Minutes 1924-03-05 _ , !l~ . . Arro~a Grande, Cal . I~~arch 6th, • Bnarcl -af' '~'rtxst~~s met in re~ul~r sessian with ,I'resident F . . Bennett ~n th~ chair . Utt rall call , Trustee+e Bexnett, Noble, Cox ancl Yao1e reported , Fresent, Trustee Gri~b, absent. Unapproved minut~~ read a~d appraved as read. Commun3cation~ read and placed an f~le. neports af Citv C1erk and C~.ty Treasurer read showin~ a balanc~ af cash in tt~e '1'reasurq of ~3~~2.32 the repar~s xere accepted and pl aced an f 31 e. The City Clerk pres~ent~d a~~tit~.on that was f~led b;/ I~~cssrs N`er~ hiaore and C, . hi .~4 ithxow , anc~ signed b7 more than ~i0 ~ of~ the Potes cast at tbe last Riunicipal elcction, and the Clerk further r~ports that the si~natures thereto are qualified ~lectors of the C~t' of .~rro a Grande and on ti:otion ~.t was ordered that an , ~lec'ti.on l~e called ~a be hel~ A~iri17~U~; 1~~~, and Resnl.ut~on No. , 1~;, a I~esaliat~.on call3n~ ~nd ~ivin~ notic~ of, ~pecial e~.ection su~mitting,, to the qualified vc~ters of the City of arrofo Grand~, ; th~ proposit~on af d3.sinccarporat3n~ ~aid Cit~. . Th~ Ttesolut~.on was adopted b~ th~ follawing vott~ on rol] call ~ t~~es; 7.'ri~st~es, 13ennett, ~'ol~le, Cox and Paole, No~~; Trust~:es, None, ~lbsent; 1'riist,ee, (rrieb. 'i'h~ fol ] ow3n~ notiae of ~l ection was presented and read laT the ~ ~1 ~rk . ' Nt17.'1~Ia pI~` ~'L1:CTIUN. ~ , ~ Notice is hereb~ ~iv~n that a~en~ral mun3cipal el~ation Ni11 _ be held ~n ~t~~ Cit7 af Arra~o Grande, an ~ionda~ the 14th, da~ of ~1pri1, 1~a~4, for the followi.n~ af'ficers~. ; ; ; 1. Three 7'rustGes far the fu11 term, of' #'QUr ,year~. . ~ . G1 erk , ~ ~ 3 . '1'r~asi~rer , There will be one voting precinct for the purpase af holdin~ ~ said el~ction, consi~stin~ of a consnlidatipn nf th~ r~~ular a ~1 ~ction precinets estiabl3shect for hvldin~ ~;~at~ and Gountw e1 ect- ~ons a~ fallaws: Consal~,dated l~rat~ng ~'r~cinct "1~" aamprisin~ State and Caunt~ ~r~~~ncts num~ers Une and '1'wo, and. the vatin~ place th~reof sha11 ~ ~?e at th~ Cit~ Hall ~ i 'I'h~ polls w311 b~ ~pen between ~he haurs of ~ C)al ack A.'~1. and ~ uc1 ack, . B._ 5te~~,rt, ~ C;~.t,y C1 ~rk . Llat~d at arro~*o Grande, California A~arch 5th, ].~w~. .~ttorne,y N'~. biiddl.ecof'f , pr~sented a~te~olut~.on f'o~ the consi~ ~ d~:ration of the ,Tjoaz^d of `1'rustees, granting to ~k~e said T~I~.ddlecvff ' th~ ~um of ~'70ca . Qq out of the mone}~,s Paid i~o ~}~e City bY the ]~~id1 and Cauntie~ i'u~?lj,c Servic~ Carpvration, f'or franchis~ ri~hts. The Hesplution was re~ected 1~~ the fallo~vin~ vote, ~ ~~rc~s ; I"ru~tees, ~'ane, No~s; ~l'rustee~, 13enxrett, r'o~1e, Cc~x and ~'r~ole, .~~~~nt; Trustee, Grieb. . ~ ~ ~ r,--~,..~- ~ . . ~ . . . . 64 ~ ~ The followin~ ~111s were allowcd and orderec~ pai.d~ .4'~ 3~4, ~1,. Carl~.slc & Co, Uffice su~~~~e~, ~7:~~;'~7 3gb, . C. P. 5. Cnrp . water and fire h~drants, 1Q.OCl 3f~f~, Santa Mar~a Gas Co . Stree~t light~ ~tc; ~7.~p 3Ei7, ~ta1?mond S~teve~son, ~tr~et wark, 7 ~(~(1 3~8, John Aardin, Frei~ht and carta~e, 7.1.3 ~:~y- ~ ~ 390, ( ~.U5te~renson,r~treetrwprk,~~--_!_______ ~ ~ ~~,2g 3411, A~rs .~Vhitloak, Uff~.~e! s«pplie~a, -~w-~_.~~_~_~. 1.2F 39~, Y~c Te~ R 1'~1. Ca, Telephone s~erviae, 3.p~, 3~13, l~ountY~ af~Sab~ ~;pis C~bi~po, H~alth u~it, 2b.00 384, A. F. ~tewart,~ SalarT and expen~e~s, 1UU,~0 39,5, Howard & McCabe, 5treet ~su~plie~, ~q, pg 't"ot*a1 bi'l.ls, .-____~..~__..~""~E~"'+' ~~4~ 4b In the~ matter of ~rav~].in~ ~treeCs, it waa ardered tha~ a portiarn ~f 5an Luis Road ~a~ ~rave].ed, and Janes and ~al ter~ F vrcre ordered to gr8Te1 same with Newgam ~ravel. Na furth~r bus~n~~s appearin~ the meet~.ng wa~ ad~ourncd. ~ r Cit~ Cl erk. ~ ° Atte~t, , ~'res , ~ . . , f , . F , ~ ~ . . ~ ~