Agenda Packet 2007-09-11City Council Tony Ferrara Ed Arnold Joe Costello Jim Guthrie Chuck Fellows Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Agenda Steven Adams City Manager Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Kelly Wetmore City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. FLAG SALUTE: 4. INVOCATION: 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Mavor's Commendations - 7:00 P. M. BOY SCOUT TROOP 413 PASTOR RANDY OUIMETTE ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY -SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This .public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: • Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. • A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. • It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: • Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. • Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. • Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period August 16, 2007 through August 31, 2007. S.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of July 24, 2007 as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of FY 2006-07/FY 2007-08 Annual Local Sales Tax Allocation Resort (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve the proposed FY 2006-07/FY 2007-08 Annual Local Sales Tax Allocation Report and authorize staff to distribute it to all households and businesses in the City. 8.d. Consideration of Funding for South County Historical Society (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a City Silver Level membership in the South County Historical Society; and 2) Appropriate $1,000 for the membership. 8.e. Consideration of Plot Plan Review Case No. 06-009: Auulicant - Tonv Janowicz; Location 795 East Cherry Avenue Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution upholding an appeal and denying, without prejudice, Plot Plan Review Case No. 06-009. AGENDA SUMMARY -SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Pre-Auulication Review 06-006: The Pike and South Elm Street (STRONG) Recommended Action: Review and comment on the applicant's proposed project. 11.b. Consideration of Viewshed Review Alternatives (STRONG) Recommended Action: Review the preliminary staff report regarding Viewshed Review (VSR) alternatives and provide comments and direction for a possible Development Code Amendment to be considered at subsequent public hearings. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. AGENDA SUMMARY -SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 4 17. ADJOURNMENT in honor of the families whose loved ones were lost during the 9/11 attack and also the individuals currently serving in the armed forces overseas. All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the City Clerk's office and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. •lfeltf*ith#W 1Yt*p4i1f11f!!f This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arrovogrande.org City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.org. 5.a. ® C~~~ ®F • - . Mayor's Commendation 1n`resentecf to: ~Ieresa ~I~1cCCish On this 11 t~ clay of September 2007 In 1~ecognition of Four ~l~lem6ership in the ~1'latinum Service CCu6 forServiceA6ove and ~eyoncl the CaCCof duty Tony ~F'errara, ~I~layor 4 ~•'; CITY OF CALIFORNIA Jl~layor's Commendation ~i'esented to: ,~erem tau man y f On this 11 t~ clay of September 2007 In 1~ecognition of Your ~Vlem6ership in the ~1'latinum SerUice Club forSer-viceA6ove ancf ~eyoncf the Call of 1~uty Tony Ferrara, ~(ayor ~ INOORYORATlD Z ti v n * JULY i0. 1p1t f 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES~[y`` BY: FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO ```"`~~~~~~bbbbbb SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period August 16 through August 31, 2007. FUNDING: There is a $1,412,632.88 fiscal impact that includes the following items: Accounts Payable Checks 132717-133014 $ 591,336.95 Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks $ 821,295.93 All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staffs recommendation; • Do not approve staffs recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1-August 16, 2007-August 31, 2007, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 2-August 17, 2007, Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks Register Attachment 3-August 31, 2007, Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks Register ATTACHMENTI ' apckHist Check History Listing Page: 1 ' 09104/2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 132717 08/1712007 002093 MARK LACOUAGUE 132718 08/20/2007 004815 AIRGAS WEST INC 132719 08/20/2007 005180 APEX OUTDOOR POWER 132720 08/20/2007 002632 API WASTE SERVICES (DBA) 132721 08/20/2007 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER 132722 08/20/2007 006322 AT&T GLOBAL SERVICES INC 132723 08/20/2007 005615 AT&T/MCI 132724 08/20/2007 000056 BACKYARD IMPROVEMENT 132725 08/2012007 001944 BASIC CHEMICAL 132726 08/2012007 006306 BC PUMP SALES & SERVICE 132727 0812012007 000087 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL, 132728 08/2012007 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 081607 08/16/2007 162. 20 162 .20 103239800 07/31/2007 27. 25 27 .25 28296 07/24/2007 333. 97 28312 07/27/2007 19. 72 28283 07/19/2007 11. 85 28317 07/30/2007 8. 62 374 .16 77K00026 07/20/2007 336. 49 336 .49 40830 07/30/2007 59. 26 59 .26 SB377463 07/13/2007 1,283. 60 1,283 .60 T6682596 07/05/2007 1,727. 24 T6807843 08/02/2007 1,672. 66 T6798085 07/08/2007 30. 17 T6807834 07/11/2007 29. 72 T6807835 07/11/2007 14. 71 T6807831 08/0212007 1. 54 3,476 .04 2007-674 08/02/2007 13. 38 2007-643 07/23/2007 3. 97 17 .35 SI5342803 07/30/2007 189. 50 189 .50 20829 08/06/2007 267. 17 267 .17 74874 08/10/2007 109. 00 109 .00 133919 07/18/2007 162. 63 134170 08/06/2007 43. 75 134195 08/08/2007 36. 15 133714 06/29/2007 14. 00 133884 07/13/2007 8. 30 133922 07/18/2007 7. 53 133976 07/24/2007 7. 50 133898 07/16/2007 3. 80 283 .66 Page:1 apckHist Check History Listing Page: 2 09/04/2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor 132729 08/20/2007 006307 JOE BROW N 132730 08/20/2007 000094 BRUMIT DIESEL, INC 132731 08/20/2007 001577 BURDINE PRINTING (DBA) 132732 08/20/2007 000095 BURKE AND PACE OF AG, 132733 08/20/2007 003853 CALIFORNIA LIGHTING 132734 08/20/2007 000603 CAROUEST AUTO PARTS 132735 08/20/2007 005947 CENTURY AUTO ELECTRIC 132736 08/20/2007 000160 CHAPARRAL 132737 08/20/2007 002842 COMMERCIAL 132738 08/20/2007 000185 CONSOLIDATED 132739 08/20/2007 000190 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL 132740 08/2012007 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 132741 08/20/2007 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO INC Status ClearNoid Date Invoice 073107 836 6872 6756 2349230 7013 184977 184976 184226 235715 235692 185000 7314-182347 7314-182358 59004 256211 19634A 8067-83107 7217-0707 7605-480320 03900 8/3-017922 7/31-14273 7/31-48517 70931 7/31-048519 8/3-018068 336662 337176 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 07/31 /2007 08/09/2007 08/12/2007 07/29/2007 07/16/2007 07131 /2007 08/09/2007 08/09/2007 08/07/2007 08/09/2007 08/09/2007 08/09/2007 07/30/2007 07/30/2007 08/09/2007 08/07/2007 08/14/2007 08/06/2007 07/23/2007 07/16/2007 07/30/2007 08/03/2007 07/31 /2007 07/31 /2007 08/10/2007 07/31 /2007 08/03/2007 07/10/2007 07/25/2007 77.00 56.74 435.46 235.85 62.40 182.40 107.44 81.05 11.77 10.71 8.60 8.60 5.01 0.08 41.97 145.00 47.41 4,250.00 350.00 64.65 30.00 68.25 38.75 34.50 23.00 11.50 11.50 226.28 133.30 77.00 56.74 671.31 62.40 182.40 233.26 41.97 192.41 4,600.00 64.65 30.00 187.50 Page:2 apckHist Check History Listing Page: 3 09/04/2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 336672 07/10/2007 113.57 336917 07/17/2007 33.84 336837 07/16/2007 32.33 337143 07/24/2007 18.10 557.42 132742 08/20/2007 000577 LEONARD B DE LOS SANTOS 080707 08/07/2007 203.70 203.70 132743 08/20/2007 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 12648767 07/25/2007 31.64 31.64 132744 08/20/2007 003963 DESIGN GRAPHICS 080307 0810312007 1,078.00 1,078.00 132745 08/20/2007 006308 JACILYN DI CARLO 081407 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 132746 08!20/2007 002608 DLT SOLUTIONS,INC S151977 07/13/2007 871.17 871.17 132747 08/20/2007 006162 ENLOE WELL DRILLING 1336/1343 07/12/2007 9,075.00 9,075.00 132748 08/20/2007 006309 KRISTY ERSELINS 081407 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 132749 08/20/2007 005106 ESGIL CORP 08070925 08/15/2007 3,235.62 3,235.62 132750 08/20/2007 003557 ESRI 91585060 07/09/2007 415.50 415.50 132751 08/20/2007 005085 EVERYDAY CHURCH 081407 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 132752 08/20/2007 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO 421649 07/24/2007 219.57 423871 07126/2007 132.53 405404 07109/2007 89.10 398013 07102/2007 49.64 414251 07/17/2007 48.51 405765 07/09/2007 36.54 575.89 132753 08/20/2007 004164 FEDEX 2-159-73104 07/20/2007 47.35 2-172-36401 07/27/2007 23.68 2-146-15882 07/13/2007 6.68 77,71 132754 08/20/2007 .004790 DEANNA FLOYD 081307 08113/2007 48.00 48.00 132755 08/20/2007 003590 SERENA FLOYD 081307 08/13/2007 48.00 48.00 132756 08120/2007 000262 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY 25779 07/24/2007 17.78 25783 07/26/2007 1724 Page: 3 apCkHist 09104/2007 11:13AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 4 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 25786 07/27/2007 2.16 37.18 132757 08/20/2007 000263 FRAZEE INDUSTRIES INC 083090352 07/18/2007 1,735.95 083090323 07/17/2007 6808 1,804.03 132758 08120/2007 006310 DONNA FREEMAN 081407 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 132759 08120/2007 000605 THE GAS COMPANY 8/8-200 N 08/08/2007 86.47 8/9-1375 08109/2007 68.81 8/9-350 S 08109/2007 61.85 8/3-200 E 08/03/2007 2967 8/3-214 08/03/2007 10.72 8/3-208 E 08/03/2007 10.72 8/7-1500 08/07/2007 9.53 817-910 08/07/2007 8.17 285.94 132760 08120/2007 000280 GRAND PERFORMANCE 00187 07/24/2007 60.00 60.00 132761 08/20/2007 002358 GREAT WESTERN ALARM 070700013101 08101/2007 28.00 070700713101 08/01/2007 25.00 53.00 132762 08120/2007 002836 DIANA HARRIS 081407 08/14/2007 125.00 125.00 132763 08/20/2007 004188 EDDIE HARRIS 081307 08113/2007 60.00 60.00 132764 08/20/2007 000307 BOB HICKS TURF 25607 07/24/2007 44.13 44.13 132765 08/20/2007 000318 HOTLINE OF SLO COUNTY 08032007 08/03/2007 843.27 843.27 132766 08/20/2007 0028291APM0 0075706-IN 08/15/2007 265.00 265.00 132767 08/20/2007 0028201NDOFF, INC 1020035 07131/2007 81.68 1015849 07/24/2007 30.15 1011279 07/17/2007 1189 123.72 132768 08/20/2007 003730 INDUSTRIAL TOOL BOX 30321 08103/2007 249.75 249.75 132769 08/20/2007 000345 J J'S FOOD COMPANY, INC 160878 08109/2007 194.81 160976 07130/2007 24.97 219.78 132770 08/20/2007 005201 JAS PACIFIC INC BI9494 08/15/2007 6,288.00 6,288.00 Page: 4 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 5 09/0412007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132771 08/20/2007 006320 JOURNAL OF LIGHT 081507 08/15/2007 63. 52 63 .52 132772 08/20/2007 000361 EDWARD A KALIN JR 081307 08/13/2007 788. 00 788 .00 132773 08/20/2007 003949 KERN'S PAPER 21741 08108/2007 671. 01 21518 07/12/2007 359. 89 21515 07/12/2007 359. 89 21551 07/18/2007 297. 93 21465 07/06/2007 224. 93 21655 07/26/2007 195. 30 2,108 .95 132774 08/20/2007 006311 CHRISTINA KIMBALL 081407 08/1412007 30. 00 30 .00 132775 08/20/2007 000376 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC 5912313 08/08/2007 39. 63 39 .63 132776 08120/2007 006312 LEE CENTRAL COAST 1016497 07/29/2007 68. 48 68 .48 132777 08/20/2007 003294 CAROLYN LOUCKS 081707 08/17/2007 58. 43 58 .43 132778 08/20/2007 006323 BOB LUND 072507 07/25/2007 423. 68 423 .68 132779 08/20/2007 006020 RYAN MICHAEL 081307 08/13/2007 120. 00 120 .00 132780 08/20/2007 000419 MIDAS AUTO SERVICE 0018720 08/03/2007 98. 64 98 .64 132781 08/20/2007 000426 MIERBROS LANDSCAPE 131745 07/19/2007 70. 04 131295 07/10/2007 66 81 136. 85 132782 08/20/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 217582 08!13/2007 87. 48 216210 08/02/2007 80. 67 217767 08/1412007 51. 06 216092 08/0112007 50. 56 217621 08/13/2007 48. 42 217633 08/13/2007 43. 08 216701 08/06/2007 42. 00 216527 08/04/2007 40. 92 217765 08/14/2007 35. 51 217834 08/14/2007 34. 44 217393 08/11/2007 29. 33 216974 08/08/2007 23. 