R 2409 1-8 ; . ".. RESOLtITIm m. 2409 A RESOLUTIm OF THE CI'lY rontCIL OF THE CI'lY OF I\RRIJro <EMDE JIDOP'l'ING A lfBJII.'1'IVE D.ECLlmATIm, INS'mDCTntG 'l'HE CITY CLImK TO FILE A NOO'IC2 OF IJI!;nnaNATIm, AND Al'PROITING TEnTATIVE TAACT HN> m. 983 APPLIED ~ L. C. LA VINE TO RI!SJ.8uIVIDE FOOR (4) EXISTING PARCELS INTO SIX (6) PARCELS, ux::ATED AT 139, 141, 143, AND 145 'l'ALLy HO ROI\D 1mImEAS, the City Col.D1cil of the City of Arroyo Grande has held a public hearing in accordance with Chapter 3 of the SUbdivision Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande and State Law concerning Tentative Tract Hap No. 983 filed by L, '\ C, LaVine to resubdivide four existing parcels into six parcels ranqing in size from 21,200 square feet to 41,922 square feet; and WHEREAS , said tentative IIBP was referred to various public utility carpanies . City departments, and the Staff Advisory Cannittee for recannendations; and 1mImEAS, the Planning Camlission has reconsidered their previous denial of the project, based on revisions to the plans, and recannends that the City CoI.D1cil adopt a Negative Declaration and approve said tentative tract; and ~, a Negative Declaration with mitigation measures has been declared under the provisions of the california Envircnnental Quality Act (CE1JA); and 1mImEAS, the City CoI.D1cil instructs the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination; and 1mImEAS, the City CoI.D1cil has determined that the proposed developrent is an appropriate use of the subject property and is desirable for the orderly development of the camamity. ~, the City Col.D1cil, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, makes the following findings of fact: 1. The proposed map, design and in1?rovements of this subdivision are I consistent with the General Plan map and text because the General Plan I designation is Low Density Residential, 0.2-4.5 dwelling units per acre I I and the applicant is proposing 1.5 units per acre. 2. This site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of developnent because all yards, parking spaces, setbacks, driveways, safe access and other features can be acccmoodated. i 3, The proposed subdivision design is not likely to cause substantial and I considerable damage to the natural environment, including fish, wildlife or their habitat because measures have been included in the conditions of approval for the project, which, when ill'()lemented will mitigate any potential ill'()acts. I 4. The proposed design of the subdivision or proposed inprovements are not l I likely to cause public health problems. I I 5. The proposed subdivision design will not conflict with public easements within or through the site, if the conditions of approval are ill'()lemented. NCIi/, ~, BE IT REOOLVED that the City Col.D1cil of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said tentative tract 983 subject to the standard condition of the City of Arroyo Grande and the fOllowing conditions: CXJNDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ! Mitigation Measures 1. A negative declaration with mitigation measures has been prepared for this project. All mitigation measures as outlined in the Conditions of Approval shall be inpl emented and nr:mitored by appropriate city Departments and other responsible agencies. Verification in writing that mitigation measures have been inplemented shall be provided by the nr:mitoring department. --------- . , . 19 2. In the event that during grading, construction or developnent of the project, any archaeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted until the City has reviewed the resources for their significance. If hunan burials are encountered, the County Coroner (549-4513) shall be contacted inmediately. '!'he applicant may be required to provide addi tional archaeological studies and! or mitigation measures . All grading and iJlllrovement plans shall be noted to reflect said condition. Mani toriM DePartment: Planning Department Time Frame: Prior to issuance of permits for grading or construction and during grading and construction. 3. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City, in a form approved by the City Attorney. whereby r the developer agrees, on behalf of himself and his successors in interest, to pay the City a fee of Five Thousand, Three Hundred and Twelve Dollars ($5,312.00) for traffic mitigation for developnent of this tract map. This fee shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits on lots 1 or 4 or within five (5) years of recordation of the final map, whichever is sooner. In the event that the City should adopt a method of funding traffic mitigation which shall include assessment of these lots, the fees provided for herein shall be credited against the principal aJOOunt of the assessment. ManitoriM DePartment: Public Works Department Time Frame: Prior to recordation of final map. 4. Prior to recordation of the final map the applicant shall sUbmit a grading, drainage and erosion control plan, prepared by a registered civil engineer, to the Public Works Director for approval. Said plan shall mitigate any potential inpacts caused by wind or water erosion that are a result of construction. Moni toriM DePartment: Public Works Department Time Frame: Prior to recordation of the final map. 5. All construction shall utilize fixtures and designs which minimize water usage. such fixtures and designs shall include, but are not limited to, low flow shower heads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters or hot water recirculating system9, drip irrigation wi th drought tolerant landscaping and etcetera. <X:&R's which shall require the above, shall be reviewed by the Planning Department and the City Attorney, and recorded prior to, or concurrently with the final map. ManitoriM DePartment: Public Works Department Time Frame: Prior to recordation of the final map. 6. All water saving fixtures and designs shall be installed prior to final occupancy for any new structures. MonitoriM DePartment: Building Department Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy. 7. The northeasterly access to the property shall be eliminated in favor of a canbined 24 foot wide private street to be located at the preferred southerly location discussed in a sight distance study conducted by Michael Cannon of Contract Survey and Design. To correct the sight distance problem resulting fran the wall constructed by the City in the right of way in front of 150 Tally Ho Road (Beverly sinmans), the applicant shall sUbmit a plan. to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, which shows JOOdifications to the wall to remedy the stopping sight distance problem. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall construct or bond for said JOOdifications. ManitoriM DePartment: Public Works Department Time Frame: Prior to recordation of the final map. General Culditions: 8. The applicant shall ascertain and canply with all state. county and city requirements. as are applicable to this project. 9. Developnent shall occur in substantial conformance with the information sUbmitted to the City Council at the meeting of July 24, 1990, and marked "Exhibit A". _ > . 20 Planning Department Cooditicas: 10. Developnent shall meet the requirements of the RA-B2 and RA-B3 zones unless otherwise approved, or updated by a new zoning ordinance, 11. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall remove all structures conflicting with new property lines and/or setbacks. 12. Prior to recordation of the tract map a building envelope shall be shown on lot 4 which is acceptable to the Planning Director. Parks and Recreation Department Cooditicas: 13, Prior to any construction on the site, the applicant and project engineer shall meet on the site with the Parks and Recreation Director "'"" to mark trees to be rem:>Ved,. 14. The applicant shall preserve and protect all trees, 3 inch trunk diameter and larger, that are not marked to be rem:>Ved, during construction , 15. The Parks and Recreation Director may require landmark status for unique trees and the Oak grove on the southwesterly bank. 16. The applicant shall pay park developnent fees prior to recordation of the final map, Fire Department Cooditians 17. All new structures for residential use or other buildings with floor areas greater than 1,000 square feet shall have fire sprinkler systems installed to city standards. All installation plans and hydraulic calculations shall be sul:mi.tted to Fire Department for approval prior to any construction. 18. All vehicle access shall be maintained at a mininun of 16 feet horizontal and 13 feet vertical unobstructed clearance. 19. The applicant shall install a city standard fire hydrant, off the city water main, at the end of the private cul-de-sac. Hydrant shall provide 1,250 gall ons per minute with a residual pressure of 20 psi. Hydrant shall be installed prior to recordation of the final map. 20. All addresses to be 6 inch n\.tnerals visible fran Tally Ho Road, 21- A Vegetation Management Plan shall be sul:mitted to the Fire Department for approval, prior to recordation of the final map, The Plan shall detail vegetation clearances and open space maintenance of vegetation hazard reduction. Public Works Department Cooditians 22. Access to lots 3 and 4 of Tract No. 983 and parcels C and D of Parcel Map AG 77-461 shall begin at the cul-de-sac. l . I 23. The applicant shall eliminate existing access to parcels C and D of Parcel Map AG 77-461 beginning fran Tally Ho Road to the first angle . i point where it turns to the right approximately 80 degrees, prior to recordation of the final map. 24. Width of shared driveways shall be a mininun of 16 feet paved, for 3 lots and lrore, and 12 feet paved for 2 lots and less. 25. Prior to or concurrently with recordation of the final map, the applicant shall record a Haneowners Association or maintenance agreement for the maintenance of the private road and driveways. The city Attorney shall approve said agreement. 26. City maintained water and sewer mains including fire-hydrant shall have necessary public easement. No city maintained facility will be allowed above the cul-de-sac, 27. Rem:>Ve existing driveway approach located at the North end of Tally Ho frontage. -- , .., 21 -,0 . 28. The applicant shall install street lights to PG&E standards, prior to recordation of map. 29. The applicant shall underground all new and existing utilities. (PG&E., cable T.V., and telephone) 30. A grading and drainage plan shall be approved by the Director of Public Works . Mininun height elevation of lots 1 and 2 to be 1 foot above the 100 year storm. Impact of the project to existing drainage structures downstream fran project and to the Tally Ho Creek shall be analyzed. Improvement of existing drainage structures in the La Barranca subdivision and Tally Ho Creek maybe required. 3l. All existing residential buildings shall be connected to a new sewer, prior to recordation of map. r 32. Re-orient existing utilities to conforrn with new lot lines, field location will be necessary. Easements may be required. , 33. All improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer I in the state of California and approved by the Director of Public Works prior to recordation of final map. 34. Construction of all public int>rovements shall be constructed or bonded by the developer prior to recordation of final map. 35. Since a main extension for fire hydrant has been required in the new cul-de-sac, water services for all lots shall be relocated to the new main in a marmer to be approved by Public Works Department. On a rootion by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dougall, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Menbers Smith, Dougall, Moots, and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSml': Council Member Olsen the foregoing resolution was adopted this 24th day of July, 1990. i ~:J'c~liA I I _ H. HILLIS. (R --- km><" ~a.~ NANe!' A. S, CITY CLJiI<<{ AS TO FOOM: r