R 2380
. 217 ,
" ,
RESOIDrIat NO. 2380
HI\P NO. 1769 am\'l'ING wrs WINGING IN SIZE FRQ( 6,000 SQ. Fr.
'l'O 14,000 SQ. Fr. at ft]f J\an;:s LOCI\'1'm at FJ\RROLL AvatDE ALCttC
'DIE \oIt;:)"11>1d.Y CIT\( LOOTS, J\ND IHSl'RUCTING '!HE CI'!Y ~ '10 FILl!:
A NO'l'IO!: 00' m..~'l'Iat (APPLICM1': HERB PHILLIPS)
.... -.
WHEREI\S, the city COUncil of the city of Arroyo Grande Msconsidered Tentative
Tract Map No. 1769, filed by Herb Phillips to create 30 single family residential
lots with two small dri.\inage basin lots, for a total of 32 lots: and
WHEREI\S, the proposed c1evelopnent was reviewed in caJtlliance with the requirements
of the California Environmental Quality Act (CFYJA), and the City council finds that
1 the project would result in no-significant effect on the enviroma\t provided that
the mitigation measures al:'e ill'()lemented, and. therefore, the adoption of a Negative
Declaration is appropriate; and
L WHEREI\S, the proposed tentative tract was found to be consistent with the General
Plan; and
WHEREI\S, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberaticn and public hearing, ,
the following cirCl.lletances exist: ,
1. The proposed map, design and .iJltlrovement of this subdivision. is consistent
with the General Plan maps and text because the General Plan designation for
this site is "Development Plan Required", and the applicants are providing
that plan, and because appropriate conditions have been incorporated into
the resolution fol:' approval.
2. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of
develo~t because all yard, open spaces, setbacks, fences and walls,
parking areas and other features can be accamodated.
3. The proposed subdivision is not likely to cause substantial and considerable
danage to the natural environment, including fish, wildlife or their habitat,
provided that the proposed mitigation measures are adopted and ill'()lemented.
4. The proposed design of the subdivision or proposed iJItIrovements are not
likeley to cause public health problems.
5. The proposed subdivision design will not conflict with public easements
within or through the site.
IG, 'l'IImEFORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED that the City COuncil of the City of Arroyo Grande
hereby adopts a negative declaration with mitigation measures, instructs the City
Clerk to file a Notice of Dete~tion, and approves said tentative tract map,
subject to the standard conditions of the City and the following special conditions: I
Hi tiqatian Measures I
All mitigation measures as outlined in the conditions of approval shall be i
inplemented and naUtored by appropriate City departments and other reaponsible
agencies. Verification in writing that the mitigation measures have been inplemented
shall be provided by the naU toring department. !
1. In the event that during grading, construction or c1evelopnent of the project,
archaeological resources are uncovered, all work shall imnec1iately be halted
\.Intil the City has reviewed the.resources for their significance. Additional !
archaeological studies, which will be paid for by the "applicant, may be
required. Mditionally, any construction plans shall be referenced to this
Mali taring Department: Planning Department
'I.':iJJe FraIre: Prior to isauance of permits and during construction.
2. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall enter into an
agreenent with the City, in a form approved by the city Attorney, whereby
the developer agrees on behalf of himself and his successors in interest,
to pay the City a fee of Two Thousand. Six Hundred and Fifty Six dollars
($2,656) per residential unit for traffic mitigation. This fee shall be
paid for each residential unit, prior to issuance of each building permit
...... . or within five (5) years of recordation of the final map, whichever is
sooner. In the event that the City should adopt a method of funding traffic
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. ~ mitigations which shall include assessment of lots in tract 1769, the fees
~..18" provided for herein shall be credited against the principalarrount of the
Honi taring Department: Planning Department
Time Frame: Prior to recordation of the final map.
