Minutes 1924-02-06 ,~rroyo Grande, Ca7.~.farni~a Febryary Rth, 1~2.4.
Board c~f ~'ru~te~s met 3.n re~ular sess~.an with President
• ~ r SG'21riE~,~ ~.Il ~~l@ CX]cL~.2' ~
Un ral l call al]. m~mbere repc~rted, present . ,
Unapprov~d minut~s read anci approved as r~ad~
, G~.ty C1 erk ~nd Treasur~r~ repart was read shnrr~.n~ , a bal anae
af aayh in ~he Trea~ur,y af ~~3F!~?1.~31, the reports were accePted .
and order~d filed.
'I'he fol.low~,n~ ~iill.s ~ve ~e a1l.owed and ordered ~?aid.
No. 3~g, I~ . Broaks, Pa~nt,in~ Street~, ~ 14.OQ ~
" ~~9, ~ Joe Iii.el, lterairin~ cement on Nelson Stree't,- 1^.y0~''
" :37p, tfiawl~ins nd ;4i~.] l er ll~rdware auPplies, ~~~c~Q
. " 371, Stand d U~1 ~Ca. 2 EBla ~sphalt, ~~~1~
" ;37~, r7 is7.e & Co . Ll ect~on sur,plies, ~.OE~
" 373~~anta tiaria G~as Co. 4treet L~ghts~ ~tc; 154.~0
" ~i74, 1~i. C. k'. Carp. ~+`ire ~iydrants, etc; 2Q.00
" ~7~i, l'ac3f~c ~'elephane Co, Telephane service, 2.7;5 ~ .
" J7F,~ ~'acif~a Caast Coa1 Co . LiimY~er
" 377, D. ~aul~hury, ,~tr~et K~rk, ~4..35
" ~37R, . ~I' . 5hi~se~•, Le~al arivice, 12.;30
" :37n, It . U . ~tevensan, ~tree~ wark, ~7.~~
" ~{erald-~~ecarder, Yr~.nt3n~, ____w_..~__~~.____.... 1.,50
" 3f~1, (:c~t~nt~47 of San Luis Ubispo, Health Unit, ~~.(3~
" ~R~, ~ . . Stewart, 5al ar~~ and expen~es, 10~.~0
" John Bard3.n, Carta~e, and freight, ~.;3~t
'1'otal h~11~, . ~
'~~ie appl3.cation of Br~scac afid ilaffman, to lease the ~1L1tU Camp
Graund, known as the Lorre ~ract,for a terrn af -f3ve ,years, at a
y~arly rentaZ uf ~1QU.()(1 wa~ accept~d, and the (;Zerk was instruat~d
to draw uP the lease~ ,
.Ln re~:ard to the llisincarparatinn ~r~titian, an ~the rePort af th~
- Cit~ Clerk that the petiti on nc~t having the rec~uired number af
qua7.3fied elector~? as required by l.a~r, on hiation the petit3.on r~~.s
~ 4sqtion made and carried that the Cit,y emplay a campetent C~vil ,
I:+:n~ine~r, to mak~ a Pr~l3minarv survey af the CitY with a vierv oF ~
installin~ a Sewer S~stem, ;~~r. ~i'. ~i. IIitrch was appointed, and the
L"1~rk.was instruat~d tcr commun3cate with ~ir. ~3urch.
I~n Rfotian ~t was ordered to advert~ se far '~~.d~ far ~tae 1~a~on
Street ~rid~e, said bi~s to be ~~ehed R~a,rch l~t1a, 1~~~~#. ~
1~ation mad~ and seconded t,hat I,n~ineer Iiurch make ano~her drRwin~
tne ga~.d ~+~ason 5treet Lricl~e, mak3n~; ~he i~rid~e~ lf3 f~ex w3de,
w3th t2~e siclewa7.ks f~:et wic~e, and si~bmit ~ath plans ta Contractors,
and receive bids c~n ~hoth si.zes ~f the structt~r~ ~
.~f'ter a discu~sipn af t,he e~l~est,i.an t~P a dx~m~~ing place for Cita ~
refuse, and on ~~otion trie !'res~dent appointed a committee to l.acate "
a plac~: w~a~r~ ~arba~e can he dumped, The Yresident a~nPointed on ~
the Cammitt~e, Truste~s; Nohle, Gr~.eb and Pnol.e. 1
x~t~az~rt~t~ast'~~~csx~~ea~~~t~~tY~har~[xxxxxsx . „ . , , , ~
•~:i':he .con,t,ra~c~ Fb~tw,eeM ~1~~. Baa~r~ af Super~e3s~or~, af .t:~e Cour~t;q,.and,.,- ~
~~,fie~ ~3oard, o~' Tru:~~ees of ;th3~ . C~ity~ h~P~,~~;,e,~~re?d,; ;an5 ~A~to;t,ian„ i ,r~as ;
~ordes~d t~a~ tt~?e C~-erk prePare a cantract far another yem~r an ~e
sam~ tertn~ a5 the Previous contract, and pres~nt it to the Cat~nt,y
Cl,erk fcar+ a~rpro~v~~ a~h~" the poun~,y 9~pervi~ars~ ~ r,
, . ,
• ~
Nv further busine~s a~~ear~n~, and an :4:qtion the meetin~ was
ad,~ ourned. ~
~~ttesct, , ~'ressdent. y er .
. . _ . .
60 ~
~ ~
~rroJo Crande Februar~ 2~th, 1~~~.
B~ard of Trust~e~ met ~n re}~ular session witn Yres~,d~nt
F. E. Bennett ir, the chair .
On ro].1 aall Trus~ees, Benn~~t, Co~ and Y~ol~ reported rregen~
"~ru~tee~ Grier and Noble, ~bsent. . ~
Unapproved minrtes read and apprnved.
t7n ~9otion the Les~e prepared b~' the C~.t~ Clerk,het+vesn the Board
af True~tee~ and Hriscoe and Roff'man raa~ Bccepted -and ~he ~'resid~nt
was~ 3n~truct~fl to ~i~n s~ame.
No further bus3ne~~ appear~ng the meeting ~?a~ ad~aurned.~
. _ . _ , .
~ _ ~ .
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• Atte~t, Pre~
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