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R 2406
4 RESOWl'ION ro. .M..Q.6 A RESOLUl'ION OF THE CI'lY CXXJN:IL OF THE CI'lY OF ARROYO GRJ\IDE UPHOIDIN:; THE PLANNIN:; OOMMISSION'S DENIAL OF PARCEL MAP CASE ro. 89-484, IJXATID AT 580 CEmIO VISTA LANE, APPLIED FOR BY LARRY GIN WHEREAS, the Planning COIl'IIIission of the City of Arroyo Grande held the required public hearing on Parcel Map Case No. 89-484, on April 17, 1990, and May 15, 1990, in accordance with state law and O1apter 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the Planning COITIIlission denied the parcel map, after due study, deliberation, and public hearing, based on the following findings: 1. 'I11e site is physically unsuitable for the proposed l type, design, and density of developrrent because the proposed develoIXTent is not consistent nor coopat- ible with the adjacent neighborhood. 2. 'I11e proposed subdivision_design is likely to cause substantial and considerable damage to the natural environment, since develoIXTent of this site would result in the loss of significant wildlife habitat. 3. 'I11e application for a parcel map JlUst be denied because the Subdivision Map Act requires a tentative tract map when more than four (4) contiguous parcels are created by the same person. It appears from the attaclllrent that the applicant has created more than four (4) contiguous parcels since 1958. 'I11erefore, based on this information, the Council has no choice but to deny the application; and WHEREAS, Larry Gin has appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the Ci ty Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande held the require1 public hearing regarding the appeal on June 26, 1990, and July 10, 1990; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found, after due study, deliberation, and public hearing that the findings made by the Planning CcmniREdon !;ere appropriate. N::M, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID that the City Council of t.he C'i.i:y or: Jl.rroyo Grande hereby upholds the Planning Ccmnission I s denial of :,,:nd L'arcel Map Ca:::e No. 89-484. on motion of Council Merrber Smith , seconded "Y COUl1ci! Merrber Moots , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Smith, Moots, Dougall, Olsen and Mayor Milli5 ~ - l ABSEN!': None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this lOth day of July, 1990. MARK M. S, THE CI'lY OF ARROYO GRAWE ATImr: ~ fl. 00~ N!\OCY A. 5, CI'lY CLERK . APPP.fJIJFD AS ro FORM: APPRO\1ED AS ro : 0/(/1 q t-- - CBRI5 CITY IW1I\GER Jill SKOt:SEN, CITY M'roRNEY ------.__.~_._.- -~ h~~U..LU......lU.u L....UlJ - .~ " . - - -' ------ I , , ., ............1. Joint Tenancy Grant Deed LU' 4"~ ...._..__._. . ~F.R1jF:RT ASPTTTIF. and 1I<:I.IT~ :=--.-..-..:. ..-..1 ....._...__..__.._...._.__._h.l'_!'.1CL """"""0'__'_"_ II ; .W UAN1'HO' I FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDEIIA"ON: .....pI 01.1oloio .........,. _I........ ! Do....._.Jlenbr Ceoal To_!lQ~"~...AJ;lJ;:1....!!!,UARGI!ERITEJJ!.~..!....-.-_.._____.. ! ~_"~_"N...__.._...._..____W:!.~.!2!-J1_4J..mL_!.u:e 1 AI Jobl' T__~ \ i The ...1 p....'" Ia 1hL--......9_nX..!lLA.r..l:9~.nM.-.__.___._._..__................ I Cour.ty .1 _._____.~..!!tJ;.uh OblaDo _. &ale 01 CalU...... d.crlW.. r.n...: i " Th9t portlon ot Lot 107 oi'~' the Ranoho. Corral de Piedra. Plamo and ' Dols& de Chemlsal subdivIded by Ja.. T. Stratton, September, 1873, ! according to mRp rIled tor-reoord 1n the otrlae or the County Reoorder ot IBId County, d..crlbod .. tolloww: : P.eglnntng at II. 3 x 4 atak~:let at the Southe.lt Corner ot the property I c~r.v.y.d to Jackeon ~. Ruhl and wite by Deed dated June 14. 19~O, and I recorded 1n Boole 266, pnge.131 ot Otrialal Reoordl, reoard. of sald I Caun~y, 3B1d polnt being in oenter line ot Arroyo Orande Cree~; thence South e90 ~7' ~est along ~he South l1na ot the property 10 oonveyed, I '760 teet, thence North 0-0 06' East, 164 teet; thenae North 890 471 ~4'Ut I nnd ~Ara11.1 with the South l1ne ot the property 80 conveyed to the ~.ut 11ne thereof; thence along laId ESlt l1ne South 110 021 ~':est to an anele poLnt and $outh 110 il51 1telt 57.?~ teet to the poll.t or \)~~~lnn!ne ,1UBJf:CT Tv: I 1. ~ener~l and 3pec1al taxes ot the flsoal year 1951-52. 12. Condition., r..trlctlo,,,. r...rvatlons ond rights of ."y of record, D...d.........J.uly._.12.....___..__._1.....:il _~~iL II,,? ..1.~~______... I nJJ,: e:;t~ _..............._..._............._.....____.._ ~1t:~___.. ww.._...w....._.._....w.._.._.._._..._..__ .._..___ ...At;.. .a.ow PO" ...CO..DIE.... U.C ONL.V 840U RECORDED AT REOUEST OF ua.wn1l1U1II&,_~W. 0. AT-S:- MIN. PA:IT 9 ~~,;...... ., - WL/et%.OfIICIoI Rocordo " ... u-..... CIIIUMfY. P. !JUL 2 3 \95\ . .........b.....~......~-"\ .. .' L ......... .. .. ...w. ........... 1M .....,..... .... /10 . ~ ~ ~; 1M - . " c...t;zJ .. ""?~ . . ............ Yo .":.'-' ..~ ....... d/ .. .-( 4. . [7<1 r' ~,~\ , . ( .,..1""'} I ~ ' . V. I ":i.,~...:~-<.\ - ~.~._J>"_1WL""__1O L1 IS ""/:"~~~' . , ..,.~..i-~.r,..k.:' &. ...............\'-,-\,' . . .:~ 1""';'.\'. -' ._...__.~_. v II, ' ii ,~ I . - :\1k: 942 PAG!372 'i ~. -s'," -'", ~.. "" II ;.::~_'J i... ~ If._~ , I ~-- '~J.;/~ ;;': !)1I.1 ! \" '," ,,; '~:: . ;. . , ",- ~ lrr~ 01.', :.iZ: "E Ai - . . . [I ROSS ABEL and MARauERITI!: ABEL, bUlban4 and nt., Grantor., FOR A VALUABL.E: COHSI lJF:hATWrt. I Roc:a1pt or Which 11 Hereb)' AckDOvledpd, Do Henby Grant 'to JAMES L. NOr;MAft ant;!, MAP.Y I - A. NORMAN, huaband .ndivit., .. Joint. ~nant., .. to an undivided one-h.lf intereot, I and AMiON L. WILUP'ORD'!,and !TH!LEXE W'IWJ'ORD, hUI'b6nd and vlfe u JO~ Of. tentall!., u I Lo on undividod on..ha~t lD~.r..t, the re.l property 1n the CiLy ot Arroyo Crande, , Count.)' of 5'111 Lull Obl~po, State ot Calitornia, d..crlbod a,' tollow.: t'ANCEL'l: That. portion o.t tDt lar ot the RaDcbo. Corral de Piedra, PL....J .nd 1~.108 dd ChemJ~bl, uuhdlvldod by Ja.. T. St.ratton, Sept..aber 1673, .cco~dlng ~ ~p rl\~d for recori.l In t.he orne. of t.he CoW\\-y Reeorc1er ot add Count.y, dc.cr1 bed u fol j.I.iVU: " geginnlns a~ n point OR the,E..