R 2392 " . 251 RESOLUTION NO. 2392 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE 1990 LAND USE, HOUSING, OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMEN'l'S OF THE GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, the Section 65302 of the California Government Code directs all cities and counties to prepare General Plan Land Use, Housing, Open Space and Conservation Elements; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo . Grande has determined that it :is appropriate and necessary to update and revise the previDus Land Use, Housing, Open Space and Conservation Elements adopted by the City; and WHEREAS, the public participation in the development of the Land Use, Housing, Open Space and Conservation Elements included distributiDn of a newsletter, holding town meetings and workshops, and mailing public hearing notices to all property owners in the City and within 300 feet of the City limits; and '- WHEREAS, duly noticed public hearings were held by the Planning Commission of the city of Arroyo Grande on January 2, January 30, February 6, February 26, and March 19, 1990, at which all interested persons were given the . opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, duly noticed public hearings were held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on April 9, April 24, April 25, April 30. and May 22, 1990, at which all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council at its meeting of even date herewith adopted a ResolutiDn certifying that the final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), relating to the General Plan update .of the Land Use, Housing, Open Space and Conservation Elements, was completed in compliance with CEQA, the state CEQA Guidelines, and the city's Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA; and WHEREAS, the City Council at its meeting of even date herewith adopted a ResolutiDn making certain findings regarding the environmental impacts of the proposed General Plan Update of the Land Use, Housing, Open Space and Conservation Elements; and WHEREAS, the City Council ha.Srevi.ewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the public hearings and in the proposed documents _ and staff reports. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California does hereby adopt the 1990 Land Use, Housing, Open Space and ConservatiDn Elements (consisting of the draft documents titled "City of Arroyo Grande General plan Update, Land Use Element, Housing Element, Open Space I> ConservatiDn Element, Marked to show March 19, 1990 Planning Commission Recommended RevisiDns" and "City of Arroyo Grande Existing Setting I> community Issues Report, Recommended for Cert:if:icatiDn by Planning Commission on March 19, 1990" incorporated herein by reference and the City Council revisions outlined in Attachment "A" - "City Council Revisions to the General Plan Update Text" and Attachment "B", a map entitled "General Plan Land Use - City Council Revisions") and in support thereof hereby makes the following findings: 1. The Environmental Impact Report prepared for the General Plan Update "- identified sign.ifi.cant impacts associated with the proposed plan. A "lower density" alternative was included in the EIR in order to assist in the reductiDn of these impacts to a level of non-significance. There is a direct relatiDnship between the density of the alternatives analyzed in the EIR and the expected magnitude of environmental impacts. Therefore, the City Council has adopted the "lower density" land use p1rn alternative with some revisions, including changing the density of the single family (SF) category from 5.0 dulac to 4.5 du/ac. Impacts reduced in sign.ifi.cance because of the selecti.on of the "lower density" alternative include the following: a. Traffic and circulation: There are several roadways experiencing a level of service of "c" or "D" within the City and would require major improvements to adequately serve future development under the existing general plan. The "lower density" alternative will result in an approximately 42\ increase in vehicle trips/day over existing conditiDns which :is less than the previDus Land Use Element and all other alternative land use plans presented in the EIR. -- --.--.----....-.... -- ~\)! Resolution No. 2392 b, Air quality; San Luis Obispo County is designated a non-attainment area for the state o~one, particulate, and sulphur dioxide standards The ''lower density" alternative will generate the least amount of pollutants than all other alternative land use plans presented. c. Water resources; The City has available water supplies of 3,492 acre- feet which would not support thebuildout of the existing general plan, By selecting the "lower density" alternative, the water demands will be reduced so they are more in line with available resources, -, d. Numerous other impacts were presented in the EIR that require mitigation by reducing densities. Findings for individual areas where land use designations were changed from the existing general plan are listed in "Attachment C" and incorporated herein by reference. .-, 2, The findings, information, and support set forth in the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the proposed General Plan Update of the Land Use, Housing, Open Space and Conservation Elements and the statement of Significant Environmental Effects and Mitigation Measures are incorporat.ed herem by reference and constitute findings of the City Council in this matter. 