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Minutes 1923-07-18
' ~ , ~ r'lrro~o Grmn~.e, Jul~ 1.t3th, 1,~12:3. 3 ~oard nf Truste~s ~et i.r r~"~;t~1.~,r s~ssiori with Prr~i~lcrit . . k;. P,cnnctt 3.n the ena.ir. trn roll ca~ll, Tri.~str.r.s T•cnn~tt, C,rich, Caz ~nd Yoole : rc~ort~~t prr.sent, rruster I~a~l~, ~bsent. L'na,~?proved ~a3nutes r~a.~l ~n~l a~~nrovel s~s re~~ . LTnder th~ h~a~ of i~n~'ini~hel bt~s~ncss, thc ~?a,tter of t}~e 5~ar~c `s;~ , ~tr~r.t li~hts werc tskcn up, a.n~ a; '.:otion ~^a~le a,nd r~uly ~ s~consic~i, tl~a,t wc ~,cc~pt tY~c pro~,os~.tJ~>r ~:F thc ~u.nt~, ti'r~riu ~ Ga,s Co. tn instull ~1 cancrtte sta,red~rc~ li~ht~, s+.t ~r2.2:5 cr 1 i~;ht, ~.n~ 1£3 c?f the cast iron sta,nd~,rol 1 i~; ts a~t - . ~ ~1~C~C2 p~r l.i~;ht, with tlic pri.wi~e~e of n~l~lin~; thereto ~ if nceessar~~, thc ri~ot~.on aarrie~. . " ~ No ~'urtner husincs~ a~~y~ies~r~n~;, the x~ec~.~in~ ~ra.s a.d~csurne~l. ~ q 1 ' ~ . ~ ~ ~4~Q~~ . ~ . , . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . ~ , Prcr~ . ` , . ~ ~ _ .!J!_"r , ~ ~ , • , . . ; , ~ ~ , . . , . . , ' s: ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ , . . ~ . : ; ~ , R - W . ~ . ~ 6 ~ . _ . , _ti~:,A...a 38 ~ ~ . ~ Arroyo t~randc, Jti1y 23rd, 1g23. I3oard of Tri~stces met in s~r,cj a7 sr~~s9.on f'or tr;c~ ~tir~as~ of G~inv~5si.n~; thr, rct~~rns for tt7c spcr3.~,1 honc~ cl. rct:ion x~cl d ~ on r, nr~~a}' Jul,y 1Fth~ 1~'?3, r~~~.tti ~~r~s3.dcnt l~'. 1.:. F:rnrrci:t irz tt~e r,l~a3r. Un roJ 1 c~,l 1, "].'r~~sl;~es I:cn~hei,t, Caz anc~ 1'0~~1 ~ rc~,ort,e~d rr~sc~?t , Truster,s Cr~.c~r and :v'arl e, ars~nt . ~ft~r cax~va~Tsin~ i~he clcetian returns, the follo~vin~ resolut~ an wa~s ~.ntrocl~ic~d. i;E~(a1~UT'][)N L~k:CI~~tiI`I:Na"~ R1~'~~C.ir,'1' (rF EI,1aC'tIti;'~~ ~4'~tt~_I~~.~~:~, a, srecira.l rond. cl cc~inn w~s held ~,nci conditct~~ ir-~ the C:itcr ui' ~rrc~~~o :~ranmtc, c,n ' on~iav Lt,~ 1_F'tl~, da~' c~f July, 1!~`,'3. 1~ND ~?'HF;Ii,~,~S ~ i t a,~,p~ars that not~_c~ of s~.ic~ cl ~~tion ~as dtt] y . and 1 r.€~:~1.7 g~ven, that, ~crot~n~ pr~ciY~ct~ w~r~ ~ro.p~r' y~:~ar1~s hc~d a,nd el ection ofF~iccr~ ~y ~rc a~!rointr~d anci. cl ~ cti~n s~~~pli~ s fiirn~ - st,ec~. anc~ t,hat ~i~~ ~L11 respect~s ~~,iet .::c~cti.or~ r~~s k7e7.d ~,r~d c~ztdt,ct~~, ;and td~~ vot;cs cast tiiere~~t ~•~cc~.