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Minutes 1923-08-29
~ v~ r~2'I'Uf0 ~'w2'~.X]dC ~ ~LlgllSt 2~t}l ~ l~?~~. ' Ro~rd of Tr~~stees met ~?iarsus~.nt t~ s~.l~ourn~a~nt, w~th ' Fresid~nt F. L. ~~ianctt in thc sh~.ir. [9n ro11 azll , Truste~es I~~nnett, 'vahl r., Cc~~ an~. Fbo1e r~por~c~t , ~~resent, Tri.~stec Gri~b, s~bs~nt . ' Upcning Y~n~.rr the hea~l if' unfinishe~~ b~isincss, tY~~ Rr,solu-~ tion ~o. 1~E. wa,s rc~,d., sa,~~ re~olution ~cing a~ " resc~lution }~rovi~.~.n~ for the issua,n~c a.nd rel~r^ptian of th~ l~onds of the Cit,y of E~.rrcayo Cra,n~lc, ~~ta~te of Cali.furnia, ta tl~c ~~auxat of twcntv.~twa thous~nei ~loll~.rs, for thr. oins~tluation ~n~ soa~pl ~t~an of a. pcr~a.nGnt aonarctc l~ri~l~c, av~r a~n~l a~~rnss ~~,rrc~yn Gran~c Crcck ~,t 1~is~snn 4,trr.ct, ii+ s~i~ Ci~,y of ~rroya Gr~.n~te, :~~.r~ ~iais Gl~~s~a ~aunt}*, Ca~lif'ornis~. In Rs~or~.~.n~e ~+itt~ a.nel ~s a,utriar:~zei -~t a s~?co~.a~l elestion he1~l in ss~i~ C3ty on ttie ].f'th, ~la~y of Jtzl~+, 1~2~3. _ Thc resnlut:f.un was a~~optn~ r~* ttie fallv~v~.n~ vote, ' ~ Aycs: Trustees! Bcnnett, :~oble, Cox a~n~ Yoole, . . " rio~s : Tru~ter.s : _.~__rYone, " absent; '1'ri.istees, Crir:h. _ _ ?~iotian r.ra.~le an~ ~ul~ seson~.c~ , that the ne~t~ ee of ~a,l e of ~3on.~ls, ;~s re~,~ tlie (:it~; Gler~:, l~e a,lvGrti_s~~l, or ptiY~lishel ir, tlie llera~l~t-I:esorlcr, f or ttirtc wr.cl.s, ~~t~on aa.rri~el. , Thr. t'n11 a~ ing is a~op,y of "nati~~ af sa,1 e" Not~E~ of sa,1e c~f I~provcment I~onds ~n the Gity of Array~ Crs~ne~e, ~.-r? tbc su~ of ~22 , G(~(1. . ~ The T~•~~stees vf thc Ci'ty c?f Arro~~o Gran~l_e~, CountT ~t` g~.n I,uis o~i~ra, ~~atc o#' 1:a~1ii'orni~., hcrcby inv3tcs sealc~l rrnros~ls oY~ ride Par the puroha~~c of ~~2,000.(t~ h:unisi~~al. x~~?rover,;cnt )'on~ls af sa~i~1 Citv, Twcnt,y- af wh~~h Arc ~rt?a ~onds, a,n~l tw~nt,v of wtiish ~re ~~Cp ~on~ts. `l'l,ese bonr~s a.r~ ~l~.tcd .~ihig. lst, 1~~23, ~,nel ~wo oF the~ r~atur~ tMt ~'irs~ la,~r ~f es~sh yca.r ~eginnin~ .1uly lst, .1~12~ an~1 tn~3ng July ls~, 1~~3. Qn ~ask~ c~f sa,i~l n~s~tt~r~i.ty ela.tcs on~ ~ana' of c~~Yi dcnomina.tion viz. one "~SDC), T~an~ ~n~l anc ~~[)f~ b~n~ ms~ttird. '1'hesc ~car?.~is ~tar intcrest v at thc ra.tc ~?f f pcr a,nnu~, ~~yable 5cmi-.;nnua~lly on .ts~nu~.rr ist a,r~ July lst, X?r~n~ipa.l a.n~l interest ~?a.ya~b].e ~i~ Un~.te~i ~ tates t~al~l ~o~_n sa~1.~ is to i~e not 1~sa ttian par. Certific~i sheslr fro~ a re7.iarle ba.nk for !4f af the a,a~c+unt crof th~ bi~ ~a}Ya,X~I c tn the Zr•e~sur~r nf t~~e Gitv of ,~rro~a t;ran~le, Cs~~.~forni~,, aaust zc~omp~ny ta~~h bi~l. Cert~.fie~l ~heeek w3.11 he ~'orfei.tr.d if su~~e- ssf~.tl birldcr fa.ils ta ~eposit ~ureaha5e ~riee~ ~n~l ta,lce t~onsls wi~l~in 15 ~ays after a~var~. I'ists ~!ust hc cnaorse~i "Pro~~osa7 s far pur~h~se of' '~:un~eip~l I~nprovement I?on~is" a.nd a~i~ires~e~ Lu thc un~ersi~:ne~l at ~rroya Grur.~le, Ca,lifc?rn3.~, . 1:a~_~is for the p~:trchasc o~' ~~on~s wil ~'he rescive~l tt~c ~.~ndci•5i~nc~l a~t hi~; off'~.ee ~.n th~ Citz1 of tlrroyo t~ra,nel-e~, California~, up to s~n~l inslu~t~ng Sc~tcniber 1~3th, at Fi (~'Closg Y.'.~[. of s~,id +~ay, ~.t rrhiah tiour all rids r~eci'vcd ~tiill be a~cne~. a.n~l ~onsielere:~l, 'hi~t t;tic ~'rustce*s reserve t~?e r~.~ht t;c~ re~e~t any .-~n~l a,11 bi~ls . l3y ardr.r of thc I3oa~r~ ~f Pr~ist~~s, l~a~t~ 1~~~ us ~tt~, l.~ry.t. C ty C1crk. _ ' N~ further b~~si.n~ss a.~pe~ring tht m~ctin~; w~,s si~l.~c~i~rne~i. ' ~ ~ v C r. r ~ - ~ ~~ttcst, ~ , rr~s, ~ ~ ~ ~ a s . ~ , , w,,* , _ . . . ~ . ~ ~ , , i ; . ~ . ,