3, The AGRICULTURE (AG) and AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE (AP) categories will promote the retention of agricultural land uses within and adjacent to. Arroyo Grande that is crucial to the maintenance of the rural, small t.own atmosphere desired by its residents. To this end, Arroyo Grande intends to focus permitted development on existing urban areas, and to work with San Luis Obispo County to prevent intrusion of rural residential development into agricultural areas. 4, The charm of Arroyo Grande's residential areas is a large part of the community's appeal, In the past, Arroyo Grande's residential areas were developed with a wide variety of housing types, but recently most have been large single family homes on large lots, along with conversion of some older single family neighborhood to multiple family use; little vacant resi.dential land remains within the City Limits, Although the City is proud of its residential areas, it also recognizes the need for a variety of housing types due to the varying needs of its citizens. This plan provides for a wide range of types to meet the future needs of Arroyo Grande residents. , " 5. The RESIDENTIAL ESTATE (RE) category will provide single family residential development on estate. size lots commensurate with the rural character and lifestyle of adjoining County developments. 6. The HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL (RH) category will provide a densit.y suitable for areas of the City which have environ.mental constraints, yet allow clustering in order to protect the environment. 7. The RURAL RESIDENTIAL (RR) category will provide one acre lots in order to accommodate rural lifestyles, 8. The SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (RS) category will provide a housing type .-., transitional between rural and urban. types. 9. The SINGLE FAMILY 'RESIDENTIAL (SF) category will accommodate the majority of the existing urban development in the City, 10. The CONDOMINIUM/TOWNHOUSE (MF) and APARTMENTS (MFA) categories will provide housing for those citizens who wish to rent or do not desire dwellings on individuals parcels. 11. The MOBILE HOME PARK (MHP) category provides opportunities for those citizens desiring a mobile home lifestyle, protects existing mobile home parks from easy conversion, and preserves and provides affordable housing for low income residents. 12. The SENIOR HOUSING (SR) category provides areas for higher density housing projects specifically designed to meet the needs of senior citizens. 13. The PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) category recognizes existing approved planned development ordinances, -..-..-.....- .-^. Resolution No. 2392 253 14. The GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) category provides appropriately located areas for the general shopping and commercial service needs of area residents, visitors, and workers. 15. The VILLAGE COMMERCIAL (VC) category provides for the establishment of downtown commercial and office-related land use types which recognize and are compatible with the historical, smaU town nature of the original Arroyo Grande Village. . 16. The OFFICE PROFESSIONAL (0) category provides areas for the establishment of office-based working environments. 17. The INDUS'!.'RIAL/BUSINESS PARK (I) category provides areas for light industrial, research and development and office-based firms. 18. The PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC FACILITIES (PF) category provides areas for the conduct of public and institutional activities. 19, The retention of Arroyo Grande's rural, small town character is important to '- the City and therefore policies were included in the Land Use Element to protect these qualities. 20, The City recognizes the interrelationships between actions taken by the various governmental agencies within south San Luis Obispo County and therefore included polic:ies in the Land Use Element to facilitate regional cooperation and coordination. . It is further resolved by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that for the first year after adoption of. the updated Land Use, Housing, Open Space and Conservation Elements, general plan amendnients that are necessary in the opinion of the Planning Director to clarify an issue or make an area consistent with the policies and intent pf the City tM,t were inadvertently omitted and are within the scope of the originct1 'EIR, will be processed by the City at no cost to private individuals. It is further resolved by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that typographical corrections to the General Plan document and Existing Setting and Community Issues Report shall be performed by Planning Department staff prior to final printing. On motion by Council member Olsen, seconded by Council member Dougall, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council members Olsen, Dougall, Smith, Moots, and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 22nd day of May, 1990. · ~~, J<fL' MA R Y ATTEST: - ~ ~':<t./ a. CITY CLERK , APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~\)4 " '""I ATTACHMENT "An TO RESOLUTION NO. 2392 CITY COUNCIL REVISIONS TO THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE TEXT THE FOLLOWING CHANGES. ARE TO BE MADE TO THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED "CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE, LAND USE ELEMENT, HOUSING ELEMENT. