Minutes 1922-04-17 cJ
~ Arrnya ~ra~ndc, Cs~1 if orni.a,
Apr37. 17'th, 1~~~2.
Bourd af irust~~s ~net in speoia,l ses~fon wit~ Pres3dCnt -~y~~
F. B~nnett in thc cY~dir .
' • j~
(in roll ca11, Trirsttes Bennctt, Nobl~ Caa and Yoo].e
repartacl present, Trustee cricb,-- Abscnt. ~
. $
Tht l~oard of ~'rustees pracecdcd to ca,n~vas the el~ction rc~,urns,
of thc Gcnera.l 1~=ianicipal elect~.on, held nn ~~~x~~7. 1Oth, 1~~2, a,nd aftr.r
ca.n~ass~n~ thc :~a,id returns, tnc f~llow3.n~ resoluti.on was rcad and
a,dapt~d. '
ST,~~T~ OF C~T., TFC21'NI~ .
. i
r -
~'H~'Rr11S, a~~ner~.l ;1[i.an~.c~pa,l elect~on was ha.ld and ~ond'i~cted in tht
Cit,y of ~lrroyo C,rande, pn llonday the 10th, aa~- af Apri7. 1~12~. as rcquir~
b~T la,w.
E~ND ~11iI;;}~F:r~S, it ~.r~r~~~s that nntice af said c1 cction was a~ly and =~i.
le~ally given, t}iat vot~n~; pre~incts ~cere propcrly cstabl.isl~cd, tYaat `4'~
e7.ec~ion Gfficers wcre appdintccl, ana elcction suppl.i~s ftrrnished, and
that 3.x~ a~!.1 respects sads clcctian was l~ald and Condl.tCt',ecl a.nd thc votcs
cast t~~ereat r~cr.ived and canvassed, .~ncl txie rcturns t}~c~rcnf.' anacle a.nd "
d~clarcd ~.n ti~~~ farm and manncr s~s rGquitcd Uti• ~~ie~ ~;eneral l~ws of ttae
State ~overning el~ct~ons in Citits of tt~c Sixth C~.asS.
~NL jCIiI:Tt~AS, th~ I3nard of trust,ces af sa,~d C~a.t,y met at t~i~ Coi~ncil
cba,niber vf thc P>oard on ~'onday the 1'7th, day A~r:il 1~22, to c:zn~ass
the r~turns af said cl~ction, and to ins~~~,ll tl~e n~wly elect,ed off'icers,
a~s ~ result of
whia~tlae f3oard f'inds that tl~c nu,bcr of 4otes cast, the
namcs of' the pers4ns votcd for, and othcr mattcrs rrqi~7.~ed Y?y law tn bca
hcreanafter st~ited, no~ thcr~foi~c
B~ IT RF~OT~V~;'D :
Tna~t sa~cl y°c~;ular `~.iinici~al c1 ccta.on, was held and cand~.lctcd in the
City of ~1rrc,y~ (:.rantle, on 1'onda;~ thc lOth, d~,y of ~lrril. 1~~ti2, in t~me
form ~.nc~ marner as req~.~ire°d b~~ law;
That tlierc was one (1) ~*oting prccinct cstabl~shed for the purpose
of hc~~din~; sald ~].c~tion, consi.stin~; of the ~~nsol~dation of thG
r,e~u]<ir cl.ection precinct5 ~stablish~d far holding ~;tn~:r~1 ~;tatc and -
County clcctions as follows;
"Consolidai.cd `~ot~in~ 1'rccir~ct "A",, cor~pri sing ~t~ t~ ancl County
precinct~s nomY~cx~s an~ dnd ~Lwa . •
~ That the ~rhalc num'h~r of votes caet in sa~.d City wa~ 33,
`r}~a~ thc nan~es of the p~rsons ~otcd f'~r, tht' offliccs for w1~ic~a
thev ~'cre voted, the numbe~r af votes ~iven to each of sa.ia pc .rsons,
to~etr~cr w3.tl~~ the wliolc nt~m~~r ~f vot~s ~~hict~ ttic,y receivcd in tha
ent3rc (:itv are as Fall a~i~s. :
Na~nes f p rson:~ . ~~'fice prec3nct tQta1
vo~ed ~ar votcd for vote
C » ~ . Nobl.e, 'Trustec,full ttrm."A" ' '
H . ~iOX ~ ~T'L15~GL` ~ n n rr~n 3~ "
blay tictchtxm Tri.ist~e, n p "~1" 2
Jc~r~n Lquk, Trustee r n "~1" 1
i1~~nes (.rizzl e rustcc „ „ 1
Aia~~ Fnuch Trustcr " K "tl" 1
x..,y..~~~~a~. ~ ~.:r."•. ~.~,r ~ ~ ~ - . . . ~ ~ ,
r. ~ .
