O 005
, . .
~ \.
County of San Luis Obispo S S
,< . W. H. SMITH, of said county, being first duly sworn, de-
. poses and says: That he is a citizen of the United States,
Oed.' . N 5 over 21 years of age; that he is oru>.of the printe)%' of THE
nance 0,
._ .'. c RECORDER, a weekly newspaper published and printed at
AN ORD1NANCl~. PBovmm" 'fIlAT 'lliE . . .
H.ILAumS'OF TilE OIl'Y >lAUHILIL.lIll' Arroyo Grande, In the county of San LUIs ObiSPO, state of Cal-
>lAY "" FIXI-;D BY HESOI.tJTHJN OF TIm ifornia that the notice of which a true copy is hereto attach.
HOAltIJ 01" CITY 1'ItUf:5TI':EH OF 'rrrl~ CITY ,
of .\HHOYO GHANrH~; D!<:SlGN;UUW A. t1] 3 ..I
TJ>lIHOH PAYM>:NT OFSAlIJ a.-FICERH; ed, was first published in its issue dated thea<. . "'Jiay of
~HAl..L m~ l'A1D.
The Jlo-ard of 'frustecs of tIle City of ,\1'1'0 YO "_ . "71 _ k:~V1";1\. D. 19t1_ - -, the last publication there-
({raJH!e hereby ordttilJ ns follow,~, to wit: . .'
.Hedion 1., The IIIHtfl1 of Tru:-;Lel'M of the ('ity .., ? ~ /~fr'
01 Arroyo (.rltllde JUny, IJr !L rc.~olllti()n dILlv of betng In the Issue dated the _ _ _ _ _c;:;"'-..." <;...! _ -J- - - _ _ - day of
]la~se(1 at /tuy rCl;ulnr meetJlJg of ,,:aifl LOfLl'rl,--- --
d'.!\<i~\\\\t.\' the monthh' :'\!\hnv to oc 'pl\i(l to the a ~
elt", 1'.Iar:<hal, the CH~' Clnrk Itnd the ('It v l\t: // ~ /' " / ,/'
torneYltlldall ot!!('rcl1!]JloYl'(\~oftlll'cil,i-: th(! ,//, _\ _U-:L..~~ --, A. D.19 _ --; that the
:<nh~r)' 01 cRuh of the n!IidaJs HttIlW(1 I\<, - 1/
to l)e and bccom!J due uud plt)-aLle t\t the IJr:<t /,
rC'g'uhu meeting- II)' eycry mnnth for the prevj- ., .' . '
nus clllcnrlar month; all saluril's nnder this or. Said notIce as publIshed In regular and entIre Issue of ev-
{Hm~nce mu~t be 1)ahl ont of, the salnr)' tuua,
~l'{', 2.Uutilthcreshallbcestl\hlishednsnlltry b f .d d. h - d d - ,
fllud RlJysalttry may be paid ont of 'my fnud, ery num er 0 SaI newspaper unng t e peno an tIme oj.
~~_ :t The I'alarics of the oft1eiuls hl1rl'in
'Lhl~\'e-uan~ed, when once fIxe{1 mllst he IlUI! re- '. ' .
mall1 so tJxcd for fI. period of at leu.st threl' PubhcatlOn 'aforesaid. that IS to say on
II1nllths, ' \ I
This orc!infl.Jlcc shall he in effect from and af.
ter its 111'><1 puiJJj('~ltion, ./
PaRRc'l {ll\(i (\\'c1"r~'d printcd,- . . - - - - -. - ...----:---'
,. 1tE~Ol.lJTJON NO, l,. . -: ",'. . /.....-;-/'--" ,,____".
.Y:'!",o J. lie,' 1:",01,,". LVlh' 110.," of ~. . '-- ,,,--: __ . __.' . .. ';;;...\J.
Irm.t,~'\'!>lJ[ th{: C1Jy of Arro)-'(I Urunde that tht' -
!'Ilhtr~t's()f I,he following" named offldals O~ and
~~~~~~i~'; ltntIl cha.uged by this boo.r{) as f{,Hows,
The city marshal, tUteen doli!trs ($15.()(I) tor
elle!1 eukndllr mOllth_ ' .
