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Minutes 1922-12-08
. ~ O t"'~^' . ~ ~ Arr~~• Gra~de, Ueccr•bcr !~th, :1~~2. PrArd •f Tri~;~tee~ rnet ~n re~;ular sc~si~?x w~th Yresider~t F. Bcnn~tt in th~ cha~,r. ~+n r~ll ca.11 , Trustres I~enr~tt, N~hle, C~z, a~d P~~1 r, r~p~rte~l- rr~se~t, '~'ru~tee Gri.eh- Absr,nt. U~~.ppr~~er1 mint~te~ reaa aa+c~ :~~rrr~red xs re~d. ' Rep~rrt~ oF Cit. Trcu~surcr, (;it~ Clr.rk a,nd Citrr ~iearder rexcl , Cler~ anii Tre~surer rep~rt a, ba~la~nce of ca~h i.n tk?e "Trca~~rv uf ~~~3l~4.1~, tht Cit~ ~~ea~rd~r repsrt ~ t~ta~l ~f receipt~ Mf $~2.~(i si~cr l a~st, ~rep~rt, the rep~rts ~rer~ aaceptcd ~nd pl xced •n fi~ e. Thc f~ll•wi~~ al~i~s wr,re ~.11.•wed a~nd •rd~red ~:~id. H•. ~r0, b13d]and Cmuntics I'u'hli~e t~erriet Cwrp. ~lt).00 " 1~1, 'N'. .T~~cs, Grr~dia~~ 5?trc~ets, ~2~0(3 " 1~2, 1Y. n. 'A'a?tl~~ns, ~trcct w~ric, ~p.5C1 " 1f~3~ 1~ . 1#. ll~rirell , Cit,y Hec~rder fecs, 7.t~.0~ " 1f'~, ~tutc Cs~npc~sztie~a ]:ns . I~'i.t~ad, " 1F`i, T3. F. ~t~wa,rt, C.icrk~ sa,lwr;~ s~nd cxpensc!e,- ?'~.FQ " 7.F~~, ~3. :7. Dill~~, ~r~7.aro Gitv ~ttsr~cT,_...__- ~.~.On " 1~'"~'~ P. l~. 5te~rs~1"r, ~~l~t~~ C3.t;v ]1~~.rsF~s~l., ~~,r~n " 1~l~, J~hn I'~,~r1sr, Bl~,c)c~~ith w~rk, ~.70 " 1~t~J, l'acii'~.a~ 'Tr.l r.~xa~rn~ Ca. 2.75 - " 1'~0, Hr.rald-Rec~rc~~r, " 17 ~ , H . G . 5~te~cns•n, w~?r1c ~M ~tr~cts, ~1 .i)0 ! « 1 "l F`~.. ~ ~'ii. ~31~' ~1 c1 C 1 A9 l~ ~ ~ C N . ~.r w. _ ~ 1. . .r7'~ - , ::a , ~ ~ 1. ! ~.l r ~19~.~t~ ~rA.s li~ r ...r...rw.....~~~.~...........~r~,..,.rr~~~ 1~71. ~+.~4 ~ . " 1'7"!~, Jee Itie~, btrcet ~?or~C, _..___w__.~____,,~~ 1~.~50 T~rta?l. hilZ~, 3f:?.?? C~.t;~ Recmrdcr N. nrwe7 l. , tc~dr.red. hi ~s r~~i~~at~N~ wrii~la vras t'ca~d, st~ad •n m~ti~m wa~s ~r,ceptcd. WM f~:erther ~ta~ines~ ap~?e~ir~.~~, t:he mtet~x~; ~a~s s~cl~~?irr~ d. - 7/, ~ C tv C e~rk. ~tte~t: .~(/yy~ ~ U . . , . ~ k