96 Page: 5 apckHist Check History Listing Page: 6 09/04/2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv Date Amount Paid Check Total 132783 08/20/2007 000441 MULLAHEY FORD 132784 08/20/2007 006231 MUNICIPAL 132785 08/20/2007 006136 NATIONAL DATA & 132786 08120/2007 002126 KURT A NILSON 132787 08/20/2007 006313 JIM NILSONS 132788 08/20/2007 000466 NOBLE SAW, INC 132789 08/20/2007 006315 MARY O'NEIL 132790 08/20/2007 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 132791 08/20/2007 006314 RYAN OLSEN 132792 08/20/2007 000472 ORCHARD SUPPLY 132793 08/20/2007 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 916846 215268 217127 217691 216351 216740 216376 216208 215747 216706 216698 915908 917398 216306 07262007 120828 FOCS180626 0043460 8084/8085 081407 081407 174284 081407 395291071-001 395639961-001 395639961-002 395349985-001 081407 00023489 8/8-8532998718-5 08/03/2007 21.53 07126/2007 18.83 08109/2007 18.81 08/1312007 16.95 08/03/2007 16.31 08/06/2007 15.06 08/03/2007 13.72 08/02/2007 13.50 07/30/2007 12.87 08/06/2007 12.38 08/06/2007 8.61 07/2712007 6.54 08/08/2007 5.92 08/02/2007 4.84 753.30 07/26/2007 940.00 08/07/2007 59.27 08/02/2007 45.38 1,044.65 07/18/2007 2,652.12 2,652.12 08/16/2007 11,000.00 11,000.00 08/14/2007 60.00 60.00 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 07/26/2007 234.74 234.74 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 07/26/2007 261.88 08/03/2007 111.14 08/03/2007 1929 07/27/2007 -24.99 367.32 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 07/23/2007 10.71 10.71 08!08/2007 39,974.35 Page: 6 apckHist Check History Listing Page: 7 0910412007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132794 08/2012007 000490 PERVO PAINT CO 132795 08/20/2007 006321 DONNA PETREE 132796 08/20/2007 000975 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE 132797 08/2012007 006316 JESSICA PRATHER 132798 08/20/2007 006240 BETTE PRESLEY 132799 08120/2007 002670 RICOH LEASING 132800 08120/2007 003031 ROBERTSON SUPPLY 132801 08/20/2007 004833 STEVE ROMO 132802 08/20/2007 000536 GREG ROSE 132803 08/20/2007 006317 JOE ROULEAU 132804 08/20/2007 003649 CHARLES D (DON) RUIZ 132805 08/20/2007 002932 RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP 132806 08/20/2007 000578 ANGELITA ANN SARMIENTO 132807 08120/2007 006080 MARTINA SARMIENTO 132808 08120/2007 003024 MARK SCRAPPER 132809 08/20/2007 006318 LARRY SHELTON 132810 08/20/2007 003838 SILVAS OIL COMPANY, INC 132811 08/20/2007 000553 SLO COUNTY CLERK- 132812 08/20/2007 004860 TAMMY SMITH 132813 08/20/2007 003641 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY 7/19-704689 07/19/2007 13.02 39,987.37 47581 08/02/2007 1,807.29 1,807.29 081507 0811512007 84.00 84.00 7/17-42167122 07/17/2007 41.59 41.59 081307 08/13/2007 24.00 24.00 080707 08/07/2007 25.00 25.00 07084045947 08/15/2007 163.04 163.04 6832 07130/2007 118.00 6831 07/30/2007 60.34 178.34 081307 08/13/2007 60.00 60.00 081307 08/13/2007 220.00 220.00 081407 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 081307 08/13/2007 244.00 244.00 506685 07/11 /2007 1,806.50 506482 07/09/2007 231.00 2,037.50 081307 08/13/2007 40.00 40.00 081307 08/13/2007 88.00 88.00 081307 08/13/2007 180.00 180.00 081407 08/14/2007 30.00 30.00 804490 08/08/2007 20,178.29 221223 08/06/2007 3,215.70 23,393.99 081307 08/13/2007 25.00 25.00 081307 08/13/2007 72.00 72.00 1886007 08101/2007 207.72 Page: 7 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 8 09/0412007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 132814 08120/2007 004393 SP MAINTENANCE 132815 08120/2007 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY & 132816 08/20/2007 000620 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY 132817 08/20/2007 000624 SUPERIOR QUALITY 132818 08/2012007 006054 TIMES PRESS RECORDER 132819 08/20/2007 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 132820 08/20/2007 004801 TOMARK SPORTS 132821 08/20/2007 002468 THE TRIBUNE 132822 08/20/2007 004609 TROESH RECYCLING, INC 132823 08/20/2007 006319 DUANE VALENTINE 132824 08/2012007 000677 PEGGY VALKO 132825 0812012007 003429 CARRIE VAN BEVEREN 132826 08/2012007 003741 ALETA WHITTEMORE 132827 08/2012007 004897 WOOD RODGERS INC 132828 08/20/2007 000050 AUSTIN'S PHOTOGRAPHY 132829 08/20/2007 000134 CA ST DEPT OF JUSTICE 132830 0812012007 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO INC 132831 08/20/2007 004372 GARING TAYLOR & Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1891290 08/01/2007 106.76 1894890 08/01/2007 106.76 1889067 08/01/2007 5.62 426.86 19625 08/01/2007 6,994.40 6,994.40 56179 08/0312007 635.99 56347 08/10/2007 493.35 1,129.34 S1051368.001 07/3112007 22.29 S1051492.001 08/0112007 10.93 33.22 34548 07/01/2007 2,502.66 34561 07/0212007 208.56 2,711,22 20382 07/10/2007 24.00 24.00 1021281 08/09/2007 5.80 5.80 92363679 07/17/2007 733.48 733.48 ACCT2513416 07/24/2007 168.00 168.00 6848 08/06/2007 428.57 428.57 081407 08/1412007 30.00 30.00 081007 08/10/2007 1,367.84 1,367.84 080207 08/0212007 19.20 19.20 081407 08/1412007 30.00 30.00 57718 07/1612007 7,545.30 7,545.30 25163 06/06/2007 201.76 201.76 631802 06/30/2007 2,628.00 2,628.00 336394 06/29/2007 420.93 420.93 7848 06/30/2007 1,353.75 7941 07/31 /2007 433.09 7849 06/3012007 190.00 1,976.84 Page: 8 aPCkHist Check History Listing Page: 9 09104/2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 132832 08/20/2007 000928 HI-TECH EMERGENCY INC 132833 08/20/2007 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 132834 08/2012007 006304 MAYCOTTE TRUCKING 132835 08/20/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 132836 08/20/2007 006154 SOUTH COUNTY AREA 132837 08/20/2007 000624 SUPERIOR QUALITY 132838 08/20/2007 000685 WALLACE GROUP A CALIF 132849 08/22/2007 006325 CAL-WEST 132850 08/22/2007 006301 LAURIE ROCHA 132851 08/22/2007 006324 CAROLYN SWANSON 132852 08/24/2007 001259 AGP VIDEO, INC 132853 08/24/2007 003281 AGVIA 132854 08/24/2007 006130 ALLIANCE READY MIX, INC 132855 08/24/2007 004655 AMERICAN EXPRESS 132856 08124/2007 005709 AMERICAN MESSAGING 132857 08/24/2007 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 132858 08/24/2007 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 119744 08/06/2007 465.51 465.51 070967 06/21 /2007 1,025.00 071019 06/26/2007 210.00 071020 06/2612007 210.00 071021 06/26/2007 210.00 1,655.00 26 06/26/2007 180.00 180.00 210125 06/18/2007 30.81 30.81 7460-08-001 08/07/2007 1,854.65 1,854.65 34164 02/0612007 20.53 20.53 22965 06/0612007 10,481.98 22966 06/06/2007 5,039.25 22967 06/06/2007 400.84 15,922.07 Ref000079406 08/16/2007 44.35 44.35 Ref000079405 08/16/2007 86.59 86.59 Ref000079404 08/16/2007 80.93 80.93 2346 07/06/2007 2,450.00 2,450.00 81307 08/13/2007 1,000.00 1,000.00 3355 08/15/2007 475.48 475.48 3782-959788-31006 07/25/2007 331.10 331.10 L5245715HH 08/15!2007 11.34 11.34 V 08/24/2007 0.00 0.00 F221266 07/03/2007 45.65 F232547 07/17/2007 34.90 F243793 07/31/2007 34.90 F226957 07/10/2007 22.40 F238203 07/24/2007 22.40 Page: 9 apcktiist Check History Listing Page: 10 09/0412007 11:13AM CITY Of ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearlVoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total F221265 07/03/2007 21.28 F226956 07/10/2007 21.00 F232546 07/17/2007 21.00 F238202 07/24/2007 19.60 F243792 07/31/2007 19.60 F221267 07/03/2007 18.20 F226958 07/10/2007 18.20 F232548 07/17/2007 18.20 F238204 07124/2007 18.20 F243794 07131 /2007 18.20 F232544 07/31/2007 18.00 F243790 07/31/2007 18.00 F226948 07/10/2007 1725 F238195 07/24/2007 17.25 F221263 07/03/2007 16.50 F221269 07/03/2007 11.80 F232550 07/17/2007 11.80 F243796 07/31/2007 11.80 F226950 07/10/2007 10.35 F238197 07/24/2007 10.35 F221259 07/03/2007 9.50 F232541 07/17/2007 9.50 F243787 07/31/2007 9.50 F221268 07/03/2007 9.05 F232549 07/17/2007 8.80 F243795 07/31/2007 8.80 F226954 07/10/2007 8.50 F238200 07/24/2007 8.50 F243791 07/31/2007 6.15 F226952 07/10/2007 6.00 F238199 07/24/2007 6.00 F221264 07/03/2007 5.60 F226955 07/10/2007 5.60 F232545 07/17/2007 5.60 F238201 07/24/2007 5.60 F226951 07/10/2007 5.00 F238198 07/24/2007 5.00 Page: 10 apckHist 09/04/2007 11:13AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 11 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total F226959 07/10/2007 2.80 F238205 07/2412007 2.80 F226960 07/10/2007 2.80 F238206 07/24/2007 2.80 F043938 07/03/2007 1.10 F043929 07/03/2007 0.55 F043931 07/03/2007 0.55 F045068 07/26/2007 -0.55 632.38 132859 08124/2007 002632 API WASTE SERVICES (DBA) 77R00029 07/27/2007 498.87 78A00025 08/10/2007 462.71 961.58 132860 08/24/2007 006305APPRIVER 55733 08/14/2007 1,483.92 1,483.92 132861 08124/2007 003175 AQUA-METRIC SALES 0018268 08/13/2007 9,628.45 0018175 08/07/2007- 3,720.61 13,349.06 132862 08/2412007 005507 AT & T 8/7-0183 08/07/2007 192.42 8/8=9816 08/08/2007 77.52 8/7-3956 08/07/2007 32.96 8/7-3959 08/07/2007 32.96 8/7-3953 08/07/2007 32.96 368.82 132863 08124/2007 005615 AT&T/MCI T6807841 08/02/2007 986.76 T6807853 08/02/2007 88.66 T6781326 07/30/2007 87.94 T6798083 07/30/2007 30.51 T6807836 08/02/2007 21.24 1,215.11 132864 08/24/2007 001944 BASIC CHEMICAL SI5345701 08/06/2007 576.08 576.08 132865 08/24/2007 000935 BRUCE BEAUDOIN & 10!28/1929 08/15/2007 2,800.00 2,800.00 132866 0812412007 000094 BRUMIT DIESEL, INC 537 07/31/2007 15.48 15.48 132867 08/2412007 005843 CALIFORNIA 5757317 08/04/2007 18.94 5756956 08/04/2007 15.62 34.56 132868 08/24/2007 005255 CBC INNOVIS, INC 7210001996 07/31/2007 10.00 10.00 132869 08/24/2007 000154 CENTRAL COAST SOD fNC 64049 08/13/2007 728.07 728.07 Page: 11 aPCkHist Check History Listing Page: 12 09/04/2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132870 0812412007 006040 CERTIFION CORP 9760 07/3112007 84 .95 84.95 132871 08/2412007 001990 CHARTER 080107 08/01/2007 194 .95 194.95 132872 08/24/2007 004680 ROBERT CHILD 081707 08/17/2007 184 .20 184.20 132873 08124/2007 000171 CLINICAL LABORATORY OF 750977 08/07/2007 550 .00 550.00 132874 08124/2007 003599 COMMERCIAL SANITARY 20176 08/08/2007 591 .12 591.12 132875 08124/2007 005997 COOK PAGING INC 6809147 08/01/2007 71 .60 71.60 132876 08124/2007 000815 CUSTOM DESIGN 1723 08101/2007 3,806 .25 3,806.25 132877 08/24/2007 002039 DELTA LIQUID ENERGY 12998 08/02/2007 24. 00 24.00 132878 08/24/2007 006141 DEMSEY, FILLIGER & ASSOC 1398 08/1 t/2007 1,000. 00 1,000.00 132879 08/24/2007 000208 J B DEWAR, INC 940643 08/16/2007 214. 16 939197 07/31/2007 32. 91 940647 08/16/2007 17. 24 264.31 132880 08/24/2007 006296 DYER'S DIESELRO 22581 08/02/2007 42. 50 22584 08/02/2007 42. 50 22586 08102/2007 42. 50 22583 08102/2007 42. 50 22585 08/02/2007 42. 50 22582 08/02/2007 42. 50 22587 08/02/2007 42. 50 297.50 132881 08/24/2007 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 1349777 08/07/2007 4,920. 83 1353317 08/10/2007 452. 55 1355531 08/15/2007 123. 34 5,496.72 132882 08/24/2007 005990 FIRMA CONSULTANTS INC 2669 07/0912007 12,814. 69 12,814.69 132883 08/24/2007 005297 FLEET RADIO PRODUCTS 1092 08/09/2007 208. 99 20899 132884 08/24/2007 004790 DEANNA FLOYD 082307 08/2312007 48. 00 48.00 132885 08/24/2007 006158 PAUL FORDYCE 081307 08/13/2007 168. 38 168.38 Page: 12 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 13 09/0412007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 132886 08/24/2007 000262 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY 132887 08/24/2007 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 132888 08124/2007 001066 SEAN F HAGERTY 132889 08/24/2007 000293 HAINES & COMPANY, INC 132890 08/24/2007 001237 HANSON AGGREGATES INC 132891 08/24/2007 004188 EDDIE HARRIS 132892 08124/2007 0063271NTERSPIRO1NC 132893 08/24/2007 000348 J W ENTERPRISES 132894 08/24/2007 003355 ERNEST JONES, MD 132895 08/24/2007 006326 TAMARA JONES 132896 08/24/2007 005265 KIDZ LOVE SOCCER, INC 132897 08/24/2007 004845 JOHN CARSON 132898 08/24/2007 000376 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC 132899 08/2412007 004061 HOWARD D MANKINS 132900 08/24/2007 006020 RYAN MICHAEL 132901 08/24/2007 000419 MIDAS AUTO SERVICE 132902 08/24/2007 004732 MICHELLE MILLER Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 25668 08114/2007 106.31 25797 08101/2007 50.64 25799 08/02/2007 21.55 25837 08/10/2007 1778 25800 08/03/2007 1200 208.28 112 08/14/2007 37.54 37.54 081807 08118/2007 186.71 186.71 31307 08/01/2007 244.02 244.02 104918 08/09/2007 408.78 . 105062 08/13/2007 302.76 711.54 082307 08/23/2007 100.00 100.00 123447 08/08/2007 1,032.60 1,032.60 204744 08/16/2007 85.00 85.00 178462P123526 07/25/2007 270.00 270.00 081707 08/17/2007 98.00 98.00 082107 08/23/2007 2,981.16 2,981.16 082307 08/23/2007 180.00 180.00 5886277 07/31/2007 347.33 5912312 08/08/2007 234.88 5907792 08/07/2007 93.18 675.39 063007 06/30/2007 3,377.35 3,377.35 082307 08/23/2007 120.00 120.00 0018835 08/13/2007 45.00 18710 08/03/2007 32.19 18760 08/07/2007 31.07 108.26 081707 08/17/2007 34.20 34.20 Page: 13 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 14 09/04/2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check t; Date , Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132903 08/24/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 218133 08/16/2007 102.86 218894 08/22/2007 47.39 218499 08119/2007 36.04 217601 08/13/2007 32.30 218330 08/18/2007 2849 217282 08/10/2007 23.46 218644 08/20/2007 18.31 217915 08/15/2007 17.21 218387 08/18/2007 15.60 218224 08/17/2007 12.87 217637 08/13/2007 9.68 918321 08/14/2007 8.58 218519 08/20/2007 644 359.23 132904 08/24/2007 000438 F MORTON PITT COMPANY 0009970-IN 09/07/2007 21.47 0009940-IN 07/26/2007 10.24 31.71 132905 08/24/2007 000441 MULLAHEY FORD 070507 07/05/2007 28,053.42 FOCS180550 07/31/2007 209.52 FOCS180457 07/27/2007 141.34 FOCS180676 08/03/2007 87.58 FOCS180432 07/26/2007 39.58 FOCS180427 07/26/2007 39.58 119587 06/08/2007 39.06 28,610.08 132906 08/24/2007 005650 NAPA AUTO PARTS 206119 05/22/2007 32.72 32.72 132907 08/24/2007 000773 G NEIL COMPANIES 9395077 07/24/2007 94.99 94.99 132908 08/24/2007 006228 TAMMIE NEUFELD 081307 08/13/2007 293.13 293.13 132909 08/24/2007 006328 NICK'S TELECOM 2890 08/07/2007 50.00 50.00 132910 08/24/2007 005987 NORMAN & VASOUEZ 06302007 06130/2007 1,900.00 1,900.00 132911 08124/2007 002174 NOSSAMAN, GUTHNER, 210756 07/13/2007 2,560.83 2,560.83 132912 08/24/2007 004550 OAK PARK CHRISTIAN 081707 08/24/2007 156.75 156.75 132913 08/24/2007 005744 OCEANO COMMUNITY V 09/04/2007 AG-10/JULY 08/22/2007 1,080.00 Page: 14 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 15 09104/2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice V 09/04/2007 AG-10/JUNE 132914 08/24/2007 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 395822545-001 396695989-001 395349986-001 395620318-001 396084878-001 396956014-001 397045818-001 397116817-001 132915 08/24/2007 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 8111-620838 8111-781296 132916 08/24/2007 000490 PERVO PAINT CO 47536 132917 08/24/2007 004158 PHOENIX GROUP 72007157 132918 08/24/2007 005938 PITNEY BOWES 906202 132919 08/24/2007 004757 PLUMBERS DEPOT INC. 7241 132920 08/24/2007 006316 JESSICA PRATHER 082407 132921 08/24/2007 000513 BEAU PRYOR 082107 132922 08/24/2007 005284 R & B MOBILE EQUIPMENT & 1231 1175 1185 1205 2052 2053 2054 132923 08/24/2007 000523 R & T EMBROIDERY, INC 31148 132924 08/24/2007 004184 RETAIL ACQUISITION & DEV., 20055736 132925 08124/2007 000531 RICHETTI COMPLETE WATER 54431 132926 08/24/2007 000533 RANDY ROBINSON 082307 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 08/22/2007 880.00 1,960.00 08/0312007 216.77 08/1012007 61.28 08/03/2007 42.45 08/03/2007 30.20 08/03/2007 9.02 08/10/2007 6.95 08/10/2007 5.11 08/10/2007 -7.71 364.07 08/11/2007 229.25 08/11/2007 9.01 238.26 08/01/2007 2,293.46 2,293.46 08/17/2007 100.00 100.00 09/01/2007 360.00 360.00 08/07/2007 1,627.03 1,627.03 08/24/2007 24.00 