial ZZ,000 25,OOb 29,000 32,500 36,000 '�� (with leR-tum lane) 4-Lane Undivided Arterial �g�000 21,000 24,000 27,000 30,000 ' (no IeR-[um lane) 2-Lane Arterial , 11,00(1 12,500 14,500 16,000 I8,000 ' (with left-mrn lane) 2-Lane Arterial 9,000 10,500 12,000 13,500 I5,000 (no left-turn lane) 4-Lane Collector 12,000 I5,000 I8,000 21,000 24,000 2-Lane Collector 6,000 7,500 ,9,000 10,500 12,000 No(es: 1.BaseAon Hi¢hwnv CapaciN Manuol Four(h EAifion.Transportafion Research Board,I000. " 1.A!(volume thresholds are approximnte anAassume ideal roadwny tharncrerirlics. Acfun!�hresholds for each LOS lisled obove � may vnry depending on a variery offacrors including(but notlimited to)roar(way curvature anAgrrtAe,intersecfiort or � irtferchnnge spacing,drivewtry spoting,percenfoge of 7rucks and ofher henvy vehic[u,lane wiAths,signnl timing,on-stree! parking,vafume of croas tra�c and pedertrians,etc. To determine whether "significance" should be associated with unsignalized intersection operations, a supplemental traffic si�mal"warranP'analysis has also been completed. The term"signal warrants'refers to the list of established criteria used by Caltrans and other public agencies to quantitatively justify or I ascertain the need for installation of a tra�c signdl at an otherwise unsignalized intersection. This smdy ' has employed the signal warrant criteria presented in the latest edition of the Federal Highway " Administration's (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Tra�c Contro! Devices (MUTCD), as amended by the � MUT'CD 2003 California Supplement, for all study intersections. The sigial warrant criteria are based upon several factors including volume of vehicular and pedestrian h-affic, frequency of accidents, location of school areas etc. Both the FHWA's MLJ'I'CD and the MUTCD 1003 California Supplement indicate that the installation of a h-affic signal should be considered if one or more of the signal warrants are met. Specifically, this study will utilize the Peak-Hour-Volume based Warrant 3 as one representative type of traffic signal waaant analysis. Warrant 3 criteria are basically identical for both the FHWA's MUI'CD and the MUTCD 1003 California Supplement. Since Warrant 3 provides specialized warrant criteria for intersecrions with rural characteristics (e.g. located in communities with populations of less than 10,000 persons or with adjacent major streets operaring at above 40mph), study intersections that use this specialized criteria will be cleazly identified. - � Five Cities SBopping Center Erpansion 9 City ojArroyo Grande (25-7328-29/R833TS001.doc) Technical Analysis Parameters This TIS provides a "planning level" evaluation of traffic operating conditions, which is considered � sufficient for CEQA/NEPA purposes. The "planning level" evaluation incorporates appropriate heavy vehicle adjustment factors, peak hour factors, and signal lost-time Factors, and repoRs the resulting C intersection delays and LOS as stimated using HCM-2000 based analysis methodologies. In this study, a general Peak Hour Factor HF .92 as recommended by HCM-2000) and a heavy-vehicle traffic percentage of 10 percent e applied in the analysis of all study intersections under all analysis f scenarios. The HCM-recommended suburban traffic signal default cycle length of 100 seconds will be � used for analysis of signalized intersections, with 4 seconds of"lost time" per critical signal phase. The Tra�x 7.7(Dowling Associates) software program was used to implement the HCM-2000 analysis on the r majority of the study intersections. The Synchro 6 (Trafficware) sofivare program was used for analysis ( on the close-proximity intersections near the Brisco Road interchange with US 101 so that factors such as queuing and coordinated signal operations could be taken into account for a more accurate analysis. � Except where realistic at the close proximity intersections, a"design level" evaluation (including queuing on intersection lane groups, stacking length requirements, coordinated signal operations analyses etc.) will not be included in this planning-level study. l i l l I ! l � � Five Ci�ies Shopping Center Expansion /0 Ciry ojArroyo Grande (25J275-08/R833TS002.doc) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � EXISTING TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ( Intersections Existing AM and PM peak hour intersection traffic operations were quantified utilizing the existing haffic � volumes (Figure 3) and the existing intersection lane geomefics and control (Figure 2). Table 3 contains a summary of the existing intersection LOS conditions. i TABLE3 � EXISTINC CONDIT(ONS INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE -�'` �'�'w �4C,{�''AH�ya��� ''�`��kti=�d,.�r L�#i��t1Y `4leC�j��,y�i�AMPeakHourwamnt��'u�^!F'.PMPeakAour a.•�rrant,. `�` . x m a . p � �iz� 'A k� f �q_ i � �Mt�n �rieetl}n'�ln� i. �. .. r xnrF •�^y a�`� Y''+';.x w ' �'d.n iDel y�x+ �L�£. �Met E � }t?"X'� . �. �`y�YP�+d'y��ela�'K�LOS���r`�11�e1R: �' .� '"�r. �i;: I Oak Park Blvd/West Branch St Sgnal 182 B 25.4 C 2 West Branch St!Camino Mercado-US 101 MS AWSC 10.6 B No 4i.0 E Ye� I 3 West Brznch St/Rancho Parkway Signal 6.8 A - 14.5 B - 4 Rancho Parkway/Camino Mercado TWSC 1.4 A No 0.6 A No 5 Wat Brznch St/Brisw Rd Signal 16.2 B - 28.0 C - � 6 Brisco Rd/US 101 Nonhbound Signal 17.) B - 271 C : 7 El Camino Real/Brisca Rd Signal 20.1 C 287 C 8 EI Cam(no Real/Halcyon Rd-US 101 SB Signal 46.6 D - 43.4 D - 9 West Bnnch St/Grand Ave 7'WSC 19.7 C No 93.9 F No � 10 RanchoParkway/driveway TWSC 10.8 B No 30.1 D No 11 Wa�Bnnch SI/driveway west Signal 10.7 B - 18.4 B - yy 12 West Branch St/driveway east TWSC 10.5 B No 13.7 B No � Note: LOS-Minor Slree(Approach Level of Servite jor 7lvo-Way SlopCanfrolled in(ersec(ions LOS-Overn!!Averoge/ntersection Leve!of Service for Signalized and AII-Way S(ap-Corttrolled intersections De/ay-Mirtor Streel Approach De(ay for Two-Wny Smp-Con(rolled inlessec(ions Delay-Overalf Arerage In�ersec(ion Delay for Signalized and A!!-Wny Smp-Conbolled infersufions � TWSC-Txro-WayS(op-Corttro4edln�ersec�ion AWSC-AllWOyS�op-Conlro!leAinlersection � Warran(-MUTCD Pepk Hour Volume Warranb3(Urban Arear) As indicated in Table 3, the West Branch Sh-eet intersecrions at Camino Mercado/US 101 Northbound � ramps and Grand Avenue, and the Rancho Parkway/project driveway intersection currently operate at an unacceptable LOS during the PM peak hour under Fxisting conditions. The EI Camino ReaUHalcyon Road—US 101 SB intersection operates at LOS "D" beyond the acceptable "cusp of LOS `C/D"'. The I West Branch Sh-eedCamino Mercado/US 101 NB ramp intersection satisfies MUTCD Peak Hour signal ' warrants, indicating that the peak hour volume at the intersection is large enough to warrant installation of a traffic signal. The remaining study intersections are currently operaring at an acceptable LOS. Al] � circulation improvements aze discussed in a subsequent section of this report. Weekday/Weekend Peak Hour Comparison � OMNI-MEANS conducted a supplemental analysis, at the request of the City,to validate the weekly peak hour of the Five Cities Shopping Center and surrounding street segments. A sampling methodology was employed, where daily tra�c counters were placed at the three shopping center driveways on Rancho � Parkway, the Town Center Driveway north of West Branch Street, and on the approaches leading to the West Branch Street / Rancho Parkway intersection for an entire week from January 19 to January 25, 2005. The driveway counts allow for a sample comparison between the weekday and weekend trip I generation of the shopping center, while the roadway segment counts provide a sample difference in tsaffic volumes on the traffic network between the weekend and weekday peak hours. � Table 4 shows the peak hour traffic volumes at each location for the peak weekday and weekend day. � Five Cities Shopping Certler Erpansion I l City ojArroyo Grande (25-1275-08/R8337S002.doc) APPROVED/PENDIIVG PROJECTS Based on discussions with City staff, eleven land development projects are within the vicinity of the proposed project and can be regarded as "approved" or "pending approval" for consWction in the near- term. Approximate "approved/pending"project locations are shown in Figure 4 and described in terms of j their general description(location, access, etc.), hip generation, and trip distribution below. 1. 40 single-family residences, located north of James Way and west of Rancho Parl.lvay. M I altemative land use at this site is the construction of 21 residential units rather than 40 units. Traffic impacts associated with the altemative development were not analyzed. 'I 2. 20 condominiums, located south of James Way and east of Oak Park Boulevard � 3. 5 office buildings, located on the northwest comer of West Branch Street and Camino Mercado. An altemative land use at this site is the consh-uction of a motel and restaurant development. ' Traf£ic impacts associated with the altemative development were not analyzed. I� 4. Camino Mercado Senior Apartments and Senior Center, located north of Camino Mercado and west of Ranch Parkway. Consists of 60 senior condominiums and a 3,000 square foot senior center(Penfield and Smith,2001). 5. Stonecrest Homes, located south of El Camino Real, between Oak Park Boulevard and Brisco I Road. Consists of 26 single-family residential units within a subdivision project (Higgins and � Associates, 2000). I6. Commercial building, located on a 0.7 acre lot south of El Camino Real, west of Brisco Road. ( This site was proposed for development as a 10,000 square foot farm supply store subsequent to the analysis. 7. 12 multi-family residences, located west of Brisco Road and south of El Camino Real. � 8. Brisco Road Mixed Use Development, bounded by Gcand Avenue, Brisco Road, Linda Drive, and Elm Street. Consists of a 99-unit residential complex, 18,210 square feet of Iindustria]/business park floor azea, 10,400 square feet of specialty retaiUstrip commercial floor i � area, 4,300 squaze feet of high tumover restaurant floor area, and 10,690 square feet of financial institution floor area(OMAII-MEANS,2004) I9. 20 single-family residential units, located west of Rodeo Drive, between W. Branch Street and � James Way. 10. Le Point Mixed Use development, located north of East Branch Street east of Traffic Way I (Higgins Associates, 2003). Consists of 9 tesidential dwelling units and 3,400 square feet of office facilities. ' 11. Creekside Center, ]ocated north of East Branch Street east of Tn�c Way. Consists of 24 residential dwe]]ing units and 12,000 squaze feet of commercial and/or office facilities I (Associated Transportation Engineers,2003). � (Note:Approved/pending project driveways (access points) are not evalualed as a part oj Ithe Five Cities Shopping Center Expansion Tra�c Impact Study) � Subsequent to analysis, the following projects were presented to the City for review: East Village Plaza, IRobiscotti development, Timmons development, and The Puable specialty retail development. Future � studies will incorponte these projects when analyzing traffic impacts. I I � I� I' Five Ci�ies Shopping Cen�er Espansion �3 Ciry ojArroyo Grande (25-1175-08/R833TS001.doc) L � � Trip Generation I It is OMNI-MEANS understanding that traffic studies have been completed and published for Approved/Pending Projects 1, 5, 8, 10, and 11. Approved/pending project without completed traffic impact studies had frip generation rates and volumes estimated based upon rates contained in the San I Diego Association of Govemments (SANDAG) Publication Trip Generation Manual (Revised May f 2003). Tota] approved/pending project h-ip generation estimates are presented in Table 5. � � � � 1 I II I � ! t ,� � i � � I� Five Cities Shopping Cenfer Expansion l4 Ciry ojArroyo Grande (15-1175-08/R833TS002.doc) TABLE 5 APPROVED/PENDING PROJECTS TRIP GENERATION �'�K'°�fk�^���°�����4$s�s�., i�� r�� '�'�4 x:��' �Da y i pnRayWe kda °AM.PeakRour"EF�ttW ekda �PM PeakHouc�,•-d �Land�Use.Ceteg..ur�t.!i�:k.s�A,?����."����g'���,U�'�t�..�RaYelUnLL``.$.Total';3�k?In,°/.ks'sfOut°/.i�'4:- : o , . �:. - Total�,., im/o'S�..OaP:/. Single-Family Detached Residential, urbanized area Per D.0 9 0.72 20% 80% 0.9 70°/a 30% Multiple Dwelling UniC under 20 dwclling units/acre Ptt D.U. 8 0.64 20% 80% 0.8 70% 30% � Specialty Retail CentedStrip Commercial� Per KSF 36 1.08 60% 40% 314 50% 50% � Commercial Office Per KSF 20 2.8 90% 10% 2.6 20% � SO% ; IndustrialBusiness Park� Per KSF 16 1.9 80% 20% 1.9 20% 80°/a Commcrcial-Retail,Restaurant,High- Tumover PerKSF t04 832 50°/a 50% 8.3 60% 40% Financial Institution,excluding drive-ttvoup,h° Per KSF ll 2.5 4.5 70% 30% 9 40% 60% .�-�s�'�•.=aK*,t. �k�"'"�, "" ,•.���?gY. '�'�,�.�-��Daily�r"'iWeek'daY'Af1�CPesklioar��;,WeekdaY-PMPeak.Hour�'� ;I.endUse:Descr�hori;- �t' � i p,,,,�s..s�v;.uaq�.�� �Quantityi ..Tripc:5�.�1'otil�i�Z��in�`. �.b�tOut�?fn'�cTofal".��:`±'Iu£'i;tG?k�.0ut.iA I.40 SinQle Familv Raidrntial Units 40 D.U. 360 29 6 23 36 25 I I 2.20 Condominium Units 20 D.U. 160 13 3 10 16 11 5 3.5 Oftice Buildings 4.22 KSF 84 12 I1 1 11 2 9 4a.Camino Mercado Senior Condominiums 60 D.U. S 4 4 7 4 3 4b.Camino Mercado Senior Center 3 KSF I1 8 3 12 6 6 5.Sronecrest Homes 26 D.U. 234 19 4 15 23 16 7 6.Commercial Building(0.7 acres at 25% floor area ratio) 7.6 KSF � 274 8 5 3 25 12 13 7.12 Multifamilv Raidrntial Units 12 D.U. 96 8 2 6 10 7 3 8a.Brisco MU,Apartmrnt Complex 99 D.U. 792 63 13 50 79 55 24 � 86.Brisco MU.IndustriaVBusiness Park 28.6 KSF 458 54 43 11 54 11 44 _ 8c.Brisco MU,Restaurant 4.3 KSF 447 36 IS IB 36 21 14 8d.Brisco MU,Bank lOJ KSF 1,203 48 34 14 96 38 56 (8.Brisco MU existing land uses) (565) (58) (43) (15) (62) (17) (45) , 9.20 Single Famitv Residen[ial Units 20 D.U. 180 14 3 12 18 t3 5 � l0a Le Point MU,TownhousdAVartment 9 D.U. 72 6 l 5 7 5 2 y , 106.Le Point MU,Commercial Oflice � 3.4 KSF 67 9 8 1 9 2 7 i I la.Creekside Center,24 rcsidrntial uniLS 24 D.U. 192 15 3 l2 � 19 13 6 �j I lb.Cmekside Centa.CommerciaVOftice 12 KSF 432 13 8 5 39 19 l9 �� (1 I.Crcekside Crnter existing land uses) (493) (26) p6) (6) (46) (24) (12) ^^^���'''���� Total Trips 3, 282 l/ 172 387 220 179 �: '�I I D.U.-dwdlinyuniqKSF-l000eq.Jf.,MU-MixedUae �I 1.09:Pan-6Y reAucNon(SANDAG h/p Gmemrlon Manuol.Revi�ed May 1003) �_ ?.1�pare-by rcducilon(SANDAG3003) 3.2056 pan-by reducrlon(SANDAG 2003) 4.TS%pau-by rcducNOn(SANDAG 1003) � � I 1 Five Cities Shopping Center Expansion �5 Ciry ojArroyo Grande (25-1275-08/R833TS002.JocJ _---- � . � �. � � 1 �` � C� ` I W AY i LiSt OF PR�JEGtF m``y Residences J � �Q��SSR�PN JAI.fES 1. 40 Sin91e miniums f � 26 Condo m S °'r 3. 5 Ofliceog°�ondominiumg \ k' eS WAY Q ry'qy sa 4. 60 San fomily Res�de�� � Q 5, 26 Sin9�erciat Bu+ldin9 es ' . 6. � �omt� Residenc � 7. 12 ��Itif�DEV Resid Bnsca M ences m � e. Zp gin91e Fam��Y JAMES x 5 9. � 10. LE Point � JE �? P 1i. Creekside �x \L% O �R� � ��` a 1� Q a CAMINO MERCApp � , y o.�' 0 0 �� W, FIVE CITIESTER Z pROJECY ° ' ��,���( y` BRANCH ;; ��PP�N� C� q 1� `-� � � a � y �� ----�_ srafFr .�i ARROYp �,� �y4o P � s� � ,� ys 0.r F � �R A�D� �'� Er � s� �~ sl w. `�� � �r s, � . � O gRANCH c�S. T ,rr Ss � MONiE�O Q,O �� CAMINO -1 TRAF'��C e '`' j o � 51REE1 Q PF, m pVENUE �INOA � p Py� 4! 7' tDl � .�• P `" \1 �f- � NEWPORT Y N a pVEN�E . � � O � NEZZ P O P 8 BRIGHYON Y < w � ��h�`o ORiVE £N ^ V�a F� u r 4 ' S W � � � o � a pVEN�E � � � a GRAND �- � O� �O� �0(�N'1 � E ,��a�-,z _• ARR�Yp GRAN� � ,r,,,�,�,... C�TY °F pR03ECT5 � VED1p�ND►N�' —:.:-w-�::::. .-:_. -.�... pPPR� _ __����.__i�=��'...- ��a,.. - __._ __ __ :� � _ _ .;- _ �= � � , Trip Distribution � Trip dish-ibution for Approved/Pending Projects 1, 5, 8, 10, and 11 has been taken from previously completed TIS. Trip distributions for approved/pending projects without completed TIS were estimated using the City of Arroyo Grande Citywide Traffic Model (OMNI-MEANS, 2004) and supplemented by lmowledge of the existing traffic flow patterns, geographical location of the project sites, area demographics, and locations of other similar destinations, etc. The overall daily h-ip disfibutions are listed below. Approved/Pending Projects 1, 2, 5, 7, 9 (Residential): • 20%to/from East Branch Street east • 20%to/from US 101 north • 15%to/from US 101 south • • 15%to/from Grand Avenue west • 10%to/from Five Cities Shopping Center � • 10%to/from Halcyon Road south � • 5% to/from Oak Park Boulevard south • 3%to/from Elm Street south • 2% to/from El Camino Real north Approved/Pending Projects 3 and 6 • 30%East Branch Sh-eet east • 20% Grand Avenue west • 14%US 101 north • 12%US 101 south • 10%Halcyon Road south � • 5% Oak Park south • 5% Five Cities Shopping Center • 3% Elm Sheet south • 1% E] Camino Real north Approved/Pending Project 4, Camino Mercado Senior Condominiums and Center (Penfielil and Smith, 2001) � • 25%to/from US 101 north • 20%to/from US 101 south • 20%to/from Oak Park Boulevard south • 10%to/from Rancho Pazkway north • 15%to/from West Branch Street east • 10%to/from Five Cities Shopping Center Approved/Pending Project 8,Brisco Mixed Use Development(OMI�TI-MEANS, 2004) • 26%to/from East Branch Street east • 17%to/from Grand Avenue west I • 15%Five CiNes Shopping Center • 12%Halcyon Road south • 12%US 101 north • 10%US 101 south • 4%Oak Pazk south i • 3%Elm Street south i� Five Ciries Shopping Certter Ezpansion 17 City ojArroyo Crande (25-l275-08/R8337SOOI.docJ • 1%El Camino Rea]north Approved/Pending Project 10,Le Point Mixed Use Project(Higgins Associates,2003) ' • 20%to/from US 101 north � • 20%to/from US 101 south .• 15%to/from West Branch Avenue west • 15%to/from East Branch Street east • 15%to/from Grand Avenue west • 15% to/from Fair Oaks Avenue east Approved/Pending Project 11, Creekside Center(Associated Transportation Engineers,2003) • 55%to/from Grand Avenue/CTS 101 ramps west , • 10%to/from East Branch Street east • 10%Mason Street north • 5%Mason Street south ' • 5%West Branch Sh-eet west • 5%Traffic Way south I • 5%Le Point Avenue east • 5% Crown Hil] Sheet east I ( SHORT TERM NO PROJECT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS As described in the previous section, the Short Term No Project condition is a"no projecY' scenario that I invesrigates traffic operations following completion of approved/pending projects in the vicinity of the study area. Short Ternr No Project conditions were simulated by superimposing the approved/pending project trips over the existing h�affic volumes at the study intersections and roadway segments. The � resulting Shorr Term No Project traffic volumes are illustrated on Figure 5. � - � . , � ■ � � - � � Five Cities Shopping Cenler Expvnsion 18 City ojArroyo Grande (2S-l275-08/R833TS001.docJ --- - � i � OAK PARK BL�D./ 2 WEST BRANCH STR./ 3 HEST BRANCN STR./ q RANCgO PARXWAY/ ' WEST BRANCH STR. CAMINO ,HERCADO-US !0! NB RANCHO PARXWAY CAMINO M£RCADO � vi n.-. ^ _ m.e.�` � ^ °i � ^ � �i rv a<o R--796(283) m n Y �-4(12) � � ry n � `vI n �18(38) �I I �--166(309) "� ^ �' � y � 115(367) � + y 53(226) I R--116(385) � 1 � 1� � ✓ � �-25}(297) i � � I � (a3ln� � I � (so)�s�' (ielaa--� � I � (a�e)uz—+ za z� H n� (�) 3 m N m (260)70—� ( ) �' n � m 0 N � r vv v N . ry Y Y N v �j WEST BRANCX STR./ ( BR1SC0 RD./ 7 EL CAM1N0 REAL/ 8 EL CAMfNO REAL/ ����, BHfSCO RD. US !O1 Nb BRISCO RD. ffALCYON HD—US 101 SO ', i m� � Y h (V N h q� d� . ry� u~vi Y� �t39(378) �`�� �B(79) , .—�a(in� ^ ^' L n(+�) n `^I ~35(65) + �o ~Xz j l � sa�e�) � 1 � ,s,c�z) � 1 4 � � 1 � � (119)86—► � r � r �3.>,�� � r r �z„�,.5� � r � � (460)105� (�89)140� (24)41� N � a p (B4)36 �n� (533)161 ^ �o a n � �' �" � h N �NN �p v .�r y o a n n� �. (0 W fV `-�0� Nv ♦ N ♦ N h i 9 WEST BRANCH STR./ �Q RANCHO PARKWAY/ �� W BRANCN/ �z W BRANCN/ GRAND AVE. DRIYEWAY DRIVEWAY WEST DR/VEWAY EAST I + n � r '� `-'�v o+ y�� L44(108) Y m Y '� 7(6) & ^ �a � o`�I �-7J0(944) °i I t— 1(7) I � 20(1S2) n nI L 67(88) � 1 4 �--s(e) � 1 4 � ii(�a) � y s—zoe(aoi� � 4 .—isa�}zo) (ios)ao� � * r► (s�)iz—} '1 1 � (ioo)ss� (s�)zz---� 767 355--► I I (q}��—i (pp6J96—► (277)90—� � ) I (0)5 m p m (1Q)60 n m� � p v� � N ry� N v LEGEN� `4>� w'r ��: y�s ��,� � �+xq� I� xxx — AM PEAK HOUR � ° � & , J41F$ �� INTERSECTION VOLUMES w �� (xxx)— PM PEAK HOUR � �� p �� ' INTERSECTION VOLUMES� W :^ ' M �.uM 4txC�pO 4 p0.�' g I'� ;� 9MWM �' . ;. � .. 2�91MGINC CEH1U: �IS. HU�SH� R . • S�'er ��" � . PROJECT a � � x: z L � '�z i 4 � '3:::' S ARROYO . s s°� y� ...... �' (� a I uwRCO � GRANDE ` e" ' NC'NMi A�EMIC $INE[t W d � BRIGMiW � � ~ � 1KxUf � lMOA �'O 7 l 8 . I/ ' `p I' � � � 9 �! C p � � 9� a s � ea`f� om.E eawnr �.ic �..'k oh'aa � Ga�xD ¢ /.Kwtrt W �• ��,JP 101 f. � ` � J�r od' �, i i � �' / ,.� � �� �ppp5ql WAY �n I� I •w $iRCC1 �r / City of Arroyo Grande Figure 5 � SHORT-TERM NO PROJECT INTERSECTION VOLUMES � � r+. twowcu.ap puaaq zs-�vo-a � � � � - ii � � �� � - ---- , .._ :� ��_ ... `yy- � .� ' _- -�-�� w(� .. r tl�lE •nr � V'Y�T � —��_ �. � � PROPOSEO EXPANSION ,-., i��; �:•;, a�: � ,• . „p� .,.�'� , � �t��.irvM��� � ✓r�• , o�r.rc�:r� "7.w..a � 'l ' ��..,�°°••�`"�.".,'e�"~'`^',,,..''""' �� :� �s..^.•R ,^ ��� Ql_i;>n� '�� Y..`� 4t�.:n•c+r��— � ��1:�' a� iid '� '3 ° k� \ � �'�� ' �l\\ ➢�6.� F �<°i �� :� � y ���'��'� ?�' ���"':;,:._r�S.' �. iy�T.. �� i \ . �p?\ �'/'fn � 1 ��p, ' � �, �1` ar��� T a { .w" 9�i ,� 3���5`' i' � F,.�.........d,. :.. � .� � � ��, G�;,Gr� ������� 9 r�,, � �e��` /.�;;:.`@ --� p,""" � . .g� :� u �` �•' ,y�,.�' �° ` � t{ . y° r�. _� a'��. ����0'�. O ' _ . T''���.�`::'::;: ; { 1 7 EF�. 3� � '\ � � � 3 �t ' � Ki I .�, • � � �� ��3\.\ ��,��.rl 0. =�� , � � ,� .� / - � ' - `\ � nn: � s� � . � ,,,,m� �"'"I I .�� � � '-,�r"- � - ,. �•: � ,�;. �' .. � •k _ .,..� ' e. � , ."�` � f I ,-,�s,' ��- �/�� ..• z t t i „ ,K : ���� y�s�, � . e���IIlIfn41!r 4 �� �DN• _�'�;_ � �;f ` �,R ,�..���} i..�HIH1n!'i8` � � - �' �r . 'o . �'�- w� - ' � ^uw"er�wu++" — _ —`�^"`� m � 1s�a� �� - �_ � � . -__ � - .�..�'e� °r"'cws s� ���r�+,y°r N H � SNOY � ` -�'�' SSUOY SNOY �N�RSECTIQN 3 , c °`�'" a 2'�� INiERSEC7lON 15 INTERSECiION 12 s,-F,�� tv. � )>.�g#S t i�,�,r n�.�.r �e:i}q... `�� .,..A�.... iv Ciil en r � A „v-uo �� rerf.•�itv.r++ Fi ure sA CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � i PROJECT SITE PLAN .u ,,,s,<�e.9 �o=°°-�°�°-� _ _ __ � � � -- _. - �.. � _ '� - -- _ _ � _._� � �1 �� ,..� ..:.� --- -• ..._ ; u.. .:.,._, ;' ... , ( � ..,..,__ �,� . S1TG � ._ `T��v�, � 'f' .. - � �fi^`'��.•"�',.{�� ,� '� PROPOSED EXPANSION �,;"�, � "-' � y �.`M1� ,. -- '�- � " •• "' 'SN"`' � A�l`.IIYfJAI' � � . y:C�. 134%) ;n�x'�r.:��� ' ,,....e '�� mvd'dfn � • 6� ��.:°;m::a..a:.x�:" p 4A ::S :.�:� � .✓ �,�:.�""M.::�W::- �� • O �` `� " � � " ``vA , '�" ,^���__ . .'�p ' �� 3if5�N:yc`. ...v. � o-: \ i�11: .� 3'/. �\ w�" ;��'<'�,y�'���. � . T . �- ..I � ...... � e� 1 ' , � � �,, ��w s ' : �•�. r�s • ,\ � .. `_ � �� .. .,�.�(� i�,\ �� w�� � " St�` ''y 'o � ��d� �.}f = _ d�: .. � '�.�• .. �,,� e �I t`� �, ����r a �f ��'-az ,�3\ '.� . ��y��e.., ; :��l �.���/ . �. +� \` ����.,�„'�3�-E°^— .� � "- F 4 NI ' � 4 �n•,;{ Y � � �y��.�, � � �'��� � ',�� ::.�..��r-,�,I °y` �: p.ii �g ���y � � � �s ������{�����=+A-.`� I 7 �� `e .� ���xc��3, �� a,�`-.���. ' '� .' � ..��'-�-,�,�,�?s��;..'�',"�'•'�.. � ' dk� =� ''C'� "��%;�i �.�r�a � 3�- �� ��. ,r �;��� _ ' a-,!--i � . . �', iu�1- ' �� - li-. I ;���� �'.��.�- �w. �� � � �r,mm>+ � o lA�' > ��: �@iii'!FiiNl' �1'nii8��� a=�'�•� '^' ,� ,��, yy - � ib` �.,�„�� `q='_"" --� a' .=;;i �� H!�� j �a�- � ` �t� o'� . � Xb : �. .�,� c , :�. ��W �- - ' �p ;�;%�a.; I` �m,. —r��,•'�— m ie; „q l�Ji � nr�n tC�..Y.'J �M IEYf ' l�ICLT O = j • �� sp OO zBIO ,�...«-�' N � O <,� 11% �,+.�__.^ y ` � 4F.SEdP (88%I C r�:�i, %�:;� : �z,,:. XX '!, x � 5 GnES SHOPPINC CENTEft �A�LY 1RAFFlC d�s'<� `.,�p CI7'I/ip F IXX 7.� %OF EASTERN PdtTON DNLY 1FAffIC Y...r^.�`�'b�_.� ' [ Y:�:_..':" \y Fiv itiesC nter ro oGrande CA � y��•,�;��� ,,n����_ �.ue�.,�•v. Fi ure 6B CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROJECT SITE PLAN !YC iOAiGIJ.O•9 W'�OS PYR35-Po �,• TABLE7 EXISTING PROJECT PLUS EXPANSION TRIP GENGRATION 1 c�.47 i'fPi(narT'e�7s'1�(y4��.fL��� b: � s"irkls'�, '< 4 4�'a xfhtg� i,� a ObserveATn ':Volumes -:-:� �s r:' ��`' � aFr � ,'>'' �p�gt � � w N Quant�� �`�`Dai) 'Weekdav PM Peak Aaur ��� LahdUSeDescnptfon�'f'� +� a ?� n'� � � �(� H'eekdayAMPealiHour.���.- � v.n{+*+ <.�.n�,-.,...>"��'���'�. ��'S�i?R'�Ji��(KSF��'�R"'"Tnpid:"iia�Total�'�li'�iInc�i�<s„'�+COut �i'tTofal , .t31n., � _ Out.'� Five Cities ShonP�ng Center(Ezis�in4 Total)� 2823 19,553 500 300 200 2 057 986 I 071 Walman anchored pomon 255 3 16 445 464 274 190 1 669 796 873 ' Tnder Joes anchored portion' 27 3 108 36 26 10 388 190 198 '��ti� a�3?"s � t t 3 i, `���;�" Ar,,fk'.$ �Y�`,�r�Y"Y,�sB� L"€�".N�'sS��i_wcTnPRfteS�'f�tC �.4.Y tr�i'.Si�'*' a tr;� �-F�� '�„ �''����',�.��`d '� fi�y�"`��`7,`,Da�yTr��.�WeekdaY:�AMPeak�Hour a�ha.WeekdavPMPiak�Rour ��1 , fl.and Use Category�-.��'wyS! r;tfiJliis��;,'�Umt..'Rate/Unit,.; Total!.rt�:ln /.�,rk�0at y. •f.Total 14 ti In°/.�:�.;�Out /-i Fivc Cities ShopPinG Center(observed)Z KSF 693 1.8 60% 40% 73 48% 52% ShoPpmg Center(SpNDAG) Dnveway= KSF 70 2 1 60/0 40% 7 0 50% 50°/ Shoppmg Center(SANDAG) Cumuladve� KSF 49 0 98 60°/a 40°/, 4 9 50°/, 50°/, s- x-.e�3 �d�y�.�7�. '� *t�'�ic�^ �'1Q � "t"r�*�,�y°`�#r'��6 �nL+r 'i�+;'.�y�`�5`a�-.Pn'o3eeted TnP�Rates �.."s#7�.,5h-�: �-t„-,� . �11�"� �p`�'i ;� � TAf b�t t r c r�Qm¢tlty'f� sity ;Wtekday''AMPeakHour ''eAdfWeekdawPM'P.eekHour�ii �� LadU�s�`e�ript�on �a e + � � " � nyi"s.r��YTom1+�:F,:�'x4ln,4he?i�':Outh'�'#:?aTotal.4+a *In�?��Oot't .�. +� .�,'�" ."'�(KSFI`�r.� p 4„ :•� Vacant Retail Svace(exisung,eazt) 4 55 315 8 5 3 33 I6 17 1° Pr�t Expansion Retail Space(Poture) 33.2 2,324 70 42 28 232 !16 116 .� Total New Project Traffic 2,639 78 47 3t 266 132 1J3 � To[al ro�ect rip meratlon( ull Oecupancy+Expansion) 22,192 S 347 231 2,323 1,118 1,204 ' 1.ThelisreAsquare foomge k minw the vacant 4.55 KSP�e�ail pod(ocated in ihe eaalem p ion of ihe thopping cenfer. � 2 Dnveway nipr arc fhe mmi number offrips mrcnng and uiiing thtProlaY,fita Thry inc dc paaa-by Mpa(Mps Qfverted from eristing area fm�t)and cumu/ative Mps(Mps baveling m the projttt site as a pnmary Inp purpos<). fie abserved fn mfa arc/or driveway Mps. ;� As shown in Table 7, the Five C' ' pt curre tly generates 19,553 daily fips, 500 AM peak hour trips (300 ' d, 200 outbound) and 2,057 P peak hour trips (986 inbound, 1,071 outbound). Based o the observed rates, the project expansio d occupancy of currently vacant retail , space are estimate generate an additional 2,639 daily trips, 578 AM peak hour trips(347 inbound, 231 outbound), and 2,323 PM peak hour h�ips (1,118 inbound, 1,204 outbound). With full occupancy and �� proposed site expansion,the Five Cities Shopping Center project site is estimate o generate 22,192 daily trips. The AM peak hour is estimated to generate 578 net trips (347 inbound, 231 tbound) and the PM � peak hour is estimated to generate 2,323 net trips(1,118 inbound, 1,204 outbound). i To further provide a context for the magnitudes of the observed trip volumes, Table 8 c"om��trip� � generation rate and volume estimates for the originally approved Grande Plaza shopping center contained in the supporting EIR (ATE, 1996) to the observed trip rates and volumes for the existing Five Cities , Shopping Center. �� �� TABLES SHOPPIIVG CENTER TRIP RATE AND VOLUME COMPARISON I ! � «o3��E �� � , ''4,ye, ,��qy �+r�}�,��41���.���;X.'AVerage�Da�l�'',��i B11-I'.'PealcHour;�r, I � ��Q�.� ���i�o-�`?� *'d 3w ro . ,i af Gii�,�' IMuK�,p�.�Y�l'1 .�'.:f �GD''fJ' .."n,,'� `4'9"' an se,r _ �, �:_� .S�ze nr �.,�xRafe� . iTrtps.� ��..�Rate�F�'�a;, rips�;� Onginally Approved Shopping Center Z ; (Grande Plaza) i 355 KSF 43.95 15,601 4.14 1,471 � Existing Five Cities Shopping Center' 2823 KSF 693 19,553 7.3 2,057 Trip Dijference 3,952 586 � /. Trip rates baaeAon ITE Trip Cencrarion Handbook (Sth Edition) � 1.Nef new squore joa(rtge(359,000 proposed minus 4,000 existing SinlerJ 3. Trip rntes Lnred on 14-hour observrttions I ,� i Five Cities Shopping Center Ezpansion City oJArroyo Grande (15-1275-08/R833TS002.do,., � � As shown in Table 8, the existing Five Cities Shopping Center exceeds the projected hip generation rates � and volumes for the originally approved Grande Plaza shopping center by nearly 4,000 trips on a daily basis and 600 trips during the PM peak hour period. � PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT The directional trip distribution and assignment of project-generated fips was estimated using the City of � Arroyo Grande traffic model (last updated August 2004) as the primary tool and supplemented by an understanding of existing and projected future haffic flows and travel pattems within the vicinity of the project site, area demographics, and geographical location of the project site. The Citywide traffic model � utilizes TransCAD (Caliper Corp.)transportation planning model software. The distribution of"proposed project only" trips is illustrated on Figure 7. Note that at the freeway ramps, the percent of traffic is presented in absolute percentages, i.e. the percent of traffic at the ramp is the absolute percent of tota] � project traffic and not the percent of traffic traveling both to and from US 101 NB or SB. Therefore, 9% of traffic is traveling from SB (6% at Brisco Road ramp, 3% at Mercado ramp) while another 9% of traffic ' traveling fo US 101 SB Halcyon Road p), for a to 0 of tr c � coming to/from US 101 SB. Similarly, the 12% of tra � ' oming to/from US 101 NB (1% at Camino Real ramp and 5% at Halcyon Road ramp from US 101 NB, 1% at Brisco Road ramp and 5 % a Camino Mercado ramp to US 101 NB). , ��'���� ,L�� M���� �E �LOT � ff�tvE sf3 bfp /h1�r. Figure 8 shows the "project only"traffic volumes at the study intersections. � GM''�d As illustrated on the Proposed Project Site Plan(Figure 6), the proposed 33,200 square feet of retail space � at the eastem end of the Five Cities Shopping Center site will be accessed by two existing driveways directly onto Rancho Parkway from the developmenYs parking lot. Included in the analysis is Intersection 10, the southem two-way-stop-controlled intersection shared with the adjacent portion of the Center on � the other side of Rancho Parkway. As a conservative estimate, 50 percent of the proposed project traffic is projected to access the shopping center expansion via the southern shopping center driveway on Rancho Pazkway. The northem driveway into the eastern portion of the Five Cities Shopping Center is � currently adjacent to vacant parcels and services low vehicles volumes. The northem driveway intersection is not projected to experience adverse delay under Two-Way-Stop-Control (TWSC)with the shopping center expansion. � � � � 'i i r � � � � Five Ciries Shapping Center Espansion 25 Ciry ojArroyo Grande (15-1175-08/R833TS00?.doc) � � � :-� � 1� �1► 1� � 1� � � '� '� �. i !� m/ . ,��� k�r � � Q�P 0 r o` •\ ,� Q7 cnMwo : 1: . wCRC�p ^ 0 w BQ�N� .`4; . 4 �` p� 0 R'� 5% 2 � � FlYE pTES SHOf+PING CENIER • � \� � � Ir0 � — ` PROJECT � Sr s'� O � o ': �` ppo v � s` ` i 3 ^�ti 5 � ARROYO ��. 6 P� � w�„E� 6@, � � GRAfVDE ' � S� NENPORT I �YINUE SiREET w a�"�� � ' BR^N ^ 0 � � 7 2j.' h' 1•1• E. °9 N BRIp1Tdi ��SNUE � `H�1 P��O � 8 Fl 1�ST. ,�� � ,\ 0 9�� 36% �'� C�bNO 9 2% 7- ro-`� I� Z o� Pf R9I`�,/ I < s � 4 ° . � T �� � 6 Y 1 � } eP�o ORiK BEHHETT 'F Q I GRnND u < AYENVE O `h' / �O� � ' I � Ga � � t oyp / P I j ! oP�c� • I �WW e y / `��P City of Arroyo Grande Fi ure 7 PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION � ' 61 ILOIap 13]00� 33-4]5-00 � e � OAX PARX BLVD./ 2 WEST BRANCH STR./ 3 WEST BRANCN STR./ q RANCXO PARKIYAY/ 0 WEST BRANCN STR. CAM1N0 M£RCADO-US 101 NB RANCHO PARXWAY CAdflNO �HERCADO � o o a L 2(17) �o o t-0(0) n n °� I +--0(0) I �a(18) n^ o�O J 1 4 �3(iz) J 1 � j—a(iz) � � �Z(o)e� � 1 , �o � r �` �5�2� � r �- �z5�9� �a�o� � r � o o v ����6~ o o n (0)0-� �S�Z-� _ ,� ooR ���� oom �,o � § WEST BRANCH STR./ 6 BR1SC0 RD./ ] EL CAMlNO REAL/ g EL CAMINO REAL/ BRfSCO RD. US 10J NB BRISCO RD. XALCYON RD-US 101 SB � rv r � �� �it(J2) '_^ 00 '�-O(0) . s-7(79) �6�16� �n_ F 0�0) u�o o �p�p� i—°�°> J 1 ,�«a) J 1 �. ,��(o) �11 �. �'°(�) (is)<� � � � I (a)o--} I I � (za�s--� � � � � (56)13 �' o ou � ��~ oao �0)0~ eoo � N � q O O a ����� O N O ����4� � O O Y1 � � 1 v �� g WEST BRANCX STR./ �� RANCHO PARXMAY/ �� W BRANCH/ 12 W BRANCN/ . GRAND AVE. DR7VEWAY DR/VEWAY WEST DRIVEWAY EAST n N � oo_ Ls(t7> o^�^ L3(��) oo ^oo^ J0 oXI �p�o� � 1 � �Z(e� � �I Lo(o) °°I Lo(o) 1 L �o(o) ,z(sz> � 4 .—��ao) J 4 �—�(30, � co�o—a 1 r (� co>o '11 f co,o� co�o� � (0)0� (8)J y (25)9� (25)9-► ����� o 0 0 (�)�� o^'m vv ""NN � v LEGEND. Q/ W�Y �! �VlS `�, J �,p7q0 %%X - AM PEAK HOUR ffi a u�cs :° g �� INTERSECTION VOLUMES # � (xxx)- PM PEAK HOUR 'r � 3 - INTERSECTION VOLUMES y ; o � c�u� �+ M . MlFC�pC 4 OM� i � �; qy,Na 2. .•/IK 011[S � �..�����ha�. PROJECT "���� '+ef�: ° L � 70�.�.� e� , " F�x� i z � 4 LI 3:.. :; a ARROYO y �,w �'� �..�..� ,.� w���� '��� +�a+ttw y GRANDE ` e" � '. $1PCCI . d. , Y � LWOA A� BNIbIICN � � „ ag .�KNVC P�� ' < 8 141h0 ' � �,�9 y � 3 9r � !, }�9� 4 • PV � � G aF`F� DnirE ewwtn � '� 9� `� a a , I GI�MD � A\fxUC Q ��YP 101 � f � ,+A �s ; � ° �� g" / f�9 , d� . . _ oaosa w•r `y�� � I v smccr � r ' / ; City of Arroyo Grande Figure 8 � "PROJECT ONLY" TRAFFIC VOLUMES � � � n. raunm.e.a(�xxaa�)zs-ins-oe � � OAX PARX BLVD./ 2 WEST BRANCH STR./ 3 1IEST BRANCH STR./ 4 RANCHO PARKWAY/ WEST BRANCH STR. CAMINO ,NERCADO-US 101 NB RANCXO PARKWAY CAMINO MERCADO �n n.-. , � ID N � � N p�1 r ^N H a rv L198(294) �n� '�4(12) � .^., m� � � `�I mI �--18(}8) �I ~I �--770(327) a � �44(463) � 1 � y y �118()79) � y l� � 56(2}e) � � �253(297) � } f� (48)29� � } /� (19)14� F j �' � � (496)148� � � (�s)2a--1' � � lV lV �-�� 3 0 H� �Z60�7��� �29)29� 1 O Nn�O � .. �.� � N � Q^ N�� W r7 � a ��� � �. �, rj WEST BRANCN STR./ 6 BRlSCO RD./ 7 EL CAMINO REAL/ $ EL CAMINO R£AL/ BR/SCO RD. US 101 NB BRISCO RD. HALCYON RD-US 701 SB i� q N m v I b m � N h � n� ��� L 4so�sio� �.a° L e��s) .— eo(�si) ^ � L 78(722). � �m �--ea(ei) + �° �--54(29) � ea(ea� � 1 � is���z) � 1 � �35�65) � 1 4 i—3(zi� (i3»ei—• � � � T (3a)iz� � T � (z3s)isi� � T � (515)118—� (189)140—� (24)41--� ' n � m n (B4)7fi—� -� n� (�51)165 + �o �� �. �n �•-• e^n �' ��n r � N � . V� �.m� � � �j 9 W£ST BRANCX STR./ �p RANCHO PARXMAY/ �� N BRANCH/ 12 W BRANCH/ GRAND AYE. OR/VEWAY DRIVEIYAY WEST DRIV£WAY EAST m= Y..,h '� n ^ ^ — om c~i o n L50(125) n m`�' �4(75) H� ..Y �--7J0(941) � o m t-3(15) L 20(132) ��I L 67(BB) � .1 1 �. ,�9ce, ,� 1 �. r—:x,z5� .1 �. �213(3J1) � y �—201(350) (705)30—� � � f� (57)72� � '� � (700)35� (64)22� (767)355—► � (51)a—i (251)105--► (296)99—r I (0)5—�, �o P (141)60---y n m� nn� N �pN 4/ w�v Q�� 4 4 F S ��� J Cy��q��. LEGEND: xx% — AM PEAK HOUR ° INTERSECTION VOLUMES �•�ES � �' , I (xxx)— PM PEAK HOUR ° w'' � 3 , INTERSECTION VOWMES� ; o c.u�y � 7 M . yEq�,� 4 ..R. °$ � P" � B4�Np� Z: iM PTO '.. 9KVFMG UNl[R � �I.SM� A ' r � PROJECT L �Fl � ��p:--� �o s�F� r 2 i �I 3� 6 � ARROYO w '` �,,,,, ,,,' � wcwwr �.ix�c uoxnco M GRANDE s e°"� o- ` ,ye l TIN[Ef ` , BMdTp1 � I g 1KMI[ " 1W�1 PO�O 7 < ' s � 8 , HO pi^ 0 , `f� �� 5 OP`�o ORIK B[NM[�i � ,� ��?k .6�P+ , � G�WD �NxU[ � � 1 � �� IOt � �' � I �A �S ' I � o W / y �.