~erly 11ne ot Alpine S~reet Exten~lon 81 conveyad to ~ha CU,y or ArNYo Or.plS., by 4..4 4at.od S.p'te.ber 1), 1946 anc J"dlcorded Ocl.oh.o:r It. 1946, in >>Ook 42~, at. pAge 221 ot Ofticlal Record., di.tant thor~on Korth l' 0)' W~8t., 164 re." (ro_ tho Southorly t.enuno\&a ot .a14 Alpine Rtroet. En.r.alon, sald })Qln~ 81so b~ine the No~hva.t cornor ot tbo property conveyea ~ Wtlli.. E. Scr.nt.~n, ~t. UK., ir. deed rlttot.ed. May 9, 1946 and recoNod May 2), 1946 ln Book 400, ilL page 127 of Ottlclal Ih:cnrd8; thenc~ North 69- 47' h.t olonS tbe Kortb line ot t.heatoreuid Pl"Operty, 1~1) tecto to a' polnt!. thence South'l- 0:)' Eu.t and parallel" vith I'.t fout. 11no of Alpino Street Exton. ion} 50 t..t to a pol~ti thonce South 89- 471 Weat land parallel vlth tho.North' 11no ot .a14 Scranton property, l~O root to a point on tbe ~:08t 11ne ot 881d Alpine titreet ExtonslonJ tbence Nort.h l' (1)' W.;st alons uLd r.a.t l1ne, 50 Coot to tho polnt.ot beslnnlDS. , PARCEL 2: That portlon.ot '~t l07,ot the Ranchos Corra) de Pi.dr.J P1..n And ~l.A de Chemisal. 8ubdlvidod. by Jal, T. Stratton} Septembor 18i3, accordina to Dap tiled for record In tho ottice ot tbo COunty Recorder ot ..ld Co~oty, ~e.cr1bod a. tnLlov.: ~81nn1n8 a~ a polnt on:tbe Ea.t.rly 11ne ot Alp1ne Street Exten.lon aD conveyed to the CLty at Arroyo Oran4e, by 4eed dated Sopt..ber 13, 1946 ar~,j recordod October 4, 1946 In Goak 424, at;; pap 221 at Ottlclal Rocord.} dhtant t.hc.'reon North l' 0')' West, l~. taot tl~. tho Soutberly teratnou. ot .ai4 Alplne Strooe Exton.lon, saLd polnt aloo betns the ICortbve.t cornor ot the property conve)'o4. to WUlt.. ~. Scront.on, at \LX., 1n deed datoed Ml.1 9, 1946 and recordod May 23, 1946 in Book "08, at pngo l~r at Otflc1al RocordsJ thonce South 1- 091 ta~t a~onl tn. f~st 11no ot Alp1ne Sir~ot Extenslon, 50 teet to tho true palut ot beginnln.; ~benc. North 09- "71 i_ . EUIlt. &t.nd.PKrol~el v1tb ,tbo North 11ne ot .a14 Scranton property, ~L~O foot. to . poLn,,; I::. . tbonco Sout.h l 09' E41.~t. and parallel vltb 'the Ealt line of Alpln" ~t.roet ExtoulonJ 'iida 50.reet to &i polntJ tbiince SOuth 89- 47' w..t and parallel vith t~l. Sout.h line. of lift1I ..All. &aid Scrant.on property:,' 1::0 root to . puint on the E.at 11no at AI.plne Street I'.~ IJjji Enenolo,,; 'hence North l' 09' VOlt .lonl UI4,Eut l1no, 50 rcet to _the '."e poln' '-m or bCSlnn1ns. , II ,,' ! PARCEL 3: Th.~ portio~~ ot Lot 107 or tbe Raucbo. Corral de Piedr., P1sllO and 11011. ,1.=. ._ do Ct.em..l, oubd1v140d by Ju. T, Strotton, Sopto.bor 1873, occo.'dlnl to ..p rao. iff :~ for record tn the ott1~.c or tbo County Recorder ot .dd. Cuunty, ducrlbcd u follow8; ..,.. .~ ;J BellMlng 0' 0 point on tl>o Z..terl:y lioo ot Alplno S'ron Enond"n .. U"'IV.~'" 15..; D __ to the City or ,Arro)'O Orand. b)' de.d dat..d. a.ptoabor 1), 1946 and JlWcorded r.. ~~ = -. L~ October 4, J.