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Minutes 1923-08-08
~1 , . Arrd~o Cra,nde, C~1. ~u;~u~t Sth, 1~73. ~3n~r~ caf 'Trur~t~cs xn~t in a~~l jo~irncd s~ss3on with ~'rest ~l.~nt P~nn~tt ~Ln the sha~r. ~ un ro11 ca~ll Tru~t~cs, ~ennett, Gric~, Coac a,nd 1'aolu rePorte~l pr~secnt, 'trt~~t~c tiob]c, a.rsr.nt. ~ - bp~n3n~ un~lr.r the heAi oP billa~, the follorrin;~ bi.l.ls wrre a~ll aw e~! ~n~ ordcre~l p~i~, - Na. ~3G~(), I~. 1~'. ~;t~wa~rt, prr~niu~~ on ~uret~r bonls, i().C10 3()1, JoY1n k~~.r~in, H~,u].in~, ~1~~~ ~iC~~, It. Sw~.ll, pren~iiim on Sur~tv bon~ls, ].Q.i:y~ • ~3Q;3, h,~ud I. ~roynlcy, ~;le~t~.on I3oa.rd Office!r, ~~pp ~~fi4, r1. ~l. ~~enr'y, N n ~.~0 ;30"'~, Lcstrz 5. ~~ytc, " " " _ ~.Cl~ ~lUF•~ Li.l.y Cs~,stcel~ n n N__...~.~~.__ ~,f}~ 3(:17~ h',~~ C. RCt~h~1~r~~ r M n__~......~.-.~-.. ~i..ClO Tats~l bi]ls, -_~.__.._____w~:~.._ ~ Yla.ns ~n~l~ ~pccific~tians, flor tl~c ?~:a.san ~trcrt hr~.d~c, prescnted ry T;n~inee~rs Tiardh an~i t'CG~Cy vrcrc a,a~~ptr_~l h,Y the~ f ollowin~; resolut.i~n, - RI;:5t1I,li'1'IU1~ ~~HOI'TIN(, 1'LdNS r1.NT) SYECTFI(:A~'IUNS. RI~:ti[rLV~:D; Tl~a~t thc ~l~ns ~n~l spcEif~.catinns prcl~a,r~aet hw I~n~in- ~ eers I~rirch a,n~l I~eck, for the fall.owin~ crork to he ~lan~ an~l i~n~ov- eu~ent to bc ma~ic in tt~~ said (;it;e af ~lrray~ Cr~n~le, ta-~wa~t; Tl7e y`" ~anstrt,ict~.on a~n~l eomplctiun of a, p~r~n~.nent cancr~te hri~l~c, ta be - ~1 fce~ w~~i[~ ~n~ 11(} fett ~n~ lcn~th, over a,n~l a~rass the ~~rroyo ; Grs~n~t~ Cr~ek, ~n ~`~s~n Stre~ct ~n saidi City, a.s Prep~,r~~l by la~an~~.ndt~~ ~iuraY~ a.n~l I~esk, of ~axt Liiis Ul~iapo, ~,n~i. sub~n~.tt~~L this ~th,~la,v of 5 au~u~t, ]_r?~ ~3, bc, ~n~l the sa,me ~re trereby a~lUpte~ a.s a.n~l for Lhe ~ pl~,ns a,n~l sp~difiCa,t~.ans for Zning sa,id work~ . . T h~r~by eertiPy tha~t th~ foregain~ retolution wa,s ~lu] v ari rc~i~l~,rly intro~uccl an~l. a~~lapt~~ l~,p th~ ~3o~rd af Trustees nf the N Citv of ~rroyq Gra~n~le, Cs~1 ifaz°ni~,, th~ F3th, ~~y of .