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Minutes 1924-09-03
, , T___.. . T . . . ~ . O~ Arrn,yn Cxrande, ~.ept ~ ,3rd, 1~14, ~ ~ I~eoard of Trust~es met in re~u1 ar s~ssion ~vitta ~'r~sident f~" . L: , Beranett, in the criair . (~n ro17 ca11, 1.`r«st~es, I~Ennett, I~oble, Lox, F~nole ar~d Conrad, reportes~--- present, Kone, ar~ent . Unapproved I~;3nutes read and approved as read. ~ ~ '1' ~~e f o11 ar~~n~ b311 s w ere al l or~ed and ordered paid . ~kF~4, Fank of arro;~~o Grande, Itent of "~px, ~ 3.~Q ~f~S, L. P. Ster~~ar~,, ~;a,lary and expenses, 1U1. 4~F~, G. 1'. Corp. F~re x~~-drants, etc; ].O.C~tI ~9f"~'7, Countv of i, . U, ~ontruct in ~Ie~~.tl? ~~nit,--------~ ~~.00 - ~t~"~, ~ar.ta '::dria Gas Ca. Stareet ].i~hts, etc;~r--_~-__---- '77.()°~ 4F~~}, Ja'~n :.ard~.r, l:art~i~~:, ______ww..___________.~__~___~ ~.ag ~1:7U, 1=ac. '~'e~ . l:o. 1'elep)~one ser~ice, n~r?~ 471, ~l. ~tev~r?son, ~;~reet evork, i().~i0 47~, I'~cific Goast C~?. I~iamrer far hrid~e, ~1.;~0 %~73, 11 . (t . :~it~venson, ~tr~et n~ork, -____.~___...~....w_~.___.. 47~t, '1. (Y. ~ldams, I?lacksmith work, .3~~0 ; !~75, . 1M . 'f . Smitt~, .t-rinting, ~ .r~Q ; ~7~' , irrs tv . 7' . Whitlack, (,~~'fice supPXi~~s, 1.7;5 477, Standa~rd ()~:1. (;o. 2 bhl s g~;Pha~t, 13.37 '1'vta1, ~ ~ , C1aim of Yroctor .R uleghurn, f'or pa,yment on brid~e, for 4^124.~',Ci was ~,ll.owed for ~]~~I~.F~a, ex~ra work 3n the sum of ~17~.~i1 ~a.s 7-aid aver to the next ~neeting. (~n mot~ion it xa~ ot•dered to Proceed ~vith the wing wal~. on horth end of I~iasar? ;;~reet ~rid~e, and F. Stewart, Nas ' placed in char~e of th~ work. l~o further bus~ness appear~n~ ~he meet~in~; rras adjourn~:d, ? ~ ~ t: tv er 1~~teet, GfL~~~;L,~/`- , l~res. ~ ~~rrc?ti•n ~ a~~t~c, f:al~.f'orna_:r, ~c~,te~~l:rr ~~rd, . ~~"~1 . 9~~~~ I3o:~ru. ~f '1'rustr,..s r~4t~ a i:~wz°c' r,fl t.qti~7.3zdt_~.~~r~ :5it'.: 1°r~^s-i,c;.rnf, Ti J T ~ • C~. Z~ ~ry 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 i~ ? : f"i ~i I : r ~ k.'~? 7'~.~~~.~. ~':r.,~..~. ~~~1~._~~i.(~'~ ,S' ~(.'~^`~_:"t.~, T: ~;1-.~ r . l ~ ~v1i.:.-~~'•;,~' .i 1 9 S) r°l~ort,~c~ ~+reecnt, Non~, a.~scnt . ~ , '~'l,c i'resicte~nf~ ~t~Lc:~. i,;;r. c~~jcct r,t' t}~G ~r~cet,:in~ wus to ~ ix tt~e La~x ra,±.~ ? ~r G1~~ i i~ca7 ~ear 13r.~~.nnin~~, ,,*a,;; 1~~, 1.'~~1. ~ . r~f't~r ar ts«.*~•~..*~.~i:~uxi ::I' t1,~ a.:~css.:,~nL rull ~ pr~~~ntcd rv tY~t f ('i ty ^1a-r;~, ~r~ ;~4 ic~,:,icy~?~ t3xc~ ~cen ; il~c~ :'ar ~ rf~uctzan a~' t,.,°~U, i,z~~ ~a,~e i,!'C~ ~[I°e~: to hr. L':r :~~se~s~~ent roll. f'~r t~~c ~itv of ~~rro~o ~r~nue .~n~ on ~;ot3e~n ~~t;l-y' se~canciccl, tT2e~ tax :-~,tc w~~ fi;;.r.~, s at c~nts, ~'c,r~ ;,i~:- r;~n~r~1 r,u*~~ ~ncl ~17 cer!ts f or thc rond 7;~d~~e~ptar,n ~ r~•t,;z?,d c:i 1~=~:3, t~~r. at~.ur r.:~s ~'arx~a.cu, . :~~u Curttr~r 1-•~.asinc~.a~ ~,p~f?c~r3.n~ the~ ~;~Ct~,n~ tas x~~oiarnr..d~ 1,t test, ,~'residr,nt ~ C~ t~cr C7. e~rk ~