� ¢ '� f �. � � qooDSCx w�r �� I �w SMCEi S 4. f4 I � City of Arroyo Grande Figure 9 SHORT-TERM PLUS PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES � � r�.: rev.cos.a.a(�naaq xa-urroe i � � OAK PARX BLVD./ 2 W£ST BRANCH STR./ 3 M"EST BRANCH STR./ q RANCNO PARXiYqY/ WEST BRANCN STR. CAMINO MERCADO-US I01 NB RANCHO PARXiYAY CAM/NO MERCADO n m�e o�-H ��N � HV N n mP m o= L199(308) a n� �77(40) q + n a " ' � � I �--10(JO) � j � �-187(325) °a � Li65(395) � 1 l� j-144(44}) �-61(255) � � F.}OS(370) � } /� 104 66-� (50)19--1' � r ( ) (32)49-} �' I � (465)149--� � � � (75)42 e n� (J8) 6-y q n c' (340)95-► � N � N^� � ONi m p Y �N b N vv"' v vv $ WEST BRANCH STR./ 6 BRISCO RD./ 7 EL CAMINO REAL/ g EL CAM/NO R£AL/ " BRISCO RD. US f0/ NB BR1SC0 RD. XALCYON RD-US !Ol SO � oo n H� � �.^. m nn g� ��;, 'L�sa(ao) ;� := L�a(as) �715(235) � � �--106(140) � �I �I �--97(96) � � � �55(25) i---135(105) � 1 �-156(107) � + 4 j--S4(69) 4(12) (1B5)108� � /� � } (60)16---} � ? (� (259)159� � } � (530)150� � I ��9a�iss--. � � �ze)as—+ ' , , n m N � (110)60--y �n�+, (JSfi)175� ��N Y �° �m� �e� Y n � v v �� v v �- � g WEST BRANCN STR./ �� RANCHO PARKiYAY/ �� 1� BRANCH/ 12 fY BRANCH/ ' GRAND AV£. DRlYEk'AY DR/VEWAY WEST DRfVEWAY EAST m.-.n vH u � od ��o �75(157) a�'� �2 (5) io n � . .� n o in �_786(7012) � � � �-2 (B) � ^I L25(137) �n L72(137) � 1 � j-0 (0) � 1 � �14(80) � l� F236(J50) J � f-224(350) � � T I � (so)�4 � I � (ias)�o� ���)n—! (840)397—� � ^� (43)2—� � m o (360)126—� (]66)120--� (0) 0 .�. (1/5)5} n n w � �O T � N N h '� v v O G N . �Q/ vl�� �3� 'Yy(t `�/ J �,pR qG x%x — AM PEAK HOUR ° IN7ERSECiION VOLUMES � �FS � � '��i (xxx)— PM PEAK HOUR �' � INTERSECTION VOLUMES#¢ � :� o � c.upp " w . �tqc.'�O 4 � � b ma�y� 2 Q ' � ����'�R .f PROJECT � ���• p �o �F�' 10 .1�� L � , S�� z � �I � : s ARROYO . s s°" `'` �„^•:—s .n` wcxvavr ��{N�E YpM1�6O w GRANDE a° SiRCE � , s�A � 4Np� , � BRIMTd! � N S ANMIE P�lO 'I l 8 51. , `Bf �� 9 q^ � ' , (r� - °� T ek`f� ovn[ etxx[n � '� 94'C d.i.pP °o .. LR1M AKUVE W 3 CAt� 101 � I I AP �S � , r 1 0 , �� J $ / �� v:� . _ �000sox w�r V�y � I 9 �� smc[. �, / � ; City of Arroyo Grande Figure 10 � � 2025 CUMULATIVE TRAFFIC VOLUMES � � � n.. ra�s�c�o.a.y puooq as-i:m-oe ; ` CUMULATIVE BASE NO PROJECT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS Intersections Cumulative Base No Project peak hour intersection traffic operations were quantified utilizing the Cumulative Base No Project peak hour intersection traffic volumes, shown on Figure 10, and existing network lane geometrics and control, with the exception of Intersection 2. Table 10 contains a summary of the resulting intersection LOS conditions. TABLE 10 ' CUMULATIVE BASE NO PROJECT CONDITIONS: INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE � p�����' ��c ' � �y. "i g ��:11Yi`2aa��7P^'.6r��'�''AMPeakAouF��.-'�yrR '"f+n xT,iPM PeakAour Y �'�a � 'S�' >a:�.,-�rt,€'x. .�� :;��' ,� +�r, '"-��+` t �Co�°liy�.°&���k,�4`�1'. F m��,Wartinty'`.�� i*�� �x,��„y,�,rry�iWartant3 i A�:Interam m�8: ,aa.' ' t.te�t9;6rrF_ A.,� r.•4�F�-�i'Typt��s:?rDelaY`+FYayiLOS}.:r:��Met°is'�,v,pday9.trt.LOS1�£:�;,�`}Net'.�� t OakParkBlvd/WestBanchSt Signal I6.8 B - 33.2 C - � 2 West Bnnch St/Camino Meisado-US 101 NB Signal 11.5 B _ 41.1 p - 3 West Bnnch St/Rancho Parkway Signal 8.7 A 16.6 B 4 RanchoParkvny/CaminoMercado 1'WSC 9.9 A No 10.7 B No 5 Wot Branch Sl/BrBto Rd Signal 251 C - JS.: D - 6 Briuo Rd/US 101 Northbound Signal 21.5 C - 31.5 C - , 7 EI Camino Real/Briuo Rd Sigial 28.0 C - 43.4 D - S EI Camino Real/Hakyon Rd-US]O]SB Signal 56.J E - 59.8 E - �� 9 Wnt HrancA St/Crand Ave TWSC 29.8 D No 675.B F Yn 10 Rancho Parkway l driveway 71VSC I1.4 B No 48.0 E No I 1 Wat Brznch St/driveway wxst Signal I 1.0 B - 17.0 B - 12 West Brench SI/driveway eazt TWSC I 1.0 H No 16.1 C No v Note: LOS-MinorS�rre�ApproachLe�elofServicefor7wo-WaySmp-ConrroAedinfersecfions LOS-Overall Avernge Inlersection Leve!of Service for SignalizeAand All-Way Stop-Confro7leAintersec(ions Defay-Minor Sfreet Approach Delny jor livo-Way Smp-Controlled in7ersections Delay-Ovemll Average lntenection Delny jor Signo(ized and Alf-Wny S1op-Con�ro(IeA inlersecrions TWSC-Two-WayStop-Canlro!ledlntersection AWSC-A(lWoySfop-Controlledinlersec(ion Wnrrnnt-MUTCD Peak Hour Volume WarranF3(Urban A�eas) As indicated in Table 10, the West Branch SheetBrisco Road intersection, the El Camino Real intersection at Halcyon RoacWS 101 Southbound ramps, the West Branch StreeUGrand Avenue ; intersection, and the Rancho Parkway/driveway intersec6on are projected to operate at an unacceptable '� LOS during at least one peak hour under Cumulative Base conditions. The West Branch StreedGrand Avenue intersection also satisfies MUTCD Peak Hour signal warrants during the PM peak hour, indicating that the peak hour volume at the intersection approaches will be large enough to warrant installation of a traffic signal. The remaining study intersections are projected to operate at an acceptable LOS.All circulation improvements are discussed in a subsequent section of this report. � 1!� � i � � �� �i � Five Cilies Shopping Cen(er Expansion 31 City ofArroyo Grande (1S-/175-08/R8337SOOZ.doc) �� � OAK PARX BLVD./ 2 WEST BRANCH STR./ 3 WEST B/L1NCH STR./ q RANG10 PARXIYAY/ WEST BRANCN STR. CAMINO MERCADO-US 101 NB RANCNO PARXWAY CAMINO M£RCADO , mnn ��� m m n <vn � rvi rv r mH '� om� L2oi(3is) ��x L- i�(ao) ;.,e n rv m �30(70) a � � 791(141) Y 'O n °m , .J 1 �. �,<�c<55, J 1 �. ,�— 64(267) L,93�4�3, ,� 1 � � .-sosca�o� F1 (109)68� (�5)29�, (32)49�' � � � 1 � � (482)155—� � � � (80)44 � e n o (38) 6-� w n v� (340)95—f � n a N �N � �L N P W N a N N I� � • vvv � 5 WEST BRANCH STR./ ('j BRISCO RD./ � EL CAMlNO REAL/ g EL CAM1N0 REAL/ � BRISCO RD. US ]OI NB BRISCO RD. XALCYDN RD-US !Ol SB n r� n � I N b � N Y N b� I �N ��N Laes(aaz) m r N L�a(asl F-122(256) t-112(156) I I �—97(96) < n� �55(25) �735(105) � 1 �156(107) � + 4 �3s(69) � 1 � �1(32) (204)112—i � /� �1 } (60)16---} � I � (203)165-� � r r �j (Sefi)163—y � � I (194)155—► ^ n p (26)45� N n_ �{ n m �O � (110)40--y m a (J73)779� m m.. n o � n io`^.r+ ��n p °_ � °' .m. ,°�.°. m.�•.. � " .�..'�.. .�. � � y WEST BRANCX STR./ �p RANGNO PARXiYAY/ �� W BRANCH/ 12 W BRANCH/ CRAND AVE. DRIVEWAY � DRIVEWAY WEST DRlVEWAY EAST �n= P �P h h � � � O p �� nOY LBI�I�IO� airvG t-5 (16) N ^ N , � 1 � .-�as(ioiz) ^' � .-a (isl I L 25(137) "'"' L�z(i3i) �-o �°� � j � �76�132) � y .-2a3�3ao� � � �—731(380) I �iai�a�� � T � (so)ia� I T � (�os)ao� (�a�z�� (B40)397--� (51)5� (385)1J5--► (791)729� (0) 0 00 'm (145)53 m m� - � r O� � � 0��p ' I� vvv I ��� �/ w'r ��. '�rer ��.� 'i S'/(�9R q0 xxx - AM PEAK HOUR ° � INTERSECTION VOLUMES �WES � �O � � I �' (xxx)- PM PEAK HOUR 4" y �3 INTERSECTION VOLUMES� M c�wxo �q � a � , $J � c I' �µOj 2- mcancs n I � - SHfPVING CM1CR .F MU��� �; PROJECTo � � r �� 10 � abY : • �ix � .. z p L � 3- . g ARROYO s, �,d z` �,,,,.. '�io � .nww, d I �K..ut °w+,cco w GRANDE • d �� �.��I I . N SIPLCi �} , • r IWD� � amc�ra � S .�cwt ao�'O 7 < 8 Yw � � `r°r 3 9 � � r � �� �� d �*`'�� oxi�E acxxcir � �h,,F �y,o^ Ita�nll �KUU[� o' ��MD 101 � C- . � �r o�s i, � �j � � / a ; `� � � _ �000sov w.. 4, I� � w s*•cti �, � � ICity of Arroyo Grande Figure 11 �I� 2025 CUMULATIVE PLUS PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES� En. raancii.a.a(�uoal ss-�ns-oe — RECOMMENDED CIRCULAT[ON IMPROVEMENTS This section presents recommended base improvements as well as project-related mitigation measures at „. the study intersections based on the findings from the analyses presented in the prior sections of this report. A summary "Mitigation Matrix" of intersection LOS under all analysis scenarios (without and with improvements)is attached as Appendix Table 1. ~ Existing Conditions � The following improvements are recommended under Existing Conditions: �° 2. West Branch Street / Camino Mercado/US 101 Northbound Rarnps Interchange — This intersection cw-rently operates at LOS "E" during the PM peak hour period under existing peak ;" hour conditions with existing lane geometrics and control. The required circulation improvement ! suggested is consistent with the curient City of A:royo Grande Capital Improvement Program � (FY 2003-2008), which recommends haffic signal installation at the intersection. With this �"� improvement, acceptable LOS "C" or better is projected for AM and PM peak hour periods under � existing traffic volume conditions. Understanding the potential difference in weekend conditions, this mitigation wil]be adequate to achieve acceptable LOS on weekends as well. G� 9. West Branch Street /East Grand Avenue Intersection - This intersection currently operates at LOS "F" during the PM peak hour period under existing peak hour conditions with existing lane geomeh-ics and conh�ol. The proximity of this intersection to both the US 101 northbound ramp intersection to the wes4 and the TraFfic Way intersection to the east along Grand Avenue makes signalization of this intersection problematic. The City has expressed its desire to retain the unique character of the downtown area, which would be adversely affected by intersection signalization and/or widening. Traffic signal installation and coordination at the intersection could achieve acceptable LOS "B" or better conditions for the AM and PM peak hours under Existing Conditions. However, a detailed traffic analysis for actual implementation is needed, given the close intersection spacing along Grand Avenue,to determine the appropriate mitigation � solution. The LOS at this intersection is dictated most significantly by home-to-work commuters and therefore does not experience significant effects from weekend Five Cities Shopping Center , hip generation. Understanding the potential difference in weekend conditions, although this !� proposed mitigation will be adequate, further study is still suggested to identify the most appropriate mitigation. 10. Rancho Parkwav / ShoppinQ Center drivewav- This two-way stop controlled intersection currently operates at LOS "D" during the PM peak hour period under existing peak hour conditions with existing lane geometrics and control. The traffic volumes at the intersection do not satisfy MUTCD Peak Hour signal warrants. Two chief factors were considered when determining the optima] mitigation measure at this intersection. First, the intersection is ]ocated approximately 300 feet north of the Rancho Parkway/ W. Branch Street signalized intersection. This close proximity limits the vehicle storage of queued vehicles at either intersection. Second, � the Rancho Parkway / Shopping Center driveway intersection is located at the crest of a steep vertical curve. The vertical curve affects the speed o£vehicles ascending and descending the hill, � the sight lines of ascending vehicles, and the safety of stopped and queued vehicles. Several altematives were considered for intersection mitigation. ConveRing the Rancho Parkway � / Shopping Center Driveway intersection to All-Way-Stop-Control (AWSC) was considered but discounted because of the close proximity(300 feet) beriveen the proposed AWSC and signalized intersections. The traffic flow pattems of AWSC intersections aze such that large gaps between Five Cities Shopping Center Espansion � js City ojArroyo Grande (15-1275-08/R833TS002.dac) � � vehicles are present as vehicles navigate through the intersection and reach the destination zoadway segment. Such gaps would then interfere with signalized intersection operations, which � require steady vehicle flow for maximum efficiency. Decreased safety for queued vehicles at the northbound Rancho Parkway approach along the steep incline was a secondary reason for ' discounting AWSC at the intersection. � The use of a roundabout was discounted due to the limited sight lines at the intersection's location at the crest of a vertical curve. Roundabout operations are such that approaching vehicles yield to � vehicles already within the roundabout. However, the limited sight lines at the intersection will likely interfere with the approaching vehicle driver's abiliry to recognize and yield to such vehicles within the roundabout. The considerable grade along the noRhbound segment also increases the like]ihood for rapid vehicle acceleration up the hill, thereby interfering with safe roundabout operations. Several intersection channelization configurations were analyzed. Based on City staff input, the preferred intersection mitigation is installing raised medians in the Rancho Parkway Shopping Center Driveway such that left tums and through movements are prohibited from the east- and west-bound driveway approaches. All traffic from the driveway approaches wishing to make a � left-turn or through movement would need to tum right and make a U-turn at the next available intersection. The median will allow vehicles approaching from the north- and south-bound � Rancho Parkway approaches to continue maldng left-turns into the either shopping center area (e.g. Walmart- and Trader Joe's-anchored). By installing the raised median'and widening the eastbound driveway approach, the following intersection configuration is formed: • NoRhbound Rancho Parkway - one left-turn lane, one combination through-right tum lane. • Southbound Rancho Parkway - one left-turn lane, one exclusive through lane, one combination through-right tum lane. • Eastbound Driveway-one right-tu;n lane. • Westbound Driveway-one right tum lane. Figure 13 shows the recommended intersection]ayout. With this configuration, this intersection would operate under LOS "B"under Existing Conditions. The northem driveway into the Trader - Joe's-anchored section of the shopping center would continue to operate as a standard TWSC "T'-intersecrion and is projected to maintain an accepta le LOS due to existing low traffic volumes. ? ��J� R��T � ,8� REA.zsrRr.B� �kco�Dl��Y? This mitigation is sufficient to address the increase in shopping center traffic on a weekend day as - well. Short Term and Short Term Plus Project Conditions The Short Term scenario refers to the incremental tra�c impacts attributable to near term projects within the study area circulation system under existing conditions. With the mitigations recommended under Existing Conditions, all project intersections under Short Term No Projec! and Short Term Plus Project Conditions operate at an acceptable LOS, and no additional mitigations to improve intersection traffic operations are recommended. � Five Ci�ies Shopping Cenler Expansion 36 City ojAno}ro Grande (25-1275-08/R833TSODI.doc) (' 2 WEST BRANCH STR./ g WEST BRANCH STR./ �� RqNCHO PARXWAY/ CAMlNO MERCADO—US 101 NB CRAND AVE. DR/VEWAY i � � ��� . ��� �� � 7l�' � �r� �D 7 � r: a o . . . . �; � r �4,. . . / / J M�V �'� �I�FS � ��AR qU J41E5 Q CY �>� 4�Y ap � � `� t �� ' , j ! '....wtxc�� 4 0�' $ BN4V 2 '.::. iM Ol¢S ��c�� ; pP�ROJECT o .. ""��� � L �'fr :.� � �b1 � ' • x'i s / ' g �'I 3 .��:: g ARROYO d� '� w.., f ,,•r �c,��t ^ ��w� uourzcro GRANDE ` � S e"'� S�F(CI M t y� �' 3� d . aacx�on u � � ��[iu[ � �wo• �Y 7 t i '4 2 � 8 � ���� � GP1MJ � 1KxV[� �� ORM BENNER ' '� �4� `�O,p� ' 90 4 (pMP 101 I � � �. 3 �s , � o yW G N / �~ � w OOpSpI W�Y �/� �. I SiNCEI j �~ ASN Su / � City of Arroyo Grande Fi ure 12 i 9 i- RECOMMENDED MITIGATIONS � � n. rnurc�va�a(�uao�l:�-insoe � �a � F d• i � r�C �x i Isn�iaf�: - F 1 k� �) 5`:� W: .! �'Sr. �f:.��.... �: t: � �Ya�.. �4 r��r t " t� � '.t �lt _ � � �. . .jp 4� . . r:d�vx .�li � �y � �?. hl � ��T � ����, � yr � , v J t, '" � ,a r��' � ,�, <i�� s � � . gk_ � �t�rF'�fi_'� r 'a� .9 !y i . t �h.s � �r 'i "I � C� i ;'� �'�� � P ,,��,r � �Y�i` �� � � �i�'v'.�-t. , ,r'�d. �, ' .. � � ifll I�} i ��i�., � 4,��' �� . � s+`JS�$`T i t � z: Ji , i� �, � E "'1 � �i<'.� ,n �'! f���:. 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L S� ��a� j.. � �i ��44 _ �y :: . ,d��"� �,�"r.z'�.,..'+'`�'__i y�:.',. i:_.-+,�"t.`£', „ws��.;-. �.�ta�A:.�,M'T��„Pw�`'scU--.,����r,��'"i.���� �.:�..'`'���5� � � � � ' • .. . .;:,5..,�;�".:i.,.. � � � � � 1 � il ' Cumulative Base and Cumulative Base Plus Project Conditions � Cumulative Base conditions establishes a baseline cumulative condition scenario in which the ro osed I p p Five Cities Shopping Center expansion site is assumed to remain undeveloped (i.e. a "vacanY' project site) through year 2025, and year 2025 model land uses are assumed elsewhere based on a full build-out I of vacant lands per the City of Arroyo Grande General Plan. The long-term future year traffic forecasts fo� this study have been developed using the City of Arroyo Grande traffic model. Consistent with the City of Arroyo Grande's future haffic model, Year 2025 has been used as the "cumulative year" of � analysis. 2. West Branch Street / Camino Mercado/US 10/ Norlhbound Ramps Interchanee — This ( intersection is projected to operate at LOS "D" during the Cumulative Base No Project and Plus Project Conditions with intersection signalization recommended under the current City of Arroyo Grande Capital Improvement Program (FY'2003-2008). Widening the southbound approach to I allow for one right-turn lane and one ]eft-through lane is projected to allevaiate delay to acceptable"cusp of LOS `C/D"'. � Intersections 5, 6, 7 and 8 under Curnulative Base and Cumulative Base Plus Project conditions, all within or directly adjacent to the US 101 ramp intersections, are projected to operate at unacceptable LOS during the PM peak hour period with existing ]ane geometrics and control. Note that due to the close proximity of the Brisco Road/El Camino Real, Brisco Road/[IS 101 NB ramps, and Brisco Road/West � Branch Street intersections, the traffic signals must be coordinated to allow for proper traffic flow a]ong Brisco Road beneath the underpass. Therefore, "unacceptable" delay at the E] Camino ReaUBrisco Road intersection essentially imposes the same "unac,ceptable" delay on the Brisco Road/[JS 101 interchange, � etc. Required circulation improvements recommended to achieve acceptable LOS at these intersections are consistent with the approved Project Study Report(PSR) for interchange improvements on US 101 at Brisco Road/Halcyon Road(Dokken Engineering, September 2001). � The original traffic study performed for the then-proposed Grande Plaza shopping center (ATE, 1996) stated that intersection deficiencies could be effectively mitigated on a short-term basis with the � consh-uction of the shopping center. However, alleviating unacceptable delay on a long-term basis was projected to be reliant on the reconstruction of the US 101 interchange at Brisco Road. Because intersections adjacent to the interchange are already exceeding Calfrans-accepted"cusp of LOS `C/D"', it � is imperative that the improvements be performed. While the proposed Five Cities Shopping Center expansion will contribute to further deficiencies at US 101 interchange intersections, it is expected that such deficiencies will be resolved as long as the City is active in moving forward with the near-term ' modification of the US 101/Halcyon Road/Brisco Road interchange. � The remaining study intersection are projected to operate at acceptable LOS during the AM and PM peak hour periods under Cumulative Base and Cumulative Base Plus Project conditions with the mitigations � recommended under Existing Conditions(Figure 12). ! i Five Cities Shopping Center Expansion-Wells Fargo Bank � The proposed Five Cities Shopping Center Expansion was analyzed in a single phase with both the projected occupancy of the currently vacant 4.55 KSF retail space and the construction of Pad I. The M occupancy of the vacant retail space, proposed for a Wells Fargo Bank, is projected to result in 315 new daily, 8 AM new peak hour, and 33 PM new peak hour trips. T'he increase in h-ips resulting from the bank was considered in the TIS; the actual patronage of the bank would likely be higher when considering � pah�onage by shopping center customers that already travel to the project site to fulfill other shopping ��I Five Cities Shopping Cenfer Ezpansion 40 City ojArro}ro Grande (15-1175-08/R8337S002.docJ p r : � needs. The following section describes the projected impact on peak hour intersection operations i resulting from the bank. � Short Term Conditions —The West Branch StreeUCamino Mercado/CTS 101 NB ramp, West Branch S?reet/Grand Avenue, and Rancho Parkway/driveway intersections are projected to operate at an I unacceptable LOS during at least one peak hour period under Existing and Short Term No Project Conditions. The improvements ]isted for Existing Conditions are expected to reduce delay such that an acceptable LOS is achieved. Intersections projected to operate under acceptable LOS are projected � to continue doing so with the addition of the proposed project. If Pad I is not developed and the existing vacant retail space is occupied by a bank tenant, the I additional 8 AM and 33 PM peak hour trips are not projected to noticeably increase delay and congestion at the deficient intersections beyond their current levels. However, since deficient conditions at study intersections are projected without the addition of project traffic, the mitigation � measures are recommended regardless of whether the retail space is occupied and the Pad I expansion is implemented. � Cumulative Conditions — The West Branch StreetBrisco Road, El Camino Real/I-Ialcyon Road/LTS 101 NB ramp, West Branch Sh-eeUGrand Avenue, and Rancho Parkway/driveway intersections are projected to operate at an unacceptable LOS during at ]east one peak hour period under Cumulative No Project Conditions. The El Camino ReallBrisco Road intersection is projected to operate at � unacceptable LOS with the addition of project traffic during the PM peak hour. The improvements listed for Existing Conditions and the expected US 101 Interchange PSR are expected to reduce delay such that an acceptable LOS is achieved. If Pad I is not developed and the existing vacant retail space � is occupied by a bank tenant, the additional 8 AM and 33 PM peak hour h-ips are not projected to noriceably increase delay at the intersections projected as deficient under Cumulative No Project Conditions. The El Camino ReaUBrisco Road intersection is not projected to require mitigation under ' Cumulative Conditions with the addition of the bank h�affic alone. i � � P '� � a ;� � �� Five Cities Shopping Cenrer Expansion . 41 City ojArro}ro Crande (25-/275-08/R833TS001.docJ _ __ _-� . �.. i `�' � � � APPENDIX � INTERSECTION LEVEL-OF-SERVICE SUMMARY ("MITIGATION MATRIX") � LEVEL OF SERVICE AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS WORKSHEETS � � i � f ,� �,� `� � � � `� � r.pY. i � pPPENDIX TABLE 1 `' FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY � SUMMARY OF INTERSECTION OPERATIONS "s`, a� � t `5� � - �'i 0 0 ' 'a 'z � _ :.'�^f.�,, � : c c E � _ '= J c - _ E ° }u' 3 V� � u x o � ? o` � o r bIITIGATION MATRIX = �' � - 3 � � p � ° - 3 - �� m � � , _ r r F o ` ° ` 'z ° ` _ .°, r `- `�t o` � m 3 m n° �E � � m � ; s` - € c � � x �e `� � .n n C V U ' ' • ,y � o' m 3E 3 a 'z' � 3 o` z m w 'z 32 e �� 3 s 3 = �Y� � ' AM1IPEAKIIOUR �.ns n.i,r �ns n.�,p �.os o.n:�. �q5 o�i,> ios �xi,� �ns nem> �.os n.my i.o.v o,�e,> �.os nn�y i.ns o.m� �.as un„ u,. i,,,, "}. � ♦ Etitfin tl IflA N IO.M1 A G9 A IA tl Ifi.$ N �).l C E0.1 11 .IAR C 19] fl IM1X N p�i p F✓ininR(wi�h Miiigmion) �j � � ShorlTlrmNnPiol[[I tl Ifl.l N 10] A 6.9 A IJ N IJ.6 b 16.fi C SO.R U �M1.S C 3l.6 tl 11.1 I� Ini M1 ':�:� SFnn Lrm Na Pmjm fwiih Mi�i6a�ion) SLnr(TnrnPlntPrnitl b Ifl.l tl 10.8 A 9.E A I1 C 30.6 N IX.6 l Ed.J D �5.9 U :�.E II IL! 11 10! O ,�;'::Y ISAon7e.mp/uiVrojrre(wnM1Mnigmion) � •in '•` �;;;, OnmAn/irtNoVrnrcf P 19.0 X ILS A PJ .1 9.9 C 35.E C 21d C 39.0 F. fM1d II 3Y.M �1 II.J N Iln 1� 1�• ��T� � CumiAnmrNoPmJroi(wiihl.ti�igmion) � u iai ��-� Gnm�InlnePh.iPm«f b 1l.9 N 11.] N 10.5 A �0.0 C 30A C EO] C i6.J E !<1 � )1< X IIA II Inx n� 111 Curn�dmirePluePml�n(wiihMniBmionl u in.; ..�'.��...����' I �� P�IYFAKHOUR LOS Rlay 1.05 Ilelvy IAS Delay LOS Uelay LO$ pday IOS Ihlay 1.05 Delay LOS Delm LOS Uelay 1.05 Uelav LOC 141n IU� I�b� Exu�in C 3!A i, i3.0 N �0.5 A 0.6 C 3R.0 C E].3 C 3fl] D Add 1 W.9 p N.I M IX.� �� ��� "'�r �n? I� in„ T- .'.. { r~r . L�inmefxiihMiiigmonl �' _ ' u .. ! $ForlTomhoPrn�[R C 1.5 F. A.� X I55 A O.fi C EBb C EYq C J1.9 � �SR F IM1>.1 8 !M1X 11 IxJ M1 IU 11�L S ShanTermNoP jrce(wiiM1Nnipmion) }.x ' n i�n u � .��r�. ShwlTnmPGrsPiOTR C ER.1 i !p.0 P 1]p p 0] C Ad C 36.9 O J�A U <ES F J3XA F XIV 0 IXn M1 ��� YY�� ShanTr.mPlusProjra(wiihMtigation) ��x � u cn u �i+ ;i�y� � l. CumnlnrneNnPr�rrr C D.i � 11.1 B 16.6 N 10.1 1� ).(} C JIS II iJd h: !VII ! M5.I1 F. �xJ II ILII I�1 V��' . 'n CumnlnrrvrNnYro/rrt(wuhNnigmian) u �p.0 � �� i�.i �� �'u�'i tP.rv;� CumufnmrfLi�F l�rt C W.b D iE.B C EI.O N �I.O D U.0 n ?se F. SfiJ F. N� F x�E1 f Lna M lei ��• "' �'�y,y`Lp' . # r.f�iy'"W. Cumuf PI P � e 1 '�M1 Fhugaiion) u �+x ' � u ie.i u n- '1�.x�tY� ' OVF-O q C d"' LOS GrcInJSrnae / iA�„R y��` Nnrr:)h p plenaWmrtfu.O��im�rs�ntwiislOSCuAf S �'omrr��rrutplLOSUR 1'ts�?,T. •PrpurJd 'tlopvnim0�^�rmenurrcummrnded�audmvne�rpmM1llOS M1irivennionaremminrnex�M1 �IrnpprurrAPij�nSiuiAF�MrrtlGSRi�nr �� :f��,�� �mnrAanFr i��pmrcm m�an(/510I oi Bnxn R��aANalonn Rm�AIO�lkm Enp�nrcnnFl r ihr Gn�.JAOmo Gnm(e Srf�nnbn}ppp �F k., i � {P}y�' 'C SiL�}�4� �� fi J���1 ,�Sa*'F�.�"�+.a ��. OMNI-MEANS ltd. " 1/31IZOOS 25-72]S-OB . H"'3Y•r�N .'.r fF f 1,�` .. .+.a .. .. �.KI. 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Orosz Engineering Group Inc OEG Reference 30406 May 17, 2007 '' � ��; �L'._--:. �. � _� %=° Fve Cities Center �" " '�� ` " c/o Ms. Carol Florence, Agent '��!( U �<-� Oasis Associates Cii;- .. ��C�J 3427 Miguelito Court CC-,�,;r�� �-; ; . San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 "`��%;;^ � '• . �Y� '`�,_ '::_•cs';,.., �(L;,, '�_:` Subject: Pad I Traffic and Parking Summary— Fve Cities Center ' �;;�,,�j Dear Ms. Florence: Orosz Engineering Group, Inc (OEG) is pleased to provide you with this letter summarizing the status of the traffic improvements planned for the shopping center and the parking/circulation evaluation for the Pad I development. When the project was originally approved, Pad I was proposed for retail uses and totaled 36,000 SF in a single building. Currently, the proposed development includes two smaller buildings totaling 28,500 SF. Of the originally approved square footage, 5,500 SF is proposed to be moved to a single building in the eastern edge of the Phase 1 development in an underutilized parking area. The existing square footage of development in Phase 2 is 33,700 SF. Parking proposed for the new Pad I development would add 68 parking spaces to the existing 282 spaces in Phase 2. Based on the City's parking requirements, the existing development in Phase 2 would require 197 parking spaces. With the addition of the development proposed with Pad I, the total parking requirement would be 311 spaces. The project is proposing 350 parking spaces and would provide 39 spaces more than required. The proposed parking meets and exceeds the City parking requirements. The circulation of vehicles and trucks within Phase 2 was evaluated. The parking arrangement - with the buildings set back and the parking in front will provide the most flexible arrange of spaces for the existing and new buildings. Truck traffic circulation was evaluated using a computerized simulation model. Fre vehicles, trash trucks and delivery tractor trailers will be able to circulate around Phase 2 without issue. The traffic improvements that are planned to be constructed concurrently with the development of Pad i focus on improving access to Phase 1 and Phase 2 and calming the speed of existing traffic on Rancho Parkway. These improvements are depicted graphically on the attached exhibit. 1627 Calzada Avenue . Santa Ynez . CA . 93460 . 805-688-7814 . ceg@quixnet.net Ms. Carol Florence May 17, 2007 Page 2 The access improvements include the addition of a right turn only lane for exiting traffic from Phase 1 at the southern Phase 2 access location,'creating a no left turn from northbound Rancho Parkway into Phase 1, providing a separate travel lane for the northerly Phase 2 access onto Rancho Parkway and reducing the number of travel �anes on Rancho Parkway to one lane in each direction northerly of the joint Phase 1-2 driveway access. The traffic calming improvements consist of the construction of a raised planted median island between Via Vaquero and E. Branch Street and narrowing of traffic lanes from room for hvo lanes to one vehicle lane and one bike lane in each direction. The combination of these access and traffic calming improvements would provide improved traffic circulation along Rancho Parkway for existing and project related traffic. Should you have any questions, feel free to contad me. Sincerely, , S�!f. OMa Stephen A. Orosz, PE, PTOE Orosz Engineering Group, Inc Attachment ,I �i � �, I I i i I i � I i, I � I � _ r�.�.��. S "'�`�3{. +� . u ., r � . �t �'' -�` «� x'.0°4.rf""c - . 3 v:..:- vr`�'ix '�..krr b K'r.. �' c "k 3" �`'}'� /y1��(',..., `� . ��i;{ 1. i ' n,F <f.. �.1�✓� y` 5�'a '4-�'�A'"S R� ShS:� .v ' 1 �, ) �� � $ . + ,n�'s2L -k +' �i '����'°,S�IG�.� . „`^a�� t 1�. ' � ( .. s � ; ; ry3� F �' : 'A i j7 �'�� � .,^ r*'xhY r`a4 u i ���5 Y,+ ` Y � ,.: t �ry .;.' '. J z thr�. }� ��' ✓i$ F � d }` Y'} ! �' 1�� 5 hdFt )'` Y4 ( > F R d � r t' .. ) ..-... HY P d 5 < ,py� y_-. .,. :q ;_ -1; / 5 $ y.a' s . � � 7�e. $ t : F �'�a ., '� i�.:. v��' _ � 2�'� ���- � 1 ,. _ M S _ y!. ./ E '� � . �~n. _ � V , , 4 � �Cal�f ornla � - .� � � :_Arrt'u�o Gran�e, ._ . .. , �� � r,:- .� . . �.. ! �� ' � , -� �u �.v ; , �. . ,�,�o _. ,� �,..,� - _�- � _ _.._.. _. ��� ,_ _ _, f 1 , � , � = _--" , 1�� :, � � � �,._ , �, � ', _ � % � � �� � ii ' . _ - _ '� � i, . _ _ ,; , . ._--. . . 4 , _ ._. IMPR�EMENT A `�� A I # / 8 r � ♦ /�Y I q' � ��� 1 � � � •• � i �� � - ��_ q�i�„i� I'' . _ s� ; � 1MPROVEMENTB ��� ,� �� .��� � � roveme�nts � �-� � ' �Tra��� �I�m� ` V�ak�MnP % _ ��« I _ I .. - . ._. . . . . . , . .. : . � . ,. . . . . ' . .: ' David Dubbink Associates ,�,�,��,;�����d,��o,,,,a,;o�sY��, ; 864 Osos Street,Suife D, San Luis Obispo,Califomia 93401 USA � Tel: (805)541-5325 Fax:(805)541-5326 email:dubbink@noisemanagement.com i � Apri123, 2007 ATTACHMENT 12 4` Ms C. M. Florence � Oasis Landscape Architecture and Planning '� 3427 Miguelito Ct. �. � �e�IC'�J � San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 _ CC' „ Dear Ms. Florence: ` L.'- " ' '�'''�`^ ������� �w'" ` , ���t/ This report is an update of the acoustical study we developed for the Five Cities Center Project in Arroyo Grande. The initial plan for the project presented acoustical issues that have been addressed in a revised plan. Following city guidelines,our initial report was submitted to the city on April ]0, 2007. This update of our initial study is organized so it can be read independently from the initial report and therefore repeats some of the information included in the original study. It occasionally makes reference to the original design since substantial design changes have been made that mitigate or reduce noise compatibility issues to less than significant levels. The project consists of two separate components. Figure 1 on the following page shows the components superimposed on an aerial photo. The portion on the north side of Arroyo Parkway (Site 1) is a 5,500 square foot structure located within the Wal Mart center, on a site currendy used for parking. The portion located on the south side of Arroyo Parkway(Site 2), consists of two structures with associated driveways and parking. One is a 13,500 square foot building and the other is 15,000 square feet. These are identified as buildings A and B on the figures. The previous project layout is shown in Figure 2 on the page following Figure 1. The changes are as follows.The structure on Site 1 is shifted closer to Fitness 19 and Hollywood Video. The earlier acoustical study concluded that the associated noise compatibility issues were minimal for this building and the relocation of the structure does not change this determination. Substantial changes have been made in the design for Site 2. The drive-through feature in the original is gone. The delivery driveway and loading areas that were behind the buildings and tumed toward the residences and the school are also eliminated. There is an increase in the distance between the commercial structures and the neighboring residence on Via Vaquero. These design changes, (along with standard approval conditions)eliminate the need for the noise bamers and setbacks recommended in our initial report on the project. The Present Noise Environment On March 7, 2007,noise level readings were taken for the locations marked with numbered blue circles on Figure l. Monitoring took place between 5-6 PM. We monitored sound levels using a Bruel & Kjaer Precision Integrating Meter, Type 2230 mounted on a tripod. The sound meter was , calibrated before and after the survey using a B&K Acoustic Calibrator Mode14231. The readings were determined to be accurate. 1 q ` � �n�'.:.��7�''tez.4 4� . 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The values shown above are higher than would be experienced in a suburban setting but less than in a commercial center. There is a mix of noise sources at these hillside locations. St. Patrick's School is at the base of the hill and so is Highway 101. Shouts in the sports fields were audible and the freeway contributes a steady background hum. Occasionally, individual freeway sound events can be distinguished; a motorcycle at 49.5 Lmax and a siren at 48. Several airplanes produced levels above background levels. Activity in the commercial parking lots is also heard; the rattle of shopping carts and an occasional door slam. But in all of the monitoring locations the loudest noise events were associated with trucks. These included a UPS van making residential deliveries and a collection of pickups sporting large tires and non-stock mufflers. In quieter moments the loudest sounds were from birds. All in all,the acoustic setting, blending sounds from many different sources, has a regular and constant quality. The downside to the panoramic views from hillside homes is unobstructed exposure to multiple noise sources from the landscape below. The acoustic shift that comes with promontory views is evident in the difference in background levels recorded at location 1 and location 2. Location 1 was at the corner of the building pad in a location that is exactly at grade with the neighboring hillside. Location 2 is nearby but 15 feet higher at the edge of Via Vaquero. There is an increase in background level of about six dB with the shift in altitude. The lower location, tucked against the hillside, is less exposed to traffic noise since the pavement swfaces are shielded by topography. Noise from the closest segment of Highway 101 is blocked by the mass of fill that forms the pad beneath the Trader Joe structures. At higher locations,more freeway noise is heard. More noise is received at Location 3 that is beginning to pick up noise from Highway 101 north of the project. Location 4 overlooking the Wal Mart pazking lot has the most varied sound environment. The background of freeway sounds and the distant clatter of customer activity in expanse of parking are punctuated by the sounds of vehicles speeding up the Arroyo Parkway. The Regulatory Framework The City's noise ordinance sets limits on the levels of noise that can be generated by stationary sources. It also gives compatibility guidelines for structures exposed to transportation sources. The standards for transportation sources don't apply to this project because commercial structures are not considered to be noise sensitive. They do, however,give some indications of noise levels that are considered acceptable for residential settings. For"Outdoor Activity Areas" � Leq represents the average sound energy level over a stated time period. [n this case,the measurements were made over a 10-minute period. Lmax describes the loudness of sounds. 