3. The developer shall construct a solid fence. six feet (6') high.along the
entire eastern boundary of Dixson street and the eastern property lines of
lots 20. and 30, except that portion of lot 30 within the required street.
setback, wherein the fence shall not exceed three feet (3') in height.
Monitoring Department: Plarming Department
Time Frame: Prior to final acceptance of tract in'{3rovements.
4. The developer shall notify potential buyers of lots within the developnent
of the consequences of existing and potential agricultural operations on
adjacent parcels. including but not limited to dust, noise, odors and
agricultural chemicals.
Honi taring Deparbnent: Planning Department ,
Time F.......: Prior to Recordation of the final map the applicant shall sub1ti. t ...)
a draft copy of the White Report showing ill'Plementation of this
mitigation measure.
5. Farroll Avenue shall be ill'Proved to at least 1/2 width section to ccmform
with Farroll Avenue inmediately west of Bakenan Lane and east of st. Jom
Circle. centerline striping shall be provided. ..
Mord torinq Depar1:mr!nt: Public Works Department
Time Frame: Prior to final acceptance of tract inprovements.
6. Farroll Avenue shall be red curbed for SO feet on either side of its
intersection with oak Park Boulevard.
HoUtorinq Departrnent: Public Works Deparbnent
'rilne Fl.......: Prior to final acceptance of tract inprovements.
7. stop signs shall be provided on Dixson Street and Noe street at their
intersection with oak Park Boulevard. A stop sign shall be provided on oak
Park Boulevard at its intersection with Farroll Avenue.
HoUtoring Department: Public Works .Deparbnent
'rilne Frame: Prior to final acceptance of tract i1l'Provements.
8. A one foot (1') access denial strip shall be required on all lot frontages
adjacent to Farroll Avenue and Oak Park Boulevard.
Honi taring Departrnent: Public Works Department
'rilne Frame: Prior to recordation of the final map.
9. The applicant shall fotlTUlate a water conservation program to be approved
by City Council prior to recordation of the tract map. The program shall
include provisions, which, when intJlemented, will reduce danestic water
demand by 300\ of the estill8ted water denand for Tract No. 1769, The
estimated demand for Tract No. 1769 (for purposes of calculation) shall be
.5 acre feet per dwelling unit per year. This consUTt>tion is based upon lot
size,'location and projected land use for this subdivision. The reduction
can be gained fran conservation programs to be ~ncluded both on and off- I
site within the city of Arroyo Grande water service area. '-'
Monitoring Department: Public Works Department
Time Frame: Prior to recordation of the final map
~eral ~tt~
10. The applicant shall ascertain and ccrrply with all State, County and City
requirements, as are applicable to this project.
11. Developnent shall occur in substantial confomance with the plans presented
to the city Council at the meeting of March 27; 1990 and I18rked ''Exhibit
12. A zOne change application, nunber 89-217, has been filed to rezone this site
to R-I-PD. The zone change IIt.ISt be approved by the City Council before the
tentative tract map shall be considered as bei119 approved. Approval of the
tentative tract map shall not constitute a cannitment that the City COlD'Icil
shall 'act favorably on the zone change, nor give the applicant any vested
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. . . right to pursue the tentative tract map should the zone change not be
approved by the City COuncil.
Plannina Depart:ne\t Cmditions
13. Developnent shall conform with the R-l zoning requirements, unless otherwise
14. The developer shall construct wood fences with sll.1lP stone pillars along Oak
Park Boulevard, and Farroll Avenue. Said walls shall be a maxinun of six
~. . . , (6) feet high and all block shall be treated to resist. graffiti. The fences
.. shall be reduced in height to three feet (3') wi thin twent.y feet of the
int.ersection of Oak Park Boulevard and Dixson and Noe Street.s.
15. The street section for Oak Park Boulevard shall have a 100 foot wide right-
of-way with a twenty foot center median, two 32 foot wide travel lanes and
eight. foot (8') wide sidewalks with curb and gutter. A six foot (6') wide
public utility and street landscape easement shall be provided behind each
i sidewalk. The applicant. shall landscape the median strip and the street.
