Minutes 1924-07-02 j ~ i ~i ~ ~rre~• Gr~.~de, .Tul~ 2md, 1~1~4. ' s ~ 4 Boa,rd ef Tr~astecs met in re~ul:~r s~ss~Lmx~ er~th ' I'res~.d~r~t, 1°:. Bera~~tt, in the ~ha~ir. ~ . 5 ` U~ r~I1 cs~ll, i'ri~sta~~ Ii~n~a~t~, N~ble, Ceva~ a~~d Peolc r~Prrted, ~re~sext, 1`rust~~ Cer~r~.d, ~bse~t . Un~,p~~r~Ted mir~ute~ rea~d s~rad a~ppr~~~cl s~s read. Ite~rc~~1; r^f Gf f~c~re, ~*~+t ha.Ti~s~ thc rcpsrt of ttac Tre~~tzrcr tt~c r~~~r~i°t.> ~c;°~ 1a~ic~ n~~r• ~~r~ L1~~ re^:~t r~c.~°i1jr~~ ; ~'r,c ~'el.l~wi~~~ ~il ls e~~a°c allwwcd ancl ~rcdrl°~d ~~~~c~ . 4~3, TI. ~te'renswxi, .;~trc~t wvrl:, u`; ~~4 , Aj . C . T' . . C~rp . ~,'~~ter T ~~ht~, etc ; e ye~ ~!A:~';~ ~~~t`^,,~.Ci^I:t;('.(iI'Gf.Y ~ ~.'T',_77t.a.T'~.~ __--~_._...~.w__--__r~.,__.._..... :.:".1G ~ i'iiC~i'~°.C ~ t,7 c;~~?'('r'.~., ~;,,r-~,kr."' , ------_r..~r,_......__ i..tr~ .~tn~~ 'i~,~t~ ~,~;s~ria, (:~,s,• ~;~;t^:~.:t T,3~'llts a ---__--~__~V..__ .[i,`i F~4n, L~~~~t~r. r+~' Ca,1ii". ?~!t~rio~.pat.llti~s~ 1~~r?~icrship, 1~i.00 , 4~~, ]3. F. St~~art, 5~1~.r~ a.~d az~?~~~es, 10~.30 4rip, C~tz+~+t;'~? e~f' ~~,m I~ui~ C)bit~pe, FI~~lth utRit, ___w_.~_.~ '?~.00 ~1~i1., Jerc P~ilki~sen, ~tr~et eark, trimrni~~ tr~~~,-~-~~-~ "~.?5 , ~t:?2, A. C~stccl, 5primklin~ Strects, 3f?,'7fi ~ trt ~1 ?~111 ~s, ,~i ~ - . ~+S9k :"1 Y~i11 ~f i'rr~ctc?r t~ Clc~he.+r~, f'e~r 1~,°Io •t' their c~~tr~.et, ~t:;' , ~.m~umtin~ t~ ~;2131.7f:, a.a~d Uked b~ th~ ~;x~3~~~rs, was ~,lls~cc7. ar~d •rd~red pa.id. - i '1'he ~it~ Glerk rr~,~ i~structed t~ rrritea th~ ~3~,r~I, e~f It~l~, i a,~nd T.. C. 5~~.~., with a: ?iew ef ~st~~.~C epti~x v~a la,~cl ~ ~ar tri~ prspise~~~ ~ax~r k'~rm, . ; Na furth~r busi~etss a,pp~a~ri~e~ tl~r ^~c,~.::t~~~ w~s a.d~vur~ed. Cit~ Clerk. ~.tt~~t, ~F--_~ ~>res ~