~e~ii. ~rnr c<tin~T<i.ss~c], anci th r~tiarns tt~crcof ~r:~,c~.c ancl dccl.ar•cci in t~_me, forr~ and ma,nncr as rr.q~~irert l~y t}~r; f;cncra] latitis c?f t,he :~tat~ ~oP~rr~:i.n~ ~1ect~.ans in Cii.aes of the _ sixtl~ cl a5s . aS~l; titl;i:IiEa~, tY~e l?oarei nf ']~r~ist,F~es af' ~a~i.d c;itv m~t, a.t tl~r~ Cc~i.n- cil L"1~amhcrs of tl~e l;oarcl vt' 'Criastecs an ^~"onday i,hc :?;tx•c~ e~~~~ r?f . .~~aly, l.c.`w:~, ta canva,:~s t}~e rctr~rns ot' sa~c1 cl ~etion. 11e~reli~nn ss~itr caarcl f'ottnc~ i~l+rtit tl~e ni.~~~~c r~~#' vot~s cast, tt~e pro~,os~it~on vot,~c~ for, an~ t1ic~ resul t. of sa3c~ eledtion tc:~ rc as htr~inat'ter st~ztcs~, now t}~er~f'ore, it is }~Preby lE];. t.~i.~'1~:1; as fn]_l o~~s; That s.~j.d e~?ecia,7 '~c~nct ~lectian was hclcl a.nc~ conrl~~ct~e~til. i_r~ tre (::it~ oP :~rrn~.c~ ~~~,,cic~, t,~~ "[~~co~,~~ thc 1 tk~, dav c~t' ,Tu1 y, 1~.?~3, ~iz1 time farr~ a,nc~ r~~nn~*r ~tiy rr.cYr?ire~ hv 1~.w : '1'l,at tt~ere tisa,s an~ vutin~ ~r~cinct c~sta'~lish~rl ~'or tlr ~?~ir~nse~ . _ af hc~l_dinp~ saicl eleatxan, cans~.stin~ of a cons~lic3at3.on c~f tt7e re.~- i~lar elcct~.cin 7~rrcincts ~~t,ablis}ie~i f'or halci_7.r;~; ~;r.n~ral ~ t,~tr. anci I'I ~l:fJll??~j' C~~;Cf::1.U77S ~lS ~'Ci~.l.t)1VS: "~;~r~sol ici:~.GecZ `~'ut~.n~; I?r~ci.nct,":1", com~ris~n~ ~tatc and CoYxnty ~~rec3ncts n~.ir~t~c~rs, onc ~.nc~ ~wo; _ ~i l+at, t11c ~i h~l ~ nun~r~r of votes ca.st in sa,ici ~1 t,v c'v~,s '<'~7. ; ~ hat t~e ~rci~osii:,a on votr.~A fcir"~t~a] l thc ~'aarcl of 'g'ris t,ee~s af th~ sa3.c~ Cit~~ of' ~rrotira t~rancie "~c airtliori~c~ to ~ssiac co~~pan ronds ar;;~.inst sai_r~ ~:,3 tv in i,ltc sum of' 1,Cj()[f.t'() fnr t2~c gur~?as~ of cons- l;rt.actin~; a~crr~~.ncl,t corcr~t~ hr~l.c~r*c c~vr.r ~,nal acrns~ ~4x•rExx~uC;randc Cre~cL an ".'a.son 4~treet iz~ saicl ~it,~ o~' ~1rrt~yo ~~rra,n~:l.e" . ~ 'I'hc ~hc?le niimlar,r c~f votes aast, were, ?F1 , "I'l~e ni~n~t,~r of' vutc~~ f'c~r tt~~ ~r~pa4i_Lion v~ere~, 'i1;~ t~t.i,r~l~~r of' votcs aY;ait~st t,11~ Ijrcb~ositit~n rti~re,--- fi~i, Fil;::~;UI."4'F.Il,tl+rr~fc~re, tli~.t th~ Propos~ t3.on vot~~l f ~r a,t s;~ic1 Gptci.al ",oncl c' ~cL:i on, r~cc~i.v~d mnrc ttrat two~tl~ircis ~?f tYr ~ntirr, vot~s c~,s~ c~st ~Y~ s<~3_c~ cl~ct~~n, and thc ~iroFosi.t~ion is x~crc~y ~1E~Cla.rr..