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT, MARKED TO SHOW MARCH 19, 1990 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED REVISIONS": LAND USE ELEMENT ,. Remove all strikeout text, Remove underlining from new text, 2, Revise Implementation Actions a, and b. under Policy '.2 as follows: "'.2 a. Within areas designated Agricultural Preserve, limit permitted land uses to agricultural crop -production, grazing, and .limited sales of agricultural products produced on-site and related products. b. Within areas designated General Agriculture, limit permitted land uses to agricultural production, grazing, limited',- sales of agricultural pr'oducts produced on-site and related products, and limited agricultural support industries and services:' 3, Revise Implementation Action d. under Policy '.2 as follows: "1.2 d, Development and other City permit or approval reQuests that propose' to convert prime agricultural 'ands to another use shall be accompanied by an analysis of the 1ong-term economic viability of agriculture on the lands proposed for conversion." - 4, Add the following Implementation Action under Policy 2,1: "2,1 j. The southwest portion of the property currently in strawberry 'i production south of Grand Avenue near the western city limits shall be considered for conversion to rural residential uses at such time as they are no longer economically viable subject to the preparation of a specific plan as set forth in Government Code sections 65450-65457:' 5. Revise Implementation Action e. under POlicy 2.2 as follows: "2,2 e, Maintain a maximum density within Single Family Residential areas of up to fQur and one-half dwelling units per gross acre (4.5 du/ac):' 6. Add the following Implementation Action under POlicy 2.2: "2.2 f. The property defined by assessor parcel number 07-522-008 located adjacent to Arroyo Grande Creek on the north side of Myrtle street will be conditionally zoned to allow only two dwelling units on the 1.3 acre site. The specific conditions will be established in the zoning ordinance," Resolution No. 2392 2 5 5 7. Add the following Implementation Action under Policy 2.2: "2.2 g. The southeast portion of the property currently in strawberry production south of Grand Avenue near the western city limits shall be considered for conversion to single family residential uses at such time as they are no longer economically viable subject to the preparation of a specific plan as set forth in Government Code Sections 65450-65457 :' 8. Add the following Implementation Action under Policy 2,3: "2.3 i. The property at 1110 Sunset Drive will be conditionally zoned to allow the continued multiple family (apartment) use existing on the site. The specific conditions will be established in the zoning ordinance:' 9. Add the following item under Implementation Action a. under Policy 3.1 as \... follows: "3.1 a. The northerly portion of the property currently in strawberry production south of Grand Avenue near the western city limits shall be considered for conversion to general commercial uses at such time as they are no longer economically viable subject to the preparation of a specific plan as set forth in Government Code Sections 65450-65457:' 10, Revise the first item under Implementation Action b. under Policy 3.1 as fo now s: "3.1 b. Within the Village Commercial designation as shown on the land use map. and subject to applicable general plan policies and Arroyo Grande ordinances, appropriate land uses include a wide variety of commercial uses. emphasizing retail and low intensity tourist-related functions. Typical uses include specialty retail (handicraft shops. art galleries, book stores, curio antique stores, flower shops), commercial services, restaurants, markets (limited to the fringe areas of the village), cultural facilities, financial institutions, vocational and trade schools, and bed and breakfast inns. In addition, as the site of City Hall, civic administration functions are an important focus of the village area. Office uses are an appropriate use to the extent that they do not become the predominant ground floor use of the village or detract from the overall village character. Residential uses, limited to existing historic residential structures, apartments in conjunction with commercial uses. and congregate or residential care facilities for senior citizens, are also appropriate uses:' 256 Resolution ~. 2392 """ 11, Revise the first paragraph of the Industrial Areas section as fol1ows: "Although the City of Arroyo Grande is not experiencing the demand for industrial development that other Central Coast communities face, industrial uses do exist in the community and wi1l expand over time, Of paramount importance is recognition af the need to provide local jobs for area residents in order to reduce commutes and thereby improve local air quality,. It is therefore important to recognize and protect existing local industries and their ability to continue providing jobs to, and doing business in, the community. It is also critical to accomplish new industrial development in such a manner as to maintain the community's rural small town character, Future industrial uses will, therefore, generally be small scale, clean operations such as light industrial and assembly uses." 12, Revise Policy 4,1 as fol1ows: "4.1 The primary purpose of lands designated- INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS PARK (1) is to provide for light industrial, warehouse and distribution, and research and development firms seeking an attractive and pleasant working environment and a prestige location. Industrial and Business Park lands are also intended to provide local employment opportunities for area residents, minimizing the need to commute to distant job locations, and to assist in providing a balanced local economy and positive municipal income." 