R 2426 _ .-- _ ------ -.-- ... -- .....- n._.__~__'. . . , " RESOLUTION NO. 2426 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A LEASE AGREEMENT FOR CAR CORRAL PARKING LOT WHEREAS, the City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande did on July 26,1988 approve. the lease agreement, attached hereto, for the Car Corral parking lot located on East Branch Street in the Village; and WHEREAS, said lease agreement has just recently been signed by """\ i the Lessors, who are Andrew David, Margaret L. David, John B. ! , Loomis and Nancy T. Loomis; and WHEREAS, the makeup of the city council has changed since approval was given for the five-year lease. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mark M. Millis, Mayor of the city of Arroyo Grande is hereby authorized to sign the lease agreement for the Car Corral parking lot in order to implement the city Council's action in 1988. On motion of Council Member Dougall , seconded by council Member Smith , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: , AYES: Council Members Dougall, Smith, Olsen, M:Jots and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of October, 1990. ~~~~ ATTEST: a. ~ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 I, NANCY A, DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No, 2426, is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular Il'eeting of said Council on the 9th day of October, 1990. - WITNESS my' hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed - this 10th day of October, 1990. - ~"(i,~ CITY CLERK d __.___._^_...__._m_ I --,-- -~_..-.~--- I , . .... ,,' '. :' I. E A 5 E THIS LEASE. EXECUTED IN OUPI..lCATE, AT ARRoYo GIw-DE, CALIfORNIA, ON TtE 1-st DAY OF AlJGuST, 1980, BY IlK) ElETWEEN ANDRElt DAVID, MARGARET L. DAVID, JOHt'fD. LOOMIS AND I~CY T. LOOMIS, "tGmlNA.FTER CA.LLEO LESSOO, IlK) T~ CIlY OF ARROYO GRANDE, HEREINAFTER CA.l..LED LESSEE. IT IS AGREED 'I'l-iAT IN CONSIDERATION OF TtE: RENTS IlK) CO\IEIIIANTS HEREINAFTER RESERVED IlK) CONTAINED ON TtE PART OF TtE: LESSEE TO Be: ~AI"D, PERFIHED IlK) r OBSERVED, SAID LEssen HEREBY U!#.!iI!S TO LEssEE 1W.T ,Cl:RTAItI'PRCPERT.t IN'Tt-E CITY OF AARDYD GRMDt!, COI.NTY IF SAN luIS OaISPO, STATE DF CALlFOOHIA, I<<JRE PARTICU-AAL.Y DEscRIBED IN ExHIDIT "A" ATTAC/'ED !-ERETD IlK) I~TED ~IN NO AU. U'ON IlK) SUBJECT TO TtE: TERMS, C(H)ITIONS IlK) PROVISIDNS !-EREIN CONTAIIIED. TO HAVE AND TD- HOLD TtE SAID PREMISES, WITH TtE: SPECIFIED RIGHTS \.tIrO THE lesSEE FOR TtE TERM OF FIVE IS) YEARS, ,CCM4ENCING AJ.:4JST 1, 1988, AT TtE FCU.OWING RENT. TO WIT, ONE DOLLAR 1$1.00) PER MJNTH, PAYNLE IN NJV~E. IT IS I4UTUAU.Y AGREED THAT AS ADDITIONAL. CCNSIOERATlI>>f FOR THIS LEASE THAT lEsse 5HAU. PAY AU. CITY AN) COI.NTY TAXES ASSESSED TO TtE ~INAFTER DESCRIBED REAl.. PROPERTY D4.RING TI'E TERM IF TI'E I.EASE OR ANY EXTENSII>>f PERJOO, IT 5HAU. BE TtE DUTY OF TtE LESSOR TO SEClRE A SEPARATE ASSESSMENT AN) TAX BILL ON TtE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY AN) TO PROVIDE J,ESSEE WJTtf SAID TAX fULL N:I LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS