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Minutes 1923-11-21
y. n 52 ~ ~ Novem~~r 21st, 1~1ry~~. ~td~rd c,f Tru~t~es mct in rc~~~~lar ~c~s~inn wi.t?~ I'r~s~drnt T_ . r. I;Grrnct.t ~_n t~~t ct~a.ir . • (1n ro11 c~.11 , ~11 m~m~cr~ rerortcd Pre~~nt . - . Un~p~rovcd mini~t,c~t rcad and ~~*prov~d ri~ rcac~ ~ Citv C1Erk instrttetcd tn h~,v~ concrete p~.Pe hsuled ~~o It~ilroa,d cros~~ng. r1o furthcr h~rs~.ne~s~ ~.rpe~.rin~ the meetjn~ w~s ~.d~aurned., , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , _ _ _ . ~ . ~ ~ ' ~ _ . y ~~r , . . ' . ~ C Citzr Clr,rk, Atte~t, ~iPcl~A - ~ Pr~~ ~ • .w ~ , ~ , . . ; . . , . ,