R 2387 ,'"- , 237- . . .. . RE'UDl'ICIf NO. 2387 A ~mICIf OF 'l'fIE JIRROfO GRANDE cm a:mfCIL APPROVING cnml'l'IO'tI\L USE PJ!Bo(I'I.' C'J\SE NO. 89-466 APPLIED FOR BY BILLIE A. C. SlIGER'!', 130 Slfaa' S'l'REE'r, .'OR EXPJ\NSIaf OF J\N EXIS'l'ING Naf-<Xl'lFOOHING USE, ADOPtING A NmATIVE DmJlRATlaf J\ND INSTROC'l'ING 'l'HE CI'l'V' a.mK '1'0 FILE A A HarICE OF DE'l'ERKINATlat " tIHEREAS, the Planning Carmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has held the required public hearing on Conditional Use Permit Case No. 89-466 on February 20, 1990 in accordance with Article 31 of the zoning Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; and I WHmE7\S, the Planning Carmission denied the Conditional Use Permit upon L finding, after due study, deliberation and public hearing that the followinq cirClRStances exist: 1. The proposed use is not consistent with the General Plan because I the General Plan designation is CBI) and residential uses are not i in keeping with the purpose of the designation. , , 2. The design and layout of the proposed use is not suitable because adequate setbacks have not been provided. WHEREAS, Billie A. C. Swigert has appealed the Planning Carmission's I decision t.o the City Council; and I , ~,. the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has held the I required public hearing regard.ing the appeal on Haren 27, 1990 and April 24, ! 1990; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this project in CQII)liance with I I the California Environmental Quality Act (caJI\) and has determined that a I Negative Declaration can be adopted and instructs the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination: and I WHmEIIS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following cir~tances exist: I 1. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan because the City Council has indicated that the Ceneral Plan update will allow expansion of existing historic residential structures in the Village Calmercial category. , I I 2. The site is adequate in size and shape for the proposed use because all parking, setbacks and open spaces can be provided. 3. The site for the proposed use has adequate access. 4. The proposed use will not have an adverse effect on the adjacent property. 5. The design and layout of the proposed use is suitable. '- 6. The px:oject will not have an environmental inpact. NCR, ~d:, BE I'1' R&SOLVEI) that the Arroyo Grande City Council does hereby approve said Conditional Use Permit, subject to appropriate standard conditions of the City of Arroyo Grande, and the following special conditions: General Calditions 1. '1'he applicant shall ascertaiD and carply with all state, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. ' Developnent shall occur in substantial conformance with. the plans presented to the City Council at the meeting ot_ April 24, 1990 and marked ''Exhibit A". . \ Planning Department Conditions , 3. Developrent shall confonn with the CBI) zoning requirements, unless otherwise approved. , -~-~-_.- ~3 s. ... . 4. The applicant shall record.a reversion to acreage map an the subject property prior to issuance of building pe~ts. 4: ~., Building Deparbrslt Condi tims 5. Prior to issuance of building permits the applicants shall properly abandon all wells, septic tanks and similar cmdi.tiU1S. 6. Prior to building final, the applicants shall verify all sewer hook- ups. Rec.......ended Planning Cannission Cmditicus 7. Exterior wood siding shall be used in the ccmtructian of the addition. 8. . Casement windows to match the existing house shall be used in the ~ construction of the addition. On notion by Council Merrber Smith, seconded by Council MelrberD0u9al~ and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES : Council ME1nbers snith, Dougall, Olsen, fotx)ts and Mayor Millis NOES None ABSmr: None the foregoing resolution was adopted this 25th day of April 1990. ;?;fi~ I A'141'l$t: ~a, Q,u~ tIMer A. IS, CITY CLERK . '1 , ,. I