R 2340
RmOII1r:KN H). 2340
A RmOII1r:KN OF WE c::rJ.Y a:a<<::IL OF
WE c::rJ.Y OF AlR:M) GRlINIE ~
'IH1RS'laf "JtJmR" SYUlES'.lm RE HIS
~ SERVICE ']X) WE c::rJ.Y CIl
WHEREAS, 'lhurston "Junior" Sylvester began his enployment on october
30, 1964; ani
WHEREAS, JUnior Sylvester has faithtl.llly SEIl:VEICi the City of Arroyo
Gran:1e for a period of 25 years; ani has chosen to retire; ani .
WHERI!:AS, d1.1r:l.ni thoIIe Y8IIt'8 of service, JUnior SylV8llt8r part'omecI -work
in all of the field departments within the City of Arroyo Grande, as well as
served as a volunteer for the Arroyo Gran:1e Volunteer Fire Deparbnent; ani
WHEREAS, JUnior Sylvester has held various positions with the Public
Works Department thrcughcut his years with the City including maint:enanoe
man, meter repair man, custaner service man, ani finally retired fran the
position of Public Works SUpervisor of the utility Deparbnent; ani
WHEREAS, in the perfonnance of his duties as Public Works SUpervisor,
JUnior has on many occasions also aided the En;Jineering' Deparbnent for the
City in an advisory role during' the review of plans ani specifications for
water ani sewer installations which now operate on a daily basis t:hroughcut
the CCIIIIDJI'Iity; aM
WHEREAS, JUnior Sylvester has personally inspected many of those water
aM sewer installations in addition to perfol:1llin:J his nomal maintenance
activities for the utility Deparbnent; and
WHEREAS , JUnior Sylvester has served the city by COI'1tinuirg his
education throughout his career, particularly with regard to the
c:cmplexities involved in maintenance of production stamards for good
quality water which meets everc:han;Jing' lists of stamards established by a
nultitude of regulatory agencies having' jurisdiction in this field;
WHEREAS, JUnior Sylvester has always performed his jci:l with a high
level of personal 0CIIp3ten0e, interest, ani COI1Ce1:7I for the oamunity, often
actin;J on that concern by integratirg needs of the City into his personal
life and schedule outside of noI1l'al ~r.k hours for the city, ani he did this
numerous times without requestina' CCIIpE!I'ISation for that 1oIOrk; ani
WHEREAS, JUnior Sylvester has performed the duties of a li"i"""1 between
the City ani many of its residents on. a personal level as a result of his
position ani he has always treated the City's citizens in a courteous
professional ani eupathetic fashion.
10l 'IHEkt;f0J:<t;, BE rr RESOLVED that the City Coun:il of the City of
Arroyo Gran:1e thanks Junior Sylvester for his service to the oamunity and
expresses its COT-;'lcltulations to Junior on the occasion of his retirement
fran City enployment; ani
-....- BE rr FtJRIHER RESOLVED that the City COUncil of the City of Arroyo
Gran:1e wishes Junior good health an:i contentment in his future emeavors.
On Irotion of Council Member Smith, secxnied by COUncil Member Moots,
ani on the followinq roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: COUncil MeIttJers smith, Moots, DJugall, ani Mayor Millis
NOES: None
ABSmr: Council Member Olsen
the foregoing' Resolution was rasslild and adqIted this 12th day of september,
1989. L~~~~
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