24.00 08/21/2007 750.00 750.00 07/10/2007 208.86 05/30/2007 119.73 06/05/2007 96.98 06/14/2007 62.90 07/10/2007 46.49 07/10/2007 35.00 07/10/2007 19.60 589.56 05/29/2007 311.03 311.03 08/10/2007 277.26 277.26 08/01 /2007 15.00 15.00 08/24/2007 1,954.00 1,954.00 Page: 15 apCkHist 09/0412007 11:13AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 16 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132927 08/24/2007 004833 STEVE ROMO 082407 08/24/2007 60.00 60.00 132928 08/24/2007 000536 GREG ROSE 082407 08/24/2007 140.00 140.00 132929 08/24/2007 003649 CHARLES D (DON) RUIZ 082407 08/24/2007 136.00 136.00 132930 08/24/2007 000569 SAN LUIS PAINTS 633100 07/3112007 112.05 112.05 132931 08/2412007 000578 ANGELITA ANN SARMIENTO 082407 08124/2007 48.00 48.00 132932 08/24/2007 006080 MARTINA SARMIENTO 082407 08/24/2007 96.00 96.00 132933 08/24/2007 003024 MARK SCRAPPER 082407 08/24/2007 120.00 120.00 132934 08/2412007 000552 SLO COUNTY AUDITOR- 053007 05/30/2007 14,065.00 14,065.00 132935 08/24/2007 001434 SLO COUNTY IWMA 082007 08/20/2007 5,000.00 5,000.00 132936 08/24/2007 006096 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF- JULY 2007 08/24/2007 31.00 31.00 132937 08/24/2007 004860 TAMMY SMITH 082407 08/24/2007 104.00 104.00 132938 08/24/2007 000598 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP 167049 08/17/2007 285.43 - 166666 08/03/2007 122.57 166624 08/01 /2007 107.70 166329 07/20/2007 57.53 573.23 132939 08/2412007 000602 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 73107 07/31/2007 210,286.35 210,286.35 132940 08/2412007 000609 6OB SPEAR 082407 08/24/2007 120.00 120.00 132941 08/24/2007 000616 STERLING 23096 07/23/2007 28,050.00 23153 08/03/2007 285.00 23154 08/03/2007 144.00 28,479.00 132942 08/24/2007 000620 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY S1051344.001 07/31/2007 42.85 S1051390 001 07/31/2007 8.90 51.75 132943 08/24/2007 000623 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH 1211 08/01/2007 330.24 330.24 132944 08/24/2007 000624 SUPERIOR QUALITY 34629 08/01/2007 208.56 208.56 132945 08/24/2007 006054 TIMES PRESS RECORDER 1 08/14/2007 5.00 5.00 Page: 16 apckHist Check History Listing Page: 17 0910412007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132946 08/24/2007 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1021327 08/13/2007 308.53 1021321 08/10/2007 63.19 1021326 08/1312007 31.94 403. 66 132947 08/24/2007 004801 TOMARK SPORTS V 08/27/2007 478737 06/18/2007 498.72 498. 72 132948 08/24/2007 000669 UNION ASPHALT, INC 284204 08/03/2007 373.79 373. 79 132949 08/2412007 000666 UNITED RENTALS 67251536-001 08/07/2007 86.60 67380549-001 08/10/2007 64.95 67351464-001 08/09/2007 4222 67249512-001 08/06/2007 15.99 209. 76 132950 08/24/2007 000660 USA BLUE BOOK 401832 06/29/2007 137.12 423480 08/03/2007 97.19 234. 31 132951 08/24/2007 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 0576843948 08/07/2007 491.39 0575968220 08/04/2007 299.28 0567604931 07/04/2007 261.24 0576020622 08/04/2007 3899 0575630522 08/03/2007 29.55 1,120. 45 132952 08/24/2007 002022 VFIS 603058 06/29/2007 3,747.00 3,747. 00 132953 08/24/2007 000685 WALLACE GROUP A CALIF 23431 08/08/2007 3,543.46 23432 08/08/2007 491.85 23433 08/08/2007 28.25 4,063. 56 132954 08/24/2007 000687 WAYNE'S TIRE, INC 769505 08/16/2007 981.12 796499 08/16/2007 420.80 769496 08/16/2007 10868 1,510. 60 132955 08/24/2007 000699 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC 0742 08/10/2007 800.00 800. 00 132956 08/24/2007 000704 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS T6042 08/06/2007 400.00 400. 00 132957 08/28/2007 000523 R & T EMBROIDERY, INC 30528 02/16/2007 366.16 366. 16 132959 08/31/2007 006331 911 TRAINING & 276 08/17/2007 507.00 277 08/17/2007 338.00 278 08/17/2007 169.00 1,014. 00 Page: 17 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 18 i 09/OM2007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/VOid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132960 08/31/2007 005507 AT & T 8/7-7480 08/07/2007 140.22 8/8-9867 08/08/2007 7791 218.13 132961 08/31/2007 000058 BANK OF AMERICA 8/8-2059 08/08/2007 3,789.19 082307 08/23/2007 2,698.06 8/8-9444 08/08/2007 1,275.05 8/8-9163 08/08/2007 1,077.62 8/8-9436 08/08/2007 1,047.74 8/8-2083 08/08/2007 904.13 8/8-0915 08/08/2007 754.90 8/8-4272 08/0812007 614.14 818-2581 08/08/2007 525.00 8/8-9328 08/08/2007 82.43 8/8-6795 08/08/2007 20.66 12,788.92 132962 08/31/2007 003385 BMW OF FRESNO 4029787 06/12/2007 546.62 546.62 132963 08/31/2007 001917 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH JULY 2007 08/29/2007 209.00 209.00 132964. 08/31/2007 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 134394 08/24/2007 16.44 16.44 132965 08/31/2007 000094 BRUMIT DIESEL, INC 856 08/10/2007 163.83 163.83 132966 08/31/2007 003853 CALIFORNIA LIGHTING 7014 08/17/2007 443.75 443.75 132967 08/31/2007 000603 CAROUEST AUTO PARTS 188617 08/24/2007 87.79 7314-179299 07/18/2007 28.32 187788 08/21 /2007 13.23 7314-187043 08/17/2007 12.46 187772 08/21/2007 9.05 187812 08/21/2007 5.28 156.13 132968 08/31/2007 003599 COMMERCIAL SANITARY 20182 08/15/2007 116.05 116.05 132969 08/31/2007 002868 MICHELLE COTA 082207 08/22/2007 107.68 107.68 132970 08/31/2007 003287 DATANET SOLUTIONS INC 201407 06/25/2007 2,072.54 2,072.54 132971 08/31/2007 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 12777217 08/10/2007 279.13 12691109 07/30/2007 192.40 471.53 Page: 18 apCkHist Check History Listing page; 19 09/0412007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor - Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 132972 08/3112007 006329 RAYMOND DIEPENBROCK 082307 08/23/2007 163.00 163.00 132973 08/31/2007 006330 RICK EWELL 082907 08/29/2007 104.29 104.29 132974 08/31/2007 000887 FAILSAFE TESTING 3146 08/15/2007 858.40 858.40 132975 08/31/2007 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 1359636 08/22/2007 209.41 209.41 132976 08/31/2007 004790 DEANNA FLOYD 082907 08/29/2007 16.00 16.00 132977 08/31/2007 003590 SERENA FLOYD 082207 08/22/2007 48.00 082907 08/29/2007 16.00 64.00 132978 08/31/2007 000262 FRANK'S LOCK 8 KEY 25839 08/13/2007_ 3.23 3.23 132979 08/31/2007 004142 STAN GAXIOLA 082907 08/29/2007 20.00 20.00 132980 08/31/2007 000272 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL 80734N 08/20/2007 157.60 157.60 132981 08/31/2007 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 129 08/20/2007 828.18 828.18 132982 08/3112007 000292 HACH COMPANY 5255890 08/14/2007 107.17 107.17 132983 08131/2007 002405 CHUCK HARE 082907 08/29/2007 40.00 40.00 132984 08/3112007 004188 EDDIE HARRIS 082907 08/29/2007 100.00 100.00 132985 0813112007 000307 BOB HICKS TURF 25680 08/15/2007 127.05 127.05 132986 08131/2007 006332 HILBRANT TRUCKING 815 07/12/2007 1,050.00 1,050.00 132987 08/31/2007 000345 J J'S FOOD COMPANY, INC 159859 08/25/2007 23.98 23.98 132988 08/31/2007 001793 J J KELLER & ASSOCIATES, 00692155 08/17/2007 217.16 006921254 08/17/2007 189.84 006921256 08/17/2007 156.60 563.60 132989 08/31/2007 004845 JOHN CARSON 082907 08/29/2007 60.00 60.00 132990 08/31/2007 001467 LEBARD'S COMPUTER 90493 07/01/2007 249.00 249.00 132991 08131/2007 005511 CHRISTOPHER LINTNER 082907 08129/2007 100.00 100.00 132992 08/31/2007 001136 DOUG LINTNER 082907 08/29/2007 80.00 80.00 Page: 19 apCkHist 09/04/2007 11:13AM Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 132993 08/31/2007 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 132994 08/31/2007 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 132995 08/31/2007 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 132996 08/31/2007 000470 ON-DUTY UNIFORMS & 132997 08/31/2007 006316 JESSICA PRATHER 132998 08/31/2007 003655OUINN RENTAL SERVICES 132999 08/31/2007 000536 GREG ROSE 133000 08/31/2007 000810 RRM DESIGN GROUP 133001 08/31/2007 003649 CHARLES D (DON) RUIZ 133002 08/31/2007 005746 STEVE SACCA 133003 08/31/2007 000539 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, 133004 08/31/2007 000578 ANGELITA ANN SARMIENTO 133005 08/31/2007 006080 MARTINA SARMIENTO 133006 08/31/2007 004860 TAMMY SMITH Check History Listing Page: 20 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 070801 05/01/2007 540.00 070668 03!22/2007 112.50 652.50 219553 08/27/2007 33.38 219258 08/24/2007 30.15 219576 08/27/2007 16.15 219072 08/23/2007 12.92 219145 08/24/2007 9.69 219509 08/27/2007 6.99 219242 08/24/2007 4.30 219269 08/24/2007 1.36 219555 08/27/2007 -2477 90.17 396329487-001 08/10/2007 242.46 396246718-001 08/10/2007 67.86 397966027001 08/17/2007 62.01 397116818-001 08/17/2007 9.64 397141743-001 08/17/2007 6.40 388.37 62868 07/24/2007 51.48 51.48 082907 08/29/2007 16.00 16.00 8010567-001 08/20/2007 64.99 64.99 082907 08/29/2007 40.00 40.00 05071307502 07/13/2007 4,503.00 4,503.00 082907 08/29/2007 80.00 80.00 082307 08/29/2007 1,200.00 1,200.00 34641793 08/16/2007 170.54 170.54 082907 08/29/2007 48.00 48.00 082907 08/29/2007 40.00 40.00 082907 08/29/2007 64.00 64.00 Page: 20 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 21 09/0412007 11:13AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor ~ Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 133007 08/31/2007 000598 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP 167050 08/17/2007 51.06 51.06 133008 08131/2007 000609 BOB SPEAR 082907 08/29/2007 60.00 60.00 133009 08131/2007 000620 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY 1053888 08/21/2007 10.35 10:35 133010 08/31/2007 000631 SHANE TAYLOR 083007 08/30/2007 2,635.00 2,635.00 133011 08/31/2007 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1019637 05/24/2007 60.78 60.78 133012 08/31/2007 000666 UNITED RENTALS 67311780-001 08/08/2007 124.51 67522968 08/15/2007 8.25 132.76 133013 08/3112007 005329 JASON VASQUEZ 082107 08121/2007 200.00 200.00 133014 08/31/2007 000699 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC 3134 08/2412007 305.32 305.32 boa Total: 591,336.95 287 checks in this report Total Checks: 591,336.95 Page: 21 ATTACHMENT 2 DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 7126!07 - 819107 08/17/07 FUND 010 383,711.05 5101 Salaries Full time 192,059.58 FUND 220 19,292.56 5102 Salaries Part-Time - PPT 18,305.08 FUND 284 757.65 5103 Salaries Part-Time - TPT 16,298.35 FUND 285 757.72 5105 Salaries OverTime 24,534.40 FUND 612 8,384.53 5107 Salaries Standby 385.21 FUND 640 21,277.68 5108 Holiday Pay 2,557.13 434,181.19 5109 Sick Pay 2,547.26 5110 Annual Leave Buyback 5111 Vacation Buyback - 5112 Sick Leave Buyback - 5113 Vacation Pay 21,163.44 5114 Comp Pay 3,795.81 5115 Annual Leave Pay 12,812.39 5121 PERS Retirement 69,608.21 5122 Social Security 20,820.98 5123 PARS Retirement 450.68 5126 State Disability Ins. 706.60 5127 Deferred Compensation 675.00 5131 Health Insurance 38,920.17 5132 Dentallnsurance 4,448.52 5133 Vision Insurance 1,025.89 5134 Life Insurance 576.79 5135 Long Term Disability 945.14 5143 Uniform Allowance 5144 Car Allowance 600.00 5146 Council Expense 5147 Employee Assistance 242.06 5148 Boot Allowance 5149 Motor Pay 75.00 5150 Bi-Lingual Pay 200.00 5151 Cell Phone Allowance 427.50 434,181.19 ATTACHMENT 3 DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 8/10107 - 8123/07 08/31/07 FUND 010 348,156.30 5101 Salaries Full time 218,044.45 FUND 220 15,777.51 5102 Salaries Part-Time - PPT 16,796.79 FUND 284 675.12 5103 Salaries Part-Time - TPT 9,268.39 FUND 285 675.11 5105 Salaries OverTime 18,785.83 FUND 612 5,439.21 5107 Salaries Standby 376.28 FUND 640 16,391.49 5108 Holiday Pay 884.50 387,114.74 5109 Sick Pay 6,399.85 5110 Annual Leave Buyback 5111 Vacation Buyback 27.89 5112 Sick Leave Buyback - 5113 Vacation Pay 12,573.19 5114 Comp Pay 4,772.76 5115 Annual Leave Pay 6,644.62 5121 PERS Retirement 70,653.05 5122 Social Security 20,913.28 5123 PARS Retirement 325.39 5126 State Disability Ins. 648.47 5127 Deferred Compensation - 5131 Health Insurance - 5132 Dentallnsurance - 5133 Vision Insurance - 5134 Life Insurance - 5135 Long Term Disability - 5143 Uniform Allowance 5144 Car Allowance - 5146 Council Expense 5147 Employee Assistance - 5148 Boot Allowance 5149 Motor Pay - 5150 Bi-Lingual Pay - 5151 Cell Phone Allowance - 387,114.74 8.b. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferrara called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Council Member Jim Guthrie, Council Member Joe Costello, Council Member Chuck Fellows, Mayor Pro Tem Arnold, City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Timothy Carmel, and Human Resources Manager Karen Sisko were present. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City Manager Represented Employees: International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local 4403 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Chuck Fellows, Jim Guthrie, Joe Costello, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Arnold, and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Angela Kraetsch, Interim Cliief of Police Steve Andrews, Director of Public Works Don Spagnolo, Director of Community Development Rob Strong, Associate Planner Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner Teresa McClish, and Director of Building and Fire Mike Hubert. 3. FLAG SALUTE Leonard Mansell, representing Arroyo Grande Lions Club, led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Robert Underwood, First United Methodist Church, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS There were no special presentations; however, Mayor Ferrara announced that the meeting would be adjourned in memory of Bob Behme, former reporter for the Times Press Recorder and Coast News, who had recently passed away. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Costello moved, Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances moved for introduction or adoption at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item to do so at this time. No public comments were received. Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.e., with the recommended courses of action. Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Arnold, Fellows, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Page 2 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period July 1, 2007 through July 15, 2007. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of June 30, 2007. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of June 26, 2007 as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of a Resolution Accepting Park Improvements and Associated Property in Fee Title for Tract 2310-II, Parkside, Constructed by S&S Homes of the Central Coast. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 4025 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING PARK IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSOCIATED PROPERTY IN FEE TITLE FOR TRACT 2310-11, PARKSIDE, OFFERED BY S&S HOMES OF THE CENTRAL COAST"; and 2) Adopt Resolution No. 4026 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PERMANENTLY REJECTING OFFERS OF DEDICATION FOR TRACT 2310-11, PARKSIDE, OFFERED BY S&S HOMES OF THE CENTRAL COAST". 8.e. Consideration of Disposal of Surplus Patrol Vehicle Equipment. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4027 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY TO BE DONATED TO THE CALIFORNIA NATIONAL GUARD". 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Ferrara requested, and the Council concurred, to move Item 9.b. up on the Agenda for consideration prior to Item 9.a. 9.b. Consideration of a Revised Proposal from PG&E for the Lease of 5-Acre City Property at West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road for aTwo-Year Temporary Park and Ride Lot During Winter 2008 and 2009. Director of Community Development Strong presented the staff report and recommended the City Council 1) Adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit Case No. 07-012, for the City to develop, and PG&E to operate, a Park and Ride Lot for up to 250 cars including shuttle bus stop and night lighting for two (2) five month periods, December 2007 through April 2008 and December 2008 through April 2009, subject to execution of a mutually agreeable lease agreement for use of the subject property; and 2) Direct staff to prepare an agreement between the City and PG&E for a portion of the 5-acre future recreation center property at West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road for consideration by the Council. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Tom Swem, representing PG&E, acknowledged the Council's previous concerns and gave a brief overview of the modified proposal. Tom Jones, representing PG&E, referred to condition of approval #7 and noted that PG&E is a self- insured utility company and requested a modification in the language to allow PG&E to show proof of self-insurance. He spoke in support of the proposal with that modification. Upon hearing no public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Page 3 Council comments ensued including support for the current proposal and that it is a good compromise from the previous proposal; support for the reduction in parking spaces at the proposed location; acknowledgment that PG&E has found two additional sites in Pismo Beach to provide additional parking lots; support for the modification in condition #7 concerning insurance requirements; clarification regarding the proposed material to be used for the parking area; the benefits of the proposal to the future recreation center project; and the benefits of the proposal to the community and to PG&E. Action: Council Member Costello moved to adopt Resolution No. 4029 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 07-012 FOR A TEMPORARY PARK AND RIDE LOT ON A PORTION OF CITY PROPERTY; APPLICANT PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY'; with the modification to condition #7 to include the words "or adequate proof of equivalent self- insurance". Council Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Fellows, Guthrie, Arnold, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 9.a. Consideration of Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program Case No. 06-003 to Construct New Commercial Buildings and Install Signage; Applicant - Investec Real Estate Companies; Representative -Carol Florence, Oasis Associates; Location - 925 Rancho Parkway, Pad "I" (Phase II of the Five Cities Shopping Center), and the 1100 Block of West Branch Street (Phase I of the Five Cities Shopping Center). Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-003 and Planned Sign Program Case No. 06-003 subject to the conditions of approval. Staff responded to questions from Council concerning directional signs; when in the process the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan would be reviewed (prior to issuance of the grading permit); and whether Public Works had reviewed the potential for a right turn lane from W. Branch Street onto Rancho Parkway. Assistant City Engineer Linn explained that there is not enough space to restripe the existing road and further explained the modifications that would have to be made at the corner, at a considerable cost, in order to provide for a right turn lane. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Carol Florence, Principal Planner for Oasis Associates, representing the project applicant, requested the Council adopt the Resolution amending the CUP and Sign Program 06-003, subject to 82 conditions of approval and 53 mitigation measures, with a few minor revisions. She presented the proposal for Pad I, including the Vicinity Map and site plans; proposed traffic improvements (including one addition); Phase II signage; site plans for Phase I and Phase II; a site plan comparison of the previous proposal (February 2007) versus the current proposal (July 2007); the pedestrian enhancement plan and proposed access points; aerial photos and video with conceptual buildings; and elevations for each building. She referred to the Applicant's Response to the City Council staff report (on file in the Administrative Services Department), which requested revision, comment, and/or clarification to Condition Nos. 7, 12, 13, 19, 23, 24, 48 and 54. She then responded to questions from Council regarding ADA access to the site; lighting requirements; trip generation data for office use versus retail use; and monument signs. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Steve Orosz, Orosz Engineering (traffic consultant), reviewer office, general retail, and financial uses. Jean Wade, resident, referred to the story pole located on the the proposed building, and stated it appeared to be very high. Thomas Klein, resident, expressed concern about the proposed potential lighting impacts and ADA accessibility. Page 4 average trip generation data for site, asked if that was the height of pedestrian walkway as it relates to Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments: - Acknowledged the City has benefited from the sales tax revenue; however, the City has also been burdened by traffic and poor circulation in and around the Center; - Gave a historical overview of development in the Five Cities Center; - Generally okay with the proposal, with the exception of Building I-2 due to the location of the loading dock; does not agree with the findings in the acoustic report; it is too close to the residences; potential noise impacts to the neighborhood; and cannot make appropriate findings for approval of Building I-2; - Supports design of Building I-1 and Building I-3 with the proposed traffic mitigation; - If Building I-2 is designated for office use, it would address size, scale, and intensity of use issues as the loading dock could be removed and the architect could be creative by reducing the building height and softening the look; - If use of Building I-2 can be changed, he could make findings for approval; - If use to remain all retail, would want to wait until Building J is occupied in order to determine actual traffic impacts. Council Member Costello provided the following comments: - Expressed concerns regarding parking in Phase 2 and the current layout of the parking lot; - Commented that as the Center is built out, parking becomes more problematic; - Can support proposal for location of Building I-3 in Phase 1; - Supports phased development and considering office use for Building I-2, which may alleviate potential parking problems; - Supports the roadway improvements which will improve access to both Phase 1 and Phase 2; - Supports efforts to reduce Tight pollution; - Does not see need for pedestrian access coming down from Via Vaquero; - Cannot support findings for approval of Building I-2 as proposed. Council Member Fellows provided the following comments: - Likes new design layout; - The trees leading up to Building I-2 are a good idea; - Hoped for more dramatic traffic improvements; - A phased approach to development is a good idea; - Agreed that change in use for Building I-2 is a good idea; - Traffic mitigation for the Camino Mercado entrance is a good idea; suggested a directional sign at corner of Camino Mercado and Rancho Parkway in order to be effective; - The new medians on Rancho Parkway should contain landscaping to include trees; - Lighted signs should be on timers; - Redesign is good, except for some changes Building I-2; - Suggested eliminating the globes from the monument signs; - Does not support removing Public Works Condition #48 relating to filtering of storm water runoff; Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 5 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 If changes are made to Building I-2 as suggested, there is an opportunity to install landscaped bioswales if the loading dock is removed; - Suggested better pedestrian safety in parking lot design in front of Building I-2. Council Member Guthrie provided the following comments: - Pedestrian access off of Via Vaquera would be useful; however, he acknowledged the significant slope and difficulty of providing ADA access; - Suggested a pedestrian access improvement by providing a crosswalk between the AG Edwards building and the approved Chili's building; - Supports suggestion for office use in Building I-2; however, he was optimistic that the traffic improvements would work and that retail could go in Building I-2; - Agreed that there are potential noise impacts with the truck loading dock as proposed; - Can support certain square footage limits for non-retail uses in Building J, I-1 and I-3; - Would not support eliminating Condition #48 relating to filtering of storm water runoff; - Supports proposal with change to office use in Building I-2; however, he would prefer retail use in the long run; and could support revising Condition #7 as long as the square footage for non- retail use is limited. In response to Council comments, Ms. Florence said there is 28,500 square feet between Buildings I-2 and I-3, and Building J is approximately 11,000 square feet. She said if a threshold level is set for non-retail use, she requested the Council consider setting a 10,000 square feet limit. Mayor Pro Tem Arnold provided the following comments: - Would consider designating Building I-2 as office; can change use later when traffic studies are analyzed; - Would not support financial use in Building I-3; needs to remain as retail; - Supports monument signs; however, the light globes are unattractive; - Concerned about the lack of a right turn lane from W. Branch onto Rancho Parkway; - Supports leaving Condition #7 as proposed; Supports proposal if issue regarding use of Building I-2 can be addressed. Further discussion ensued regarding the proposed alternatives; clarification on signage; and limiting the square footage for non-retail uses in Buildings I-1 and J. Action: Mayor Ferrara moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-003 AND PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-003, APPLIED FOR BY INVESTEC REAL ESTATE COMPANIES, LOCATED A T 925 RANCHO PARKWAY AND THE 1100 BLOCK OF WEST BRANCH STREET (FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER)'; with the following conditions and stipulations as follows: 1) No change to Condition #48 concerning drainage; 2) the three monument signs are acceptable, without globes, in a design that is similar to the existing monument signs; 3) that non-taxable retail be limited to 8,000 square feet in Buildings J and I-1, with financial institutions not to exceed 5,000 square feet; that Building I-2 be pre- designated as office use, and that staff work with the applicant on Building I-2 to achieve a softer, more horizontal design and to remove the loading dock; 4) that the design of Building I-2 go back to the Architectural Review Committee for review and approval; 5) that Condition #12 applies only to new tenants; 6) that Condition #13 should read "Phase II", not Phase I; 7) that the first sentence in Condition #54 be revised to read as follows: "Perform construction activities during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 7 A.M. to 5 P.M.) for inspection purposes.". Mayor Ferrara clarified that the motion included the modification to Condition #7, identified as an alternative in the staff report, to read as follows: "Subject to compliance with all conditions of approval and mitigation Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 6 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 measures, all three (3) proposed new buildings 1-1, I-2 and 1-3 may be constructed and occupied. Buildings I-1 and I-3 shall be used for retail commercial and Building 1-2 is restricted to office use only."Council Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Ferrara, Fellows, Guthrie, Costello NOES: Arnold ABSENT: None Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 9:45. The Council reconvened at 9:55 9.c. Consideration of Certification and Related Findings for the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan. Associate Planner McClish presented the staff report and recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution to certify the Final Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Plan as adequate and complete and make related findings pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. David Foote, FIRMA, gave an overview of the proposed project, explaining the regional drainage plan components; reviewed impacts to agricultural resources, flooding and sedimentation, biological resources, and cultural resources; reviewed alternatives to the proposed project; reviewed the EIR process and preparation of response to public comments, and recommended the Council certify the Final EIR as complete in accordance with CEQA and adopt the mitigation monitoring program. Mr. Foote noted that a tour of the Ikeda property had been conducted to look at a similar storm water project, which was designed for a smaller storm event; and it compares favorably with the proposed project. He also noted that the Final EIR includes 12 comment letters and related responses. Mr. Foote responded to questions from Council concerning impacts on agricultural resources. Mayor Ferrara clarified that the purpose of the Final EIR is to serve as an informational document which examines the likely environmental impacts of the proposed project, and it identifies those environmental impacts that could be potentially significant if the project is approved; it develops mitigation measures to reduce significant impacts to the extent feasible; it identifies feasible alternatives to the project; it provides a means for citizens to participate in the decision making process; it is not the purpose of the EIR to recommend approval or denial of a project; and that CEQA requires decision makers to make a decision with knowledge of the potential environmental impacts of the project and to balance the benefits of the proposed project against its potential environmental impacts. He stated this document would be used as a reference when a specific project comes forward. