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Minutes 1923-08-22
4~ _ , . . ~ ~ ~ Arra,yo Grs~nle, Au~ust 22n~i, 1h~~3. • Bo~r~l af mruster.~x ~et ptirsr~ant ta ~,d~r~urn~+ent, w~th ' ~'resilent F. k; . Berinett ~in tt~c aY~~i r. On roll sa.ll Trirstees, Pennett, ~°o'hle~, Cc~z a,n~. Pnole , rep~rte~, pr~scnt, "irust~e Grieh, ~bscnt. ' h~oticin ~a~~le a~n~ ~e~c~n~l.e1, thr~t we ~l~.s~ar~tinuc th~ strvi¢cs ~f Citv Attorney B. J" . I)ill c?n, a~n~. to instr~zs~ the C3.t,y C1 c~rlr ta noti~'y ~"r. I;illc?n tv h~n~l ~.n his res~,~n~.tian a,t th~ nezt re~ular ~ncating, the ~atic~n ~sarr~e~l.. No PLartY~~r busincss ~,Ppea,arin~; thc ~eGti.n~ wa.s a,~l~orirnc~l ta 1PC~.nesal.ay ~1tt~ust 2~~t}a~ s~t F~ UtLloak, l'.1:1. ~ z C y C~ cr , Att~~t ~ ~ ~ F're~s . `~:fi . a~ -'r.. • • . ~ , . . . . . . I , ~~~a~:.~ , ,y . _ , .W,_ ~ w~..:: .,~kti.: . _..._d..~, , _ .