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Minutes 1922-09-06
~ ~ ;;.~7 . ~ A!"f"e~a Gra,~dr. y ~ep~ernhtr ~th, 1q~a. ~ie~rd ~f Trwstccs ~t,ct, i.~ r~~ul:~t• sc~ei~r~ ~itk~ Presidt~at F. a. Be~xa~~t i.n tMc c~~i.r. a~ rc~ll ~~1'1 Tr~~YStcca, Be~nctt, C~a s~r~ct Yaele rePerted Trt~stees Grieb zmd ~Y~b1e, ~?b~emt. Uua~r~T~r?cd mi~ur.es rcAd ~r~d s?~~ri~~ed as ~?ezrd. S`j Cr~n~wx~~ra,tie~s t"re~n thc Le~~~e o#' Cs?lifor~is~ ]3u~icipalit~.es, and Ci~T C1Crlr ~f Y:~le Altca, reAd x~d ~tl~aed c?n ~"i1~c. Tl~e CitT Clerl~ rtc~ Cit;~r Tre4~a~~r re~de~ed r~psrt~, r~lrAwi~~ w bA1Rf~~e of c.s~sh ir~ tLe Treae~urT of $~tl2.~3, t~a~ rep~rta were s~caept ed ~nd pl ~~ed o~ f il. e. . T1~e fo11~R~.rt~t bil~.s were s1l~wrd a~.d erider~d pzid, ~Pr. 141 ~ Herald R~eQrdCr, Px`irlti]I1pC,~ ~ LF.~10 " ~42 , PAC~,T ic l tl ep}~p~e Co . Te~. cPhox~e s~r~r3.cc - 2.9C1 " 1.43 ~ Eit,twki~s am.d Mil~ ~r, ~fo~3~tg Pi~'C H~dr:t~lt ~ 9 . ~i0 " 144, ?1i. C. Z'. C~rp. Firc ~1~dra~mts a,~ac~ Li~~t, 1U.[~0 " 14b, B. F. Stcwar~~ Cler~s sc~larF s?ptl past~a~c, ~~,.~ip " 1~R~ Js~~t T~ty1~1~C?~ B1~Ck~slriltM N~rk, 17.54 " 147, B. F. Sstc~wa.rt, ~~lar7 sts Cit;? Dt~r`sha1~ " 145, B. J. D311~A, ~~l~.r;~ as Cit~? Atto~?~e~, 15.~0 " 14~, ~s~~ta l~ariz Ga?s GempamJ, ~treet Ligmts, ata; t~U.50 Tot~tl bil.1~, ..___».,...~w_~„~~.___ .Q , I~e t"urti~er bws3~es~s dPpearii~p~ tL~ ~neetib~ wa$ zd~ot~rAed, ( ~ lttest;S - ~r~-'~,~~ f.. _ cit. C~erl~, ~..~~..,~~....~..,..,,..»,.~.~.._..,.~..,..:,«w_,.+....~.. Arra~v Grir~~de, 5cptee~b~r F~th ~ 1fi22, A~a~d nf 'r~r~~t~~ae ~net ~,e a A~a~c~ ~quali.zAtis~, wi~~i Preside~t r: 1~.. BG~~ett i.n t~re ~Lzir. U~ ~071 call, Tr~stera, B~x~ett, Csz ancl I'~e1~ ~~p~rt~d ~ presc~t, Tru~tee~ Gricb x~d ~Yob1e, Abs~~t. This ~~i~~; t1~e ~~.~e ( 9 U~l.s~k ) s~t b~r ~l~e Fleard f~r ~iaia~g t~+~ t~a ra~e, aftPr duC exa~i~atie~ •i" tYe ~~scss~ne~t r~11 , pr~~?a~rcd bT tl~+~ Cit~ Cl erk, a~+d on ~notiva dwl y~earnded, F~~ axd a~rri~c~, Lye taa rzte f~r t1~~ e~rsu~m ~es?r ws?q fixcd as ~'rlle~rs; ~ .06, t~ e~~er ~mpaid ~t.r~et Jssc~sne~ts, . ~~r tyc ~e~erAl ~~~d, ~nA'~i.n~ ~c+ta?1. 4t~ ' Uae d~11Ar, t~ac ~1U0.0() of ~a:ltiw~i~a~. ~ ~nectiti •as ~d oiirm~d. ~ ?(o Pr~rther b~~iAess appea,r~.~~ tl~e g ~ Att~~t %~r ~ l~' ,S "TCSI~ L_ ` ~"C3`G;? C ~r . ~ , , , . . , ; , . ~ , .