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing Damien Mavis, one of the developers of the Cherry Creek project, spoke in support of certifying the Final EIR and gave a status report of the Cherry Creek project. Neil Havlik, representing Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District, spoke in support of certifying the Final EIR. Ann Backmann expressed concern about the location of the detention basin and asked if the project could go forward without the detention basin. Mr. Foote replied that it is not needed, but it provides some benefits. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Page 7 Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TAKING THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) WITH RESPECT TO THE NEWSOM SPRINGS REGIONAL DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT: 1) CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; 2) ADOPTING ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS; AND (3J ADOPTING A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM". Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Arnold, Costello, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS ITEMS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS 11.a. Consideration of Appointment of Voting Delegate and Alternate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference City Manager Adams presented the staff report Council Member as the voting delegate and one League of California Cities Annual Conference. and recommended the City Council appoint one Council Member as the alternate delegate for the Mayor Ferrara moved to appoint Council Member Fellows as the voting delegate and appoint Mayor Pro Tem Arnold as the alternate delegate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference. Mayor Pro Tem Arnold seconded, and the motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). SLOCOG meeting was cancelled. SLORTA met and discussed changes to Route 10 to meet regional needs; operational issues for the new maintenance and operations facility, which will be shared between the RTA and Ride-On. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Discussion held concerning debris entering the sewer system via manholes and installing locks on certain manholes in areas identified as problematic. (3) Other. None. b. MAYOR PRO TEM ED ARNOLD: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). IWMA has implemented a battery and fluorescent tube and light take-back policy, which has gone into effect at retailers throughout the County. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). The Wine Study report has been published (copy given to staff for distribution); working on proposals to conduct a tourism study, which will include the South County. (3) Other. None. Minutes: City Council Meefing Page 8 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 c. COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. The Habitat Conservation Plan continues to move slowly; however, Federal regulating agencies are moving closer to approving certain formulas. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Meets tomorrow; Pollution Prevention Week is coming up on September 17-23; will discuss partial funding to replace apre-1987 diesel school bus for LMUSD; and the budget is being finalized for the upcoming year. (3) Fire Oversight Committee. Continues to meet regularly; cooperation between Grover Beach, Arroyo Grande, and OCSD continues to move forward with agreements to share resources. (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee. No report. (5) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). No report. (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). CJPIA held annual meeting to elect new officers; the City's Human Resources Manager attended and reported that the same officers were re-elected, the CJPIA is in good financial shape and the City's rates will be going down slightly. (3) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER CHUCK FELLOWS: (1) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). County Public Works gave a presentation on the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. (3) Other. None. 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: a. Request to discuss establishing a policy of designating a summer month in the future for cancellation of Council meetings. (ARNOLD) Mayor Pro Tem Arnold requested, and the Council concurred, to request a future agenda item to discuss the establishment of a policy to designate a summer month in the future for cancellation of Council meetings. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Ferrara announced he would be attending the League of California Cities Executive Forum where one of the keynote presentations would be given by Jim Bergman, Bob Lund, and an official from America In Bloom to present the American In Bloom program. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: None. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, July 24, 2007 18. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 10:34 p.m. in memory of Bob Behme. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Page 9 (Approved at CC Mtg ) 8.c. TO: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF FY 2006-071 FY2007-08 ANNUAL LOCAL SALES TAX ALLOCATION REPORT DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the proposed FY 2006-07/ FY 2007- 08 Annual Local Sales Tax Allocation Report and authorize staff to distribute it to all households and businesses in the City. FUNDING: It is estimated the cost for printing and distribution will be $2,000, which is funded in the FY 2007-08 budget from local sales tax revenues. DISCUSSION: In November 2006, the voters of Arroyo Grande approved Measure 0-06, which established ahalf-cent local sales tax to meet City needs identified in the City's long-range financial plan. The following four categories of needs were projected: Transportation projects, including upgrade of the Brisco/Halcyon interchange; Infrastructure improvements, including the street, drainage and creek systems; Public safety needs, including Police and Fire Department facilities, equipment and staffing; and Facility upgrades to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. To ensure accountability, the measure included a provision requiring the City to publish and distribute an annual report to each household on the revenues and expenditures from the sales tax proceeds. As a result, staff has prepared the first annual Local Sales Tax Allocation Report, which is attached. The report outlines the budget items approved by the City Council in FY 2006-07 and FY 2007-08 for use of the local sales tax revenue. However, given the importance of this measure, staff would like Council's review and approval of the report prior to distribution. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF FY 2006-07/ FY 2007-08 ANNUAL TAX ALLOCATION REPORT SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 The report consists of four pages. It is designed to be printed in a fold-out format similar to the Stagecoach Express City newsletter. The measure only specifies requiring the report to be sent to households. Therefore, distribution could be limited to residents. However, staff recommends it also be mailed to all businesses since they have been affected by the sales tax and have an interest in its implementation. As a result, the distribution list would also be consistent with the one used for the Stagecoach Express. It would also be difficult to separate residential from commercial addresses, which means limiting distribution to residents only would likely not result in a cost savings. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the proposed FY 2006-07/ FY 2007-08 Annual Local Sales Tax Allocation Report and authorize staff to distribute it to all households and businesses in the City; - Request specific modifications and approve the proposed FY 2006- 07/ FY 2007-08 Annual Local Sales Tax Allocation Report to be distributed to all households and businesses in the City; - Approve the proposed FY 2006-07/ FY 2007-08 Annual Local Sales Tax Allocation Report and authorize staff to distribute it to households only; - Provide staff direction. Attachments: FY 2006-07/ FY 2007-08 Annual Sales Tax Allocation Report S:\Administration\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\Local Sales Tax Allocation Report 9.11.07.doc ATTACHMENTI ~' CITY OF -" ' -" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FY 2006-07/ FY 2007-08 ~~~=A :_~ p" ,~ ~`~. LOCAL SALES TAX ALLOCATION REPORT In November 2006, the voters of Arroyo Grande approved Measure 0-06, which established half-cent local sales tax to meet City needs identified in the City's long-range financial plan. ing four categories of needs were projected: • Transportation projects, including upgrade of the Brisco/Halcyon interchange; • hnfrastructure improvements, including the street, drainage and creek systems; • Public safety needs, including Police and Fire Department facilities, equipment and staffing; and Facility upgrades to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The follow- To ensure accountability, the measure included a provision requiring the City to publish and distribute an annual report to each household on the revenues and expenditures from the sales tax proceeds. As a result, this report summarizes all budgeted and actual expenditures for the prior fiscal year and budgeted expenditures for the current fiscal year. Since the measure took effect in April 2007, only one-quarter of projected revenue was budgeted in FY 2006-07. Actual revenues received in FY 2006- 07were $250,000 and projected revenues in FY 2007-OS are $2,500,000. If you have questions or would like additional information regarding any of the items or figures outlined in this report, please feel free to contact City Hall at 473-5400. LOCAL SALES TAX BUDGETED EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 Infrastructure Brisco Road Resurfacing $5,000 The project consists of rehabilitation of pavement on Brisco Road from E! Camino Real to E. Grand Avenue The total project budget is $308,000 and construction is complete. E. Grand Avenue Street Resurfacing $86,000 The project consists of resurfacing and restriping on E. Grand Avenue front E[ Camino Real to Halcyon Road. The total project cost is $126,000 and construction is scheduled to begin in Fall 2007. Farroll Road Resurfacing $20,000 The project consists of pavement rehabilitation and water system improvements from Oak Park Boulevard to S. Halcyon Road. The total project budget is $557, 000 and construction is planned to begin in Fa112007. Poole Street Sidewalks $18,000 The project consists of reconstruction of sidewalk and tree replacement on Poole Street. Sidewalk repairs are complete and tree replacement is projected to begin in Fall 2007. Creek Ivy Removal $20,000 The project consists of removal ofnon-native vegetation along the Arroyo Grande Creek bank adjacent to O[ohan Alley, which is expected to begin in Fal/ 2007. Newsom Springs Drainage Project $76,000 The project consists of improvements in the area of Branch Mi11 Road and E. Cherry Avenue to correct drainage deficiencies. Sales tax revenue funded the Environmental /mpact Report, which is complete. Construction of Phase I is estimated to begin in Fa112007 and will be funded and constructed primarily by private development. Public Safety Wildland Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment and Radios $8,000 This provides matching funds fora $32,000 grant to purchase firefighting protective equipment and radios Police Station Expansion Feasibility Study $25,000 The project includes analysis of Police Department space needs, conceptual design of expansion alternatives, and preparation of cost estimates, which will be complete in Fa112007. FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 TOTAL $258,000 LOCAL SALES TAX BUDGETED EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 Transportation Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/ Route 101 Interchange Improvements This initial funding is proposed for design of interchange improvements. Total project costs are