13. Revise Implementation Action a. under Policy 4.1 as follows: "4,1 a, Within Industrial areas, encourage a variety of employment-generating uses to locate within the community, Ensure that new employment- generating uses are compatible with other uses within Arroyo Grande in terms of generation of noise, dust, odors, vibration, glare, and traffic. Ensure that industrial uses meet applicable environmental protection regulations in terms of air pollution emissions and the transportation, . storage, use, and creation of hazardous materials. 1 Typical uses include light manufacturing and assembly, small scale warehousing and distribution, and research and development, In ! addition, administrative offices supporting the primary industrial use of the property may be permitted." 14. Revise Implementation Action e. under Policy S.l as follows: "S.l e, As part of the CEQA review process, ensure that adequate sewer service capacity exists or will be available in a timely manner for a proposed development." _.....~.r . Resolution No. 2392 25i HOUSING ELEMENT 1. Remove all strikeout text, Remove underlining from new text. 2. Add the fol1owing to the end of the second paragraph under Progress in Imp lementation in the section entitled Evaluation of Existing Housing Element: "I n addition, the City adopted a mobilehome rent stabilization ordinance in 1986 in order to preserve existing affordable housing opportunities." .3. Replace Table 1 with the following: TABLE 1 MONTHLY AFFORDABLE HOUSING PAYMENT Income Grou p Annual Income* Monthly payment** Very low <$18,450 $461.25 Low $18,451-27,350 $461.26-683.75 Moderate $27,351-41,050 $683.76- 1 026.25 Above Moderate >$4 1,05 1 $1026.26 . , Annual income Hgures for income groups provided by HUD (February 1990) for a family of four. *' Assumes 30% of annual income spent on housing payment. Does not include property taxes or insurance. Source: Arroyo Grande Planning Department, HCD, HUD. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT 1. Remove all strikeout text. Remove underlining from new text. 2. Delete Implementation Action b. under Policy 1.4 and renumber remaining actions. 3. Revise the second item under Implementation Action a. under Policy 3.4 as follows: "3.4 a. Flush valve operated water closets that are limited to one and one-half gallons per flush. 4. Delete Implementation Action c. under poHcy 7.1 and renumber remaining actions. EXISTING SETTING AND COMMUNITY I.SSUES REPORT 1. Remove all strikeout text. Remove underlining from new text. ."___'_'m _ -- ----'.'---. "' ~ \ 1 . i .I .::t:> ~ ~ . C"'\ . ~ I ~ ~ 0 ~ :u -/.. , .. )> , CV. '" 'T1 . '" -I .. '" :0 '" (') r- )> - ... -I '" 0 -< ." 0 () r- 0 0 0 0 0 8CJDD 0 -< ~ ;z: I!)" "tiJ )> ..,... - o~G') (j (fI~ ~~~8 ~~~~:::: ::u C G") C JJ", (j) <:i;'j Z ~ .~. "' ." Z 0 Ut ;ij ,- .., m zr--~ r- ~i!i CI f;r.;,;,~ 0 m~ o~!~;Z ~~~)ooG!: ~ )- );00 ~M .i c: r- fI'~ ;:0 ",G')~ S 0,.,-; ;v;-,;~g ,"II'''''~ '" 0 () :h. <;., :.t:: (n-.U - ",,," '" 0 .,- n:.; n Con)': _ .,,:=... ~ :;;0 :rr;,~~~!: m - n,. " '" C ."Z ;;0 ~O m nO QQ~z ;!; z r <:::tJ c c)> ,... ~!;i 5> "" ;tJ "'{~..cn.__ -. '" I)JZ -f C .r:U>~~ f.:;r- 5> '" ""0 c:: ~~ ~ :;:z () "tI~z'" !,:-< tI:h. , - :0:} ~ '!!t~ >' r-o (i)~ _ r- :0 '" n m <= 01 )oo.u:.u_ c::r-- r- .. ~''CO r- z:; ;tIi. Q '" -n Z . "1_. m I )> ,) : z ~1 Cn"IJ :r - : - ~ < .- '" n : .... 0 n,r-- z j:;.:. J. s; - :b .... 3 m ... m In c:: '" en Ut~~~ Ut~~~ ~ - x <tiJ 0 . .-. .... ::I )> Oon >61 - OQ ,,"Cn Xm Z In .---. .. 259 ATTAa-l'ENT "c" TO RESOLUTION NO. 2392 F I NO I NGS FOR SPEC I F I C AREAS PROPOSED TO BE 0iANGED A. The findings listed below relate to general changes to the land use map of the Land Use Element: 1. Areas that were changed from AGRICULTURE (PRIME FARMLAND - 10 ACRE MIN.) to PUBLIC FACILITY, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (4.5 du/ac), or RURAL RESIDENTIAL (1 du/ac) were revised to make the land use designation consistent with existing uses on the parcel, 2, Areas that were changed from AGR I CULTURE ( 1-1/2 ACRE M IN,) to HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL (1 dU/l.5 ac) did not have their density changed. The type of use was changed from agriculture to residential since the properties are non-prime fanmland and residential , i develor;ment would have been allowable under the old land use category, "- 3. Areas that were changed from LOo'I DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0,2 - 4,5 du/ac) to RESIDENTIAL ESTATE (1 du/2,5 ac), HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL (1 du/1.5 ac), RURAL RESIDENTIAL (1 du/ac), SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (2.5 du/ac), SI NGLE FAMI LY RESIDENTIAL (4.5 du/ac), CONDCNI N 1U'1/TOo'INHOUSE (9 du/ac), or APARTMENTS (11 du/ac) were revised to make the land use designation consistent with existing uses or densities on the parce I or the surrounding area. Land use classifications of propert i es that were changed to a less dense category were done so as to protect public health and/or safety based on existing or potential infrastructure or resource limitations. 4, Areas that were changed from LOo'I DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0.2 - 4.5 du/ac) to., GENERAL CCM1ERCIAL, OFFICE PROFESSIONAL, or VILLAGE o::M'1ERCIAL were revised. to make the land use designation consistent with ex i st i ng uses or - dens i ties on the parce I or - the surroundi ng area. 5. Areas that were changed from LOo'I DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0.2 -4.5 du/ac) to PUBLIC FACILITY were revised to make the land use designation consistent with existing uses on the parcel. 