Minutes 1924-03-19 ~ s~: Arro~ro Grandc, A.arch 1~1th, 1~~~4. r,:~ ~ ~aard of ~rustccs met ~n rc~ular sessian xi~h I'r~~ident, . IA: . 'Aennctt in thc cha~r , [)n ro11 ca11, ~11 rr~~mbere of tlac ~oard of '1'rustee~ reportcd Yresent . . , ~ ~1'n~.rproved m3nutes af pre~~ous mce~i.n~~ read and a~?pra'ved as read. ; ' Th3.s ~e3n~ thc timc far openin~ thc hidt on the I~a$on ~trcet ~ ~ir~dgc, the Clerk oPened the fol].ow~n~ ~?ids ~ ' Rocca and Gotat~i, ~~31n ~.0~ ~,edbettcr ~ Ca . 2Ffi£~O.~p ry 'I'h~ licuaT Co . ~~~7~5.0(? Rc3ner ~on, ~~35~2.0(1 I~"~ino, ~~.rc~4~p~ ta'm. ~ane,-------~___.._~,_~_~.___.-,_..__.. ~?fs40.D0 T'hc bi~.s ~,11 '~eing too hi~;h for the amount af' xnnnc7 availalale, ancl ~on NaLion thc bids ~w ere al l~re j ected, and the ~"{;np~ineer rvas ~ ir~struc~ed to preparc plans for a small~r brid~e ~ , ~,'o further husincss appearin~_the mectin~ was ad~ourrt~d. . _ _ - _ - - C~:t~ Cle:rk, ~Ittest, ~ ~ . . # ~ 1 ; i G-i ~ G i ~ ~ ~ ~~r r ~ ~ . ~ - ~ ~ ~