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Minutes 1924-01-02
J~ . , ~lrr~vn Gr;~ncl~, Cal st"c~rn~i.~,, ~ant~ar,y 2nd, 7.«^~4 . I~a:~rd r f 't'rti:~i,~r.~ rr~t in r~~ii'l ar ~c~s~~..c?n ~eitr? I'r~~ic?~r+t F. L: . B~nn~t t~r, tt~~ cha3 r~ . l;n rall c~1.7 ~ri~~st~cs, ~;r,nnett, r*orl~ ~,nd I~~ol.t rcport~d I'r~5c~nt, "~rti~ter~ Grie~~~ ancl Cvx, l~~~scnt ~ irr~~~?rc,~re~d raimitc~~ rr.~.~l ~,nd ~r~rove~c~. ~ ~,s rcad, , _ ~*port~ o~' Citv C1 crk s~nd 8r~a,~i2rcr, rra,cl ~tiow~in~; ~ Y~al ar,cc c?f cs~~+f~ i.n thr. ',~~resest~rV of 4,~~~a~.~~, t.~t ~°cr+ort~ t~~c^rF~ accc~t:~d. ~rd pl.a.cc~d cin fi.1 c. . ~ D'otion made and duly ~ecnnd~ed tha,t ~~~ictor .~ddin~ 1'~cr ina~ 'he ~urclia:~~c~ for Ll~~ C;:il,~• C~.•r~.s C"``i-~'L, ~,la~ r~csti.c.~n wr~s c~i•x•i.~.c~. - : ,~,1,~ f~1rl c~?r~_n(!' ~-'_I 7'~ K~~•c x] 1cv?~e~d s~r.d ordcreti pxid I~o. ~i~~, '~"ictor Acid~.n~: n~:~CYsinG, -----_-__~.-_____w_ ~7_(7,:?.()0 _ ;~~ii.~ l'u.G1f~.C Cc~9~yt C[~a,1 Cc?. I,i~ml:cr, r3~~7~' " ~ ~3~;~?, 1ta.~°T~~ancl ;-,t,cvxr?.sc~n., ~:tx~e~t 1~~oi•k, - ~;.~0 " . ~3~~f~, li . i~ . :~tr.vcnst!r., ~trcr.t r~~r!., ~___~___W_ 3f`E~, nrc~l~~ T~.rd.in, s~~r~.n~:l in~ antl : trcr.t w~t•iti, ~1C~."iC~ " . ~3F1,, I_~. : ~1 ~~+ur~~, Str~~t u~~r•1c, _ " . ~3('~, 'irl~rljnn~ (;c~m~~~~r.y, 'lel~:r~Y;cnr: ~rrvjce 2.7~5 ~ ~ ~ ~ f;zrl i t;7 ~ ~F• C~ . T,~-ccn~~ rcol~~~ 2"'.71 n . ~ ~r~, J . : ~:hc7w, ~;prir'•:1 -lnf~;, -.--___w________ ;3.;(3 „ . ;~.r~, I:o . c.~a1 sti~*~r~, ]'~r•ici~:~ wc~rk, p~ " . ~.ifkC', . F. ~t~w~rt, : r~.l ar~~ a.na I~a~t,~~~~, l~0~_.;3f1 ~ ;3~'7, Cni~nt~~ o~ ;;a,n I,uis (,bi«~r;o, He~~] Lt~ cr.ntr~r ~::~,C,p t n t, ~.1. , _ _ . ~ The ~tre~~t coz+~m~ tt~~ ~n~a~~ ~ nstrt~ctrc' t~~ C,Ir'f ~ O~' s~ cm~~+] ~ c,~' com~?ctcnt ~':~n tc~ 1,7 ast c~~ut ~era,~~l ~r. ~~isr~o ro~cl . , T'.o f urtYicr rtis~.r~e~ss ~r~Y~c~rin~ tlie r^rt~t3_n~ w~.s a~ti jnttrnrt~ . J~ ,^.V ~ ~ _ s s~ ` ~ ~'1 t t e~ s t, ~ ~'r e~ . ; ;f ~ , ~