Minutes 1924-04-21 r`. . =~rrc,~?o Cxrr~nde C~1 ~ aPril. ~~st, 19~4. ~ Bo~ra met in ~pecial ~cssian with 1'resiclcnt ~~.~~~.B~nnett, in ~h~* cha3r . Un rol.1 c~11, 'J.'rus~~as, Btnne~~t, l~o~l~, Goz a,nd 1'oole report~d pr~aent, '1'rust~e ~ri~~, a~b~ent . 'Yhis 'bein~ the tirn~ for ca.nv~.ss3n~ tl~~* ~~turns of th~ l~anarm~l ~ ~~.~ct3an held an ~.pr~l 14th, 192~, s~ftc~ ~~.nv~ssi.n~ th~ rc~ urs ~~e i'vllawin~; lt~solution p~.ssod And adopted. ] N "1"III: ~3U~RD OF '1'~tU~TL~:~ (t~+' '~.'H~ CZZ'Y (]F ARItOY[~ GIt~NDY: `~7.'111'E U~' C~~LIF(JIiNI.~ . It~~OLU'CTGN bLCLAIi1NG 1".~:~ULT (tF L~,LCT~(?N . '~YIi~a]tI~:,AS, a~ener~l mun3.aip~1 election was held a~nd conducted in the ~;itr of ~rraT~ Grand~, on 1Conda~, the 14th d~~ of april, 1~?24, r~equired bT 1 ~w y ~'~NI1 W~ILR~:21S, i.t ~pp~ars tt~at notioc of said GlectiS~n ~as du~.dT ~~dn 1~~-a.]1~ ~ivcn, tha~ vot~n~ prccincts were ests~blished,~ th~t e c of.~'~:~~rs w~re a~ppo~nted a.nd e~cc~ian suppl3.e~ furnis~t~d, And thr~t . in a11 re~spec~s sa,id el~atiaan vrs~s h~ld and canducted a.nd thr- vat~s css~ ~k~cr~~,t r~cci~cd a.nd cs~nvass~d, ~.nd the return$ ther~of„~d~ s~nd decl~.r~c~ in tim~, form and ma,nner ~.s rrquired b1 the ~e~n~r3~1 ].arrs vf th~ ~t~.t~ ~aY~rn3n~ ectio~s in Cit~.~s of ~hc ~'3fth ~.na Sia~h ol~~s, x~ND W}ILItEAS, the I?or~rd of 1'rustees of said C~tr me~ ~.t th~ Cour~cil ch~.mb~r of the ~~os~rd on :'.onda.~ the 21.st da7 ~~pr31,143~4, to c~.nv~,ss th~ r~turn~ of sa,3~d el.ection ~.nd insts~ll th~a newl~ cl~cted Ufficers, ' a~M ~ r~~u1 t af xh3.ch the ba~.rd P~.ncis ths~t the numb~r o~' ?ote~ aast thc rt~m~s af ~hea pcrsons 4oted far, ~.nd oth~ar ms~.tt~rs requir~d b7 laa, to be as h+~r~~n~f~er stated, na~r ~h~refor~ ~.t, RLSCfLVLT], a~ follow~a: ~'hat ~a,~d re{~ul~r ~Tun~cipa.l ~le~ction was he1c1 ~.nd conducted in th~ Gitv af ~rroyo Gra,nde, on '~~onci~.~ txrc 14th, d~T vf APril, 1~24, in time, form and m~nncr as required b~a l~.w; Th~t thcr~ ~ras votin~ ~r~c~nc~ esta~bl3shcd for th~ ~urpo~e af . hr?1dinE s~.itl r~l~ctiar~, cons~stin~ c~f cansolicir~~ian caf t~~ re~~;ulAr e1~ct:~~n rreaa3ncts e~st~.hlish~d for hold3n~ ~~n~~•~.1 ~.t~~e ~nd Cc~unt~ e~ ~tctions a,s follo~rs ~ ~ "Cansc;li~.~t~d u!!tin~ Prcc~.nct "A", camprisin~; ~~ts~te ~nd Count7 , . I'r~ci~cts numb~ri (in~ ~,nd '~wo; Chm.t tha~ wr~ol~ numb~r of votes ca~st in s~,id C~.t~ ws~s ~nR, That th~ n~,mes af trie persons voted for, th~ offices ~'or wY?ich thca~r~rere vcated, the numb~r of vot~s ~~'ven in ~ach precinct to each pf s~,~.d p~rsons, to~eth~r eri'~h tha whole number nf vot~~ which theT r~ca~.ved in th~ ~nt~re C~t,, s~r~ ~.s fallo~rs: VUTL':~ ~tLCE~VFID H'. L. IIennett, Trust~~ for th~ fu11 ~~rrn, ~,~g~ ,POtess, . ~1. Conr.A.d, K ~ n n ~ n ~ 2fi1 . " Geo . Cr~~b, n n n n n~____.~.~.~_ 1T~-. " 1~. H~xir~', n n r N v~~~~._-~___ 108 - „ ~`1'. G. PUOIc~ n n n n n~~______,. ~"1t3~. " Oscsir L~;ldr~:id~~, n " u a~.._~_...~__ ~ n ~"or Cit~ Clcrk, ' ~ Vr'. 1~'. ~ou~z~,hn, --________.~.~___--_----w____~______ ~1,~ votes ~ ~ . I~'. S~r.wart, ___~_____.~---_____w___________..