Minutes 1923-06-06 . ~ Arrc~~yo f~r~.n~~, Junc ~th, 1£~~3. , ~ j ~ ;n..;~, , ~ ~3oa~rd uf Trr~stecs ~+rt in re~ula r session with Pres~c~~rat I~'. IR. ncn~nr.t~ iri the aY~air. C~x~ ro11 e~.ll, Tr~~steers R~nnctt, Gricb, h'~rl Co= ~nd Yaol.e repvrtc;~' ~?~esent, ~u~~c ahscnt. . L;n~~tprvve~l minutts rr,acl ~nd a~p~sroved a~s rea,d. Ftepart of City Clcrl~ ~.ni Cit,y ~'reasurer, rea,i ~h~r~~~,n~ s~ ` ba,la,nce oF ca,st~ in trc '1•rca,siir,y of ~?2~~'.01, thr, rr,parts were :~cccpted and r;la~ced on fi~.~c. The fal l owin~ '~il l s were Al'l owed a.nd ordcrcd pa.id , No. 2~~, T'. J. Di.llan, Cit,y ~ttorn~y, ---_w.~__._w____-- ~ 1~,.U~ " 2E~;3, H. lo .~tcr?cnson, 5tr cet aorl:, 4~?.~)0 ' " 2F~, P. F. Stcti~~,rt, ~lerks Sa,lar,y anc~ expcns~cs,--- '7F..3:i " 2F'S~, C~rlislc & Co. Cit'ficc suppl ies, i, " 2f'~, I:~rie~er, ltiir~claw ~t?a,cies, ~~w0 " 2~"~, Sa~nt~ :1•~ria [;~s l:o. wtrr~ct 1i~;hts, _____w.~__,~ ~,p~~,q ~ ~ w ~F~8 ~ ~'a~cif:i.a '1'el rphonc ~;o . T~l.epl~c~nc ~ ervicc, ~ .7~ " NF9, '~~~.ci. i;nLint~.cs laul~l ic Scrvicc l;or~. It,yarants, rtc~f?,1 p ~ " 270, T'~i~,ymond ~~tevens~n, T'ounci Ataster serviaes, ~i.~"?0 " ~71, T3. L€. 5tcwa,rt, A~:~rshs~l's ~zlary, 2~,.QD " 2'7~, t~o~~nt,y-,l;lerk, for County Il~alth Gcnt~er, -._~,_W_ ~~.l:;p ; , "~'ota.1 ~ills, 2F;C~.U3 Tk~e fol.lowfn~ re~olution wa,s ~?rescnted anc~ rr~.d, Fy'"}~:P,1:~~~, a p~t~ition s~.~ncd h~ resicicnt T~x~i~yers, a~kin~ f'c?r a. taricige a,crass ttie ~1rroYo t:rra.ndc t~rcc~ ~t Ats~son ~ytreet f wa,~ ~ ~,r;;s~ntccl to the F~~o~.rcl c>f 7'r~.~stets c~f ttii ~ C:itti~, ~nd, r ~+ItiI~:1;~t1S, Z:ng~n~cr I~i~rct~, I~resentcd x dra~~nin~ of a, conaret~e? t~ricl~e, zn~. est,ia~~.ting: ttie ca~t ~,hcr+ of, a~nd it, a,r~c~r5 to ~h~ s~ 1':oz~rei c~f' 'I~rustces, Lt~:~t thr, constr~ictian of th~ ss~id bria~~c is ~ a ~rurl ic nccessity, „ Trily:lil?:I+'UR1? 3~~; I'1', Itessolv~ed; Tha,t t}~c I~u?~13.c i.nter~st ~.n~i necessity ~lnmands the construc~ipn ~ rc~ th~ s~?id Citv, of a~ ~cr~nane;nt Concretc Bri~~;c, ovcr anc~. a~cross ~rra,yo f~ra.ndc Lr~c:k, an ;~~~son Street ~.n said G~tjT, and ~ the Gitv ~lttorney is t?erchy instru~ttd to ~rcr~rc the neccs~~rY t~rd~na,n~e, ~'or a spcca.a.l 1•;l~ction to vote hond.s f'or thG purposc ~ uf l~r~il ~~i.n~ said hria~;e. ~ The resol.ut;3on w~.s a,c~c~ptcd rY thc folloti~3.n~; vot~, A,ycs, 'Triisttes, I~cnnett, Nahle, L"az anc~ ~'o~le, nbes, :~'on~ , W'' ~i~~;cnt, ~l'rustcc [~r~_cb. 'a ~ Un ;~~ation it wa.s order~d th~.t a sp~ci~l mccting hc l~~ld on ne=~ 'J:'uesday ni~;ht, Junc 1~th, 8 Gclock ~'.1,1. far the r~u•pase of ~a~ssin~ an (!rdinanc~, ca.llin~ a~ ~pr.cial elect~un to su"~mit , to the qualifi.cci eltctors of the C~tv, tYir, ~~i~estion tyf vot:i.ng l~anas ta ~u~1d brid~e a~cross the ~arrava ~r~nmle t.;rcel: at - P+iASOT1 s trcct . ~to further husiness appearin~; thc ~+e~t~ng wa~s a~d~oi.~rned. attcst ~ fn , Pres3dcnt, ` c_ . r _.P • Litv C ~r . ' , , . , . . . , . , , , , , . . ~ ...,~M