The Cit.r Clerk /tftem1 ($lfd.lO) d('Jlli\TS for eRe11
l'lllt'lHlItr IIWI1f!1.
TIJl~ Cft)" Attorney, flftel'1l (~l;)JJO) dolIllrs
for t'!wh l'alcmlltt' month. for!\ll Work e-xcept
defelJllIn/( or prosecuting for the cif.v,
Thl' Rui(} snJn.ries arc to cl)JJ1melJc~ from Itnd
nfter tlw lirst duy of .\nguRt, lUll,
St.'e, 2. TA,bort'r~ 011 the publit' streets or hlg-h. - - --
w:tp, fol' l'1g-lIt hours' labnr, two ('2J>O) dollars
per (IllY. l"or Ollt' man I\ml t{'RU! of two Jl!HSt'~
thl'{'(' IlIII1 oUt'-half n;;J)'-~)) dollurs per day, 1"0;
on'rS:'i~r of Itny kltHl, ~treet or road work, two
Iwd onc-hlll! (~2,50) pcrduy,
1'!\~H~\\ an"'- nr\(1pted (his 20tJ1 dt\)" of Septem. crnd _ _-:-:- _ A. D. 19
her, IUl1. hr the foIlowwg" roll cnIl: '
,\ye.~; TrllNtee~ Alexander, Gillitlln Henry
i;~~~.~~~~\e~1(~i)t~:, "That said notice was published in said newspaper proper and
I'n'sl,lent of the n0!mi o[ Trustecs of tile City
of Arroro (JnuHle, ' not in the supplement thereto.
Atft'Nt: H. 1"_ ~TJ';\\'AJtT, /
(~L'nl)" Clerk of the Cit>' of At'ro~'o Grl\-ude, /~ . _"_ _ ---- /' /
J,H.l',Htewart, ('lerkof the city of Arrovo _- / C_......~ _/ . -'j
, Iira_lJ(h',do.lwr~1b)"eertifytlHtt the foreg-oii1g - ---.:>.....v -J v- --- -t~- -- ----
I OJ'(1JI~'tIWC WI\H Jutroduel'd and rcad at a regular ./
I1!L'(>llllJ; oi the lutilI hOllrd of trust.ees of the '
('Ity of Arroyo Graude, held on the J3th dav of -"7 ?
St'l,t~mloer, 1\)11, lI.ud was pllHsed at 0. rC~lllar .L:-...:J ------
HiCCnuj!; hdd,Oh the'2.\)thda)'oi\:l.eptcmoer,l\Jl1.. SUbsaibed and sworn to before me this
by the !oHow]J!g vote on roll cull: . .
,\yes: 'trllstecsS, Alcxander,J,W,Gillilt;n -~ .
A'J\,1-Icnq"I!',J!:,llcn1\~tt,ij,ijrieb,' d f r . ) AD 19 / / /l
'\'I.es: !\one, ay 0 _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _. _.k--:::.. - - - -, . . ~ /. -. ~.
~njtl onHuanre w!\s then and there signcd by , / --
thCIJ!'l'''ii1ClJtnfsl\iilbo.at'd.{}ftntst~s tl.ud .a.t-- ~.... /tj /.. ~ "L.~--L <- A.
tesW(1 b)-lheclerk ofsa-id city, I_I?-I~. .'-:-:. ~__L~-~ ---. ,- ~ ----:. -- --
JII witness whereof, 1111\'\'e hereunto set m)' '
II 1IJ(11~1JI1 alTixe<i the !'t./tl of said city Iff Ar-
m~-\) Unmt1l' this 2I>th lln)' 01 Septmulicr 1911
I D. ,'. oTEIV ART: . Notary Public in an for the County of San Luia Obiapo,
(Sl'1l ) Clmk of the city of Arroyo GrlLnde, . S f Cal'f .
tate 0 I ornl8