~u~ust, 1~+~J ~ ~ by th~ fo~lawing vot~. ~ ;e A,ye~, "1"ruatces, D~nnett, Gr~~h, Cvz an~t ~aol Nae~, '1'rus~ccs, Nan~. ` . tlbsent, 'I'2'usted, Noble. - ' ~ a4 = f. .l ['t ,Y C r ; Th~ fallnwin~ rcasalution ~.ireatin~ thc rrart ta b~ ~ane~ aas rasse ~t ~ RES~T~[]TTUN DITtTaCTINr THE 'Y?'U~tK 1'U ~3~ DUNE UND~'.R Tfli~. DI~tT~CT~UN ()F TI[l~a CTTY I~.Nt•II~I:I~:R. t; 14HER~~aS, the Bas~r~l of Trust~~s oF the L"it,y of Arrava ~r~n~le, hzs 11er~to~'or~ dr..t~r~~lne~, tna~t a p~ra~a~nent ~ondretr. bri~l~~ hc ~anstrudtt~ ov~r a~nd a~rosss th~ arro~a Gru.n~ic Cr~e~l~ ora ~'~ason S~rect 3n ~a,id C:ity, with fun~ts ~?rovile~ un~l~r the provisinns af ;:s thc :4~lill~aj.~1:i1 S~~~rovem~nt 1~1ct af 1~~U1, han1~ for r~-1~icYa ha,vr. ~~cn ~uthori.xe~t "hv thc lcga~l votcrs oT sa~i~l l;i~y, a,nrl s:~id Pc~a.r~l etesi,res t)~:~t ~a.a.d wark b~ ~lonc un~icr ~hc ~lireati~n of th~ I~:n~~nr,ers I3urch - a.n~ [~esl~, naw thcrcfar~, The I~o~r~i of 1"ruste~s of ' the C~ ~'!r nf Arro~o Cr~nZc h~re'h~r re~nl ve - s~n~i ~~r~ct tha,t ttaE :~f~re~ail wark shal l~ic lon~ un~l~r ~h~ ~ir~st~. on of trie aa,~~l I:n~inr.ers, ,Bura~~ a~n~i I3eek, a,n~l the ma,teria.l s us~el ~?n~l the ~hara,~tc*r af tha worlc p~rfarx~~~i sha11 ~at~pl,y with th~ p'L~,ns a,n~ s~cc3.~'~aations, hersto~'are f il e~i ir~ the of~'i~se of' thc C7 erk of' saii ~ity, a~n~l hc to the s~Lis~'aati.on of' thc s~.i~l I'ngincers to _ ~~,teria~l s iasr.~l, plans tc? h~ fo] l~w~rl a,n~l the chara~ter of wort ta be ~erfOr~r!~:~1. ~ I, thr, u~dersi~nc~l, h~r~srq ~certif~ tha~ thc f ar~gc~irt~ r~~~l uti c~n wsrs ~i~l~ a.nal rc~ularl~ intraduccoi an~ a,~ivpte~. hr thc !ra~r~l of '~frl~st c~es of° th~ C~ Y,v of ~rroyo Gra~ndc, :~t rr~~ul.~r ~e~tin~, hel.~ ora th~ ~tY?, ~la,y oP ,~u~t.~s~, 1~2;~, T~v ttre fi~17.owi.ng vate. ~ve~,.._~ru5te~e~, ~'~nnett~ Grieh, ~`ax anil l'nol . . . ; . s . . . ~ . , . , , , . . _ y . w , _ ~ ~ ~ , _ : _ __w _ 42 . :,y. ~ ~1u~ust 8th, ~.~23, sontinu~i, ~ No~~,--Tru~te~~, Nane. :1~?sent, Trustr.a~, :VaY~le. - Att~st, ~ ~ C ty C ~r~k~ . The ~'ollowin~ nati~e~ ~o ContTs?stor~, rrae p~~sed an~l or~er~1 ~ ~ printe~ in the ~~,rro~*a Gra.na~ TT~r~1i-~Ite~orler« - . . NoTICt: l~U GfiN'~Rr1CT0~t5. . ~ , Sea1~~1. hi~s for th~ e~on~tru+rtion of s~ frir?Porsel sonsr~t~ a~rel~ br~el~;~ w~i11 he re~ceiv~~. hy thc 2yo~rd af' '1'rustc~~s, af t,Y~e~ City af ~~T`ro~0 t•ra.n~.