~4b 1n Book 424, at palt 221 ot Olticial R.cor~.,. 411tunL t.bcrllOn ~" ~ . North 1- 09' W~st, 184.to.t tro. tho Southerly te~nou. ot .ald ALp1ne St.reot ~~ ~ II Extenaion, sa14 point .~.o belq "tbe JIortbwst corner ot t.be Prop'.,"'ty conveyed &uiii:i~ VIal 't.o WHll... E. Scr.nwn, et ux., 1u deed dated Ma)' 9, 1946 an4 recot"d.4 May 21, .. E. !ill . 191+6, 1n >>Ook 406, at pap lZl.'ot Oft10ial. ReCOr4IJ thence Sout.b 1" 031 Ean, 1lAb1" iiiI _ aloftS tbe ":o.at 11no or.\Alploe Street ExWaaloft} 100 t..t. t.o the tro.la polnt nt IIIiIl . iiiiiii b.,glnning; ~hoIlCO HortJ} &')- 41' leat. &lid. parallel wi'tob tho Korth 1 Lna, ot sald ~ ~ I Scr~lltQn l)ropertv, 120;t..1o to a po1nt., tMac. aoyt.b 1- (19' t:a.t ..~,d. ~r.ll.l ~ ;; . vi 'h tho Eao' line ~ Alpine Stroot ExteDdoD, 50 toot to . point, thonco Soutn '.- ~ ~ I . ~ --....... :E! Iiii ~ 'I ..,. I!Q j" i;.('::' _.~ I' ~ D~.'" ~,: ~ ~ -J ,M,U ~~Jl.W1 it; r-~ iIIJI!i:; rZ ~ " t' .'.WTf'Ii ~WDJ I \:J~ ;-".-,. ".' ", ~--~- ----._------------- 7 I , , , . ...., 94(, \'~, ~r!~~ I . - .- Hr;- I..,. '.Iee,- Plnd parallel wit.b tlle Soutb 11ne or ule! Sct'8nt.on prr."pert.y, j,,=O II feu\. t.0 G point. on t.be Eflat. lIne or AlpLne Storeeto ~xt.en.lon; t.hence H0r\.h ,- ,J.)' W't'ut. 3}l')ng nld Eut. Une; 50 feet. \.0 tbe "rue, poInt. Dr beglnntne;. Iii st.mJtCT TO: \. G~neral 8n4 .peclal t~xe. of the flleal year 1958-59. 2. Condit.ion.,restrlctlon., re..rvat.ion., and right.. or way of record. Jf a/.~4 Dated: ","y "I. 1958 :! r.7'~ -; ',/11 It""-'u<{ z (-C' 'tJ ;'. t:J... .'"4: ... , 1 STATE or CALIFORNIA j. SS, I i ooU!fi't or SAN UJis OBISPO' ) , , On MRY 14. 1956 , betore lie, :r.V_1CdvR~A , 8 Hot.Dr)' Publtc 1n and tor. add Count)' and Stet.e, personal!)' appeared ItOSS ABEL tmd MARGUERITE ABEt., know to me to b. tbe per_OM vhoee n..n, are .u'b'CJ'lb.d~-l.u: t.tI"':. I '-. vithin In.tru~nt and 8ck~ovled8ed that. they executed the SftMe. . WITNESS ~ bond and orrlcLal 8eal. ,,-I Notary, aald County and St...te. - - My COmaUsalon Expire.: Oat.'l, .961 Ii .j .. ~ II - 1M IBM ,. iI'tiiI - ~ j i I"; I r""':'~'~f':.t r!c ~ I~WRJrriirl!'I~~O~NC{ (OM'~'N\ = ~.'.,4s:.;.-:I "'\:.;8tf. it. .,': ;~y~ ;,.,!.. i.1.~~ . ',1'&;;' 18 ::'/:: lu L~ '. M: " :'. t. ~::. ! " .. ", UA., ;~ .(~t.t: ~ 11II &.:,""''- IfI'Ji9 .' . ~ &Iii ~1'h'f."'II"1 - nym...... '.'. ~. .!~ ,...~~ .... $.bJ."'_Ir.d",," --.,." PlI!i1IDI: -'. -~ !!! ...,. - iiiiPA'i:>lli ~~"" !R-.----.-- -" - .'... . ..--. ~'.... _...... -.,....--... ..-,..,. ~. "1:~' -"' --. - -,,",.- m?r.> !Ell '.. ::,~,. : WI''''.'''''' .... =-,,- _,~_U'M__'__ ,- ;. , I t --..-- - ,~ -\ I .JJJlm;: 000004000 IIHR I "..CO"(UHO ".QU~.T.D.~ I '1,)r= I OCt ... ~. "'.> )'1'---- OO.OOUSS' I I . IJfFlCII,lIW'I)HDS 0 J _ i l~r" t' . IoU ! II ~N'llt.............._....,..........~J SAN.~UISOai~?;:)CO..CI\l,)j, o111~t.1Ir OulJOOt))\\ WILLIAM E. ZIMARII(, ""D ..._ "-.;:011II.... .""