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Minutes 1923-09-05
46 T ~ . ~ ~ ~rro,yv Gran~le SG~t~mb~r ~tt~, 1^^3. ' Ba~r~ of "fri.istecs ~nct in rc~ul ~r session witti ~'resi~lcnt F. I~~nn~tt in ~lie eha3x~. , c:n ra11 sa11 , Tru~t~es Benn~tt, Gri.~t~, Nvb1 c Cvz an~ Yool e reParte~l, prc~sent, `l'rustees ; absent, tianc. Un~~~?rove~ minutr.s rez~. an~l a.Xspr~vc~?.. - Coant~~un~sa,tiona rea.+l ~ra~ p1ASe~t on fil~. . Thc fcr11~?win~ '~37.1s wcre a.1l.vrvr,~1 a.n~l or~iere~ paia~, ~~8, '~l~i~i].a,n~l l:oixxities I'uhlis ~ervi~e Corp. T+i~rc ,iy~ra.nts a.n~. :~~~ter r~a,lin~; ~nit wa,tcr, _ ~1.~~.?.2 3Ci9, T~. J. Dillon, Salary Citr ~lttorncy, 1~,.()0 U10, John Bar~lin, Sprin~lin~;, _______w_~_ a_ ].';.7~ 31t, Gc?L~ntq of San T~~~is C~~7is}~~, H~~.1.ti~ ~'nit, 2;5.Op 31wy ,I. Ss~~ow, 5trcet ~prin~l~n~;, .--___r_..____~_...,________.~_ ~:~1~; ~a~nta~ hAa,ria. C~a~S Ca, Strect i.i~h~,s, ets; !y~?.~ti~ ~314, f~. t~. ~~t.rvensc?n, `~trer,t ans: u~.~p c=rorxn~i wnrL, ~r~~~»~, :;1~, Y;~Rif~_s 'i~~l.cphanc Gc?. lcl.cphon~ ~~rvise, - _~____.~w~._.__.. `.:1~~, P. Ia'. St~wart, 5a1.ur~ ~lerlc an~l :~l~rshal, T'~fit~~e?, w_____~, ~3"7, ~~'a~. Shipse;y, Le~;zl :~crvi~cs~ _____v~._„____..~._______..__~.- ~;~.i)0 1'otal I~i7.ls, .._....~._...~.~____~~.~~~;~2 Th3.s ~e~ing th~ ti~e ~ set f'or tY~c o~~~~in~ c~i' th~ bi~l~ fc?r the sc~nstru- stion of th~ l±ri~~e a.t ;?aa,sof, atr~ct, the follow3n~; h3~s werc resci~eQ apene~i an~l rea,~ by the Cl~~k. ~3i~1 of De~'a~a~r~l a,n~i Co'hha.~, .._____~w ~;?,4,~7~i.(l0 i:~~l nf [~~.she~r a,n~l Ca~rril].t~, ~2]_, ~~n~pQ , 13~ed o~' jt'. I,a,ne, ~;3,~~~30.C10 I.31~ of J. F. 5hcpar~sC?rt, 2~iy7~f~,:.34, , [~n .rtotir~n ~l~~ly ~aa~~l~ an~l Se~~nr~e~t a.n~l sa,rrie~l, tl~e b~~1s w~r~ tr~kr.n un~l.cr r~~lvis~~cnt un1;i]I S~ptemXicr l~th} lca~::~, ~t 5 C?'Clask t~.~.~t. No furtht~r hLYS~inc~s a.n~~earin~ the ~~et~ng w~.s a~d~c~iirn~~. t<~ Tr~urs~.~.y SeptC~?hcr 13th j\s".~.~t ~ (~~(;1os~: Y.A:• . ~ . ~ e~l~ . , ~%t; C cr.-~ , ~~tcst~_ _ ; Pres. ' ~ ,