R 2359 17 RESOLU'l'ION NO. 2359 A USOLUftOIf 01' ftB CI'I"I' COUNCIL or THE Cr1'Y 01' MaOYO GRMDR CBR'l'lPYIIfO 'l'IIAT TIIB FINAL BJfVlaO.MU'I'AL IMPACT RBPOa'l' FOR GENERAL PLAN AKBItDHBIIT 89-~ (BX'I'BIIS101f 01' JAMES WAY) HAS DEEN PUPARBD III COHPLIAIICB WI'1'H '!'HB CAl.IFORNlA DVIRONHBIf'J'AL OUALl'l'Y AC'1' NtD CERTIFYIIIO '1'JfAT THE CITY COUNCIL JIAS RE\lU:WBD 10MD CONSIDBRED THE IllFORHA'l'JOH COIfTADBO Df THB PlNAL EKVIRONHSlf'l'1J. IKPAC'l' Ul"OR'1', AltD INnaUC'1'lIfO THE CI'l'Y CLEJUC TO PILE A HO'1'lCB OF DE'I'lUUUHA'1'l01f IfRInIJIAS, the CIty of Arroyo Grande baa prepared an Inyu-onmental Imp.crt Report: (m) for OeMru Plan Amendment 89-1 relating to the extension of James Way between TaUl Ko J!.oac1 and. KW1. 227: and . 1f1lERBAS, the draft EIR baa been prepared and circulated pursuant to the c:auform& Invkonmental Qu.Uty AGt ("CIOA"), the State CEOA Guidelines, and the C1I;y'. RuJu and Procedures for Imp1ementab.on of CEOA and the state CE:QA ouide1inu: and IfBBRKU, . duly nat:ic:ed. pubJic hearing was held by the Planninq Comlllf-.lon. of ~ CSty of An'OJ'O Grande on December S, 1989, at wb.l.ch aU 1nterested P81'11008".r8 viven the opportunity to be heard: and Ifr...., . d\l1J' not.t.o,d ,\&bUG hearin, w.. held by the C1I;y CQuncil of the d.t:y of 4V&'010 Grlnckl on o1an\&U1 " 1'90, at "hJQh tLme ~ter..ted perllClDa were viven the opportunity to be beard; and 1f1llrlUlAl. tIbe 1In1ll. JaR, na.*, to General Plan Amendment 89-1 and ruponcUn, to the OOhOel'U ......d. dv.dftO l:I\e revLew peiWci and at the p\ll:lUo hearing, has been prepared p"rauant to CJl:QA, the State CEOA Olo\i.c;\elinea, and the City'. Rulea ane! ....0CHI4ur..: and ' WHEREAS. the P!ann1n; Commia-l",\ and City CO\.lncD. have reviewed and conAdered I:be informadon contained 1n the final EIR for the Ceneeal Plan Amendment a~-l. NON, '1'JIBREPORE, BE rr RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Orande, ca11fornia as foUgws: ' 1. The City Council certifLea that the final Environmental Impact Report for Ceneral Plan Amendment 89-1 haS been prepared and completed in oomp1i&nc:e "itA caOA, the state CEQA Cl.Ii.c1e.1inea, and the city's nulea anei Proc:ed\ir", . 2. '1'he City Council hereby further certJfLea that the information . , conbained J.n the fJ.na1 Ela baa been reviewed and considered by the member. of the ,1anni.ng C:Om~n and City COlolncD.. 3, . The CIty Council cUrect8 the City Clerk to file a Notice of neterlllinat1on. , ~ by Council ,Melllbef Smith . seconded by Council Member . anel by the foJlg"J.nq raU call vote, to wit: " AYES: Council Members Smith, 1>t;X)ts, Olsen, Dougall and Mayor Millis NOES: None '" ABSKHT: "None ~~..._-_.. January .1990. :Z~,U MARK M. MILLIS"'" MAYOR ATTES'1': APPROVED AS TO FORK: 1J~a. ~ NANCY A. D IS CITY CI$RK ---~- ---~- --------...-.-