__,~ 173 " ~ ~ ~ I ~ r I~'or Cit,y "t'res~surer, , ~~lYitloCk, ----_-.___________~,___~.._____w__..,~__ ~ rf 1~. Swa,11, z____.._-----.. -__~.___________w__ `'41 votcs, • ~ n , ~ . ~ ~ ~ • , ` ~ ~ Tria Cl~rk sha,ll en~eer vn the r~cord~ of the ~agrd ~;~t~.t~ment oF th~ re~?ult of~ ~he clection, ~howin~ (1) th~ whola number vf vi~~s c~.~t in ~m~id Cit~, the n~m~a a~' ~he ~ perso~s rrot~d ~'vr ;(~3) ttae office~ For whiah em~ch persan 1?as. votcd for 1"he number af vo~es ~i~sn ~a e~ch of such pcr~e~n:, - '~h~ Clcerk sah11 imm~d~a~elf xn~ke ~.nd deliTer t~v ~ oh af ; ~suah p~ar~svn$ e1~ct~ii s~ c~rt~fi.c~,~e af el~ation, ~i~ned b~h~am _ ~,nd du1~ ~u~h~ntica~eed~ h~ ~ha~ll ~.l~o impa~e th~ consti.~tut3onal o~t~ vf at'fic• ~nd h~.ve ~h~m s~u~°sar~.bd ther~~c?, wh~arwupon the~ sha11 bez induatrd ir~to ~Y~~'r~s~~ct~Te ofPice~ ta whiah ~hNT har~e b~en •l~c~ed. . - I,the und~srsi~ned, h~r~b~ cert3f~. that the forc~o~n~ - R~solution ws~~ clul~ snd r~e~ul~r~.f intraduc~d ~nd adop~~d ~ b~ ~h• Board vf ~'rus~re~r oF ~he Ci~~ of Arro~a Gra~.nd~, sts ~ ~ sp~c~.w1 m~ee~ing held ~,pr~1 2~~~, b~ ths Po11ow3n~ vo#e, t~o-~wi~ t ~.YEb : Tru~~~e~, Senn~~t, NQb1~, Coz ~nd T~ool.s, NUES : Tru~t~~~, Ivun~, ~ ABS~;NT s Trustea, t;e~ . Gri~ab. IN T~STIhiUI~Y W~iLRLUF, I h~Fe laereunto s~t ma hand ~r~d aff~.z~d th~ o~Pfi~~.:~~ 5~a1 of a~a3d Cit~, ~hi~ 21~t, d~~ ~.pril , 19~4. V ' C ~.T C ~r , ~.S ~111J Aft~er ~ho xdop~ian af t~h~ fore~ oinE ~#ssolu~ion ~ tt~~ ~'r~r~eid~n~ decl:~rc~d ~h• fnllawina offlc~ers ~lact~d~ For Tru~te~9, tZ~e full ~.rm, F. N. B~nn~~t, Cnnrad, and W, C. I'oa~. s, ~ ' For C3.t~ Glerk, ~i. F. S~e?rArt, . ~'or C3t~ Trdssur~r, ~k'. a'hi~loak, . ~ A~ ~h~rR w~s na fur~her bu~~nes~ to aom~_ bNfQr~ ~he m~~~3n~, ~nd on ~t~tion the m~~ti,ng ws~s ~,d~journed. ~ ~ r ~ ~ C ~r . . At~~~t~,~ ~ , ~'r~s . ~ 'F ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ ~ 4 . ~ - . . , ~ ti. ~ . - ~ ~ ~ i . ~ ~ ~ . . `73 ~ , ~ ~~rroao Gr~,ndca, ~~pril 21st, 1~124. . + Roa.rd cs~' `r'rust~~s met in re~;ula~r s~ssion, ~nd w~,s ca.llecl to ord~r b;r `1'rustee ~w'. C. I'oo~.e, m~nc~ on h~ot~.on hir. Yoo~.~ wa~s m~.de ' t~mpor~,r7 cha.irma~n . ' un rall ca~ll, ~'rustdcs ~3cnnett, Nobl~, Cox, Yoal~, and ~ (;onr~,d repo~rt~d present, Nonc ~.beent . Ch~,~.rma~n Yool~, sta.ted tZie ob~~~t af th~ meetin~ vra.s ~o ~lec~ s~ p~rma,n~nt chs~irma.n, ~ncl to ap~oint commi~~~es, - ~nd to ef.~ect a ~?ermanent or~~.n~za.tion. Th~ cha~.rman st~at~c! nom~na~tions rrere in order far fc~r I'resident, and Ia'. I~~. g~~,nnctt, Ras p~.lced in nam3-- r?ation, a~nd t~~ere bein~ na other nomin~tions, ~tr . ~ Bcnnett rras ~1ect~c~. br ~cola,mation. ~~r. B~mn~tt takin~; the ch~.ir, thc followin~ committe~~ rresre named. ~tr~et~, woo~. e~ ~iobl e a~nd Con~a,d . F~nance, Ca~c, l:'oole ~n~ Conrzd. ~~olice fire a.nd j~.il, I~aa1e, Noble and Cdz. ' ` 1'Yr~ Yrc~icl~nt c~ll~d spccia,l mee~~n~ far ~ipril ~~~h, ~t $-OtClock Y.A~. for thc purpose of oper?~.n~ th~ bids for the I~Gason ~~rda~ ~ricl,~e. , Na further business a.ppea,r3n~ the meetin~ wa,s a,d~aurncd. ~ ~ ~.t~ Clerk, ~1tt~~st, ~ ~ I'res ~ ~ , 1~ i . ~ ~ ~