currently estimated to be $8 million to $12 million. Project construction is targeted within five years and other funding will be programmed from a combination of transportation facility funds, long-term bond financing offuture local sales tax revenues, and State grant funding. Traffic Way ChannelizatioNCherry Avenue Left Turn Lane The project consists of traffic and streetscape improvements on Traffic Way and Cherry Avenue to improve safety, mobility, and aesthetics. Total project costs are estimated to be $150,000 and project construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in Winter 2007. $100,000 $50,000 Infrastructure Pavement Management Program $92,000 The project consists of funding for the City's ongoing program of maintenance and improvements to City streets. Total funding for FY 2007-08 from al/sources is approximately $91,000. The next street targeted for improvements is James Way in Spring 2008. Brisco Road Resurfacing $208,000 The project consists of rehabilitation ofpavement on Brisco Road from El Camino Real to E. Grand Avenue. The total project budget is $308,000 and construction is complete. E. Grand Avenue Street Resurfacing $40,000 The project consists of resurfacing and restriping of E. Grand Avenue from El Camino Real to Halcyon Road. The total project cost is $126,000 and construction is scheduled to begin in Fa112007. Farroll Road Resurfacing The project consists ofpavement rehabilitation and water system improvements from Oak Park Boulevard to S. Halcyon Road. The total project budget is $557,000 and construction is planned to begin in Fa112007. Sidewalk Program The project consists of the ongoing installation of new sidewalks to implement the City's Pedestrian Plan. Thin amount represents the total annual project budget and construction of the first improvements will take place in Summer 2008. Concrete Replacement Program The project funds materials for ongoing sidewalk, curbs and gutter repairs made by in-house staff. Street Maintenance This funding will add two part-time positions dedicated to ongoing street, curb, gutter and sidewalk repairs in order to increase ongoing street maintenance . Street Tree Trimming Program This new program will implement trimming of a[I City street trees on a S year cycle through a private contract. Creek Preservation Projects This funding wil/ be used as a local match to obtain grants for projects to improve water quality, prevent erosion and flooding, and protect habitat at the Arroyo Grande, Tally Ho and Meadow Creeks. Castillo Del Mar/Valley Road Drainage The project will construct a road connection from Orchard Street to Fair Oaks Avenue and install drainage improvements to address flooding on Fair Oaks Avenue. The total budget is $800,000 and will be funded primarily from private development. Construction is projected in Summer 2008. $144,000 $125,000 $25,000 $48,000 $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 Page 2 LOCAL SALES TAX BUDGETED EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-OS (CONTINUED) Infrastructure (Continued) E. Branch Drainage Improvements $75,000 The project will address drainage deficiencies on E. Branch Street and will be constructed in conjunction with the proposed streetscape project. Total drainage costs are $240, 000 and are projected to be installed Summer 2008. Retention Basin Maintenance Funding will add one part-time parks position to provide needed ongoing maintenance to drainage retention basins. Poplar Street Retention Basin Improvements The project will provide improvements to the eastern inlets necessary for the basin to function properly. Capital Project Planning Studies Funding will utilized by the City to contract jor engineering studies associated with planning new capital projects when infrastructure deficiencies are identified in order to address them in a responsive manner. Public Safety Fire Truck The City's Fire Department replaced a 1984 fire engine. The total cost of the purchase was $397, 000 and has been completed. Fire Department Radio Equipment The Fire Department will be replacing outdated emergency radio equipment that can no longer be maintained or repaired. Fire Battalion Chiet Funding is for upgrade of a Captain position shared with the City ojGrover Beach to perform administration and training officer responsibilities for both cities. The remainder of the position costs are funded by the City of Grover Beach. Emergency Operations Center The project consists of purchase of equipment and supplies necessary [o prepare the City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for disaster response operations. Police Station Expansion The project consists of expansion of the Police Station necessary to meet existing space needs. /nitial study results estimate project the total cost to be $2.5 million. A needs assessment and feasibility study are currently being prepared. Remaining revenues necessary are proposed from long-term bond financing offuture local sales tax revenues. The project schedule has not yet been determined. Police Position Upgrades Funding will upgrade two Police positions. One will upgrade an existing Senior Officer position to Sergeant in order to coordinate disaster preparedness planning activities and to increase efficiency by relieving patrol officers from ongoing administrative functions. The second upgrades an existing non-sworn position to provide appropriate supervision and coordination of crossing guard, volunteer, parking enforcement and animal control functions. $20,000 $10,500 $30,000 $100,000 $25,000 $35,000 $33,600 $100,000 $11,500 Miscellaneous Reserve $75,000 The City's financial policies include maintaining a minimum I S% reserve in General Fund revenues to ensure funds are available to respond to emergencies, unexpected necessary expenses, and changes to project cost and revenue projections. Therefore, it is proposed to achieve the minimum reserve amount for this new fund over a three year period. Mailing of Annual Report $2,000 Funds are budgeted for preparation and mailing of this annual report. FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 TOTAL $1,499,600 Page 3 ~• CITV OF -. '~~CALIFORNIA- "'=Xte tS~ "`~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FY 2006-07/ FY 2007-08 ANNUAL LOCAL SALES TAX ALLOCATION REPORT The Local Sales Tax Allocation Report is distributed to all residents and busi- nesses in the City of Arroyo Grande per the requirements of Measure 0-06, the Local Sales Tax Measure approved by the voters in November 2006. This annual report summarizes all local sales tax revenues and expenditures for the prior and current fiscal year. The City is commit- ted to utilizing the local sales tax revenues for the specific purposes proposed and is proud to present this first annual report, which outlines the progress be- ing made in meeting the needs of the community. If you have questions, con- cerns or suggestions, please contact City Hall at 473-5400 or send an e-mail to agcity@anoyogrande.org. a CITY OF ' Oily q/'./Irroyo C,.rande City Manager's Office "' ~. P.O. Box 550 ~ Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 POSTAL CUSTOMER ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 8.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER ~~~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF FUNDING FOR SOUTH COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) approve a City Silver Level membership in the South County Historical Society; and 2) appropriate $1,000 for the membership. FUNDING: The cost impact of the recommendation would be $1,000 from the Fund Balance of the General Fund. If approved, an adjustment will be made in the next quarterly budget report. DISCUSSION: During consideration of the FY 2007-08/ FY 2008-09 Bi-Annual Budget, Council Members Fellows requested consideration of funding assistance for the South County Historical Society. Staff expressed a concern that this action would establish a new precedent for providing contributions to outside agencies, would lead to other requests, and would make it difficult to determine which requests should be funded. However, it was suggested that it would be more appropriate if there were membership levels that the City could participate in, which would be consistent with the City's current participation with the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce. In response, attached is a copy of the proposed membership levels that were developed by the Historical Society. They have identified the Platinum Level at a cost of $5,000 as recommended for City agencies. The Historical Society has been instrumental in forvvarding goals of the City related to preservation of the history, character and heritage of the community. Therefore, staff recommends the City Council approve participation by the City as a sponsor, which will hopefully lead to similar participation by other jurisdictions and organizations. However, staff also proposes that the Silver Level membership at the cost of $1,000 would be more appropriate. CITY COUNCIL SOUTH COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY FUNDING REQUEST SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 This amount would be consistent with the City's current Chamber of Commerce sponsorship of $1,000 annually. There is limited excess revenue projected in the budget. Given that only two months have been completed thus far, there are a number of other unexpected expenses that may occur during the remainder of the year, such as facility repairs and potential cost increases to budgeted projects. Therefore, staff believes that funding assistance to an outside agency above the proposed $1,000 should be a lower priority than expenses related to City operations and facilities. The City does currently provide larger financial assistance amounts to the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau, San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation, and the San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund. However, these are countywide joint efforts, funds are provided for specific regional services in place of local efforts that would otherwise be required, and funding is allocated from Redevelopment Agency and Housing Funds as is done with the Chamber of Commerce sponsorship. This request will be the only local membership financed from the General Fund. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve and appropriate a contribution of $1,000 for a Silver membership; Approve and appropriate $2,500 for a Gold membership; - Approve and appropriate $5,000 for a Platinum membership; - Do not approve a contribution; - Provide staff direction. Attachment: 1. South County Historical Society Membership Proposal 2. Correspondence from South County Historical Society S:\Administration\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\Historical Society Funding 9.11.07.doc Proposal to add new membership Levels to SCHS o What o Three new top level annual memberships aim at capturing local city governments, county governments, city organizations, and other business entities who wish to support the programs of the society and receive its publications • ~Y o Many organizations have yearly budgets with reasonable size moneys ($1,000 to $5,000) dedicated to helping charitable functions. These give the SCHS an avenue to accept these contributions. What's in it for them besides just being nice o Depending on the level ^ Various uses of our facilities. At cost or no cost ^ Tapping our volunteer force o Recognition in our membership book and newsletters o A listing on the three Members Plaque in all Museum o A Sponsor Certificate for you to display in your office o Recognition at yearly thank you party o Invitations to members only events including sneak previews of Historic Hall exhibits o Their image will be enhanced through its affiliation with our museum and its historically-significant properties, which receive significant press coverage in the south county area • Suggested Levels o Platinum $5,000 ^ City of AG, SLO County, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach o Gold $2,500 ^ AG Chamber, PB Chamber, VIA o Silver $1,000 ^ Corporations, Local Merchants, Churches, Elks MJD 08/15/2007 Board of Directors Meeting SOUTH COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY P.O. BOX 633 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 "Telling the history of South County" September 5, 2007 Arroyo Grande City Council Members Tony Fenaza, Mayor 214 E. Branch Anoyo Grande, CA 93420 Subject: New Membership Categories for South County Historical Society Deaz Mayor Ferraza and Council Members, In August our Boazd of Dvectors approved three new membership categories for marketing to the communities we serve in South County. We begin our membership drive with the City of Arroyo Grande for several reasons: - a decade ago, the city fathers saw enough promise in SCHS to enter into a lease an•angement which has resulted in what is now known as Heritage Square; - SCHS has spent over $500,000 since that time creating an environment that promotes the city and its history, including the recent acquisition of the Branch Mill grinding stones to be placed later next yeaz; - in addition to Heritage House Museum, the Barn Museum and the Santa Manuela Schoolhouse - all located iu Heritage Squaze serving over 6000 annual visitors and school tours accommodating hundreds of students, the Patricia Loomis History Library is now open for students and reseazchers such as the city's Historic Resource Committee; - the 1904 IOOF Hall, is open to the public for the fvst time since 1985 housing exhibits on local history and is the only building in Arroyo Grande currently identified on the National Historic Register; - Paulding History House, our museum on Crown Hill, exhibits the lifestyle and artifacts of An•oyo Grande's fast permanent doctor and his family. The property is scheduled for restoration this yeaz and our hopes are to add a permanent Oral History Center inside Paulding's museum setting; - our digital database gown continually with over 22,000 items available for access; - our website, www.southcountyhistory.ore, advertises our society's work while linking with other organizations to promote tourism. Total visitors to date on the site is 20,454 or 57 hits per day, from the U.S. and 17 foreign countries. Our Society participates annually with the VIA on the Summer Concert Series, the Harvest Festival, the Strawbeny Festival, as well as other organizations and events such as the recent Arroyo Grande in Bloom project. We aze asking that Arroyo Grande take the lead and join at the $5000 level. This will provide `wind in our sails' as we go forward to mazket to the remaining cities, SLO County and other entities. Thank you for considering our request. S' ere ~E~ `. 