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Minutes 1924-04-02
..,.~,.~.~.~,,.,~m ,.,,,,~,~-~--.~.,..-...--,-...~..n.,~.-~~r--- . . ; 1 ~ ~ . ~ ~ Arro;~o Arande, April ~nd, 19~4. ~ 'i : Baard of ~'russt~r.c m~t in r~~u1~r ~res~ion Rith I'ru~ident ' F. 1~:. H~nnett in th~ cha,~r . ; Un rall c~ll wl.l mlm~?Rre af th~ Board r~port~d, pr~sin~ . ~ ~ Un~?ppraQed mi~ut+~c r~~d and ~ppraved rc~.d. Com~run~cR~~on~ re~?d ~,nd pl ~.c~d on P1.1 a p~ti.ti.on rr~,~ pres~ented bT t~a~ Clerk ~nd ~i~ned b~ A. Yiirc~ petitionin~ th¦ I3oard to op~n ~;~r~l.~ Str~et bb it~ fu11 w3dtta o~" 50 fect, ~nd on '~tvtinn m~ coyrmit~e~ ~w~.~a ~s~ppa~.n~~d to ~.nv~t~ti~;~tA~ '~he m~.~ter; ~r~d Geor~e ~Griab, C i S . ~Nati1 ~ snd H . E . ~ Coz ~rere s~?pointrd tn ~ict on the camm~t~~c - _ Th~ f a11 ow~.n~ bill ~~xere a11 owec~ ~ srnd ~orc~~red pa~c~. - . 39R, A. C~?rlisle & Co. ~laction ~upplia~, ~ , 397, R. D. Edrrx.rds, ~~treet work, w--~~~--______, ~,O.SO 3~~, F. 1V. .~on~~, Str~~t'wark, ~~~.00 3£~9, A. Cs~~t~~l, Street work, 4R.Q0 ~00, H. A. '~slt~r~, Str~et wo~•k, ~_....,.____..__---_____,~w_ 1~3.0(} 4U1, ~~tvn Bard~.n, Str~~at wark, ----~_...~.._______w..,,__..__~,_ ~~,.Up 4U2, Ii . U. S~~v.nt~on y Street work, ~1.00 ~ 4~3, ~anta Mari~. Gx~ Co . Stre~et Li~;ht~c, 77.06 9Q4, n. F. 5t~rrar~, Sa~ls~r~ and e~P~n~~~, 10$.20 4UB, ~ ~ . ~i . ~ Smi.th, I'rintin~, -~-~____..___~w_....__ ~~.7~ 4Ut~, Beck~tt Hroa~, Grav~l for 5~re~t~, I3.~30 ~0?, l~i. C. Y. S. Carp. Ii;~drant~ and L~~~t,_________ ~I`~j` ~Q.00 4U8, Y~C~FiC Teleprion~ Ca. Tes~sphon~ ~aevic~, - 'I"ot~l b~ill~s, • . C?n motion ~h• Street Committ~e~~w~r~ in~tructed ~o h~ve p~lsan Strset ~carified ~nd-~rsrel~ed ~stw~cn Hr~.d~~ and. ~da~~on 5tr~~t~a. Th~ fnllowin~; k~scolutian ww~c prs~~ente~d ~nd r~~d. TN THI~ BU,c~RD OF T1~,UST~r~:S UF TH~~ CZTY (~F ARTt0Y0 GItANDk: r 5T~17"E OF C~I,IFURNZA . ~ ~ y WH~RF:AS; It hs~c aame tv the att~rnt~.on af the Easrd a~ Tru+~~~~s of . ~he Citrr nf Arro~a Gr~nd~, ~hat ~hA Yupil~ c~f tho Gr~mm~?~ Sehvalic 'i ha~• btcom• ,~o ca.r~l~r~s, in ~hd ~rt of ~katin~r on Itoller ~~a~t~e+~, o~ . . I thr public ~i~reet~ of thi.~ C~.t~ as t~ •ndR~~er ~he3.r 1.~.v~~, and aloa . ~ tho~e driving on the ~a3d S~reet~, Thersfare ~a~ it, • ; R~:SULVED ; Thxt the Yr~.naipal af ~tk~~ Gr~mm~r ~choQl take~ ~ruch ~ ~ sation s~ he ~hink~ actvi~~?~~.• to keep ~h~ ~?~,~.d I~upil~c nFf ~h~ btreet~s whi~e sks~#~n~, ~h~ ~aid Str~sto in qu~estioan me~anin~ granch and Brid~~ d S~rRet~ i~ ~ai.d CitT . ~ RLSULVED; That ~ cop~ a#' ~h~.