4 the maacimum permitted noise level is 60 Ld„/CNELZ. Interior noise levels inside homes are not to exceed 45 L�,/CNEL. There is a rule of thumb that suggests that the decibel level of the peak hour Leq is similar to the 24-hour La„/CNEL level. By this standard, only the outdoor noise exposure at location 4 exceeds the transportation noise exposure standard. The City's noise ordinance sets limits on the levels of noise that can be generated by stationary sources. These are shown on the table below. Noise is to be evaluated at the property line of the receiving use and "where practical"at an elevation of three to five feet. The ordinance defines both residences and schools as being"noise sensitive" and appropriate for protection. Daytime Nighttime (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.) (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) Hourly Leq, dB 50 45 Maximum level, dB 70 65 Maximum level, dB-lmpulsive Noise* 65 60 'Noise of short duration,usually less than one second,with an abrupt onset and rapid decay".Examples of impulsive noise include explosions,hammering and discharge of 5rearms.This is[o be measured with a"fast"noise meter response setting.The same numeric limits are applied to sounds that are highly ronal or speech and music. The Leq readings for three of the four sites monitored are already in excess of the city's standard for hourly Leq.The regulations state that in such cases, where the existing ambient levels exceed the levels in the table, the standard is adjusted upward to the ambient level. This sounds reasonable but poses math problems since any additional sound, no matter how faint,adds to the total sound energy and tops the standard. Federal agencies have developed screening standards that express"significance"in terms of change from background levels3. For single events,a three dB change is the point where a shift in noise levels is considered noticeable. A 5 dB shift is used to delimit a significant change in cumulative metrics. This seems a reasonable standard for interpreting the impacts of new noise sources in already developed areas. The City Municipal code includes exceptions to the noise ordinance that relate to project impacts (Section 9.16.030). This includes "safety signals" and"warning devices"that would seem ro include the backup beepers installed on trucks and fork lifts. It also exempts,"Noise sources associated with the collection of waste or garbage from property.""Routine maintenance"of a . . commercial property is also exempted as long as it takes place between 7AM and lOPM. ConsWction noise is exempted between 7AM and lOPM on weekdays and 8AM to SPM on weekends. The assumption is made in this acoustic study that project construction will take place during this permitted time period. 2 La„("day-nighP')is a 24-hour L,q measurement with a ]0-dB penalty added ro the sound levels that occur during the night(10:00 PM to 7:00 AM).The Community Noise Equivalent Level(CNEL),used exclusively in Califomia, applies a further 3-dB penalty between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM. 3�Studies of noise thresholds and metrics have been part of the work agenda for lhe Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation Noise.http://www.fican.org/pages/findings.html 5 The City's Noise Element sets out a priority of mitigations. These are: First: Setbacks/open space separation Second: Site layoudorientation/shielding of noise-sensitive uses with non-noise sensitive uses. Third: Construction of earthen berms Fourth: Structural measures: acoustical ueatment of buildings and noise barriers . . . I should be noted that the project's design changes are consistent with this hierazchy. The revised design increases the separation from noise sensitive uses and positioning of buildings provides acoustic shielding. Evaluation The two portions of the project are quite different in the nature of the acoustic issues involved. They are treated separately in this discussion. Site 1 —Wal Mart Plaza,North of Arroyo Parkway Analysis: The portion of the project west of Arroyo Parkway has little likelihood of adding to noise compatibility issues. There are several reasons for this conclusion. The nearest homes are separated from the commercial structure by both distance and topography. The Wal Mart site is already quite active and the addition of an additional noise source does not amount to much in the special mathematics of decibel addition. Also, traffic on Arroyo Parkway is,by far, the dominant noise source and likewise dominates the noise exposure arithmetic. Topography is quite important in Figure 3: Cross section of Part 1 understanding the acoustic environment. �•. � ,� 'd � c, �{ ,�t���p���`i,����i' The Figure 3 diagram shows a cross �� ` �� ��� �k �X���� '�� section of the portion of the project on the � Zr��� 5i �� Wal Mart site. The red line on Figure 1 ' indicates the location of this cross sectional � view. It extends from the parking area to the residential parcels on the far side of Arroyo Parkway. The several embankments, one from the parking lot level to Arroyo Parkway and the second ' from the Parkway to the residential pad block the ]ine of sight. This is notable because the landform functions as a sound barrier for noise events that might occur in the circulation area behind the commercial site. The color change in the background of the diagram indicates the line of site. Standing on the parking lot at this location,the tops of the roofs of the first three houses along Via Bandolero at Vaquero are barely visible. They are set on landscaped building pads well back from Arroyo Parkway. The fourth house in from Via Vaquero is positioned lower and closer to the Parkway but it is further from the new construction and aligned with the Wal Mart complex. 6 i i The outer wall of the closest house scales to 225 feet from the back wall of the commercial structure. Consideration of a worst-case noise situation illustrates the effect of the distance separation and topographic change. At fifty feet the sound of a car hom is 83 decibels. At the same distance,the noise made by slamming the lid of a trash bin is 81 dB using the "fasY'noise meter setting specified in the city's guidelines. An 83 dB sound carrying over a paved surface such as a parking lot would attenuate to 71 dB at the distance to the homes°. The bamer effect from the topographic separation reduces this by another 7 dB, to 64 dB. But not all of the intervening surface is paved. The "soft" landscaped terrain could add an additional 2 dB reduction. The resulting 62 dB sound is under the city's permitted maximums (70 dB day and 65 dB night). The impulsive noise standazd is 65 day and 60 night but the impulsive trash lid closing was 2 dB less than the steady hom source so this too conforms to the ordinance. Both car homs and trash bins are already present at the Wal Mart site. Adding hom honks and lid closings (or perhaps dogs barking) associated with the new structure might increase the frequency of events but such events aren't likely to occur simultaneously. Even if they did, decibel addition only increases the maximum levels by 3 dB. The additional events don't significantly affect the overall Leq either because of their intermittent character. If we assume that the loudest event of 70.1 dB has a cumulative duration of 2 minutes, and this is doubled, the resulting increase in the hourly Leq is I.2 dB. Conclusion: An additional commercial building on the Wal Mart Plaza at Site 1 will have a less than significant effect on the closest noise sensitive uses. The distances involved and the screening topography diminish sound levels to conform to city standards. Also, whatever sound is produced will produce a less than significant change in the present acoustic setting. Site 2 —South of Arroyo Parkway (the Trader Joe complex)5 Analysis At Site 2 the topography also plays a central role in assessing the noise impacts.The commercial site is on a level pad that is partially cut into the hillside at Via Vaquero. The depth of the cut is about 15 feet at its deepest corner. As with Site 1 the embankment will serve as a noise barrier for homes across the street from the property. However, the noise reduction effect is limited to the portions of the site that are shielded within the cut area. (While auditory shielding doesn't work the same as visual shielding the line of site from residences to various portions of the commercial site is an indicator of the influence area). As the site transitions from cut to fill, the barrier effect is lost and the noise production situation changes too. Just as the homes with a view have increased exposure to noise, elevation of the noise source increases its audibility. IYs like positioning a loudspeaker higher on the wall. On the other hand, when the building pad is elevated at a higher level than the listener the edge of the fill blocks exposure to sound that occurs farther into the site. The bulk of the commercial buildings blocks sound too and the revised project layout takes advantage of this. °The distance reduction value was estimated using a[tenuation assumptions based on the FHWA's Traffic Noise Model.The basic point source reduction model of 6 dB for distance doubling gives a value of 689. 5 The design for this segment of the project is substantialty changed.This section and the conclusions are substantially changed from[he initial acoustical study. 7 • � " 1 � • - � - • �.� " I. . ' � 1 ' 1 ' � � " \ - - I� 1 ' ' � . I ' � . 1 �� � - •� � . 1 � � I ' � � - - � - I " � � � � � � �� � �� � : rPj��f F,'.S . t!y[1a'�'s� �?� 1 t !a���f' '4' r �T. t�."�,';--19� f1. E{'�J»��6 . -� �4 j'�9�,'L � �J. y ��?�` j ! G?: , °a�"� � "S;. t�p�z i � fip,ff �^ , 4"'r'j..�.^r'�' ���' (�+�r�' �, 1 "4.� d�^i'a .�1� bn aiiF.�. +� Y s*"� �` I4�'.z i � ,.} '�Srtie� � t i Ary�-�!f ) w'W�+�"� Y"� � �ff _�,.�,a ( v ��C.�1 i� f .�+ '9 � ' '� � '-w=6 �� y q, � � �O�� `9 _} . 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Some commercial activities, such as car stereo installation, a brake and tire center, or recycling operation directly generate noise as a byproduct of their operation. Some data on the noise production of commercial facilities is listed below. The sources marked with an asterisk are based on measurements made for this study(behind the Marigold Center in San Luis Obispo). The trash container lid was slammed at Trader Joe's. Other observations are from previous studies done in the county. All have been normalized to a distance of 50 feet. Source Lmax Source Lmax Car Horn 83 Diesel Idle* 72 ruck Brake Release* 81 Rollu door 70 Trash container lid 80 Stackin boxes* 56 Truck Pulls Awa * 78 Drive u window orde 56 " Truck on traffic bum * 74 Sho in cart* 56 Truck roll down door* 73 Car door close eas * 55 The activities producing the loudest sounds that are covered by city regulations would be associated with truck deliveries to stores. The OSHA backup beepers on trucks and equipment produce sounds in the 68-70 dB range at 50 feet but, as safety devices, are not covered by the city's regulation. Referring to Figure 1, the loading dock for Building A is located adjacent to Arroyo Parkway(it shows as parallel lines set at an angle to the side of the building. This is about 150 feet from the residential property on the opposite side of Via Vaquero and 280 feet from the adjacent residence on the same side of the street. Fi ure 4: Cross section at Via Va uero The noise ordinance suggests that �:�,�,� -�, -.-.�,.�-- .�,..-_..._�...f.-,,.-�-ResMer�ce� VIa Vaquero � # noise measurements are to be made ;� � ����n9;Aay r � � G�y+ � � �����f !j e; Y:a --<=. �2 at the property line of the receivmg ��_,, .-,.�4 � ��.-�:t;��„����°��;�.�.�-� uses. The"rule of thumb" for no�se �&:'.� �r attenuation over distance is a drop `� of 6 dB for each doubling of distance. By this standard,at the residence across the street, the noise levels shown on the table above would all be reduced by about 10 dB. There is a further reduction due topographic and structural screening. The grade change at Via Vaquero is 15 feet and the height of the commercial structure is assumed to be about 18 feet. The loading dock is on far side of the building so the barrier effect is on the order of 12 feet between loading platform and listener position. The loud sound of a truck brake release would be reduced to the 59-62 dB level and ordinary loading activities would be less than this. Sounds at this level are below the city's permitted maximums (70 dB day and 65 dB night). The impulsive noise standazd is 65 day and 60 night. The brake release sound marginally exceeds the nighttime standard for impulsive noise events but this was the upper range assessment and assumed a"hazd"reflective surface. The lower range estimate of 59 dB assumed 9 a landscaped surface and this value is under the city standard. The exceedence, if any, is not significant. The residence south of the project site on Via Vaquero is 280 feet from the loading dock and also screened by the bulk of the commercial structure. This added distance drops the exposure levels to 60 dB for the reflective surface and 56 with landscaping. The noise will not exceed the city standards. Estimation of the effect of the various truck activities on hourly Leq requires assumptions about the duration of the truck noises. The present Leq at Site 2 is 53.5 dB. If an idling diesel tmck at the loading ramp for Building A would produce a constant sound level of around 52 dB. The additional sound would increase overa111evels by about 2 dB when a truck is present. If the sound were present for 20 minutes out of an hour the hourly energy average (Leq) would increase by less than a dB. This shift in level is noYconsidered"significanY'under the federal guidelines. Truck deliveries to Building B will be from the front of the stores. The distance and acoustical screening effects aze similar to those described for the loading area of Building A. The parking lot surface condition is "hard" but the 60 dB nighttime standard for impulsive noise is met and most noise events will be below this level. Trash Enclosures The trash containers for Buildings A and B are in an enclosure west of Building B. The location is more distant from neighboring residences than the loading area discussed above and the building will provide similaz shielding. The maximum dB level for the lid closure was less than that for the brake release sound. Noise levels at the residences will be less than discussed above and similarly acceptable under the city's standards: It is noted that the city's ordinances exempt, "Noise sources associated with the collection of waste or garbage from property". The classroom buildings at St. Patrick's school are potentially exposed to noise from activities associated with the trash enclosure. The school is at the base of the fill platform for the project and about 170 feet distant from the rear loading area and 53 feet lower in elevation. i'�!''TIiYI OCbtY1� T � c8 mr sa r�^!r yar-M.s P�� The 6-foot perimeter wall around the �r o-'�� '�.,,,;,-� � � ; F .�k`� `"r, 2� � w'�AS.?�.l�-M�-zx�,�'t '��.�. t�.��Y1y-,E i +2h3�-.:�. �J� �.t. trash area will reduce maximum �'�, ��+�� -� r r � � # ` „� my ;w� �r ; �r s.r ;�, impulse noise to the 60 dB nighttime 'M�"'��*c''�'�'xt?��"'��,,r ,� �, �+ ': §'ae*z-ia'oie a � t �. � standard. It will be well below the �k� 'i� �� ,,�,�z�:-�- twn4... �i..3��. '.7%H,itl+-. y-.1 r.ji.�i �:- ��{S M1cC; daytime standard when classes are in u.o �,„_ ..�,t E:a .�.•w< .,-�r � ._„�. �::� nA�,,�.,;r session. The Leq level at the school is � Figure 8:Cross section-St.Pahick's School already elevated because of its proximity to Highway 101 the shift in ambient noise attributable to the project would not exceed Federal standards of significance. ]0 _ _ _ Parking LotSounds There neighboring properties already experience sounds from parking lot activities in the Trader Joe's and Wal Mart complexes. The increase in commercial space will be accompanied by increases in consumer activity in the parking lots. As noted previously, given decibel arithmetic, a doubling of noise events results in a relatively minor shift in decibel units. During the time measurements were being made at the site noise events related to the shopping areas were occasionally quite evident. Some of these events came from noisy vehicles that are subject to state regulation authority. Others were from shopping carts and from door closings. The city's ordinances make no specific mention of parking lot noise control. Parking lot noise will not create a significantly change in the noise environment given that noise from traffic on Via Vaquero, Arroyo Parkway or Highway 101 that is greater than noise from customer activities. Summary The revised design for the Five Cities Center Project conforms to the noise standards of the City of Arroyo Grande. Potential problems have been mitigated to the point that they are not "significanP' in terms of nationally accepted standards. Apart from the deliveries and trash management activities addressed above there are other activities that can produce significant levels of noise. Such impacts, or the impacts of future activities, should be addressed through project conditions. For example, the installation of an exterior sound system for music or messaging could be prohibited where it would be audible at the property lines of noise sensitive receivers. Likewise, it could be specified that noise from refrigeration units or climate control systems meet similar standards. Parking lot maintenance should be limited to the hours specified in the city's ordinance. Commercial activities that themselves produce sound, such as auto sound system installation or recycling centers could require a separate discretionary use permit. There are multiple considerations involved in laying out plans for any project. The present analysis and recommendations consider only acoustical issues. It is recognized that these may be offset by competing considerations such as costs, traffic circulation, public safety or aesthetics. The project azchitects and community planners should balance the recommendations in this report against the entire range of project design considerations. Sincerely Dav Dubbink, Ph.D., AICP 11 l ARC NOT.ES i ' DECEMB�R 4, 2006 " ATTACHMENT 13 ; PAGE 6 i � E. AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-003 and PLANNED SIGN ' PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-003; APPLICANT — INVESTED REAL ESTATE; i REPRESENTATIVE — OASIS ASSOCIATES, INC. (CAROL FLORENCE); LOCATION —925 RANCHO PARKWAY, PAD `P. Associate Planner Kelly Heffernon presented the staff report. Carol Florence, Oasis Associates representative, spoke in support of the project. She explained that the two options for the buildings would allow more flexibility in finding tenants. Joel Jennings, Project Manager with Poirier and David Architects, spoke in support of the project. ARC had the following comments and questions: • In response to Mr. Scherquist, Mr. Jennings clarified the building location alternatives. Also, the Colors and materials are meant to match those of the AG Edwards building. • In response to Ms. Barneich, Ms. Heffernon noted that although they are overparked, there are parking issues at Trader Joes that factor in. • In response to Chair Hoag, Mr. Jennings replied they're no longer proposing the sign facing the freeway. • Mr. Peachey expressed concern regarding rooftop screening of inechanical equipment. , • Barneich: She agreed with staff to not allow sign B on the back of Petco nor the towedpylon sign. Don't use Chinese Pistache or Melaleuca in the landscaping. Redwoods are preferable to Cypress for size, growth rate, and neighboring views. The Trader Joes parking lot needs replacements for dead trees — maybe Brisbane Box or Bloodgood Sycamores. Parking lot trees do better with the space allowed in landscaped islands (instead of diamonds). Due to poor soil, they need to over-excavate in a more linear fashion, since tree roots are right on top. • Scherpuist: He would prefer to have the smaller building near Trader Joe's (Option A), so there's more parking available. He agrees with Ms. Barneich on landscaping and Trader Joes parking lot. The architecture of the buildings ties in well. He shares Mr. Peachey's concern about screening rooftop equipment. Don't place a sign on the back of Petco, not the tower sign nor monument sign at Branch Street. • Peachev: There should be a pedestrian connection to the residential area. There could be more screening by the building near Petco. The architecture is suitable. Roof screening may be achieved with parapets, but not next to Marshall's, since the buildings are too low in relation to the street. • Hoap: He has no preference between options A and B. Option A might add more activity to that end of the parking lot and leave more parking available in phase 2. There shouldn't be a sign on the back of Petco. There shouldn't be a second pylon sign. He agreed with Ms. Barneich the landscaping needs to be enhanced. f ARC NOTES DECEMBER 4,2006 PAGE 7 Kristen Barneich moved and Michael Peachey seconded recommendation of approval to the Planning Commission for ACUP 06-003 and PSP 06-003 with the following conditions: . The final landscape plan shall be reviewed by ARC before a building permit is issued. � . Sign B shall not be allowed on the Petco building. • There shall not be a tower pylon sign at the intersection of W. Branch Street and Rancho Parkway (eliminate sign C). . The two dead trees in the Trader Joes parking lot shall be replaced with one of the species listed below. • • Replacement trees: London Plane Bloodgood Sycamore, Tulip Tree, Red Spire Pear. • The landscape plan shall not include any Chinese Pistache or Melaleuca. • Ask the landscape architect to explore the benefits of a Redwood versus a Monterey Cypress. • Add 5 trees to the grassy area across from the AG Edwards building as shown on plans. (They're shown as existing, but aren't and should be added.) ! • Replace some of the parking lot "diamonds" with landscaped islands. i . Area that fronts the lawn has a long expanse of parking spaces and needs some landscape islands to bring greenery to the parking lot. • Over-excavate the soil when putting in trees, so they thrive. • Screening of rooftop equipment shall retum for ARC review with sections to illustrate visibility. • There shall be pedestrian access for neighbors off of Via Vaquero. Discussion: Mr. Peachey clarified that his concern is the view of rooftop equipment from driving (not from a pedestrian viewpoint). Ms. Barneich clarified that her intent for a mix of parking diamonds and islands is to enhance the parking lot with landscaping. Chair Hoag clarified that the Planned Sign Program is recommended for approval as submitted, with the exception of eliminating signs B and C. Consensus was not to add the additional monument sign as recommended by staff for stage 2 identification for southbound Branch Street and the freeway (for multiple tenants). Motion approved: 4/0 voice vote. III. DISCUSSION ITEM: • Staff reminded members of the upcoming ethics training and that the next meeting will be on January 8 (due to the New Year holiday). IV. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. 1 � i , i ATTACHMENT14 PpRO�� o�' �`,P = IrvCOevonMEO 92 U � X ,uv io.�en y C9�/FORN�P CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INITIAL STUDY SUMMARY - ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Project Title 8 No. Amended Conditional Use Permit No. 06-003— (Pad I, Five Cities Center) ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The proposed project could have a "Potentially Significant ImpacY' for at least one of the environmental factors checked below. Please refer to the attached pages for discussion on mitigation measures or project revisions to either reduce these impacts to less-than-significant levels or require further study. � Aesthetics � Geology and Soils ❑ Recreation ❑ Agricultural Resources ❑ Hazards/Hazardous Materials �Transportation/Circulation. � Air Quality � Noise � Wastewater ❑ Biological Resources ❑ Population/Housing � Water ❑ Cultural Resources � Pubiic Services/Utilities ❑ Land Use DETERMINATION: (To be completed by the Lead Agency) On the basis of this initial evaluation, the Environmental Coordinator finds that: ❑ The proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. � Although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ The proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ❑ The proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impacY' or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. ❑ Although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentiaily significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the p op d r ' , nothing further is required. Kell Heffernon, Associate Planner '? 7/5/07; 1/30/07 Prepared by (Print) ' nat Date Rob Strong, Community Development Director Reviewed by (Print) Signature Date City ofArroyo Grande, Initial Study forACUP 06-003(Pad `I'of the Five Cities Center Page 1 Proiect Environmental Analvsis The City's environmental review process incorporates all of the requirements for completing the Initial Study as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines. The Initial Study includes staffs on-site inspection of the project site and surroundings and a detailed review of the information in the file for the project. In addition, available background information is reviewed for each project. Relevant information regarding soil types and characteristics, geologic information, significant vegetation and/or wildlife resources, water availability, wastewater disposal services, existing land uses and surrounding land use categories and other information relevant to.the environmental review process are evaluated for each project. Exhibit A includes the references used, as well as the agencies or groups that were contacted as a part of the Initial Study. The Community Development Department uses the checklist to summarize the results of the research accomplished during the initial environmental review of the project. Persons, agencies or organizations interested in obtaining more information regarding the environmental review process for a project should contact the City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department at 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 or call (805) 473- 5420. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal by Investec Real Estate Companies for a development plan to construct commercial buildings within the existing Five Cities Shopping Center, located at 925 Rancho Parkway and the 1100 block of West Branch Street in the City of Arroyo Grande. The project site area is approximately 5.0 acres in size and is zoned Regional Commercial (RC). Surrounding the Five Cities Shopping Center is residential development to the north, Saint Patrick's School to the east, U.S. Highway 101 to the south, and commercial development to the west. The site is relatively flat and has been previously graded in anticipation of future commercial development. Drainage will be accommodated through the City's existing drainage system. Back4round. The City Council approved Conditional Use Permit No. 96-541 and certified an Environmental Impact Report to construct the Five Cities Center in July 1996, which included the construction of fourteen (14) commercial buildings in two (2) phases. The site plan approved as part of the conditional use permit designated the location and maximum size of building footprints. The uses of each building were also determined through the CUP process. Pad `I' was designated for commercial retail use with a maximum size of 36,000 square feet. The Shopping Center is divided into Phases I and II, located west and east of Rancho Parkway, respectively. A mix of major and minor businesses are located within Phase I of the Shopping Center, including Wal-Mart, Albertsons, Marshalls, Office Max, Fitness 19, and several in-line retail shops. Phase II contains Trader Joes, Baja Fresh, A.G. Edwards, Coid Stone Creamery, a dry cleaners, and vacant retail space. It is expected that Chili's Restaurant will occupy the currently vacant building on the corner of Rancho Parkway and West Branch Street, previously occupied by Vigneto's restaurant. Proiect Descriotion: The project consists of a 15,000 square foot multi-tenant commercial building (Building I-1) and a 13,500 square foot single or multi-tenant commercial building (Building I-2) in Phase II of the shopping center, and a 5,500 square foot single or multi-tenant commercial building (Building I-3) in Phase I of the shopping center. Total square footage proposed is 34,000 square feet. City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad `I'of the Five Cities Center) Page 2 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER(S): 007-787-001, 009 B. EXISTING SETTING LAND USE CATEGORY: Regional Commercial (RC) ZONING: Regional Commerciai (RC) EXISTING USES: Shopping Center TOPOGRAPHY: Relativeiy Flat VEGETATION: Commercial Landscaping PARCEL SIZE: 10.76 acres SURROUNDING LAND USE CATEGORIES AND USES: North: Single-Family Residential — Low Density East: Public Facility (PF); Saint Patrick's School (SFR-LD); single family residences South: U.S. Highway 101 West: Regional Commercial (RC); Commercial Development C. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS During the Initial Study process, several issues were identified as having potentially significant environmental effects (see following Initial Study). Those potentiaily significant items associated with the proposed project can be minimized to less-than-significant levels by incorporating the mitigation measures listed below. All mitigation measures contained in this Initial Study shall be included in the Conditions of Approval for the project. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST 7. AESTHETICS - Will the project: Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not Significant 8 will be Impact Applicable mitigated a) Create an aesthetically incompatible � � � � site open to public viewl b) Introduce a use within a scenic view � � � � open to public view7 c) Change the visual character of an � � � � area? d) Create glare or night lighting that � � � � may affect surrounding areas� e) Impact unique geological or � � � � physical features? City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad 7'of the Five Cities Center) Page 3 1. AESTHETICS - Will the project: Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not Significant &will be Impact Applicable mitigated i � Other � � � � Setting. The project will construct buildings in an existing commercial shopping center. The two (2) locations of the proposed structures are currently vacant. The `Pad I' site in Phase II has been previously graded in anticipation of commercial development, and the site in Phase I is currently I paved and used for parking. Impact. Development of the project will result in a change in views to and from the project site, particularly from the residential development to the north and from Rancho Parkway. Although the development will alter the currently undeveloped portions of the site, the project site is designed for commercial development of the type proposed, and the proposed architectural design is consistent with other buildings located within the shopping center. The applicant has submitted plans and elevations to the City for the purpose of design and architectural review. The City's Architectural Review Committee considered the project design, colors and materials and recommended approval of � the project with conditions. Additional lighting of the buildings and parking areas could create adverse impacts to the adjacent residential neighborhood. Mitigation/Conclusion. Construction of the project will alter views from the adjacent residential neighborhood and from Rancho Parkway. However, the project adequately incorporates landscaping that will soften the visual impact of the proposed development and includes an architectural design congruent with existing buildings in the shopping center. To avoid light "spillage" onto adjacent properties and to further reduce visual impacts beyond what is already provided in the project description, the following measures are required: MM 1.1: The applicant shall submit a lighting pian verifying that all exterior lighting for the development is directed downward and does not create spill or glare to the adjacent residential neighborhood north of the project site. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD; Police Dept. Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 1.2: The applicant shall submit final exterior colors and materials of the buildings for Architectural Review Committee approval. The colors shall blend as much as possible with the surrounding development. Any expanse of blank wall shall be minimized through creative use of materials, texture, color and building form. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 1.3: The applicant shall submit a final landscaping and irrigation plan to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department, Architectural Review Committee and the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department. The landscape plan shall limit turf areas and shall include drought resistant plants. City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad`I'of the Five Cities Center) Page 4 Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande—CDD, ARC, PR&F Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 1.4: The applicant shall submit a plan to screen rooftop equipment to the Community Development Department, to be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande—CDD, ARC Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit 2. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES Potentially Impactcan Insignificant Not - Wlll the pl'OjeCt: Significant &will be Impact Applicable mitigated a) Convert prime agricultural land to � � � � non-agricultural use? b) Impair agricultural use of other � � � � property or result in conversion to other usesl c) Conflict with existing zoning or � � � � Williamson Act programl d) Other � � � � Setting. The subject property is not located near Agricultural land. Impact. None. Mitigation/Conclusion. There are no impacts to agricultural resources; no mitigation is necessary. 