eEFCAE TtE: SAN WI,S OBISPO COI.M'Y TAXES BeCOE Da.lNOUENT. , NO LESSEE 5HAU. N:lT BE DEEMED TO HAVE BREACI-ED TIE TERMS OF THJS LEASE LN..ESS IT IS SO PROVIDED. FI"mt-EEU<<JRE, IN Tt-E EVENT THAT LESSEE JS NYr R.A'lIstED WITH A SEPARATE TAX BILL FOR TIE LEASED PREMiSES, LEsSEE !ilILL I'OT BE RESPCNSIBL.E Fen ~Y PENALTIES AN) INTEREST CHARGED Be:CAUSE IF TtE: L.ATE PAYMENT OF SAID TAXES, ALTHJUGH IT WIL.L. N:lT BE REL.IEVED OF TJ-E Dl3L.JGATION TO ,PAY SAID PAO>eRTY TAXES. IT JS Kll\lAU.Y AGREED THAT THJS LEASE MAY Be: TERMINATED BY EITtER PARTY tERETD AT AHY TIME Dl.RING TI-E TERM IF TtE: LEASE, I.PDN THJRTY (30) DAYS ~ITTEN N:lTICE TO TtE OTtER PARTY. LF.sSEE HEREBY AGREES TO KEEP SAID PREMISES JNSl.nED U'OER n'S,MUNICIP.AL BL...w<ET IN~ PoLJCY AND AGREES TO tt:LD I ESSQR HA.RM.ESS AN) EXa4PT FRIJt.\ AHY DAMAGE en JNJ~Y TO ANY PERSON OR PROPERTY ARISING FROM TI-E USE OF TI-E PREMISES BY LESSEe OR FROM FAIL~E IF lesSEE TO KEEP TI'E PI~4JSES IN GC1CXI CON:IJTIDN AN!) REPAIR, AS HEREIN PROVJDED. r I\L.L. I'OTICES .REDUInED BY L.AW.. en BY THJS L.EASE.. TO BE GIVEN TO TtE LESSEE, CITY OF ARRoYO GRIHJE, SHALl. BE DEBEDtW>E BY DEPOSITING TI-E SAlE IN TI-E I UNITED STATES '''''IL. POSTAGE' PREPAID #H) ADDRESSED AS FILLOWS. . CITY OF ARRoYO GRIH>E POST OFFICE Dox 550 MnoYO GRMDE, CA. 93420 }J..I- N:lTICES REQUIRED BY L.AW, OR BY THIS LEASE, TO BE GJVEN TO TI-E LESSORS SHALL BE DEEMED MADE BY DEPOSITING TtE: SAME IN TI-E UNITED STATES MAJL, POSTAGE PREPAID AN) ADDRESSED TO , MR. J\t.DREW DAVID POST OFFICE DRAWER A ARRoYO GRMDE, CA 93420 AT ~Y TIlE EITtER PARTY MAY I'OTIFY THE OTH:R IF CHANGE OF ADDRESS AN) I'OTICES WILL TtEREAFTER BE SENT TO SAID CHANGED ADDRESS. ; , ---,- ~. I ---.."""-- I I .j.. . ;#.' . . . .. , EXHIBIT uAu . That certaIn real property In the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, described as follows: That certaIn portIon of the "Hotel Lot" of the Buena VIsta Tract In the City of Arroyo Cranda, County of San LuIs ObIspo, Stato of , ~ California, according to map filed for'rocord October 2, 1885, In Book A, Pago SO of Haps In tho Offlco of tho County Recordor of saId County, begInnIng at the most southorly cornor of saId Hotol Lot ond runnIng thonce north 570 IS' East, 97.90 root along the southeastorly Ibne of saId lot to tho truo poInt of bogbnnlnv: thence north 32 113' 31u West, 7S feet; thence South 51 IS' West aQd parallel with the southeasterly lIne of said Lot ~7.~O fset to tho Southwesterly Jalne of said Hotel Lot; thence South 31 "3' 37" East (Record South 32 ItS' East) along the Southwestorly Ilno of said Lot, a dIstance of 20 feet; thonco north 570 1S' East along the line paral]el with the southeasterly ~Ino'of said lot,a dlstanco of 55.90 feet to a polnr; thence south 32 le3" 37" East along a line parallel wIth the southwesterly line of sabd lot 55 feet to the southeasterly line of said lot; thence north 57 IS' East 112 feet along the southeasterly line of saId lot to the true point of beginning. 1 -I I . \ . 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