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Minutes 1924-04-24
~ ~ ~'4 ~ ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ xlrro~o Granda, Apr~.l ~4~h, 1~24. , ~o~rc1 of 1"~ru~t~r~~ mt~ 3a ~p~cis~T sessinn w~ith Yresident, ~ . 3~' . ~~nn~tt, ~n the c~~,ir . , Un rnll c~ll, Trus~~r~a ~~nn~tt,~;~i~",:.I~oo1~ ~,na ~nnra~d, 7:r~ts~~e ;~obl~a ab~en~. The Pres3dent ~instruated the ~l~rk ~n proc~~d ~Go open the bid~ for ~h~ bixsan Str~c~ brid~c. 7.'h~ follrarrin~ bi.ds were vp~ned ~nd read. ' AtcKa~T Carr~?tru'ction Co . -_M___..__.~.~~______,~ ;~1~ ~~~U.OD Nest Ca~~t Construc~ian Co ~-~----__w~.~_.~,.~._.. 1f~,~73,C10 Lip~comb ~nd Dutton, ~c~,~2~3.~~ G. H.~`Gi~.d~~lecve, ..~w_~__..__..__~.__..______ x~a,cl9p.p(} ~ Rsin~r & Swn, 1n,8f~3,0~0 - F'roetor & Clc~~horn, 1~, ~4f~.0U . , It appo~rint th~.t Yrvct~or and Cl~~hvrn, present~d i~h~e 1~?w~st s~nd bR~t bid, and am hlot3on bein~; ma~d~ r~nd~ ~sconded, ~ha,~ Proctar ar~d Clejhorn r~ceiv~ th~ ~ontr~ct for~-th~ cvr~- a~~rruc~~on af ~h~ s~id Hr~d~e, thr~ hlot~an R~s carri~d bT the faYlowin~ ?v~e. a~es~ : Tru~taet~, Benne~t, Coz, ~~oQl~e and ~o~rAd, Noeg : '!'ru~~ees, None, ' ~,bs~n~ : Truetce, Nabl~. [~n ~ietion it w~s orda~red thut emplo~ V~'. T. 5hiā¢psel to - ~?ass on the le~~,lit~ a~' the eontrs~a~ ~ , , ~n~ bivtion ~t ~rs~s ord~red ths~t ~hr~ cer~~.f~.~d ah~cks b~s re~turned to th~ unsuca~s~ful bidder~ . No Purth~r busin~~s nppes~r3.n~ the meetin~; wa~ adjourrYed. ~ , ~ ~ er . k t ~1tte~t , ~'res , . , . ~ . F ~ ; ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' ~ 5 ~ ' ~ . . . . . _ . _ . . . . , . . . . . . .