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Minutes 1923-05-16
32 - ~ ~ ~ ~ Arrayo Gra,nde, D;a,y ].Fth, 1~?.3. , ~3n~.rc~ of "~r,~ct~,rrs n+et, 3n rc~~~~i]ar sessi.on Niti~ Trtistce ,,C lv oY~l e i. i~' ~-~s~ 1: a~ r. l~n rc~11 cal l,~~~astees, Nobl. c, Cax x.nci Pool. c, rcported ~res~nt, T.r~istee I~~nnr.t,t ana (;r~_r,~s, ~l~sc~nt . I~iinutes af pr~v~.ous mr.tt:in~;s, rea,d a~nd ~~rrrovcc~ ~,s rea.i~. 1'he Cit,y Clrrk, ~,a ~ spcci~l ~n*~mittr.c, to z~:~ve s~ prel- ~.rr~lna,r~- sr~rvtV r!~xd~ f'c?r a l~ri~i~c at: ?~t~s~n ~±tr~~t, r~rortc~c~ h~v~n~ seci~red t,he serv~.r,P~ oF I~iessrs, ~turch anci 1=cck to do s~,~td survc~~~.n~. Thc fal lqwin~ ~i7 7 s werr s~llowcd ~,ncl ordcrr,~ pa~id. l~o. 2;5~;~ I'scifia 't'elephone Co T~lcphanc scrvi~e, _____,._~~t.1!5 . " 2~q, ii. (~a,t~mons, Citv ~tecorc~cr fecs, ~i) . " ~F31, P[ars TI. J. ~cott, ~trcet wnrk, ~-_____~~.~,__~~._____~1 ~<<~~ • 'I'[~tal 1~ills, .~w~_~~.~~.,~~___~-_~-~~ .1~ ' A b~.ll for trit Colintv '~o~der f'or 20 dnll:~rs, wa~+ laid ovcr. kS.n~incer, i~' . R. T~~.~rch ~ra~ Prtscnt and. presented a~rawj_~i~ for a hriet~;c at Aia.son ~trect, a~crass the Crcck, thr ciraw~r~ s , w~:rc a~ccc~?t~c~, a~nd om '~~ot~-an, tl~c Cittr ~t,tarnr.~wa,s iriytrire~ed ta ~+rc~~.re tl~r. n~cessar~ ~apcrs E'or. a. spr.cial r~;ection, to vote ~nnels #'ar thc~ pl~rposc c?f' 1~±t.i~ldin~ ~~~c~ br~.~.r~r.. No furth~r rusincss ap~c~.rin~; thr, m~ctin~; wsis a.cl~otrrne~, ~ttest, ~ ~c~~/-~~~ Pres3cl~nt. ~J C ~ C~~z~ c~t;~ u~.~rk. . . . . _ . _ . . . ,.~:~;~,d . : , , ~ , ~