Minutes 1922-05-03 ~ ,..TA C°.~" , . Arro,yo Crande, hi~.,y 3rd, 1~~?, ~ Toard of Trustecs met in rtgular sess3~on witM I'resident F. L. T3ennctt in the Chair. C,n rall ca,l l, '1'ri~stc~s BGnnett, Grieh, Gox ana f'oolc , , reported prescnt,-T'r~astee vo'hle, - .~'hsent. Una~proved m~nutes rc~.d And a,pPro~ed s~s read. ~te~c~rLs ~f Ca.t,y Clerk and '1'~~a,sures rcad shou~in~ a, ba7 ancr of ca,si~ in tlle trca,s~~ry c~f ~~~~fB.FF,report ~?erc a~cceptr.d anci ~1 a.ce~ci Qn f il e. 'J'l~e fo]_lowin~ hi.] ls wcrc ~,l.lawcd a,nd ordcrr_.d paid. . I~o. 7~, Geor~~ La.tMroF fitr~e~ worlc, ..__..~.__~w.._ ~21.(1~ n 7~l, I;. CanicLe, :+treet wurk, ~;-,~w~ , . " 7i, Fr~ni~ Lan~enhr.cl~, n n , ~~,p n w~; . J. StC~Cnson, n n~_----------------- ~..`:5 " i7, t11 ~~:chr~dr_r, n . n ~ 4~, . ,Q . r, 72~, ~7 , l? . Gihson, ~pcicl.se Auditor, 2(~.00 , " 7~, ~?ac3.fic Coast, Goal u"o . Luznr~r and ~e^mcnt,-- 77.:32 " i~Q, ;~.;~r,y S~v~,71, 4crvicr,s on elcction Roai•d,-_ 5,()p ' . " t31., S~,nt~ :~1a,ria. ~Xa,s Ga. ~~r~et 1a.~1~~ts, ttc; " E2, Castf~~;l, ~trcet work, ~ ~c,C " t~3, ~i. F. ;Cewa~rt, :~a,l.ary ~itv A:a,rsr~,l, 2.~i.t~q ' " ~4, i'. J. ~tcvc~ns~n, Ctai:l,a~n~ weeds, 7.C)Q " ~5, :?1;~e C. 1.Cetchuni, Servir~s on elcctic?n ~oard, ~.(?0 " Sf , Alaucl I. P.roml cy, n a n ~.OG " !~'7, a~ncs ~~5. h:itcl~ell, CopYin~ re~istra,tio~ns,__ ~ " ~t~, C . 1, k'a,tter:~on ~ 1 C~el1~V ,lars}:al , 2~t.00 " L~~, Ys~cifia '1'elr,~,t3~ne Go. Tcl~~~liorle scrv3cc, 2~5~5 : " ~70, 1'.i..dland, Co~ar?tics 1-uY,lic Servi.cc Corp. 10.'"5 , " I?, I)owr.ll, :>ervices c,n elr.ction bo~rd,-- ~~.~0 " ~31, 1t'. ,~ma..tS~, Yrintin~;, ry,(;p " ~3, Dowc11, Fees I:~cnracr Court, ~~z.00 " 94 ~ B. J. T~il l an ~ City ~t tornr.v ~~l ar;c', 1,i .00 " ~~5, P. F. ~i.~wart, f:~ity Clcrks 5ala.r~~, '7F.~t~~ " ~~F , h1 . x; . ~w~.11 , 1"rtmii~.m nn bonds , ('Tr•c~.surca ) 1(~ . 00=~474 . fi2 ~to furt,i~cr 'hi~sincss a~ppcara.n~;, thc m~~tizi~ was a~djisurnrcl. ~ P . F. ~t~rr~.rt C].tv C Cz` . / J/'~~ ~ltt~st ~ / ~ S~?ccia]. az~di~,or ~T . R. Gihson h~,v~.ng auditcd thr, boalcs of tl~e - City `1a,a Co]I~ctvr, City C1cri:, a,ncl Ci.~y 'lrca,surer, t~c re~rort ? was re~.d ~,y tl.~e Cl.erk, ~.nd wzs acc~~~2;c~d, ~.nd ~?l~.ccd nn f~L1c. ~ . °a i