Minutes 1922-03-15 ~ , i ~ AI~,RC?~ U GR~~I~I~h:, C~L~F(~FiNl.kl . ~ . T~arc~ lbt)a, 1922. ~3oard czf Trustccs ~rir.t in rc~ular sessinn rritt~ Presid~nt F. B~nnett in tt~e C}~air. Gn ro7.1 ca~ll, Trustccs Bcnnett, Nob1e, Co~c artd F'oo1C r.e~ort~ci pre~sent, Trustec Cr~ic~b, ---~.bscnt . Jr; L~ns~p~rov~d n~.nute~s reAd and approved as reAd. ~ h4ovcd ancl ticcondecl, tha.t ~n v~.ew of tlnr, ~eriac~sness vt tl~e epide~ic, it i.s rcc~uestcd t~at all ~~ubl.i.c gath~ring~, Ghurches, :~hows, and danccs, b~ d~saontini~ea d.ur3n~ th~ p~riod ~_n whic~a th~ ~ ~c~ao]_s rc~~.in closed. rhe Nlotion carr~ecl. No f~rrtk~~r ttls~ncss appcaring tk~e ~icetin~ rras ad~oi~rned. L. , . - - - - ~ , ~T C Gr~ . dttes~t : ~ _ 4 , Prcaidcnt . . , m:~ . . _ _ . ~ . - . . , ~ X ; . ~ ~ - ~ ; , a ~ ; ~ _ . . _ ~ f;,~~ ,