R 2341 RE9OII1l'Iaf NO. 2341 A RE9OII1l'Iaf OF 'DIE Cl'1Y CXXJNC:IL OF 'DIE Cl'1Y OF J\RRM) GRlINIE 'JX) AID AND AMDID FEES FCR P.UINNIlG AND ~ Haa'l' PK'< oi!'t$1NG WHEREAS, the City COUncil of the City of Arroyo Grande has adcpt:ed omiJ1ance No. 408 C.S., add1nq am aIIIIiII1I:l.in fees for Plannirq am Erqineering pemits am precessing; am WHEREAS, section 1 of said omiJ1ance, ~ 9-4.3504. requires that additional awlication types am fees for the Plannirq am Public Works Departments are established by resoluticn; am WHEREAS, the City COUncil has also adcpt:ed omiJ1ance No. 2 C.S., which includes a !lmicipal QxIe section 9-3.507 (n) (3) which outlines the costs am fees to be collected to rei.Jri:Jur5e the City for the 1nspection of public inprovements constructed as conditions to subdivisions; am WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City COUncil of the City of Arroyo - Grande as outli.nec1 in 01:dinan0e No. 408 C.S. to require all devel'1""""1t to rei.Jri:Jur5e the City for costs .incurred by the City to approve new develOpnent; am WHEREAS, not all public develqaent is carpleted as a condition to subdivision, tut is occasia1ally requirec1 as conditions to other types of pemits i.....Jed by the City of Arroyo Grande; , Nai 'IfIEREroRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a new category of inspection fee shall be established as outlined below to allow the City to recapture the cost of all public works 1nspection, incidental to the approval of other types of pemits II. F. RJBLtC a:IRl(S ~ PEHa'l' INSPECl'IOO FEES he IIhall !:Ie 001",,1 ,teeS .in the IIIIInI'18r prescribed by >>.1nicipal QxIe section 9-3.507 (n) (3) on mgtj,on of COUncil ~.. smith, seconded by COUncil ~r Dougall, am on the following roU call vote, to wit: AYPS: COUncil ~ smith, Dougall, Moots, am Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSEm': COUncil MeIIIber cns.t the foregoing 01:dinan0e was I"'''f!'ed am adcpted this 12th day of Sept:eIber, 1989. . ~ ~~~~ MAR( . ~T~,. Yc . k!'1~"l' 711Uu1 tJ. ~~U'4) cmc ClERK . AS 'JX) FOm(: AS 'JX) ~ cmc I,A. ~S, City Clerk of the City 0 Arroyo Grande County of San ,Luis Obispo, State of California, do eby certify ~ penalty of perJury that the foregoing Resolution No. 341 is a true full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and at a r~ar maeting of said Council on the 12th day of 5ept:aYiber, 1989. ,WI'mESS my hand and- the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 25th day of Septanber, 1989. 7?~a. Q~ CITY CLERK . -.. . - ---- -.-, -.. - ------ -...--. ---.-. --. -- - ~- ---_..._----_.-.~- --