~ ,
_ . ~
It~SOLV~:D therefore, t}~at at sa3d C~ner~.l lliuni_ci.pal. e1 ection
H. E. Cox r~~.s cl. cctcd La the Gff~ cc of Trustec of ttrc Cit~r of ~
~lrraya Grancie, for th~ full terrn c~~' four ye~rs ~
a~ so, tha,t C. No'~le was e].~cted to the Officc of Trustte of _
said C;ity f'or the full term of four ycars;
~~he Clerk s17a7.1 cnter on th~ the r~cords of' thc ~'oard a statement
of th~ result af thc cl~ction, s~owain~ t~~ whole nun~l.~er of' votcs cast
in said Gity, the n~.mes of t1?e pcrsons voted for, ~hc of. fice for wha.c~i
each pcrsaii was vated for; the numb~r of vatcs ~ive~i at each pr~einct
tu ca,ch af' sa~id pert~ns; ~~~XlQ1ID~~RX~i~!CXXX~CXY\Y~{X ,
The C1erk shall 3mmediately make ~.nd dcl~.T~r to each of such
pers~xis c1 cctcd a ccrti~'~cat~ of
clection, signed b~~ hi~ ancl citaly
~,ut~aCntiCated; l~t stiall a,lso im~ose thG Cc>nstitu~iana.l oath ~f
officc a.nd }~ave then suhscribe thereto, whtreuPan tl~ey ~lial.l bc
incluctcd inta thc resXa~ctive off3ccs to whic~a tt~e:y have l~ecn ele~cteg.
~ T, the undcrs~i~ncd, 4icreby certif,y th~,t th~ forc~nin~
~esblution was cl~aly and lr.~;ally introc~ucca and adoptcd ?~,y the ~ioard
of Trusters of t;hc Cat;v oi' ~?rrc~yo ix~~,~dc, ~.t a special. meet3ng hcld
~pri.l 1'~th, 1922, by th~ f'ollowi~~~ vote;
~yts: 'rrustecs, Fe~nnett, Nnbl_e, Cox an~ Paolc,
Nocs: Trustccs, honc,
~~bsent Triist~cs, Grie~i. -
~n ~cs~~mony whereof~ I have hereuntd set my han~i and affixed
the vi'f3.c~.a1 Scal of s~.id City, this 1'7tri, da,y o8 APr3.1 1~22 ~
c ; -
C t~Y. C erk.
~~ftcr tt~e rcadi.ng a~nd tk~e adaption af t~ie forego3ng resalut~nn
tk~c mcctin~ was acl~ournr,d, .
~ ~nd immediatel~ calXcd to arder, and C. 5. l~oble ~as una~~mou~-
ly elccted t~aipora,ry cha~.rman, Alr. iv'ob]_e tMer? call.ec~ f'~r nomina~inns
for per~nanenL Cha~.r~?~an, AIr • I, . P:. ~icnnett was pl.aced 3n nom~nat ~Lon,
;~nd was elcctccl presidCnt of the ~c~ard c+f '~rtxst,ecs, bti* tr~ follo~v~ng
' aycs, Trustees 10'01~1'~, Cox and Yop1c, Trustcc P.cnn~tt not vot~ng.
Noes, Trttstr.es, None,
~.bscnt Tr~istc~ , Gricb.
Trc ncwly elected Off~ccrs were tc~ok ~hr. Oath of Clf~"ice a.ncl wer~
duly induct~d inta tl~eir respeati~e ~ffic~s.
The fo7.lawing cor?m~itt~e~ wer~ a~?po~.nted.
Comn. an Streets and To~n ] ands y Trustces, l~ohl~, Gr:ie~ and Poole.
Comm• on F~irianee and L?~clinanc~, `~rustecs, Cox, Yoolc s~.nd C~ri_er.
Comm. on ~'olicc, fire and Jail, ~'rustees, Poole Nohlt and CoX, ' -
No furtl~cr ~us~tness appcaring the n~c~ting was ad~ai~rned.
. ~ L
_ _
Attest ~Y
~ '
: ,
' " .b'L:vu~ld,5a'ti_.~~.,. ' y ~ . , , 1]4~AwMY~