3. AIR QUALITY - Will the p►'oject: Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not Significant &will be Impact Applicable mitigated a) Violate any state or federal am6ient � � � � air quality standard, or exceed air quality emission thresholds as established by County Air Pollufion Control District(APCD)1 b) Expose any sensitive receptor to � � � � substantial air pollutant concentrationsT c) Create or subject individuals to � � � � objectionable odors? d) Be inconsistenf with the District's � � � � Clean Air Plan? e) Other � � � � City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad'1'of the Five Cities Center) Page 5 Setting. The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Contrbl District (APCD) has developed the CEQA Air Qualitv Handbook to evaluate project specific impacts and determine if air quality mitigation measures are needed, or if potentially significant impacts could result. The City refers to this Handbook for all discretionary projects subject to CEQA. A referral was received on this project from the APCD on February 6, 2007 (Attachment A). Construction of the proposed development would result in the emission of air pollutants that exceed recommended significance thresholds, and this project-specific impact is considered a significant impact. Emissions associated with project construction also add to the cumulatively significant effect that results in basin-wide exceedance of air quality standards. Impact. The project is expected to generate roughly 1,725 average daily trips (ADT), with 35 peak hour trips in the AM and 155 peak hour trips in the PM (based on estimates from the San Diego Association of Governments Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates). Based on Table 1-1 of the CEQA Air Quality Handbook ("Screening Criteria for Project Air Quality Impacts"), these cumulative trips would produce up to 25 Ibs./day of emissions (emissions are defined as ROG, NOx, PM,o, SOx and CO). Projects having the potential to generate more than ten (10) Ibs./day of emissions may cause significant air quality impacts. As proposed, the project wili disturb approximately 5.0 acres of currently vacant property. This will result in the creation of construction dust, as well as short- and long-term vehicle emissions. In San Luis Obispo County, ozone and PM,o are the pollutants of primary concern, since state health-based standards for these pollutants are exceeded in portions of the County in most years. For this reason, San Luis Obispo County is considered to be in non-attainment of the state standards for both ozone and PM,o. The major sources of PM,o include mineral quarries, grading, demolition, agricultural tilling, road dust and vehicle exhaust. Grading and construction of the project would occur over a period of many months. Short-term i impacts related to dust generation from site preparation and grading would result in dust generation that could affect adjacent properties. Mitigation measures placed on the project would reduce short- term dust generation during construction of the project to less-than-significant levels. Dust generated ' by the development activities shall be kept to a minimum with a goal of retaining dust on the site. The dust control measures listed below shall be followed during construction of the project, and shall be shown on grading and building plans. The project site is located in a candidate area for Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA), which has been identified as a toxic air contaminant by the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Under the ARB Air Toxics Control Measure (ATCM) for construction and grading operations, the developer must ensure that if NOA is present, requirements outlined in the Asbestos ATCM must be complied with. Mitigation/Conclusion. The following mitigation measures are necessary to reduce air quality impacts to a less-than-significant level. Air pollution impact assessment is divided into the construction and operational phases of the project. Construction Phase Emissions The project shall comply with all applicable Air Pollution Control District (APCD) regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM,o) as contained in section 6.5 of the Air Quality Handbook. All site grading and demolition plans shall list the following regulations: MM 3.1: All dust control measures listed below (MM 3.2 — 3.10) shall be followed during construction of the project and shall be shown on grading and building plans. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off site. The name and telephone � City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad `I'of the Five Cities Center) Page 6 number of such person(s) shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and finished grading of the area. MM 3.2: Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible. During construction, water trucks or sprinkler systems shall be used to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this would include wetting down such areas in the later morning and after work is completed for the day and whenever wind exceeds 15 miles per hour. Reclaimed (non-potable)water shall be used for this purpose. MM 3.3: Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation. Ail dirt stockpile areas shall be sprayed daily as needed. MM 3.4: Permanent dust control measures identified in the project revegetation and landscape plans shall be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil � disturbing activities. MM 3.5: Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading shall be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. MM 3.6: All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation shall be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. MM 3.7: All vehicles hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials shall be covered or v rti I i t n tw en to f load and to of maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum e ca d s a ce be e p o p trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114. MM 3.8: Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads on to streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the'site. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles ' shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. MM 3.9: Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried on to adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water shall be used where feasible. MM 3.10: To mitigate the diesel PM generated during the construction phase, all construction equipment shall be properly maintained and tuned according to manufacturer's specifications. The measures below (MM 3.11 — 3.15) shall be clearly identified in the project bid specifications so the contractors bidding on the project can include the purchase and installation costs in their bids. MM 3.11: Any portable equipment, 50 horsepower (hp) or greater, used during construction activities will require California statewide portable equipment registration (issued by the California Air Resources Board or an APCD permit. Example equipment include power ) screens, conveyors, diesel engines, crushers, portable generators, concrete batch plants, and trammel screens. To minimize permit delays, prior to the start of the project, contact Gary Willey of the APCD's Engineering Division at (805) 781-5912 for specific information regarding permitting requirements. " MM 3.12: All off-road and portable diesel powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders, cranes, loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generator sets, compressors, auxiliary power units, shall be fueled exclusively with California Air Resources Board (ARB) motor vehicle ' City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad`I'of the Five Cities Center) Page 7 � � ' diesel fuel. Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications. MM 3.13: To the maximum extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment shail meet the ARB's 1996 certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesel engines. MM 3.14: Maximize to the extent feasible, the use of on-road heavy-duty equipment and trucks that meet the ARB's 1998 or newer certification standard for on-road heavy-duty diesel engines. MM 3.15: All on and off-road diesel equipment shall not be allowed to idle for more than 5 minutes. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas to remind drivers and operators of the 5-minute idling limit. MM 3.16: Prior to any grading activities at the site, the project proponent shall ensure that a � geologic evaluation is conducted to determine if Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) is present within the area that will be disturbed. If NOA is not present, an exemption request must be filed with the APCD. If NOA is found at the site, the applicant must comply with all requirements � outlined in the Asbestos Air Toxins Control Measure (ATCM) regulated under by the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande - Public Works Dept., Building and Fire Department Timing: Prior to issuance of Grading Permit Ooerational Phase Emissions MM 3.17: To encourage walking within the commercial development and provide a safer pedestrian environment, the applicant shall use textured and/or colored concrete at pedestrian crossings. Pedestrian signage shall also be provided to improve pedestrian safety. MM 3.18: Provide shade tree planting along southem exposures of buildings to reduce summer cooling needs. MM 3.19: Provide on-site bicycle parking with one bicycle parking space for every 10 vehicle parking spaces. MM 3.20: Provide preferential carpool and vanpool parking spaces. MM 3.21: Provide incentives to employees to carpool/vanpool, take public transportation, telecommute, walk, bike, etc. by implementing the Transportation Choices Program. The applicant should contact SLO Regional Rideshare at 541-2277 to receive free consulting services on how to start and maintain a program. ; MM 3.22: Include Shade tree planting along southern exposures of buildings to reduce summer cooling needs. �I MM 3.23: Use built-in energy efficient appliances, where appiicable. � MM 3.24: Use double-paned windows. MM 3.25: Use low energy parking lot and street lights. I City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad`I'of the Five Cities Cente�) Page 8 � � ' MM 3.26: Use energy efficient interior lighting. MM 3.27: Install door sweeps or weather stripping if more energy efficient doors and windows are not available. � MM 3.28: Install high efficiency or gas space heating. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — CDD, Public Works Dept., and Building & Fire Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit 4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES - Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not Will the plojeCt: Significant 8 will be Impact Applicable , mitigated � a) Result in a /oss of unique or specia/ � � � � status species or their habitats? b) Reduce the extent, diversity or � � � � quality of native or other important vegetation? c) Impact wetland or riparian habitat? � � � � d) Introduce barriers to movement of � � � � resident or migratory fish or wildlife species, or factors that could hinder � the normal activities of wildlife? e) Other � � � � Setting. The project site is located within an existing commercial shopping center. There are no biological habitats or resources to protect. Impact. There are no impacts to biological resources. Mitigation/Conclusion. None required. '. 5. CULTURALRESOURCES - Potentially Impactcan Insignificant Not ' Will the projeCt: Significant 8 will be Impact Applicable mitigated � a) Disturb pre-historic resources? � � � � � b) Disturb historic resourcesT � � � � c) Disturb paleontological resources� � � � � �' d) Other � � � � Setting. There are no known pre-historic or paleontological resources on the site or in the project vicinity. City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad 'I'of the Five Cities Center) Page 9 i ' _ __ Impact. Although there are no known pre-historic or paleontological resources on the project site, the area is known to have been used by Native Americans and the potential for encountering such � resources, while low given previous grading activity, is a possibility. Mitigation/Conclusion. Development of the project could have a potentially significant impact to cultural and pre-historic resources that can be mitigated to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the mitigation measure(s) listed below. MM 5.1: The following note shall be placed on the grading and improvement plans for the project: "In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, and archeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted within 150 feet of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner (781-4513) shall be contacted immediately. The applicant may be required to provide , archaeological studies and/or mitigatio� measures." j Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit 6. GEOLOGY AND SOILS - Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not Will the p/ojeCt: Significant &will be Impact Applicable mitigated a) Resu/t in exposure to or production � � � � of unstable earfh conditions, such as landslides, earthquakes, � liquefaction, ground failure, land subsidence or other similar ' hazards? b) Be within a CA Dept. of Mines & � � � � � Geology Earthquake Fault Zone? ^ c) Result in soil erosion, topographic � � � � changes, and/oss of topsoil or unstable soil conditions from project-related improvements, such as vegetafion removal, grading, excavation, or fill? d) Change rates of soil absorption, or � � � � amount or direction of surface ; runoff9 e) Include structures/ocated on � � � � � expansive soi/s? '� � Change the drainage pattems where � � � � �� substantial on- or off-site sedimentation/erosion or flooding may occur7 � City of Arroyo Grande, Inifial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad 7'of the Five Cities Center) Page 10 I 6. GEOLOGY AND SOILS - Potentiaily Impact can Insignificant Not Significant &will be Impact Applicable I, Will the project: miti9ated g) Involve activities within the 100-year � � � � flood zone? h) Be inconsistent with the goals and � � � � policies of the County's Safety Element relating to Geologic and Seismic HazardsT i) Preclude the future extraction of � � � � valuable mineral resourcesl j) Other � � � � � Setting. The topography of the project site is relatively flat. The property is located outside of the � 100-year floodplain. The landslide risk potential and liquefaction potential during a ground-shaking event is considered low. No active fauiting is known to exist on or close to the subject property. The project is not within a known area containing serpentine or ultramafic rock or soils (i.e. low risk for naturally occurring asbestos). Impact. A major source of potential earthquake damage to Arroyo Grande is from activity along the regional San Andreas Fault located less than forty (40) miles east along the eastern border of San Luis Obispo County. The most widespread intensity of ground shaking depends on several factors including the magnitude of the earthquake, the distance from the earthquake epicenter, and underlying soil conditions. Other regionai faults of significance that could affect the project area in terms of ground shaking are the Rincondada and Nacimiento faults, located approximately twenty-five �i (25) miles east of the City. These faults are considered "potentially active", and could cause moderate (Magnitude 6.0+) earthquakes in the area. The West Huasna fault is located roughly three (3) miles east of the City of Arroyo Grande. The project site would be subject to severe ground shaking in a strong seismic event, which could cause damage to structures and endanger public � safety. i The project site will be subject to soil erosion during construction. Because the project involves more than one acre of disturbance, preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required, which focuses on controlling storm runoff. The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) is the local extension that monitors this program. Mitigation/Conclusion. Seismic hazard, soil erosion and downstream sedimentation are considered � potentially significant impacts that can be reduced to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the mitigation measures listed below. MM 6.1: The applicant shall submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that � specifies the implementation of Best Management Practices to avoid and minimize water �� quality impacts as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). i Responsible Party: Developer r� Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Public Works Dept.; RWQCB Timing: Prior to issuance of Grading Permit MM 6.2: The applicant shall submit grading, drainage and erosion control plans, consistent with the policies of the Arroyo Grande Development Code and Grading Ordinance, to the Public Works Department for review and approval. ' City of Anoyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad `P of the Five Cities Center) Page 71 ',� � - - -- - - - Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Grading Permit 7. HAZARDS & HAZARDOUS Patentially Impact can Insignificant Not MATERIALS - Will the IO eCf: Significant &will be Impact Applicable P J mitigated a) Result in a risk of explosion or � � � � re/ease of hazardous substances (e.g. oil, pesticides, chemicals, radiation) or exposure of people to hazardous substances7 � b) Interfere with an emergency � � � � � response or evacuation plan? c) Expose people to safety risk � � � � associated with airport flight patternl d) lncrease fire hazard risk or expose � � � � people or structures to high fire hazard conditions? e) Create any other health hazard or � � � � potential hazardl fl Other � � � � Setting. The project is not located in an area of known hazardous material contamination. The ; project is not within a high severity risk area for fire. The project is not within an Airport Review area. ' Impact. The project does not propose the use of hazardous materials. The project does not present a significant fire safety risk. The project is not expected to conflict with any regional evacuation plan. Mitigation/Conclusion. No impacts as a result of hazards or hazardous materials are anticipated, and no mitigation measures are necessary. S. NOISE - Will the project: Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not Significant 8 will be Impact Applicable ' mitigated i a) Expose people to noise levels that � � � � exceed the City's Noise Element thresholds? b) Generate increases in the ambient � � � � noise levels for adjoining areas? � c) Expose people to severe noise or � � � � , vibrationT d) Other � � � � City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad `l'of the Five Cities Center) Page 12 Setting. Existing ambient noise in the viciniry of the project site is primarily generated by vehicular I traffic and delivery trucks. � Impact. The project is expected to generate loud noise during construction that will impact adjacent residences. The average sound levels during construction would exceed the threshold criteria when equipment is operating near residences and the school. This is considered a potentially significant impact that can be mitigated to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the below mitigation measures. Mitigation/Conclusion. The project will generate short-term noise impacts with construction activities that require mitigation. Long-term increases in traffic and other operational noise levels are considered less-than-significant impacts and no mitigation measures are necessary. MM 8.1: Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 8 AM and 6 PM Monday ; through Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday. On-site equipment maintenance and servicing shall be confined to the same hours. ; MM 8.2: Deliveries and idling truck engines shall be restricted to the hours of 8 AM and 6 PM. 1 MM 8.3: All construction equipment utilizing internal combustion engines shall be required to have mufflers that are in good condition. Stationary noise sources shall be located at least 300 feet from occupied dwelling units unless noise reducing engine housing enclosures or noise screens are provided by the contractor. MM 8.4: A note shall be placed on the construction plans that no more than two (2) pieces of major earth moving equipment shall be allowed to operate simultaneously within 300 feet of adjacent residences or the school. ,` MM 8.5: Equipment mobilization areas, water tanks, and equipment storage areas shall be placed in a central location as far from existing residences as feasible. ' Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Public Works Dept. � Timeframe: During construction ' 9. POPULATION/HOUSING - Potentially Impactcan Insignificant Not Will the pro%ect: Significant &will be Impact Applicable mitigated a) Induce substantial growth in an area � � � � either directly or indirectly(e.g., , through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major i infrastrucfure)7 b) Displace existing housing or people, � � � � requiring construction of replacement housing elsewhere? � c) Create the need for substantial new � � � � , housing in the area7 d) Use substantial amount of fuel or � � � � energyl ,� City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad`P of the Five Cities Center) Page 13 a - 9. POPULATION/HOUSING - Potentially Impactcan Insignificant Not Will the pioject: Significant 8�will be Impact Applicable mitigated e) Ofher � � � � Setting. The project site is located within an existing shopping center bounded by residential development to the north. Development of Pad "I" was originally approved in July 1996 with approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 96-541. The land use for the subject property was changed from Planned Development (PD) to Regional Commercial (RC) during the 2001 General Plan Update. Impact. The project will not result in a need for new housing, and will not displace existing housing. , Mitigation/Conclusion. There are no anticipated impacts to population or housing, and therefore no mitigation is necessary. j 10. PUBLIC SERVICES/UTILITIES - Potentially Impactcan Insignificant Not Will the project have an effect upon, Significant 8 will be Impact Applicable or result in the need for new or mitigated altered public services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protectionl � � � � b) Po/ice protectionl � � � � c) Schoo/s? � � � � d) Roads? � � � � e) Other � � � � � Setting. Development of the site would increase demand for fire and police protection services, but ,i not beyond levels anticipated by the 2001 General Plan for City buildout. Impact. The proposed commercial development would result in additional calis to the Fire Department each year, predominantly for emergency medical service. The development will also generate an increase in the number of incidents requiring police assistance. The proposed buildings �, will be constructed in compliance with the applicable uniform building and safety codes, and will be sprinklered. Mitigation/Conclusion. Public facility programs have been adopted to address the projecYs direct and cumulative impacts, and wili reduce the impacts to less-than-significant levels. � MM 10.1: All site and building plans shall be reviewed by the Fire Chief for adequacy of access, fire suppression and water delivery systems. Implement recommendations as � necessary to reduce the frequency and severity of fire calls to the shopping center. y � Responsible Party: Developer :; Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Building & Fire Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad 9'of the Five Cities Center) Page 14 ,I MM 10.2: The developer shall submit plans which include architectural features to decrease vulnerability to crime, such as adequate and appropriate security lighting, locks, landscaping, and alarm systems. Access to all roofs shall be secured to prevent unauthorized entry. Interior lighting of large retail businesses shall be left on or dimmed when businesses are closed and exterior lighting shall be off or dimmed. Architectural plans shall be reviewed by the Police Chief prior to issuance of building permit. � Responsible Party: Developer ° Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Police Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 10.3: The developer shall pay all applicable police and fire impact fees. Responsible Party: Developer ' Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Building & Fire Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit , Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not Significant &will be Impact Applicable 11. RECREATION - Will the project: m�t�9atea a) Increase the use or demand for parks � � � � or other recreation opportunities? b) Affect the access to trails, parks or � � � � other recreation opporfunities7 c) Other � � � � , Setting. The project will not affect any existing park or other recreational resource, and will not create additional demand for recreational facilities. Impact. There are no impacts to City park and recreation facilities with the proposed development. Mitigation/Conclusion. No mitigation required. 12. TRANSPORTATION/ Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not CIRCULATION - wil► the IO eCt: Significant &will be Impact Applicable P 1 mitigated a) Increase vehicle trips to local or � � � � areawide circulation system? b) Reduce existing "Levels of Service" � � � � ' on public roadway(s)� c) Create unsafe conditions on public � � � � roadways (e.g., limited access, design features, sight distance)7 �� d) Provide for adequate emergency � � � � access? e) Result in inadequate parking � � � � capacity? I City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad`I'of the Five Cities Center) Page 75 , 12. TRANSPORTATION/ Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not , Significant &will be Impact Applicable CIRCULATION - Will the project: mitigated I � Result in inadequate internal traffic � � � � � circulation? 1 � g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, � � � � or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., pedestrian � access, bus turnouts, bicycle racks, � etc.)? h) Result in a change in air traffic � � � � � patterns that may result in � substantial safety risksT i) Other � � � � � Setting. A traffic impact study for the Five Cities Shopping Center expansion was conducted in January 2005 by Omni-Means, Ltd. (on file in the Community Development and Public Works Departments). The study analyzed existing traffic volumes, existing traffic operations, project trip generation, distribution and assignment, cumulative traffic operations, and recommended circulation improvements. Several critical study intersections and driveways within the shopping center were identified and analyzed within the study for weekday AM and PM peak hour conditions, which include: 1.West Branch StreeUOak Park Boulevard 2.West Branch StreeUCamino Mercado i 3.West Branch StreeURancho Parkway i4.Rancho Parkway/Camino Mercado i ' 5.West Branch StreeUBrisco Road 6.Brisco Road/US 101 NB Ramps 7.Brisco Road/EI Camino Real 8.EI Camino Real/US 101 SB Ramps 9.West Branch StreeUEast Grand Avenue 10. Rancho Parkway/driveway 11. West Branch StreeUdriveway west 12. West Branch StreeUdriveway east II Consistent with recommendations contained in the 2005 traffic impact study and subsequent traffic I� impact analyses prepared by Omni Means, the City adopted a proposal by the developer for various � tra�c improvements within the Five Cities Center on April 11, 2006 (on file in the Community Development and Public Works Departments). � City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad`I'of the Five Cities Center) Page 16 Impact. The proposed commercial development is estimated to generate 2,324 daily trips with 70 peak hour trips in the AM and 232 peak hour trips in the PM. Impacted intersections projected to operate at an unacceptable level of service (LOS) during at least one peak hour under cumulative base plus project conditions include: West branch StreeUBrisco Road; EI Camino Real at Halcyon Road/US 101 southbound ramps; West Branch StreeUE. Grand Avenue; and Rancho ` Parkway/driveway. Recommended improvements are included in the mitigation measures below. �. j Mitigation/Conclusion. MM 12.1: Consistent with the traffic improvement plans adopted by the City on April 11, 2006, the developer shall install the following improvements: • Provide an additional access driveway on Camino Mercado in Phase II (improvement"A"). • Add a right turn lane on the Phase I driveway at Rancho Parkway (improvement "F"). • Modify Rancho Parkway by narrowing the street, adding traffic-calming devices, and directing traffic (improvement"G-1"). � • Modify pavement marking and add signage at the intersection of Rancho Parkway and � West Branch Street (improvement"G-2"). � Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy MM 12.2: The developer shall adjust signal timing for both signals on West Branch Street (improvement"H"). Responsible Party: Developer '' Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande —Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to Certificate of Occupancy MM 12.3: The developer shall pay the City's Tra�c Signalization and Transportation Facilities Impact fees. 'i Responsible Party: Developer 'J Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Building & Fire Dept.; Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit 13. WASTEWATER- Will the Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not � prOjeCf: Significant 8�will be Impact Applicable mitigated a) Violate waste discharge requirements � � � � for wastewater systemsl b) Change the quality of surface or � � � � ground water(e.g., nitrogen-loading, daylighting)1 !i c) Adversely affect community � � � � wastewater service providerT d) Other � � � � I City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad `P of the Five Cities Center) Page 17 Setting. Wastewater disposal for the project will be managed by extending the City's wastewater � collection system to service the project. The South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) provides wastewater collection and treatment services for the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and the unincorporated community of Oceano, and owns and maintains all of the main i sewer trunk lines. All new developments are required to obtain approval from the SSLOCSD for the developmenYs impact to District facilities. Impact: Per the Arroyo Grande Wastewater Master Plan (AGWWMP), the additional flows from the project will add to peak flows of certain main lines currently close to capacity, such as the "Bakeman bottleneck". Payment of the projecYs proportionate share for the EI Camino Real and Walnut Street Upgrades, as well as other sewer impact fees, will reduce impacts to less than significant. Mitigation/Conclusion. Through sewer hookup fees, SSLOCSD fees, EI Camino Real Upgrade and Walnut Street Upgrade fees, the developer will pay the projecYs proportional share of impact fees to mitigate the additional demand. MM 13.1: The applicant shall pay the projecYs proportionate share to the following wastewater capital improvement projects: • EI Camino Real Upgrade • Walnut Street Upgrade Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande—Public Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit MM 13.2: The project will further impact the "Bakeman bottleneck", a main sewer line currently near capacity. The developer shall obtain a "will serve" letter from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District and pay the City's sewer hookup and SSLOCSD impact fees, including a fee for the Bakeman bottleneck solution. , Responsible Party: Developer ; Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande— Building & Fire Dept.; Public � Works Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit 14. HYDROLOGY AND WATER Potentially Impact can Insignificant Not Significant &will be Impact Applicable QUALITY - Will the project: mitigated a) Violate any water quality standards? � � � � b) Discharge into surface waters or � � � � � otherwise alter surface water quality (e.g., turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, etc.)? c) Change the qualiEy of groundwater � � � � (e.g., saltwater intrusion, nitrogen- !; loading, etc.)? d) Change the quantity or movement of � � � � available surface or ground waterl e) Adversely affect water supply? � � � � ' City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad `P of the Five Cities Center) Page 18 14. HYDROLOGY AND WATER Potentially Impactcan Insignificant Not QUALITY - Will the I'o 2Ct: Significant &will be Impact Applicable P 1 mitigated � Other � � � � Setting. Development of the proposed commercial structures and parking areas will result in increased runoff and alteration of existing onsite drainage patterns by increasing storm water flows. Drainage will be managed by connecting to the City's existing storm drain located between Phase II and St. Patrick's School. Impact. Construction activities on the site would result in the disturbance of approximately five (5) acres. Construction, grading activities and exposed soil could cause erosion during project a development. Post-construction uses on the project would increase impermeable surfaces and { subsequent increase in urban runoff generated from the commercial development. As a result of � construction and build out of the site, the proposed project could result in degradation of water quality in nearby surFace and ground water bodies. Surface runoff from the parking areas within the project site would carry elevated levels of contaminants. If allowed to enter stormwater pipes, these contaminants would eventually enter downstream drainage areas and potentially lead to degradation of aquatic and upland habitat. Mitigation/Conclusion. Potentially significant impacts, such as soil erosion and increased runoff, could result from project grading and construction. Potentially significant impacts from construction related activities would be reduced to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures: � MM 14.7: The developer shall submit a drainage plan that includes the proper design and ; placement of sedimenUgrease traps to prevent the discharge of pollutants into the downstream drainage system. ' Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande —CDD, Public Works Dept. ; Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Building Permit 1 � Impact. The City is currently in a "severely restricted"water supply condition that has not yet reached a "critical" level. To manage its water supply deficiency, the City adopted a two-phased strategy in November 2004 that included alternatives to be pursued to meet the City's water demand over the next 10- year period (phase 1), and identified alternatives that will provide permanent water suppiy increases to meet the long-term demand that are most desirable, feasible and cost effective (phase 2). As part of phase 1, the City adopted a Water Conservation Program in May 2003 that included: • Plumbing Retrofit Program; • Water Shortage Contingency Analysis; • Public Information and Education; • Information System Assessment for Top Water Users; . Enforcement of City's Water Conservation Codes; and City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad`l'of the Five Cities Center) Page 19 � ( • Optional components, including washing machine rebates, irrigation system or landscaping rebates, and retrofit of cemetery with non-potable water. Other components of phase 1 include construction of Well No. 10 (located on Deer Trail Circle), pursuing oil field water on Price Canyon, implementing a tiered water and sewer rate structure as financial incentives for water conservation, and a utility retrofit upon-sale program. Phase 2 provides various permanent water supply options that include: • Conducting a groundwater study (in process); • Pursuing water from the Nacimiento Project; • Implementing a reclaimed water system; • Pursuing feasibility of a desalination plant; and • Pursuing water from the State Water Project. Mitigation/Conclusion. The City is currently in a severely restricted water supply situation, which is considered a cumulatively significant impact. The projecYs contribution, however, is considered di minimis, meaning that the environmental conditions would be the same whether or not the project is implemented. The City adopted overriding considerations for cumulative water supply impacts identified in the Program EIR for the 2001 General Plan Update. However, the project shall implement the following restrictions and measures to reduce water supply impacts to a less-than- significant level. MM 14.2: The project shall comply with the City's required water conservation measures including any applicable measures identified in the City's Water Conservation Plans. ; Responsible Party: Developer � Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Public Works Dept. Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit � MM 14.3: The project shall install best available technology for low-flow toilets and hot water recirculation systems. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande—Building Dept. ,' Timing: Prior to a Certificate of Occupancy MM 14.4: The final landscape plan shall show low-water use/drought resistant species and drip irrigation systems rather than spray irrigation systems. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande — Community Development Dept.; � Parks, Recreation and Facilities Dept. Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit , City of Anoyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad`I'of the Five Cities Center) Page 20 MM 14.5: The project plans shall include methods for collecting surface run-off from the site for use on landscaped areas to reduce water use and minimize run-off to the extent feasible. Responsible Party: Developer Monitoring Agency: City of Arroyo Grande —Public Works Dept. Timing: Prior to issuance of Building Permit 15. LAND USE - WiII the project: Inconsistent Potentially Consistent Not Inconsistent Applicable a) Be potentially inconsistent with land � � � � use, policy/regulation (e.g., General Plan, Development Code), adopted to avoid or mitigate for � environmental effects7 b) Be potentially inconsistent with any � � � � habitat or community conservation plan? c) Be potentially inconsistent with � � � � adopted agency environmental plans or policies with jurisdiction over the project? d) Be potentially incompatible with � � � � surrounding land usesl i e) Other � � � � ; Setting/Impact. Surrounding uses are identified on Page 3 of the Initial Study. The proposed project � was reviewed for consistency with policy and/or regulatory documents relating to the environment and , appropriate land use (e.g., City's Land Use Element, Development Code, Zoning Map, etc.). � Referrals were sent to outside agencies to review for policy consistencies and code compliance. The project was found to be consistent with these documents and codes with implementation of the above mitigation measures. Land use and zoning designations for the property are consistent with the proposed use. The project is not within or adjacent to a conservation plan area. The project is compatible with surrounding land uses, providing noise, light and aesthetic mitigations are properly implemented to lessen impacts to ; the adjacent residential neighborhood to the north. � Mitigation/conclusion. No inconsistencies were identified and therefore no additional measures above what will already be required was determined necessary. � 'I City ofArroyo Grande, Initial Study forACUP 06-003(Pad `P of the Five Cities Center) Page 21 � ' 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF Potentially Impactcan Insignificant Not SIGNIFICANCE - Will the Significant 8 will be Impact Applicable mitigated project: a) Have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop be/ow self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? ❑ � ❑ ❑ b) Have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable9 ("Cumulatively considerable"means that the incrementa!effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other currentprojecfs, and the effects of probable future projects) ❑ � ❑ ❑ c) Have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? indirectly? ❑ ❑ � ❑ d) Have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? ❑ ❑ � ❑ City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad 7'of the Five Cities Center) Page 22 • Exhibit A- Initial Studv References and Aqencv Contacts The City of Arroyo Grande has contacted various agencies for their comments on the proposed project. With respect to the subject application, the following have been contacted (marked with an �) and when a response was made, it is either attached or in the application file: � Contacted Aqencv � ❑ County Public Works Department ❑ County Environmental Health Division ❑ County Planning & Building Dept. ❑ County Agricultural Commissioner's Office � Air Pollution Control District � Regional Water Quality Control Board ❑ CA Department of Fish and Game ❑ CA Department of Forestry ❑ CA Department of Transportation ❑ US Army Corps of Engineers ❑ So. County Sanitation District � San Luis Obispo Council of Governments � South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District The following reference materials have been used in the environmental review for the proposed project and are hereby incorporated by reference into the Initial Study. The foilowing information is � available at the City Community Development Department. , � SOURCE LIST: , 1. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan (October 2001) 2. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Land Use Map (October 2001) 3. City of Arroyo Grande Development Code 4. City of Arroyo Grande Zoning Map 5. City of Arroyo Grande Existing Setting and Community Issues Report 6. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Program EIR (October 2001) 7. Air Pollution Control District Clean Air Plan 11. San Diego Council of Governments—Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates . ATTACHMENTS: I' A: Referral from the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District dated February 6, 2007 , �� City of Arroyo Grande, Initial Study for ACUP 06-003(Pad 7'of the Five Cities Center) Page 23 ATTACHMENT A AIR POLLUTION � J' CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY Of SAN LUlS OBISPO February 6, 2007 Ms. Kelly Heffemon, Project Leader City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 SUBJECT: APCD Comments Regarding the Five Cities Center Amended CUP 06-003 Project ReferraL (CUP No. 06-003) Dear Ms. Heffemon, Thank you for including the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District(APCD) in the environmental review process. We have completed our review of the proposed project located at 925 Rancho Parkway in Arroyo Grande. This project involves the construction of commercial buildings within the existing Five Cities Shopping Center. Two (2)options for the development of Pad I in Phase II of the shopping center are proposed as follows: • A: Three (2) buildings including15,000 square foot Petco building,13,500 square foot one (1) tenant building, and 6,000 square foot retail building in Phase I of the Five Cities Center next to the existing Marshalls. • B:Two(2) buildings including15,000 square foot Petco building; and,18,200 square foot multi-tenant building. The following are APCD comments that are pertinent to this project. Infill within Citv Limits & URL , Allowing for infill within the Urban Reserve Line is consistent with the land use goals and policies I of the Clean Air Plan. District staff would encourage increasing the density of any fumre development to the extent allowed by the zoning requirements. Increasing density can reduce trips and travel distances and encourage the use of alternative forms of transportation. We would like to commend the applicant on several elements of the project design: , L The project provides development within the city limits with nearby access to commercial services and Iransit service, which will reduce dependence on driving; 2. The project provides development within the URL where such development is planned for and expected; 3. An important part of the project review process is a consistency analysis with the District's Clean Air Plan (CAP). The CAP was developed to address issues that contribute to poor air quality in our area, and to identify strategies to reduce those impacts; this includes land use policies designed to reduce reliance on the automobile, such as compact, infill and mixed-use development. The proposed development project is consistent with the surrounding land uses and provides development where such development is planned and expected. The proposed project has been determined to be consistent with the CAP. 3433 Roberto Court, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 • 805-781-591 2 • FAX: 805-781-1002 info@slocleanair.org www.slocleanair.org i __ -- - - - - - - - - Project Referral for Five Cities Center Amended CUP 06-003 February 6,2007 Page 2 of 6 GENERAL COMMENTS As a commenting agency in the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process for a project, the APCD assesses air pollution impacts from both the construction and operational phases of a project,with separate significant thresholds for each. Please address the action items contained in this letter that are hiahliehted bv bold and underlined text. CONSTRUCTION PHASE MITIGATION Namrally Occurrine Asbestos The project site is located in a candidate area for Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA), which has been identified as a toxic air contaminant by the Califomia Air Resources Board (ARB). Under the ARB Air Toxics Control Measure(ATCM) for Construction, Grading, Quarrying,and Surface Mining Operations,prior to anv eradine activities at the site,the proiect proponent shall ensure that a eeolo¢ic evaluation is conducted to determine if NOA is oresent within the area that will be disturbed. If NOA is not oresent,an exemption reauest must be filed with the District (see Attachment 11. If NOA is found at the site the aoplicant must comolv with all requirements outlined in the Asbestos ATCM. This may include development of an Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan and an Asbestos Health and Safety Program for approval by the APCD. Please refer to the APCD web page at http://www.slocleanair.org/business/asbestos.asp for more information or contact Tim Fuhs of our Enforcement Division at 781-5912. Dust Control Measures Construction activities can generate fugitive dust, which could be a nuisance to local residents and businesses in close proximity to the proposed construction site. Dust complaints could result in a violation of the APCD's 402 "Nuisance" Rule. Any project with a grading area greater than 4.0 acres exceeds the APCD's PM10 quarterly threshold. This scope of work of this project is within 200ft of St. Patrick's Parochial Elementary School, a sensitive receptor, and shall be conditioned to comply with all applicable Air Pollution Control District regulations peRaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM IO) as contained in section 6.5 of the Air Quality Handbook. All site grading and demolition plans noted shall list the following regulations: a. Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible, b. Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed I S mph. Reclaimed(non-potable) water should be used whenever possible, c. All dirt stock pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed, d. Permanent dust control measures identified irr the approved project revegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities, e. Exposed ground areas [ha[ are planned[o be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established, f. All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders,jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD, g. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be completed as soon as possible. In addition, bu,ilding pads should be laid as soon as possible afrer grading unless seeding or soil binders are used, � Project Referral for Five Cities Center Amended CUP 06-003 February 6,2007 Page 3 of 6 h. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed I S mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site, i. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil,or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum veRical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114, j. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site, and k. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. All PM IO mitigation measures required should be shown on grading and building plans. In addition, the contractor or builde�should designate a person orpersons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust offsite. Their duties shall include holidays and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and finished eradin¢of the area. Construction Permit Requirements Based on the information provided, we are unsure of the types of equipment that may be present during the project's construction phase. Portable equipment, 50 horsepower(hp) or greater, used during construction activities will require Califomia stafewide portable equipment registration (issued by the Califomia Air Resources Board)or an APCD permit. The following list is provided as a guide to equipment and operations that may have permitting requirements, but should not be viewed as exclusive. For a more detailed listing, refer to page A-5 in the District's CEQA Handbook. • Power screens, conveyors, diesel engines, and/or,crushers; • Portable generators and equipment with engines that are 50 hp or greater, • [C engines; • Concrete batch plants; and, • Trommel screens. To minimize ootential delavs, prior to the start of the proiect, please contact Garv Willev of the District's Eneineerina Division at(8051 781-5912 for soecific information resardine permittina requirements. ' Standard NOx Control Measures for Construction Equipment The standard construction equipment mitigation measures for reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions are listed below and in section 63.1 of the Air Quality Handbook. These measures are applicable to all proiects where construction equipment will be used: • Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications. • Fuel all off-road and poRable diesel powered equipment with ARB certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (non-taxed version suitable for use off-road). • Maximize,to the extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment meeting ARB's 1996 and newer certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesef engines. , • Maximize to the extent feasible, the use of on-road heavy-duty equipment and trucks that meet the ARB's 1998 or newer certification standard for on-road heavy-duty diesel engines. � ---- Project Referral for Five Cities Center Amended CUP 06-003 February 6, 2007 Page 4 of 6 • All on and off-road diesel equipment shall not be allowed to idle for more than 5 minutes. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas to remind drivers and operators of the 5 minute idling limit. OPERATIONAL PHASE MITIGATION Operational Permit Requirements Based on the information provided, we are unsure of the types of equipment that may be present at the site. Operational sources may require APCD permits. The following list is provided as a guide to equipment and operations that may have permitting requirements, but should not be viewed as exclusive. For a more detailed listing, refer to page A-5 in the District's CEQA Handbook. • Portable generators and equipment with engines that are 50 hp or greater; • Electrical generation plants or the use of standby generator; • Food and beverage preparation (primarily coffee roasters); • Fumiture and fixture products; • Dry cleaning; and, • Cogeneration facilities. To minimize potential delavs,orior to the start of the oroiect, please contact Garv Willev of the District's Eneineerine Division at (805) 781-5912 for specific information resardinQ oermittine requirements. APDC staff has determined the operational impacts of this development through the use of the URBEMIS2002 computer model, a tool for estimating vehicle travel, fuel use and the resulting emissions related to this project's land uses. The results of the model using conservative County average trip distances demonstrated that the operational impacts will likely exceed the APCD's CEQA Tier I significance threshold value of 10 lbs/day for nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM10) and reactive organic gases (ROG). As a result of this estimated threshold exceedence,this aroiect must implement all applicable Mitigation Measures listed below. Should this project move forward, the APCD will consider the overall air quality impacts from this project to have been reduced to a level of insignificance with the implementation of these mitigation measures. Other measures may be proposed as replacements by contacting the APCD's Planning Division at 781-5912. ' 5tandard Measures • Provide on-site bicycle parking. One bicycle parking space for every 10 car parking spaces is considered appropriate. • Provide on-site eating, refrigeration and food vending facilities to reduce employee lanchtime trips. • Provide preferential carpool and vanpool parking spaces. • Provide shower and locker facitities to encourage employees to bike and/or walk to work, typically one shower and three lockers for every 25 employees. l Project Referral for Five Cities Center Amended CUP 06-003 February 6, 2007 Page 5 of 6 Additional Mitisation Measures Site Desi�gation for this Commercial Project • Increase streetshade tree planting. - • Increase shade tree planting in parking lots to reduce evaporative emissions from parked vehicles. • Provide on-site child care facilities for employees. • Implement on-site circulation design elements in parking lots to reduce vehicle queuing and improve the pedestrian environment with designated walkways. • Provide pedestrian signalization and signage to improve pedestrian safety. Transoortation Demand Mitieation • If the project is located on an established transit route, improve public transit accessibility by providing a transit turnout with direct pedestrian access to the project or improve existing transit stop amenities. • Provide incentives to employees to carpool/vanpool, take public transportation,telecommute, I walk, bike, etc by implementing the Transportation Choices Program. The applicant should Contact SLO Regional Rideshare at 541-2277 to receive free consulting services on how to start and maintain a program. • Provide Transportation Choices Program infortnation centers on altemative transportation modes at the site(i.e. a transportation kiosk). Contact SLO Regional Rideshare for appropriate materials at 541-2277. • Employ or appoint an Employee Transportation Coordinator. • Implement an APCD approved Trip Reduction Program • Provide for shuttle/mini bus service. • Increase the quality of existing bicycle routes/lanes or add bicycle routes/lanes which access the project. • Implement a lunch-time shuttle to reduce single occupant vehicle trips. • PaRicipate in an employee "flash pass" program,which provides free travel on transit buses. • Provide home delivery service for customers. Enerpy Efficiency Measures • Shade tree planting along southem exposures of buildings to reduce summer cooling needs. • Use roof material with a solar reflectance value meeting the EPA/DOE Energy StarC� rating to reduce summer cooling needs. • Use built-in energy efficient appliances,where applicable. • Use double-paned windows. • Use low energy parking lot and street lights (e.g. sodium). • Use energy efficient interior lighting. • Use low energy traffic signals (e.g. light emitting diode). • Install door sweeps or weather stripping if more energy efficient doors and windows are not available. • Install high efficiency or gas space heating. • Replace diesel fleet vehicies with cleaner fueled low emission vehicles(e.g. school buses, transit buses, on and off road heavy duty vehicles, lighter duty trucks and passenger vehicles). Project Referral for Five Cities Center Amended CUP 06-003 February 6,2007 Page 6 of 6 • Retrofit existing equipment to reduce emissions through methods such as catalyzed diesel particutate filters, diesel oxidation catalysts,or other approved technologies. Again, thank you for the oppottunity to comment on this proposal. If you have any questions or comments,feel free to contact me at 781-5912. Sincerely, ��� i t,.�' r Alexander Bugrov / Air Quality Specialist AAB/sll cc: Mr. Dave Pintard Tim Fuhs, Enforcement Division, APCD Gary Willey, Engineering Division, APCD Andy Mutziger, Planning Division,APCD Attachments: 1. Naturally Occurring Asbestos—Construction& Grading Project Exemption Request Form, Construction& Grading Project Form n:WammaaW�ixi re��ewvaoo-n�oo-�.ew I —_ " q Naturally Occurring Asbestos - Construction & Grading Project Form Send To: , Q San Luis Obispo County Air '� Pollution Control District 3433 Roberto Court I � San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-781-5912 Applicant Information/Property Owner Project Name Address Project Address and/or Assessors Parcel Number City,State, 2ip City, State, Zip Email: EmaiL• � Phone Number Date Submitted Agent Phone Number Check W here ITEM APCD REQUIRED ELEMENT 1 APCD REQUIRED ELEMENT 2 Applicable Project IS NOT Subject to NOA Mapped Location Attached � Requirements Project IS Subject to NOA Exemption Request Form Requirements but NOT Geological Evaluation Attached Attached I Disturbing NOA Project IS Subject to NOA Requirements and Project is Geological Evaluation Attached Dust Control Measure Plan Disturbing NOA- More than One Attached Acre Project IS Subject to NOA Requirements a�d Project is Geological Evaluation Attached Mini-Dust Control Measure Plan Disturbing NOA-One Acre or Attached Less APPLICANT MUST SIGN BELOW: Legal Declaration/Authorized Signature: Date: OFFICE USE ONLY-APCD Required Elements Geological Evaluation Exemption Request Form Dust Control Measure Monitoring, Health 8 Plan Safety Plan Approved Approved Approved Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Comments: Comments: Comments: APCD Staff: Intake Date: Date Reviewed: OIS Site # OIS Proj. # INVOICE No. Basic Fee: Additional Fees: Billable Hrs: Total Fees: H 9enlorcalkare nlword\kbtlirlasbestoslatcmlconslructgrada\c8g(orm rav3.pdf ` _ ___—'__ � � Naturally Occurring Asbestos — Construction & Grading Project Exemption Request Form Send To: San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District 3433 Roberto Court San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 ' '"`"'' Phone: (805) 781-5912 Fax: (805) 781-1002 Applicant Informationl Property Owner Project Name Address Project Address and/or Assessors Parcel Number _ City, State,Zip City, State,Zip Email Address Email Address Phone Number Date Submitted Agent Phone Number The District may provide an exemption from Section 93105 of the California Code of Regulations -Asbestos Airborne Toxic Control Measure For Construction, Gradina. Quarrvinq. And Surface Mininq Operations for any property that has any portion of the area to be disturbed located in a geographic ultramafic rock unit; if a registered geologist has conducted a geologic evaluation of the property and determined that no serpentine or ultramafic rock is likely to be found in the area to be disturbed. Before an exemption can be granted, the owner/operator must provide a copy of a report detailing the geologic evaluation to the District for consideration. The District will approve or deny the exemption within 90 days. An outline of the required � geological evaluation is provided in the District handout "ASBESTOS AIRBORNE TOXIC CONTROL MEASURES FOR CONSTRUCTION, GRADING, QUARRYING, AND SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS— , Geological Evaluation Requirements." NOTE: A basic ezemption evaluation fee of$100.00 will be charged. APPLICANT MUST SIGN BELOW: I request the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Controi District grant this project exemption from the re uirements of the ATCM based on the attached eolo ical evaluation. Legal Declaration/Authorized Signature: Date: OFFICE USE ONLY-APCD Re uired Element—Geolo ical Evaluation Intake Date: APCD Staff: OIS Site #: OIS Project #: Date Reviewed: APCD Staff: Approved Not Approved Comments: H IENFORCE\KAREMWOROIXBOIRWSBESTOSNTCMkonsWCigraOe�cgenemptlormrev2.ptl1 I , I ` �J � pRROYp ���■ � c9 � wCORPORAtE 92 " ^ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE # .u�r �o. �o�i * CITY COUNCIL c4��FORN�P NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007, the Arroyo Grande City Council will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET, to consider the following item: Temporary Use Permit Case No. 07-012 and Consideration of Lease Agreement with PG&E for 5-Acre City Property at West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road for a Temporary Park and Ride Lot. The City Council will consider a Temporary Use Permit and a Lease Agreement with PG&E for use of a portion of a five-acre future recreation center site as a temporary park and ride lot operated by PG&E for two (2) four-month periods (December 2007 through March 2008 and December 2008 through March 2009). The park and ride lot would consist of a maximum of 250 cars, would operate 24 hours/day, seven days/week, and includes a shuttle bus stop. The City would grade, provide access, drainage improvements, all weather dust-free base surface, night security lighting, basic aisle and directional markings, and signage prior to occupancy to facilitate trip reduction as required mitigation during Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power PlanYs major maintenance project. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the Community Development Department has determined the project is categorically exempt per Section 15271 of the CEQA Guidelines, related to thermal power plants. The Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after the items listed above. If you challenge the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was � given. Information relating to the above item is available by contacting the Community �, Development Department at 473-5420. The City Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20. � f�- Kelly We ore ity Clerk Publish 1T, The Tribune, Friday, July 13, 2007 � PRROVp � c9 � INCOHPOaATEO 92 I U m � JULY 10, 19�1 * c4��FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORC� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A REVISED PROPOSAL FROM PG&E FOR THE LEASE OF A 5-ACRE CITY PROPERTY AT W. BRANCH STREET & OLD RANCH ROAD FOR A TWO-YEAR TEMPORARY PARK-AND-RIDE LOT DURING WINTER 2008 AND 2009 DATE: JULY 24, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit Case No. 07-012, for the City to develop, and PG&E to operate, a Park and Ride Lot for up to 250 cars including shuttle bus stop and night lighting for two (2) five month periods, December 2007 through April 2008 and December 2008 through April 2009, subject to execution of a mutually agreeable lease agreement for use of the subject property; and 2) Direct staff to prepare a lease agreement between the City and PG&E for a portion of the 5-acre future Recreation Center property at West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road for consideration by the Council. FUNDING: The City would receive $70,000 upon signing of the lease agreement to fund the estimated cost of grading, drainage, basic "all weather" surfacing, lane delineation, lighting and signage improvements, and monthly rent of $6,000 per month for 10 months, providing $30,000 in 2007-08 General Fund income and $30,000 in 2008-09 General Fund income. DISCUSSION: On May 8, 2007 the City Council considered a proposal from PG&E for use of level, vacant, City owned property at the northeast corner of West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road for a 400-car Park-and-Ride Lot during two (2) five month winter periods in 2008 and 2009. , The Park-and-Ride Lot is a proposed trip reduction traffic mitigation measure needed to bus workers to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant during major maintenance rather than allow private vehicles to travel to and from South County to the plant site. The Council tabled the proposal and requested that PG&E and City staff consider a smaller facility in Arroyo Grande with additional park and ride lots located in either Grover Beach and/or Pismo Beach to serve those communities and reduce the concentrated traffic impacts. They also asked that if a reduced capacity park and ride lot lease proposal was submitted by PG&E that the residential neighbors be notified and the item be considered at a public hearing on the Temporary Use Permit. tl � CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH PG&E FOR A 5-ACRE CITY PROPERTY AT W. BRANCH STREET & OLD RANCH ROAD FOR A TWO-YEAR � TEMPORARY PARK AND RIDE LOT DURING WINTER 2008 AND 2009 J U LY 24, 2007 PAGE 4 Attachment 1 is the "updated proposal", dated July 9, 2007 from PG&E for a 250-car parking lot. The Temporary Use Permit would provide for City improvements and PG&E operation of this 24-hour, seven day a week park and ride lot with shuttle bus and shift schedules controlled so that peak turnover would largely avoid normal peak hour traffic. Arrivals and departures are programmed between 3:30 and 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 to 7:00 a.m., and evening schedules involving 3:30 and 5:00 p.m. and 6 to 7:00 p.m. Only the latter �I traffic would contribute to weekday and weekend PM peak congestion, but the trip reduction mitigation will reduce the traffic impacts that would otherwise occur without it. PG&E is pursuing smaller 50 to 150 car park and ride lots at two Freeway 101 accessible lots in the City of Pismo Beach to meet their traffic mitigation objectives: 1) A 50 to 100 car facility at the Pismo Beach Outlet Center on Five Cities Drive on the southwest side, and 2) A 100 to 150-car facility at Saint Anthony's Church and/or PG&E corporation yard on the northeast side. (No acceptable alternatives were found in Grover Beach or other areas of Arroyo Grande, although several were considered for large developed properties such as shopping center and church parking lots.) The revised proposal requires the City to complete site grading and drainage, provide an "all weather" surface suitable for low turnover, temporary winter season parking lot including access drives, parking lane delineation, night lighting and entry-exit signage and related improvements. The reduced parking lot size from 400 to 250-car capacity is an approximate 38% reduction with a proportionate initial lease payment to fund the estimated conservative cost of smaller lot improvement. The $70,000 up front payment would include approximately $10,000 for lighting and lane delineation and $60,000 for grading and drainage on about half of the total site area. The upper 1.5 acres nearest Royal Oak Estates single-family residential homes contains several mature eucalyptus trees and slopes too steep for parking. The eastern 1.0-acre nearest the Women's Center would also be left unimproved to provide more distance from the nearest homes on Vemon, Larchmont, Winton and West Branch Streets further east. Attachment 2 is a preliminary site plan for a smaller park and ride lot design. The design provides a 20-foot street setback along West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road, a 30-foot � access aisle on the southeast and northwest perimeter, and a drainage detention basin and � shuttle bus stop with adjoining ADA parking at the northwest comer of the lot. The lot would j be regraded prior to base material surfacing to the approximate rough grade of the proposed future recreation center building and parking areas (150-foot elevation). The drainage basin will include bio-filter and straw waddles to prevent pollution and siltation from entering the existing storm drain drop inlet at this corner. City staff conferred previously with architect Fred Sweeney Jr. and Mr. Jay Johnson, representatives for the proposed recreation center to clarify site grading and interim use proposals. The temporary improvements would benefit the future recreation center project i � a ; ! CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH PG&E FOR A 5-ACRE CITY PROPERTY AT W. BRANCH STREET & OLD RANCH ROAD FOR A TWO-YEAR TEMPORARY PARK AND RIDE LOT DURING WINTER 2008 AND 2009 JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 5 by providing partial rough site preparation grading to the appropriate elevation and import of , base material for subgrade of future parking and foundation areas. It may also provide for temporary drainage for erosion control and power and lighting, which could be used during future Recreation Center construction. The Recreation Center representatives had no objection to the City consideration of interim lease and use as a temporary PG&E winter park and ride lot, nor expectation of income other than the contribution of beneficial improvements to the site. Therefore, the City would receive the $6,000 monthly rental fee, five months in fiscal year 2007-08 for $30,000 and five month in fiscal year 2008-09 for $30,000. Since the City currently has an approved lease for the site with the Five Cities Community Foundation, this lease will also require their approval, which the representatives have indicated they will provide. I Additionally, staff has referred the proposal to County of San Luis Obispo General � Services Department property manager Karen Madellena for consideration because of deed restrictions that provide for public facility use. The final lease will therefore be subject to their consent as well. Additionally, the improvements to the lot would be of potential benefit to other uses, most � notably Strawberry Festival for parking. Staff believes this provides an opportunity to obtain financial benefits from an existing property and may enable the City to entertain other proposals for short-term use or rental for special events. Each such potential temporary use can be required to obtain a separate Temporary Use Permit to provide for terms and conditions acceptable to the City and notification to the neighborhood property owners. ALTERNATIVES: - Adopt Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit and direct staff to prepare a lease agreement; - Discuss the proposal and resolve other terms of the lease agreement, such as the advance for estimated improvement costs, monthly rental amount, or other conditions of concern; - Do not adopt Resolution; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Updated proposal of July 9, 2007 from PG&E's broker Tom Swem. 2. Preliminary site plan for 250 car park and ride lot. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 07-012 FOR A TEMPORARY PARK AND RIDE LOT ON A PORTION OF CITY PROPERTY; APPLICANT PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY WHEREAS, PG&E has requested to use approximately 2.0 acres of 5.0 acres of City- owned vacant real property at the northeast corner of West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road (the "Property") as a temporary Park-and-Ride Lot for up to 250 cars ("Park-and-Ride LoY'), including shuttle bus stop and night lighting for two (2) five-month periods, December 2007 through April 2008 and December 2008 through April 2009; and WHEREAS, the Property is subject to an existing lease agreement with the Five Cities Community Foundation ("Foundation") for the eventual development of a community recreation center; and WHEREAS, development of the Project as a community recreation center by the Foundation is prohibited until certain traffic impacts have been mitigated; and WHEREAS, the Park-and-Ride Lot is a proposed trip reduction, traffic mitigation measure needed to bus workers to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant during major maintenance, rather than allow private vehicles to travel to and from South County to the plant site; and WHEREAS, PG&E is proposing similar Park-and-Ride facilities in Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo to provide convenient community access to these transportation alternatives and to reduce concentrated traffic impacts; and WHEREAS, PG&E has agreed to operate the shuttle bus schedule and control work shifts so that peak parking turnover would largely avoid morning and evening normal peak hour traffic; and WHEREAS, PG&E has requested that the City provide for site grading and drainage improvements for an "all weather," low-turnover, temporary winter season parking lot, lane delineation, night lighting, and access improvements to be funded in advance payment by PG&E equal to the estimated cost of these temporary improvements; and WHEREAS, the Park-and Ride Lot site grading and improvements would be beneficial to the eventual construction of a proposed community recreation center and its permanent parking areas, including rough grading and pollution prevention storm drainage improvements; and RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 WHEREAS, the agreement between the City and PG&E will provide for consent of both the Foundation, and the property manager of General Services Department of the County of San Luis Obispo, to assure the temporary use by PG&E is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Property deed restriction; and WHEREAS, Park-and-Ride Lot improvements will also facilitate other interim community uses of the Property such as Strawberry Festival and Harvest Festival parking; and WHEREAS, on July 24, 2007 the City Council held a properly noticed hearing to consider Temporary Use Permit 07-012; and WHEREAS, according to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project is Categorically Exempt by Section 15304e Class 4, minor alterations to land for temporary use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby approve Temporary Use Permit 07-012, subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Council Member seconded by Council Member and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24`h day of July 2007. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONYFERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK I ' APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 07-012 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to any improvements by the City, PG&E will execute an acceptable agreement with the City for use of the Property and deposit an advance payment of $70,000 (or other amount provided therein) to fund estimated improvement costs. 2. PG&E shall provide a rental fee of $6,000 per month for each of the ten months, payable to the City, for the periods of operation from December 2007 through April 2008 and December 2008 through April 2009. 3. PG&E shall agree to schedule shuttle bus operations and work shifts to avoid or minimize morning and evening peak hour traffic impact periods as determined by the City Public Works Director. 4. PG&E shall ascertain and comply with all City, County, State, and Federal requirements as are applicable to this project. 5. The Park-and-Ride Lot shall be operated in substantial conformance with the proposal dated July 9, 2007 and the terms and conditions of the agreement with the City for use of the Property. 6. PG&E shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action, but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 7. PG&E shall provide at least a $1,000,000 commercial general liability and automobile insurance policy naming the City as additional insured, subject to approval by the City Attorney. Proof of insurance shall be submitted to the Director of Administrative Services at least ten days prior to the temporary use and remain in full force and effect throughout its entire duration of use of the Property. , . � � � :� , � . � , . � � � . � � � � � � � � � . � � � � • � � � � � � . i � ii � • � � � • � � � . � � � � � �+C" � �i �s. 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PREMISES & USE: The NE comer of Branch Street and Old Ranch Road, approximately five (5) acres of raw land for the purpose of opperating a temporary parkng lot. Said lot shall be for "Pazk and Ride" for up to 250 cars. The hours of operation will be 24/7 with actual moming and evening times varied between 3:30am to 7am and 3:OOpm to 7:OOpm. TENANT: PG&E Company,A California Corporation COMMENCEMENT AND LEASE TERM: The specific use and lease periods shall be December l, 2007 through April 3Q 2008 and December 1,2008 through April 30,2009,a total of 10 months. IMPROVEMENTS: The City of AG, at their expense, shall complete the leased azea by installing an "all weather" material suitable for temporary parking, as well as, pazking stall delineation, lighting and signage as required by the Ciry. MONTHLY RENT: Monthly rent for the first period shall be $6,000.00 per month, Gross, payable monthly beginning December l, 2007. Monthly rent for the second period shal] be$6,000.00 per month beginning December 1, 2008. ADDITIONAL RENT: As additional rent,Tenant shall pay, upon the signing of the lease agreement, an amount equal to $7Q000.00. Said amount shall compensate Landlord for costs associated with any and all agreed upon improvements, or requirements, to or for,the site. 3 � Experls in Commercial Investment Real Estate Thomas C. Swem, cR�, CCIM Commercial-Investment Real Estate REAL PROPERTY INVESTMENTS 570 MarsM1 Stree4 San Luis Obispo,CA 93401 805.544.4422 E-mail:ics�ruswem.com LEGAL REVIEW: Landlord and Tenant both reserve the right to have all aspects of this transaction reviewed and approved by legal counsel. BROKERS: The parties understand and acknowledge that Real Property Investments, Tom Swem, Broker,represents the Tenant exclusively,as its agent. This Updated Proposal does not constitute a binding agreement between the parties, nor does it constitute a reservation of space. All parties are advised to seek reliable legal the tax counsel prior to entering into a binding Lease Agreement I"11 look forwazd to hearing from you on this proposal. Sincerely, REAL PROPERTY INVESTMENTS As agent for PG&E Company,a Califomia Corporation TomSwem Tom Swem, GRI, CCIM Broker 4 � Experls in Commercial lnvesiment Real Estate t" `s w S � � -. L � i }`.} :i� .,..�'I< "E,!� !P Vr' 1. f Tis � j .�+�`�� r � r y t ` ,�i� S�� r{`��� � �l�t ' M'����%,• ��• \� "u f � � ����7�� �9� �,S � � �a l�'Y��u" �� � � t *r o � � � S �'♦ �` � e�,� 1��� ���r x f 7 �e� �l �' � � c t a d i � i t t -� r i P � 1� � -+ � � "' -t .}�y '"3, 5 . y� •r: �p :.- 1,, .: .. , `-��+ a W,.+ ����� �-.-, k���� � � ,���•��?�'�.?:�R.t!/ "� .t "�iv;^y/ y �i d^. ` ; ..• `"x3f p � � to . i �. .wc y� >! a / :s ,s �� ; i ��:.� d�j k`°�j . E �iJ�. ��" .: � .�: �+. 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The City Council will consider the Final E�R and determine if it is complete according to the California Environmental Quality ; Act; prior to consideration of the proposed Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan. � The EIR did not identify any significant unavoidable effects. Significant but mitigable effects were identified on agriculture, flooding, hydrology, water quality, biological resources and cultural resources. The project area is generally bounded by Branch Mill Road and Arroyo Grande Creek in the southeast portion of Arroyo Grande. The proposed project consists of a series of stormwater drainage improvements that would be implemented over time. The Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after the items listed above. If you challenge the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. Information relating to the above item is available by contacting the Community Development Department at 473-5420. The City Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20. �� Kelly Wet ore City Clerk Publish 1T, The Tribune, Friday, July 13, 2007 �pRROy� � p c� � __ __ � WCOflPoN�TE � V T M NLV 10. IYII * c4�/FORN�P I MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR�(�l � DON SPAGNOLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ' �P' BY: TERESA MCCLISH, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CERTIFICATION AND RELATED FINDINGS FOR THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE NEWSOM SPRINGS REGIONAL DRAINAGE PLAN DATE: JULY 24, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution to certify the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan (the "projecY') as adequate and complete and make related findings pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Proiect Descriation The Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan Project is a series of actions to be implemented over time to improve drainage and reduce flooding in parts of the City. The project area is generally bounded by Branch Mill Road and Arroyo Grande Creek in the southeast portion of Arroyo Grande. The primary objectives of the project include: ■ Remedy flooding in areas identified in the Storm Water Drainage Master Plan (SWDMP) ■ Improve runoff water quality as it enters Arroyo Grande Creek � Remedy existing creek bank erosion sites dependent on the selected stormdrain outfall point � Maintain the ongoing viability of existing agricultural operations and protect prime agricultural soils. The project will be scheduled for consideration at a future date (tentatively scheduled for August 28, 2007) by the Council upon certification of the EIR. Backqround Based on an initial study and responses to the Notice of Preparation, the following impact categories were identified as potentially significant and, therefore, require detailed analysis: cinr couNCi� NEWSOM SPRINGS REGIONAL DRAINAGE PLAN FINAL EIR JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 2 I • Flooding, erosion, sedimentation and water quality • Biologicai resources • Agricultural resources • Cultural resources • Cumulative and growth inducing impacts � The DEIR did not identify any significant unavoidable environmental effects. Significant, � but mitigable, effects were identified on agriculture, flooding, hydrology, water quality, biologic resources and cultural resources. An alternative analysis (in this case alternative alignments for drainage improvements) was also included as a required part of the DEIR. A few of the items for comparison of alternatives include, but are not limited to, the following: • Construction activities to place stormdrain pipes could result in the displacement of prime topsoil and permanently disrupt farming operations if the pipe is less than 36 inches deep or if the pipe placement disrupts existing subsurface drains in the fields. • Construction of a new drainage channel along Branch Mill Road to carry a 100 year storm would require conversion of 1.34 acres of farmland. Additionally, expansion of a ditch could result in more potential erosion, pipe inlets and outlets could cause local scouring and the outlet from the bioswale could cause scouring. • Proposed stormwater basins for detention may not function adequately due to high groundwater levels and the southerly basin conflicts with the State Water Project pipeline. • Stormwater detention basins could have a beneficial effect by reducing sediment but also may have a potentially adverse significant effect (cumulatively) on flooding downstream if not designed accordingly. • Based on hydraulic modeling, storm drain outfall locations further upstream from the existing gaging station have the potential to increase flood state creek levels significantly. • Alternative Phase II drainage improvements that would diagonally cross the agricultural fields of the Dixon Ranch have similar and mitigable impacts as similar improvements at the periphery of the ranch and may be considered functionally and environmentally equivalent to the Proposed Project phase 2 alignment along Branch Mill Road The City Council reviewed and took public comment on the Draft EIR on May 22, 2007. The Final EIR includes, as a Responses to Comments Volume separate from the DEIR, 12 responses to comments submitted by the public and interested agencies on the Draft EIR, and any changes to mitigation measures or text stemming from public and/or agency comment (noted in italicized and underlined text). Also included is a general description and correlation to a similar project for a drainage project near the City at the Ikeda farm. CEQA Review The purpose of the DEIR is to identify potential environmental impacts connected with necessary drainage improvements for the Newsom Springs Watershed, disclose the cinr couNCi� NEWSOM SPRINGS REGIONAL DRAINAGE PLAN FINAL EIR JULY 24, 2007 PAGE 3 impacts to decision-makers and the public, and make recommendations on feasible alternatives and mitigation measures to avoid or mitigate the impacts. CEQA requires that the decision-making body for the project certify that the CEQA process has been completed, and that significant environmental impacts created by the project will be avoided or mitigated, where feasible, before approving the project. CEQA requires that an environmentally superior altemative, other than the no project alternative, is identified in an EIR. The FEIR identifies the Branch Mill Road alignment (proposed project) with mitigation as the environmentally superior project but notes Alternative Alignment 11 crossing the Dixson Ranch may be considered functionally and environmentally equivalent. (please refer to Section V of the DEIR and page RTC-3 in the Response to Comments Volume). Consideration and Certification of a Final EIR CEQA requires that the decision-making body certify that the following circumstances exist prior to approving a project: • The Final EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA; • The Final EIR was reviewed and considered by the decision-making body; and • The Final EIR represents the Lead Agency's independent judgment and analysis. If the EIR is certified, the project will be reviewed by the City Council along, with a mitigation monitoring program and submittal of CEQA required findings for each class two impact per CEQA Section 15091 (the Final EIR conciudes that there are no remaining Class I impacts for the project after required mitigation). Certifying the EIR for the project does not predispose the decision-making body to approve the project. Public Notice Notices regarding the Final EIR for the project were sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project area, and a notice was published in the Tribune. The project was also noticed in this manner for the May 22, 2007 public hearing for the Draft EIR. ALTERNATIVES The following alternatives are presented for City Council consideration: 1. Review the certify the Final EIR as adequate and complete in accordance with CEQA. 2. Do not certify the Final EIR and provide direction to staff and consultant. Attachments: 1. Final Responses to Comments Volume and Draft EIR previously distributed to Council on April 23, 2007 (Draft) and July 16, 2007 (Final) and is on file at fhe Community Development Department and Public Works Department for public review 2. City Council minutes May 22, 2007 Public Hearing I _ _'__. __"___._ -_-__ __- _ __ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TAKING THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) WITH RESPECT TO THE NEWSOM SPRINGS REGIONAL DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT: 1) CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; 2) ADOPTING ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS; AND (3) ADOPTING A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM. WHEREAS, on October 10, 2006 the City formulated a Project Description for the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan ("ProjecY'); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et se�c.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. Section 15000 et se�c.), the City is lead agency for the Project as the public agency with both general governmental powers and the principle responsibility for discretionary approvals related to the Project; and WHEREAS, the City acting as lead agency, prepared a Final Environmental Impact Report ("FEIR") pursuant to CEQA in order to analyze all potential adverse environmental impacts of Project implementation; and WHEREAS, all requirements of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines have been satisfied by the City for the FEIR, which is sufficiently detailed so that all of the potentially significant environmental effects of the Project have been evaluated properly, focusing on broad policy alternatives and area wide mitigation measures; and WHEREAS, the FEIR prepared in connection with the Project sufficiently analyzes both the feasible mitigation measures necessary to avoid or substantially lessen the ProjecYs potential environmental impacts and a range of feasible alternatives capable of eliminating or reducing these potential effects in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines prevents the City from approving or carrying out a project for which an EIR has been completed that identifies any significant environmental effects unless the City makes one or more of the following written finding(s) for each of those significant effects, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding: (1) changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project which will avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental impact as identified in the FEIR; or (2) such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of a public agency other than the City, and that such changes have been adopted by such other agency, or can and should be adopted by such other agency; or (3) specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or Project alternatives identified in the FEIR; and I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or Project alternatives identified in the FEIR; and WHEREAS, Public Resources Code section 21081.6 requires the City to prepare and adopt a mitigation monitoring and reporting program for any project for which mitigation measures have been imposed to assure compliance with the adopted mitigation measures; and WHEREAS, the City spent approximately six months prior to the preparation of the Draft EIR determining relevant issues and feasible alternatives for consideration in the Draft EIR; and WHEREAS, the City consulted with State and local agencies during this period as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City conducted a Public Scoping Meeting on January 11, 2007 noticed to surrounding property owners, agencies and the general public to assist the City in determining the scope of study for the EIR; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Preparation of the Draft EIR was published on or about January 29, 2007 inviting additional comments from responsible agencies, other regulatory agencies, organizations and individuals pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15082; and WHEREAS, two written statements were received by the City in response to the Notice of Preparation which assisted the City in narrowing the issues and alternatives for analysis in the Draft EIR; and WHEREAS, upon publication of the Draft EIR the City initiated a forty five (45) day public comment period by filing a Notice of Completion with the State Office of Planning and Research on or about April 23, 2007; and WHEREAS, during this period, the City consulted with and requested comments from all responsible and trustee agencies, other regulatory agencies and others pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15086; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21092, the City also provided a Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR to all organizations and individuals who had previously requested such notice, and published the Notice of Availability on or about April 23, 2007 in a newspaper of general circulation in the Project area. Copies of the Draft EIR were provided to approximately twelve public agencies and two that responded to the Notice of Preparation. In addition, the City placed copies of the Draft EIR in the local Public Library and made copies available for review at the City Hall o�ces in Arroyo Grande, California; and WHEREAS, during and after the official public review period for the Draft EIR, the City received approximately 13 written comments, all of which the City responded to in the Final EIR; and , RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a pubiic hearing on the Draft EIR on May 22, j 2007; and � WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21092.5, the City provided copies of the FEIR, including responses to comments on the Draft EIR, on or about July 13, 2007 and WHEREAS, all of the findings and conclusions made by the City Council pursuant to this i Resolution in Exhibit "A" are based upon all of the oral and written evidence presented to it and taken as a whole, and not based solely on the information provided in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, environmental impacts identified in the FEIR which the City Council finds are less than significant and do not require mitigation are described in Exhibit "B" hereof; and WHEREAS, environmental impacts identified in the FEIR as potentially significant but , which the City Council finds can be mitigated to a level of less than significance through the imposition of feasible mitigation measures identified in the FEIR and set forth herein are described in Exhibit "C" hereof; and WHEREAS, alternatives to the Project that might eliminate or reduce significant environmental impacts are described in Exhibit "D" hereof; and WHEREAS, prior to taking action, the City Council has heard, been presented with, reviewed and considered all of the information and data in the administrative record for the Project, including the FEIR, and all oral and written evidence presented to it during meetings and hearings; and WHEREAS, the FEIR reflects the independent judgment of the City Council and is deemed adequate for purposes of making decisions on the merits of the Project; and WHEREAS, no comments made in the public meeting or public hearing conducted by the City or any additional information submitted to the City have produced any substantial new information requiring recirculation or additional environmental review under CEQA; and ' WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the growth-inducing impacts of the Project considered in the EIR as described below and the State CEQA Guidelines require an EIR to address the ways a project could be growth-inducing. A project would induce growth if it fosters economic or population growth or the construction of additional housing, either directly or indirectly, in the surrounding environment. However, under the State CEQA Guidelines, growth inducement is not considered necessarily detrimental, beneficial or of signifcance to the environment; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Project is determined to not have the potential to be growth inducing. The storm drainage improvements will reduce flooding to urban areas downstream in the City. The project would result in the removal of existing flooding conditions, but would not directly result in these areas being substantially further developed or subdivided because the areas are generally fully urbanized already. � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 Whatever further development might arise due to removal of a flood impediment would be under the planned land uses in the General Plan and would not be considered a substantial area of unplanned or premature growth; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered and rejected as infeasible the alternatives identified in the FEIR and described below. CEQA requires that an EIR evaluate a reasonable range of alternatives to a project, or to the location of the project, which: (1) offer substantial environmental advantages over the project proposai, and (2) may be feasibly accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time considering the economic, environmental, social and technological factors involved. An EIR need only evaluate reasonable alternatives to a project which could feasibly attain most of the project objectives, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives. In all cases, the consideration of alternatives is to be judged against a "rule of reason." The lead agency is not required to choose the "environmentally superior" alternative identified in an EIR if the alternative does not provide substantial advantages over the proposed project and (1) through the imposition of mitigation measures the environmental effects of a project can be reduced to an acceptable levet, or (2) there are social, economic, technological or other considerations which make the altemative infeasible. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby: 1. Certify that the FEIR for the Project has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and local procedures adopted by the City pursuant thereto and that the FEIR reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City Council, as required by Public Resources Code Section 21082.1 and Section 15090 of the CEQA Guidelines based on the findings set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. Find that the potential environmental impacts of the Project as described in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein, are less than significant and, therefore, do not require the imposition of mitigation measures. 3. Find that mitigation measures have been identified in the FEIR which will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts of the Project, as described in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein, to a level of less than significance. 4. Determine that, to the extent that alternatives were not approved or accepted by the City Council, such alternatives are determined to be infeasible based on specific economic, environmental, social, technological, legal or other authorized considerations as described in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 5. Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Plan attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "E" and incorporated herein by reference. The mitigation measures contained in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan are fully enforceable as conditions of Project approval. ----- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 6. The Recitals and findings above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this_day of , 2007. I � � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 7 ' EXHIBIT "A" , FEIR FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS A. Findinqs. The City Council certifies the FEIR based on the following findings: 1. The following potential environmental impacts of the Project are less than significant and, therefore, do not require the imposition of mitigation measures: a. Flooding (Impact B5) b. Biological Resources (Impact C1 and C2) c. Cultural Resources (Impact D2) d. Aesthetics e. Air Quality f. Geology and Soils g. Hazards and Hazardous Materials h. Land Use and Planning i. Mineral Resources j. Noise k. Population and Housing I. Public Services m. Recreation n. Transportation and Traffic o. Utilities and Service Systems 2. Mitigation measures have been identified in the FEIR and have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which will avoid or substantially lessen the following potentially significant environmental impacts to a level of less than significance: a. Agricultural Resources (Impacts/ Mitigation Measures A1, A2, A3 and A4) b. Flooding (Impacts/ Mitigation Measure 61, 62, B3, B4 and B6) c. Biological Resources (Impact/Mitigation Measures C3, C4, C5 and C6) d. Cultural Resource (Impact/ Mitigation D1) 3. The City Council has considered and rejected as infeasible the altematives identified in the FEIR (FEIR, Section V) and Section IV of this Resolution. 4. The City Council has considered and adopted the Mitigation Monitoring Plan provided in Section VI attachment as Exhibit A of this Resolution, and the mitigation measures contained in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan are fully enforceable as conditions of project approval. I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 8 5. The FEIR was presented to the City Council, and the Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the FEIR prior to its approval of the Project. 6. The City Council has determined that the FEIR is an accurate and objective statement that has been completed in compliance with CEQA. 7. The City Council has determined that the FEIR reflects the Council's independent judgment and analysis. 8. No "significant new information," as defined by CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines, has been added to the FEIR after circulation and review of the Draft EIR that would require recirculation; and 9. The documents and other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which these Findings have been based are located at the City of Arroyo Grande Development Department 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande California, 93420. The custodian for these records is the Director of Community Development. This information is provided in compliance with Public Resources Code section 21081.6. 10. All significant environmental impacts from implementation of the Project have been identified in the FEIR and, with implementation of the mitigation measures identified, will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 9 EXHIBIT "B" POTENTIAL PROJECT IMPACTS THAT ARE LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT AND DO NOT NEED MITIGATION A. Floodinq and Water Qualitv. Impact B5: The discharge of Newsom Springs watershed runoff at the proposed outfall point on Arroyo Grande Creek has been determined by hydrologic modeling to be in advance of the watershed peak flow in Arroyo Grande Creek at the critical downstream location, and therefore would have a less than significant effect on cumulative flood conditions � B. Bioloqical Resources Impact C1: Implementation of the proposed project would result in the temporary and permanent loss of small areas of cropland habitat. This is considered to be a less than I significant impact. Impact C2: Implementation of the proposed project and project alternatives would result in the diversion of flows from the base of Newsom Canyon or the Branch Mill Road stone culvert to an Arroyo Grande Creek outfall location. This is considered to be a less than significant impact. C. Cultural Resources. Impact D2: A number of potentially significant historic resources were encountered i within the project boundaries. If the final NSRDP plans encroach on these the City shall conduct further archival and physical investigation of these resources to determine their significance and integrity. These resources are at varying levels of risk of being negatively impacted by the proposed project, however based on the current project description it appears the ProjecYs effects on these will be less than significant. E. Other Effects found to be less than siqnificant. I Water Resources- The proposed drainage plan does not involve the use of local water supply. Therefore, no impact on water supply would result, and mitigation is not � required. The proposed project would not alter the flow of surface waters in a manner that would substantially affect groundwater recharge that occurs now. Storm waters would be directed to Arroyo Grande creek at a point about one mile upstream of the point the waters currently enter the creek, however, these periodic flood stage volumes do not comprise a significant source of groundwater recharge. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 10 Public Services- As proposed, the project would not result in the necessity for public services such that new or physically altered governmental facilities would be required. Therefore, the projecYs impacts on public facilities would be less than significant and no mitigation would be required. Housing- The project would not involve the loss of existing affordable dwelling or the dispiacement of residences. No impacts on housing are identified. Recreation- The proposed project does not involve the construction of new homes or businesses nor does the project propose to extend existing roads or water and sewer infrastructure. The project would not cause significant numbers of people to visit local recreational facilities. The impact to existing City parks would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Energy- The scale of the project is not large enough to significantly affect energy demand or require the development of new energy sources. Fire Protection-The site is not designated by the Fire Department as a High Fire Hazard area. The project does not involve the construction of habitable structures; therefore, the project would not result in the endangerment of human lives in the event of a fire emergency. In addition, most structures entailed are subsurface and would not be threatened in the event of a wildland fire. The project has no impact on fire protection and no mitigation is required. Hazards- Due to the type of uses contemplated and the scope of the project, the project does not have potential to significantly affect land, water, air or public safety due to a release of hazardous substances. Noise- Future development of the single-family residences and access road could create some temporary noise conditions within 800 feet of construction equipment that may exceed State Model Noise Ordinance noise thresholds for construction noise. There are no noise generating components proposed in the project design. The operational uses of the drainage improvements would not generate substantial noise increases since the project would not attract people or traffic. During the construction phase of the proposed project, significant noise increases may occur. The proposed project would adhere to Municipal Code 9.16.030 E, which states, "Noise sources associated with construction (would be exempt if) such activities do not take place before seven (7) a.m. or after ten (10) p.m. or any day except Saturday or Sunday, or before eight a.m. or after five p.m. on Saturday or Sunday." All projects in the city are subject to this ordinance and adherence would result in a less than significant impact on noise. Air Quality- The proposed project will not have any operational effects on air quality due to vehicle or equipment emissions. Neither will the project produce odors or contribute to any air quality standard violation. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 11 Construction of the proposed drainage imgrovements will involve ground disturbance that will create the potentiai for dust (PM' ). The City has a standard requirement for all grading plans to implement dust control measures adopted by the City and derived from San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District guidelines. Implementing this requirement would ensure project related PM10 emissions would not exceed CEQA thresholds. The project would have a less than significant impact on Air Quality and no mitigation would be necessary. Visual Resources- The proposed drainage improvements are generally subsurface or consist of low profile inlet structures and ditches, which taken together, would not significantly alter the visual character of the area. In addition, no lighting is proposed as part of the project. Project impacts would be considered less than significant and no mitigation would be necessary. Traffic-The proposed drainage improvements are generally subsurFace or consist of low profile inlet structures and ditches, which as proposed, would not significantly alter existing streets and roadways, and therefore, would not interfere with emergency access, parking capacity or adopted policies or plans involving alternative transportation. The project does not involve any traffic producing activity capable of impacting level of service ratios or air traffic patterns. During construction the movement of heavy equipment and materials would be on public streets and would not create a safety of traffic congestion problem. The movement of these on farmlands would be subject to negotiations and easement terms with the affected farm operators and landowners. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant impact on traffic and no mitigation is required. Geology and Soils-The effects on soils are discussed in sections IV-A Agricultural Resources and IV-B Flooding Hydrology and Sedimentation. The project is located in an area that could be subject to liquefaction and soil subsidence, however, the nature of the drainage improvements would not place these at risk and standard engineering practices can assure the improvements would remain intact in a seismic event. There are no geologic formations that could pose a hazard or constraint within the project area. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 12 EXHIBIT "C" I POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS THAT CAN BE ; MITIGATED A. Aaricultural Resources. � 1. Potential Sipnificant Impacts. Impact A1: Construction activities to place stormdrain pipes could result in i the displacement of prime topsoil with subsoils of lesser productivity on the � surface. This would be a significant adverse impact on agricultural resources. ' Impact A2: Construction of subsurface storm drain pipes could permanently disrupt and adversely affect farming operations if the pipe is less than 36 inches deep and/or the pipe placement disrupts existing ; subsurFace drains in the fields that are needed to lower the water table. � This would be a significant adverse impact on agricultural resources. ; Impact A3: Construction of a new drainage channel along Branch Mill Road to carry a 100 year storm water volume would require conversion of 1.34 acres of prime farmland. This effect is considered a significant impact on agricultural resources under City policy Ag1-4.1 because the magnitude of the loss of farmland exceeds the intent of the policy exception for drainage improvements on prime farmland. Impact A4: The conversion of up to 2.2 acres of prime agricultural land for use as a detention/sedimentation basin is a significant impact on agricultural resources under City policy Ag1-4.1 because the magnitude of the loss of farmland exceeds the intent of the policy exception for drainage improvements on prime farmland. 2. Findinas. Impact A1, A2, A3 and A4 will be reduced to a level of less than significant with the imposition of the following mitigation measures: Mitigation Measure A1: To mitigate adverse effects on prime soils, the construction of storm drain pipes shall be required to excavate and stockpile the topsoil layer approximately 18 to 24 inches deep and replace the soil at the correct bulk density on the surFace after pipe placement. The � depth of excavation and stockpile for each mapped soil type shall be determined in the field prior to construction by test pits exposing the soil profile. A qualified soil scientist, agronomist or agricultural expert shall confirm the depth of topsoil prior to commencing with construction. All disturbed farm roads shall also be restored to originally condition. Supporting Explanation A1: The topsoil layer on the affected agricultural lands will be set aside in stockpiles and replaced at the correct bulk density on the surface after pipe placement. A qualified soil scientist, agronomist or agricultural expert shall confirm the depth of topsoil prior to construction, so RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 13 the prime topsoil would be separated from subsoils of lesser productivity within the soil profile. Implementation of this mitigation measure would ensure that prime topsoil would not be displaced with subsoils of lesser productivity on the surFace. Mitigation Measure A2: To mitigate potential adverse effects on existing and future farming operations, storm drain pipes in prime farmland shall have a minimum of 36 inches of soil cover to allow deep ripping. Any existing subsurface drain pipes in the farmed areas shall be located prior to storm drain design and construction and reconfigured as necessary to maintain the function of lowering the water table seasonally. Supporting Explanation A2: This is standard mitigation to maintain the ability to deeply rip soil. By maintaining a minimum of 36 inches of soil cover, storm drainpipes would be deep enough to allow deep ripping of topsoil. Mitigation Measure A3: To mitigate significant impacts due to loss of prime farmland, capacity enlargements to convey storm water from the Branch Mill culvert to the new inlet structure on Branch Mill (at the stone culvert) shall either be a subsurface storm drain pipe or an alternative alignment of this storm drain pipe (as described in Sections I and V of the EIR), subject to Mitigation measures A1 and A2, designed so that no net loss of existing farmed land occurs. Supporting Explanation A3: By requiring the inlet structure be placed 36 inches beneath the surface (see Mitigation Measure A2), future farming operations on this areas would be maintained and no net loss of existing farmed land would occur. Mitigation Measure A4: To mitigate the loss of up to 2.2 acres of prime farmland resulting from storm water basin construction, locate the basin higher in the watershed in areas of non-prime land soils, or if infeasible due to conflicts with Agricultural Preserve contracts on upstream properties, size the NSRDP storm water conveyances to avoid the need for a basin. Supporting Explanation A4: The mitigation measure requires that the conversion of 2.2 acres prime farmland be avoided. B. Floodinq, Hvdroloqv & Water Qualitv. 1. Potential Sianificant Imaacts. Impact B1: The following project components have potential to result in an increase in sediment load discharging to the creek by causing incidental, operational erosion, a potentially significant impact: • Expansion of the Branch Mill Road ditch instead of a storm drain pipe could result in more potential erosion from the ditch • Pipe inlets and outlets could cause local scouring. I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 14 • Outlet from bioswale at Cherry Creek development could cause scouring in Arroyo Grande Creek. Impact B2: Construction phase operations will expose soils and have the potential to cause erosion and sedimentation, a potentially significant impact. Impact 63: The proposed stormwater basins may not function adequately due to high groundwater levels. The southerly basin conflicts with the State Water Project pipeline. These are significant adverse effects. Impact B4: Based on hydraulic modeling, storm drain outFall locations further upstream from the existing gaging station have the potential to increase flood stage creek levels significantly. Impact B6: Incorporation of a stormwater detention / sedimentation basin into the Project could have a beneficial effect by reducing sediment reaching the creek, but could also have potentially si�gnificant cumulative impact on flooding downstream at the Highway 1 / 22" Street bridge creek reach if the basins are not designed to address the appropriate range of design storms, timing and storm duration. 2. Findinqs. Impact 61, 62, 63, B4 and B6 will be reduced to a level of less than significant with the imposition of the following mitigation measures: Mitigation B1: To reduce potential operational effect in drainage conveyance that could increase sedimentation to Arroyo Grande Creek, the design of each project component shall incorporate long term measures to minimize erosion and outfall scour and implement the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan required in Mitigation Measure B2. Supporting Explanation B1: This is standard mitigation to ensure sedimentation is controlled over time. The mitigation measure requires implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, which would include long term erosion control measures. Mitigation Measure 62: To reduce potential construction stage sedimentation impacts, the City shall submit a Notice of Intent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to obtain a State Water Resources Control Board General Construction Storm Water Permit. This shall include preparation and submittal to the RWQCB of a City-approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Erosion Control Plan that specifies the implementation of Best Management Practices to avoid and minimize water quality impacts as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Supporting Explanation B2: Obtainment of a State Water Resources Control Board General Construction Storm Water Permit would ensure erosion and sedimentation would be minimized to a less than significant level. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 15 Mitigation Measure B3: To avoid impacts to the State Water Project pipeline and ensure adequate basin functions, the final site selection and design of a detention basin shall avoid the State Water Project pipeline easement. Final design shall include soil investigation to determine seasonal ground water levels, and if necessary, include design of an above ground impoundment, (i.e. the basin is surrounded by an embankment). Supporting Explanation B3: The mitigation measure requires avoidance of the State Water Project pipeline, therefore the project would result in no impact on the State Water Project pipeline. Final design of the project would ensure the proposed stormwater basins wouid not be impacted by seasonai ground water levels. Mitigation Measure 64: To avoid potential significant increases in the creek flood level, the outlet from the NSRDP facilities shall be located as shown on DEIR map 3, downstream of the existing Arroyo Grande Creek gaging station or upstream a distance that provides a uniform distribution of outfall water across the channel. Mitigation Implementation / Monitoring shail be per the Tract 2653 CEQA approvals. Supporting Explanation 64: Locating the NSRDP outlet structure downstream of the stream gage or upstream a distance that provides a uniform distribution of outfall water across the channel would ensure the creek flood level would not be significantly increased and would allow the County to continue to accurately gage stream levels and flow. Mitigation Measure B6: To mitigate potential adverse cumulative effects of the discharge of stormwater from the Newsom Springs watershed upon downstream creek reaches, the design of the proposed stormwater detention / sedimentation basin shall include detailed hydrologic modeling and hydrologic calculations to determine the precise design parameters of the basin and basin discharge system to ensure that the appropriate range of design storm events, timings and storm duration factors are considered. The design must demonstrate that the basin would not adversely effect flood levels in Arroyo Grande Creek at critical downstream reaches and shall document San Luis Obispo County Public Works Department concurrence with proposed design features and hydraulic calculations that ensure there are no significant impacts to downstream creek levels. Supporting Explanation 66: The measure requires detailed hydrologic modeling and hydrologic calculations to ensure the stormwater detention / sedimentation basin would be designed to avoid flooding downstream at the Highway 1 /22nd Street bridge creek reach. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 16 C. Bioloqical Resources. 1. Potential Siqnificant Impacts. Impact C3: Construction of an outfall structure in Arroyo Grande Creek and bank repair activities may result in direct impacts on the southwestern pond turtle and coast range newt in the riparian corridor including injury or mortality from construction equipment, and from temporary loss of habitat from construction of the stormwater culverts and outfall structure. This is considered to be a potentially significant impact. Impact C4: Construction of an outfall structure in Arroyo Grande Creek and bank repair activities may result in direct impacts on nesting resident and/or migratory birds including raptors as a result of tree removal and ground disturbing activities that may cause loss of nest sites, reduced nest site success, and/or potential nest abandonment. The CDFG Code I Sections 3503 and 3503.5 and the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) of 1918 prohibit the possession and destruction of birds, nests, and/or their eggs. This is considered to be a potentially significant impact. Impact C5: Diversion of stormwater flows from the Newsom Springs drainage at the base of Newsom Canyon or the stone culvert and construction of the stormwater outfall structure on the banks of Arroyo Grande Creek within the riparian habitat may result in the fill of waters of , the U.S. under the Clean Water Act jurisdiction of the Corps and/or result in the substantial alteration of the bed, bank or channel of the creek under the jurisdiction of the CDFG. Placement of a diversion structure at the stone culvert and removal of riparian vegetation and work on the bank of Arroyo Grande Creek wouid fall under CDFG jurisdiction. Final design of the stone culvert diversion structure and Arroyo Grand Creek outfall structure would determine if Corps jurisdiction would be impacted (fill below the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) requiring a permit or authorization from the Corps pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This would be considered a potentially significant impact. Impact C6: Construction of the stormwater drainage culverts and outfall structure, and/or bank repair activities on the banks within the riparian habitat of Arroyo Grande Creek and/or within the channel may result in the take of the federally listed threatened CRLF and/or steelhead from direct mortality, harm (habitat modification), or harassment (alteration of behavior affecting reproduction and survival). Take of a federally listed species would require a permit or authorization under the provisions of the federal Endangered Species Act. This would be considered a potentially significant impact. 2. Findina. Impact C3, C4, C5 and C6 will be reduced to a level of less than significant with the imposition of the following mitigation measures: Mitigation Measure C3: Potentially significant impacts on the southwestern pond turtle and coast range newt would be mitigated to a � ' RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 17 less-than-significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure(s). I A qualified biologist shali perform one pre-construction survey for southwestern pond turtles and coast range newt immediately prior to initiation of culvert/outfali structure construction and/or bank repair activities. Supporting Explanation C3: The pre-construction survey is typical mitigation for identifying habitat for southwestern pond turtle and coast range newt. Implementing the survey immediately prior to initiation of culvert/outfall structure construction and/or bank repair activities would ensure that these species are avoided to the greatest extent feasible during construction. Mitigation Measure C4: Potentially significant impacts on nesting resident and/or migratory bird species would be mitigated to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure(s). All tree removal shall be limited to the time period of September 15�' to March15t, which is considered to be outside the typical breeding season for birds. If it is not feasible to avoid the bird-nesting season and trees will be removed between March 1S� and September 1S`, a pre-construction survey for nesting birds shall be performed by a qualified biologist. If active birds nests are located during pre-construction surveys within the project area subject to tree removal or ground disturbance, the nest site shall be avoided until the adults and young are no longer reliant on the nest site for survival as determined by a qualified biologist. If determined necessary by a qualified biologist, a non-disturbance buffer zone shall be established around each nest for the duration of the breeding season until such time as the adults and young are no longer reliant on the nest site for survival as determined by the qualified biologist. Supporting Explanation C4: Limiting construction to the time period outside the typical breeding season is standard mitigation to avoid impacts on nesting birds. Preconstruction surveys and avoidance of nests is also standard mitigation if construction during the nesting season cannot be avoided. Mitigation Measure C5: Potentially significant impacts on the Newsom Springs drainage and Arroyo Grande Creek from fill or alteration within Corps and/or CDFG jurisdiction would be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure(s). The City or its designee, shall obtain Clean Water Act regulatory compliance in the form of a permit from the Corps or written documentation from the Corps that no permit would be required for diversion of the Newsom Springs drainage and placement of the culverts and an outfall RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 18 structure on the bank of Arroyo Grande Creek. If southwestern pond turtles are observed within an area to be disturbed they shall be relocated out of harms way to the extent feasible by a qualified biologist to an appropriate area immediately upstream or downstream of the project area within Arroyo Grande Creek. Should a permit be required, the City or designee shall implement all the terms and conditions of the permit to the satisfaction of the Corps. Corps permits and authorizations require applicants to demonstrate that the proposed project has been designed and will be implemented in a manner • that avoids and minimizes impacts on aquatic resources. In addition, the Corps requires compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to achieve the goal of a no net loss of wetland values and functions. As such, regulatory compliance would reduce potential impacts on waters of the U.S. to a less-than-significant level. The City or designee shall obtain compliance with Section 1602 of the California Fish and Game Code (Streambed Alteration Agreements) in the form of a completed Streambed Alteration Agreement or written i documentation from the CDFG that no agreement would be required for diversion of the Newsom Springs drainage and placement of the culverts and an outfall structure on the bank of Arroyo Grande Creek. Should an agreement be required, the City or designee shall implement all the terms and conditions of the agreement to the satisfaction of the CDFG. The CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreement process encourages applicants to demonstrate that the proposed project has been designed and will be implemented in a manner that avoids and minimizes impacts on riparian : habitat and the stream In addition, CDFG requires compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts on riparian habitat in the form of habitat restoration of disturbed areas to the extent feasible. As such, regulatory compliance ' would reduce potential impacts on waters of the state to a less-than- significant level. The City or designee shall plan and implement a Riparian Habitat Restoration and Native Tree Replacement Mitigation and , Monitoring Plan (Restoration Plan) to offset impacts on riparian habitat resulting from placement of the outfall structure. The Restoration Plan shall be prepared by a qualified landscape architect and/or restoration biologist experienced in native habitat restoration. The Restoration Plan shall be implemented to restore areas disturbed from outfall construction and placement and within any areas within the dedicated open space 25- foot creek setback area measured from top of bank or the outside edge of existing riparian vegetation, whichever is greater on the Cherry Creek Project site. The Restoration Plan shall include at a minimum a detailed planting plan for the areas to be restored and enhanced for all disturbed areas from culvert/outfall construction. The Restoration Plan shall also include at a minimum the number and location of other native trees impacted and location of replacement plantings, specific plant species palette, a non-native species removal plan, success criteria, a five-year monitoring program, and contingency measures to ensure meeting the success criteria. The Restoration Plan shall also include an erosion control plan and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for all disturbed areas within I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 19 the 25-foot creek setback and exposed banks. The erosion control seed mix for the riparian set-back area shall be composed exclusively of native species. Supporting Explanation C5: Compliance with the Army Corps of Engineers and Califomia Fish and Game permits would ensure potential impacts to the Corps jurisdiction are adequately mitigated. Mitigation Measure C-6: Potentially significant impacts on CRLF and/or steelhead would be mitigated to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure(s). The City or designee shall obtain compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act for potential impacts on the CRLF in the form of a take permiUauthorization or written documentation from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) that the proposed project would not result in take of the CRLF or would otherwise not adversely affect the species. Should a take permiUauthorization be required, or conditions imposed by the USFWS to ensure that no take would result from the project, the City shall implement all the terms and conditions of the USFWS permit, authorization, or recommendations to the satisfaction of the USFWS. The USFV1/S can only provide take authorization for projects that demonstrate the species affected would be left in as good as or better condition than before the project was implemented. Additionally, the USFWS cannot authorize any project that would jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species. As such, regulatory compliance would reduce potential impacts on the CRLF to a less-than-significant level. The City or designee shall obtain compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act for potential impacts on the steelhead in the form of a take permiUauthorization or written documentation from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that the proposed project would not result in take of the steelhead or would otherwise not adversely affect the species. Should a take permiUauthorization be required, or conditions imposed by NMFS to ensure that no take would result from the project, the City or designee shall implement all the terms and conditions of the NMFS permit, authorization, or recommendations to the satisfaction of the NMFS. The NMFS can only provide take authorization for projects that demonstrate the species affected would be left in as good as or better condition than before the project was implemented. Additionally, the NMFS cannot authorize any project that would jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species. As such, regulatory compliance would reduce potential impacts on the steelhead to a less-than-significant level. The City or designee shall ensure consistency with the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande Creek HCP being prepared by San Luis RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 20 Obispo County which are based on flow regime and in-stream enhancement opportunities for steelhead and CRLF. At a minimum, construction of the stormwater drainage culverts and outfall structure, and/or bank repair activities shall be designed and constructed in a manner that would provide for in-stream habitat enhancement, and not adversely affect the flow regime of Arroyo Grande Creek or create a barrier to fish passage, and maintain the County's ability to accurately gage stream flows. Supporting Explanation C6: Compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act, National Marine Fisheries Service and associate permits, and the San Luis Obispo County Arroyo Grande HCP would ensure that potential impacts to California red legged frogs and steelhead are adequately mitigated. D. Cultural Resources. 1. Potential Siqnificant Imqacts. Impact D1: Three potentially historic resources have been identified within the areas of proposed drainage improvements of this project. All three are stone masonry culverts that may have been built during the 1930s, probably by the WPA or the CCC. At the program level, these structures are assumed to be potentially significant under CEQA. Removal or substantial modifications could result in a significant impact on historic resources. 2. Findinq. Impact D1 will be reduced to a level of less than significant with the imposition of the following mitigation measures: Mitigation Measure D1: Avoidance is the preferred method when dealing with cultural resources; where this is determined to not be feasible, further research and investigation is required to mitigate impacts. If the final NSRDP drainage improvement plans would result in a removal or substantial modification to any of the three stone culverts more extensive archival research shall be conducted on the culverts to determine more precisely their historic significance and establish appropriate mitigation for impacts identified. Supporting Explanation D1: The mitigation measure requires avoidance or more extensive research to establish appropriate mitigation. At the program level this is standard adequate mitigation. I RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 21 EXHIBIT "D" ALTERNATIVES The EIR identified the objectives for the Project as: • Remedy flooding in areas identified in the SWDMP � • Improve runoff water quality as it enters Arroyo Grande Creek � • Remedy existing creek bank erosion sites dependent on the selected storm drain outFall point • Maintain or improve the ongoing viability of existing agricultural operations and protect prime agriculturai soils from certain flood events A. Alternative 1 - 'No ProiecY Alternative. � • 1. Description. No project means that the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan would not be adopted to guide City efforts to remedy existing flooding and sedimentation problems. The following project objectives would not be met: • Remedy flooding in areas identified in the SWDMP • Im rove runoff water ualit as it enters Arro o Grande Creek P q Y Y • Remedy existing creek bank erosion sites dependent on the ', selected stormdrain outfall point The drainage improvements associated with Tract 2653 (Cherry Creek) have separate approvals and adopted CEQA findings, therefore, these improvements could be constructed without the NSRDP being adopted. The City's Storm Drainage Master Plan would continue to guide capital project development to improve identified drainage problems. With No Project, the upstream drainage improvements would not be part of a regional plan for drainage and flooding. All the associated adverse, but mitigable, environmental effects on agricultural resources, biological resources, cultural resources and flooding and water quality identified in EIR section IV would be avoided. All the beneficial effects of implementation of the proposed project components would be deferred, such as reduced sedimentation, reduced flooding of farm fields, alleviation � of flooding in downstream urban locations, etc. 2. Findinq. The City Council finds that the No Project alternative, is infeasible because it fails to meet Project objectives. 3. Suqportina Explanation. Under the 'No ProjecY Alternative, the Project would not be adopted nor implemented. The 'No ProjecY alternative would RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 22 defer remediation of flooding in areas identified in the SWDMP and other project objectives and beneficial effects. B. Alternative 2 - Alternative Storm Drain Aliqnments 1. Description. Alternative 2 examines the possibility of finding an alternative storm drain alignment for the proposed Project. The alternative storm drain pipe alignments are shown on Map 3 in section I of the EIR as components #10 and #11. These three alignments were selected by the City for evaluation as alternatives to the Proposed Project component #7 (upgrade capacity of the existing ditch along Branch Mill Road). These alignments would entail a storm drain pipe to convey the storm water. The alignments cross existing farm land. Alignment #10 has two potential upstream starting points at Branch Mill Road. Both of these alignments proceed northwest across the fields owned ' by Hilo Fuchiwaki. The westerly route crosses a corner of the Dixson Ranch and then runs across farmland owned by Dennis Miller. The easterly i alignment runs directly northwest, avoiding the Dixson Ranch, and crossing the Miller property. Both alignments have a single general outfall point at the Creek. Alignment #11 is a generalized concept that runs at a diagonal northwest across Dixson Ranch to a collection area along East Cherry Avenue (component #4). The exact angle of alignment could vary depending on the design of the wllection facility at East Cherry (refer to discussion in EIR sections IV-A and IV-B). 2. Findin . The City Council finds Alternative 2, alternative Storm drain alignments #10, is not environmentally superior to the proposed project due to slope constraints to the outfall point at the creek and effect on flood levels in the creek, which may result in greater environmental impacts on flooding and biological resources than the proposed project. 3. Suqqortinp Exqlanation. Based on the data and design specificity available, the proposed outfall location appears environmentally superior to the alternative storm drain alignments. The alternative alignments may require a larger pipe due to the flat gradient imposed by topography. This in turn limits pipe cover to enable an exit point high enough on the creek bank to � avoid scour and backwater effects during flooding. I 4. Findina. The City council finds Alternative 2 alignment#11 shown on map 3 of the EIR as functionally and environmentally equivalent to the proposed project storm drain route #7 and may be considered an alternative route in the NSRDP. 5. Suaaortinq Exqlanation. Alternative alignment #11 acheives the same purpose as alignment #7 with similar levels of mitigable impacts and utilizes the proposed outfall location shown to the be superior environmentally. ! RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 23 C. Alternative 3 —Alternative storm drain outfall creek outFall location 1. Description. Alternative 3 is the combined alternative alignment (Alternative 2) and alternative outfall point location shown on alignment 10 as location #12 on Map 3 in section I of the EIR. 2. Findina. The City Council finds that combined alternative alignment and outfall point are considered infeasible alternatives under CEQA because they result in effects that do not meet the project objectives such as loss of agricultural productivity, scouring, impaired flood stage function, and increased impacts on biological resources. 3. Supportinq Explanation. The alternative outfali location would require alternative storm drain alignments that would run along a flatter gradient than the proposed alignment. The alternative alignments may require a larger pipe due to the flat gradient imposed by topography. This in turn limits pipe cover to enable an exit point high enough on the creek bank to avoid scour and backwater effects during flooding. The outFall point would remove more riparian vegetation resulting in potentially greater impacts on sensitive species, than the proposed project outfall location. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 24 Exhibit "E" NEWSOM SPRINGS REGIONAL DRAINAGE PLAN � MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN � Mitigation Measure A1: To mitigate adverse effects on prime soils, the construction of storm drain pipes shall be required to excavate and stockpile the topsoil layer approximately 18 to 24 inches deep and replace the soil at the i correct bulk density on the surface after pipe placement. The depth of excavation and stockpile for each mapped soil type shall be determined in the field prior to I construction by test pits exposing the soil profile. A qualified soil scientist, agronomist or agricultural expert shall confirm the depth of topsoil prior to commencing with construction. All disturbed farm roads shall also be restored to ' originally condition. I Mitigation Implementation / Monitoring 1 1) Performance Standard: Topsoil layer shall be stockpiled and replaced to correct depth for each soil type. 2) Contingency Measure: To be determined by monitoring �I agronomist, soil scientist or agricultural expert. 