6, Areas that were changed from MED I U'1 LOo'I DENS I TY RES I DENT I AL (11 du/ac) to SINGLE FAMILY. RESIDENTIAL (4.5 du/ac) were revised to make the land use consistent with existing uses or densities on the parcel or the surrounding area. Land use classifications of properties that were changed to a less dense category were done so as to protect public health and/or safety based on existing or potential infrastructure or resource limitations. 7, Areas that were changed from MED I U'1 LOo'I DENS I TY RES I DENT I AL ( 11 du/ac) to OONDCNINIU'1/TOo'INHOUSE (9 du/ac) were revised to a less dense category so as to protect public health and/or safety based on existing or potential infrastructure or resource limitations. 8. Areas that were changed from MED I U'1 LOo'I DENS I TY RES I DENT I AL ( 11 du/ac) to VILLAGE <:::Q1'1ERCIAL were revised to make the land use designation consistent with existing uses or densities on the parcel or the surrounding area, , , , --- -.- 'suof~e~fwfl a~~nose~ ~o a~n~~n~'ise~)uf lef~ua'iod ~o 6uqsfxe uo peseq ^~a)es .JO/pue 4'ilee4 ~flqnd ;~a~o~d 0; se OS auop a~aM ^~e'ie~ asua'iuf ssal e 0; pa6ue4~ a~aM 'ie4; Saf'i~edo~d )0 suof~e~f)fssel~ esn puel 'ea~e 6ufPuno~~ns a4~ ~o la~~ed a4'i uo saf'ifsuap ~o sasn 6uf'isfxa 4'ifM wa~sfsuo~ uoqeu6fsap asn puel a4~ a~aUJo'i pasf^a~ a~aM 1VNOISS3.::1O~d 3::>1:1:10 0; 1VI::>~~ lV~3N~ w:J~) pa6ue4~ a~aM ~e4~ sea_IV 'g~ 'a6ellf^ apue~ O^o~~V :)f.JO~sf4 e4'i uf pa~e~ol a~e saf~~edo~d a4'i asne:)aq pasf^a~ a.JaM 1VI::>!:I314o.'OO 3~V111^ o~ 1VI~!:I3W.W lV~3N~w:J~) pa6ue4~ a~aM ~'e4~ sea~v 'LL 'ea~e 6ufPuno~~ns a4~ .JO la:)~d a4~ uo saf~fsuap ~o sasn I 6uf~sfxa 4~fM ~ua~sfsuo~ uOf~eu6fsap asn Puel a4~ a~aUJ o~ pasf^a~ i a~aM (:>e/np 6) 3Sf1OHN.YD.l./~ I N I w:xJNOO .JO (~e/np ; . v) 1VIJ.N30IS3!:1 L A1IWV:l 310NIS o~ lVI:)!:I3J,.WX) lVI:I3N3!:) W::>~) pa6ue4~ a~aM ~'e4~ s'ea~v '9l '^~ssa:)au ...aBuol au sf uoqeu6fsap 19f:> ."",,,..,"\ POO4~oq46fau a4~ a~0)a~a4~ I ^~06aw:) l'e~eue6 auo o~uf paufqJJX) a~aM SUof~'eu6fsap lef~~ lv~a^as a:1Ufs pasf^a~ a~aM 1VIO!:l3W.W 1V!:f3N3D o~ 1V 1 ~!:I3W.W OOOHI:I09I-fi> 13N UP~) pa6U'e4:1 e.JaM ~e4~ sea~v ';l 'la~~ed e4~ uo sasn 6uf~sfxe 4~fM ~ue~sfsuoo uoqeu6fsep esn puel a4~ a)j'SW o~ pesf^a~ a.JaM AJ.1110V:! :)(18nd o~ 1VIJ.N30IS3!:1 AJ.ISN30 I-fi>IH ~1(J3W UC~) pa6U'e4:) a~aM ~e4'i s'ea~v 'vl 'ea~ 6ufPuno~~ns a4~ ~o la:)~d a4~ uo saf~fsuap .JO salOn 6uf~sfxa 4~fM ~ua,+sfsuo:> UOf'+'eu6fsap.asn pusl a4~ a~aUJo,+ pasfAEl~ a~eM lVNOISS3.::1O!:Id 3:)1:!:!O ~o 'lVI~!:I3WWOO"30Vl11^ 'lVI~!:f3W.W lV!:f3N30 o~ (:)e/np v~) 1VIJ.N30IS3!:f AJ.ISN30 I-DIH ~I03W UP~) pa6ue4:) a~aM ~e4'+ s'ee~v 'El 'le:)~d a4~ uo salOn 6uf~s~xe a4~ 4~fM ~ua~sfsuo~ uoq"9u6fSap asn puel a4~ a~aUJ o~ ~o/pue sa~'+fun~~oddo 6Ufsn04 alqep~o))e apf^o~d o~ ~ap~o uf pesf^a~ a~aM (:)e/np ;Z/ll) ONlsnoH !:IOIN3S 0'+ (~e/np v~) 1VI.l.N3QIS3~ AJ.ISN30 I-fi>IH ~I03W UP~J. pa6uelp a~eM ,+e4~ sea~v 'Zl 'asn Puel 6u~,+sfxa 94'+ 4~fM ~ua~sfsuoo uOf~eu6fsap a4~ a)(aUJ o~ ~o/pue saqfun~~oddo 6ufsn04 alq-ep~oHe 6uf~sfxa a^~esa~d 0'+ ~ap~o uf pasf^a~ a~ajo\ )ll:I\Id ~ 31 I 'CJa..J 0'+ 1V I J.N30 I S3t:! AJ.\ SN30 I-fi> I H wnl CI3W UC~) paSUe4~ a~aJlo\ ,+e4'+ s'ea~'t 'a 'suof~'e'+fWfl a:)~nosa~ ~o a~n~:)n~~s-e~)uf lef~ua~od ~o 6uf~sfxa uo pas'eq ^,+a)'es ~o/pue 4~l9a4 ~flqnd ,+:)a~o~d O'i se os ^~oBa,+e:> asuap ssal 9 0'+ pasf^a~ a~aM (:>e/np ll) SJ.N3W.l!:l'td't 0'+ (:)'e/np . . v~) 1VI.1.N301S31:1 AJ.ISN30 I-fi>IH ~I03W UP~) pa6U'e4:> a~aM ,+e4'+ s-ea,JV 'Ol 'suof~e~fwfl a:)~nosa~ .JO e~n~~n~,+se~)uf lefWa~od ~o 6uf~sfxa UO pas-eq ^'ia)9S .Jo/pue 4'il'ee4 ~ H qna ~:)e~o~d 0'+ s'e os auop a.JaM ^.J069~'e:) asuap ssa l 'e o~ pa6ue4:) a.JaM ~e4'+ sef~~edo~d )0 SUOf ,+9:) f H sse l::l asn Pue1 'ee~ 6Ufpuno.J.Jns e4'i ,JO la::l~ed a4'i uo saf~fsuap .JO sesn SUf~sfxa 4~fjo\ ~ue~sfsuoo asn puel a4'+ eljaUJ 0'+ pasf^a.J a~9JIo\ (::Ie/np 6) 3SI"IOHNh'D.l/wnINlw::JON(X) ~o (:)'e/np !i'v) lV I lN30 I S3t:! AlIWV:J 3""&jIS o'i (:)'e/np '- v~) lVI.1.N301S3!:1 AJ.'-SN30 I-DIH ~I03-1 UD~) paSUe4:) ,MIM 'ie4'+ s-ea..rv '6 Z6(Z 'ON uonnTos<:J'!I '. Oq7. --- " Resolution No. 2392 2 6 1 19. Areas that were changed Fran H I GiNA Y CCM'1ERC I AL to GENERAL COI'1'1ERC I AL were revised since several commercial designations were carbined into one general category, therefore the highway commercial designation is no longer necessary. . 20. Areas that were changed Fran HIGiNAY COM'1ERCIAL to MOBILE HOME PARK were revised in order to preserve existing affordable housing opportunities and/or to make the designation consistent with the existing land use. 21, Areas that were changed Fran OFFICE PROFESSIONAL to SINGLE FAMilY (4.5 du/ac) were revised to make the land use designation consistent with existing uses on the parcel. 22. Areas that were changed Fran OFFICE PROFESSIONAL to GENERAL CXJI'1'\ERCIAL were revised to make the land use designation consistent with existing uses on the parcel. 23. Areas that were changed Fran OFFICE PROFESSIONAL to SENIOR HOUSING were revised in order to provide affordable housing opportunities. '- These sites are located in areas that meet the needs of senior citizens - public transit, medical facilities, and shopping avai labi 1 ity. 24. Areas that were changed Fran CENTRAL BUSINESS DIS"mICT to OFFICE PROFESSIONAL were revised to provide a transition franrrore intense commercial uses to residential uses. 25. Areas that were changed Fran CENTRAL BUSINESS DIS"mICT to VILLAGE CCM'1ERCIAl were revised in order to preserve and enhance the historic Arroyo Grande village, 26. Areas tha.t.. were changed Fran HEAVY CXM1ERCIAL/LIGfT INDUSTRIAL to RURAL RESIDENTIAL (1 du/ac) or SINGLE FAMILY (4,5 du/ac) were revised to since industrial uses are not appropriate in those locations because of proximity to residential areas. 