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Minutes 1923-12-19
',,.7`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arro,yo ~ra~nde~, C~1 ~fornis~, n~r,~mr~r 1~t?~, 1f~~3. ~ I~oa.rd. r~f Trtiste~s met in r~gi~l a~r ~~s~ion, rvith Pr~s3ddrt F . ~ . ~;c~nnett in ~l~e~ at~~ir . (~n ro] cs~l l, Trt~~tccs I'enrrctt, Cvx ~.ncl ~'on1 e, re~~ort r,c~ pre~:~c~nt, Trt~~tcr.s C~ricb ~.nc~ Nvtil e, ~bc~~nt . Un~rprc~vcc~ m~.nut~e~ re~d a~d sprravdd rExd ~ Thc f"ol occin~ kTesol.ut3.on was prr~~nt~d ~nd re~.d, , ~ ~t1r:S[tI,VEI1 thxt the! f allowin~ al~+i~sr.;.~^e, stt~.ched ta ~.nd m~de ~ ~s~rt uf' a~`rr.e~r~ent m~,cl~ l~,y thi.t~ (;i.t~', ~l~,ted Uctor~r l.€st, ]'~,?;3, w3.th ~~,nta. '~~~.ris~ (a~,:s Can?~~.r~y ~'or li~~;r~tan~; :-;trr.c~ts cyf t~i~ (;i~y tl~arein ~rc~vid~d: "'1'hi~ cor~trs~ct retsall a~t ~.l.l t~xne~ ~e ~i~b~~:ct to ~i~ch cr~r~.n~;c~ c~r r+oc~ificxt3_ons 1~v the lt~ilra~d Commis~ion of' (;~lif'ornia as ~uid Cc?mmi~:~3.c?n ma~y Pror? t3.mc~ to t3me dircc~. in tr~c exe:rci:~e of' it~ ~uri~tdi~ti.~rr.." ~ T hrr~~?~ cr.rtify , thait the for~~oinp~ 1Rea~ol~~tion w~.~ dirlti~ and regulzrly ~.nt.rad~.~c~c~=~nc~ ~.doptr.c~ b,y tli~ I;oard c~f Truatees of th~ l:it~~ nf ;~rroy~ Gra.ndc, Csl.ifornia, c,r-~ thc 1S?t~~, dav c7P ~~crmlacr, 15~~;~, b,y tht fqllo~r~n~ vote, . ~l,yds,--- Trti~tecs, B~nn~tt, CoY ~,nd yc?ol ~ ~ . Noc~s,___ ~r~~~~er.s, Non~, . ~1b~~nt,- Tr~~~tee~ Gr~.r.L .~,nd *'oble. C~ _ Attesst ~7~- (~;~al ) . ~ c~t ~ Cl.~rk. ~ motj_c+n ws~s mad~ and. s~cnn~ecl ths~t '4~r. Cx~a~~. ~~~bk~:, l~e ~llow~d to r~r~~n~~ n+ucl~ af tli~ c~~rT~, on th~ ~~oolc ~~rs~ct, ~n th~s corn~r c,f lynole ~nci. I'ric~~:e ~t,rc~~t.~, rr~ll bc ncc~s~s:ry i» '~ia~ldi.~3~ a~er~icr, station, tl~~ !~ot~on c~.rr3~ci. Th~ ~tr~et camm~.t,tec wa:~ ~n~tri~cted tc~ Ioot~ a~~'tcr t~e ~nt~ra- ~ e+ation of :v~l ~on ~r•ith Ilridg;e ~trcct~, witY~ ~ vic?~• af rcp~ir~n~ thc p~,v~.n~ th~t is brcakin~; ~t ths?t p.lace~ ~ , ;~a further ~u~inc~g s~pp~~,rin~; t}~~ mert'in~ w~s ~d~otirntd~ L- ' ~ ~ ' C-it~' C1~''r~. tlttest~~~~(~ , Yrea~.d.~nt, t