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Minutes 1922-06-07
,:..JY C~ ~ ~ ~ : 4~"~ . Arroyo ~r~.ncl~, Cs~lif ornia, dun~ 7t~, 1~22 . ~:crrd cC m~uste~s mtt in rC~ul~.r s~ssiori ~vith Pre~sident F'. ~S~nnCtt in thC Ch~.ir. • Un ro11 cal l, T~liSt~C~ ~~CnpCtt y 4r~ cb, No~l e, Cox a,nd I'ool e - reported present, Nonc a~~scnt. 4 Una~pra~v~d minutes re~d ~,nd arprovcd s;s rea~d. ~eports of Cit'~ C~~rk, Cit,y Trcasurr.r ~,nci i%ity 1{~cordcr, rr~d snd a.ceept~d a,nd pla,ccci on file, Tr~~surcr a.ncl C~erk s~~owa.n~ ~ ~?al a,ncc c~f c~.sr~ in the ~ rea,sury of ~1t~35. Uci . (i~din~.nC~ Na . 2~ ~ra,nt~na to tl~e~ Sta.ncl~.rd [til. Co . Perm3.ssian ~ to opera.t~ stora~e wa~rChous~s e~e; in t~ais L'-tty p~,~s~d sec~nd ~ re~d3.ng,hy thc followin~ vote, A~•es, Tr~~stecs ~cnnet~;, =.:,ricb, ria~1e, Cox ~,ncl 1'oolc~, tioes, -~~~~nc, ~~l,s~nt, --~one. ~'lse Urdina~nae w~.s ther~uPon si~ned by thc ~'resident of ttac I~oArri o~' '1'r~.i~t~cs, ~,nd a~ttest~d by tl~e ~it,,y Clcrlc. Tl~~ follo~ring batl.l.s wcre ~llowed ~,nd ordcrcd pa,id. N o . ~ 7 , ~ ? r.:~r ~e.,,~ ~ .m• . " ~ ~a b , SR' .1~ . Da~rcll , City Rccorder ~e~s ~ ~.~r: .00 ~ F3. F. Stew~.rt, ~~.l~r,y as Cit,y ,ll~,rsMtl, - ~ T. J. ~tev~nson, ~+'or~ o~~ Y~rid~c, ~..-1.75 d' b!rs ~ia.y ~'ouch, Servin~ nn e!lcction b~ard, ~,,p~ B. F. Stctva,rt, Citv C1erk's ~~.1 ~,ry ancl exp~nses, ~!5'7.00 r a. C~x`].is1c i~ Cn. Uff3.Ge st~~pl~css, ~-.i2~ Jose~~h Iti.~l, j~'ork on ~rici~;c, ,~2~v I~. I.. Slaort, C~rpentcr worl~, 1~.00 w' C~~.s . S. Ia~wis ~ n „ ~ X.2.(?(?.--~ I~ . J . Dill on, ~n1 a,r,y a~s City ~ttarnQy, ~ .On C. 1t. Ya~tterson, ~ervic~s ~.s Le~?ut~ ~''arshs~l, vc~~}.70 ~ ~~.n~~t ~~-ar~a l",~.s L"o . Strect I~i~hts etc; ~~p.50 ~ ` Y~.cific ~c1ep'~~n~ Ca. Te1~pr~onc ~crPic~, ~ ,;,~0,. ~ . I~a,n~~nbccl~, wvrl~ on bridge, ,~..~~ppa. Rohert iJ~chlirclr, ~ ~ J'ol~t] I391t]C`cli1~~ IIa,tY19n~,"•••••.•,...•n-.~,~•••,••__..~.~__.----___..-----_ ~•ri.~ri+'" ~1 ~c~racl~r, Str~eL an~l bridge work, v1~g.00r~ I? . 1' . Canieto, l~ricl~re ~vor1., ~~ry,y Y Geor~e ~~.throp, Rricl~c wori~, X..7 b9~dland l;ounties pul~l_ic service Gorr. ~'a.ter ~tc; ~-1(~.0~~ 1:. Ii .~wa,l l, tJse c~F coricrete rnixer, s,-~ 12. ~0 r . Tot~l, _______r"'~"407.~7 The stin~ of $"~i32.'7l_ was tr~nsftr~cl fram tla~ gen~rs~1 funcl ~ i ta t~e bond rdclempti~~n fund. ~,p r~" ~ ~iQ.~.~.~. , City L"~erk 73. F. ~tesart wa~s grxnted one w~ek va,ca,t~c~n. , ~ No furtl~er business xppesr3n tl~t m~~ting was ~,~~a~irn~d. - . B. F. Stcwa,rt C ty trti. ~Jn ~ ' . , ' i~,~~ / / . . . . . . . . , ~ Y . V ` / ~ . ' ' ~ V V, ~~J . . ~ ' ' . ' . . . . ' . , ' ~ ~ . . ,"8 r.