21, Areas that were changed Fran. HEAVY COM'1ERCIAL/LIGfT INDUSTRIAL to GENERAL CCM'1ERCIAL or VILLAGE COM'1ERCIAL were revised since industrial uses are not appropriate in those locations because of proximity to residential areas and/or the Arroyo Grande creek. 28. Areas that were changed from CIVIC CENTER to SENIOR HOUSING were revised to provide affordable housing opportunities, The site is located in an area which meets senior needs - public transit, medical facilities, and shopping availability. 29. Areas that were changed Fran PARK, GREENBELT, OR OPEN SPACE to HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL (1 dU/1.5 ac) were revised since the Parks and Recreation Elanent adopted in 1988 does not list this area for a park and the site is not suitable for development of a park. '^- I ------..- - !:o~ I Resolution No. 2392 B. The f~ndings lis~ed bel~ r~la~e to specific parcels brought to the City ~ Counc1l or Plannmg Caml1ss1on s attention by the property owner. ' 1. PARCEL ADDJ!~SS - 1200 Grand Avenue APN - 11-111-049 g~~SIIN9__G~ - General Commercial and heavy commercial/light industrial PRQe..Q21;.D GP - Genera 1 Commerci a 1 FINDINGS - Industrial land uses are not appropriate in this area. 2. P.ARCEL ADD.Fi'S~ - 1212 Farroll A-PN - 11-241-035 ,~;?TI.~(:LCE. - MediLl11 high density residential (14 du/ac) EROPO;?fJ' GP - Office Professional FINDINGS - The proposed category would allow the existing use. 3. pARCEL _ADD.F_ES~ - 1169 Ash APN - 11-182-045 and 041 EXISTING ~ - MediLl11 high density residential (14 du/ac) PRO!,O~.E.Q~ - Conc!aniniLl11/Townhouse (9 du/ac) fJLNDINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality, 4, pARCEL ADDEi'SS - Nelson, Short, Poole, Traffic Way A-PN - 01-541-001 through 029 pOSTING GP - General Commercial and medill1\ hig!:1,pensity residential (14 du/ac) 'pRQI?.OSEP GP - Vi 11 age Commercial and Condaninit.m/Townhouse (9 du/ac) fJLNDINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air qua lity, 5. PARCEL ADDRESS - 522 E. Branch, 404-410 E, Branch; 520 E. Oranch APN - 01-501-006, 01-494-011, 01-494-013, and 07-494-014; 01-501-001 ~2(lSTI.~_~ - Heavy COmmercial/Light 'Industrial PROPOSED GP - Village Commercial FlN[)INGS-=-lndustrial uses are not appropriate in this area of the City because-of its proximity to residential areas and Arroyo Grande creek. '"'\ 6, PARCI;,L ADDRESS - 146 Juniper, 1539 - 1595 Grand, N, Ash between Oak Park and Spruce APN - 17-121-001, 002, 006; 71-131-002, 003, 004, 005, 019 g~ISILN9~P. - Heavy Commercial/Light 'ndustrial PROPOSED GP - Specific plan required - underlying uses = General Commercial-;-Rura1 Residential <1 du/ac), and Single Family (4.5 du/ac) FINDING~ - A specific plan will allow adequate planning of the 53 total acres currently in strawberry production. The area lacks adequate infrastructure. Residential and carmercial uses are adjacent to the property. Dens i ties hi gner than those proposed wou 1 d overtax ex i st i n9 or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. --~_._..,-- -----,'--- - --- '., ... .I..._~............"~\",,,IJ.. L""-".. '..J~~ 1. PARCEL ADDRESS - 301 Mason 2 6 ~ AP~ - 01-546-001 EXISTING C~ - Medium high density residential (14 du/ac) PROPOSED GP - Single Fanily Residential (4.5 du/ac) FINDI~GS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water. sewer. roads, and air quality. Areas of existing single family homes were designated as such in order to preserve the City's affordable housing stock, 8. PARCEL ADORES$. - 116 Myrtle; 835 E, Cherry ~PN - 07-511-001. 001. 011. 012. 013. 016. 018. 019; 07-565-004. 005 EXISTING GP - Agriculture (prime fanmland - 10 acre minimum) PROPOSED GP - Rural Resident_ial (1 du/ac) FINOINC,s - The area has been previously subdivided into parcels less than five acres in size, Single family residences are constructed on these parcels and it is not likely they will be used for agricultural purposes, The general plan is being amended to conform to the existing land use. 9. PARCEL ADDRESS - 295 Alder (Alder House) APN - 071-204-001 . :EXiSTING Ge. - Medium high density residential (14 du/ac) '- PROPOSED GP - Senior Housing (11 du/ac - 25 du/ac for residential care facilities and low incane housing) FINDINGS - The proposed designation is consistent with the existing use on the site (senior residential care facility). 10. PARCEL ADDRESS - Cherry Avenue and Branch Mill APN - 07-621-054 EXISTING GP - Agriculture (prime fanmland - 10 acre minimum) PROPOSED CP - General Agriculture FINDINGS-=- No change is being made to the general plan land use designation, The existing zoning (RAB3) is inconsistent with the General Plan and since a City's General Plan takes precedence over its zoning ordinance. the. existing RAB3 zoning is invalid. Zoning will be brought into coopliance with the General Plan. The majority of this property consists of prime fanmland. The property is located in an area of agricultural operations. 