Minutes 1923-07-05 ~ . . ~ Arroyo Grs~ndc, G~,1. .~i~ly C~th, ].~23, ~ Bo~,ri af Tru~t,ee~ ~et in re~;t~lar session with pres~i~lcn~ ~ ' F. F. Ncnnctt i.n thc Chair . ~ ~ Cn roll ea~ll `i'rustces l~cnnett, roblc, Coz a~n~ ~'oo].e . , rGrortc~ prese~nt, Trt,r~tGe (;rieh al:~scnt. . ' Unap~~rove~l minitte~ re~.e~ and a.p~rovcd. Report~ af Citv Cl~rt a,nc~ Treasurer rr.sil shotr~.n~ a, cs~sh bs~lwnc~ . of ~19l~F.~~~ in thc trcasiir~, t~~e rrPprts wcrc acccpt~E~ ~nt~ #'il.eel. Tl~e ~it,y Clcric rca,d a. fin~,n~3.a1 statc~ent, ~~.~ve Nas pl~ccd on f31c . ' Thc Pollav~in~ bi:11s ~rere allor~e~i ~.n~l ordr'red pa,3d, . ' No - 27~3, R . J . ].;il.lon, ~~.tW ~~ttorny ss~..]_ar~*, ----__.._W.~~.__~ .0 " 274, I+'. St~ewa,rt, C7_r,rks ~a,lar~ and ~zpcn~sGs, L~ .F~p , " 27~'~, F~. F. Ste~?sir~, Citv ~1~r~ha1 ss~lArv, ~a.UO " ~'7~, }Iowm~r~i und I~`aCs~be, ~up~li~s , ~~1;~ ~ " 277, C. F~'. Corp. fire Hy~r~nts, 10.Ob ~ " 27R, ~s~.nta D'.a.ris~. (x~,s Ga . Str~et 1i~ht~, 5(?.~0 . " ~7~?, i'a~cific Caa,st Caa,1 Cc~~ lr~~nber for ~r~.cihc, 4~.~9 . " 2a0, Ita,ymond Stcv~nson, Stre~t work, 1~.7'!5 ~ - " 2i~1, Cc~anty of .~a,n Lu~s ()bis~o, ~tea~lth s~nter, 7~.Q0 , " ~i~2, ~t~tc Cn~p. Ins. 1~'un~l, In~~aaranae, e~pl.aycs, ~S~.~F . " 2~3, N' . R. ti~itlt ~ l'rintiri~, 72.0~5 " 2t~4, Pst~. '~~elcpriane i;o. ~~el.cptionc servicr.,-~s~~r~~-~^___~ 2.~l5 _ : " Jnhn Ta.Vl.or, i'1~etsx~~ttri H~arl~~ 17~°~0 . . ~ " 2~?F, 1~. Cr. ~;~evensort, Strc~t wt~rl;, 7",~* . t,ata]. ~~:1~.s ~ ..______________~~i,~,~"' " i r (1n b+otinn ~.t was or~er~~ t'he A2ot~on ~~,dc sccanol sr~ aarric~., on - ~ia,rch 2n~1, 1~2~. to inst~,ll An ~lcctric 13~nt syste~ a.nstca.~ of ttt . GsN,s ~j~~st~x;, bc resci*~el~;~, . . ~ Dir . J. Webh Afoore cha~ir~na~n of thc spe~aial 1 j~:ht Go~a~aittet ,~~,~e ~t rrritten report, a~n~ o~a ;1~Ot~0?7 th~ rernrt wAS a,escePt~d, a,nd the Cox~~3.ttee cztcn~.eml a~ vo~e pf tha.nka, h~~ ~~ac T3oa~r~. c~f 7'rustces. . ~ b~r . H. C. ~~stan a, rr.Pr~s~nta.tive of' t17e :~a~nt~a ~:tari~, Gas Co .~,aadc ~ a~ prpjiAS~.t~hn fa~ ~.he Uo~a~any to furn~.sl; 1ie;hts, a~nd f"j.1cd a, ~aP ~ dovcring tt~e locat~an u£ ttic li~hts, andl an :~`otian d~r1y s~canded ~:r. ~;a,stans proPosit~.on sa.s a,ecaept,e~. a,s ~resenttl, . ~l're ~aa.r~t of Tria~tc:es toal~ ran~lcr ~~l~is~~ent a.s to t~a~ ~nzn3 li~;hts~ Rou1d re nce~c~l. . ~la furthcr bus~.ncss apPc~,rin~ tk~c r~ett~.ng wASS s~djvtirncd. ~ ~,ttest , ~ Pres . ~C - .y . c^r . - - , . - : ~ . ~ ~