'Zc.Q/ Line, President 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY HEFFERNON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER ~(~-~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PLOT PLAN REVIEW CASE NO. 06-009; APPLICANT -TONY JANOWICZ; LOCATION - 795 EAST CHERRY AVENUE DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Ciry Council adopt a Resolution upholding an appeal and denying, without prejudice, Plot Plan Review Case No. 06-009. FUNDING: There are no direct City costs associated with denial of the project. DISCUSSION: On August 14, 2007, the City Council considered a proposal to remove an existing 815 square foot single-family residence and accessory structures on the project site and construct a new 1,881 square foot residence (the "replacement house") and garage with workshop further back on the property. Council tentatively denied the project, without prejudice, on a 4:1 vote. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Adopt the attached Resolution denying the project without prejudice; or - Modify and adopt the attached Resolution denying the project without prejudice; or - Take tentative action to approve the project and direct staff to return at a future meeting with a supporting resolution; or - Continue the item for additional consideration; or - Provide other direction to staff. S:\Communiry Development\PROJECTS\PPR\06-009 Janowicz\CC Denial Rpt Janowics FINAL.doc RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE UPHOLDING AN APPEAL AND DENYING PLOT PLAN REVIEW NO. 06-009; 795 EAST CHERRY AVENUE; APPLIED FOR BY TONY JANOWICZ WHEREAS, Tony Janowicz is the owner of certain real property, commonly referred to as 795 East Cherry Avenue, Arroyo Grande, California (the "Property") and submitted a plot plan review application with the City to remove an existing residence and accessory structures and construct a new residence and garage (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held several public hearings on the subject application in accordance with the City Municipal Code and on June 19, 2007, adopted Resolution No. 07-2035 approving the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council appealed the Planning Commission's approval of Plot Plan Review Case No. 06-009 on June 26, 2007; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande held a public hearing on August 14, 2007 and considered the Project; and WHEREAS, after careful consideration of public testimony and the evidence in the record in this matter the City Council finds as follows: Findings of Denial: The proposed Project will be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare because of the significant intensification of the use of the Property, which is situated in the middle of an agricultural buffer, pursuant to the Agricultural Preservation Overlay District (AG - 2.2). Specifically, the proposed replacement house is more than double the size of the existing non-conforming structure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande denies, without prejudice, Plot Plan Review No. 06-009 to remove an existing residence and accessory,structures and construct a new residence and garage located at 795 East Chery Avenue based upon the above findings. On motion by Council Member ,seconded by Council Member and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of September 2007 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY S:\Communily DevelopmenflPROJECTS\PPR\06-009 Janowicz\09-11-07 CC Janowicz Denial Reso.doc 11.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR °j S BY: RYAN FOSTER, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW 06-006; THE PIKE AND SOUTH ELM STREET DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council review and comment on the applicant's proposed project. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Background A Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a forty (40) unit senior residential project was previously approved for this property; however, that approval has since expired. The property was subsequently sold, and the new owner is proposing a 21- unit (25 equivalent units) townhouse development on the 1.27-acre property (Attachment 1). As discussed in greater detail, below, density bonus entitlements for the project will permit the applicant to construct its proposed number of 28 total units. Project Description The proposed project consists of a mix of studio, two-bedroom and three-bedroom units. The iwo and three-bedroom units would be sold individually, while the studio units would be retained under single ownership and offered as rentals. The following table illustrates the breakdown of housing types and equivalent densities: Unit Type Number of Units Equivalent Density Studio 6 3 Two-bedroom 1 1 Three-bedroom 14 21 Totals 21 25* `Does not include density bonus units C:\DOCUments and Settings\rtoster\Desktop\Staff Report Pike Elm 9 6 07.DOC cITY couNCIL PRE-APPLICATION 06-006 SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE2OF3 Issues Density The proposed density for this 1.27-acre project is equivalent to 19.7 units/acre under the City's equivalent density standard. The Development Code allows two different maximum densities in the Office Mixed-Use (OMU) zoning district -one for mixed-use projects (20 units/acre) and one for residential projects (15 units/acre). This exceeds the maximum of 15 units/acre allowed for a residential project. However, the applicant is proposing to construct the project as a mixed-use project in cooperation with improvements to the adjacent 7-11 Food Store. Although no formal written agreement has been reached, improvement of the adjacent 7-11 in conjunction with the residential aspect of the project could include aesthetic improvements to the store and a pedestrian interface with the proposed residential units. Therefore, the applicant proposes (and the Council should consider) that the applicable density for this project is the mixed-use density limit of 20 units/acre. As the proposed project is equivalent to 19.7 units/acre, the proposed density of residential units is at a maximum. Density Bonus Units Notwithstanding the fact that the proposed project density is at the maximum density for mixed-use projects, applicants are entitled to a density bonus pursuant to State law because of the project's proposed, provision of affordable residential units. Here, the applicant is proposing to deed-restrict the six (6) studio units (3 units per the City's density equivalency standards) to the low-income affordable housing category to comply with the City's inclusionary housing requirement. Based on equivalent density, this would provide for three (3) of twenty-five (25) units (using the density equivalency) or 12% of the project being held for lower income affordable housing. Consistent with State law, this provision of affordable housing would entitle the project to a density bonus of 23% over the maximum allowable density.Z Applying a. density bonus to the project, the applicant proposes to build a total of 28 units. Assuming that the Council applies the mixed-use zoning density (20 units/acre) to the project, the proposed 28-unit project is compliant with the maximum density allowable under the State density bonus laws. Should, however, the Council direct staff to apply the lower residential density (15 units/acre) standard to the project, density bonds entitlements will require recalculation. Parking and Access The proposed project includes a total of forty-six (46) parking spaces -fourteen (14) two- car garages, four (4) one-car garages and fourteen (14) surface spaces. The ' Hereinafter, references to the number of units will refer to the City's equivalent density standards. Z If, on the other hand, the Council determines that the project is' not qualified as a mixed-use project and applies the maximum zoned density applicable to residential projects (15 units/acre), the density bonus calculation will likely result in a higher percentage bonus (likely as high as 35%) since the lower residential density standard would result in a higher overall percentage of affordable units included in the project. C:\Documents and Settings\rtostenDesktop\Staff Report Pike Elm 9 6 07.DOC CITY COUNCIL PRE-APPLICATION 06-006 SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 OF 3 Development Code requires a total of fifty-one (51) parking spaces based on the proposed housing types. It should be noted that the applicant is proposing one-car garages for two-bedroom units, whereas the Development Code requires atwo-car garage for all units with at least two bedrooms. A parking reduction could be granted through the PUD approval process and may be required based on State law (and the City's proposed affordable housing ordinance which must be consistent with State law), which requires concessions to be granted to projects that include affordable units when requested by the applicant. The Planning Commission previously discussed the possibility of restricting vehicular access to The Pike only in order to provide a contiguous landscaped agricultural buffer; however, staff has verified that vehicular access to both The Pike and South Elm Street would be required by the Building and Fire Department. Agricultural Buffer The proposed project includes an agricultural buffer area that ranges from approximately 125' to 135' wide (South Elm Street is 70' wide, landscaped area ranges from 55' to 65' wide). There is also a 6' masonry wall proposed along the eastern property line. Additionally, the applicant has been working with a licensed professional to optimize the effectiveness of the landscaped buffer area. As currently proposed, the landscaped buffer area includes a pocket park. Planning Commission Review The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed project at its meeting of July 17, 2007 (Attachment 2). The Commission was generally supportive of the proposed project and provided direction to the applicant in regards to the proposed density, parking and agricultural buffer. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: 1. Review and comment on the proposed project; or 2. Provide direction to staff Attachments: 1. Project plans 2. July 17, 2007 Planning Commission minutes C:\Documents and Settings\rtoster\Desktop\Sfaff Report Pike Elm 9 6 07.DOC ATTACHMENT2 B. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW CASE NO. 06-006; APPLICANT - GREG WOODARD; LOCATION -PIKE & ELM Associate Planner, Ryan Foster, presented the staff report for a proposal fora 25-unit residential development on 1.27 acres. Some main points for Planning Commission discussion are appropriate density, parking, and the ag buffer. In response to commissioner questions, he stated that density is based on gross area; if a commercial component were added, it would depend on the design as to whether they could maintain a density of 20 units; the zoning was changed from General Commercial to Office Mixed Use (OMU) for General Plan consistency, but that doesn't mean it has to include "offices'; the ag buffer dimensions as presented were determined by the applicant and his licensed landscape architect, David Foote; the reasons for considering the 7-11 as part of the commercial component for mixed use are that these parcels wrap around it and there are only four mixed use parcels in the area, and any commercial business would want street frontage which isn't possible with the ag buffer. Chair Ray opened the public hearing for public comment. Steve Puglisi, project architect, spoke in support of the project and shared plans with Commissioners (on file in Community Development Department). He took comments from last year's similar project, and tried to implement solutions to concerns, particularly the ag buffer, commercial aspect, and parking. They maintained similar Spanish character architecture and have provided more detailed plans for review. In response to Commissioner questions, Mr. Puglisi stated the distance between active ag land and the internal park is probably about 140'; the applicant does not own the 7-11 property; the client probably would be willing to stripe bike lanes on Elm Street as part of concession negotiations for the added density; the client also would probably be willing to restrict left-hand turn lanes (but he would need further discussion on this); and they haven't discussed shared parking with 7-11, as they didn't feel it was appropriate to continue discussion without a commercial component to this project. Chair Ray closed the public hearing for public comment. Commissioner comments: Marshall: • He's comfortable with the density assumption, since the 7-11 serves as the neighborhood store, and it helps the City achieve additional housing needs. The buffer is okay to meet some of the parking requirements, but he needs additional information to determine the appropriateness of the buffer distance. While it's probably necessary, he would rather not see the masonry wall on Elm Street, since he has a strong aversion to walled off communities. • He encourages completion of bike lanes. • The applicant should study the left turn issue onto The Pike. • Make sure the trash enclosure doesn't conflict with parking spaces. Keen: • He understands the