Minutes 1922-04-05 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arra~o Grancie, ~al if'r~rnit~, April ~~th, 1~-?22. " ~ Board af' Trust~~s mct in rc~ular sess3un with Presidcnt F. F. Bennei;t in thc cliair. . . . . . '.9 , ~ (~n roll c~11 Trustees Pennctt, Nob1 e, Coz and Yool.c, reported prestnt, '~rustee Crri-ek~, abscnt. Lna.pprovcd ~int~tes rcad and-ap~roved as rcad. Trust~c Yvalc rc~,artccl that Y~e ~:acl int~rvicHed ~tr• ~etchl~r~ in regarcl to rnov3ng rzis f encr, ~ack on the ].ine on Iiucbncr Lan~, lhi~t ~.s thcrc k~acl ~een no surves made thcre, thcr~ was ncj officia7. 1 in~. ~ s ba.la`n~~rts af tl~c Gitti C1erk and Cit~~ Trc~astir~r, was rc~.d showin~ of cash in thc trcasiiry of ~].F'7~~,~3, t~~ rerarts werr. accept~d ' and p1 ac~d nn f il ' • ~ 'I'l~c followin~ l~ills were all~wecl and andc°x~~d pa~d. , B. J. Di11on, Sals~rv ~,s City Attorney, ~~,.p~ ~ C. 1'. S. Corp. F:irc Ti,ydrants, and IT~.7.1 I,igl~ts,- 1().C'0 Ficrma~i. r* Schulrr, ~~~orl: on 5~trr.e~s, 21.OD tit'. i~. ~mith, Pri.ntirX~r noticc of Llcct3.an, ~.~i0 Tr,lephone Co~~~any, 1'elc~~honc service, ?,75 Geor~rc '~athra~~, I~aadinr ~;ravcl at pit, 1"'.~i0 F. Stesr~.t't~ ~~alar,y- as Ci.ttr ~.~rs}ial~ ~~,sd~; Santa ~~.ri.a uas Co. ~tr~ct Ligk~ts, a,nd Gas, 5D.7? Carlislc Co. [~ff icc su~pl~es, 3r~. ~3 ~1 Sct-rrad~r, Strcet work. _ ;~,~i~0 a . t? . Castcel. , ~trGet work, _ 4~' .75 Frccl ~t~,rsalci~, -:~tre~t work, _____w__.~_~,._________ 1<3.ry~i Hcnrv, 34~) loa~d~ of ~ra~~~l, ;~.c~0 • B. i~'. ~t~wart, ~~1arY as Citv C1erk and cxpenses,-• t~3.~q Cha~ ~Jc~~r,nLic, Stre~t work, -_______________M..---..- l[?.~Q ~ C~.r1 isle i' Co •:3f~0 tax ~+tatc~~nts, ~_L.~S ~i. :loward, Loadin~ ~ravel, ~F,O~ ~ . ~lc,pl;ins, Street wark, 2~,~0 ~~lfanso Ilraebn~r, 5trtct work, -----._______~~.__w_.,_ 2~.~0 TOt~Ll ~H1Utirit Of' b117.S~ ••.•••-~___~`~"~'~i.. ,-1~'i Thr. bond ~f C~t,y ''ecorcicr was Prescnt~d, and on motiqn same rras ~cc~~ted aricl f~l~d. - Ci.ty Trus~ee Norle rcport.ed t}iat tk~crc ~~tre a lar~c num~?~r of . com~~laints of v3nlations of tl~e tr.~ffic Urdinancc, a,ncl tl~t Cit~ ~?Aarst?r~l was instructed'~,enforcc the law. No further ~r~siness appcar~n~ the mc~tin~ was adjot.irriCd. ~:I ~ , C ~rk. ; - ~Attest, t ~ / J"-u~, - ~