Minutes 1923-10-17 °n ~ ~ 50 * ~ Arroyo. Crande, C~ctober 17th, 1~?:3. ~ioard of 7.'rtistccs~ me1~, in rc~;ula.r st~~~on t~ith Yre~idcr?t F'. E. 1':cr.nett ~n tt~c t;~i~~i.r'. Cln ro.l.l cal7., Trust~ea, ~?rnrctt,Gz~~e'~, ~ablc and I>onlc , reporte~cl ~x~e~ent, '.Cruster. Cc~x, ab5ent , " Ur.~.~~~~roved rr~imxtes rcaa corrccted, a,nd a~ c~rr~atcd, ~,~~~7~c~vcd. Gn ~'otion it ~va.s ordcre~c't that a fire h,ydrant bc pl~,cr.cl ~n front af the C~ramr:»,r• ;~;chc~ol Fui1~.~ri~. ~~~11.s a~_;ai.nst tlic Bond i~ecl~mpt3.on and Tnt~:rest I~'tznd of 1~'?~3, to th~ am~~~nt of ~127.1f1 was al.bowcc~ anc~ orr~.ercd_ pai_d. No flirtl~er busincss appear~.ng thc rteeti.n~ wa~ as~otirntd ~ ~ _ Cit•~ Clcrk~ Attesst, S , Pres~c~ient~~ 1 ~ il • , W _