mixed use rationale for this project, but wouldn't want to set a precedent for other applicants. At the same time, there may be other ways to justify the 20 du/acre density. He's happy with the ag setback. • He's concerned about people in the smaller units finding a place to park. Tait: • It's good the applicant retained David Foote, awell-respected landscape architect, to work on the ag buffer. It's appropriate that the playground is also over 100' away. • They may need to reconsider some parking locations. • Do consider the bike lane striping and left turn restriction onto The Pike. • Consider pedestrian access from the project to 7-11. • Don't use the ag buffer for any additional parking, but do consider an agreement with 7-11. • Don't segregate the housing plans by income. Look into distributing the affordable units within the market rate units, and make sure affordable units don't look different than market rate units. • He's not sure about whether density should be based on mixed use or not. It seems the only reason to lower density would be to add green space, but it's not a big deal right now. Ray • This is a much better project than previously presented, easier to understand, and on the whole, she really likes this project. • Conceptually, it's fine without a commercial component. • The ag buffer distance is appropriate as is, except for the parking shouldn't be in the ag buffer and the park should be eliminated (so it functions as just a buffer). • She prefers higher density to additional open space, but doesn't have the magic number of appropriate du/ac. The issue isn't whether there's a commercial element, but why they would get a density bonus here. • Do consider pedestrian access to 7-11. • Commissioner Keen made a good point about not setting a precedent here. Parking for plan C needs to be redesigned, perhaps by re-working interior floorplans for B, C, and D. Also, there's a big change in density across the project, which could be worked on. • Take another look at the trash enclosure on South Elm Street. • She doesn't care either way about the masonry wall and trusts David Foote to come up with an appropriate plan. • Reconsider exit options onto The Pike -perhaps reconfigure where garages are so access gets wider rather than narrower. 11.b. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF VIEWSHED REVIEW ALTERNATIVES DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council review the preliminary staff report regarding Viewshed Review (VSR) altematives and provide comments and direction for a possible Development Code Amendment to be considered at subsequent public hearings. FUNDING: There are no direct costs associated with the basic VSR altematives other than possible reduction in application fees and staff time associated with the current minor use permit process, 'rf eliminated. Conversely, if the criteria and time involved are increased, the fees may heed 4o be adjusted accordingly. DISCUSSION: Background: During the last four years, the City has processed seventy-two (72) VSR applications, several of which have been appealed to the Planning Commission and a few appealed to the City Council for final decision. With each case involving a neighbor opposed to the granting of a minor use permit for VSR, there have been disputes regarding the findings of fact required for approval pursuant to Development Code Section 16.16.110E, generally debating whether the proposed two-story structure "is consistent with the established scale and character of the neighborhood" or "unreasonably or unnecessarily affects views from surrounding properties". The latter finding, according to the Code is supposed to be "judged in light of permitting reasonable use and development of the property on which the proposed structure or expansion is to occur'. In the most recent Development Code Amendments (DCA) recommended by the Planning Commission to the City Council, there were several Design Overlay combining districts, which included building height restrictions, as well as amendments proposed to City-wide VSR process. As stated in the December 12, 2006 staff report for DCA Case No. 04- 0058: 'The City's current viewshed provisions are included in Development Code Section 16.16.110 and were implemented during the 1991 Development Code Update. Another concern previously raised concerning viewshed review includes the potential for a tall single story addition to block views in a similar way as a second story addition. Additionally, since the VSR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF VIEWSHED REVIEW ALTERNATIVES SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 2 process has been implemented (1991), there have been developments within the Residential Hillside district and projects within these developments do not currently require VSR. Exhibit "B" includes modifications that are proposed to address these issues as well as a few minor clerical additions to text that are needed to clarify standards". When the City Council considered these recommendations, subsequently, they deferred action on amendments related to VSR, as outlined on the excerpt from Exhibit "B" (Attachment 1), and instead asked staff to return with more comprehensive criteria for evaluating .VSR applications. Due to the often contentious nature of the VSR process, Council Member Fellows requested staff also include the alternative of repealing the viewshed review process entirely as one option. ISSUES: The VSR process is a balance between property rights and viewshed protection. In the case of most jurisdictions, including the County of San Luis Obispo, the views which are considered worthy of protection are most often from public streets or public vantage points such as parks, vistas and overlooks. When private views are also of concern, the most typical method of regulation is through district-wide property development standards or overlay/combining districts. To our knowledge, no other jurisdiction in the County of San Luis Obispo has a VSR process although several cities have viewshed issues appealed as part of Coastal Development or Conditional Use Permits for new developments. In every other city surveyed, second-story residential additions are permitted by building permit provided that they comply with building height and setback requirements. (Arroyo Grande is also unusual in the County for prescribing a Floor Area Ration, FAR, for single-family dwellings). Staff research did reveal other California communities outside of San Luis Obispo County which control FAR and/or include design review or criteria for second-story residential additions; Piedmont, Cupertino, Santa Barbara, Ojai, Belmont, Los Gatos, Del Mar, Berkeley, Goleta, Saratoga, Malibu, Carpenteria, Mill Valley, Palos Verdes, Encinitas, Millbrae, Sausalito, Santa Rosa, and others use story poles for design review and/or dispute resolution process, sometimes controlled by Hillside Development Standards or Coastal Development Process. In Arroyo Grande, the conventional residential zones' development standards all provide for a maximum height of thirty feet or two stories, whichever is less, but VSR is also required for second story additions on single family homes in most districts and for all new construction within a D-overlay regulating height. Therefore, an apparent inconsistency outside of D-oveday districts controlling height since new construction on a vacant lot (or one made vacant by demolition) can legally build to a maximum height of thirty feet or two stories, while a second story addition must obtain VSR approval. Nonetheless, the City has received 19 or 20 VSR applications each year since 2004 and many newly clrv couNCIL CONSIDERATION OF VIEWSHED REVIEW ALTERNATIVES SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE 3 constructed houses involve two-story construction. The VSR process is inherently subjective and dependent on the perception of "scale and character" of established single family neighborhoods, as well as a determination of what constitutes "reasonable use" without "unnecessarily interfering" with "the scenic views of surrounding properties". ALTERNATIVES: • The City could focus on scenic views from public streets or places and control second story development (heights greater than 15 feet) only where it would impair or unreasonably and/or unnecessarily interfere with such public viewsheds. The advantages of this option include that it would reduce the number of VSR applications, protect access to the community's scenic resources, and maintain established scale and character of single family neighborhoods. The primary disadvantage is that it would eliminate consideration of impacts to private views enjoyed by neighbors which are highly valued and a very emotional issue. It would essentially allow two .story construction whether new or a second story addition, except within a D-overlay regulating height or where it was potentially impacting scenic views from public areas. If the Council favors this altemative, staff would prepare a viewshed survey and propose specific segments of public collector and arterial streets and certain public places, such as parks, gateways and neighborhood vistas and overlooks, which could be considered and designated by the Planning Commission and City Council as appropriate areas for public viewshed review. • The City could eliminate VSR entirely, but regulate all single-family residential two- story construction by increased setbacks, reduced lot coverage and/or specific percentage or size constraints for developments more than one story or 15 foot height. The advantage of this option is that it would be more uniform and equitable than current VSR variations for additions and (in height regulated overlay zones) new construction. It would also prevent two story structures without larger yards for better privacy, solar access, building separation and individual changes to neighborhood scale ,and character. The primary disadvantage is that by establishing two-story construction to specific standards, but without VSR, it would eliminate the existing ability of a neighbor objecting to two story homes in the vicinity, which conform to the development standards. It would also leave public viewsheds more vulnerable than alternative 1, unless the City adopts additional D- overlaydistricts along such corridors or adjoining such public places that may merit special protection. If the Council prefers this alternative, staff would prepare a viewshed survey and propose specific standards for two story construction, which would be considered as Development Code Amendments for single family residential zones and additional D-overlays regulating height. CRY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF VIEWSHED REVIEW ALTERNATIVES SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PAGE4 • The Council could review VSR provisions outlined in 16.16.110 to include different findings and/or criteria such as: a) Prescribe a percentage of floor area ratio (FAR) allowed as second story - 20% to 50% as an example. b) Require that increased height or more than single story structures be located with larger setbacks -10 or 15 feet vs. 5 to 10 feet for example. c) Determine a reasonable maximum size dwelling and/or require a minimum coverage by single story buildings before allowing VSR to interfere with neighboring views involving buildings above one story or 15 feet maximum height. d) Include analysis and findings regarding public viewshed protection within certain scenic corridors or established single story neighborhoods, with or without D-overlays. e) VSR could be increased to include landscape concerns to prevent excessive/> 50% obstruction of others viewshed. The advantage of a, b, & c, is that it would reduce second story viewshed obstructions and create view corridors, while still requiring discretionary approval to protect rivate views of neighbors. In addition, d would add public viewshed protection if desired, with or without D-overlays, a could add landscape obstructions and further protect public and private viewsheds. The disadvantage is that criteria and standards would still require discretionary review and some exceptions for special circumstances. The process is time consuming with limited public benefit, but apparently important for rivate protection of existing quality of life. • The City Council may suggest other criteria, standards or findings it feels are important, more objective, and equitable. (The minimum changes previously recommended by staff and Planning Commission are outlined in Exhibit "B" of December 2006). Attachments: 1. Excerpt from Exhibit "B". ATTACHMENT1 Amendments proposed at the December 12, 2006 City Council Public Hearing that were not adopted Amend Section 16.16.110(C) [Minor use permits - Viewshed review] C. Applicability. This section applies to all areas zoned RR, RS, SF, RH;'and~MF: including those with a design development (-D) overlay. These provisions would not apply to development in MFA or PD districts, since architectural approval is required before the issuance of a building permit. 1Areas Zoned RR RS SF, RH and MF No ¢dsesenaddition that increases the~builtling~heiohf.=with'~th'e~ezcep~ion~ofxa~~re-roofing arbiectE shall be erected or enlarged on any single-family home ; ' '' ~ f ~st~ists until a minor use permit for viewshed review is obtained, in accordance with the procedure set forth in this section. 3. Areas Zoned RR, RS, SF, RF{ and MF with a -D Overlay Regulating Height. No new construction, addition or improvement thereof shall be erected or enlarged on any lot that lies within the RR, RS, SF, F2H or MF districts that have a -D overlay regulating height until a minor use permit for viewshed review is obtained, in accordance with the procedure set forth in this section. 4. Areas Zoned PD. The viewshed review process would not apply to properties situated in approved planned developments with required architectural review of all new or remodeled residences by the city or by the development's board.