Minutes 1923-06-12
. ~
.~rrovo ~~randt, Junc 12~h, 1~23. '
~oard of Ti•ustccs mct ~.n special scssion, with l~resicicnt
F~ E. 13cnnett, i.n the oh~.ir.
, C?n ro11 cs~il, '~riis~~es, ~3ennett, Cr~.cb, Noblc, Gax a,nd ~'oole
rcportecl present, ~1onc,ahsent.
Thc Yres~3icnt sta~tcd the purpos~s of the ~p~c~.s~l ~e~ting
to be th~ Qans~,dcra~tion ot a~n Ordina,ncc, ta ca'L1 a sPccial ~lc ot~ion
for thc pur~ase of suh~it~ing ta Che t~i~a,l~fica~ votcrs of' t}?e
City, the q~i~stion af rot~n~ on tty~ PraX,c~s~~~.on of hani~iin~, the:
C~t;~~ in thc su~ of ~~~'?,OOCf.DCi f~pr tt7e puar~os~ ot' h~~ildin~ a,
permancnt canarcte br3c~~;c across the ~arroyo ~ran~.t Cre:ek, a~
Aia.son ytreet, .
~ Thc City .~ttarriey ~resented and read Qrc~.ina.nc~ No . 31, sn
Or~~.na.ne~ cA11i.n~; a spGCial cl~~t3,an to be hc1c1 ~r~ the Cit,y of
Arroyo t~rande, C~lifa~-nia~, on lrtaniav thc 1~}th, da~~ afi Jul,y,
1~23, a~n~l submirt~.ng ta thc q'~a~ if'~.ed votcrs of said C3tv t~c
proposit~on of a,uthori~~.n~ the I3c~a~rd of LrList~es of sa~_c~. C~.tv
ta isst~c ~onds a~~a,inst sa.~.d. Citv ir thc sir~ afi' ~+2~UC)O.pQ, thc
procce~.s of ss~id bonds to '~~e r.xpcn~t.cd. and i.isGd by saicl Baard • ~
of '('rustec~~, in t~e construc~,ian af perr~:~ncnt Concrete brid~;e
a~er ~nd across ~rroyo i~rande ~'~rc~k r~n l~~,son ~trret .
Mot~on d~~ly ~ns~de a,n~ secvnded, th~t Ordin~nac No . 31 be
s~dopted, the motlan wa.s ca,rricci 1~~• tl~c fc~llowin~ vot~.
AY~g, ~ru~t~CS, ~3ennc~~, Grie~, ~+•a~l.~, Cox ane~ Yoo1e.
T;oe~, Trustccs, `~'one.
Abs~nt, Trusttr,s, ~ionC. '
- 1~
No further ~iusfness anpc~tr~.n~, thc mectin~ wa,~ Ael~ot~rntd.
. . f~~lC~'~~~
At t~ s t s , I'r e s. ~ zi c~~r~'rz. ~ ,
. ~ ~