~ TO COUNTY UECOROER ! MAR231a7l , ~ ~ I . :tr. & .Ira. \tIdt,r SahOCf1r_lcitH' lWl I~' ..,0. '","...-1 .. -... P. C. 6ux 176 ,w vrt", ';...~, I ~';,:::.. ArT!)~'o Cira.nd., Cal1tum!.. ~l.2O j'\!:'~ t:." L .... '...:\J ':'~:'~:'~ ( ."AC"'A~Y~'.~I!...~~~ po" ....co..ou.. un- ." I --,-- .~~ r ~'.. - - . ... :.....,,;., ,. OI:.CuMiNlAIIY TRA...::.HA To\K t .t,'1i: .....'...:..{.. - ' .~,.. . .,......#;'.: ," '._:' . U, ":"''''''lill I;IN.fI'" W"'WI O. 'I,UIUI (O"'''t~ 01 ";;:;:-I/ft ..::= ~t"I4~ ",' ",[Jco."","Oo..'UIILW'.iUIUI1UUr._IIH(.UH.IAIICU .-., ..-"';:'\~~ I .. UIol"I"I"'~IH~"III"1 0' ,"u. :-....:;:.0':-1' _ '::": L.. -..' ." -"~"r-' ... _'7.:;z::,1,_,-~_t:t:=.._ _.0 .:,.;~...1::j..1j mi.: ',.." . . '. w-,,1J;I:~..:.._ ,,,,., ~-..., I "'..-"~.."I". I -----. .--...-..---- _.8' -............. ",-...",,~~..' I ""(:.:f~,~l~ ' "', . "..,::......_'..>...~...":" :;':.':.,',';"J.. .~. :':'7" .... ".., " ' , I -.: C':;":; '. -, Grant Deed.:_- .' . . ':~J?~~, QtHi !lIlII\UIIE "N" ~..:.~~~::'~::..:~~..~:~w.7.:~.~,.. I ... '.:<\:"'t3; ~ ! ..0' A VA,.uABLE OONSlDtIIATlillI. ~'~.~,~~.:~.~'~ ."'...1.......,,;',: I I \;.X.~!..t~.... il I ..:::::;s~~'. ..0.' ':;.:.,..<;;;;:.~';;,-.:.,..',._. ',::~:.'" ,...' '" ..... I I <-;,:'~:~}~i*~ I I n,.T'" c. OCR:IDiYEI.D1':\_,.,. m~E~'~"~:!f~.~. .:, <..t.!ho~~._....:"~.,.~i~.~,. .'...,. "r.,:.:).-.&.~c ' . , . . ,. , . "..".. .....~,..~ "n', . ',' . '"'' . .'" "":-'<'-.':"".':!t;~ I I. ,:,lIi..:;...;....:.-,i1;..:J,:.;.lrl"icn;,i.._""...: w.~.. (,:(1-.'<<. .~..o...r:.r~..d."- ....-. .. ...-'.'- .",.'.' '. ~ . - .--,.,,,' -- -'". -.... .-.,.,' ,:,;,'...-...-,," . I I ,-:r;,.:;.;t~:-!.'~:~i r"UI>I:,'" :;)an wb vt;Ibpo ......- :'. ''':'.~I~(';C\~,If~I'III~:~.,~:~r.',:~.:.''';'''.-':.. .::- .~ ..~,,- ~.':~::~;;'i'~\~ II .-....:.. ~.,.~.: _:": ' ':'~.:~~;-p:':-;:..<_"" ,..::.~~.~.:... '..,-'. ..... 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I. .- I ' ..". ..,."re.. ... .... ...- . . 1 . ", . .. . ,:""::-do I ----------r;;;....",,...t'Ulllelll .-::-::-_~"''''~o'.'' ,--~--~-, I ' I .' ~, I ~ . . ~.. . '. ...:. :;'J'. . . I I I ~~:~/M'"": .~---F-II:'...' ~. Nil. '_.;J '\. ..1.. ~ 'J.~ I! ~ l IllAI. I.' II.n.:l1III .. "''''''" 6WtI . . i ! _ ~-.' , ::.. , LV0I.1GGO ,......533 t L ...... I , .:.:,"';;? ~ I " 1.,1;1'(,'(~tUi:tt!i (" .:,_.~. "\on'.._;1;jME~;~~~~...1}~hlU~.<,;( ;or~_'::r~'''o/r'!:''''!:''j;/~ . ._.....;;;,z. -"rei '. Resolution 2406 8 . , . ., . i ~ I :"~-- I I , I , i '\':~; "',:-..:: .......1 ;}~J~~: I ~*,h ~:~~- \'!\;~ ..~t.* :-1',;) ."', ; "'.ll. ~:;',;.r1 \-1 . A~~ ilia ~~~ I 1":I'!r V .~ S:~~ ~?;;~ !; .'".,.,~- ij ~~::j ~~'~.!. :;;; \ I ;:;ll~~ I ...-...-......- . ' .~ . "",\ .~. . , .,,'. \::,;~..'.f .......-- ,'1o.:.f:f'''! ",,~.....-" , '!=:.i4.:,'t , Ii rV'.)... I ~\:'~J,=~,j II 1.r.'I& I ..':;,.":., .'~ .... - - II "'..'....... ! t~I~;,~. 1 :lt~~ ~ _ A:. ~n.'..:t:::t~'\~. r~\' 1W~t. 11M' e.'UU' ..t'.&1,. p'3,:"t.1on of' to\. 107 or tbe 1'1\;:0 ~.t....,. . "t1 'Jf l',:-t..s o~ ..h.. ;~tLChu~ ~1)1'ra'.. d. Fbul'tt. J'1....