~~ (~L1~I ~ ~~~.rr.i ~cl, a.n~ ~.t, i s so c~rclcrca. ~ And the Cit~v' C~.crk ~!s hcrc'hy orc~~r~c~ to ha,v~ sr,ri~.l l~m d~ pr3ntc~.i in t,)~c si~~ c.f' ~2~,~.T~~D.~;~~, ~'or t}'e r~irrraose c~f' r•~is~.n~T ti~~ nCCrss.~,rti° ~'~.tr~cls to T~tixl d t}~c samct t~ric~r;c:. "I`hc C1 c~rl~ s1~~~11 cntcr on the recorc~s of thc ~ioarc~ of 7"r~is tr.es a st~.t~r~c~rat af tl~e res~~1~ af ti~~c el_~ct,i.c~n, s~,c~~;i.n~; t}ie wY<<~l.c niim~ 1~cr crf Pc~t~s cast 3.~~ s~.~i.ci. ~;ity, 1~}~C prtiX,asif~~i~n vntCrl for, tt~~ niiml,r.r ~t' vot,~s ca~t f'or tl~c ;?ro~c,sitior~, a.nc~ t,}~c nun;l~ r a~' vot~s cast arr,air~~st thc pra~os~t3r~~n. . I, tt~e unclers-i~;n~d., her~l~ti ccrt~tf,y tha.t the Forr~;c7~n~ r~sol ii- tion was du1.y ancl J e~ ~~l_].y ~.ntraelr.iced ~na ado~tcd Y~y th~ I'o~tircl of 'irt.7~t~es of t,t~~ Cit~T of ~?rroya f;randC, at a s~!~ci_..~1 ~ectj n~ liClt~ on JtYlsl ?~3rd~ 1~a23, by thc f'ci] l.owi,n~; vote; , : ~a::-. , , • ~~:s::~. J..:....,... . :~...~....~;u-:~ . . . . Jt~1,y ~3r~3, ].n2~3, aont3nued. . . e ~ ~ . . ~ , ~ . ~~res: J'rusl;ces, k'. E. ~ennett, Tr. E. Cox F~nd . C. I'c7ole~, '~o~~: `1'rustE~r~s, ~c~~~. 1~bsr.nt,Trust~cs, Ceor~~ (;rieb ~,nt~ Noblc. • Iv 'TL~~,'Sti'G:+1Y 1C`}1N:IiT.C1I{ , I haee hcY•e~into s~t ~:y h~nci and ~ af'fzxrc~. thr, at'f~.c~.al :~eal of s~~,ici witti',' tliis ~'~3rd ilay of ~ JtalY, 1`~2~3. ~ ~ ~.~L~ ~ . ~ C t ~ C~c~rk , '~o ntl~~r "ht~siness co~~n~: ~acforc~ the mcctin~, an Ako~~~n c~~il sccoziclcc~, ~,ilci a~.rricct, t'~~ ^~eet:i.n~ was ad~curx~ed.. ' L_- . ° f,!~ _ . C t ~ C~r i~ . `t Attcst, '7' ~_,~Gyy~-~~s j'resic~cnt. ~ _ a ~ - ~ ~ . . . _ . . . . _ . :a . - - _ . . . ~ . _ _ . , , .t. i ~ . ~ t k: ~ q; •-.i r. , ` ~ ,...,a..<,a4.A_r:...~.~.,:~'.: ~,.,.i..,,wa:.r.W. ~ ~ _ o-~ V., _.~9~ d.v,. mi.r ...a. .:.u~~1,4wu, .~r.6 ~.:~_..:av . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ _.~_..a_, ,~c.:..f~.~a~.~ ..AeLk~..._ .f.dek;Lr.~.j.....~....~.S:SnaH1S.r.f~u"..A~.!.