~t, Stz~t~ o~' L'xli.fc~rnis, up ~a E~ Ucl~ek, Y.:41., on th~r ~'ith, d~p of Scpt~mber, 1~#~3, a.t j.ts aff3~~e in ~rrn~o Gra~~~e, to ~a~ th~re r,~il~li~l~ or~n~1 anl r~a,~l. . Thc wor~ 3s to rc ~onr, ~n accor~l.anee ~rith the~ profi].r.s, ~?l~n~ ~,n~l. sp~~ific~t~.o~as ~.etapteel ~,y thc 1'oa.rd of '~'rY~~tccs, a.n~l an f31 ~ ar th~ oFfi.a~e c~f thc Ci.ty Clcrk. Capi~s of pla~ns, ~irofil cs, caross-~r,cti_on~s a.n~l. s~ecii'icaa tions - ~.n~, a~lsa 1~1~nk for~?s si.iita.hle ~'or t~~c ir~ b~.d~in~ an sa.irl rrc?rk - ma,y rc a~ta~jn~~i 3n the aff'~a~e of Rur~h ~ Resk, Ttovn7 3, Cor~~n~reai~,1 ~ Ha.nk I3u3.1 ~lin~, Ss~n T:u'i~ Gbispo, rxn~l na bi~1 wi7.1 aansi~ler e~l whi.sh is not in ~,c~orls~n~e with ~n~. on th~ farr~ herc~n refcr~~. to. ~ Ea~h Y;i~l ~nt.~st ~e r~¢~ar~pa.ni~d by a a~rti~'i~d dti~st ~n 'the ax~aunt of ~`irre (c,) r~r c~nt of the ~.atul vf th~ bi~., ~na~~~ p~yxbl ~ to thr i'rc~i~lent c,f Y~he ~ioar~l of 1'rixst~es nf the Cit~ of :~rraya Crra~n~l~:, ~.s a. ~uarant~e tha.t the ~idr~cr, 3.f' ~.w~,r+le~l thc ~cintra~t, will en~~r inta a~ontra~ct for ~he ~erfor~ns~nse ther~of s~tisf ~~tor,y ta sa,~.~l Fc?~.r~l of Tr~istccs. ~.n~i in s~~l~itian therett~, tt~c suc~essftil t~ie~aler w~,ll 1~~ reqti~r~e~. tn Pil c a~ '~oni. in tlte r~i?r.~ nf twent,q-~fif ~(`<?~'7 ) P~ra~nt of the a~~ao~n t of thc ~ontras;~, rrith suret~~s sa.tisf~~tor~ to said 1?o~.r~ of , 'l~rust~es, as ~~tir~rr~nt~e of f~,~~hful P~rPar~na~na~ nf tt~e aantr~~t . An~l a, ft.yrtYaer~ ~on~l in th~: sttn~ af f~lfto (~'i0) per ~~nt, af t}~ a,x~c~un~ of tl~ ~~ontra~~at, with ace~ptal~l e suret~~s, to sceure trc~ pa,,ymcnt of I.,a,fiarcrs, ~na~ber~.~l~en, cts; I Tt+e I~o:~r~l of Truitees r~s~:rves trie ri~ht ta re~ ~a~t anv a,n~t ~11 bi~ls not Zeex~e~l s~~.r?s~nta~r~otis ta th~ Citg af Arrnva (*ran~e. Ry or~ler of th~ ~?~a~r~1 0~" 'l'rus~c.cs of the City of ~1~-royo Grs~n~le, Sta~te of' L`a~lifnrnir~,, ~a~l~ thi~ F3th, ~la,y of au~usC, 1~~3. ? f~ .l.r~r~~[~~~~ C t,y ~l er . No fiirthr.~° bLis~;nesgs a,1~re~ar~.n~ the ~cetin~ w~s a~~ljaurnrl. i ~ C_ . _ ~ - _ C t~ C~~k . At~t~~t, °j , ~'res. - ~ - = , w . .