>, ..t",,'no:'~a d" 'C~.,1;;J.:J&l. in tM Cit;' r:t ~!lk":..' I ....,.1.,.\.0 :':"01r:"'., :u:cor'J1~; .,1) fMp rl1od,tor record in.Scok A~'t.t...p:1J':c {,~ "r J!S~I', . ~'~~i \ '.I.,~.(.:,~~1!d 01'J !\.ll'.:'~J' !"~"\" ",' ..,";.,... ',"":..' ",'" . -,., I '.";.I''''~ m :afKJ.t] i~~~ ! j:('.f~'1lI1n~:"1. :. J" Jt 4" 3t.ako ..L' at""b. Zcu,\.haa9C~or.ii_(lr 'or t.he. rr(.p~rt.)"d'!':!Io)rlb':d., , 1:-: 'hn fitt.,d .... .~",~klt()fI ;:. )(Uhl.':',~'~:"" r.cor,~.~..J~".,:~~~!.~..a.t:,.PI\r.i 1)1 ur ,~rr'4f~~1.1' 1 ,~..:~;~ i ;Z'~'l\.:.:.~ a1 I ~O\'Ctwd3, :udrt p-;i:-:'.. UJ IitJs1rar.l.\g I:.,.ul~ ir. ,~~~ IICint.-'l'l1ni ,~J., .rl'U~;..~.Cf""I:"1.' (!r.If'r.: . 11 "..t~'\;w, !.'JI '.h~'o::" ~f.U'.j, r'lO ~7' Wut." dona the SouLh 'Un., or.. I&Sd.Uuhl:)..n4i....:!"-O "r'le<t:. JI\Ore G:- ~*~'5 iii :~:JC: t::' ~:-.'i :iC:';:':IC/1:':1. eo~crot t!':e pr~j)orty .~(lS~~1b~.a:Jrn':'cvj,.,-l:_1.-: t.t;.c_dc:~:t lu ,.~ I ~~ ;. ~ I t:t:'tuu~l.n !. !lib"" '.ee.....,j,q..: ,"I.:f;'::~ ~, lQ6J., 1n::kIc;.k~9"""\.;.JXt.~ec.1.19, o:..Ottic.1al !]fi'-:O,rU:Jj ,'y"'~..! '.~"nce t;($rt.h l" 091 :,<,1;' a,101\r, t.btt :.aut. : in" or. ,ua1Ii:~a.lvtA'":1.1nd.,.~11.t rCt;ti ~'hidlC:1I '.. ji ~"',U"J':~ ~ I'~':'~!,: CO:. f:f' .~~~l '\:td p.=".a.llfll ~~h '..ht: St"\l~h ':1.Jl. ~t,,'.ft\~t',!blh~"j.],.UI1 ~~ ..... i"-':'r.L c':: ........"...~ :.~~ ~"." ]jr... cI :;:l!':I ?uhl ).Mdi ,t~em:..9.ou!.~}l.;~:).s.~~W~ot.~~'a1~nd..G!'ld,ra~1. l~nu; .to... ~.r~' '~.?Ol",""".:'.n"'''r.. ..... .._::,t.~:,~;~~;-~lmF~'..'... '.' .- "". i Zi1;S-:"1 i ;;:~~'"' ~~~'4~Sl I 'a~"" :~, ,;,,:';:" }~~..:..):. ::,; :.~ 9J..E~~ .... 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ZIMARU( ...... ~r-.lvd CHy, Ca. 9)4)) COUNTY R.ECORDER .',': ~.:..' L .J TIME 8:0 () AM >~::~;:~! .,.ACII A~. THI. L.INII "011II illlIICO"DUII'. "'.1:_ ~." .':<<;~~ -....-.. .., I DOC..,....(NT...R'r TR"NiHK TAX I 33.on :'.!,~ )d.~;l~~ - :T, to,"UIIO Oto IIIU .",", g, '10'"'' (;0"'1'111 O. ,..- '"'''' .:t.a shown ill bove. r, C:"''''IIIU 0.. '"U ...UII un I""~ I ...c:......'V"c:u . .'::'.:~:;:.j~~,~ ..... L .- ""J!~.:::::" ~',J:;-~? ,,,,,.,,.,,~ I "..,,,', i' ~.t :, ',: ~:~);' ~ ~~I' Grant Deed ....1\", "'""'\1! I ':';~{:, ~>r~ ';" ~ "'i-,.1if'! ; '.. '..~, I ,j', ::;:~::"'''.',:,.I;:: IUH .4. \'AL~AUU: l:U:'\:SIOERATIOS. fueipt '" _Weal." ......, ___kll"d. :.'~\.'~;::.V;\;~ 1m MARGUERITE ABEL 'J.:... "-'1"', ;:"i.;~~.:;"~\'~ :''''T: 1;'!'~ ;.~ h..rt'ln' GlUNT,S. Ie PAUL C. CUEL1JJt an4 LUPE C. CUELLAR hubAnd and wit. .. "~'I:!ti:I'.\::,/ ,,-,.-_;~ JoJAt t~nu. ~~~~~: .' .,\..~~~...rel ""'i~'I~~ lilt '..U...i.. dct..,ibrtt f,,&1 pWpcllr ia 1M ~f'\~::" ~: , (OU.I)' 0' San Luia Ob1tipo . State of C.lironaia: ""'1'~ r;-,~^,~~ . '1. j~"'.(.)i\ {. I ---'''"'''I~' ;~ ~::i'\ ~"-~ ""'I' ,] . ' Ni.'i:~' . ,-, .~. . ""'."'!p.n 1 '_..",~'~ PAKCr.L A or P~rcel Hap AC 81-006, in th. CLty of Arroyo Crando. County of '\,":O-'1'iI! .',~, '~~J'::'~'-;.il. 501" Lub Ubispo. SU,te of C.