3) Implementation Responsibility: City shall require construction contractor to perform test pits, monitoring and stockpile. 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to and during construction. 5) Monitoring Method: Qualified monitor in the field. I Mitigation Measure A2: To mitigate potential adverse effects on existing and future farming operations, storm drain pipes in prime farmland shall have a minimum of 36 inches of soil cover to allow deep ripping. Any existing subsurface ' drain pipes in the farmed areas shall be located prior to storm drain design and � construction and reconfigured as necessary to maintain the function of lowering the water table seasonally. Mitigation Implementation / Monitoring 1) Performance Standard: Storm drain placement shall allow for continued deep ripping and functioning subdrain system. 2) Contingency Measure: To be determined by design Engineer , in consultation with farmers. ; 3) Implementation Responsibility: City shall require construction final plans to reflect measures. 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to and during construction. ' 5) Monitoring Method: Qualified monitor in the field. Mitigation Measure A3: To mitigate significant impacts due to loss of prime farmland, capacity enlargements to convey storm water from the Branch Mill culvert to the new inlet structure on Branch Mill (at the stone culvert) shall either RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 25 be a subsurface storm drain pipe or an altemative alignment of this storm drain pipe (as described in Sections I and V of the EIR), subject to Mitigation measures A1 and A2, designed so that no net less of existing farmed land occurs. Mitigation Implementation I Monitoring 1) Performance Standard: Storm drain design shall allow of no net loss of existing farmed land. 2) Contingency Measure: To be determined by design Engineer in consultation with farmers. 3) Implementation Responsibility: City shall require construction final plans to reflect measures. 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to and during construction. 5) Monitoring Method: Qualified monitor in the field. Mitigation Measure A4: To mitigate the loss of up to 2.2 acres of prime farmland resulting from storm water basin construction, locate the basin higher in the watershed in areas of non-prime land soils, or if infeasible due to conflicts with Agricultural Preserve contracts on upstream properties, size the NSRDP storm water conveyances to avoid the need for a basin. Mitigation Implementation / Monitoring , 1) Performance Standard: Construct basin on suitable upstream location. 2) Contingency Measure: Size NSRPD conveyances to avoid need for basin. 3) Implementation Responsibility: City shall require construction final plans to reflect measures. 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to and during construction. � 5) Monitoring Method: Qualified monitor in the field during construction Mitigation 61: To reduce potential operational effect in drainage conveyance that could increase sedimentation to Arroyo Grande Creek, the design of each project component shall incorporate long term measures to minimize erosion and outfall scour and implement the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan required in Mitigation Measure 62. Mitigation Measure 62: To reduce potential construction stage sedimentation impacts, the City shall submit a Notice of Intent to the , Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to obtain a State Water Resources Control Board General Construction Storm Water Permit. This shall include preparation and submittal to the RWQCB of a City-approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Erosion Control Plan that specifies the implementation of Best Management Practices to avoid RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 26 and minimize water quality impacts as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Mitigation Implementation ! Monitoring �► Implementation Responsibility: Applicant shall submit a copy of the Notice of Intent to Planning Department. 2► Contingency Measure: None s� Implementation Responsibility: City of Arroyo Grande a► Implementation Schedule: A copy of the SWPPP must be maintained on the project site during grading and construction activities. Prior to approval of Land Use Permits the applicant shall submit proof of exemption or a copy of the Notice of Intent and the required SWPPP to Planning and Development Department. 5) Monitoring Method: The City Engineer shall review the documentation prior to approval of Land Use Permits. The City Engineer shall inspect site during construction for compliance with the SWPPP. , Mitigation Measure 63: To avoid impacts to the State Water Project pipeline and ensure adequate basin functions, the final site selection and design of a detention basin shall avoid the State Water Project pipeline easement. Final design shall include soil investigation to determine , seasonal ground water levels, and if necessary, include design of an , above ground impoundment, (i.e. the basin is surrounded by an , embankment). Mitigation Implementation I Monitoring 1) Performance Standard: Design specifics to be addressed in project Preliminary Design Report. 2) Contingency Measure: None , 3) Implementation Responsibility: City of Arroyo Grande 4) Implementation Schedule: At the time of development of the Preliminary Design Report for this component 5) Monitoring Method: City verify during approval process. Mitigation Measure 64: To avoid potential significant increases in the creek flood level, the outlet from the NSRDP facilities shall be located as shown on DEIR map 3, downstream of the existing Arroyo Grande Creek gaging station or upstream a distance that provides a uniform distribution of outfall water across the channel. Mitigation Implementation / Monitoring shall be per the Tract 2653 CEQA ! ' approvals. ' � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 27 Mitigation Measure B6: To mitigate potential adverse cumulative effects of the discharge of stormwater from the Newsom Springs watershed upon downstream creek reaches, the design of the proposed stormwater detention / sedimentation basin shali include detailed hydrologic modeling and hydrologic calculations to determine the precise design parameters of the basin and basin discharge system to ensure that the appropriate range of design storm events, timings and storm duration factors are considered. The design must demonstrate that the basin would not adversely effect flood levels in Arroyo Grande Creek at critical downstream reaches and shall document San Luis Obispo County Public Works Department concurrence with proposed design features and hydraulic calculations that ensure there are no significant impacts to downstream creek levels. Mitigation Implementation I Monitoring 1) Performance Standard: Document design features to and hydrologic calculations that ensure no significant impact on downstream creek levels. Document San Luis Obispo County Public Works Department concurrence with proposed design features and hydraulic calculations that ensure there are no significant impacts to downstream creek levels. 2) Contingency Measure: As determined by City Engineer. 3) Implementation Responsibility: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to plan approval. 5) Monitoring Method: Subsequent CEQA review for consistency with the NSRDP FEIR. Mitigation Measure C3: Potentially significant impacts on the southwestern pond turtle and coast rang newt would be mitigated to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure(s). A qualified biologist shall perform one pre-construction survey for southwestern pond turtles and coast range newt immediately prior to initiation of culvert/outFall structure construction and/or bank repair activities. Mitigation Implementation / Monitoring 1) Performance Standard: A qualified biologist shall perform one pre-construction survey for southwestern pond turtles 2) Contingency Measure: None 3) Implementation Responsibility: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to and during start of construction. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 28 5) Monitoring Method: Qualified biologist report to City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department Mitigation Measure C4: Potentially significant impacts on nesting resident I and/or migratory bird species would be mitigated to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure(s). All tree removal shall be limited to the time period of September 15�'to March1s` which is considered to be outside the typical breeding season for birds. If it is not feasible to avoid the bird-nesting season and trees will be removed between March 1St and September 15�, a pre-construction survey for nesting birds shall be pertormed by a qualified biologist. If active birds nests are located during pre- construction surveys within the project area subject to tree removal or ground disturbance, the nest site shall be avoided until the adults and young are no longer reliant on the nest site for survival as determined by a qualified biologist. If determined necessary by a qualified biologist, a non-disturbance buffer zone shall be established around each nest for the duration of the breeding season until such time as the adults and young are no longer reliant on the nest site for survival as determined by the qualified biologist. Mitigation Implementation I Monitoring 1) Performance Standard: All tree removal shall be limited to the time period of September 15�to Marchls� 2) Contingency Measure: Pre-construction nesting bird survey by a qualified biologist if tree removal is planned for March 1S` through September 1S� to ensure no direct impacts on nesting birds. 3) Implementation Responsibility: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to and during start of construction. 5) Monitoring Method: Environmental Monitor Report to City Mitigation Measure C5: Potentially significant impacts on the Newsom Springs drainage and Arroyo Grande Creek from fill or alteration within Corps and/or CDFG jurisdiction would be mitigated to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure(s). The City or its designee, shall obtain Clean Water Act regulatory compliance in the form of a permit from the Corps or written documentation from the Corps that no permit would be required for diversion of the Newsom Springs drainage and placement of the culverts and an outfall structure on the bank of Arroyo Grande Creek. If southwestern pond turtles are observed within an area to be disturbed they shall be relocated out of harms way to the extent feasible by a qualified biologist to an appropriate area immediately upstream or downstream of the project area within Arroyo Grande Creek. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 29 Should a permit be required, the City or designee shall implement all the terms and conditions of the permit to the satisfaction of the Corps. Corps permits and authorizations require applicants to demonstrate that the proposed project has been designed and will be implemented in a manner that avoids and minimizes impacts on aquatic resources. In addition, the Corps requires compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to achieve the goal of a no net loss of wetland values and functions. As such, regulatory compliance would reduce potential impacts on waters of the U.S. to a less-than-significant level. The City or designee shall obtain compliance with Section 1602 of the Califomia Fish and Game Code (Streambed Alteration Agreements) in the form of a completed Streambed Alteration Agreement or written documentation from the CDFG that no agreement would be required for diversion of the Newsom Springs drainage and placement of the culverts and an outfall structure on the bank of Arroyo Grande Creek. Should an agreement be required, the City or designee shall implement all the terms and conditions of the agreement to the satisfaction of the CDFG. The CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreement process encourages � applicants to demonstrate that the proposed project has been designed and will be implemented in a manner that avoids and minimizes impacts on riparian habitat and the stream zone. In addition, CDFG requires compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts on riparian habitat in the form of habitat restoration of disturbed areas to the extent feasible. As such, regulatory compliance would reduce potential impacts on waters of the state to a less-than-significant level. The City or designee shall plan and implement a Riparian Habitat Restoration and Native Tree Replacement Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (Restoration Plan) to offset impacts on riparian habitat resulting from placement of the outfall structure. The Restoration Plan shall be prepared by a qualified landscape architect and/or restoration biologist 'I experienced in native habitat restoration. The Restoration Plan shall be implemented to restore areas disturbed from outfall construction and placement and within any areas within the dedicated open space 25-foot creek setback area measured from top of bank or the outside edge of existing riparian vegetation, whichever is greater on the Cherry Creek Project site. The Restoration Plan shall include at a minimum a detailed planting plan for the areas to be restored and enhanced for all disturbed areas from culvert/outfall construction. The Restoration Plan shall also include at a minimum the number and location of other native trees impacted and location of replacement plantings, specific plant species palette, a non-native species removal plan, success criteria, a five-year monitoring program, and contingency measures to ensure meeting the success criteria. The Restoration Plan shall also include an erosion control plan and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for all disturbed areas within the 25-foot creek setback and exposed banks. The erosion' control seed mix for the riparian set- � back area shall be composed exclusively of native species. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 30 Miti ation Im lementation / Monitorin I 9 p 9 i 1�Performance Standard: The City or designee shall obtain � Clean Water Act regulatory compliance in the form of a permit ' from the Army Corps. The City shall obtain compliance with Section 1602 of the California Fish and Game Code (Streambed Alteration Agreements). The City shall prepare a Restoration Plan for all disturbed areas. 2) Contingency Measure: None ' 3) Implementation Responsibility: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to issuance of a grading permit. 5) Monitoring Method: City review Permits/Authorizations Mitigation Measure C-6: Potentially significant impacts on CRLF and/or steelhead would be mitigated to a less-than-significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure(s). The Ci or desi nee shall ob in li n wi ty g ta comp a ce th the federal Endangered Species Act for potential impacts on the CRLF in the form of a take permiUauthorization or written documentation from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) that the proposed project would not result in take of the CRLF or would otherwise not adversely affect the species. Should a take permit/authorization be required, or conditions imposed by the USFWS to ensure that no take would result from the project, the City shall implement all the terms and conditions of the USFWS permit, authorization, or recommendations to the satisfaction of the USFWS. The USFWS can only provide take authorization for projects that demonstrate the species affected would be left in as good as or better condition than before the project was implemented. Additionally, the USFWS cannot authorize any project that would jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species. As such, regulatory compliance would reduce potential impacts on the CRLF to a less-than-significant level. The City or designee shall obtain compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act for potential impacts on the steelhead in the form of a take permiUauthorization or written documentation from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that the proposed project would not result in take of the steelhead or would otherwise not adversely affect the species. Should a take permiUauthorization be required, or conditions imposed by NMFS to ensure that no take would result from the project, the City or designee shall implement all the terms and conditions of the NMFS permit, authorization, or recommendations to the satisfaction of the NMFS. The NMFS can only provide RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 31 take authorization for projects that demonstrate the species affected would be left in as good as or better condition than before the project was implemented. Additionally, the NMFS cannot authorize any project that would jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species. As such, regulatory compliance would reduce potential impacts on the steelhead to a less-than-significant level. The City or designee shall ensure consistency with the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande Creek HCP being prepared by San Luis Obispo County which are based on flow regime and in-stream enhancement opportunities for steelhead and CRLF. At a minimum, construction of the stormwater drainage culverts and outfall structure, and/or bank repair activities shall be designed and constructed in a manner that would provide for in-stream habitat enhancement, and not adversely affect the flow regime of Arroyo Grande Creek or create a barrier to fish passage, and maintain the County's ability to accurately gage stream flows. Mitigation Implementation / Monitoring 1) Performance Standard: compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act for CRLF and Steelhead. Consistent with the goals and objectives of the HCP if and when adopted. 2) Contingency Measure: None 3) Implementation Responsibility: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to issuance of a grading permit. 5) Monitoring Method: City note compliance Mitigation Measure D1: Avoidance is the preferred method when dealing with cultural resources; where this is determined to not be feasible, further research and investigation is required to mitigate impacts. If the final NSRDP drainage improvement plans would result in a removal or substantial modification to any of the three stone culverts more extensive archival research shall be conducted on the culverts to determine more precisely their historic significance and establish i appropriate mitigation for impacts identified. Mitigation Implementation / Monitoring 1) Performance Standard: Perform historic evaluation and establish CEQA sign�cance based on the actual level of impact resulting from final NSRDP plans. 2) Contingency Measure: To be identified by subsequent analysis. 3) Implementation Responsibility: City Community Development Department. 4) Implementation Schedule: Prior to construction. 5) Monitoring Method: As defined in subsequent environmental determination � ATTACHMENT2 Minutes: City CounciURedevelopment Agency Page 5 Tuesday, May 22, 2007 , AYES: Costello, Amo , Ferrara NOES: Fellows ABSENT: G ie Ma errara called for a break at 8:36 p.m. The Council reconvened at 8:49 p.m. 9.b. Review of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan. Associate Planner McClish presented the staff report and recommended the Council review the Draft EIR prepared for the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan, receive public comment, and provide input to staff. David Foote, FIRMA, gave an overview of the study area, explaining the regional drainage plan components; reviewed impacts to agricultural resources, flooding and sedimentation, biological resources, and cultural resources; reviewed alternatives to the proposed project; and reviewed the remaining steps in the EIR process. Mr. Foote responded to questions from Council concerning impacts associated with the project alternative that crosses the Dixson Ranch agriculture field (Mayor Ferrara requested staff to coordinate a tour of a similar project on the Ikeda property); impacts associated with detention basins; impacts associated with loss of prime soils; and impacts associated with the State water pipeline. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Otis Paqe, Myrtle Street, congratulated the Council for its foresight in devising the various alternatives; however, he expressed concern about going through the process of finalizing an EIR prior to approving a final engineering design. Sara Dickens, Co-Trustee of the Dixson Ranch property, acknowledged the careful thought that was given to the Draft EIR; expressed concern with flooding and loss of top soil; expressed concern about the height of the water table; and expressed concern about the expense associated with underground piping. Julie Thomas, representing Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District, stated the District is continuing to review the EIR and will provide comments in writing. She expressed concern about soil erosion and flooding and noted that the District is the holder of the conservation easement encumbering the Dixson Ranch. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the pu blic hearing. Council comments included acknowledgment that the City was in the public review period for the Draft EIR and would continue to accept comments until the deadline of June 7'"; clarification concerning the EIR process and response to public comments; further questions and clarification concerning the project alternatives; clarification of cost estimates and the potential for pursuing additional funding through grant opportunities; a request to coordinate a field trip with City staff, Mark Barnett, and David Foote to view the Ikeda drainage project; a request to provide a clearer graphic of Figure D-2 in the document; and whether pre-disaster mitigation funds may be available forthe Newsom Springs project. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Arnold moved to accept the Draft EIR and to continue the public comment period until June 7, 2007. Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: Minutes: City Council/RedevelopmentAgency Page 6 Tuesday, May 22, 2007 AYES: Arnold, Costeilo, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Guthrie 9.c. Consideration of a Proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 76.60 of the Arro 0 Grande Municipal Code Regarding Signs. Assistant Planner Bergman presented the staff report and recommended the Counci�tr duce an Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 16.60 related to signs. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no comments, he losed the public hearing. Council comments ensued regarding the need for a comprehensive rev of the sign ordinance; the purpose and intent of sign regulations; clarification relating ex pt signs as it relates to residential dwellings offered for sale (referred to Section .); and clarification relating to approvals for mural permits. Discussion was held concerning si ns held by persons within the public right-of-way and modifying the language in Sectio 16.60.060.V. to prohibit off-site commercial signs, including those within the public right-of ay, heid or supported by a person. Additionally, the Council concurred to modify the lang e in Section 16.60.020.D. to provide clarification that no murals shall be painted without th approval of a mural permit in accordance with Section 16.16.200. Action: Council Member Costello moved to intr uce an Ordinance, with modifications to Sections ; 16.60.060.V. and 16.60.020.D., as follows: " N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDI G CHAPTER 16.60 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE � MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SI S". Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Arnold, F ows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Guthrie 10. CONTINUED BUSI SS ITEMS None. 17. NEW BUSINE ITEMS i 71.a. Consid ration of Fiscal Year 2006-07 Third Quarter Budget SWtus Report. , Director of inancial Services Kraetsch presented the staff report and recommended the City Council/ A Board 1) Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the 3rtl Quarter budget report; 2) Appr ved Schedules A & B; and 3) Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the Gene I Fund. yor/Chair Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the atter, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period. I I�I I� pRROYO 11 ��■ '� OE C� lii F INCORPORATED 9Z �li " � ° MEMORANDUM + ��. �o. ,o„ * c4��FORN`P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGE SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE FOR THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE DATE: JULY 24, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council appoint one Council Member as the voting delegate and one Council Member as the alternate delegate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference. FUNDING: The only costs associated with this action are costs for attendance at the Annual Conference, which are included in the FY 2007-08 Budget. DISCUSSION: This year's League of California Cities Annual Conference is scheduled to take place September 5-8, 2007 in Sacramento at the Convention Center. One important activit�of the Conference is the annual business meeting, to be held on Saturday, September 8 at 8:30 a.m., when the membership takes action on Conference resolutions. Annual Conference resolutions guide the League and its members in their efforts to improve the quality, responsiveness and vitality of local government in California. League bylaws state that "any official of a Member City may, with the approval of the City Council, be designated the City's designated voting delegate or alternate delegate to any League meeting. Designated voting delegates (or their alternates) registered to attend the Annual Conference constitute the League's General Assembly." ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Appoint one Council Member as the voting delegate and one Council Member as the alternate delegate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference; or • Provide staff with other direction. Attachment: 1. June 8, 2007 League of California Cities Memorandum Regarding Voting Delegates � 1400 K Sr�er � L E AG U E SACRAMENTO,CA�SBI4 OF CALI FORNIA PH:��1G�GSR-HZOO REC£IVEO C I T I E S Fx: (91G)G58-8240 CITY OF AP,ROYO C12r�t�DE W W W.GCITIES.ORG Please review this memo carefully. New proeedures were adopted in 2006 regarding destgnation of voting delegates and altemates and voting at the Annual CoMerence. June 8, 2007 TO: Mayors, City Managers and City Clerks RE: DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES League of California Cities Annual Conference—September 5-8, Sacramento The League's 2007 Annual Conference is scheduled for September 5-8 in Sacramento. An important part of the Annual Conference is the Annual Business Meeting, scheduled for Saturday morning, September 8, at the Hyatt Hotel in Sacramento. At this meeting, the League membership considers and takes action on resolutions that establish League policy. In order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, your city council must designate a voting delegate. In the event that the designated voting delegate is unable to serve in that capacity, your city may appoint up to two altemate voting delegates. The ability to appoint up to two alternates is the result of approval last yeaz of a League bylaws amendment that increased the number of voting delegate altemates from one to two. Please complete the attached Voting Delegate form and return it to t6e League's o�ce no later t6an August 13,so that voting delegate/alternates records may be established prior to the conterence. At the conference, voting delegate forms may be returned to the Voting Delegate Desk located in the conference registration azea. Please note the following procedures that aze intended to ensure the integrity of the voting process at the Annual Business Meeting. • Action by Council Required. Consistent with League bylaws, a city's voting delegate and up to two altemates must be designated by the city council. When completing the attached Voting Delegate form, please attach either a copy of the council resolution that reflects the council action taken, or have your city clerk or mayor sign the form affirming that the names provided aze those selected by the city council. Please note that designating the voting delegate and altemates must be done by city council action and cannot be accomplished by individual action of the mayor or city manager alone. • Conference Registration Required. The voting delegate and altemates must be registered to attend the conference. At least one must be present at the Business Meeting and in possession of voting cazd in order to cast a vote. Voting delegates and alternates -over- aze requested to pick up their conference badges before signing in and picking up the voting delegate cazd at the Voting Delegates Desk. This will enable them to receive the special stamps on their name badges that will admit them into the voting azea during the Business Meeting. • Transferring Voting Card to Non-Designated Individuals Not Allowed. The voting cazd may be transferred freely between the voting delegate and alternates, but only between the voting delegate and altemates. If the voting delegate and alternates find themselves unable to attend the Business Meeting, they may not transfer the voting card to another city official. • New Seating Protocol during General Assembly. At the Business Meeting, individuals with the voting cazd will sit in a sepazate area; Admission to this azea will be limited to those individuals with a special stamp on their name badge identifying them as a voting delegate or altemate. If the voting delegate and alternates wish to sit together,they should be sure to sign in at the Voting Deiegate desk and obtain the special stamps on their badges. The Voting Delegate desk in the conference registration azea will be open September 5, 6 and 7, and prior to the Business Meeting on September 8. ,The conference registration azea will open at 12:00 p.m., on September 5, at the Sacramento Convention Center. The Voting Delegate desk will also be open at the Business Meeting, but not during a roll call vote, should one be undertaken. The voting procedures that will be used at the conference aze attached to this memo. Please share it and this memo with your council and especially with the individuals your council designates as your city's voting delegate and altemates. Once again, thank you for completing the voting delegate and alternate form and returning it to the League office by August 13, 2007. If you have questions,please call Mary McCullough at (916) 658-8247. Attachments: • 2007 Annual Conference Voting Procedures • Voting Delegate/Alternate Form � L E AG U E 1400 K Street, Suite 400 • Sacramento, California 95814 Phone: 916.658.8200 Fax: 916.658.8240 OF CALIFORNI� www.cacities.org CITIES Annual Conference Voting Procedures 2007 Annual Conference I. One City One Vote. Each member city has a right to cast one vote on matters pertaining to I,eague policy. 2. Designating a City Voting Representative. Prior to the Annual Conference, each city council may designate a voting delegate and up to two altemates;these individuals are idenrified on the Voting Delegate Form provided to the League Credentials Committee. 3. Registering with the Credentials Committee. The voting delegate,or alternates,may pick up the ciry's voting card aYthe Voting Delegate Desk in the conference registrarion area. We encourage yoting delegates and alternates to sign in at the Voting Delegate Desk so that they may receive a special stamp on their name badge and thus be admitted to the voting azea at the Business Meeting. 4. Signing Initiated Resolution Petitions. Only those individuals who are voting delegates (or altemates)and who have picked up their city'.s voting card by providing a signature to the Credentials Committee at the Voting Delegate Desk may sign petitions to initiate a resolution. 5. Voting. To cast the ciiy's vote,a city official must have in his or her possession the city's voting cazd.and be registered wiYh the Credentials Committee. The voting cazd may be transferred freely between the voting delegate and alternates,but may not be trahsferred to another city official who is not either a voting delegate or alternate. 6. Voting Area at Business MeeNng. At the Business Meeting, individuals with the voting cazd will sit in a sepazate area. Admission will be limited to those individuals with a special stamp on their name badge identifying them as a voting delegate or altemate. If the city's voting delegate and altemates wish to sit together, all should sign in at the Voting Delegate desk and obtain the special stamps on their badges. 7. Resolving Disputes. In case of dispute,the Credentials Committee will determine the validity of signattues on petitioned resolutions and the right of a city official to vote at the Business Meeting. � o EA�GUE CITY: '� CITIES � 2007 ANNUAL CONFERENCE VOTING DELEGATE/ALTERNATE FORM Please complete this form and return it to the League ottice by Au¢ust 13,2007. Forms uot sent by t6is deadlioe may be returned to t6e Voting Delegate Desk located in the Annual Conference Registration Area. Your city council may designate one voting delegate and up to two alternates. In order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, voting delegates and altemates must be designated by your city council. Please attach the council resolution as proof of designation. As an alternative,the Mayor or City Clerk may sign this form, aftirming that the designation reflects the action taken by the council. Please note: Voting delegates and alternates will be seated in a separate area at the Annual Business Meeting: Admission to this special area will be limited to individuals(voting delegates and alternates) who are identi£ed with a special stamp on their conference badge. If your city's voting delegate and alternates wish to sit together at the Business Meeting,they are all encouraged to sign in at the Voting Desk in order to obtain the identifying stamp that will admit them to the special voting area. 1. VOTING DELEGATE Name• Title: 2. VOTING DELEGATE -ALTERNATE 3. VOTING DELEGATE-ALTERNATE Name• Name: Title: Title: ATTEST (I affirm that the information provided rellects action by the city council to designate the voting delegate and alternate.) Name: Phone: Title: Date: Please comolete and return bv Au¢ust 13 to: League of Califomia Cities AT'TN: Mary McCullough FAX: (916) 658-8240 1400 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 AC2U07 V otingDelegamLener.doe