11. PARCEL ADDRESS - 911 and 981 Bennett street APN - 17-111-061 and 063 EXISTING GP - Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial PROPOSED ~P - General Commercial FINDINGS - Industrial uses are not appropriate in this area of the City because of its proximity to residential areas, Material dealers are similar to other general carrnet'cial uses, 12. PARCEL ADDRESS - South of Arroyo Grande High School AP~ - 06-084-011. 06-095-003. 016 . FXISTING GP - Agriculture (1.5 acre minimum lot size) PROPOSED GP - Hillside Residential (1 dU/l.5 ac) FINDINGS - The density is not proposed to be changed, The type of use was changed fran agriculture to residential since the properties are non- prime fanmland and residential developnent would have been allowable under the old land use category, ~ ~--~ -~._--- c..u'+ I Resolution No. 2392 13. E.ABCEL [\DD.f!l'SS - Parcels on Pearwood Avenue -., APN - 07-441-034 and 035 .SX-L~TING~ - Low density residential (0,2-4.5 du/ae) PRQPOSE~ - Hillside Residentia1 (1 dU/l.S ac) FINDINGS - The topography of this area pree1udes assigning a higher density, 14. eABCEL ADDRES~ - 1040 - 1052 c:rand Avenue ~ - 77-111-054, 055, 056, and 060 ~~~~TI.NG_~ - General Commercial PRQPO$.I;P GP - General Commereia1 FINDINGS - Newspaper pub1ishing is similar in character to other general ccnmercial uses. 15, P.ABCEL ADDRES!! - Branch Mi 11 and Coach Road .~N - 07-731-004 .~ISTIl!G~~ - Agriculture (prime fanmland - 10 acre minimum) PROPQ$KD GP - General Agriculture FINDINGS - The soil type on this property is c1assified as prime farmland. The property is adjacent to agricultural operations. 16. fA8CEL ~lLES~ - 1220 Farro", Landnark Missionary Baptist Church .~N - 77-241-012 glU.~TL~ ~ - .Mediu:n high density residential (14 du/ac) ?RQPOS~D GP - Public facility FINDI~ - The propOsed category wou1d allow the..6'lfisting use (church and school) and Senior Housing. 17, P~RCEL~DD~SS - 119 Juniper Street APN - 77-141-002 EX I 5T I NG GP - Genera 1 Corrmerci a 1 'p'ROPosiD GP - Condcminiu:n/Townhouse . (9 du/ac) 'FlNDlNcis--=-Circulation irrpacts will be less under the proposed residential category. The proposed category is consistent with surrounding uses, 18. .!".~Bg;L _A~.E~S. - 1148 Fair Oaks APN - 77-182-030 :fii$TINg-9E - Medium high density residential (14 du/ae) ""1 ?R9.e9~g,D GP - Condcminiu:n/Townhouse (9 du/ac) FINDINGS - The proposed dens ity and 1 and use is a transition frcm apartments to single family hcmes which are adjacent to this site, Higher density wou1d overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. 19. PARCEL ADDRESS - 131 and 137 Juniper street, 1280 Poplar; 1270 Poplar ,..- ~-_._.- - - ---. ~~~ - 77-141-010, 011; 77-141-009, 012 );):<~S.TIJ'!9~ - Meditrn low density residential (11 du/ae) E.1l9.l:'2sJ::P~ - Condcminitrn/Townhouse (9 du/ae) fiND I NGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. 20, p"~RCEL 1'OO111"Ss. - 101, 250 and 290 Ridgeview Way A-PN - 07-241-010 and 011, 018 );):<~STL~__G.!". - Low density residential (0.2 - 4.5 du/sc) PRQ~Q~~D GP - Rural Residential (1 du/ac) FINDINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resource such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality, ", Resolution No. 2392 26~ 21, P~BCEL ADDRESS - 330 Tally HoRoad APN - 07-031-023 EXISTING CP - Low density residential (0,2 - 4.5 du/ac) PROPOSED or - Residential Suburban (2.5 du/ac) FINDINGS - The proposed designation for this property is simi lar to existing surrounding densities. Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. 22. PARCEL ADDRESS - 122 Poole Street APN - 07-542-003 EXISTING GP - Medium high density residential (0,2 -4,5 du/ac) PROPOSED CP - General Commercial FINDING~ --The proposed designation would allow the logical continuation of commercial uses in the area. 23. PARCEL ADDRESS - 325 Alder St, APN - 77-204-003 ~~STING Cp- - Medium high density residential (14 du/ac) PROPOSED or - Condc.miniumjTownhouse (9 du/ac) fIN.QINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resource such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. 24. PARCEL ADDRESS - 331 Mason/305 Allen APN - 07-546-021 EXISTING GP - Medium high -density residential (14 du/ac) pROPOSED CP - Single Family Residential (4.5 du/ac) FINDINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. 25. PARCEL ADDRESS - 1190 West Branch APN - 007-781~016 EXISTING GP -"Agriculture PROPOSED CP - Rural Residential (1 du/ac) FINDINGS - The parcel is not used and is not I ikely to be used for agricultural purposes, The general plan is being amended to confonn to the existing land use (residential) at a density that is compatible with surrounding planned development, 26, PARCEL ADDRESS - 381, 393, 397, 433 Corbett Canyon Road APN - 07-791-005,011,029. EXISTING ~ - Low density residential (0.2-4.5 du/ac) PROPOSED GP - Hillside Residential (1 dU/1;5 ac) FINDJJ:!.~ - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resource such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality, 27, PARCEL ADDRESS - 357 TallyHo Road APN - 07-241-006 EXISTING or - Low density residential (0,2 - 4,5 du/ac) PROPOSED or - Rural Residential (1 du/ac) FINDINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resource such as water, sewer, roads, and air qual ity, ,- I , - --"- ,-vv \ Resolution No. 2392 .-, 28. !:~I3CEL _!lDI:!.IiES~ - 536 East Cherry .~N - 07-621-009 .I~XI.~TI~~ - Agriculture (prime farmland-10 ac. min) ?RQPQ~~P GP - Single Family Residential (4.5 du/ac) FINDING,'!, - The size of this parcel is not conducive to faMTIing. It is not currently used for agricultural purposes. The general plan is being amended to confoMTI to the existing land use. 29. !:~I3CEL ADI:!.I3E:S~ - 136 Bridge, 135 to 145 Bridge st. .