~ ~e~olution ~e~ h~.nded to ~h~ Yrinclpal ~ of' the Gr~.mmar Sahvol~s, and a cap7? ~~nt to ~h• Herwld•F~~corder ' #'or pub].ic~tion. Th• ~isolu~ion w~,~ adopted b;~ ~hs followin~ vo~~, , ~~~a: 'I'ru~zte~~, B~ennett, Grieb, Nobli, CoY and 1'001~. Nvf~: Tru~t~~~, None , ,~b~~nt : ~yru~tae~, Noni . ~ Ds~te~ thi~ 2nd, da~ of Bpri1 ].f~2?~. f ~ NUTTC~ TU CUNTR~CTURS. ~~t~ erk. ~~I~~folla~rin~ no~ia~e to Con~6r~ctor~ ~+a~ pre~~ntid wnd r~ad snd • ord~r~~ pr~n~~d in ~h~ Hera~ld~Re~anrd~r¦ Sr?led bid~ for the con~truct~Lon of a rainforc~d oancret~ arah brid~~ ~rill be rec~i'ed b;~ Lh• Loard oF 7,~ru~teev, af tha Cit~? af ~ ~rrn~?o (xranda, St~t~ af Callforn~~., up ~o ~sp[~f~~1~t~~Qak T>,M~, on th• ~4t~~, ds~ o~t dpril, 1f~2~, ~,t it~ offic~ in ~,rro'o Grand~, ~a b~ ~her• publicl~ opcn~d ~nd r~sd, ` ; ~.~,~ry- ~ on ~ inu~a , ~ Th~ rvork i~ to ~e done in ~ccc?rd~nc~ rrith th~ prof'ile~~s, pla,n~r ; s~nd ~pecif ic~t~ons ~aopted lhr the Boa,rd of xru~stce~s a'nd on file ~ 3n th~ l~ffice of th~ ~itr C~erk. ' Copiec o#' pl~n~, prafil~~s, cra~~-s~ata.ona~ ~nd sp~cif3c~tion~ .T" ~nd a,lso "b~.anl: farms ~uit~bl~ for use in '~iddin~ on ~s~3d rrork ; ma,;~ rr, obta,ir?~d i.n ~he of'fices of ~3urch s.nd ~3eok, I;oom ~3, Gamm -erai~~.l ~~s~nk ~uildin~, S~.n Luis Ub~.~po, ~nd no b~.d ui11 con~idered ~ which i~ nqt in s~ccardanc~ w~~h ~,nd an ~hae form h~rein ref~red tQ ~ , . ~~,a~cli ~:ld must 'he ~,ccamp~,nitd b~ ~ certifi~d ck~eck in ~h~ ~.mount af f~~'~ ("a) p~r c~nt ot' the tota,l of tti~ bid,~ ms~de pstT~blee to th~ 1're~i-~ d.ent of thc Fo~rcl of 7'rua~tees af the Cit~ af l~rra~o (;r~nde, ~,s ~ ~;us~rxnte~ that the hidd~r, i~' xwmrded thet contract, rvi11 ent~r inta a. c~ontr~ct f pr thc p~rform~nce th~reof s~.tisfactorT to s~,i~. ~3o~,rd of "1'rustQ~~, :~nd ~n a~dditinn th~reto, thc ~uca~s~ft11 r~ddsr wil.1 be r~qu~r~d to fil e~. bond ir th~ sum of twentT-five per aent nf th~ ~ ~.mount of the contra,ct, witli sur~t3~~ sa.ti~f'~ator~ to s~,id 33oard aP ~ '1'ruste~~ As gua,r~nt~~ of f'~.aLthful pcrformsnc~ of the contr~.ct And ~ furth~r ~and 3n the sum of f iftY (FiD) p~r c~nt of tha amount of the contr~ct, w~.th a~ccepta~ble suretics, ta secure the p~T~~nt of ~,~bor~r~r, mat~eri~,lmen, ~tc; ~ The ~3oarrl of 1'ru~tees r~~servc~ tl~~ r~~ht tn r~ j cct ~,n7 s~nd. all hid~ not d~emed xdv~,nta~F,toizs ta th~ C~tl? of .~rro?c~ ura,nd~. ordcr of the ~aa~rd c~f Trustte;~ of' th~ Cit~ of ~rro7o fTra~nd~, ~t.~t~ oi' C~?~if'ornia, m~,de th~s 2nd, d~r of ~pr~l , 1~~A . L- L' t,7 C erk . a I~"o furth~r bu~~.ne~s app~sring th~ mectin~ r?a,~ ~d~ourne~d. ~ , : ~ ~r ~ , . _ ~.ttleCt , j ~ ~ , ~'res . ) ~ d . ~ ; , ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ; ~ ~ ~ . ; ~ . i ~ ~ ~ { ~ . i ~ 1 ~ ~ ~