-UEorn.!.., accordl.n.ll. to Map fUed Cor record ::~t?j; ~ "<l:lIhUU',. Hi, 1 ;:n, l... c....~ }3.t r..,. ':0) we }I.i..... .~---!:I.'.~~i ,....,..:~. :' --.,-'-1' "' f;,.j~~ )t}~i~~. !l ','..i'..."',,~ '~:~~;'.f.t~~i ;.:~.'.;;:;tf ;of! .~..".~.~j;'~1':lt ;/-. . ')'/ ~., iP <hFf' (I LL._ .~::."1f'"..1 )] (I.It'd __._~ 1QAfI :~~~!~~.' ..:... ..,~ '~"~~~ll I HAlaucrh :leI "/:,:~,,;.;:~-~ '.' "'-,'J.,A "1 \H HI C.d~rollllii 1 }s.", :i~~~rniiw I .UI '\IT\ 1Ir.~: an 8 Db ape) _ .--- '}='''.''flftH , n" -,.;,..J...A.-../. o...:JrL..- ..... _............... ;f./~~~ . I ..~l'uti:t~i" ....,.. ....110_. ...._.flr .,,..... .--,. , ',....,." ~ :~....;'.:;i~1 I - "P"f~':;'~ _.h__'_ '/;~;'~:~ --- .-. ...."..HI... 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T"" SPACO I ' Grant Deed I ~I 'HI. 'DaM ''''...._N&D '1' ..cuany Tin.. '...UIIANC' COM.....NY rOil A VALUADLE CONSIDEIIATION. ,...i," .r which I, hereby .d.n.wled,..!, IWICUllltITa AIIIIL, a widow, hereby GRANT(S) ,. KIINIIIlTH a. SILVA, &n IU1AUd.d ....., die foUowinl dClCribc1l real J1ropcrl)' in Ibe City of Arroyo Grande, ...n'r.1 Sr.n Lu.b Obiapo I ".Ie 01 California: &a per rid" &Uaohed heroto ....d _ & put heroot. ,w PAReSL 1; That portion of Lot 107 of the Ranchoo Corral de Pi.dra, Piomo and Bolea de Chemi.a1, o~bdivided b, Ja., T. Stratton, Sept.mber 1873, in the CIty of Arroyo Orande, County of San Lulo 1/ Oblopo, S....t. of CalifornIa, accordIng to ....p .f1led ror record In)/I' /. I tho Orfloe of the County lIecorder of Baid County, de.crib.d aB V I ro:"lowOl , Commencing at a point on the EaBter1y 1in. of Alpine Stre.t Ext.n.ion .. ~onv.y~d to the CIty or Arro~o Orand., by d.ed dated F.bruary 13, 1~4b snu record.d Octob.r 4, 19 6 in BOok 424, at Page 221 or orri- '. cla1 Records, dutant th.reon lIorth l' 09' \oint, 164 root from tho South.rly t.rminu. of said Alpin. Street Extcnaion, oaid point a100 b.lng the NorthweBt corn.r of the propert~ oonvoyed to \oI1111am E. Soranton, ot ux., by d.od dat.d May 9, 19 6 and record.d May 23, 1946 1n Book 408, at Pag. 121 of Offic1al R.oord.; thence North 890 i 41' Sut. along the North Un. or tho property BO convey.d, 120 root , I to the true p01nt of b.gi~nlng, .a1d p01nt a1ao b.lng tho North- , I oaat oornor or 1'111'0.1 1 of the ~ropel'ty convey.d to Jarnee L. N01'llllln, i ot a1.. by de.d dat.d MaY 1. 19 and recorded May 29 19,.'1 In Book 942. at Page 312 of Orf1c1al R.corda; thonc. So~th l' 09' Eaat, , along the Eaater1y 11ne of Parcels 1, 2 and 3 r,r aaid Deed and i the South.rly ext.nolon th.reof, 184 foot to tho South 11no or the :c i property oonveyed to Jack.on W. Ruhl; by de.d dated Jun. 14, 1938 c: , and recordod October 3 19~9 in BOok 266, at Page 131 or OfficIal c: i , I\ecordo; th.nc. North 69~- 7" EDBt, along said South 11no or .aid I i Ruhl property, 300 re.t; thence North l' 09' W.Bt and parall.l Q') ~lth the 8aotorly 11ne- or tho aforoBald Alpin. Stre.t Extenalon, i:5 '" : 184 fe.t to North 11no or the aroresald Soranton propertYI th.nce ~ i South 690 41' \ole st. along saId lIorth lIne, 300 toet to the truo polnt of boglnninc. I"'" ,PARCEL 2. That portion of Lot 101 of the Ranchos Corral de P1edra, Q) Plamo and Boloa de CIlemias1, BubdlVidod by Jas. T. Stratton, ~ September 1813, 1n the-City or Arroyo Orand., County or San Luis ~ Obispo, Stat. or Calirornla, according to map rIled for reoord in the orrlce or the County Recorder or said County, daBcr1b.d aB follow. : I I : ., , '- - -~. .1 . Resolution 2406 I ~ ~: .. I I RECORDER'S OFFICE S.l!i LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Wt.1309 p~G~420 .i ,- ~. Beginning at a point on the Saeterly line of Alplno street. Exten- 'I olon ao oonveyed to tho Clty or Arroyo Orande4 by deod dated Septemher 13, 1946 and re~ordod Octobor 4. 19 6 ln Book 424. at ....J ... Page 221 or orrlclal Reoord.. at the Southerly tormtnuo or oald '. Alplne Streot E7tenalonl thence North 1. 09' West along aald Baet Une, 34 reet to tho Southwe.t corner or Parcel 3 ot the prorrty convoyod to Jame. L. Noman.et al., by dud elated May 7, 195 and recordod May 29, 1958 ln Dook 942. at Pago 372 of Otrl01al Rooord.; thence North 89 47' &eet. along the South 11no ot eald paroal 3. 120 teet to the Southeaat corner thereor; thonco South l' 09' East. alon~ the Southerly ,extension or the Easterly 11ne ot aald Parcel ), J ~...t to the South 11no or the property conveyed to Jackson W. Ruhl. by deed dated June 14, 1938 and recorded October 3A 1939. in Book 266. at Page 131 ot Ortl01al Reoordo; thance South 90 47' Weot along th. South 11no ot the property 00 convoyed. 120 teet to tha polnt or beglnnlng. .: ~\.1'i':: Cocumont No..__....__.._ RE~fu1lTM(~~~ ...... . .. ^T ..~.. . ....IN. PA:iT......... ~ . VOL ..L~O?..ol... ~..-...--~,/,. .- IAN LUll 0.""0 COUll'''. CA.... AUG -Ii 1964 lJJ:ule ,/lAAl4W ~~* n pu~ r.. $.~Q..ln .ueI ~ -:'//t.1A. JL:ii.? fl.} Dol,d July 21, 196~ MUgU.azU1/:t.d STATF. or CAlJroRKIA } ss. "KINTY or_~~.po 00_ July. 1 1..'.,. M". 1M .,,4fr. .ltMd. . N...,., I"IIIIillc .. ,.d I., "I. YUlllr ...d 51,'1.1",,...,11, 'r~''''' "Oft NOTAR" It"L 011I ITA"''' y,al'&.uol'1te Abel -_..._- - b...II..... W.. I. lIMUJ! h. I.. 'M Pt''''"'--. ...... 11 -",*,1I1ed .. ,hili _11M. ~ lorAIT '''ltI( 1..1"..IMfII.n4 ..d.........," fh'I--th!-..~ rd the ..... ~~. W LUIS 011"0 (OUMn I~' 0 , (lurOIIU! . ,",-UUI'F..I'OfA . 't:nlar,. r"tln. J4.1: CuI..I...... FdJlluL.luoL U. lt6d. -- . - N._ IT,.,..d M Prinl"1 Netl" ....bite 111I ..ell... ..Id Count, ..... $1.1e L.' tC.S.) IAn. 11.6311 ... --- w,..._._ .. .. , .... - . , .. c- : .:':.i. r:,f'.... . . ,.t'.,r:':'::. .~ . . ~ '.' '~'.,. ie.. , , ..~.:::~...~~. . '. ~~',;, . ".' . . . . - " . - . ! ::~~:~:t.':'; - . r ..~.~.':."..!. . I,i. .. I ! SOUTH ' ALPINE,:;:'7R~i.""."';; ~ STREET . ',~, I ... , . ....,....f~.;...yL"~~' xt:I is. ~ ,.,. J':..~,,"y.:' ',;,;'"," ~'7.!J fl.' . I'r.- 'l :.. v. .J. .. _ ,.. "'..so . N \' ~I"~'~'f.". .';: f.. I ~ W. 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