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Minutes 1922-08-02
~ ~ ~ ~rr~'e Grar~de lw~n~t 2~nd, ~.~22. ~ BQard ef Tr~~stec~ ret f:n re~;ular~ scss~~ti +~itk - . ~-~'resideAt F. Re~:~ett in thc ala~.;lr . , ~ U~ roll sa,11, Tru~st~c~, ~emnctt, 1~able, L'oz oid P~~].e rep~rtecl present, ~r~istce Gr~eb,- abee~t. Ums~pprered rir~~tes read s~wd appr~o~ed. Tk~ noPthlT rerort ~ef ttac Git,y Cl crk ~~d TreA~e~t~r R~s reAd ~L~Nixa~ a b~lax~cc af as~~h in ti~e tre4s~r~ •r ~n6tl.,'S3, tM~ reparts ~u~r~ aeeepted ar~d piaa~d oa ~'~.le~. Urd~a~a.nce K~ .~U, an Urdixa~,a~~te ri.xl~nE t~ae ~ifld ~f ' sidevralk to be constrncted, •m tlac resid~r~~e ~treets ~ra,s ; re~d ~~d pa,ssed aea,vud rGa~d~~g bT tl~e f~rl2sxi~~ ~~tc, ~ Aye~ ; Trsstecs Bes~~ett, ~mb1~, G~z ~tid ~'ool e, ' x~cs ~ Tr~r~tee~, K~a~e . Ab/e~t, ~rustcc, Grieb, ~~c Urdi~~mec wa~ ordered prin~~d. Zl~ek fol'~e~~t~, ~Ts~tn~ ~gs~~~kst thc Cit,r w4~ all.wed ~ a~d ~rdered pai~i. T~v. 13~, I3. ~texart, Citv Cl~rk+~ sal~rv a=d ez~e~ses,~TR.~6 ~ " 1;33, P.a~crt Upsh~re~h, ~treet ~vrk, 10.50 " 139, Arroa~ Gra~de, C~~rmeraial Ca. Genent, 1~.50 " 1~5. Ai ~sl~rad~r, ~ ~tr~et ~'ork, ______r.,.~ z~4.ob 13kt, ~~,~t~ Ms~r~.~ Co. ~tr~Et L3~l~te, ~,01.(~0 " 137 ~ M. C.~' . Cer~orati.~?», H~drs~~t~, Q~;d I,3~ht , 1U.00 " 13E, I3. F. ~tctisa,rt, ~is~r~~a1~s ~A1~.rT, 2:'i.QO " 139, A, J. Dillo~, City Attorne~r~ f5alar', ~~.OQ " 1.40, Ps~c~i!'ic '1'e1ep~,o~e Co. ~el.epl~~=e sert~a~, 2.7~5 'L~r'taI bi11a, 1~s Pr~rtt~~.r b~si~ess apre~.t~~.~~, tLe neeC3.i~~ rras ad ~ c~wr~red . - , , L ~t~E~t YY~'~ ~ ~ r - ~%~%G~~~~~ . : , ~~t ~ ~ ' - . . r1 r:~~ i : _ ~ '~I m~ , . . . ~ . . M, . . . . . . . . ~ . ':i.1 . ; . . . , ~ . : Y ._.t:: 'i1' il'.:',.~ "<,=Jl..u._....5',.k.~li'.a.:v_9:,lGY~__ 1 , , , 1 r, . .a:~~;:..