~N - 07-481-014; 07-491-018, 019, 020 gKL~TI~~ - Central 8usiness District PRQPO~~D GP - Village Commercia1 FIND I NGS - The area west of Mason Street and south of Arroyo Grande creek is current 1 y occup i ed by predoni nant 1 y retail and serv i ce ccrnnerc i a 1 uses. The "village thane" is also evident 'in the design of many of the buildings in this area. 30, !:~8CEL @DR..~S . - Cherry Ave. and Traffic Way ~~ - 007-621-053 and 052 R)5l.~Tl~<L9.e. - Highway Corrmercia1 PRQP051;.D GP - Genera 1 CCrrmerci a 1 FINDI~ - The highway OOll,et cial uses were incorporated into the General CCrrmerci a 1 category. The area to be designated general ccrnnercia'l corresponds to the existing property shown as highway commercial, . . 31. PAI3CEL ADI?N:SS. - Between South Traffic Way and Branch Mill Road APN - 07-611-017 J;.xISTIJi<;'LGf - Agriculture (1-1/2 ac min.) and Park, Greenbelt 8r Open Space PRQPOS~ GP - Hillside Residential (1 du/1.5 du) FINDINGS - The density on the site is not proposed to be changed. The type of use was changed from agriculture to residential since the properties are non-PI" ime farmland and residential developrent would have been allowable under the old land use category. The. 1988 Parks and Recreation. Elanent does not list this area for a park and the portion of the site currently shown for park, greenbelt and open space is not suitable for development of a park. A specific plan will allow adequate planning of the area since it is lacking infraStructure. """I 32. ~~RCEL !lDQIiI;S~ - corner of Spruce and Ash APN - 77-163-016 & 017 gXiSTING-9P - Medium High Density Residential (14 du/ac) PRQeQ~EJ;I GP - Condominium/townhouse, (9 du/ac) FINDINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure andlor resource such as water, sewer , roads, and air quality. 33. !:~I3CEL ADDBE:5~ - 1405 Grand ,~Ji - 77-131-001, 006, 007, 008; 77-121-005 RKLsTL~~ - General Commercial and Heavy COmmercial-Light Industrial PROPOSED GP - General Carmercial FlNi)iN'GS-=-lndustrial land uses are not appropriate in this area. 34. PARCEL ADDRESS - Fair Oaks and Arroyo Grande Creek --------. APN - 06-341-018 !::XISIl~G Cf. - Agriculture (prime farmland - 10 ac. min.) ?RQPO~.I;P GP - General agriculture (10 ac. min.) FINDINGQ - The property is used for agricultural purposes and ;s located on prime agricultural soils. No change is being made to the general plan land use designation. __n_____--...---- ." .. Resolution No. 2392 267! 35. PARCEL ADDRESS - 1173 Fair Oaks hPN - 77-272-005 EXISTI~__~ - Medium High Density Residential (14 du/ac) PROPOSED GP - Apartments (11 du/ac) EWD I NGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air qual ity, 36, PARCEL ADD8ESS - 424 & 430 Traffic Way APN - 07-594-014 & 015 EXISTING GP - Highway Cannercial pROPOSED GP - General Cannercial FINDINGS - The highway carmercial uses were incorporated into the General Commercial category. 37, PARCEL ADDRESS - 1110 Sunset Drive APN - 77-211-025 EXISTING ~p - Low Density Residential (0.2 - 4,5 du/ac) pROPOSED GP - Apartments (ll du/ac) with the requirement that the site be '- conditionally zoned to only allow the continuation of the existing Use, FINDINGS - Rental units currently exist on this site. .------. 38, pARCEL ADDRESS - 935 and 943 Dodson Way hPN - 77-203-014 & 015 EXISTING CR - Office Professional PROPOSED GP - Single Family Residential (4.5 du/ac) FINDINGS - Single family hares currently exist on the site. Higher intensity would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. 39. PARCEL ADDRESS - 200 Nelson st. APN - 07-543~Oj5 EXISTING GP - Medium High Density Residential (14 du/ac) PROpOSED CR - Village Cannercial FINDINGS - This area had its land use designation changed to make it consistent with the surrounding area. High residential density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. 40. PARCEL ADDRESS - 212 Short AP~ - 07-541-018 EXISTING CR - Medium High Density Residential (14 du/ac) PROPOSED GP - Condaninium/Townhouse (9 du/ac) FINDINCS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure and/or resources such as water, sewer, roads, and a i I" quality. 41- PARCEL ADDRESS - 241 Corbett Canyon Rd. APN - 07-031-040 EXISTING GP - Low Density Residential (0.2 - 4.5 du/ac) PROPOSED GP - Residential suburban (2.5 du/ac) FINDINGS - This area had its land use designation changed to make it consistent with the surrounding area. -- I --~._,.,_._- '"v v . I I Resolution No. 2392 .-.. 42. P~BCEL ADQRES$. - 315 S. Elm ~PN - 11-182-005 .E.?<l.~Jl.~~ - MediUTI High Density Residential (14 du/ac) 'pRQ.e..Q~~P GP - CondaniniUTI/Townhouse (9 du/ac) FINDINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure andlor resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air qua 1ity. 43. P"#\~CEL ADQ.FiES$. - Myrtle st. and Arroyo G'-ande Creek APN - 01-522-008 :~iSTI~~ - Low Density Residential (0.2 - 4.5 du/ac) p-~ED GP - Single Family Residential (4.5 du/ac) with the requirement that the site be conditionally zoned to only allow two units. f I Ng I NGS - The site is adjacent to the Arroyo Q'-ande Creek and bu i 1 dout to the maxirrun allowable density would irT'C)act the creek and be inconsistent with densities on the south side of Myrtle st. 44. p"~RCEL ADO.ALES$. - Corner of Brighton and Courtland APN - 11-381-001 to 011 :~ii~Jl.~~ - MediUTI High Density Residential (14 du/ac) .PRQe..Q$.~Q GP - CondaniniUTI/Townhouse (9 du/ac) FINDINGS - Higher density would overtax existing or planned City infrastructure andlor resources such as water, sewer, roads, and air quality. . .~... '1 I