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Minutes 1923-04-04
~S ~rra~o Gra~de, April 4t1~, 1~23. 1~a~rd af Tru~tres ~et 3~ re~;t~lar ~e~sioti wit~ Fre~i~.~~wt F . ~ . Be~Yett tme ~t~~ir . U~r rall c~].1, 'i"r~s~tcr.s; '~~~'xett, '~ablr, Cox ~rd Foolc re~iorted prescxt, ~r~~~tee ~ricb, a?~sext. U~a. ro~ed ~aiti~t~e r~~d a'~. a ror~d a~ r~a.t1. P~ ~P I?c ?ort of' t;it~ Cl~rlc a,~c3 Trrs~surcr r~a~d ~howi~ a. c~,s~ ~r~la.~oe ~ ~ ~ i~ me Tre~sia r ofi 1?2~ ~2 re .orLs were s~cce tc~, axd. fi7.ed C r. ~ • ~ I~ F ~ 1 pctit3oti e~t~ 1"~~5 ~a~~nes, pres~c~ted b~ ~d~a, R. Joa~r,e a,~i otl~er~, ~?et~.tic~~~,~~ tt~~ 3doard of Tr~~stces ta aa~11 u'~r~~ci elr~ctio~r far t~c ~r~r~ros~ af ~u~.1a~i~r~ s~ t~ri~.~e ~cro~s ~1he Arrafo (~ra~de ereelr, a~t~ ~sasa~ Str~et, wa~s r~r~d, o~e ~nntio' ii: r~as ord~rcd ta ~.~T or~r t~h~ ~~eti.tf.a~ u:~t~.11 t~~ ~cxt • ~:ecti~+~, aa~d tlnc Clcrk wa~:s i~struct~c~. to bs~~c ~urT~:~or ~ A. t~'. Ys~rsn~s to x~~ke u s?~r~rc~ o~' th~ g,,ror.x~t~ for t~d brid~e, ~yc~ to ~$tar.i~t~~ ~ ~rs~de os his~svY ~treet, ~~twc~~ I~rs~i~~l~ ~treet s~~d l~el~o~ ~treet. . Tlae #'ollani~~ bills wcre~ a~lZ.awr.d a~d orciered pa~3d. Mo . 23l5 ~ ~".C .Coa~l t;a~tpa,~~, LumbCr, ~q2.~a~ , " ~3f?, Jat9~ Na.rc~~~, klAUli~~;, ~1~.75 " 2.t7, P~.ci~'ic Telep~aYC Cn. Te1~Pl~~~e s~rfi`~, _ ~~~n~? - " 2~3i~, I'. 1~". ~ntt~a,rt, liArsla~l~ ~Rla.r~~ ~?F.(?Q " 23y, " n " , Cit,r Cl~rk sa.]ar~, c~a; ~.~~~~p " 2~U~ Ltz~~uc qf Cstl~~'ar~ia h'~xicips~lit~r~,`==~-_~-- ~ 1(~.~Q " 2~~,~ ~eor~e La~tl~rop, ~tr~et wark, ~.~0 " 2~2, N'. JaYe~, ~tr~ct rrork, c-~'7.q0 " 243, 1~3~d1a.~d Co~l~tics F'uT~l~~ ~;erria~ Corp.__..___ a-1O.C?0 " 2 ~4, L~~xta. :1Fa,ris ("~s~~ Go .~tr~ct Li~tits, r!5(?.l~F~ " 24~, ~ . J . ~TLLox, ~s~l~r~ Cit!~ ~i:tl? . 1 ~i .0() " 2~R, I~a.S~+o~d ~te~e~sox, Yot~Yd ~i~,st~r, -~--_.r°----~--_ 4.~(1 " 2~t7, I[. ~te~e~~o~, ~treet work, " 248, ~eo~ A. Nost~rr~ ~trr~c~ i~arl~, ~~,;37 tots~l 'bills, ~2~.~~ do~~u~~iQ~t~d~ t'ro~+ ]C~~i=~cr . C. I~~:wloY, ~.xc rc~~rd to t~re his?~ox ~rtre~~t ~r~d~;e, rras re~.d a~~d pls~ced o~ file. U~r ~otio'r it ~rsts ordeareci. ~hs~t t~e to31 et~ a~r tMe ~nmp 6ro~xds, ~!a.dc to compl~ vritT~ t~~e ~ tutc 7.aw, also t~t . weeds be cut a~~d thc prc~ises ~lea~~ed iap. Ho P~~rt~?cr btta~~ess a,ppe~ri~~ tl~~ mccti~~ r~s~~ ad~o~r~ed. ~ ~ - , t~? er . ~ Attest,; , , ~'resid~~t. ? '~i ~r~' Y ~ ' _ ( ~ . , . w, , . - ' . ~ R . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . , . . ~ . ~ . . . . ' ~ .:.4 ' . e:__:. . ..4_.,.. . . . . , . .....3a'r..._~ . . i.. . ~ :