! landscape easement.
\.... 16. A final landscape plan and full coverage autanatic irrigaticn plan shall be
provided for review and approval and installed prior to final acceptance of
tract iIr(Irovements, subject to the approval of the Planning Departnent and
the Parks and Recreation Depa~t. Tree staki119, soil preparat.ion and
plant.ing det.ail shall be shown in the final plan. Wat.er conservat.ion design
and maintenance and drought tolerant landscape planti119s shall be
incorporated wherever feasible int.o the final design of the landscape and
irrigation plans for the site. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed
landscape architect.
17. Drainage basins, median strip and street landscape easement shall be
landscaped by the applicant priol:' to final acceptance of tract inprovements.
18. The applicant shall provide for street lighting on all streets wi thin the
tract to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director and the Police I
19. All utilities shall be placed underqround.
20. The applicant's project engineer, Parks and Recreation Director and Public
Works DirecJ;or shall meet to determine the- location, and maintenance of t.he
proposed retaining basins prior to recordation of the final map. If the
result. of the meeting roodifies the tentat.ive tract map the applicant shall
be responsible for refiling amended tentative tract map.
21. The CC&R' s shall stipulate that the houses constructed on Lots 1 through 9
shall be limited to single story construction, and shall not exceed 15 feet.
in height above the natural grade of the lot.
22. The rnininun rear yard setback for Lots 3 through 9 shall be 15 feet.
Public Works DeParbnent Cmdi tions
23. The Developer shall design and construct tarporary access to Soto Park
Catplex. The developer shall also design the final access considering median
design for traffic on Oak Park Boulevard.
24. PI.Ir(Is for sewer lift station shall be sized for present flaw but -wet well
'- and sewer mains shall be sized for future flow. The' developer shall extend
sewer main to the northerly tract boundary. -
25. The lots designated drainage basin for Tract 1769 shall ~ designed to carry
irrprovement water for the tract. -
Fire DeP&rtrnent COnditions
26. Fire hydrants shall be placed in the locations listed below:
a. Oak Park Boulevard and Farroll Avenue
b. Southwest comer of Oak Park Boulevard and Noe Street
c. Lot #9 on Noe street
d. Lot '20 on Dixson Streets
..... .
e. Lot '29 Dixson street
i 2 (fire flows to be 1250 GPH (gallons per minute) at 20 pounds residual pressure. .
27. All streets shall be paved and water supply shall be tested and approved
prior to delivery of canbustibles to the properties (concrete forms exerrpt).
28. The applicant shall provide a minilTQT\ turn around radius of 35 feet at the
end of Dixson Street. As an alternative, the applicant may provide a hanmer-
head turn around to the satisfaction of the Fire Department.
Parks and Recreatim ])epartment Cooditioos
29. The developer shall meet all park developnen.t requirements fees or land in
30. The developer shall meet all requirements for city street tree fees or
31. The developer shall construct a masonry wall on the property line separating
the soto Sports carplex fran houses. The wall shall be treated on the City
side to resist graffiti.
32. Design of median to be coordinated between City of Arroyo Grande and Grover . :
City by a licensed landscape architect. Autanated irrigation system planting ~
plan, curbs staJ'l1?ed concrete similar to Oak Park Boulevard and James Way.
On. mtion by Council HemberDougal], seconded by Council Heni)er M:Jots , and by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Dougall, M:Jots, Olsen and Mayor Millis
NOES: None
ABSF1fl': Council Member Smith
the foregoing resolution was adopted this27ti&y of March 1990.
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anus 8m'{, CI'lY HANJ\GER
I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo c:>rande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby c;:erbfy under penalty
of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2380, 1.S a true, full ~
correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular rreetl.ng
of said Council on the 27th day of March, 1990.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed ,
this 30th day of March, 1990. .....)
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