R 2431 ... - RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON A SURPLUS LIST, REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND DONATING BICYCLES FOR REHABILITATION FOR NEEDY CHILDREN WHEREAS, the city of Arroyo Grande has certain property, including vehicles, bicycles, a wrist watch and miscellaneous equipment: and WHEREAS, the abovenoted items have been classified as surplus property: and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department is cQnducting its annual program to rehabilitate bicycles and donate them to needy children, and said bicycles will be distributed through the Arroyo Grande Police Department's "Santa Cop" program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Arroyo Grande does declare as surplus and authorizes the entering into of an agreement with Golden West Auctioneers for the sale at public auction the vehicle, wrist watch and miscellaneous equipment listed below: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city of Arroyo Grande does donate the bicycles listed below to the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department bicycle rehabilitation program. 1. 1985 Ford Sedan VIN IFABP39MXG223986 2. Murray Cruiser/Red, 1 sp., Boys 26" #89-2596 3. Chrome Trick Bike (G.T.)/Boys, 24" #89-1912 4. Hot Box X Huffy/BMX, Red-Silver #90-0135 5. century AzukijRed, 10 sp., Boys (wrecked) #89-2586 6. F.B.M. Fuji BikejRed, 24" #89-1891 7. Yamaha Bike/Black Frame #89-0841 8. Murray Bike/Red-White Frame #89-0841 9. Mountain Bike/Turquoise, 12 sp. #89-1397 10. FreeSpirit Bike/Blue, Men's 3 sp. #89-2551 11. Olympiad Nishiki BikejWhite, Men's 10 sp. #90-0259 12. Huffy Bike/Gray, Boy'S 10 sp. #90-351 13. Varsity Schwinn/Green, 10 sp. (bad cond.) #90-0494 14. Schwinn BikejRed (Beach Cruiser) #90-0851 15. Cabania Bike/Yellow, 10 sp., Men's #90-0813 16. Schwinn Bake/Red, 10 sp. Boy'S #90-1250 17. B.M.X. Columbia/Silver, Boy's #90-1805 18. Ted Williams BikejWhite, 3 sp. Women's #89-2074 19. Machi GT/Turquoise, 1 sp., Boy's MX #89-2612 20. Bicycle (unkn) Boy's, 1 sp., Blue (two flat tires) #89-2612 21. Bicycle/SilverjRed, 1 sp., Boy's #89-2206 22. Fun Flower Fuji/Purple, 1 sp., Girls #89-2140 23. Bertin BikejWhite, 10 sp., Ladies #89-2130 24. Rover Ranger/Turquoise, 10 sp., Boy's #89-2232 25. Free Spirit Bike/chrome, Boy's 20" #89-2521 26. Turbo BMX/Black, BOy'S #90-1309 27. Columbia Bike/Gray, Men's, 12 sp. #90-0809 28 Track certified Murray/Blue, 1 sp., Boy's #90-0050 29. Cruiser Schwinn/Blue, 1 sp., BOY's #89-2517 30. Kent Bike/Black, 10 sp., Boy's #89-2531 31. Free Spirit/Yellow, 10 sp., Boy'.s #89-1687 32. Gran Sport Azuki/Silver, 10 sp., BOy'S #89-1865 33. uper 10 Huffy/Yellow, 10 sp., BOY's #89-1589 34. Calculator Wrist Watch/Innovative Time #89-1912 35. Portable "Takkote" oil pot License #E91368 1 ----- ------ ....' ,.,. RESOLUTION NO. 2431 PAGE 2 36. Pavement roller SIN 1352 License #SE91553 37. 1982 Felker Concrete Saw SIN #503030-3 38. 1975 Case Backhoe PW-11 License #S/El17151 Model 580-B SIN 5339624 39. 1958 Electric Welder 40. 1950 Generator 41. 1973 Sewer Rodder 42. 1964 Earth Auger 43. 1968 Sand Blaster 44. 1960 Rigid 400 Pipe Threader SIN #5657 45. -1962 Ingersoll Rand Jackhammer 46. 1984 Brettenhauer Asphalt Heat Pot with Trailer 47. Canedy-Ott Bench Drill Press #16-1232 48. Hein Werner 1 1/2 ton Bumper Jack 49. Craftsman 12" Radial Arm Saw #11329501 50. Mikasa Vibra Plate Compactor 51. Harper 60 lb. Air Jackhammer 52. Universal Cooler/Compressor unit 53. 1979 Chevrolet 1/2 ton Pickup VIN #CKL149Z159426 54. 1976 Snow Mower Trailer PK 142 #312663 55. 1974 Bolens Tractor PK 139 56. utility Vehicle, Cushman PK 6 On motion of Council Member Dougall , seconded by Council Member ~s , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Dougall, Moots, Olsen and Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Millis the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of November, 1990. 13'~~ -B' ANN SMITH, ~ PRO TEM i ATTEST: ~a. ~ . NANCY A. VIS, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: I, NAOCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arrayo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, state of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2431, is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular mceting of said Council on the 27th day of November, 1990. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arrayo Grande affixed _this 30th day of November, 1990. '., '7lir a. ~ CITY ~ 2 --~---